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Notice of Nonconformance from Insp on 860623-27
Person / Time
Issue date: 10/03/1986
Shared Package
ML20215F859 List:
REF-QA-99900400 NUDOCS 8610160400
Download: ML20215F867 (2)


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APPENDIX A Babcock & Wilcox, A McDermott Company Docket No. 99900400/86-01 NOTICEOFNONCONF0PNANCE An NRC inspection was conducted Juna 23-27, 1986, to review Babcock & Wilccf s (B&W) activities related to modification of safety-related components, systems and/or structures for the Arkansas Nuclear One and Oconee Units 1, 2, & 3.

Also included in the inspection was a review of B&W's receipt and evaluation of deficiencies potentially reportable under 10 CFR Part 21, and a review of unresolved inspection findings from previous NRC inspections. During this inspection several instances were identified in which B&W failed to adequately control safety-related design activities in accordance with NRC requirements.

These items are presented below and have been categorized in accordance with the NRC's Enforcement Policy 10 CFR Part 2, Appendix C.

A. Criterion III of Appendix B to 10 CFR 50 requires, in part, that design control measures be provided for verifying or checking the adequacy of design and that provisions to assure that appropriate quality standards are specified and included in design documents and deviations from such ,

standards are controlled.

B&W, Administrative Manual Procedure NPG-0402-01,Section IV, A.7, requires calculations to be independently verifiable.

B&W, Administrative Manual Procedure, NPG-0402-01,Section VI, A.1, requires that the preparer prepare the calculation so that it meets the purpose described in the calculation package, is technically accurate and complete, and contains clear and concise results and conclusions.

Contrary to the above, calculation 32-1158579-00 performed to assess a potential safety concern, PSC 17-38, was not sufficiently documented such that it could be independently verifiable as evidenced by the following examples:

a. The computer code Digital Power Train (DPT) analysis was terminated by instabilities and results do not allow independent verification of conclusions.
b. Final documentation does not reference the supporting documentation for some stated conclusions.
c. The applicability of single point kinetics used in DPT for an overcooling event was not evaluated or stated in the calculation package. (86-01-01) 0610160400 a61003 PDR GA999 EMVDW 99900400 PDR

B. Criterion XVI of Appendix B to 10 CFR 50 requires, in part, that measures be established to assure that conditions adverse to quality, such as deficiencies, deviations and nonconformances, are promptly identified and corrected. The identification of the significant condition adverse to quality, the cause of the condition, and the corrective action taken shall be documented and reported to appropriate levels of management.

B&W administrative Manual Procedure, NPG-1717-02,Section VIII, 1, requires that the calculation preparer report any recognized design deficiencies to his manager.Section VI, 3, defines an error in a calculation which causes a deficiency as a reportable design deficiency.

Contrary to the above, calculation 32-1158579-00 for PSC 17-83, identified calculation deficiencies which were not reported and corrective action documented as required. These deficiencies are concerned with gains which had to be adjusted beyond the expected range to obtain feedwater flow responses similar to the simulator results, references to instabilities and a change in the base model (steam discharge volumes increased by a factor of 10) and references to computer code instabilities which led to a reactor trip, terminating the reactor power response transient being evaluated. (86-01-02) ,

C. B&W Administrative Manual Procedure, NPG-0903-03, Appendix 1, requires that a description of a problem solved by a computer program be included in the computer code users manual.

Contrary to the above, the operating manual for the code DPT did not include a description of an overcooling transient, nor was this transient identified on the list of system analysis and scoping studies for anticipated transients.


! D. Criterion III of Appendix B to 10 CFR 50 requires, in part, that provisions to assure that appropriate quality standards are specified and included in l

i design documents.

l B&W Administrative Manual Procedure, NPG-0402-1,Section VI, A.1, requires that the preparer prepare the calculation so that it meets the purpose described in the calculation package, is technically accurate and complete, and contains clear and concise results and conclusions.

Contrary to the above, calculation 32-1163870-00, "Radcal Gamma Thermometer Cable Restraint Stresses" did not contain a basis, assumptions or a refer-ence as to the method used to determine the adequacy of welds joining the i

cable restraint vertical legs and the service structure tie plate. There

' were no analyses or references for: the horizontal clamp bars, swing bolts, gusset plates, tie plate, a source or reference to indicate the weight of the cable being restrained, the inclusion of the weight of the structure, a torque value for the swing bolts and reasons why the vertical seismic j acceleration does not influence the loadings being applied to the restraint.

(86-01-04) l 1