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Notice of Nonconformance from Insp on 860616-18
Person / Time
Issue date: 08/01/1986
Shared Package
ML20203H915 List:
REF-QA-99901032 99901032-86-01, 99901032-86-1, NUDOCS 8608050135
Download: ML20203H947 (3)


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APPENDIX B Consolidated Pipe & Valve Supply, Inc.

Docket No. 99901032/L6-01 NOTICE OF NONCONFORMANCE Based on the results of an NRC inspection conducted on June 16-18,1986, it appears that certain of your activities were not conducted in accordance with NRC requirements.

Criterion V of Appendix B to 10 CFR Part 50 states:

" Activities affecting Y quality shall be prescribed by documented instructions, procedures, or drawings, of a type appropriate to the circumstances and shall be accomplished in accor-dance with these instructions, procedures, or drawings.

Instructions, procedures, or drawings shall include appropriate quantitative or qualitative acceptance criteria for determining that important activities have been satisfactorily accomplished."

Nonconformances with these requirements are as follows:


Section 5.4 of the Quality Assurance Program Manual (QAPM) dated February 1,1985, states, in part, "All nuclear class material received shall be 100% inspected."

Contrary to the above, a review of documentation packages (DP) for nuclear orders from American Electric Power (AEP) revealed that a Nuclear Class Material Receiving Report was missing for material on Consolidated Pipe and Valve Supply (CPVS) work order nos. 4201, 4308, 4330, and 4815.



Section 5.4 of the QAPM states, in part, "All... paperwork relevant to a nuclear order will be so noted by a rubber ink stamping of the word i

' NUCLEAR' on each document."

Coatrary to the above, it was noted during a review of DPs for nuclear orders the " NUCLEAR" stamp was not used en numerous documents which included CPVS P0s, certificates of compliance (CC), and receiving reports.



Section 9.0 of the QAPM states, in part, "... gauges used in the warehouse...

checked for proper calibration every six months....Every eighteen months the master gauge set shall be sent to an independent gauge laboratory for calibration...."

Contrary to the above, a review of gatr calibration cards and calibration certificates revealed that the working and master gauges all exceeded their calibration frequencies as noted by the following:

(86-01-05) 860C050135 860801 PDR GA999 ENVCOPS 99901032 PDR

, The working caliper (No. X90-952) and working micrometer (No. 112-273) 1)

were caliorated in December 1982 by an employee of CPVS and in July 1984 by Tri-State Instrument Service (TSIS).


The master caliper (No. X90-17), master micrometer (No. 101), and gauge block (No. 611201-23) were calibrated in December 1981 and in July 1984 by TSIS.

Section 4.0, G of the QAPM states, in part, "All manufacturers quality D.

control... manuals...are on file within the Quality Control Department."

Contrary to the above, a review of QA records revealed that QA/QC manuals from approximately 21 manufacturers / suppliers were missing from the files p

of CPVS.


Section 4.0, A of the QAPM states, " Purchase orders will be issued to only E.

those vendors and/or subcontractors whose names appear on the Consolidated Pipe and Valve Approved List or from the Customers Approved Vendors Lists".

Section 4.0, H of the QAPM states "In no case shall a purchase order for nuclear class material be given to an unapproved source."

1983-1985 Contrary to the above, a review of 38 nuclear orders between showed that 13 CPVS P0s were issued to five vendors who were not on the Approved Vendor List (AVL).


Section 3.2 of the QAPM states, in part, " Plant reaudits will be made F.

every 3-4 years, with in-house evaluations being made during non-audit years."

Contrary to the above, records were not available to verify that audits l

Docu-were pe: formed between 1982 and 1986 on 26 of 35 vendors on the AVL.

mented in-house evaluations were also not available.


Section 1.3.4 of the QAPM states, in part, " Internal audits will be made G.

at least every six (6) months."

Contrary to the above, internal audits were not performed on schedule in 1984 and 1985. (86-01-09)

Section 4.0, I of the QAPM states, " Vendor Quality Control Surveys shall H.

be performed by a trained member of Consolidated Pipe and Valve Supply Company."

Contrary to the above, training records or other evidence of qualification (86-01-10) were not available for the persons who performed audits.

. Section 8.0 of the QAPM states, in part, "... ensure that the cause of I.

conditions adverse to quality be determined and corrected to preclude repeti tion. The identification and conoitions adverse to quality, the cause of the condition and corrective actions to be taken shall be documented.... Vendors...are required to provide Consolidated Pipe and Valve a detailed report with respect to corrective action."

Contrary to the above, nine corrective action reports did not address the cause of the condition, and reports from vendors were not available.



Section 4.0, E of the QAPM states, in part, " Vendor shall state on the Certified Mill Test Report supplied to Consolidated Pipe and Valve their QSC# with expiration date...or date and revision of QA program under


which this material was r.anufactured or supplied."

Section 15.2 of specification SA-182 states, in part, " Test reports...shall include...the type of heat treatment."

Contrary to the above, it was noted that CPVS accepted material from:

(86-01-12) 1)

Six vendors without the required quality program certification on the certified material test report (CMTR).


Two vendors for which the CMTRs did not contain the heat treatment statement.

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