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Notice of Nonconformance from Insp on 851112-15
Person / Time
Issue date: 02/19/1986
Shared Package
ML20214C954 List:
REF-QA-99900005 NUDOCS 8602210353
Download: ML20214C965 (2)



APPENDIX A Westinghouse Electric Corporation Nuclear Fuel Division Docket No. 99900005/85-01 NOTICE OF NONCONFORMANCE During an inspection conducted November 12-15, 1985, the implementation of the Quality Assurance (QA) Program at the Westinghouse Nuclear Fuel Division Facility in Columbia, South Carolina was reviewed. The QA program requirements are discussed in the Westinghouse Electric Corporation Quality Assurance Plan WCAP 8370, Revision 10A and WCAP 7800, Revision 6A, dated August, 1984. This plan includes activities associated with the fabrication of fuel assembly components manufactured at the Columbia facility.

Based on the results of this inspection, it appears that certain activities at the Columbia facility were not conducted in accordance with commitments made to the NRC. These items are listed below.

Section 17.1.5, " Instructions, Procedures and Drawings," of WCAP 8370, Revision 10A and WCAP 7800, Revision 6A, dated August 1984, requires that activities affecting the quality of basic components be accomplished in accordance with documented instructions, procedures or drawings that include appropriate quantitative and qualitative means of verifying quality, as appropriate. Actions required and responsibilities for preparation, review, approval and control of these docunents are established in procedures or instructions.

Section QCOP 5.1 of the Westinghouse Nuclear Fuel Division Quality Control Manual, Revision 33, dated September 27, 1985, requires, in part, that Quality Control Instructions (QCI) transmit specific instructions relating to inspection operations, including supplier surveillance, receiving, in-process, and final inspection.


Section C.6 of QCI 108857, " Operating Procedure for Autoclaves,"

Pevision 6, dated October 22, 1984, requires that autoclaves be covered when not in use.

Contrary to the above, at the time of the inspection one autoclave which was not in use was not covered.

(85-01-01) 2.

Section III of QCI 108823, " Fuel Rod Pressurization Pecords check and Disposition Practices," Revision 0, dated March 26, 1985, requires that the correct rod pressurization be determined according to Standard Operating Instruction (501) R-0563.

Contrary to the above, rod pressurization was being determined according to SOI R-0618.

50! R-0563 is no longer being used at the work station.


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l 3.

Product Assurance Procedure (PAP) 2.2.2, " Indoctrination, Training, and Qualification of Personnel," Revision 4, dated December 2, 1982, requires that all managers are responsible for establishing and/or approving requirements such as education, training, and experience for employees who report directly to them.

Certificate of Qualification, Q.C. Form 423, Revisior,1, dated February 1,1985 contains the requirements for qualification of a Metallurgical Laboratory Technician Level C including a requirement for a visual metallographic examination.

Contrary to the above, the indoctrination and evaluation sheet used for qualification of a Metallurgical Laboratory Technician Level C did not contain proper management approval sign-off.

The approval is needed to qualify the technician to perform visual metallographic (microgro-graphic) evaluations.

(85-01-03) t