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Expresses Concern Re Delays in Providing Info for NRC Review of Submerged Demineralizer Sys.Timely Submittal of Info on Sys for Decontaminating Containment Sump Water & Reactor Coolant Is Required.Licensee Commitments Encl
Person / Time
Site: Three Mile Island Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 05/06/1981
From: Harold Denton
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
To: Arnold R
Shared Package
ML20126K812 List:
NUDOCS 8105210521
Download: ML20126K808 (7)



>l Distribution:


~ Docket No. 50-320 "" LBarrett ,

BJSnyder AFasano (

RConte LChandler, ELD MAY 6 1981 MDuncan -

ACRS (16) A6019/

DBrinkman  ?' h )

0 Lynch f g Mr. R. C. Arnold Senior Vice President RWell er HRDenton 9,

}/ 'h* [

I Metropolitan Edison Company IE (3) ,! /,l4y 0 7 ISBN g -

100 Interpace Parkway Service Lis u,,, %z Parsippany, NJ 07054 RBrowning A y

Dear Mr. Arnold:

WTravers A ,


JFouchard /16 By letter (LL2-81-007) dated March 11, 1981, Metropolitan Edison Company forwarded the revised Technical Evaluation Report on the Submerged Demineralizer System for NRC review and approval to operate the system as an effective means of decontaminating the containment sump water and reactor coolant. That report left unanswered many issues basic to our eview of your proposal. In order

.to expedite the NRC review of your propo ul, the Three Mile Island Program Office staff promptly reviewed your submittel and provided a list of topics for discussion with Met-Ed regarding the SDS and its use. NRC subsequently arranged a meeting for a face-to-face discussion of the health and safety related SDS issues, in lieu of the time consuming process of sending you a formal list of questions which would require a formal response.

As you know, the SDS review meeting was held over a two day period on March 31 and April 1,1981. The outcome of that meeting was a mutually agreed upon list of commitments for information required from the licensee to enable the staff to complete its safety review and take appropriate action on your proposal (Enclosure 1). NRC staff indicated at this meeting that this informa- .

tion was both necessary and sufficient for us to complete our review. By memorandum (LM2-81-0072) dated April 3 Met-Ed provided a firm schedule (Enclosure 2)

, for meeting each commitment. However by memorandum (LM2-81-0064 dated April 21, shortly after many of the items were due, Met-Ed forwarded a revised schedule (Enclosure 3) for submittal of the committed information, slipping the dates for 8 of the 23 items. Further, by memorandum (LM2-81-0091) dated April 30, 1981, Met-Ed provided a status (Enclosure 4) of the list of 23 commitments and again indicated additional slippage for your submittal from the dates provided in the April 21 memorandum.

As of May 6,1981, only 10 of the 23 committed items (Items 3, 7, 11, 12, 13, 15,16,17, 21 and 23) have been submitted in final form for review and there j


%s occutsT cot 41Ams gg odB1 g eoca auAuTy PAGES

. ~


Mr. R. C. Arnold .is little ~1ikelihood that even the latest schedule. (see Enclosure 4) will be met for all items. I am.particularly disappointed that the basic processing strategy originally due on April 24. . has not. .at this late date, been formally transmitted to us. in spite of the fundamental nature of this information.

I am very concerned that, despite our best efforts to expedite the safety review i of the SDS, Met-Ed is not supporting this review with high priority, as esidenced ,

by continual slippages in transmitting information as agreed. Obviously, NRC approval will not be forthcoming until we have all required information from you, and.we can be assured of the safety of this system. You should note in this regard ,

that, in the NRC Statement of Policy of April 28, 1981 on the Final Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement (PEIS) on the cleanup at Three Mile Island, issued March 9,1981, the Comission stated that Med-Ed "...should accelerate the pace of the cleanup to complete. expeditiously all decontamination activities consistent with ensuring protection of public health and safety and the environment."

Consistent with that policy the NRC's Three Mile Island Program Office has been staffed to act expeditiously on your proposals. Compliance with this Comission request'will not be possible unless Met-Ed places the highest priority on supporting the staff safety review of the SDS.

The NRC staff has comitted to finalizing its safety evaluation report on the SDS and taking action on your proposal promptly following receipt from you of all the required information, in complete and final form. Met-Ed should support this effort at its highest priority. .I am convinced that expeditious cleanup is -in the best interests of the public. Your company, in my view, is now on the critical path. for cleanup of the containment building water.


I look forward to hearing from you.

Sincerely, Harold R. Denton, Director Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation


1. 'Comitments from Licensee for SDS Safety Review
2. Memorandum dtd 4/3/81 (LM2-81-0072)

G. Hovey to L. Barrett

3. Memorandum dtd 4/21/81 (LM2-81-0080)

G. Hovey to L. Barrett

4. Memorandum dtd 4/30/81 (LM2-81-0091)

G. Hovey to L. Barrett ec: Se9 Attached

- 4 TMIP0:NRR,l.D*H 1 j. j 4 1 .

  • @,BJSnyder: cap HD :on. .i "V 5/6/81.  ! 5/h/81

Mr. R. C'. A'rnold ..,<-

1cc: Chairman Hendrie Commissioner Gilinsky '

Commissioner Bradford Commissioner Ahearne William J Dircks Herman Dieckamp TMI Advisory Panel Members (

Service List'(attached) .

b l



i I

ar. Gale stover netropelttan Ettson Company Mr. J. J, Barten as. KatM etC.sugata Menseer, $tte operations, TMI.2 Thm mile Island Alert, Inc.

i i

Metropolitan (dison comoany 23 South list Street >

P, O. Sea 480 Ntedletown, PA 17057 #arrfleurC4 PA 17104 8m. Marjorte M. Aamodt 81r. E. O. Fuller E 0. #I TN!.2 LeCensing Superviser Castesettle, PA 19340  ?

81stropolitan Edison Cassany

7. O. Boa 480 als, seren Sheldon Rtediatown, PA 17057 Shelden, learame Rotsman 4 yetts 17291. Street, fl.m., lette 606 t' Mr. I. 6. Wallace Washtegton, DC 20006 Pue Licenstag manager
  • Gnu $ervice Corporation f arl 8, Hoffman 100 laterpace paraway Daupata County Coasetsstoner Perstpoany, NJ 07054 Davente County fourtnaase Mr. J. 9. Libernban, (squtre PrDat ard Market StrW
  • Marrisburg, PA 171 0 6erlack, Israels, Liberman 8 1 24 $roahesy Government Publications Section '

feev fort, NT 10004 State of Library of Pennsylvente I toa 1601 faucation Gutiding g nr. G. P, frowertoge, (soufre Marriseurg, P4 17127 shaw, Pittman, Potta 4 frowortege .

1800 N $treet, fl.u.

Dr. Eduard '). $serts Washington, OC 20036 Bears of Superstrars Londoneerry Townsate Dr. Walter N. Jordan AFD #1 Geyers Church Road

, 883 If. Outer Drive utedletaist, PA 17067 Osa Atege, TN 37830 U, S. Envirossental Protection Agency

  • Dr. Ltads W. Little Region 111 Office 6000 Hermitage Ortve l4 Releegn, NC $7612 ATTN: fl1 Coordina.X $'

Curtta (51sth Ploor) serin ti. Carter, (squire 6th end Walnut Streets 505 EsMutive House Pallaeolente, PA 19106 i'

P. O. Iva 2357 ceuanla County Office taergency narrisburg, PA 17120 Preparedness Monoren'e Mart Conen Court House, Aces 7

$12 (.3 Main Cagital Building Pront and Nortet Itreets narrtspurg, PA 17120 learfiaburg, PA 17101 Ellyn uttst, Esquire Deeartment of favlernmental Resources Sheldon, Herman, A41sman 41 sets: ATTU Of rector, Office of 172515treet, N W., Svete 506 Radiological healta wasninete4, DC 20006 P. O. tes 2063 Marrisburg, PA 1710$

Mr . Steven C. 5 holly sev,enor's Office of State 3041. 'earmet Stres, Planning and Develoement mechantesaurg, PA 170$$ ATTU Cooreinster, Pennsylvanta C:earingnouse i nr. Thomas Gerusty P. O. 8sa 1323 Sureau of Radiation Protection starrisburg, PA 17120 P. O. Son 2063 Harrisburg, PA 17120 mrs. Anoda 0. Carr la02 herone Ortve pr. Marvin 1. Lewis Marris6seg, PA 17109 6604 Bradfor6 Terrace Pn11adelpnta, PA 19140 Mr. Attnard Rocerta The Pttriot ps, Jane Lee $12 Marset $treet

4. O. 3, los 3521 Harriseury, PA 1710$

(tters, PA 17319 Hr. RODert 8. $orsum salter u. Conen, Consumer Advocate Beacoct 4 wticoa Department of Justice nuclear Power Generation Dtetston

$trewnerry $4uare, leth Floor Suite 420, 7735 Old Georgetown acad warrisburg, Pa 17127 Sethesda, s0 20014 eonert L. ahupo, Isautre Ivan W. tatta, lequire Assistant Solicitor Atamic hafety and Licensing Seard EnuBo and Andrews U. $, Nuclear segulatory Cosat561on P. O sea P wasnington, DC 20555 a07 n. Front 5 trees starrisaurg, PA 17108 Atomic 54tety and Licenstng Board Panel l U. $. Nuclear Regulatory Commisston Jean (. ntanten. Chatroerson tasatngton, DC 20654 f causnin Co. teard of Commissioners gaventa County Courthouse f ront ane *qartet Streets Atomic Safety and Licensing Aspeel Panel narrisburg, PA 17101 0. 5. nuclear segulatory Canonission oathington, DC 20555 Rooert 0. Pollarc Doctettag and Service Section Cae,sapeas 60 MontpelierEnergy street A11tance D. $. nuclear segulatory Commisaton talvmore, 50 2)216 manningtor, DC 20555 Chauncey sesfore Juditn M. Jonns rud utiltaa tocastet f avtroamentti Coalition on seaclear power M4 bey Lao.

433 Orbanao Avenue Pennsylvansa State untversity State College, PA 16801 untueetity Pers Pewsylvania 16402 ns. Friees terrynill. Chatteerson j Coalttson for nuclear Pomer Plent victtnta Soutnern, Chairman Pos tgenoment Cittrees for a 5afe invicensent

?$10 Grensen Ortve 264 tsalton Street Wtimington, DE 19808 Lemoyne, PA 17043 Holly 5. Eact Anti auclear Group Georesenting *ert 245 u. Philadelpnta Street ,

fort , rs 17404 Jonn Levin, (squire 1 Pennsylvente Puelic Uttit tles Casunt ssten i

8. 3. Sen 3265 1 narrisburg, Pa 17120 l

,ordon D. Cunningede, (soutre 1 fos, f are one Cunningnam J 2320 n Second Street l j 'serrisourg, Pa 17110 l


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casetITMENTS. FRO.N L. ICE _N.SEE . _ _' _ _ _=._

res sDs sArm am* e: . 2. 2. .


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I 1..'lStite b4undi g~ operational prerequisites,Prtivid's parlunetars, mist &. ophr) Cat @@

and 12mits '

considered tt, . e important to sa fety. l safety listing - the plan should provide info,rmation, relating,to This changes that can not be made withour, prior NRC approval.

pit.n will be d.gveloped by licensee and define op^erational conditions

" ~~

or system changes that would require prior' NRC appr5 val.' * '~- . . . .

a.... .

2. Provide the following documentation: ,, ., . , . . .. ._._

._, ._P.n f.ully.. updated system descrip$1os.s . _.. __ _ _ _ , _ , ,

- -a-.o soupleta set of updated system drawing,and P4ID'.s.and....

arrangement drawings. , , , , .. .. ...

__ __ ~

The system description should include information ovi the surface '

' (i a. ? ptEnp desigh," Fapscity

_ . . .."_!" C a'u~crhotf175fWi[and related infarmation system testing and related interface informafionl . 'TazU(1~eni-

,_u_.u. .u..$d also be provided., . __ - - . -

Ie van aermed tha[G?U(Mee-Ed poug keep TI~edI15ftnt In .yn==

!' L - ' '


. ,op,aration i.e.2 how low to go with water level. . - - - .. . _ . . . . .


- - -- 4.

  • Provide the projected processing strategy p1"an 'for' loading, changing

- ~ddt and vasta " management of each Ion exchangt. bqs! in .SDS. and. EP.JCOR.

II as presently planned for clean-up of sump sud.RCS water. This sacu.Lc inc.1.uce, the generic critdris that ts the -basta for -the pro-jected operating plan and, in addition, t5e profect4d flow volumes,


curie contenta, and number of units for each liner stage in SDS and EPICOR-II for clean-up of sump and RCS water.

' " ~ ~ '

3r -GPWHet-Ed la -ce provide a process control .pr.ogrpm. .This .plao

-  :#'- rantziu tsformation on sampling angi gogui.ra-ra,

" - ' * ' - and sample analysis to be perfora.d. It Gas ~ agreed that thh process

' - . - . ' - - -- 1::en wl plan would be subject to change as exper.iense was . gained with - - - -

sy.' stem operatlyn. - '-


  • The licensee will provide estimates of tbc of filters that 6.

will be generated during processing of the nGmp ~ water. 'Iti was agreed that an estimate of total curies deposited on th.e filter.s .spd glanned M --1 ==e W = would be prov,ided., Tpe,g,gtim m shoul.d include TRU ,

loadings with the basis for the estimata .4,us11f ted._ .Als.9 s .desgible

~ ~fFIter dewatef" Lng technique. - combine with d2 acove.

  • The licensee will provide written documentation' for criticality (


- r----- N ralculations yd.11. be..bp.gied en actual geometry. - . . . - . . _ . .

v - e n- ~ . .- . m .h h * ,.e, b ,, . . - - n ..-w_.,---.m - r-. . . , . ---_~.--ma.-_m o - - __ _ , - - _ _ - - _ _ _ - - - - - _ _ _ _ _ _ , -


____ ___ _..-2_._.._. _ ,, ,

~ - - _ . .

_ ~ _ _. .. _ _. .

-8. " *The licenses will provide additional discussion on alarme and ,

J The' SDD will,. includ.e,_a_l._i_ng of all alarms,

. .. .=-. nene.dures.


/.. matrel- fanetions . (Part of #2 above)


,1 q_."-= = :--+_ _. - he aw d-d hv the liesneee-relatina. en_vatas novements to 'aizIarent plant tanks (1.e , whos- f1ww will- be-diseeceT to. bleed tanks, monitoring tanka, and EPICOR-II)., The IUtc staff  !


understands the need by the licensee to maintain flexibility during .' l processing and realize that the criteria specifying where v' etier 'vould be sent may be dependent on experience gained thru system operation.

(Part of #2 above) . .c

10. *The licenses will update airborne source cara description to include devataring operations and the use of processed wa'ter ',in tho' $FF.

Provide analysis of the radiological consequences of placing processed water in the spent fuel pool to NRC. This schmitta.1 should include -

(and, perhaps, be based on data from previous'~ storage of process'ed water in the pool.) . . . .

Informal test results of fines carry-over during devatering test to


. .. .. 11. - - _ _ .. .. _,

- - - - NRC.

12. The licensee will provide drawings of the offgas separator.

~ '

13. *The licenses will provide documentation for the ceni:er line tempers-ture expected for a dewatered zeolite bed.;

[]4.- % licensee will' provide documientatio'n tBaCvic go_ vita _gaurances than an explosive mixture vill not be created- rhe -forn-of cbe-licensee

- - -- response will either show that much a mixture vill develop and atmar-perize the consequences or provide an evaluation showing that such a j

i - - -- misture cannot_ develop. .

  • Provide analysis of the potential consequences of water inleakag'e to a dried, spent SDS vessel to NRC. Provide basis for assumptions.

- - _ _ .. ~

tubinn lines far' tank farm ~~ ~ "'

~ ~ ' " -

16. L m it. . a w :lon method for. ins.t.rument

?_:cvide this descr.iption to NRC for information.

- -inetruments-  :

~ -- '

_ = - -

era 17r-Nueeme -dat she radionuclide ,losping of the

~ cleanuo demln., . l"izer l

~ will be less than ivCi/cc to permit burial 1n77tIslTow7aH:THIIEa1

{'~ --

,_faciliti ,in,a d_ewatered state. . .

18. *rrovide the SDS radiation protection program to #RC". THG pr6 Tram should address the following points (among ot_her_s): _ . . _ . . . . .

_a.__ Evaluation of worker health and safscy. - ' - ' - - - - - - - - - - -

b. Instrument calibration' pro' gram.
c. Instrument locations. .

":' i

' g of HP personnal . ._.

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vee * ".,.._"_._;- _ ,


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_3 . .. _ _ .

19.. *The licensee will pro' ide' v information relating t_o man-res,exp,osure, '

- inE.asial~ ' add 'es_.t'ar.nal, for each of the* folioving. . .. .... . _ . _ . _ S.DS

. _ . _operations:

. 1 o .u. _

. A o maintenance . .. . . .

o operations  : .:  :  :  : .:  :

decommissioning of the SDS

' " ~ .

o . . . . . . . _ _ . _ .  :

20. Submit coltuun testing results to NRC for information. . .. . .


21 . Document requifement of whether to change Technical Specifications to let-down from RCS to RCET prior to RCS. processing. ,.

22. Provide to NRC a curie inventory tracking program as datarmined from the. sampling p_rogram.

(Combine in SDD). _ - _. _ .. . _ . . . ,


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