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Expresses Concern Re Safe Operation of Facility,Moving Spent Waste from Plant,Earthquakes & Tornados
Person / Time
Site: Davis Besse Cleveland Electric icon.png
Issue date: 02/01/1986
From: Lucas L
Shared Package
ML20141J381 List:
ML, TAC-60875, NUDOCS 8604280130
Download: ML20141J401 (3)


- . . ..

D Sal radinen ;L- q Port Clinton, t h to / ?/.S?

February 1,1986 United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washin6 ton, D.C. 20555 To Whom that it may concern:

  • I am still concerned about the safe operation of the Davis Eesse nuclear Power Plant, five miles west of Port Clinton, Ohio, I did write to you about the safety of the plant, mud the moving of spent waste from the plant, of which none has been moved as per communication and answers that were raised by me and others in testimony at the he'aring held at The Port Clinton Annory, Dec.embe r 7,8,9, 1970 by the A.E.C. Atomic Safety and Licensing Board. We did receive a communication from The Toledo Ed6 con Copp 420 Madison St. Toledo, Ohio 43601: Date a (Typewriter slips.) Feb. 22, 19/

whic h did address most of the subjects that were brought up, although we weren't in accord with a number of them.

My last letter t o you was dated December 10, 1985 of which I did receive a reply from Frank Ingram Assistant to the Director, Office of Public -

Affairs in his one centence reply dated December 16, 1984 and was g)pricate to have me share my views, nothing in the reply on what they intend to do about the moving of spent waste and other subjects like th6 safe operation of the plant, of which has been down since July 24, 198 and is still down. The plant is down because of the boiling down e dry of the steam system do to the mal function of the steam system and the main feedwater pump, this reaction and a number of errors plus a aczen ecuipaent mal functions resulted in the loss of all feedwater for the cooling reactor Further I certainly hope that the little concern shown by r Ingram id his reply to my letter 12/16/85 isint typical of the NRC, if employees worked for me with this little concern, their dismissal would be in ord6r and if I were in Congress I would eye ball this Dept to see if the Agency may have some areas where they may have to improve to gein public confidenc On my remarks Dec 8,1970, on spent fuel, "r Charnoff representing The Toledo Edison: Stated that a pent fuel e orld be eighter shiped by rail or

-by truck (Page LA6-1) to be shipped in casks which provide raidation shielding from the oublic, and were to r.eet rigid reo.uirements of the AEC

$g contained in 10 CFR, Tart 71 end Dept Reg. 49 CFR, Farts 171-178 and


MMo licensed prior to. Cask must be able to withstand a 30' drop on a unyic1dir gh surfacefollowed by a 40" drop onto a 6" ainmeter pin, follo ed by 30 min en exposure tp 1475 degrees F, followed by 2/, hrs immersion in water.


og Today~northhast of Cleveland there was an earthourke :eismic velocity /5 Og which was the biggest one ever in Chio, This was near the " Perry" : uke 0c Plant, on Page LA14-1, I did also question the geological base being 0" adeouate and safe if there was an carthounke or large ternado, I ran not

$r natisfied with this answer. (Report sent by Toledo E6ison si gned by Lowell Roe (2/2/71 Chief Mechenical Engr. ) 7ecuested by Atr .ic Safety Licensin.

@@b E.

Ecerd.) Thank you for your attention given this letter.

Sours t rul v , -

CC: 3en Metsenbcum _, ,

Glenn Lawre. e . Lucas 8FJ8Es?ro?.anr1P. aper

November Id, 1965 County Commissioners: Darrell Opfer, Charles Dewitr,:. Roger Lorensen.

I am still being concerned with } safe operation of the Davis Beast nuclear power plant west of us, my apperaence here July 15, 1985 one being the boiling dry of the m:f! the steam system do to the malfunction of of the main feedwater pump, tlhis reaction and several human errors plus a dozen equipment mal functions resulted in in the loss of all feedwater for the cooling reactor. ( July 24, 1985) The operation of the plant which is documented by the AEC and its safety has been run loosley since the first construction in 1970, The Nuclear Regulatory Commission' has found the plant in one violation after another.

It is incumbent upon us to have safurance that we will have safe, clean an'd reliable nuclear power and to make sure that all necessary data from Davis Besse concerning the safe operation, movement of waste, Whather in the area (Present all waste is being retained at'the plant in H2/0???)

any incidents regardless how ever the size should make aware in writing-to the County Commissioners of the nature of it. In the hearing thd ve*

waste was brought up by be in testimony and in reply by the AEC they .

indicated that the waste would be sent to a salt mine, at that time there w e in New York, state of Washington plus two other states were c tated. ( There has been many leakages we can be grentful that there has een no loss of life,)or radiation exposure. )

We do n ot argue the need for omfam more power but at the same time we do #

not want n' major disaster to come about, liken to July, 1985. I still have several reservations about the safety of the plant and the truthfulnen of the firm to revealind everything that it shoild. For an example the emergency cooling system designed to supply water to a reactor probably would f oul the,the primary system, rupture the core, melt through the reactor and release radi-active material. It is plain and certain that bodily injury and death or radioactive burns might c6me about, seriously injuring those within a radius of more then sixteen miles more or less.

The Commissioners shoyld put emphasis on the Jmmediate correction and discontiucance of b uring sludge in the area, with notifying the Nuclear Regulatory Commission the Chio and United States Enviormrntial Protecetion Agencies. This will play havoc wit:- hwar9h our chief industry (Tourisim) if there is a

In addition to recuiring limitations on releases of raidonctive materials, to the nnviorment, The AEC requires licensed nuclear power plants to montiur the plant environs routinley, (C6mmissioners should receive:t a copy of this report.) to detect sudden changes or long tern buildup in enviormential levels, particular -ttention is naid to levels in fish and aque tic Ubiote. in streras where reactor effluents is a factor. A 7 .

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,[$ Ens wvL Lhas g.grgge Port Clitton, Ohio

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. COMMITTEE ON LABOR AND HUMAN RESOURCES WASHINGTON, DC 20510 February 26, 1986 Mr. Lawrence J. Lucas 841 Madison Street Port Clinton, Ohio 43452

Dear Mr. Lucas:

Thank you for your letter regarding the proposed burial of radioactive sludge at the Davis-Besse Nuclear Power Gtation. I appreciate hearing from you.

I share your concern over Toledo Edison's application for permission to bury radioactive sludge at the Davis-Bense site. In the past I have carefully monitored investigations of violations at Davis-Besse, and applaud the Nuclear Regulatory Commission's imposition of-a $900,000 fine on 4 Toledo Edison for recent safety violations at the plant.

p The citizens and th'e environment must receive absolute s protection from possible safety risks posed by the nearby burial of radioactive sludge. Public hearings must be held to determine that strict safety regulations will be observed. You can be sure that I-will follow this issue closely and will continue to press the NRC to ensure that I

hearings are held and that any prcposed nuclear waste burial I

meets, in full, all the safety standards required under the Federal nuclear waste disposal laws, or is otherwise not approved.

Again, thank you for writing.

Very sincerely yours, L AK' Q Howard M. Me .enbaum United States Senator HMM/maa