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Provides Info to Close Two SER Open Issues Re Instrumentation Provided on Auxiliary Shutdown Panel. Commitment to Add Response Spectrum Recorder at Containment Foundation Should Be Sufficient to Resolve SER Item
Person / Time
Site: Wolf Creek, Callaway  Wolf Creek Nuclear Operating Corporation icon.png
Issue date: 09/18/1981
From: Petrick N
To: Harold Denton
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
SLNRC-81-108, NUDOCS 8109290719
Download: ML20010J214 (2)





Standardered Nuclear Unit i Power Plant System 3 5 Choke Cherry Road i Rockviles, Maryland 20050

! (J01) 80M10 September 18, 1981 i SLNRC 81-108 FILE: 0541 j SUBJ: .SER Open Issues 73.\. gop' 9,,

k 9 SL I Mr. Harold R. Denton, Director Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation J Sg / A C

(/ n U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission k u,,%Jg /Sg  ;

Washington, D. C. 20555

'\x " 574 4 , 7 p f Docket Nos. STN 50-482, STN 50-483 and STN 50-486 9,/r .D s


SLNRC 81-82, dated September 1,1981: ICSB Review

& liks\ ' \

Dear Mr. Denton:

i In discussions with Dr. Gordon Edison, NRC project manager for the SNUPPS applications, potentially open issues in the NRC's

Safety Evaluation Report (SER) have been identified. The purpo
,e i of this letter is to provide information that should close two of l the issues.

During the course of the ICSB review, instrumentation provided on ihe auxiliary shutdown panel was discussed. Enclosure A to the referenced letter provided a description of reactor coolant i temperature indicators on the panel. A design change will be made

! such that both T-hot and T-cold will be indicated on the auxiliary

shutdown panel. Plans are to have two T-hot instrument loops
powered from separate protection sets and two T-cold loops sim-i ilarly powered from separate protection sets. Isolation, routing, i

and indicator quality will be the same as that described in the j reference. Appropriate FSAR changes will be made at a later date l when the engineering of this design change is more complete. The j above information should resolve this issue and the NRC can confirm j the adequacy of the design when the FSAR changes are made.

i The Structural Engineering Branch (SEB) has-indicated that they will not accept-the SNUPPS design to meet Regulatory Guide 1.12, Revision

1. More specifically the design did not include a discrete device -

to meet the Guide's position c.l.b. In order to satisfy the NRC's- $O/J O

t 8109290719 910918

. PDR ADOCK 05000482 E PDR.

O SLNRC 81- 108 Page Two concern, a design change will be made to add a response spectrum recorder at the containment foundation. Appropriate FSAR changes will be made at a later date when more inforr.ation on the new equipment is available. This commitment to add a response spectrum recorder should be sufficient to resolve the SER item.

Very truly yours, e-hvc Nicholas A. Petrick RLS/mtk cc: J. K. Bryan UE D. F. Schnell UE G. L. Koester KGE D. T. McPhee KCPL W. A. Hansen NRC/ CAL T. E. Vandel NRC/WC
