ML20010J214 | |
Person / Time | |
Site: | Wolf Creek, Callaway |
Issue date: | 09/18/1981 |
To: | Harold Denton Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation |
References | |
SLNRC-81-108, NUDOCS 8109290719 | |
Download: ML20010J214 (2) | |
Similar Documents at Wolf Creek, Callaway | |
MONTHYEARML20217K1051999-10-19019 October 1999
[Table view]Ack Receipt of Ltr Dtd 990707,which Transmitted Rev 29 to Callaway Plant Physical Security Plan,Under Provisions of 10CFR50.54(p).Based on Determination That Changes Do Not Decrease Effectiveness of Plan,No NRC Approval Required 05000482/LER-1994-014, Forwards LER 94-014-00 Re Util Identification of Missed Surveillance Required by TS Prior to Changing Modes.List of Commitments Made by Licensee,Encl1999-10-15015 October 1999 Forwards LER 94-014-00 Re Util Identification of Missed Surveillance Required by TS Prior to Changing Modes.List of Commitments Made by Licensee,Encl 05000482/LER-1999-002, Forwards LER 99-002-00,re Identification of Surveillance Performed in Modes Other than Those Required by TS SR Made by Util Are Encl1999-10-15015 October 1999 Forwards LER 99-002-00,re Identification of Surveillance Performed in Modes Other than Those Required by TS SR Made by Util Are Encl ML20217F7481999-10-14014 October 1999 Informs That Based on Approval of Core Assessment Damage Guidance in WCAP-14696,rev 1 for Westinghouse Nuclear Power Plants,Licensee May Use WCAP-14696,rev 1 at Wolf Creek Generating Station ML20217G2071999-10-14014 October 1999 Forwards Insp Rept 50-483/99-10 on 990913-16.No Violations Noted.Insp Was to Review Emergency Plan & Procedures During Biennial Emergency Preparedness Exercise ML20217F8701999-10-13013 October 1999 Provides Summary of Meeting on 991007 with Representatives of Wolf Creek Nuclear Station in Burlington,Kansas Re Status of Licensee Radiation Protection Program.List of Meeting Attendees & Licensee Presentation Encl ML20217C1721999-10-0707 October 1999 Forwards Insp Rept 50-482/99-09 on 990830-0903.No Violations Noted.Purpose of Insp to Perform Routine Operational Status Insp of Emergency Preparedness Program & to Resolve Questions Re Revised Emergency Plan ML20217B5711999-10-0505 October 1999 Discusses GL 98-01 Issued by NRC on 980511 & Uec Responses for Callaway NPP Unit 1 ,990224 & 990628.Informs That Staff Reviewed Responses & Concluded That All Requested Info for GL 98-01 Provided ML20217B5901999-10-0505 October 1999 Informs That Staff Concludes That Licensee Responses to GL 97-06 Provides Reasonable Assurance That Condition of Util SG Internals in Compliance with Current Licensing Bases for Callaway Plant,Unit 1 ML20216H9291999-09-29029 September 1999 Informs That Licensee Responses to GL 97-06, Degradation of Steam Generator Internals Acceptable & Did Not Identify Any New Concerns with Condition of SG Intervals at Plant ML20217A4881999-09-29029 September 1999 Forwards Changes to Plant Data Point Library,Iaw 10CFR50,App E,Section VI.3.a.ERDS Point Affected Is RDS0001 ML20212G1681999-09-24024 September 1999 Notifies NRC of Change in Status of Licensed Individual at Plant,Per 10CFR50.74.RL Acree Holds License OP-42654 at Plant,But Has Been Permanently Reassigned from Position for Which Plant Has Certified Need for RO License ML20216F9591999-09-22022 September 1999 Forwards Withdrawal of Amend Request Re Ultimate Heat Sink Temp for Wolf Creek Generating Station ML20212G0221999-09-22022 September 1999 Forwards Insp Rept 50-483/99-11 on 990812-20.No Violations Noted.Team Found,Weakness in flow-accelerated Corrosion Monitoring Program Resulted in No Previous Insp of Pipe Segment Which Failed ML20212G5641999-09-20020 September 1999 Forwards Insp Rept 50-482/99-13 on 990725-0904.Three Violations Being Treated as Noncited Violations 05000482/LER-1999-011, Forwards LER 99-011-00 Re Identification of Missed Surveillance Due to Exceeding Flow Rate Specified in TS for Ccps.List of Util Commitments Contained in Attachment I1999-09-17017 September 1999 Forwards LER 99-011-00 Re Identification of Missed Surveillance Due to Exceeding Flow Rate Specified in TS for Ccps.List of Util Commitments Contained in Attachment I 05000482/LER-1999-010, Forwards LER 99-010-00,re Failure to Correctly Perform TS Surveillance Identifies Actions Committed to by Util1999-09-16016 September 1999 Forwards LER 99-010-00,re Failure to Correctly Perform TS Surveillance Identifies Actions Committed to by Util ML20212D9381999-09-16016 September 1999 Informs That NRC Staff Completed Midcycle PPR of WCGS on 990818.Areas of EP & Engineering Warranted Increase in NRC Action.Nrc Plan to Conduct Add Insp Beyond Core Insp Program Over Next 7 Months to Address Listed Questions ML20212D9341999-09-16016 September 1999 Informs That on 990818,NRC Completed Midcycle PPR of Callaway Plant.In Area of Ep,C/As Taken in Response to Problems Identified During Previous Exercises Warrant More in-dept Review.Details of Insp Plan Through March 2000 Encl ML20217D5791999-09-15015 September 1999 Provides Formal Documentation of Reviews & Discussions Re Technical Ltr Rept for Proprietary Info.Review of Ltr Was Discussed in Telcon & Via e-mail Messages. Summary of Telcons as Documented on 990708,included 05000482/LER-1999-006, Forwards LER 99-006-01,re Identification of Failure to Enter LCO for TS While Taking Containment Atmosphere Samples During Power Operation.Commitments Made by Util Are Encl1999-09-15015 September 1999 Forwards LER 99-006-01,re Identification of Failure to Enter LCO for TS While Taking Containment Atmosphere Samples During Power Operation.Commitments Made by Util Are Encl ML20212C9211999-09-15015 September 1999 Forwards NRC Form 536, Operating Licensing Examination Data, in Response to NRC Administrative Ltr 99-03 ML20216F1641999-09-14014 September 1999 Forwards Insp Rept 50-482/99-12 on 990816-20.No Violation Noted.Determined That Solid Radwaste Mgt & Radioactive Matls Transportation Programs Were Properly Implemented ML20212A4921999-09-13013 September 1999 Forwards Insp Rept 50-483/99-08 on 990725-0904.Two Severity Level IV Violations of NRC Requirements Identified & Being Treated as Noncited Violations Consistent with App C of Enforcement Policy ML20212A4701999-09-10010 September 1999 Rssponds to NRC 990709 RAI Re Util Relief Request to Allow Use of 1998 Edition of ASME Section Xi,Subsection Iwe. Acceptance Criteria for Liner Plate Pressure Boundary Thickness Will Be Limited to 10% Nominal Thinning ML20212B1521999-09-10010 September 1999 Forwards Insp Rept 50-483/99-07 on 990809-13.No Violations Noted.Inspectors Used Annual Licensed Operator Requalification Exams to Assess Licensed Operator Performance ML20212A5651999-09-10010 September 1999 Informs of Completion of Review of & Encl Objectives for Wolf Creek Generating Station 1999 Emergency Preparedness Exercise Scheduled for 991117.Determined Exercise Objectives Appropriate to Meet EP Requirements 05000482/LER-1999-009, Forwards LER 99-009-00 Re Util Identification of Fire Suppression Issue Affecting Safe Shutdown Components. Attachment I Identifies Actions Committed to by Licensee in Encl LER1999-09-10010 September 1999 Forwards LER 99-009-00 Re Util Identification of Fire Suppression Issue Affecting Safe Shutdown Components. Attachment I Identifies Actions Committed to by Licensee in Encl LER 05000482/LER-1999-008, Forwards LER 99-008-00,re Efsa at Plant.Attachment I Identifies Actions Committed to by Licensee in LER1999-09-0303 September 1999 Forwards LER 99-008-00,re Efsa at Plant.Attachment I Identifies Actions Committed to by Licensee in LER ML20211M7151999-09-0303 September 1999 Forwards Changes to Wolf Creek Generating Station Data Point Library.Emergency Response Data Sys Points Affected Are EJL0007 & EJL0008 ML20211N0081999-09-0202 September 1999 Informs That NRC Staff Has Reviewed Submittals & Concluded Util Adequately Addressed Actions Requested in GL 95-07, Pressure Locking & Thermal Binding of Safety-Related Power- Operated Gate Valves ML20211K8301999-09-0202 September 1999 Forwards marked-up TS Page Deleting Inequality Signs from Trip Setpoints in SR & Reflecting Info on Calibr Tolerance Band,Per 990708 Application to Amend License NPF-42 ML20211N0321999-09-0202 September 1999 Forwards SE Concluding That Util Adequately Addressed Actions Requested in GL 95-07, Pressure Locking & Thermal Binding of Safety-Related Power-Operated Gate Valves ML20211K1941999-08-31031 August 1999 Forwards Rev 31 to WCGS Physical Security Plan,Safeguards Contingency Plan & Training & Qualification Plan,Iaw 10CFR50.54(p).Encl Withheld,Per 10CFR73.21 ML20211H1491999-08-26026 August 1999 Forwards Insp Rept 50-482/99-16 on 990809-13.No Violations Noted.Insp Focused on Low as Is Reasonably Achievable Program,Training Program for Contract Radiation Protection Personnel & Radiation Protection QA Program ML20211A8581999-08-18018 August 1999 Forwards Insp Rept 50-482/99-08 on 990316-0724.One Violation Being Treated as Noncited Violation ML20211B0241999-08-18018 August 1999 Ack Receipt of Ltr Dtd 990714,transmitting Scenario for Licensee Upcoming Biennial Exercise.Based on Review,Nrc Determined That Exercise Scenario Sufficient to Meet Emergency Plan Requirements & Exercise Objectives ML20211G2201999-08-17017 August 1999 Forwards Exam Rept 50-482/99-301 on 990726-29.Exam Evaluated Six Applicants for SO Licenses & Three Applicants for RO Licenses ML20210U9751999-08-13013 August 1999 Informs That Licensee Identified That Answer Key for One Question on 990720 Written Exam & Event Classification for on Job Performance Measure Required Mod.Description & Justification for Proposed Mod,Including Technical Ref,Encl ML20210U0991999-08-13013 August 1999 Forwards Insp Rept 50-482/99-11 on 990712-16.No Violations Noted.Insp Was to Review Radiological Environ Monitoring Program ML20210T9121999-08-13013 August 1999 Forwards Insp Rept 50-483/99-06 on 990613-0724.One Severity Level 4 Violation Occurred & Being Treated as Ncv,Consistent with App C of Enforcement Policy ML20210R7241999-08-12012 August 1999 Forwards semi-annual Fitness for Duty Program Performance Data Rept for Callaway Nuclear Plant for 990101-990630,IAW 10CFR26.71(d) ML20211A9501999-08-12012 August 1999 Discusses 990720-21 Workshop Conducted in Region IV Ofc,Re Exchange of Info in Area of Use of Risk Insights in Regulatory Activities.List of Attendees,Summary of Topic & Issues,Agenda & Copies of Handouts Encl ML20210R5621999-08-12012 August 1999 Forwards Monthly Operating Rept for July 1999 for Wolf Creek Generating Station,Per TS & GL 97-02.Revised Repts for Apr,May & June 1999,correcting Number of Hours Reactor Critical,Encl ULNRC-04085, Forwards Rev 4 to Callaway Plant Cycle 10 COLR, Per TS Has Been Revised to Update Rod Bank Insertion (Ril) Limits,As Function of Rated Thermal Power1999-08-11011 August 1999 Forwards Rev 4 to Callaway Plant Cycle 10 COLR, Per TS Has Been Revised to Update Rod Bank Insertion (Ril) Limits,As Function of Rated Thermal Power ML20210P0371999-08-10010 August 1999 Forwards SE Granting Licensee 980710 Requests for Relief (ISI-13 - ISI-18) from Requirements of Section XI of 1989 Edition of ASME B&PV Code for Second 10-year Interval ISI at Plant,Unit 1 ML20210P7491999-08-0909 August 1999 Ack Receipt of ,Which Transmitted Wolf Creek Radiological Emergency Response Plan 06-002,Rev 0,under Provisions of 10CFR50,App E,Section V ML20210N0061999-08-0303 August 1999 Forwards Response to NRC 990401 RAI Re GL 95-07, Pressure Locking & Thermal Binding of SR Motor-Operated Gate Valves ML20210L1461999-08-0303 August 1999 Informs That NRC Plans to Administer Gfes of Written Operator Licensing Exam on 991006.Requests Submittal of Ltr Identifying Individuals Taking Exam,Personnel Allowed Access to Exams & Mailing Address for Exams ULNRC-04079, Forwards 180-day Response to NRC GL 99-02, Lab Testing of Nuclear-Grade Activated Charcoal1999-08-0202 August 1999 Forwards 180-day Response to NRC GL 99-02, Lab Testing of Nuclear-Grade Activated Charcoal 1999-09-03 Category:INCOMING CORRESPONDENCE MONTHYEAR05000482/LER-1999-002, Forwards LER 99-002-00,re Identification of Surveillance Performed in Modes Other than Those Required by TS SR Made by Util Are Encl1999-10-15015 October 1999
[Table view]Forwards LER 99-002-00,re Identification of Surveillance Performed in Modes Other than Those Required by TS SR Made by Util Are Encl 05000482/LER-1994-014, Forwards LER 94-014-00 Re Util Identification of Missed Surveillance Required by TS Prior to Changing Modes.List of Commitments Made by Licensee,Encl1999-10-15015 October 1999 Forwards LER 94-014-00 Re Util Identification of Missed Surveillance Required by TS Prior to Changing Modes.List of Commitments Made by Licensee,Encl ML20217A4881999-09-29029 September 1999 Forwards Changes to Plant Data Point Library,Iaw 10CFR50,App E,Section VI.3.a.ERDS Point Affected Is RDS0001 ML20212G1681999-09-24024 September 1999 Notifies NRC of Change in Status of Licensed Individual at Plant,Per 10CFR50.74.RL Acree Holds License OP-42654 at Plant,But Has Been Permanently Reassigned from Position for Which Plant Has Certified Need for RO License 05000482/LER-1999-011, Forwards LER 99-011-00 Re Identification of Missed Surveillance Due to Exceeding Flow Rate Specified in TS for Ccps.List of Util Commitments Contained in Attachment I1999-09-17017 September 1999 Forwards LER 99-011-00 Re Identification of Missed Surveillance Due to Exceeding Flow Rate Specified in TS for Ccps.List of Util Commitments Contained in Attachment I 05000482/LER-1999-010, Forwards LER 99-010-00,re Failure to Correctly Perform TS Surveillance Identifies Actions Committed to by Util1999-09-16016 September 1999 Forwards LER 99-010-00,re Failure to Correctly Perform TS Surveillance Identifies Actions Committed to by Util 05000482/LER-1999-006, Forwards LER 99-006-01,re Identification of Failure to Enter LCO for TS While Taking Containment Atmosphere Samples During Power Operation.Commitments Made by Util Are Encl1999-09-15015 September 1999 Forwards LER 99-006-01,re Identification of Failure to Enter LCO for TS While Taking Containment Atmosphere Samples During Power Operation.Commitments Made by Util Are Encl ML20212C9211999-09-15015 September 1999 Forwards NRC Form 536, Operating Licensing Examination Data, in Response to NRC Administrative Ltr 99-03 ML20217D5791999-09-15015 September 1999 Provides Formal Documentation of Reviews & Discussions Re Technical Ltr Rept for Proprietary Info.Review of Ltr Was Discussed in Telcon & Via e-mail Messages. Summary of Telcons as Documented on 990708,included ML20212A4701999-09-10010 September 1999 Rssponds to NRC 990709 RAI Re Util Relief Request to Allow Use of 1998 Edition of ASME Section Xi,Subsection Iwe. Acceptance Criteria for Liner Plate Pressure Boundary Thickness Will Be Limited to 10% Nominal Thinning 05000482/LER-1999-009, Forwards LER 99-009-00 Re Util Identification of Fire Suppression Issue Affecting Safe Shutdown Components. Attachment I Identifies Actions Committed to by Licensee in Encl LER1999-09-10010 September 1999 Forwards LER 99-009-00 Re Util Identification of Fire Suppression Issue Affecting Safe Shutdown Components. Attachment I Identifies Actions Committed to by Licensee in Encl LER 05000482/LER-1999-008, Forwards LER 99-008-00,re Efsa at Plant.Attachment I Identifies Actions Committed to by Licensee in LER1999-09-0303 September 1999 Forwards LER 99-008-00,re Efsa at Plant.Attachment I Identifies Actions Committed to by Licensee in LER ML20211M7151999-09-0303 September 1999 Forwards Changes to Wolf Creek Generating Station Data Point Library.Emergency Response Data Sys Points Affected Are EJL0007 & EJL0008 ML20211K8301999-09-0202 September 1999 Forwards marked-up TS Page Deleting Inequality Signs from Trip Setpoints in SR & Reflecting Info on Calibr Tolerance Band,Per 990708 Application to Amend License NPF-42 ML20211K1941999-08-31031 August 1999 Forwards Rev 31 to WCGS Physical Security Plan,Safeguards Contingency Plan & Training & Qualification Plan,Iaw 10CFR50.54(p).Encl Withheld,Per 10CFR73.21 ML20210U9751999-08-13013 August 1999 Informs That Licensee Identified That Answer Key for One Question on 990720 Written Exam & Event Classification for on Job Performance Measure Required Mod.Description & Justification for Proposed Mod,Including Technical Ref,Encl ML20210R5621999-08-12012 August 1999 Forwards Monthly Operating Rept for July 1999 for Wolf Creek Generating Station,Per TS & GL 97-02.Revised Repts for Apr,May & June 1999,correcting Number of Hours Reactor Critical,Encl ML20210R7241999-08-12012 August 1999 Forwards semi-annual Fitness for Duty Program Performance Data Rept for Callaway Nuclear Plant for 990101-990630,IAW 10CFR26.71(d) ULNRC-04085, Forwards Rev 4 to Callaway Plant Cycle 10 COLR, Per TS Has Been Revised to Update Rod Bank Insertion (Ril) Limits,As Function of Rated Thermal Power1999-08-11011 August 1999 Forwards Rev 4 to Callaway Plant Cycle 10 COLR, Per TS Has Been Revised to Update Rod Bank Insertion (Ril) Limits,As Function of Rated Thermal Power ML20210N0061999-08-0303 August 1999 Forwards Response to NRC 990401 RAI Re GL 95-07, Pressure Locking & Thermal Binding of SR Motor-Operated Gate Valves ULNRC-04079, Forwards 180-day Response to NRC GL 99-02, Lab Testing of Nuclear-Grade Activated Charcoal1999-08-0202 August 1999 Forwards 180-day Response to NRC GL 99-02, Lab Testing of Nuclear-Grade Activated Charcoal ML20210H2551999-07-29029 July 1999 Provides 180-day Response to NRC Request for Info Re GL 99-02, Lab Testing of Nuclear-Grade Activated Charcoal ML20210J1371999-07-29029 July 1999 Requests NRC Approval of Methodology for Determining RCS Pressure & Temp & Overpressure Mitigation Sys PORV Limits. Attachment I Provides Proposed Changes to Improved TS A93443, Forwards Addl Info as Committed to in Telcon Between Amerenue & NRC Personnel on 990616,re GL 95-07, Pressure Locking & Thermal Binding of MOV Gate Valves1999-07-28028 July 1999 Forwards Addl Info as Committed to in Telcon Between Amerenue & NRC Personnel on 990616,re GL 95-07, Pressure Locking & Thermal Binding of MOV Gate Valves ULNRC-04075, Forwards Response to NRC 990618 RAI Re GL 96-05, Periodic Verification of Design-Basis Capability of SR Motor-Operated Valves1999-07-28028 July 1999 Forwards Response to NRC 990618 RAI Re GL 96-05, Periodic Verification of Design-Basis Capability of SR Motor-Operated Valves ULNRC-04076, Informs of Implementation of Amend 131 to License NPF-30, Revising OL to Reflect Requirement in TS 3/ for Four Operable ASD Lines & Associated Revs,Rather than Three Operable ASDs1999-07-28028 July 1999 Informs of Implementation of Amend 131 to License NPF-30, Revising OL to Reflect Requirement in TS 3/ for Four Operable ASD Lines & Associated Revs,Rather than Three Operable ASDs ULNRC-04070, Forwards Rev 3 to Callaway Plant Cycle 10 COLR, IAW TS Has Been Revised to Update RAOC Axial Flux Difference (Afd) Limits,As Function of Rated Thermal Power1999-07-27027 July 1999 Forwards Rev 3 to Callaway Plant Cycle 10 COLR, IAW TS Has Been Revised to Update RAOC Axial Flux Difference (Afd) Limits,As Function of Rated Thermal Power 05000483/LER-1998-008, Forwards Amended Response to GL 81-07, Control of Heavy Loads, to Address Corrective Action Described in LER 98-008-00.Discrepancy Between Earlier Submittals of Snupps Rept on Control of Heavy Loads & TS Re RHR Sys,Resolved1999-07-27027 July 1999 Forwards Amended Response to GL 81-07, Control of Heavy Loads, to Address Corrective Action Described in LER 98-008-00.Discrepancy Between Earlier Submittals of Snupps Rept on Control of Heavy Loads & TS Re RHR Sys,Resolved ULNRC-04071, Informs That Util Anticipates Approx Ten Licensing Actions That Could Occur During Fys 2000 & 2001,in Response to Administrative Ltr 99-021999-07-27027 July 1999 Informs That Util Anticipates Approx Ten Licensing Actions That Could Occur During Fys 2000 & 2001,in Response to Administrative Ltr 99-02 ML20210F5931999-07-27027 July 1999 Forwards semi-annual Fitness for Duty Performance Data Rept for Wcnoc,Per 10CFR26.71(d).Rept Covers Period of 990101- 0630 ML20210F5881999-07-23023 July 1999 Submits Response to Administrative Ltr 99-02, Operator Reactor Licensing Action Estimates, ML20212A3291999-07-15015 July 1999 Forwards Scenario Manual Containing Description of Callaway Plant 1999 Biennial Emergency Response Plan Exercise to Be Conducted 990914.Correspondence to Satisfy 60-day Submittal Requirement ML20209G9871999-07-14014 July 1999 Informs of Changes Affecting Wolf Creek Security Plan,Per 10CFR50.54(p)(2).Encl Provides Description of Changes & Justification for Changes ML20209H0441999-07-14014 July 1999 Forwards Response to NRC 990326 RAI Re GL 96-05, Periodic Verification of Design-Basis Capability of Safety-Related Movs. Summary of Util Commitments Provided in Attachment 2 ML20209H0751999-07-14014 July 1999 Forwards Monthly Operating Rept for June 1999 for Wolf Creek Generating Station,Per TS & GL 97-02.Max Dependable Capacity Has Been Updated from 1163 to 1170,as Determined by Calculations Based on Capacity Test Results of July 1998 ML20209F3471999-07-0909 July 1999 Forwards Response to NRC 990624 RAI to Complete NRC Review of Relief Request to Allow Use of 1998 Edition of ASME Section Xi,Subsection IWE ML20209E0611999-07-0808 July 1999 Forwards Addl Pages to Rev 12 of USAR & Commitment Changes, Inadvertently Omitted from 990311 Submittal ML20209H2471999-07-0707 July 1999 Forwards Rev 29 to Physical Security Plan,Per 10CFR50.54(p). Rev Withheld,Per 10CFR73.21 ML20209C6031999-07-0606 July 1999 Provides Applicants View as Result of 990618 Memo & Order Directing Parties to Address Proper Disposition of Existing Antitrust License Condition Attached to OL for Facility Due to Planned Changes in Ownership of Facility.With Svc List ML20196K8231999-07-0606 July 1999 Submits Kansas Electric Power Cooperative,Inc Ltr Pursuant to Commission Direction in Memo & Order CLI-99-19.Addresses Disposition of Existing Antitrust Conditions Attached to License for Wolf Creek Unit 1 Re Proposed License Transfer ML20209B7131999-07-0101 July 1999 Submits Response to NRC Request for Info Re GL 98-01, Suppl 1, Y2K Readiness of Computer Sys at Npps. Response on Status of Facility Y2K Readiness Was Requested by 990701.Disclosure Encl ML20209B5151999-06-29029 June 1999 Informs That Util Completed Analyses & Modifications to Address Items Discussed in GL 96-06, Assurance of Equipment Operability & Containment Integrity During Design-Basis Accident Conditions ML20209B6851999-06-28028 June 1999 Responds to GL 98-01,Suppl 1, Y2K Readiness of Computer Systems at Nuclear Power Plants. Disclosure Rept Encl ML20209C0171999-06-28028 June 1999 Forwards Special Rept 99-01 Re Fifteenth Year Inservice Containment Bldg Tendon Surveillance Failure.Observed Voids in Sheathing Filler Grease Do Not Indicate Degradation of post-tensioning Sys,Based on Encl Evaluation ML20196G9681999-06-22022 June 1999 Informs NRC That BC Ryan Will Be Leaving Ks State Univ for Position with Wolf Creek Nuclear Operating Corp,Effective 990701 ML20196G5621999-06-21021 June 1999 Informs NRC of Implementation of Amend 132 to Callaway License NPF-30 to Allows Installation of Electrosleeves for Steam Generator Tube Repair for Two Cycles Following Installation of First Electrosleeve ML20212J2441999-06-18018 June 1999 Submits Request for Alternate Exam Requirements for Plant Re ISI Program Plan.Plant Does Not Torque Bolted Connections to Stress Values Greater than 100 Ksi 05000482/LER-1999-007, Forwards LER 99-007-00,re Condition in Which Wolf Creek Generating Station TS 3.3.2 Was Not Met.Commitments Made by Util Also Encl1999-06-18018 June 1999 Forwards LER 99-007-00,re Condition in Which Wolf Creek Generating Station TS 3.3.2 Was Not Met.Commitments Made by Util Also Encl ML20196A0251999-06-17017 June 1999 Requests That Written Exams for Reactor Operator & SRO for Plant Be Administered Beginning Wk of 990719 & Followed by Operating Exam During Wk of 990726 to Personnel Listed in Attachment.Proprietary Info Encl.Proprietary Info Withheld ML20195K0641999-06-15015 June 1999 Forwards MOR for May 1999 for Wolf Creek Generating Station & Corrected Page 2 of 2 of Apr 1999 Mor,Adding That Unit Entered Intomode 5 for Restart During Month of Apr & Correcting Shutdown Duration Hours from 672 to 671 1999-09-03 Category:UTILITY TO NRC MONTHYEARML20064A6951990-09-18018 September 1990
[Table view]Requests one-time Waiver to Alter Licensed Operator Requalification Training Program Cycle to Be Better Aligned W/Natl Exam Schedule ML20059G2971990-09-0404 September 1990 Notifies of Implementation of Procedure on 900831 to Correct wide-range Gas Monitor Display for Noble Gas Spectrum ML20059G4991990-08-30030 August 1990 Forwards Semiannual Radioactive Effluent Release Rept for Jan-Jun 1990 & Rev 0 to APA-ZZ-01003, Odcm ML20059E6151990-08-29029 August 1990 Forwards Semiannual fitness-for-duty Program Performance Data Rept for Jan-June 1990,per 10CFR26.71(d) ML20059E9611990-08-28028 August 1990 Reaffirms Commitment to Safe & Responsible Operation of Facility in Face of Tender Offer for Util Stock.Accepts W/O Qualification,Responsibility for Continued Safe & Reliable Operation of Plant ML20059D5281990-08-27027 August 1990 Provides Correct Ltr Number for Jul 1990 Monthly Operating Rept.Correct Ltr Number Should Be No 90-0226 ML20059C3371990-08-23023 August 1990 Advises That Util Plans to Remove Some Thimble Plugging Devices from Plant During Upcoming Refueling Outage.No License Amend Required.Revs to Tech Spec Bases 3/4.2.2 & 3/4.2.3 That Reflect All Removal of Thimble Plugs Encl ML20059B3691990-08-21021 August 1990 Forwards Proprietary TR-90-0024 W01, Wolf Creek Nuclear Operating Corp Rod Exchange Methodology for Startup Physics Testing, Per Discussion at 890518 Meeting.Rept Withheld (Ref 10CFR2.790) ML20059C1781990-08-21021 August 1990 Forwards Proprietary TR-90-0025 W01, Core Thermal-Hydraulic Analysis Methodology for Wolf Creek Generating Station, for Review & Approval by 920101.Rept Withheld (Ref 10CFR2.790) ML20058P1001990-08-10010 August 1990 Forwards Wolf Creek Generating Station Inservice Insp Rept, for Fourth Refueling Outage,Period 2,Interval 1. Nonconforming Conditions Requiring Repair/Replacement of Supports Identified During Routine Maint Activities ML20058N1421990-08-0909 August 1990 Responds to Insp Rept 50-482/90-08 Re Effectiveness of Techniques Used to Detect Erosion/Corrosion Degradation. Existing erosion-corrosion Program Effective in Identifying Wall as Nonrelevant Volumetric Anomalies ML20058N2051990-08-0707 August 1990 Advises of Implementation of Amend 55,rev to Tech Spec 3/ Re Auxiliary Feedwater Sys,Effective 900807 ML20058L2011990-08-0101 August 1990 Forwards Inadvertently Omitted Index of Proposed Tech Spec from Re RCS ML20081E1971990-07-27027 July 1990 Forwards Rev 6 to Indexing Instruction T210.0002/Q101, Qualification/Certification Documentation & Rev 6 to T210.002/R353, Required Reading/Personnel Form 2 ML20055J0641990-07-26026 July 1990 Responds to NRC Re Violations Noted in Insp Rept 50-482/90-24.Corrective Action:All Dose Personnel Receiving Retraining within Normal 7-wk Training Cycle Which Began on 900723 & Emergency Procedure EPP 01-7.3 Will Be Revised ML20055H2091990-07-23023 July 1990 Informs That Util Has Commenced Cash Tender Offer to Purchase Outstanding Shares of Each Class of Common & Preferred Stock of Kansas Gas & Electric Co.Util Convinced That Proposed Merger Will Have No Effect on Plant Operation ML20055G8331990-07-18018 July 1990 Responds to NRC Bulletin 90-001, Loss of Fill-Oil in Transmitters Mfg by Rosemount ML20055F6671990-07-13013 July 1990 Forwards Monthly Operating Rept for June 1990 for Wolf Creek Generating Station & Corrected Pages 1,4 & 5 to May 1990 Rept ML20044B1821990-07-0909 July 1990 Forwards Westinghouse Revised Proprietary RCS Flow Measurement Uncertainty Calculation Supplementing Setpoint Studies Submitted in Attachment to Util 900412 Ltr.Encl Withheld ML20055E7861990-07-0505 July 1990 Forwards Callaway Plant 1990 Annual Exercise Scenario on 900530 ML20055E5261990-07-0505 July 1990 Forwards Revised marked-up Tech Spec Pages for 900306 Application for Amend to License to Place cycle-specific Core Operating Parameters in Core Operating Limits Rept ML20055D9941990-07-0505 July 1990 Forwards Addl Info Re Seismic Design Considerations for Certain safety-related Vertical Steel Tanks,Per 890525 Request ML20055D5011990-07-0202 July 1990 Forwards Change in Status of Licensed Operators Since Transmitted,Per 10CFR50.74 ML20055D2111990-06-29029 June 1990 Responds to Request for Addl Info Re Violations Noted in Insp Rept 50-482/90-05.Corrective Actions:Change Made to Adm 02-005, Reactor Operators Qualifications & Responsibilities ML20055D0481990-06-29029 June 1990 Responds to NRC Re Violations Noted in Insp Rept 50-482/90-17.Corrective Actions:Procedure Adm 03-600 Revised on 900430,to Ensure That Respirator User Issued Model & Size for Which Fit Tested & Trained ML20058K4011990-06-28028 June 1990 Forwards Emergency Preparedness 1990 Field Exercise Scenario for Exercise Scheduled for 900829 ML20044A6601990-06-25025 June 1990 Forwards Requested Info Re Seismic Design of safety-related above-ground Vertical Liquid Storage Tanks,Per 900404 Ltr. All Stresses on Tank Roof Angle,Connecting Cylinder to Roof,Remain within Code Allowables Under Postulated Loads ML20043H8371990-06-21021 June 1990 Forwards Response to Generic Ltr 90-04 Re Status of Implementation of Generic Safety Issues at Facility ML20043H2851990-06-18018 June 1990 Forwards Revised LERs 85-058-01 & 90-002-00,adding Rept Dates Inadvertently Omitted from Original Submittals ML20043G7691990-06-13013 June 1990 Responds to NRC 900514 Ltr Re Violations Noted in Insp Rept 50-482/90-16.Corrective Actions:Movement of Spent Pool Bridge Toward Location FF06 Halted & Bridge Crane Returned to Location DD02 ML20043H2721990-06-12012 June 1990 Forwards 10CFR50.59 Annual Rept Summaries of Written Safety Evaluations of Changes Approved & Implemented for Plant from 890330 to Present ML20043F4051990-06-11011 June 1990 Forwards Monthly Operating Rept for May 1990 & Corrected Page 2 for Apr 1990 ML20043E7491990-06-0808 June 1990 Forwards Rev to Figure 3.4-2 to 880620 Application for Amend Revising Tech Specs 3/ & 3/ Corrects Editorial Error ML20043E8211990-06-0808 June 1990 Informs of Plant Radiological Emergency Preparedness Exercise for 1990 Scheduled for 900829.Schedule Discussed W/Personnel from Region IV Emergency Preparedness,Fema,State of Ks & Coffey County ML20043E2161990-06-0505 June 1990 Forwards Endorsements 42-48 for Nelia Policy NF-264 & Endorsements 28-34 for Maelu Policy MF-111 ML20043E8721990-06-0505 June 1990 Notifies NRC of Changes in Status of Operator Licenses ML20043G9331990-06-0404 June 1990 Forwards Rev 13 to Operating QA Manual. ML20043D7101990-05-31031 May 1990 Forwards NPDES Renewal Application Submitted to State of Mo Dept of Natural Resources on 900518 ML20043D3271990-05-31031 May 1990 Forwards Rev 17 to Physical Security Plan,Safeguards Contingency Plan & Security Training & Qualification Plan. Rev Withheld (Ref 10CFR73.21) ML20058K1911990-05-30030 May 1990 Forwards Radiological Emergency Preparedness Exercise Objectives for 1990 ML20043B4791990-05-24024 May 1990 Documents Administrative Error in Rev to Radiological Emergency Response Plan Submitted on 900116 ML20043B5841990-05-22022 May 1990 Responds to NRC 900423 Ltr Re Violations Noted in Insp Rept 50-483/90-04.Corrective Actions:Security Post Instructions Modified to Require Check of Security Container in QA Area ML20043B4361990-05-22022 May 1990 Responds to Request for Addl Info Re Proposed Revs to Tech Specs 3/ & 3/ Re Pressure/Temp Limits for RCS & Overpressure Protection Sys ML20042F2831990-04-30030 April 1990 Forwards Rev 11 to Inservice Testing Program. ML20042F1161990-04-30030 April 1990 Provides Clarification to SALP 9 Rept 50-483/90-01 for Sept 1988 - Jan 1990.Licensee Voluntarily Retested Few Remaining Const Workers Originally Approved for Unescorted Access Using mini-IPAT ML20042E8691990-04-30030 April 1990 Forwards Documentation of Util Ability to Make Payment of Deferred Premiums ML20042F2901990-04-27027 April 1990 Forwards Util 900402 Ltr Documenting Agreement Between State of Mo Historic Preservation Officer & Util Re Cultural Resources ML20042E3021990-04-13013 April 1990 Forwards Supplemental Response to NRC 900316 Ltr Re Violations Noted in Insp Rept 50-482/90-05.Corrective Actions:Air Check Valves to Main Steam & Feedwater Isolation Valves Added to Preventive Maint Program ML20042D8491990-04-0202 April 1990 Forwards Listing of Present Level of Nuclear Property Insurance Coverage & Sources of Insurance,Per 10CFR50.54(w) ML20012F1601990-03-29029 March 1990 Submits Supplemental Info Re Util Response to Station Blackout.Callaway Will Comply W/Numarc Station Blackout Initiative 5A Re Emergency Diesel Generator 1990-09-04 |
- Standardered Nuclear Unit i Power Plant System 3 5 Choke Cherry Road i Rockviles, Maryland 20050
! (J01) 80M10 September 18, 1981 i SLNRC 81-108 FILE: 0541 j SUBJ: .SER Open Issues 73.\. gop' 9,,
k 9 SL I Mr. Harold R. Denton, Director Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation J Sg / A C
(/ n U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission k u,,%Jg /Sg ;
Washington, D. C. 20555
'\x " 574 4 , 7 p f Docket Nos. STN 50-482, STN 50-483 and STN 50-486 9,/r .D s
SLNRC 81-82, dated September 1,1981: ICSB Review
& liks\ ' \
Dear Mr. Denton:
i In discussions with Dr. Gordon Edison, NRC project manager for the SNUPPS applications, potentially open issues in the NRC's
- Safety Evaluation Report (SER) have been identified. The purpo
- ,e i of this letter is to provide information that should close two of l the issues.
During the course of the ICSB review, instrumentation provided on ihe auxiliary shutdown panel was discussed. Enclosure A to the referenced letter provided a description of reactor coolant i temperature indicators on the panel. A design change will be made
! such that both T-hot and T-cold will be indicated on the auxiliary
- shutdown panel. Plans are to have two T-hot instrument loops
- powered from separate protection sets and two T-cold loops sim-i ilarly powered from separate protection sets. Isolation, routing, i
and indicator quality will be the same as that described in the j reference. Appropriate FSAR changes will be made at a later date l when the engineering of this design change is more complete. The j above information should resolve this issue and the NRC can confirm j the adequacy of the design when the FSAR changes are made.
i The Structural Engineering Branch (SEB) has-indicated that they will not accept-the SNUPPS design to meet Regulatory Guide 1.12, Revision
- 1. More specifically the design did not include a discrete device -
to meet the Guide's position c.l.b. In order to satisfy the NRC's- $O/J O
t 8109290719 910918
O SLNRC 81- 108 Page Two concern, a design change will be made to add a response spectrum recorder at the containment foundation. Appropriate FSAR changes will be made at a later date when more inforr.ation on the new equipment is available. This commitment to add a response spectrum recorder should be sufficient to resolve the SER item.
Very truly yours, e-hvc Nicholas A. Petrick RLS/mtk cc: J. K. Bryan UE D. F. Schnell UE G. L. Koester KGE D. T. McPhee KCPL W. A. Hansen NRC/ CAL T. E. Vandel NRC/WC