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Forwards D Hossler Ltr to President Re Intervenor Funding for Reply
Person / Time
Site: Three Mile Island Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 01/22/1980
From: Rothkopf C
Shared Package
ML19326E155 List:
NUDOCS 8007280140
Download: ML19326E159 (2)


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Mr. Don Hessler 301 Vine Middletown, Pennsylvania 17057 -


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The attached letter (s) addressed to the President is referred to your


.- office for suitable acknowledgment  !


. or other appropriate handling at the earliest opportunity. Should


you receive mail that has been  ;

... j misdirected, please forward to the l appropriate agency. I would also appreciate knowing when you are-


forwarding such mail. My phone i


number is 456-2717.

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Thank you, t

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. y Martha seal Director

. b Correspondence Agency Liaison i


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    1. July 8, 1980

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~ Docket No. 50-289 Mr. Don tiossler 501 Vine Middletown, Pennsylvania 170ii7 ,

Dear Mr. Hossier:

I am writing to ackncwledge that your card to President Carter was forwarded to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) for response. ,

In your correspcndence, you advocated intervenor funding for the activities relating to the restart hearings for Three Mile Island nuclear Station, Unit No. 1.

A request for intervenor funding in this case was recently raised by the Censumer Advocate of Pennsylvania. The Commission issued a menorandum and Crder en Pay 16, 1980 in which the request for finan-cial assistance from the Comission for the purpose of retaining experts who will submit studies and/or testify before the Atomic '

Safety and Licensing Board was denied. The Comission denied the Consumer Advocates request in light of the advice received from the Comptroller General and the legislative history associated with the

  • fiscal year 1980 appropriations legislation.

The Consumer Advocate of Pennsylvania filed a " Petition for Recon-sideration" dated Pay 30, 1980, in which it requested the Comission to reconsider its decision to deny funding to intervenors ir. the TMI-l restart proceeding. On June 16, 1980, the NRC staff filed a response to the petition in which the staff opposed the request ,

upon the ground that the Comission properly exercised its discre-  !

tion on the issue of whether to fund intervenors and set forth an w i:

adequate basis for its conclusion not to fund them. The Comission has not issued a final rulir'g regarding the Pay 30, 1980 petition. .

The docur.ents referenced above, as ,:cIl as a copy of an October 16, 1979 decision by the Licensing Board on this subject, should be available for your review at the local public docurent rooms, located ,

in Harrisburg at the State Library of Pennsylvania, or in York at the York College of Pennsylvania, i

-l I hope this information has been of assistance. g Sincerely, n


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Robert W. Reid, Chief ,;

Operating Reactors Branch #4  :

Division of Licensing i

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.,,,. - July 8, 1980 .

I Docket No. 50-289 l Mr. Ocn Hossler ,

501 Vine P.iddletown, Pennsylvania 17057 Cear Mr. Hossier:

I am writing to acknowledge that your card to President Carter was fonvarded to the Nuclear Regalatory Comission (NRC) for response.

In your correspcndence, you advocated intervenor funding for the activities relating to the restart hearings for Three Mile Island Nuclear Station, Unit No. 1.

A request for intervenor funding in this case was recently raised by the Consumer Advocate of Pennsylvania. The Comission issued a

.mer,orandum and Order on Pay 16, 1930 in which the request for finan-cial assistance from the Comission for the purpose of retaining experts who will submit studies and/or testify before the Atomic '

Safety and Licensing Board was denied. 'he Comission denied the Consurer Advocates request in light of the advice received from the Comptroller General and the legislative history associated with the fiscal year 1980 appropriations legislation.

The Consumer Advocate of Pennsylvania filed a " Petition for Recon-s1deration" dated Fay 30, 1980, in which it requested the Comission to reconsider its decision to deny funding to intervenors in the TMI-l restart proceeding. On June 16, 1980, the NRC staff filed a response to the petition in which the staff opposed the request upon the ground that the Comission properly exercised its discre-tion on the issue of whether to fund intervenors and set forth an . :.: i ad:quate basis for its conclusion not to fund + hem. The Comission -

has not issued a final ruling regarding the Pay 30, 1980 petition.

The documents referenced above, as well as a copy of an October 16, 1979 decision by the Licensing Board on this subject, should be available for your review at the local public document rooms, located .

in Harrisburg at the State Library of Pennsylvania, or in York at the York College of Pennsylvania.

I hope this information has been of assistance.

. __ ,. Sincerely,

~ __ ,

. - ,- .i


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Robert W. Reid, Chief ,i Operating Reactors Branch #4 Division of Licensing .l, t