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Monthly Operating Repts for Mar 1980
Person / Time
Site: Saint Lucie, Turkey Point  NextEra Energy icon.png
Issue date: 04/05/1980
From: Chilson V
Shared Package
ML17208A448 List:
NUDOCS 8004180374
Download: ML17208A449 (9)


AVERAGE DAILY UNIT POWER LEVEL DOCKET NO.Turkey Point COMPLETED 8Y V.T.C'liason TELEPHONE MONTH MAR H 1 80 DAY AVERAGE DAILY POWER LEVEL IM We.Net)I 668 670 56'8 DAY AVERAGE DAILY POWER LEVEL (MWe.Net)17 18 19 5 2 672 669 668 20 21 23 656 10 12 13 14 15 16 INSTRUCTIONS 6 7 664 665 662 661 6 2 672'15, 26'>7 28'>9 30 31 NOTE: 657 662 666 666 664 Average daily power level greater than 666>%le due to cooler condenser cooling water.On this format.!ist the average daily onit pi>wer level in MWe Net for each day in the reporting mi>nth.Ci>mpute to rhe nearest whole megawatt.(o/771 OPERATiiVG DATA REPORT OPERATING STATUS 760 700 I.Unit Name: Turke Point Unit No.3'2.Reporting Period: 3.Licensed Thermal Power (MWt): 2200 4.Nameplate Rating (Gross MWe): 5.Design Eiectrical Rating (Net MWe): 6.Maximum Dependable Capacity (Gross MWe): 7.Maximum Dependable Capacity (iVet MWe): DOCKET NO.DATE COMPLETED BY V.T.Chilson TELEPHONE~~3824 Notes-Unit No.3 operated at approximately 100X R.P., except for outage of March 3-4, 1980.8.If Changes Occur in Capacity Ratings (Items Number 3 Through 7)Since Last Report, Give Reasons: 9.Power Level To Which Restricted.

If Any (Net MWc): 10.Reasons For Restrictions, If Any: NONE This Month Yr:to-Date Cumulative 1 379.6-0-738.2 1 612 394 513 485 488 351 57.2 I I.Hours In Reporting Period 744.0 2 184.0 12.Number Of Hours Reactor Was Critical 742.9 13.Reactor Reserve Shutdown Hours 14.Hours Generator On.Line 1 250.3 15.Unit Reserve Shutdown Hours-0-16.Gross Thermal Energy Generated (MWH)2 645 998 17.Gross Electrical Energy Generated (MWH)848 545 Ig.Net Electrical Energy Generated (MWH)800 363 19.Unit Service Factor 99.2.5 7~o 20.Unit Availability Factor 99.2 22.Unit Capacity Factor (Using DER Net)52.9 23.Unit Forced Outage Rate 0.8 2.5 24.Shutdowns Scheduled Over iVext 6 Months I Type.Date.and Duration of Each): Steam Generator Tube Insnection Pro ram-Sent.15-Oct.13 64 185.6 48 649.1 213-3 46 940.5 121.8 94 114 632 29 929 545 28 322 457 73.1 73.3 66.8'63.7 2.6 1980 25.If Shut Down At End Of Report Period, Estimated Date of Startup: 26.Units In Test Status (Prior to Commercial Operation):


UNIT SIIUTDO1VNS AND POlVER REDUCTIONS DOCKET NO.50 250 it No.3 REPORT hIONTII 0 Nii.rg IA j 0 L g Q~CA Llccltscc Event Report~Cause Sc Corrective Action lo Prevent Rccurrcnce 80-03-03 1?5.8'N/A CB HOTORX Unit was removed from service due to low oil level$.n reactor coolant pump motor No.3C.'orrective actions included adding oil.(Nuclear system)I F: Forced S: Scheduled I'>/77)Reason: A.Equipment Failure (Explain)B hlaintenance or Test~C-Refueling D Regulatory Restriction E.Operator Training k.Liccnsc Exantination F.Administrative G Operational Error (Explain)II Other (Exl)lain) 3 hI ethod: I-hIanual 2-hlanual Scram.3-Automat ic Sera tn.4.Other (Explaut)4 Exhibit G~Instruct ions I'or Preparation of Data Entry Sltects I'or I.iccnsee Event Report (LER)File (NUREG-016I)Exhtbtt I-Sante Source AVERAGE DAILY UNIT POWER LEVEL DOCKET NO UNIT 50-251 Turkey Point COMPLETED QY V.T.Chilson MONTH DAY AVERAGE DAILY POWER LEVEL (MWe.Net)I 664 DAY AVERAGE DAILY POWER LEVEL (MWe-iVet)660 17 Ip l2 l3 l4 l5 l6 INSTRUCTIONS 669 652 650-62 IS l9 10 21 23 24'>5 26 27 28 99 30 31 NOTE: 542 648 55 660 657 651 651 651 Average daily power level greater, than 666 NWe due to cooler condenser cooling.water.On this format.list the average daily unit p>>wer level in MWe Net for each day in the rept>rtinlt tn>>nth.Ci>n>pute to the nearest whole megawatt.(9/77 l OPERATING DATA REPORT DOCKET NO.50-251 DATE~~~1980 COMPLETED BY~~hilson TELEPHONE~~3824 OPERATING STATUS I.Unit Name: P int Unit No.4 2.Reporting Period: March 1980 3.Licensed Thermal Power (MWt): 2200 4.Nameplate Rating (Gross MWe}: 760 S.Design Electrical Rating (Net MWe): 7.Maximum Dependable Capacity (Net MWe): Notes-Unit No.4 operated at approximately 100%R.P., ex'cept.for outage of'arch 4-5, and load reduc-tion of March 18-19, 1980.8.If Changes Occur in Capacity Ratings (Items Number 3 Through 7)Since Last Report, Give Reasons: 9.Power Level To Which Restricted.

If Any (Net MWe): 10.Reasons For Restrictions, If Any: This Month Yr.-to.Date Cumulative 2 184.0 9.8 4 686 503 170.4 6.5 11.Hours In Reporting Period 744.0 12.Number Of Hours Reactor Was Critical 13.Reactor Reserve Shutdown Hours 12.3 14.Hours Generator On.Line 15.Unit Reserve Shutdown Hours 17.Gross Electrical Energy Generated (MWH)1 364 755 1 294 788 19.Unit Service Factor 91.4 20.Unit Availability Factor 92.0 89.0 22.Unit Capacity Factor (Using DER Net)92.8 85.5 23.Unit Forced Outage Rate 24.Shutdowns Scheduled Over Next 6 Months (Type, Date.and Duration of Each}: Scheduled maintenance and inspections

-April 26-June 17, 1980 57 913.0.9 166.5 41 178.4 31.2 85 529 730 27 268 233 25 824 784 71.1 71.2 67.4"'64.3'.0 25.If Shut Down At End Of Report Period, Estimated Date of Startup: 26.Units In Test Status (Prior to Commercial Operation):


UNIT SIIUTDOWNS AND POIVER REDUCTIONS REPORT h{ONTII MARCII 1980 DOCKET NO.50-251*No.Dale~A C$C$~A 0 c~CA Ln:ellscc Event Report~Cause Ec Correclive Action 1 o Prevent Recurrence 80-03-04 4.2-B N/A CB>iOTOMC Unit was removed from service due to high oil level in reactor coolant pump motor No.4B..Corrective-actions included draining oil to norma]: level.(Nuclear System)10 80-03-18-0-N/A llc HTEXCII (D)Load reduction to repair condenser tube leak.(Non-nuclear system)F: Forced S.Scheduled{I)/77)l{eason: A-Equipmenl Failure (Explain)B-Maintenance oi Test-C-Refueling D-Regulatocy Reslciction E-Opeca toe Tcaining 8c License Examinaliun F-Administrative G-Operational Error (Explain)I I-Otlccr (Explaicc) 3 hiethod: I-Manual 2-Manual Scram.3-Automatic Secant.4-Other (Explain)4 Exhibit G-Instructions for Preparation ol Data Entry Sheets I'or Licensee Event Report (LER)File{NUREG-OI6I)Exhibit I-Same Source AVERAGE DAILY UNIT POWER LEVEL DOCKET NO.St.Lucie COMPLETED BY TELEPHONE MONTH MARCH 19 8 0 DAY AVERAGE DAILY POWER LEVEL{MWe Net)77 780 777-777 77 DAY AVERAGE DAILY POWER LEVEL tMWe-Net)17 18 19 20 21 22 23 25 10 6 0 77 26 77 13 14 IS 16 INSTRUCTIONS 776 578 30 31 NOTE: Average daily power level greater than 777 MNe due to cooler condenser cooling water.Qn this format.!ist the average daily unit power level in vIWe Nct for each day in the rePorting tnonth.Cotnputc to the nearest whole megawatt.{o/77 1 OPERATING DATA REPORT OPERATING STATUS St.Lucie Unit No.1 8 0 802 777 1.Unit Name: 2.Reporting Period: 3.Licensed Thermal Power (MWt): 4.Nameplate Rating (Gross MWe): 5.Design Electrical Rating (Net MWe): 6.Maximum Dependable Capacity (Gross MWe): 7.Maximum Dependable Capacity (Net MWe): DOCKET NO.DATE~il 5 1980 COMPLETED BY~watson TELEPHONE Q~~-3824 Notes Unit operated at approx~ately 100%R.P.until March 15, 1980;when the unit was removed from service for scheduled refue'1 ing, maintenance, and inspec tions.8.If Changes Occur in Capacity Ratings (Items Number 3 Through 7)Since Last Report, Give Reasons: 9.Power Level To Which Restricted.

If Any (Net MWe): 10.Reasons For Restrictions, If Any: This Month Yr:to.Date 744.0 2 184.0 1 780.6 892 672 4 487 283~f10..~269 058 1 368 836 81.5 81.5 0.9 11.Hours In Reporting Period 12.Number Of Hours Reactor Was Critical 356.7 1 783.1 13.Reactor Reserve Shutdown Hours-0-14.Hours Generator On-Line 356.7 15.Unit Reserve Shutdown Hours 16.Gross Thermal Energy Generated (MWH)17.Gross Electrical Energy Generated (MWH).18.Net Electrical Energy Generated (MWH)19.Unit Service Factor 47.9 20.Unit Availability Factor 47.9 22.Unit Capacity Factor (Using DER Net)45.1 78.1 23.Unit Forced Outage Rate-0-24.Shutdowns Scheduled Over Next 6 Months (Type, Date.and Duration of Each): Cumulative 28 728.0 23 292.9 12.5 22 610.6 54 746 849 16 696 732 78.7 78.8'72.5 25.If Shut Down At End Of Report Period, Estimated Dare of Startup: 26.Units In Test Status (Prior to Commercial Operation):


VNITSIIUTDOWNS AND POWER REDUCTIONS DOCKET NO.50-335 UNIT NAh(E DATE REPORT hlONTII 0 iN<).Date-L~K O fV L c gee:~C/l L I cell sec Event Report>O C 0 Cause h.C<>rreclivc Action to I'reve>>l Recurrence 80-03-15 387.3'N/A RC FUELXX Unit was removed from service for scheduled refueling, maintenance, and inspections.(Nuclear and non-nuclear systetns)F: Forced S: Scheduled (')/77)Reason: A.E<luipment Failure (Explain)II hlaintenance or Test C-Refueling D.Regulatory Restriction E-Operator Twining k.Liccnsc Examination F.Administrative G Ol)cwlioiial Lfror (Explain)I I.Ollicr (Exlilatt<)

Method: I-hlanual 2-hlanual Scrain.3-Autonialic Scrain.4-Other (Explain)Exliibit G-Instructions for Plepafati<ln of Data Lntry Sheets I'or Licensee Event Report (LER)File (NUREG.OI 6 I)Exliibit I~Saine Source