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Provides NRC Evaluation of B&W Topical Rept 47-1159091-00, Design Requirements for DSS (Diverse Scram Sys) & AMSAC (ATWS Mitigation Sys Actuation Circuitry). Most Sections Acceptable.Several Design Requirements Presented
Person / Time
Site: Three Mile Island Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 07/07/1988
From: Stolz J
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
To: Hukill H
Shared Package
ML20150D131 List:
TAC-59151, NUDOCS 8807130325
Download: ML20150D128 (3)


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. 8 D eket File Docket No. 50-289 NRc & Local PDRs SVarga

- BBoger Mr. Henry D. Hukill, Vice President M " !S RHernan and Director - TMI-1 occ-Rockville GPU Nuclear Corporation E. Jordan P. O. Box 480 B. crimes Middletown, Pennsylvania 17057 ACRS(10)

Gray File

Dear Mr. Hukill:



The purpose of this letter is to provide the staff's evaluation of B&W Document 47-115S091-00, "Design Requirements for Diverse Scram System (DSS) and ATWS Mitigation System Actuation Circuitry (AMSAC)," prepared by Babcock and Wilcox for the Babcock and Wilcox Owners Group (BWOG) ATWS Committee. This BWOG generic report was submitted by letter dated October 9, 1985 (from J. Ted Enos, son, NRC) pursuant to requirements Chairman specified inBWOG ATWS the Code Connittee of Federal Regulation to Hugh L. Thomp(CFR), Section 10 CFR 50.62, "Requirements for Reduction of Risk from ATWS Events for Light-Water-Cooled Nuclear Power Plants."

The BWOG generic report provides the generic design basis for ATWS modifications of B&W type nuclear power plants required by 10 CFR 50.62. Subsequent to the generic report submittal, the staff met with members of the BWOG ATWS Standing Connittee, on October 28, 1987 to discuss potential open items which were raisea during the staff review of the generic report. Following this meeting, the BWOG submitted ancther set of responses to the remaining open items by letter dated December 1, 1987 from J. Ted Enos (BWOG) to Frank J. Miraglia (NRC).

Based on our review of the information provided in the BWOG generic report and the supplemental letter of December 1,1987, the staff concludes that most sections of the generic report are acceptable for providing generic guidelines for plant-specific design submittals. However, some areas of the generic design are stii of concern to the staff. Therefore, the staff has presented several design rec :trements in the attached safety evaluation report (SER) which should be follows y the utilities when considering thair plant-specific 055 and AMSAC designs. Following are the areas of concern that plant-specific submittals must Address, o The BWOG generic report is not acceptable where addressing the use of power :upplies for DSS and AMSAC. In this regard, the staff suggests that special attention be given to the . acceptable methods as presented in Section 5.6 of the SER.

o The use of qualified isolation devices should also be addressed in detail in the plant-specific submittals. Whether diverse or existing


8807130325 880707 [

PDR ADOCK 05000289 P PDC


isolators are used, the staff suggests that the utilities use Section 5.1 and 5.2 of the SER for guidance when addressing this issue in their submittals.

! o The plant-specific submittals must provide detailed infonnation which t

describe how a total loss of feedwater flow will be detected and why the measurements chosen are indicative of a total loss of feedwater flow. Section 6.5 of the SER provides additional guidance that the plant-specific submittal should consider when address.1: the input parameters which have been chosen to initiate DSS and/or AMSAC.

3 o Other areas of concern to the staff include: (1)bypassesanddisplays, and(2)surveillanceandtesting. Specific guidance for plant-specific

} submittals are presented in Sections 5.9 through 5.12 and 5.14 for "Bypasses and Displays" and Section 6.4 for "Surveillance end Testing" j of the SEk.

Design details such as physical and operational characteristics of those DSS and AMSAC components which are not addressed in either the BWOG generic report or the plant-specific submittals and may influence the staff's conclusions concerning compliance to requirements of the ATWS 50.62 "rule" will be reviewed and inspected on a plant-specific basis.

In sumary, the staff requests that licensees of 88W designed nuclear power plants who are part of the BWOG and are comitted to the requirements specified in the ATWS 50.62 "rule" provide plant-specific submittals which address these requirements and schedules for installation of the equipment no later than 90 working days from tha date of receipt of this Safety Evaluation Report. With this acceptance of the proposed generic design, we would now expact each .

licensee to proceed with implementation of the ATWS modifications. ,

Should you have any questions concerning the matters discussed above or the content of the attached SER, please contact Vincent Thomas of our staff on (301)492-0786.


%mu smz gg iMF HOW/

John'F. Stolz, Director Project Directorate I-4 Division of Reactor Projects - I/II


As stated cc w/ enclosure: See next page LAJ: DIS PM:PD I J PD.S 1-4 SNUR'Ts RHerna JStol z 7/ (, /38 7/7/8 7/d/88 0FFICIAL RECORD COPY

Mr. Henry D. Hukill Three Mile Island Nuclear Station, GPU Nuclear Corporation Unit No I cc:

G. Broughton Richard Conte O&M Director TMI-1 Senior Resident Inspector (TMI-1)

GPU Nuclear Corporation U.S.N.R.C.

Post Office Box 480 Post Office Box 311 Middletown, Pennsylvania 17057 Middletown, Pennsylvania 17057 '

Richard J. McGoey Manager, PWR Licensing Regional Administrator, Region I GPU Nuclear Corporaticn -

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 100 Interpace Parkway 475 Allendale Road Parsippany, New Jersey 70754 King of Prussia, Pennsylvania 19406 C. W. Smyth Robert B. Borsur..

TMI-1 Licensing Manager Babcock & Wilcox GPU Nuclear Corporation Nuclear Power Generatier. Civision Post Office Box 460 Suite 525 Middletown, Pennsylvania 17057 1700 Rockville Pike '

Rockville, Maryland 20852 Ernest L. Blake, Jr., Esq. Governor's Office of State Planning Shaw, Pittman, Potts & Trowbridge and Development 2300 N Street, N.W. ATTN: Coordinator, Pennsylvania Washington, D.C. 20037 State Clearinghouse Post Office Box 1323 Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 17120 Larry Hochendoner Thomas M. Gerusky, Director Cauphin County Commissioner Bureau of Radiation Protectiori Dauphin County Courthouse Pennsylvania Department of Front and Parket Streets Environmental Resources Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 17120 Post Office Box 2063 Harrisburg, Pennsylvania 17120 David D. Maxwell, Chairman Docketing and Service Section Board of Supervisors Office of the Secretary Londonder ry Township U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission RFD#1 - Geyers Church Road Washington, D.C. 20555 Middletown, Pennsylvania 17057

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