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#REDIRECT [[IR 05000498/1985021]]
| number = ML20210H570
| issue date = 09/24/1986
| title = Forwards List of Const Appraisal Team Followup Items to Facilitate Orderly Review by Nrc.List Includes Items Found in Const Appraisal Team Insp Repts 50-498/85-21 & 50-499/86-12
| author name = Gagliardo J
| addressee name = Goldberg J
| addressee affiliation = HOUSTON LIGHTING & POWER CO.
| docket = 05000498, 05000499
| license number =
| contact person =
| document report number = NUDOCS 8609260201
| page count = 9
See also: [[see also::IR 05000498/1985021]]
{{#Wiki_filter:___ __  _ _ _ _ _ __  ____    _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .
- .
    *      *
                                                    SEP 2 41966
      In Reply Refer To:
      Dockets: 50-498
      Houston Lighting & Power Company
      ATTN:    J. H. Goldberg, Group Vice
                  President, Nuclear
      P. O. Box 1700
      Houston, Texas 77001
      The purpose of this letter is to provide a common identification of
      Construction Appraisal Team (CAT) followup items in order to facilitate an
      orderly review by the NRC staff. The attached listing includes items found in
      the Construction Appraisal Team inspection (NRC Inspection Report 50-498/85-21;
      50-499/85-19), the Region IV initial followup thereto (NRC Inspection
      Report 50-498/86-12;50-199/86-12), and the Notice of Violation forwarded to you
      on August 20,1986, (Enforcement Action 10) which will require further followup
      by the NRC staff in order to ascertain whether appropriate corrective actions
      have been taken.                                                                                                                      ;
,      We understand that during the course of the CAT inspection, your personnel
I      generated various records of the observations of the CAT personnel for
f      followup. These have been collectively labelled as the CAT Action List (CAL)
I      and amount to in excess of 500 specific observations. To the extent that it
      can be done, these items should be grouped to coincide with the items listed in
      the attached document. It is not necessarily our intent to followup on each of
      the 500 or more items but rather to do so selectively and sufficiently to
      assure ourselves that your actions are appropriate to the circumstances.
                                                                          Original Signed D2
                                                                          J. E. GagliardO
                                                                        J. E. Gagliardo, Chief
                                                                        Reactor Projects Branch-
      Attachment: As stated
        cc w/ attachment:    (see next page)
                                _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
        RP                    C:      B/                              C:RPB
          G aylor/cg            GL              able                    JEGagli            o
        y/y/86                9/11/86                                  f /11/  6.
              8609260201 860924
              PDR ADOCK 05000498
              G                  PDR
                    _                                _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
                                                              .. ..    ._                ..
  ,.                              .  . _    ..        .                        . _ .
    . .
    ,        ,
            Houston Lighting & Power Company          -2-
            cc w/ attachment:
            ATTN:  M. Wisenberg, Manager,
                        Nuclear Licensing                                                    l
            P. O. Box 1700
            Houston, Texas    77001
            ' Houston Lighting & Power Company
            Brian Berwick, Esquire
            Asst. Attorney General
            Environmental Protection Div.
            P. O. Box 12548, Capitol Station
            Austin, Texas 78711
            Lanny Alan Sinkin                                        -
            Citizens Concerned About                                        ,
              Nuclear Power, Inc.                                  '
            Christic Institute                                                        ~~
            1324 North Capitol Street
            Washington, DC    20002
            Charles Bechhoefer, Esquire                                      "
            Chairman, Atomic Safety & Licensing
            U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission
            Washington, DC    20555
            Dr. James C. Lamb, III
            313 Woodhaven Road
            Chapel Hill, North Carolina    27514
            Frederick J. Shon
            Administrative Law Judge
            Atomic Safety and Licensing Board
            U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission
            Washington, DC    20555
            Ray Goldstein, Esquire
            Gray, Allison and Becker
            100 Vaughn Building
            807 Brazos
            Austin, Texas    78701
            Alvin H. Gutterman
            Newman & Holtzinger, P.C.
            1615 L St., N.W., Suite 1000
            Washington, DC    20036
            Texas Radiation Control Program Director
            bcc:  (see next page)
                                                  .___-    _
    ,    .
      Houston Lighting & Power Company      -3-
      bec to DMB (IE01)
      bcc distrib. by RIV:
      RPB                              DRSP              <
      Resident Inspector-0PS-          R. D. Martin, RA          >  <  .
      Resident Inspector-CONST.        SectionChief(RPB/C)
      R&SPB                            MIS SYSTEM
      RIV File                        D. Weiss,LFMB(AR-2015)-    ,
      RSTS Operator                    R. Pirfo, ELD          4
      R. G. Taylor, RPB/C              RSB
      B. A. Breslau, RPB/C
  .      .
                                    CAT FOLLOWUP ITEMS
    The following is an explanation of the various columns used below-
    * Item Number:      This is an artificial number assigned to each major
                        observation or finding-that appears in either of the above
                        inspection reports and will be used in the future
                        inspection reports to document our review and closure (if
                        warranted). Note that these numbers have been assigned to
                        broad observations which may embed several specific
                        deficiencies leading to the overall observation or finding.
    * Type:              Those observations by CAT that did not rer. ult in Potential
                        Enforcement Action items have been labeled FI-(for follcwup
                        item) follwed by one or more letters indicating the
                        discipline involved E for electrical. Findings
                        which did relate to Potential Enforcement Actions have been
                        labeled with the appropriate PEA number. In those
                        instances where the initial followup (NRC Inspection
                        Report 50-498/86-12;50-499/86-12) confirmed a CAT; PEA and
                        it subsequently-appeared in the Notice of Violation issued
                        on August 20, 1986, a V has been place'd"in the column.      ,
                          indicating that the item resulted in a violation. "
    * Closure Report:  This column denotes that the item is fully closed (the C
                        appearing after 86-12) or that the item was . examined during
                          the course of Inspection 86-12 tracked in.the
                          future as an item pertaining to 86-12. Where nothing
                          appears in the column, the item will be tracked entirely
                          via the CAT report.
      Subject:          A short summary title of the overall observation plus a:
                          cross reference note to allow easier tracing from the CAT
                          report to the followup report.
    * Report Ident:      The numbers appearing in this column reflects, in the
                          case of the CAT report, the paragraph number appearing in
                          the detail sections of the report that appears to most
                          satisfactorily capture the CAT inspectors observations. In
                          those instances where 86-12 is indicated in the first
                          column, the last column indicates the paragraph number
                          contained in the Notice of Violation followed by another
                          numer indicating where the finding was discussed in NRC
                          Inspection Report 50-498/86-12;50-499/86-12.
      Item                Closure        Subject                            Report
    Number    Type      Report                                            Ident.
    85-21-01 FIE'                    Electrical Separation              II.B.I.b(1)-1
    85-21-02 FIE                    Conrnon supports for redundant
                                        raceway                          II.B.1.b(1)-2
.    .
  85-21-03 FIE              Conduit supports to far apart    II.B.1.b.(2)-1
  85-21-04 PEA 6g    86-12C Conduit strap bolts torque seal
                                broken (withdrawn)              II.B.1.b.(2)-2
  85-21-05 FIE              Traveler support documentation
                                errors                          II.B.1.b(3)-1
  '85-21-06 FIE              Loose or not torqued tray support
                                bolts                          II.B.1.b(3)-2
  85-21-07 FIE              Separation of cables at equipment
                                entrance              4
  85-21-08 FIE              Separation of cables inside-
                                equipment                      II.B.2.b(2)-2
  85-21-09 FIE              Conductor separation and derating II.B.2.b(3)-1
  85-21-10 FIE              Softners on tray cable dropouts  II.B.2.b(4)-1
  85-21-11 FIE              Free air cable runs thru rough
                                holes                          II.B.2.b(4)-2
  85-21-12 FIE              Coiled cable problems            II.B.2.b(4)-3
  85-21-13 FIE              Cable in contact with equipment  II.B.2.b(6)-1
  85-21-14 FIE              Broken terminal block            II.B.2.b(6)-2
  85-21-15 FIE              Reverse power cable terminations  II.B.2.b(6)-3
  85-21-16 FIE              Bend radius                      II.B.2.b(6)-4
  85-21-17 FIE              Terminations signed off for cut
                                strands after termination      II.B.2.b(6)-5
  85- 21-18A PEA 3. b 86-12  Incorrect vendor terminals
                                (See 86-12-14)                  II.B.2.b(1)-1
  85-21-18B PEA 3.b  86-12  Insulation rating on vendor
                                wiring (See 86-12-14)          II.B.2.b(1)-2
  85-21-19 PEA 3.A    86-12  Circuit breaker extenders (See
                                86-12-11)                      II.B.2.b(4)-1
  85-21-20 PEA 3.b    86-12C Terminal block terminal points
                                and spacing (withdrawn)        II.B.3.b(4)(b)-2
  85-21-21 FIE              Spacing of stitch welds          II.B.3.b(6)-1
                                          _ __                              .      _.
  .  .
                                                3                                                        -
    85-21-22 FIE                Loose solder connections in                                              ,
                                    vendor boards                                II.B.3 b(6)-2
    85-21-23 FIE                Colors of equipment tags                      II.B.3.b.(7)-1^                _
                                                                                          ~                  '
l  85-21-24- PEA 1A  86-12    MOV wiring (See 86-12-07)                      II . B. 3. b(8)'-1.
    85-21-25 PEA 6.A
                        86-12    Ineffective instrumentation
                                    installation program                                                    -
                                    (See.86-12-01)                              II.B.4.b-1
    85-21-26 PEA 6.A  86-12    Missing and undersized welds                          -
                                    (See 86-12-05)                              <IV.B.1.b(1)-1
    85-21-27 FIWN                No calculations on sizing
                                    skewed welds                                IV.B.1.b(1)-2
    85-21-28 FIWN                Undersized fillets on steam
                                    generator lateral supports                  IV.B.1.b(1)-3
    85-21-29 FIWN                Welds on weld-o-let undersize                .IV.B.l.b(1)-4
    85-21-30 FIWN                Deficiencies revealed in
                                    radiograph interpretation                    IV.B.1.b(2)-1
    85-21-31' FIWN              Design changes worked in field
                                    without proper authorization                IV.B.4.b-1
;  85-21-32 FIWN                Wrong globe struts used                        IV.B.5.b-1
    85-21-33 FIWN                Structural steel welds not
                                    per drawing                                  IV.B.7.b-1
    85-21-34 PEA 4    86-12    Vendor radiographic film quality
                PEA 3.b            and retrievability (See
                                    86-12-17)                                    IV.B.10.c
    85-21-35 FISC                No seismic separation between
                                    RCB and other buildings                      V.B.1.b.-1
    85-21-36 FISC                Low torque on small portion of
                                    sampled structural bolts                    V.B.2.b-1
    85-21-37 PEA 6.f.  86-12    Overtight structural bolts
                                    in sliding connections
                                    (See 86-12-06)                              V.B.2.b-2
    85-21-38 FISC              Welding across beam flanges                      V.B.2.b-3
j    85-21-39 FISC                Expansive clay under ECW pipe                  V.B.3.b-1
                                                  . . _ _ - . . . _ - - _ _ .      -        - _ - - .            --
    .  .
      85-21-40 FISC          Small CEA not derated per
                                IEB 79-02                    V.B.4.b-1
      85-21-41 FISC          Slippage of CEA's              V.B.4.b.-2
      85-21-42 IIT          No marking on fastners approved
                              by specification              VI.B.1.b(2)(a)
      85-21-43 FIT          Lack of traceability verifi-
                              cation                        VI.B.1.b(2)(b)
      85-21-44 FIT          Lack of Code data report        VI.B.1.b(3)(a)-1
      85-21-45 FIT          Incorrect code data report      VI.B.1.t(3)(a)-2
      85-21-46 FIT          Lack of documentation for
                              equipment to establish
                              bolting traceability          VI.B.1.b(3)(b)
      85-21-47 PEAS          Lack of fastner traceability
                              in electrical activities
                              (See 86-12-15)                VI.B.1.b(3)(c)&(d)
      85-21-48 PEA 5        Lack of fastner traceability
                              for vendor equipment (See
                              86-12-12)                    VI.B.1.b(3)(f)    ,
      85-21-49 FID          Posting of Design changes
                              on design documents          VII.B.1.c
      85-21-50 FID          Q.C. inspection of design
                              changes                      VII.B.2.b(1)-1
      85-21-51 FID          Traceability of Q.C. records
                              to structural members
                              inspected                    VII.B.2.b(1)-2
    85-21-52 PEA 2.b 86-12  Incorporation changes into
                              drawings (See 86-12-10)      VII.B.3.b(2)
    35-21-53 PEA 1.b 86-12  Interface audits (See
                              86-12-02)                    VII.B.3.b(3)
    85-21-54 FID            Conflicting definitions in
                              configuration control
                              packages                      VII.B.3.b(4)
    85-21-55 PEA 2.a 86-12C Inadequate calculations on
                              structured steel (withdrawn)  VII.B.3.b(5)
  -      -
    . . .
      85-21-56 FID            Inadequate engineering
                                  evaluations of supports            VII.B.3.b.(6)
      85-21-57 PEA 6.C. 86-12  Improper fastners in lugged
                                  wafer valves (See 86-12-03)          III.B.1.b-1
      85-21-58 PEA 6.b  86-12  Undersized piping fillet welds
                                  (See 86-12-02)                      III.B.1.b-2
      85-21-59 PEA 1.b  86-12  Mislocated annulars (See
                                  86-12-182)                          III.B.1.b-3
      85-21-60 FIM            Miscellaneous deficiencies
                                  in pipe                              III.B.2.b.-1
      85-21-61 FIM            Clearances in pipe supports            III.B.2.b-2
      85-21-62 FIM            Removal of temporary pipe
                                  supports accepted on
                                  turnover                            III.B.2.b.-3
      85-21-63 PEA 6.d. 86-12  Miscellaneous Q.A. problems
                                  (See 86-12-1A4)                    III.B.4.b-1
      85-21-64 FIM            Control of usage of
                                  lubricants                          III.B.4.b-2
      85-21-65 PEA 6.d  86-12  See aoove item 63 (See
                                  86-12-1A4)                          III.B.4.b.-3
      85-21-66 FIM              Documentation omissions in
                                  inspection travelors              'III.B.5.b-1
      85-21-67 PEA 7    86-12C Corrective Action System
                                  (Withdrawn)                      _ VIII
      86-12-01 V                Instrument tubing and support      7
                                  program (See 85-21-25)        -
                                                                      1Al-PEA 6.a
      86-12-02 V                Undersized welds on 2 inch        '              '
                                  Sch.160 sockets (See
                                  85-21-58)                          1A2-
      86-12-03 V                Cap screws used h place of
                                  studs and nuts on wafer
                                  valves (See 85-21-57)              1A3-
      86-12-04 V                Mechancial equipment deficiencies
                                  (See 85-21-63)                      1A4-PEA.6.d
                - _ _ _ - _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ._
      . . ..
        '86-12-05 V                                          Undersized welds on supports'
                                                                and restraints (See 85-21-26)                1AS-PEA 3.b.1.b
        -86-12-06 V                                          Over tightened structural bolts
                                                                (See 85-21-37)                              1A6-
        86-12-07 V                                          Design control of configuration
                                                                control. packages (See 85-21-24) 181-PEAla.'
        86-12-08                          V'                Use of vendor data in design (See
                                                              '85-21-59)                                    182-PEA 1.b.
        -86-12-09cV                                          Use of NSSS data in design
                                                                (See 85-24)                                1B3-85-24
        86-12-10 V                                          Issued drawings not correctly
                                                                translated from FCR/FCN
                                                                (See 85-21-52)                              1B4-PEA 2.b
        86-12-11 V                                          Circuit breaker extenders and
                                                                barriers (See 85-21-19)                      101-
        86-12-12 V                                          Wrong bolting in equipment
                                                                (See 85-21-48)                            ' 1C2-PEAS
        86-12-13. V                                          Vendor tanks and HX have
                                                                undersized. welds (See                                .
                                                                85-21-29)                                    1C3-PEA 3.b.1.b.
        86-12-14 V                                          Motor terminal lugs and
                                                                insulation (See 85-21-18A
                                                                and 85-21-188)                              1C4-PEA 3.b.1.b
        86-12-15 V                                          Unmarked bolting in electrical
                                                                equipment (See,85-21-47)                    IIA-PEA 5
          86-12-16 V                                          NCR issuance and hold tag              ,    .
                                                                application (See 85-24)                      IIB  .,
          86-12-17 U                                          Retrevability of vendor radio-              11
                                                                . graphs (See 85-21-04).                      PEA 4
          86-12-18 U                                          Audits of design interfaces                    -      '
                                                                                                        .    .
                                                    m...__                          _.. _ _ _ _ _ _

Latest revision as of 08:33, 19 December 2021

Forwards List of Const Appraisal Team Followup Items to Facilitate Orderly Review by Nrc.List Includes Items Found in Const Appraisal Team Insp Repts 50-498/85-21 & 50-499/86-12
Person / Time
Site: South Texas  STP Nuclear Operating Company icon.png
Issue date: 09/24/1986
From: Gagliardo J
To: Goldberg J
NUDOCS 8609260201
Download: ML20210H570 (9)

See also: IR 05000498/1985021


___ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ ____ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .

- .

  • *

SEP 2 41966

In Reply Refer To:

Dockets: 50-498


Houston Lighting & Power Company

ATTN: J. H. Goldberg, Group Vice

President, Nuclear

P. O. Box 1700

Houston, Texas 77001


The purpose of this letter is to provide a common identification of

Construction Appraisal Team (CAT) followup items in order to facilitate an

orderly review by the NRC staff. The attached listing includes items found in

the Construction Appraisal Team inspection (NRC Inspection Report 50-498/85-21;

50-499/85-19), the Region IV initial followup thereto (NRC Inspection

Report 50-498/86-12;50-199/86-12), and the Notice of Violation forwarded to you

on August 20,1986, (Enforcement Action 10) which will require further followup

by the NRC staff in order to ascertain whether appropriate corrective actions

have been taken.  ;

, We understand that during the course of the CAT inspection, your personnel

I generated various records of the observations of the CAT personnel for

f followup. These have been collectively labelled as the CAT Action List (CAL)

I and amount to in excess of 500 specific observations. To the extent that it

can be done, these items should be grouped to coincide with the items listed in



the attached document. It is not necessarily our intent to followup on each of

the 500 or more items but rather to do so selectively and sufficiently to

assure ourselves that your actions are appropriate to the circumstances.


Original Signed D2

J. E. GagliardO

J. E. Gagliardo, Chief

Reactor Projects Branch-

Attachment: As stated

cc w/ attachment: (see next page)

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _


G aylor/cg GL able JEGagli o

y/y/86 9/11/86 f /11/ 6.


8609260201 860924

PDR ADOCK 05000498



_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

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,. . . _ .. . . _ .

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, ,

Houston Lighting & Power Company -2-

cc w/ attachment:

ATTN: M. Wisenberg, Manager,

Nuclear Licensing l

P. O. Box 1700

Houston, Texas 77001

' Houston Lighting & Power Company


Brian Berwick, Esquire

Asst. Attorney General

Environmental Protection Div.

P. O. Box 12548, Capitol Station

Austin, Texas 78711

Lanny Alan Sinkin -

Citizens Concerned About ,

Nuclear Power, Inc. '


Christic Institute ~~

1324 North Capitol Street



Washington, DC 20002

Charles Bechhoefer, Esquire "

Chairman, Atomic Safety & Licensing


U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission

Washington, DC 20555


Dr. James C. Lamb, III

313 Woodhaven Road

Chapel Hill, North Carolina 27514

Frederick J. Shon

Administrative Law Judge

Atomic Safety and Licensing Board

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission

Washington, DC 20555

Ray Goldstein, Esquire

Gray, Allison and Becker

100 Vaughn Building

807 Brazos

Austin, Texas 78701

Alvin H. Gutterman

Newman & Holtzinger, P.C.

1615 L St., N.W., Suite 1000

Washington, DC 20036

Texas Radiation Control Program Director

bcc: (see next page)


.___- _


, .

Houston Lighting & Power Company -3-


bec to DMB (IE01)

bcc distrib. by RIV:



Resident Inspector-0PS- R. D. Martin, RA > < .


Resident Inspector-CONST. SectionChief(RPB/C)


RIV File D. Weiss,LFMB(AR-2015)- ,

RSTS Operator R. Pirfo, ELD 4


R. G. Taylor, RPB/C RSB

B. A. Breslau, RPB/C





. .



The following is an explanation of the various columns used below-


  • Item Number: This is an artificial number assigned to each major

observation or finding-that appears in either of the above

inspection reports and will be used in the future

inspection reports to document our review and closure (if

warranted). Note that these numbers have been assigned to

broad observations which may embed several specific

deficiencies leading to the overall observation or finding.

  • Type: Those observations by CAT that did not rer. ult in Potential

Enforcement Action items have been labeled FI-(for follcwup

item) follwed by one or more letters indicating the

discipline involved E for electrical. Findings

which did relate to Potential Enforcement Actions have been

labeled with the appropriate PEA number. In those

instances where the initial followup (NRC Inspection

Report 50-498/86-12;50-499/86-12) confirmed a CAT; PEA and

it subsequently-appeared in the Notice of Violation issued

on August 20, 1986, a V has been place'd"in the column. ,

indicating that the item resulted in a violation. "

  • Closure Report: This column denotes that the item is fully closed (the C


appearing after 86-12) or that the item was . examined during


the course of Inspection 86-12 tracked in.the

future as an item pertaining to 86-12. Where nothing

appears in the column, the item will be tracked entirely

via the CAT report.

Subject: A short summary title of the overall observation plus a:

cross reference note to allow easier tracing from the CAT

report to the followup report.

  • Report Ident: The numbers appearing in this column reflects, in the

case of the CAT report, the paragraph number appearing in

the detail sections of the report that appears to most

satisfactorily capture the CAT inspectors observations. In

those instances where 86-12 is indicated in the first

column, the last column indicates the paragraph number

contained in the Notice of Violation followed by another

numer indicating where the finding was discussed in NRC

Inspection Report 50-498/86-12;50-499/86-12.

Item Closure Subject Report

Number Type Report Ident.

85-21-01 FIE' Electrical Separation II.B.I.b(1)-1

85-21-02 FIE Conrnon supports for redundant

raceway II.B.1.b(1)-2

. .


85-21-03 FIE Conduit supports to far apart II.B.1.b.(2)-1

85-21-04 PEA 6g 86-12C Conduit strap bolts torque seal

broken (withdrawn) II.B.1.b.(2)-2

85-21-05 FIE Traveler support documentation

errors II.B.1.b(3)-1

'85-21-06 FIE Loose or not torqued tray support

bolts II.B.1.b(3)-2

85-21-07 FIE Separation of cables at equipment

entrance 4


85-21-08 FIE Separation of cables inside-

equipment II.B.2.b(2)-2

85-21-09 FIE Conductor separation and derating II.B.2.b(3)-1

85-21-10 FIE Softners on tray cable dropouts II.B.2.b(4)-1

85-21-11 FIE Free air cable runs thru rough

holes II.B.2.b(4)-2

85-21-12 FIE Coiled cable problems II.B.2.b(4)-3

85-21-13 FIE Cable in contact with equipment II.B.2.b(6)-1

85-21-14 FIE Broken terminal block II.B.2.b(6)-2

85-21-15 FIE Reverse power cable terminations II.B.2.b(6)-3

85-21-16 FIE Bend radius II.B.2.b(6)-4

85-21-17 FIE Terminations signed off for cut

strands after termination II.B.2.b(6)-5

85- 21-18A PEA 3. b 86-12 Incorrect vendor terminals

(See 86-12-14) II.B.2.b(1)-1

85-21-18B PEA 3.b 86-12 Insulation rating on vendor

wiring (See 86-12-14) II.B.2.b(1)-2

85-21-19 PEA 3.A 86-12 Circuit breaker extenders (See

86-12-11) II.B.2.b(4)-1

85-21-20 PEA 3.b 86-12C Terminal block terminal points

and spacing (withdrawn) II.B.3.b(4)(b)-2

85-21-21 FIE Spacing of stitch welds II.B.3.b(6)-1

_ __ . _.


. .

3 -



85-21-22 FIE Loose solder connections in ,

vendor boards II.B.3 b(6)-2

85-21-23 FIE Colors of equipment tags II.B.3.b.(7)-1^ _

~ '

l 85-21-24- PEA 1A 86-12 MOV wiring (See 86-12-07) II . B. 3. b(8)'-1.

85-21-25 PEA 6.A


86-12 Ineffective instrumentation

installation program -

(See.86-12-01) II.B.4.b-1


85-21-26 PEA 6.A 86-12 Missing and undersized welds -

(See 86-12-05) <IV.B.1.b(1)-1



85-21-27 FIWN No calculations on sizing

skewed welds IV.B.1.b(1)-2

85-21-28 FIWN Undersized fillets on steam

generator lateral supports IV.B.1.b(1)-3

85-21-29 FIWN Welds on weld-o-let undersize .IV.B.l.b(1)-4

85-21-30 FIWN Deficiencies revealed in

radiograph interpretation IV.B.1.b(2)-1

85-21-31' FIWN Design changes worked in field

without proper authorization IV.B.4.b-1

85-21-32 FIWN Wrong globe struts used IV.B.5.b-1


85-21-33 FIWN Structural steel welds not

per drawing IV.B.7.b-1

85-21-34 PEA 4 86-12 Vendor radiographic film quality


PEA 3.b and retrievability (See

86-12-17) IV.B.10.c

85-21-35 FISC No seismic separation between

RCB and other buildings V.B.1.b.-1


85-21-36 FISC Low torque on small portion of


sampled structural bolts V.B.2.b-1

85-21-37 PEA 6.f. 86-12 Overtight structural bolts

in sliding connections

(See 86-12-06) V.B.2.b-2

85-21-38 FISC Welding across beam flanges V.B.2.b-3

j 85-21-39 FISC Expansive clay under ECW pipe V.B.3.b-1


. . _ _ - . . . _ - - _ _ . - - _ - - . --



. .



85-21-40 FISC Small CEA not derated per

IEB 79-02 V.B.4.b-1

85-21-41 FISC Slippage of CEA's V.B.4.b.-2

85-21-42 IIT No marking on fastners approved

by specification VI.B.1.b(2)(a)

85-21-43 FIT Lack of traceability verifi-

cation VI.B.1.b(2)(b)

85-21-44 FIT Lack of Code data report VI.B.1.b(3)(a)-1

85-21-45 FIT Incorrect code data report VI.B.1.t(3)(a)-2

85-21-46 FIT Lack of documentation for

equipment to establish

bolting traceability VI.B.1.b(3)(b)

85-21-47 PEAS Lack of fastner traceability

in electrical activities

(See 86-12-15) VI.B.1.b(3)(c)&(d)

85-21-48 PEA 5 Lack of fastner traceability

for vendor equipment (See

86-12-12) VI.B.1.b(3)(f) ,

85-21-49 FID Posting of Design changes

on design documents VII.B.1.c

85-21-50 FID Q.C. inspection of design

changes VII.B.2.b(1)-1

85-21-51 FID Traceability of Q.C. records

to structural members

inspected VII.B.2.b(1)-2

85-21-52 PEA 2.b 86-12 Incorporation changes into

drawings (See 86-12-10) VII.B.3.b(2)

35-21-53 PEA 1.b 86-12 Interface audits (See

86-12-02) VII.B.3.b(3)

85-21-54 FID Conflicting definitions in

configuration control

packages VII.B.3.b(4)

85-21-55 PEA 2.a 86-12C Inadequate calculations on

structured steel (withdrawn) VII.B.3.b(5)

- -


. . .


85-21-56 FID Inadequate engineering

evaluations of supports VII.B.3.b.(6)

85-21-57 PEA 6.C. 86-12 Improper fastners in lugged

wafer valves (See 86-12-03) III.B.1.b-1

85-21-58 PEA 6.b 86-12 Undersized piping fillet welds

(See 86-12-02) III.B.1.b-2

85-21-59 PEA 1.b 86-12 Mislocated annulars (See

86-12-182) III.B.1.b-3

85-21-60 FIM Miscellaneous deficiencies

in pipe III.B.2.b.-1

85-21-61 FIM Clearances in pipe supports III.B.2.b-2

85-21-62 FIM Removal of temporary pipe

supports accepted on

turnover III.B.2.b.-3

85-21-63 PEA 6.d. 86-12 Miscellaneous Q.A. problems

(See 86-12-1A4) III.B.4.b-1

85-21-64 FIM Control of usage of

lubricants III.B.4.b-2

85-21-65 PEA 6.d 86-12 See aoove item 63 (See

86-12-1A4) III.B.4.b.-3

85-21-66 FIM Documentation omissions in

inspection travelors 'III.B.5.b-1

85-21-67 PEA 7 86-12C Corrective Action System

(Withdrawn) _ VIII

86-12-01 V Instrument tubing and support 7

program (See 85-21-25) -

1Al-PEA 6.a


86-12-02 V Undersized welds on 2 inch ' '

Sch.160 sockets (See

85-21-58) 1A2-

86-12-03 V Cap screws used h place of

studs and nuts on wafer

valves (See 85-21-57) 1A3-

86-12-04 V Mechancial equipment deficiencies

(See 85-21-63) 1A4-PEA.6.d


- _ _ _ - _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ._





. . ..




'86-12-05 V Undersized welds on supports'

and restraints (See 85-21-26) 1AS-PEA 3.b.1.b

-86-12-06 V Over tightened structural bolts

(See 85-21-37) 1A6-

86-12-07 V Design control of configuration

control. packages (See 85-21-24) 181-PEAla.'

86-12-08 V' Use of vendor data in design (See

'85-21-59) 182-PEA 1.b.

-86-12-09cV Use of NSSS data in design

(See 85-24) 1B3-85-24

86-12-10 V Issued drawings not correctly

translated from FCR/FCN

(See 85-21-52) 1B4-PEA 2.b

86-12-11 V Circuit breaker extenders and

barriers (See 85-21-19) 101-

86-12-12 V Wrong bolting in equipment

(See 85-21-48) ' 1C2-PEAS

86-12-13. V Vendor tanks and HX have

undersized. welds (See .

85-21-29) 1C3-PEA 3.b.1.b.

86-12-14 V Motor terminal lugs and

insulation (See 85-21-18A

and 85-21-188) 1C4-PEA 3.b.1.b

86-12-15 V Unmarked bolting in electrical

equipment (See,85-21-47) IIA-PEA 5

86-12-16 V NCR issuance and hold tag , .

application (See 85-24) IIB .,

86-12-17 U Retrevability of vendor radio- 11

. graphs (See 85-21-04). PEA 4

86-12-18 U Audits of design interfaces - '



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