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#REDIRECT [[IA-86-272, Further Response to Appeals of FOIA Request for Records Re Evaluation of issue-specific Action Plan Re Plant.Documents I.2.b & I.10 Addressed in Responses to FOIA 86-A-203 & 86-A-204 & Contained in Other Documents Available in PDR]]
| number = ML20236S427
| issue date = 11/19/1987
| title = Further Response to Appeals of FOIA Request for Records Re Evaluation of issue-specific Action Plan Re Plant.Documents I.2.b & I.10 Addressed in Responses to FOIA 86-A-203 & 86-A-204 & Contained in Other Documents Available in PDR
| author name = Grimsley D
| addressee name = Garde B
| docket = 05000445, 05000446
| license number =
| contact person =
| case reference number = FOIA-86-272, FOIA-86-454, FOIA-86-A-194, FOIA-86-A-195, FOIA-86-A-203, FOIA-86-A-204
| document report number = NUDOCS 8711250156
| page count = 1
{{#Wiki_filter:- - _ _              - _ _ _ _ - _ - _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ - -
re:g#o g                          UNITED STATES
    !            c.            NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION
  . t.            a                      wAsMinoTow,0. c. 20sss
Billie Pirner Garde. Esquire            NOV 19 387                      IN RESPON$E REFER Government Accountability Project                                      TO F01A-86-A-194, Midwest Office                                                          86-A-196, 86-A-203 104 E. Wisconsin Avenue                                                and 86-A-204 Appleton, WI 45911                                                      (FOIA-86-272and86-454)
==Dear Ms. Garde:==
This is in further response to_ your letters dated October 1 and 20,1986, which appealed the denial of records. subject to your Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests for records relating to the evaluation of.
ISAP's regarding the Comanche Peak plant.                                      .
1                          &
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Ihaverecentlylearnedthat'documentsI.t.bandI.14addres@sedin                                                                .M F0!A-86-A-203 and F0!A-86-A-204 are cesteined in other documents'which are-publicly available in the Comanche Peak docket file located in:the NRC-Public Document Room. For'your information, document 1.2.b.(23 pages) is contained in a {{letter dated|date=April 4, 1986|text=letter dated April 4,1986}}, from W. G. Counsil to V.- S.-Noonan-109 pages)_ identified by Accession No. 8604100236. Also, document.I.10 5 pages) is contained in a {{letter dated|date=May 2, 1986|text=letter dated May 2, 1986}} from W. G. Couns11 to V. S. Noonan (139 pages) identified by Accession No. 8606290061. Furthermore, the transmittal memorandum of document J-2 addressed in F0!A-86-A-203 and F0!A-86-A-204 is the same transmittal memorandum to document D-4 addressed in F0!A-86-A-194 and F0!A-86-A-195 which was released to you on March ~10, 1987.
If you have any questions regarding this matter, please telephone Mr. Charles Mullins, Office of General Counsel, on 202-634-3224.
Sincerely, m 1,                      m                                    3 l
Donn)eH.8rt              ey, Director Division of Rules and Records l
Office of Administration and                                                      i Resources Management h 12 g 6 871119 GARDE 86-A-194      PDR l-                                  -                        _        _      _                    . - . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _        _i
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.Ch ERNMENT ACCOUNIABluTY PROJECT 1555 Connecticut Awenue, N.W., Suite 202 Washington, D.C. 20036                                                    (202)2024550 G(NEIUDSHT ACCOUNTABILITY PROJBCT MIDWEST OFFICE 3424 MARCOS IANE APPLETON, WI              54911                  October 20, 1986 APPEAL W INITIAL      DECISION Victor Stello Executive Director for Opera;1ons 8hd*N U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C. 20555                              Q4gg/
RE: Appeal From an Initial FOIA Decision of FOIA 86-272 and 86-454
==Dear Mr. Stellos                                                        ,==
This is an appeal pursuant to subsection a(6) of the Freedom of Information Act as amended (5 U.S.C. 522), of the actual denial of the Commission to release documents requested on April 9, 1986 and June 16, 1986 by the Government Accountability Project.
By {{letter dated|date=October 3, 1986|text=letter dated October 3, 1986}}, Donnie H. Grimsley, Director of the Division of Rules and Records, informed us that the records identified on Appendix 1 and J were being withheld pursuant to Exemption 5 Decausse they consist of preliminary advice, opinions and recommenda*. ions of the staff.
We believe we are entitled to the release of the documents being withheld.
We expect your response to this appeal within 20 working days of your receipt so that we can determine whether3tos. pursue this matter further in the courts. .4 ar            1:  ,
g , f-*
* s Thank you for your consideration of'this. appeal ~.
Sincerely, Billie Pirner Garde
Director, Environmental Whistleblower Clinic                            1 l
                                                                                              ,.e jfy2 9W Ly -
i    .
i4  'g Billie Pirner Garde, Esquire Government Accountability Project                                                          .
Midwest Office                              IN RESP          R 3424 Marcos Lane Appleton, WI 54911 W3      W 0 F01 F0!A-86
==Dear Ms. Garde:==
This is the final response to your letters dated April 9.1986, and June 16. 1986, in which you requested, pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act (F0IA), copies        l of records related to the evaluation of ISAP's regarding the Comanche peak plant.
The records identified on the enclosed Appendix E are already available for                i public inspection and copying at the NRC Public Document Room (PDR). The POR accession numbers are identified beside the record descriptions.
The records identified on the enclosed Appendixes F, 6, and H are bef an placed in the PDR. You may obtain access to these records by referring to POR folder F01A-86-272 under your name.
The records identified on the enclosed Appendixes I and J are bein'g withheld pursuant to Exemption (5) of the F0IA (5 U.S.C. 552(b)(5)) and 10 CFR 9.5(a)(5))
of the Consission's regulations. These records contain predecisional information consisting of advice, opinions, and recommendations of the staff.
Release of these records would tend to inhibit the open and frank exchange of ideas essentia1 to the deliberative process. There are no reasonably segregable factual portions because release of the facts would permit an indirect inquiry into the predecisional process of the agency.
Pursuant to 10 CFR 9.9 of the Commission's regulations, it has been deternised that the information withheld is exempt from production or disclosure, and that its production or disclosure is contrary to the public interest. The persons responsible for the denial of the records identified on Appendix I are the undersigned and Mr. Harold R. Denton, Director, Office.of Nuclear Reactor Regulation. The persons responsible for the denial of the records identified on Appendix J are the undersigned and Mr. Robert D. Martin, Regional Administrator, Region IV.
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Ms. Garde                                                                              l This denial may be apwaled to the NRC's Executive Director for Ourations within 30 days from tw receipt of this letter. As provided in 10 CFR 9.11, any such appeal must be in writing, addressed to the Executive Director for rations. U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Consission, Washington, DC 20555, and s                      1d clearly state on the envelope and in the letter that it is an " Appeal from an Initial FOTA Decision."                                                                                      .
This completes NRC action on these two FOIA requests. In light of this response
'                              to these requests, we are taking no further action on your letters dated May 15,1986, and July 16, 1986, in which you appealed NRC's lack of response.
Sincerely, 3
jM            ffr E- 2 Donnie H. Grimsley, Director
                  -                                                                                                    Division of Rules and Records Office of Administration
As stated
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Re: F01A-86-272 & 86-454 (Final Response)        1 1
Records Available in PDR I
: 1. 05/07/86 Case' Response to Board Questions - Accession _No. 8605000296 -
Enclosure is the same as for {{letter dated|date=May 5, 1986|text=May 5,1986 letter}} from B. Garde      )
to V. Moonan:..Results Report 1.a.4                              ]
: 2. 05/23/86 TUGC0 Letter to: Vince Noonan from W. G. Counsil
Response to NRC Questions transmitted by Letter dated May15,1986(5 pages) Accession number 8605280142;                  )
: 3. 06/05/86 Application for an Operating License -' Answers to Board's-14 questions (Memo; Proposed Memo of April 14,1986) Regarding Action Plan Results Report I.a.4 Accession number 8606110361 (25pages)                                                    -
                                      ,                J                              s    w4    !
: 4.    .06/05/86_ Application for an Operating License'- Answers to Case document Requests and Interrogatories on Results Report I.a.4 -          'l Accession number 8606110355 (33 pages)
: 5. Undated        CPRS Results Report ISAP iib, Concrete Compression Strength Revision 1. PDR #8604100266 6-    Undated        CPRT Action Plan, ISAP iib, Concrete Compression Strength        i Revision 3. PDR #8601300154
: 7. 10/06/85 CYGNA Comments on CPRT program plan Revision 2 Accession No. 851017022
: 8. 10/11/85 RIV inspection report 50-445/84-11 and 50-446/85-06 Accession No. 8510280217<
: 9. 11/11/85 Transcript of monthly status meeting for CPRT Progress 1                ,n(openmeeting) Accession'No.:8601220150b w
                                        ' ggo.        .pr              ,
4    .
: 10. 11/22/85 SCPRT Response to 15tCL: letters on 9/30.and 8/9 on CPRTv 7    '
program plan Accession No. 8511250079f            +
: 11. 12/02/85      U.S. NRC Sussiary of Meeting held on November 5-6,1985. First monthly status meeting to discuss the~ activities described-in the Applicants Program Plan Accession No. 8601030157 PDR ADOCK/50-445T
: 12. 12/17/85 Letter from TUGC0 to RIY concerning seismic gap of concrete structures Accession No. 8512260138
1" (c 1
          %e Re: F01A-86-272 & 86-454 APPENDIXE(cont'd)
: 13. 03/20/86 ISAP VII - b.2 results report for valve disassembly Accession No. 8604100275
: 14. 04/04/86 U.S. NRC - ASLB - NRR staff's further consents on the Statistical Inference Memorandum Accession No. 8604090218 and 8604090221 l                                      -15. 04/09/86 Conment by B. Garde on Revision 3 of CPRT Plan Accession No. 8604080120 i
i                                                            '*-
t                                        .c I
l 1
-            _ - - _ _ _ - - - - _ _ _            -                                                                        l
(..Re: F0IA 86-454              :
(Final Respose)            )
s J
l                                                                Appendix F Records Being Placed in PDR l
: 1.      1-24-86        CPRT - Action Plan - ISAP I.b.3
Conduit to Cable Tray Separation                                t (6 pages) l                                                                                                                        i i
: 2.      1-24-86        CPRT - Action Plan - ISAP VII.b.2
Valve Disassembly (8 pages) l
: 3.      1-24-86      CPRT - Action Plar. ISAP I.a.4
Agreement Between Drawings and                                    j Field Terminations                                                        l (9 pages)
: 4.      1-24-86      CPRT - Action Plan - ISAP II.b
Concrete Compression Strength (12 pages)                                              ,
: 5.      2-27-86      CPRT - Action Plan - III.d
Preoperational Testing (12 pages)
: 6.      2-28-86      CPRT - Results Report - ISAP II.b.                          .,.
' Concrete' Compression ~ Strength ~          -
Revision 1                                                    Q, ,
(32 pages)                                                              I
: 7.      3-13-86      CPRT - Results Report ISAP I a.4
Agreement Between Drawings and
Field Terminations - Revision 1 (16pages)
: 8.                          3-20-86  CPRT- Results Report ISAP VII,b 2
Valve Disassembly - Revision 1 (21pages)
: 9.                          3-26-86  CPRT - Results Report ISAP. I b.3
Conduit to Cable Tray Separation        -
Revision 1 (14pages)
: 10. 4-4-86                          US NRC - ASLB - Notice of Availability of Results Reports and Working Files - Accession No. 8604090225 (4 pages)
: 11. 4-4-86                          TUGC0 letter to: V. Noonan from: W. G. Counsil
Comanche Peak Steam Electric Station (CPRT) Results Reports - Accession No. 8604100236 -
with attachment (109 pages) 12, 4-14-86                          US NRC Memo to:    B. Grimes, E. Johnson, R. Ballard, F. Rosa, from:    V. Noonan
Evaluation of Comanche Peak ISAP ISAP No. I b.3
Conduit to Cable Tray Separation (2pages)
: 13. 4-14-86                          US NRC Memo to:    B. Grimes, E. Johnson, R. Ballard, F. Rosa, from:    V. Noonan
Evaluation of Comanche Peak ISAP ISAP No II,b
Concrete Compression Strength (2pages)
x-13a. 4-14-86  US NRC Memo for 8. Grimes, E. Johnson, R. Ballard F. Rosa from: V. Noonan,
Evaluation of Comanche Peak ISAP No. II.b (46 pages)
: 14. 4-14-86 US NRC Memo to:    8. Grimes, E. Johnson, R. Ballard, F. Rosa, from:      V. Noonan
Evaluation of Comanche Peak ISAP ISAP No. VII,b 2
Valve Disassembly                                                I (2 pagesl i
: 15. 4-14-86  US WRC Memo to:    B. Grimes    E. Johnson, R. Ballard, F. Rosa, from:      V. Noonan
Evaluation of Comanche Peak ISAP ISAP No. III d
Preoperational Testing (2 pagesl
: 16. 4-14-86  US NRC Memo to:    B. Grimes, E. Johnson, R. Ballard, F. Rosa, from:      V. Noonan                              :
Evaluation of Comanche Peak ISAP ISAP No. I.a.4                                                          j
Agreement Between Drawings & Field                              q Terminations                                                        .
l (2pages).            ;'              '.i    e
: 17. 4-24-86  Routing and transmittal slip for W. Pleca.' C. Hofmeyer From:  A. Vietti, Re:    telecopy from Region IV (1 page)
: 18. 4-28-86  US NRC letter to: W. G. Counsil from: V. Noonan -
CPSES CPRT Results, dated April 4, 1986.                                        ;
With enclosure (9 pages)
i-#                                  c.
                                                                            ,                                        t_ .'
                              ..                                                                                                                1 19, 5-86        NRC - Assignment for Comanche Peak (I page)
: 30. 5-86        NRC - Assignment for Comanche Peak (Ipage)
ZI. 5-86        NRC - Assignment for Comanche Peak (I page)
: 22. 5-2-86      TUGC0 letter to: V. Noonan - from: W. G. Counsil
NRC Staff Request for Additional Information on Comanche Peak Response Results for ISAPs (I a.4, I.b.3 II,b, III.d and VII,b.2) dated April 28, 1986.
With enclosure (50 pages)
Z3. 5-2-86      TUGC0 letter to: V. Noonan - from: W. G. Counsil
NRC Staff Request for Additional Information on Comanche Peak Response Results for ISAPs (I.a.4, I,b.3 II.b. III.d and VII.b.2) dated April 28, 1986.
With enclosure (84 pages)
: 24. 5-2-86        TUGC0 letter to: V. Noonan - from: W. G. Counsil
NRC Staff Request for Additional Information on Comanche Peak Response Results for ISAPs (I a.4, I.b.3 II.b III.d and ,VII.b.2) dated April .28/1986,
                                                                                                                  ,'~4y} qq% A4 %
9 1
: 25. 5-2-86
                                                                                                                    , 1e
                                                                                                                                    . v#
                                                                                                                                      *. w TUGC0 letter to:    V. Moonan - from:' W. G."Counsf1
NRC Staff Request for Additiona] Information, on Comanche Peak Response Results for-ISAPs (I.a.4, I,b.3 II,b, III.d and VII.b.21 ' dated April 28, 1986.~
i                                                                            (5pages) i 1
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _                                                                                  J
L ..
: 26. 5-2-86    TUGC0 f.etter to: V. Noonan - from: W. G. Counsil
NRC Staff Request for Additional Infonnation on Comanche Peak Response Results for. ISAPs (I.a.4, I.b.3 II.b. III.d and VII,b.2) dated April 28, 1986.
(8 pages) 27,  5-5-86  GAP l.etter to Vince Noonan from: B. Garde Re: First Analysis by CASE of the Implementation of the Results Reports I.a.4 which address the " Argument-Bete en Cable Terminations and Current Design Drawings - Enclosure is the same ast for May 7,1986.
CASE response to Board Questions (App, C #1)
(1 page)                                                      ,
: 28. No date    Evaluation of ISAP II.b Concrete Compression Strength
                                            - With consents (5pages)
: 29. 4-14-86    Memo from Noonan to Grimes - Evaluation of Comanche Peak ISAP No. 11.b, Concrete Compression Strength (2 pages) i 1
                                                                                          .      ,c ?'  ,  1 l
                                                                                  !) -
FOIA 86-272
(""    (final Response)
Appendix G Records Being Placed in PDR
: 1. 1-15-85                                                                            Statistical Evaluation for CPRT on CPRT SSER on the 00t. program (ISAP VII.C)
: 2. 10-2-85                                                                            Description Memorandum for Documentation Review of Large Bore Pipe Supports Non Rigid QI-030
,                                                                                              Rev. 0 #001 (ISAP VII.C)
(2 pages)
: 3. 10-2-85                                                                            Description Memorandum for Reinspection of large l                                                                                              Bore Pipe Supports Non-Rigid QI-029 Rev. 1 CH #2 (ISAPVII.C)
: 4. 10-2-85                                                                            Description Memomorandum for Documentation Review of large Bore Pipe Supports Rigid, OI-028 Rev. O CH #001 (ISAP VII.C)
: 5. 10-7-85                                                                            CPRT First Random Sample Identification CPP-006.1, Revision 0 (3pages)
    '6. 10-7-85                                                                            ~ Description Memorandes for Reinspection of La'rge 2 Bore Pipe Supports - Rigid Code: .lBSR ,              e
                                                                                                                                  "~    '        '
QI-027 Rev. 1. Ch 001 (1page)
: 7. 10-8-85                                                                              Facsimile Request to : H. Shannon Phillips frts:
R. Lipinski,
Agenda NRC Inspection Audit CPRT Civil / Structural Review (Preliminary)
(5 pages)
: 8. 10-12-85        US NRC Note to: Jim Taylor, Harold Denton, Bob Martin, Darreli Eisenhut, Dick Vollmer, Hugh Thompson, Brian Grimes, Jane Axelrad.
Dick Denise, Ed Christenbury, Ed Jordan from:
Vince Noonan,
CPRT Status (10Pages)
: 9. 10-14-85        CPRT Quality Instruction for Issue Specific              ;
Action Plan ISAP-VIII.C - Procedure No.: QI-049          )
Revision No.: 0 - Reinspection of t.arge Bore
Pipe - Welds / Material                                  l (17pages)
: 10. 10-16-85        Description Memorandum for Reinspection of L.'arge Bore Pipe Supports - Rigid - LBSR - QI-027,'Rev.1,      )
CH 002 (1page)
: 11. 10-16-85        NRC Audits of Comanche Peak Response Team Construction Reinspection / Documentation Review Program (ISAP VII.C)
: 12. 10-22-85        Comanche Peak Response Team Construction Adequacy Program Audit.                            ,
(8 pages T *      *4                      I
                                                                                                    ~, -          . r,}
: 13. 10-22-85        US NRC Note to: Harold Denton, Jim Taylor, Bob Martin l Darrell Eisenhut Dick Vollmer. Hugh Thompson, Brian Grimes, Jane Axelrad. Dick Denise, Ed Christenbury.,      l Ed Jordan from: Vince Noonan,
CPRT Status (11pages)
: 14. 10-23-85        Meeting on Sampling Populations Comanche Peak -          l October 16-17, 1985 (2pages) 2                                          ,
  .                      L.                                                                          q
(                                        j i
: 15. 10-25-85      US NRC Memo for: 'J. A. Calvo, from:          E. B.                    j Tomlinson,
Trip report - Comanche Peak                          l Site Visit                                                              ,
(4 pages)                                                                !
16,  10-28-85      Verification Package Status Report Construction                        j Evaluation Program e  (1page)
: 17. 10-29-85      Facsimile Request to:  B. Saffel from: R. Philleo
Comanche Peak Construction Adequacy Program Populations (3 pages).
: 18. 10-30-85      CPRT - Construction Adequacy Program Audit Electrical and Instrumentation and Control Instrumentation Equipment (5 pages)
: 19. 10-30-85      US NRC Memo to J. P. Knight fromi V. Hoonan,
Safety Evaluation Report on the Visual Inspection of Welds Through Paint at the Comanche Peak Site (10pages)
: 20. "10-31-85      .RRCStaffjRevi}ewofCPRT'ConstructionAdequacy'",
Review Program *              '
s-                -
21,  11-85          Region IV CPSES Inspection Program              -
: 22. 11-5-85        TUGC0 Meeting with NRC CPRT Monthly Status (1page) l i
: 23.        11-12-85        TRT Issue:  IC Conduit Supports (21pages.)
: 24.        11-21-85        Teledyne Engineering Services letter to:
Vince Noonan from: Donald F. Landers re:
preliminary trip report for activities conducted at CPSES related to the Construction Adequacy Program.
: 25. 11-25-85                  U.S. NRC Memo for:  V. Noonan through:  E. H. Johnson from T. F. Westerman
Visual Inspection Painted ASME Section III Pipe Welds-(1 page)
: 26. 11-25-85                NRC Audits of Comanche Peak Response Team Construction Reinspection / Documentation Review Program (ISAP VII.C)
: 27. 11-26-85                US NRC Memo for:  L. Shao, J., Calvo, J. Milhoan from: A. Vietti-Cook,
Trip Reports (2pages)
: 28. 11-28-85                _US NRC Memo Related to CPRT Program Plan Revision 3
                                                              ' +
: 29. 12-02-85                Work Process Definition for large Bore Pipe Support
: 30. 12-03-85                Work Process Definition for Small Bore Pipe Support Population Group ($8PS)                                  i (12 pages)                                                !
      ..                                                                                                                  l
: 31.            12-11-85            Memo for:    I.. C. Shao from: David Terao
Audit Summary of CPRT Construction Evaluation Program
,                                          (Piping / Pipe Supports)
(4 pages) 32,            12-12-85            Mark up Version of Inspection Report from Initial Two                          l CPRT Audits (20pages) 33,            12-13-85            tawrence livermore letter to:        E. 8. Tomlinson from:
Paul Chan,
Inspection Report for CPSES October 1985 (Draft)
(23pages) rt - Audit f SWE        n    s      Ppn          fe on Seismic Design Piping (19pages) 35,            12-18-85          U.S. NRC Memo for:      L. C. Shao from: Shou Hou.
Trip Report - Audit of SWEC Non-Seismic Piping Effects on Seismic Design Piping (19pages) 35a. 1-3-86                        U.S. NRC Memo for:      L. Shao and J. Calvo from:                D.
: y.                      #
                                      ],  Terao. SubjeIt:. InputtoSSERtoComanck}eakCPRTi l
Program Plan                                                            '
                                                                                                            ,.        m ma      <
36,            1-6-86            ASt.B NRC staff comments ~on Statistical Inference                    a Memorandum (8 pages)
: 37.            1-8-86            CPRT Comments (17 pages)                                                                        {
i i
: 38.            1-8-86            CPRT SSER Draft Revision with consents by staff personnel (42 pages) 5
          .39. 1-8-86      SSER on CPRT Program Plan - Appendix I (73 pages) 39a 1-9-86        U.S. NRC Memo for V. Noonan from:      I.. Shao,
Comments on IE inspection of DAP.                                ,
(2pages) i 39b. 1-15-86      U.S. NRC Memo for:    V. Noonan from:    B. Grimes,
04 Review Comanche Peak i
(11pages) f
: 40. 1-16-86      CPRT SSER for Rev. 3 Draft 2 for Sections I, II, and IV(163pages)
: 41. 1-16-86      Staff Evaluation of CPRT SSER for ISAP V.a through              j V.e with modification (17 pages)
: 42. 1-29-86    Appendix B - Staff Evaluation of the CPRT Construction Adequacy Program Plan (18 pages)
: 43. 1-30-86    Section IV - Staff Evaluation of Construction Adequacy Plan - Draft-1 (8 pages)
: 44. 2-6-86        U.S. NRC Memo for:    L. Shao from: Shou Hou
i Audit of Mechanical TRT Issues (15 pages.) .
m -
we        ,wmy
                                                                      "" i?.y %%;; [j&$}r
: 45. 2'-10-86      Memo to: Bob Masterson from: ErnieThoepsonkre:            ' ~~
Staff Evaluation of CPRT SSER for ISAP h$ with                .'
modifications (7pages)
: 46. 2-11-86      Engineering Analyses Services Inc. Memo to: D. Jeng from: V.P. Ferrarini
Review Rev. 3 of CPRT Program Plan in the Areas of Civil / Structural Concerns (8pages) l          47. 2-18-86      Safety Evaluation Report Related to CPRT Program Plan, Revision 3 (266 pages) 6 a-_____
48,      2-18-86    Safety Evaluation Report related to CPRT Program Plan with connents (225 pages)
: 49. 2-19-86          Coments on the SSER/o* CPRT Program Plan (108pages)
: 50.        2-25-86  U.S. NRC Telefax to: Robert Masterson c/o Larry Shou from: H. Shannon Phillips'
Comments by-      i RIV for CPRT SSER for ISAPS Yl.a and VI.b (7 pages)
: 51. 3-3-86          U.S. NRC Memo to: Larry Shao from: Shou Hou
Audit CPRT on Safety Significant Evaluation and Appendix P Issues (3 pages) 1.
: 52. 3-11-86          Battelle letter to: Charlie Mofumyer from: Bernard.I Saffell
Comanche Peak Euclear Power Plant Technical Assistance BNL Contract No. 216529-S. With Attachment (120 pages)
: 53. 3-19-86          Note to:    D. Jeng from: C. Hofmeyer
SER related to Comanche Peak Response Team (CPRT) Program      i Plan, Revision 3. SERattached.(43'pages)
: 54. 3-25-86          U.S. NRC t.etter to: William Coussil'~from: Vince Noonan re: Comments regarding several ISAPs contained intheCPRT,Pr6gIanPlin,(5p$hes)          M**g              '
: 55. 3-27-86          CP SSER 13 (90pages) ei
: 56. 4-1-86          Memo for: Jose Calvo from: E.8. Tcelinson
Report of Site Audit of CPRT Self Initiated Construction Adequacy Program - October 1985.(19 pages)
: 57. 4-2-86          CP SSER 13 Sec. 2                                            l 1
(10pages)                                                    t
7                                          )
. _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - - _ . __                                                                                            \
(, ,
: 58. 4-3-86          U.S. NRC Note to: J. Calvo,t.. Shao from: C. Tranmell
Remaining Work for Comanche Peak Program Plan SSER (#13) (2 pages)                                                    1
: 59. 4-8-86                                                                                  1 Rockwell International t.etter to: Vince Noonan from:-
F.W. Poucher
Review of Issue' Specific Action Plan V.d of Comanche Peak Review Team Program Plan,        ,
Revision 3 (6 pages)'                                        '
: 60. 4-9-86        Brookhaven National lab letter to: Dr. Harold Berkson' from: Anthony Romano
Statbs'of funding hn[
FIN A-3803. (9 pages)                          ;
[^v        .
                                                                                                                                ,          my,xa
: 61. 4-9-86 U.S. NRC Note to: J. Calvo, L. Shao from: C. Trassell:
Remaining Work for Comanche Peak Program Plan (SSER #13) Update #2 (1 page) k
: 62.      4-9-86        CP SSER 13 (29 pages)
: 63.      4-9-86      CP SSER 13 - Rev. 4 (94 pages) i
: 64. 4-9-86            CP SSER 13 (89 pages)                                              y
                                          +%                                + '.5 @yQ
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:+    {
: 65. 4-12-86            ,
CP SSER 13 - Rev. 6          ,,,      s  .
                                                                                                                                              ,j (104' pa'ges)                  4 ''          '
: 66. 4-16-86              Facsimile to: David Jeng from: C. Hofmayer re: .g Tentative Agenda WRC Comanche Peak Site Audit Meeting -                    ;
Civil / Structural Area May 5-7, 1986 - Agenda attached (3pages) il I
8                                                            ,
                                                                                                                                                            '1  .
I-66.a 4-21-86              Memo to Brian Grimes from V. Noonan re: Procedure for review of CPRT Results Reports i
l                                  67. 5-15-86              U.S. NRC Memo for: Jose Calvo from: E.B. Tomlinson i                                                           
Report of Site Audit of CPRT Self-Initiated                        )
1 Construction Adequacy Program - October 1985(24 pages) f
: 68. No date                CPRT Construction Adequacy Program Audit'                                  '
(2pages)      *
: 69. No date              Chart of categories, or populations 'of. hardware                ,
: 70. No date              CPSES - CPRT - Homogeneous Construction ActivitiesfI m (3pages)
: 71. No date              QA/QC Review Team Organization Chart (26pages)
: 72. No date              Discussion of Technical Issues in CPRT Sampling Process (5 pages)
: 73. No date              Appendix B - Staff Evaluation of the CPRT Construction Adequacy. Program. Plan (CAPP) (6,pages)          ..
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: 74. No date
                                                      ,    5.3.3 Staff EvalNtions
                                                                                - '<      qc/C                            ;jb.            1
: a. g                                  y. g.          s            4s.
: 75. No date              Appendix B - Staff Evaluation of the~ CPRT,Construci$on Adequacy Program Plan (CAPP)' 5.0 (5 pages).                  1            j
: 76. No date              Appendix B - Staff Evaluation of. the CPRT Condkruction Adequacy Program Plan (CAPP) 4.0 (5 pages)
: 77. No date              Section IV 2.4 - Staff Evaluation of Construction Adequacy Plan - Rev. 3 (11 pages) 9
s                                                    ,
: 78. No,date                                                  SSER on Comanche Peak Response Team Program Plan -
Appendix 8 (4 pages)
: 79. No date                                                  Work Process Definition for large Bore Pipe Support -
Rigid Population Group (LBSR) (11 pages)
: 80. No date                                                  large Bore Pipe Supports - Rigid (3pages)                                                                ;    ,
                                                                                                                            . .. .                                                  o
: 81. No date                                                  Definition of Work Processes for Population large'                                                  I Bore Pipe Supports - Non-Rigid (5'pages)~                                                    ,
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: 82. No date                                                                                                                                            t Definition of Work
                                                                                                  >        Process for SmallJ89re
: qge ~ '                  Pipe}'ic. e 3-e Supports (6 pages).                        ,
                                                                                                                                  ;wi                  ''          "
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: 83. No date                                                  CPRT Second Random Sample Identification (19 pages)
: 84. No date                                                  Section IV - Page IV-83, Paragraph 2.5 (2pages) 3-
: 85. No date                                                  SSER Status ,
(3pages)                                                                                        -
: 86. No date                                                  Work Process Definition for Pipe Welds / Material? 'a                                .
4 4
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4,N. Population Group,(P!IM) (8 pages{.                                                                  !
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: 87. No date                                        '''
e Comments. on' Train C Conduit Cr;1teria".DocumeetsN4N l                    m                                                                  gsyg g g                > ig 3                                  p 3, ,3. , ,.
: 88. No date-                                                ReferencesbsedbyC.Hofmayer'CPRTProgram Plan - Rev. 3,(3 pages)                  .          %" * '                    A      '
                                                                                                                        ,,e            -
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: 89. No date                                                  Handwritten Notes re: FIN A-3803                                                                    ,
(3pages)                                      ,
: 90. 4-14-86                                                  Evaluation of ISAP II.b - Concrete Compression Strength (5 pages) i l
10 1
: 91. 10-22-85                            Battelle Draft - Comanche Peak Response Team Construction Adequacy Program Audit. (8 pages)
: 92. 4-10-86                            Brookhaven National Lab letter to: D.- Jeng from: Guiliano DeGrassi subject: CP Conduit Support Program Audit Meeting Trip Report. (22 pages)
: 93. 3-11-86                            Section 2.5.7 Preoperational Testing (III.d) (2 pages) f 1
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FOIA 86-454 Appendix H Records Being Placed in PDR
: 1.                                Undated                Handwritten note. Files for ISAP No. I.b.3                                  I (1 page) l
: 2.                                  Undated              Handwritten note, Files for ISAP No. I.a.4 (1 page) i                                                                                                  1
: 3.                                  1/2/5/85              Comanche. Peak Steam Electric Station'DeAign l
Change Authorization ,No.19948 Rev. 2                                        1
                                                                          .(5 pages)              .
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: 4.                                6/28/85                  CPSES maaeanformance Report No. E-85-100486S (8 pages).
: 5.
* 2/12/85                  CPSES Nonconformance Report No. E-85-100054S (1 page)                      .
: z.        .
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: 7.                                4/30/86                  CPSES: Nonconformance' Report No. E-86-101777 (1 5 P ke)(
: 8.                                  5/2/86                  CPSES Nonconformance Report No. E-86-101833S (1 Page)
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: 9.                      5/?/86                    CPSES Monconformance Report No. E-86-101834S (1 page) i
: 10.                    5/2/86                  CPSES Nonconformance Report No. E-86-101835S
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: 11.                    1/18/85'                CPSES Construction'Operatico Travelei-
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: 12.                      1/18/85                CPSES Construction Operation Traveler No. EE85-11,264-2003                                  (1 page)
: 13.                      5/1/86                  CPSES Field Design Change & Review Statui Log Dwg 2323-El-0172                                (1 page) g.
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: 1.                  05/29/86 Memo to Annette Vietti-Cook from Charles Russi Re: ISAP I b.3,                                                  '
Conduit to Cable Tray Sep.aration, Comanche Peak Steam Electric Station, Units 1 & 2 (2pages) w/ enclosure                                                            1
: a. Technical Evaluation;of the ISAP I.b.3 Results Report.                                .                  I Revision 1, Regarding Conduit to Cable Trety Se
                                                                                . Comanche Peak Steam Electric Station (6 pages)paration at          -
: 2.                    05/08/86  Facsimile Transmittal Re and J. Malonson- (1 page)        w/ quest enclosures to Ward Smith from C. Trammell
: a. Results Report Revision 1,3/13/86 ISAP III.d Preoperational Testing (4pages)'
: b. Comanche Peak Response Team Results Report - Preoperational
                                                                            - , Testing Revision 1-(24 pages)                      X
: 3.                    04/24/86 Draft Evaluation of 2 SAP II.b - Concrete tempression Strength (5pages)                                                                                                  [
: 4.                  04/24/86 Draft Evaluation of ISAP II.b - Concrete Compression Strength                                              j (5pages)
: 5.                  04/14/86 Draft Evaluation of ISAP II.b u Concrete Compression Strength                                          I-(5pages)                              '
: 6.                  03/05/86 Handwritten Telephone Conversation Rcord to Dan Lurie from E. Thomason Re: Statistical Aspects of CM Action Plan.
ISAP V.O., Plug Welds (Revision 3) -(1 peat 4 -
* af
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: 7.                    12/16/85 Facsistle Transmission to Ed Tomlinson frum 8. Faffell.              '
(1 page) w/ enclosure                                                        m
: a. Comanche Peak - Construction Re-InspecticeDocumentationa w                      yw        " .g            (6                g                        g    3 j (
: 8.                    ~12/10/85'                                                                                        " ff
                                                              .          s. ,Handwritten
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Construction Adequacy Audit on Structural Armas' N' sage)
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: 10. Undated                  II.b Concrete Compression Strength (5 pages)
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: 11. Undated                                    Draft Additional RAI on ISAP II.6 (1 page)
I              I                      1s.' Undated                                  DraftQuestionontheVII.b.2ResultsReport(1page)
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: 13. Undated                                    Draft Version I.a.3 - Introduction Re: ComanchePeck(5pages)
: 14. Undated                                    Safety Evaluation by the Office of NRR Re: the ISAP III.d.
Results Report for Texas Utilities Electric Company Comanche Peak Steam Electric Statico Units 1 and 2,[ et al4pages) a
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: 1.      '04/24/86. Meno for T. Westerman from L. E11ershaw re: Review of Results
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: 2.        05/13/86 /no for V. Noonan fror. E. Johnson re: Staff Questions Re:                                            i ISAPWo.VII.b.2ResultsReport(1page)
: 3.        Undated' W.tft Memo for V. Nocaan from E. Johnson re: Evaluation Report' andconcurrencepage(2pages)w/ attachments:
: a. Evaluation f4 port, ISAP III.d (4 pages) b.Typingcoverpage(Ipage)
: 4.        05/16/65 MemoherV,fNoonanfromE.Johnsonre: Evaluation Report i
,                                                                        (1 page) wnttachment:                                                              ,
l1                                                                        a. Evaluation Report, (ISAP III.d) (4 pages)                                        i s                                                                            ,
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* 1555 Connecncur Awmue, N.W., Suite 202 Wasungron, D.C. 20036                                                                (202)232 6550      ;
April 9, 1986 i
i l        - FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT REQUEST Director                                                          NWNW                            I office of Administration                                                WW zuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C. 20555 hh -[f, Q g                j To Whom It May Concern
                                                                                  @ s W + y'-pg 1 Pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act ("FOIA*)', 5 USC.
552, the Government Accountability Project (GAP) requests copies of any and all agency records and information, including but not limited to notes, letters, memoranda, drafts, minutes, diaries,-
i logs, calendars, tapes, transcripts, summaries, interview -                                        '
reports, procedures, instructions, engineering _ analyses, >                                      j drawings, files, graphs, charts, maps, ' photographs,1 agressants,,                          o    I handwritten notes, studies, data sheets,: notebooks,L books,.
telephone messages, computations, voice recordings, cv roter runoffs, reports, and any and all other records or reports                                        ,
relevant to and/or generated in connection with all information                                    l developed since October 1,1985 regarding, the evaluation of ,
individual ISAP's at Conan,he Peak, by all' staff, includingf; consultants.                                                                      '        '
w                      \
This request includes all agency records as defined in 10.
c.F.R. 9.3a(b) and the NRC Manual, Appendix 0211,[ parts 1.A.2 and A.3 (approved October 8, 1980) whether.they wu..-.tly' exist in                                  .{
the NRC official, " working," investigative or other files, or at                                j any other location, including private residences.                            ,
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I If any records as defined in 10 C.F.R. _9.3a(b) and tho' NRC manual, and removed          covered;by this request afterzthissesquest,s        have been edestroyed piense provide"                  s =E. n ~and/or;&g M    g records} including'butxmot" limited to auli                          'ialll:56osts Jhich; g'h have been or are destroy'ee*and/or; removed,; tai                      criptien[afsthg b .
action (s) taken- relevant' teFgenerated' int connection <with,4and/or A*
issued in order to implement the action (s) .                                  W GAP requests that 'feesWwaived,ibecause "fiNdi the information can be'oonsidered as primarily benefittIngethe';i'                  hg4 general public," 5 USC section $52(a)(4)(a) . GAP is a non-profit, non-partisan public interest organization concerned with honest and open government. Through public outreach, the. Project promotes whistleblowers 'as agents of government accountability.
Through its Environmental Whistleblower Clinic, GAP offers assistance to local public interest and citizens groups seeking to ensure the health and safety of their communities. The Environmental Whistleblower Clinic is currently assisting several p$7 {h qq
4 s
Director, office of Administration Page Two i
citizens groups, local governments, and interveners in Texas concerning the construction of the Comanche Peak nuclear power plant.
We are requesting the above information as part of an ongoing monitoring project on the adequacy of Region IV and the NRC's efforts to protect public safety and health at nuclear power plants.
For any documents or portions that you deny due to a-specific FOIA exemption, please provide an index itemising and derscribing the documents or portions of documents withheld. The iindex should provide a detailed justification of your grounds for claiming each exemption, explaining why each exemption is relevant to the document or portion of the document withheld.
This index is required under Vaughn v. Rosen (I), 484 F.2d.
section B20 (D.C. Cir. 1973), cert. denied, 415 U.S. section 977 (1974).
working    look forward to your response to this request within ten sincerely,                    '
Billie Pirner Garde Director, Environmental Whistleblower Clinic-BPG 41909C yph [
. g y..
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Gr NNMENT ACCOUNTAMUTY PROJECT 1555 Qwwwcncut Awnue, N.W., Suhe,202
WOIhingfort D.C. 2M                                                            (202)232 4550 I
l June 16, 1986 T
Director Office of Administration'                                                                  *N U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission
                                                                                - ~ '/g Was.hington, D.C. 20555 Re:  FOIA Request Yhk To whom it may concerns Pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), 5 U.S.C.
552, as amended, the- Government hocountability Project (GAP) requests copies of any and all agency records.and information, including but'not limited to notes, letters, memoranda, drafts,                                    1 minutes, diaries, logs, calendars, tapes, transcripts, summaries,                                  1 interview reports,                                                                                i analyses, drawings, files,    procedures, graphs,instructions, charts, maps, engineering photographs,                    -
agreements, handwritten notes, studies, data sheets, notebooks, books, telephone messages, computations, voice recordings, computer runoffs, any other data compilations, interim and/or final reports, status reports, and any and all other records relevant to and/or generated in connection with the following:
The NRC's review of ISAP's I.a.4, I.b.3, II.b.,, and VII.b.2, released by Texas Utilities on April 14, 1986.
This request includes'all agency records as defined in 10 C.F.R. 9.3a(b) and the NRC Manual, Appendix 0211, Parts 1.A.2. and A.3 (approved October 8, 1980), whether they currently exist in the NRC official, " working", investigative, or other files, or at any _other location,.            including  private residences. g              g.
i g                n, (M            1 ^ " '    '
a;                  9*                  ]
If any records _as defined''in 10 C.F.R.'p                M J and the NRC 9.3a(b)
Manual, supra, and: covered by this request have been destroyed                                ,
and/or removed, or"are destroyed and/or removed after receipt of thias request, please provide all surrounding records, -including but not limited to a list of all records wh:.ohehave been or are                                    ,
destroyed and/or removed, a description of the action (s) taken                                    I reinvant to, generated in connection with,' and/or issued in order to 1.mplement the action (s).                      -
GAP requests that fees be waived, because " finding the information can be considered as primarily benefitting the gene-ral public." 5 U.S.C. 552(a) (4) (A). GAP is a non-profit, nonpartisan public interest organization concerned with honest and open government.              Through itas citizens clinic, GAP offers assistance to local public interest and citizens groups seeking to ensure the health and safety of their communities.
i pgoWNo                          .
* p
* FOIA Request-June 16, 1986 Page Two i
GAP is requesting the above information as part of an ongoing monitoring project on the adequacy of the NRC's efforts to protect public safety and health at nuclear power plants.
For any documents or portions of documents that you deny due to a specific FOIA exemption, please provide an inder itemising and describing the documents or portions of documents withheld.
The index should provide a detailed justification of your grounds for claiming each exemption, explaining why each esemption is relevant to the document or portion of the document withheld.
This index is required under Vaughn v. Rosen ,[Il, 484 F. 2d 820 (D.C. Cir. 1973), cert. denied, 415 U.S. 977 (1974) .
We look forward to your response to this request within ten Respectfully, i
Billie Pirner Garde citizens clinic Director 42113
                                                  ? q l
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GOVEld4 MENT ACCOUNTABILITY PROJECT 1555 Connecticut Avenue, N.W., Suite 202 j
Woshington, D.C. 20036                                            (202)232-8550 GOVERNMENT ACCOUNTABILITY PROJECT MIDWEST OFFICE 3424 MARCOS LANE APFLETON, WI 54911 j
October 1, 1986                          i I
Victor Stello                                      NI Executive Director for Operations U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Mkh~@b
* h'd I b"M)              ,
Washington, D.C. 20555                                                          }I 6                                                                  _ Appeal 44        /O -  .
Re:          from Initial FOIA Decision of FOIA 86-272 and FOIA 86-454
==Dear Mr. Stello:==
                                      , 4 This is an appeal pursuant to subsection a(6) of the Freedom of Information Act as amended (5 U.S.C. 522), of the actual denial of the Commission to release documents requested on April 9, 1986 and June 16, 1986, by the Government Accountability Project.
By {{letter dated|date=September 4, 1986|text=letter dated September 4, 1986}}, Donnie H. Grimsley, Director of the Division of Rules and Records, informed us that the Records identified on Appendix D are being withheld pursuant to FOIA Exemption 5 because they contain predecisional information which would inhibit open and frank exchange of ideas essential to the deliberation process.
We believe we are entitled to the release of the documents being withheld.
We expect your response to this appeal within 20 working days of your-receipt so that we can determine whether'to pursue ", '
this matter further in the courts.
Thank' you for your consideration of this ' appeal.
Billie Pirner Garde Director, Environmental Whistleblower Clinic cs                                                                          -
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                    ,                          UNITED STATES
{                                        WASHING TON, D. C. 20555 1
Ms. Billie Pirner Garde Government Accountability Project                      IN RESPONSE REFER 1555 Connecticut Avenue, NW, Suite 202                  TO FOIA-86-272 AND Washington, DC 20036                                    F01A-86-454
==Dear Ms. Garde:==
This is the second partial response to your letters dated April 9,1986, and June 16, 1986, in which you requested, pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act (F0IA), copies of records related to the evaluation of ISAP's regarding                                                                    ^
the Comanche Peak plant.                                                                                                        ,
The records identified on the enclosed Appendix B are already available for public inspection and copying at the NRC Public Document Room (PDR). The PDR accession numbers are identified beside the record descriptions.
The records identified on the enclosed Appendix C are being placed in the                                                                      t PDR. You may obtain access to these records by referring to PDR folder 86-272 under your name.
The records identified on the enclosed Appendix D are being withheld pursuant to Exemption (5) of the FOIA (5 U.S.C. 552(b)(5)) and 10 CFR 9.5(a)(5) of the 4
j Commission's regulations. These records contain predecisional information
                                                                                                                                                  .        l consisting of advice, opinions, and recommendations of the staff. Release of"
'          these records would tend to inhibit the open and frank exchange of ideas essential to the deliberative process. There are no reasonab y segregable factual portions because release of the facts would permit an indirect inquiry into the predecisional process of the agency.                                                                                      '
        , Pursuant to 10 CFR 9.9 of the CommidiN's regulatNmkN has$eehNetIrmik/
        'that the information withheld *is exempt 1 from 3roduction or~ disclosurepand that '
its production or disclosure is contrary to tie public interest. The: persons.
responsible for denial of the information are the' undersigned and i^"'
Mr. Robert D. Martin, Regional Administrator, Region IV.2 l
__                _______-___U
p  .                              (' i Ms. Garde                                                                                                                          . . t.
This denial may be appealed to the NRC's Executive Director for Operations within 30 days from the receipt of this letter. As provided in 10 CFR 9.11,                                                                ;
any such appeal must be in writing, addressed to the Executive Director for                                                                '
Operations, U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Comission, Washington, DC 20555, and should clearly state on the envelope and in the letter that it is an
                      " Appeal from an Initial F0IA Decision."
i We will comunicate with you further with regard to additional records which                                                              'l are subject to your requests.                                            ,
j Sincerely.
Mu $ w ar/                    .x
                                                                                                                                              +. '
Donnie H. Grimsley.. Director Division of Rules and Records Office of Administration                                                                            j
As stated                                                                                                                        1 1
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Appendix B                              FOI A 86-272 and 86-454 Documents in PDR Accession No.
5/23/86                                    Letter, W. G. Counsil, CPSES, to Vincent S. Noonan,                                      8605280142 Comanche Peak Project, Response to NRC Questions Transmitted By Letter Dated May 15, 1986.
w attachment, 5RC Comments / Responses    (2 pages) 4/28/86                                    Letter, Vincent S. Noonan to W. C. Counsil, CPRT-                                        8605020347 Results Reports dtd April 4, 1986.
w attachment, Request for Additional Information (6 pages)
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                              ,                                                                                        F01A-86-272 and F0lA-86-454
                                                                                  ,                                (~}  (Second Partial)
APPENDIX C Released Rbcords                  86-454 l
: 1.                      Updated Question / Response on VII.b.2 Valve Disassembly (10 pages)
: 2.                      7/2?/83          Documentation Review, Table 1, Specification Revision / Addendum Report                              (6 pages)
N o
: 3.                      3/20/85          Interoffice Mesmo. Brown & Root, G. R. Purdy to Distribution, CPSES, 35-1195, Reinspection Program Implementation (2 pages)
: 4.                      4/8/85        Office Memorandum, Evaluation Research Corporation, Valve Disassembly. Issue VII.b.2 Generic Valve Evaluation (4 pages)
: 5.                      5/2/85        office Memorandum, ERC, Valve Disassembly, Issue VII.b.2 (3 pages)
Additional Generic Valve Evaluation s %.e,          f.'4 vy        >,-,
                                                                                                    -Q, m              '
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: 6.                      5/20/85 Office Memorandum, ERC, Valve Disassembly.. Issue VII.b.2, Generic Safety Consequences Analysis (7 pages)
: 7.                    5/23/85        Table 4. Generic Safety Consequences Analysis (4 pages)
(. .
                                                                                              ' APPENDIX C-l.
FOIA-86-272 AND 86-454 Page 2 Released Records l
: 8.                            6/19/85                ERC Memo, Valve Disassembly ~, Issue VII.b.2, Dis / Reassembly Procedural control (2 pages)
: 9.                          7/22/85                  Texas Utilities Generating company Office Memo, to Distribution, Unit 2 ASME Startup Activities (1 Page) 4          4/
: o.    .
            -10, 8/14/85                    valve Reinspection Checklist, Issue VII.b.2, Ites No 464              (8 pages)
: 11.                        10/2/85                    ERC Memo, Review of Procedures Pertinent to Valve Disassembly          (
: 12.                      11/25/85                    Generic Safety Consequences Analysis, Ites No.
VII.b.2, Revision 1                      (6 pages)
                                                                          ]              - , W      'a'-                  *b fc y 3
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: 13.                '3/13/86                                                                                                      '+-
                                                                  'ERCI letter w t'elecon% Obert to'Milliken (2<pages)
D,,irM                      ^  <                              "'
                                                                                                                                      ~                    .
: 14.                    3/20/86                    a. Comanche Peak Response Team Results Report, ISAP VII.b.2, Valve Disassembly, Rev 1, w/ attachment: b. Action Plan (30 pages)
l F01A-86-272 and 86-454 (SecondPartialResponse)
Appendix D Records Denied in Entirety - Exemption (5)
: 1.                                  4/24/86 MemorandumfromL.E.EllershawtoT.F.
Review of Results Reports VIIb.2 and II.b (2 pages                    Westerman}
: 2.                                    5/12/86 Memorandum Review of Results Reports    fromVIIb.2 L. E. andEllershaw II.b (2 pages to T. F. Westerm
: 3.                                      5/13/86  Memorandum from E. H. Johnson to V. S. Noonan. Staff Questions Regarding ISAP No. VII.b.2 Results Reports (1page).                                                                                  3
: 4.                                      5/16/86  Memo from Johnson to Noonan, re: Evaluation Report (1 page) w/ attachment
: a.            Evaluation Report (ISAP III.d) (4 pages) i l
                                                                              ,                                      , r;, ,..
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- 1555 Connecticut Awnue, N.W., Suite 202.
Washington, D.C. 20036                                              (202)2324550-June 16, 1986 y            TEIN Director office of Administration
* U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission                            ,.J 8-Yg Washington, D.C. 20555 Re:
                                                                --G FOIA Request
Yf-[f'    '
To whom it may concern:
Pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act;(FOIA),,5'U.S.C.-
552, as amended, the Government Accountability Project (GAP)x .
requests copies of any and all agency records and information,5        .
including but'not limited to notes, letters,-memoranda,: drafts,.
minutes, diaries,- logs, calendars, tapes, transcripts, summaries, interview reports, procedures, instructions, engineering analyses, drawings, files, graphs, charts,. maps, photographs, agreements, handwritten notes, studies, data sheets, notebooks, .
books, telephone _ messages, computations, voice recordings, computer runoffs, any;other data compilations, interim and/or final reports, status reports, and any and all other records relevant to and/or generated in connection with the following:
The NRC's review of ISAP's I.a.4, I.b.3, II.b.,III.dif and VII.b.2, ' released by Texas Utilities on April '14, :1985.
This request includes'all' agency records as defined'in 10' C.F.R. 9.3a(b) and the NRC Manual, . Appendix 0211, , PartsL"1. A.2 ' and-A.3 (approved October-8, 1980), whether they currently ' exist-in the NRC official, " working", investigative, or other files, or at any,other 1    tion, inal        priv    esidences.- 4              %p If any records asjdefined in 10 C.F.R. 9.3a(b)Dandithe Mace Manual,. supra, and covered by this' request have' been, destroye$ .
and/or removed, or are destroyed and/or removed after: receipt ~of this request, please provide all surrounding recorda n including but not limited to a list of:all' records which have been7or area destroyed and/or removed, 'a description of the action (s) takemi' relevant to, generated in connection with, and/or issued 'in' order to implement the action (s).
GAP requests that fees be waived, because " finding the                    l information can be considered as primarily benefitting the gene-ral public." 5 U.S.C. 552(a) (4) (A). GAP is a non-profit, nonpartisan public interest organization concerned with honest                    !
and open government. Through its Citizens Clinic, GAP offers assistance to local public interest and citizens groups seeking to ensure the health and safety of their communities.
2 e                  ag
FOIA Request June 16, 1986 Page Two GAP is requesting the above information as part of an ongoing monitoring project on the adequacy of the NRC's efforts to protect public safety and health at nuclear power plants, b            For any documents or portions of documents that you deny due to a specific FOIA exemption, please provide an index itemizing and describing the documents or portions of documents withheld.
The index should provide a detailed justification of your grounds for claiming each exemption, explaining why each exemption is relevant to the document or portion of the document withheld.
This index is required under Vaughn v. Rosen M , 484 F. 2d 820 (D.C. Cir. 1973), cert. denied, 415 U.S. 977 (1974).
We look forward to your response to this request within ten Respectfully, I
Billie Pirner Garde        i citizens clinic Director . l l
42113 l
l s
            '                      e 1, .                            4
)4 GOVERP#dENTICCOUNTABluTY PROJECT 1555 Connecticut Avenue, N.W., Suite 202                                                                                    ;
1      Washington, D.C. 20036                                                                          (202)232-8550 GOVERNMENT ACCOUNTABILITY PROJECT                                                                                              4 i    MIDWEST OFFICE 3424 MARCOS IANE                                                                                                              ,
APPLETON, WI 54911                                                                                                            i October 1, 1986 Victor Stello                            ' ' . j_      *    ,.        .
A*l                        -. .-
Executive Director for Operations          '
U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C. 20555                            ,,,4 .j 9 gy gg ,,, yg [s Re:
J Appeal c Id      from Initial FOIA
                                                                                              /o-1-/6 Decision of FOIA 86-272 and                                            i FOIA 86-454
==Dear Mr. Stello:==
This is an appeal pursuant to subsection a(6) of the Freedom of Information Act as amended (5 U.S.C. 522), of the actual denial of the Commission to release documents requested on April 9, 1986 and June 16, 1986, by the Government Accountability Project.
By {{letter dated|date=September 4, 1986|text=letter dated September 4, 1986}}, Donnie H. Grimsley, Director of the Division of Rules and Records, informed us that the Records identified on Appendix D are being withheld pursuant to FOIA Exemption 5 because they contain predecisional information which would inhibit open and frank exchange of ideas essential to the deliberation process.
We believe we are entitled to the release of the documents being withheld.
We expect your response to this appeal within 20 working days of your receipt so that we can determine,whether to pursue this matter further in the courts.
Thank you for yoar consideration of this appeal.
                                                                      \b Billie Pirner Garde Director, Environmental Whistleblower Clinic cs
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Ms. Billie Pirner Garde Government Accountability Project                    IN RESPONSE REFER
1555 Connecticut Avenue, NW, Suite 202              TO F01A-86-272 Als Washington, DC 20036                                FOIA-86-454                                    i
==Dear Ms. Garde:==
This is the second partial. response to your letters dated April 9,1986 and                          l June 16, 1986, in which you requested, pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), copies of records related to the evaluation of ISAP's;regarding the Comanche Peak plant.
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                                                                                                      . .u ~ w The records identified on the enclosed Ap>endix 8 are already available for; public inspection and copying at the NRC %blic Document Room (PDR). The PDR accession numbers are identified beside the record descriptions.
The records identified on the enclosed Appendix C are being placed'in the                            i PDR. You may obtain access to these records by referring to POR folder 86-272 under your name.                                                                              !
The records identified on the enclosed Appendix 0 are being withheld pursuant to Exemption (5) of the FOIA (5 U.S.C. 552(b)(5)) and 10 CFR 9.5(a)(5) of the Comission's regulations. . These records contain predecisional information consisting _ of advice, opinions, and recommendations of the staff. Release of-these records would tend to inhibit the open and frank exchanne of ideas essential to the deliberative process. There are no reasonab'y segregable factual portions because release of the facts would permit an indirect inquiryy into the predecisional process of the agency.
Pursuant to-10[CFA]9!9fofsthe Consissionis regulationdih                        ..detebb$$ #-
s that the inforestion erithheld:is exemptLfree'      production"or*dite        re, and tha @?N    #
its production 'or' disclosure is contrary 4to the public interest.,: The responsible for?. denial''of the' information are the undersigned and7 ' personsg$N  ~i4      -1?
Mr. Robert D. Martin, Regional Administrator, Region IV.
a                m o                  h a $ ,e          .
na 5 Abagr6Qt
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Ms. Garde                                                              This denial may be appealed to the NRC's Executive Director for Operations within 30 days from the receipt of this letter. As provided in 10 CFR 9.11, any such appeal must be in writing, addressed to the Executive Director for Operations, U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Comission, Washington, DC 20555, and should clearly state on the envelope and in the letter that it is an
                              " Appeal from an Initial FOIA Decision."                                            y i
We will comunicate with you further with regard to additional records which are subject to your requests.
Sincerely, MuY Donnie H.'Grimsley, Direc' tor"    -
Division of Rules and Records-Office of Administration
As stated l
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Appendix B                          FOIA 86-272 and 86-454 Documents in PDR Accession No.
5/23/86    Letter, W. G. Counsil, CPSES, to Vincent S. Noonan,                  8605280142 Comanche Peak Project, Response to NRC Questions
                                                -Transmitted By Letter Dated May 15, 1986.
w attachment.
5RC Comments / Responses  (2 pa8es) 4/28/86    Letter, Vincent S. Noonan to W. G. Counsil, CPRT                      8605020347 Results Reports dtd April 4, 1986, w attachment, Request for Additional Information (6 pages) sus                            .
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i F01 A-86-272 and FOI A-86-454 -
[.                                                  w                                            '  (Second Partial) b                              '
1-                                                                      APPENDIX C Released Rbcords                          A 6-W                  :
4 1
: 1.      Undated Question / Response on VII.b.2 Valve Disassembly (10 pages)
J l
2,        7/22/83        Documentation Review, Table 1 Specification l
l                                          Revision / Addendum Report        (6 pages)
: 3.      .3/20/85-l Interoffice Meno, Brown & Root,-C. R. Purdy to Distribution, CPSES, 35-1195, Reinspection Program Implementation (2 pages)
                '4        4/8/85        Office Memorandum, Evaluation Research Corporation, Valve Disassembly Issue VII.b.2 Generic Valve Evaluation      (4 pages)
: 5.      5/2/85          Office Memorandum, ERC, Valve Disassembly, Issue VII.b.2 (3 pages)
Additional Generic Valve Evaluation
:n                                          gy gj 7                    yj              j
                                                            ,    .i s ;
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: 6.        5/20/85        Offide' Memorandum, ERC, Valve Disassembly, Issue VII.b.2, Generic _ Safety Consequences Analysis (7 pages)              ;.4 .                      T y    '-
: 7.      5/23/85          Table 4, Generic Safety consequences Analysis (4 pages)                                                                                    i
APPENDIX C F01A-86-272 AND 86-454 age 2 Released Records
: 8. 6/19/85        ERC Memo, Valve Disassembly', Issue VII.b.2 Dis / Reassembly Procedural Control (2 pages)
: 9. 7/22/85        Texas Utilities Generating company office Memo, to Distribution Unit 2 ASME Startup Activities (1 Page)
: 10. 8/14/85        Valve Reinspection Checklist, Issue VII.b.2 Item No. 464    (8 pages)
: 11. 10/2/85        ERC Memo, Review of Procedures Pertinent to Valve Disassembly    (1 page) 12, 11/25/85      Generic Safety Consequences Analysis, Item No.
VII.b.2 Revision 1          (6 pages)
: 13. 3/13/86        ERCI letter w telecon, Obert to Milliken (2 pages)                                                      u
: 14. 3/20/86    a. Comanche Peak Response Team Results Report, ISAP VII,b.2, Valve Disassembly, Rev 1, w/ attachment: b. Action Plan (30 pages)
(- '
F01A-86-272 and 86-454 (Second Partial Response)
Appendix D                                                                                  l Records Denied in Entirety - Exemption (5)
: 1. 4/24/86 MemorandumfromL.E.EllershawtoT.F.
Review of Results Reports VIIb.2 and II.b (2 pages                                                  Westerman
: 2. 5/12/86 MemorandumfromL.E.EllershawtoT.F.
Review of Results Reports VIIb.2 and II.b (2 pages                                                  Westerman
: 3.      5/13/86  Memorandum from E. H. Johnson to V. S. Noonan, Staff Questions Regarding ISAP No. VII.b.2 Results Reports (1 page)
: 4.      5/16/86  Memo from Johnson to Noonan, re:            Evaluation Report (1 page) w/ attachment a.-  Evaluation Report (ISAP III.d) (4 pages) t  '
            ,                                                  ~
                              .u L
GOVERNMEM ACCOUMABluTY PROECT 1555 Connecticut Awnue, N.W Suite 202 Washington, D.C. 20036 (202)2324550 April 9, 1986 b
FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT MMOUEST Director Office of Administration                                  EE Nuclear Regulatory Comnission Washington,_D.C.- 20555                                h[d -[f, Q %;
To Whom It May concern:
552, Pursuant to the Freedom of Information- Act ("FOIA"), 5 USC' the Government Accountability Project (GAP) requests copies of any and all agency records and information, including but not limited to notes, letters,. memoranda, drafts,' minutes, diaries, logs, calendars, tapes, transcripts summaries, interviser          e reports, drawings, procedures,-instructions, e,ngineering analyses, files, graphs, charts, maps, photographs, agreements,
    '    handwritten notes, studies, data sheets, notebooks, books,.
telephone messages, computations, voice recordings, computer runoffs, reports, and:any and all other records or reports-relevant to and/or generated in connection with all information developed since October 1, 1985 regarding the evaluation of individual ISAP's at Comanche Peak, by all staff, includingh consultants.
This request includes all agency records as defined in 10 C.F.R. 9.3a(b) and tho' NRC A.3 (approved October 8, Manual, Appendix 0211, . Parts 1.A.2 and 1980) whether they currently exist in-the NRC official, " working," investigative or other files, ur at any other location, including private residences.
If any records as defined in 10 C.F.R. 9.3a(b) and the ERC manual, removedand  aftercovered    by this please'p;rovide;allrourround this request,    request have been destroyed ap4/as'j..
records, including but not: limited to a list of all reco              &@M ' -
                                                                                ;sttich have been or are destroyed and/or removed,. a description.of(the ,
action (s) taken relevant to, generated in connection with,'andyor issued in order to implement the action (s).                                      1
                                                                              ,    ,e      {
GAP requests that fees be waived, becausEf" finding' Mk.'            "'
the information can be considered as primarily benefitting' tho' general public," 5 USC section 552(a) (4) (a) . GAP is a non-profit, non-partisan      public interest organization concerned with honest and open government. Through public outreach, the Project promotes whistleblowers as agents of government accountability.
Through its Environmental Whistleblower Clinic, GAP offers assistance to local public interest and citizens groups seeking to ensure the health and safety of their communities. The Environmental Whistleblower Clinic is currently assisting several h.-
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Director, office of Administration Page Two citizens groups, local governments, and interveners in Texas concerning the construction of the Comanche Peak nuclear power plant.
We are requesting the above information as part of an ongoing monitoring project on the adequacy of Region IV and the NRC's efforts to protect public safety and health at nuclear power plants.
For any documents or portions that you deny due to a specific FOIA exemption, please provide an index itemising and derscribing the documents or portions- of documents withheld. The iindex should provide a detailed justification of your grounds for claiming each exemption, explaining why each exemption is relevant to the document or portion of the document withheld.
This inder is required under Vaughn v. Rosen (I), 484 F.2d.
section 820 (D.C. Cir. 1973), cert. denied, 415 U.S. section 977 (1974).
We look forward to your response to this request within ten working days.
1 sincerely, Billie Pirner Garde Director, Environmental Whistleblower Clinic BPG:41909C
                                                  ~    -
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(Q GOVE/PGAENT ACCOUNTABILITY PROJECT 15S6\.\ necticut Avenue N.W., Suite 202 Washington, D.C. 20036                                                          (202)232-8550 GOVERNMENT ACCOUNTABILITY PROJECT MIDWEST OFFICE 3424 MARCOS LANE APPLETON, WI                    54911                0ctober 20, 1986 Al&EAL OF ANITIAL @A DECtSIOK Viclor Stello E:<ecut ive Di re ctor for Operations                      8d'*#4 "d3N$ C?d T> 7h U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission                                .g yg jf pg Washington, D.C. 20555
                                                                              /g y        g RE: Appeal From an Initial FOIA Decision of FOIA 86-272 and 86-454
==Dear Mr. Stello:==
This is an appeal pursuant to subsection a(6) of the Freedom of Information Act as amended (5 U.S.C. 522), of the actual denial of the Comnassion to release documents requested on April 9, 1986 and June 16, Project.
1986 by the Government Accountability By {{letter dated|date=October 3, 1986|text=letter dated October 3, 1986}}, Donnie H. Grimsley, Director of the Division of Rules and Records, informed us that the records identified on Appendi:< 1 and J were being withheld pursuant to E:<emption 5 decausse they consist of preliminary advice, opinions and recommenda*,lons of the staff.
being We                believe withheld. we are entitled to the release of the documents We e:< pe ct your response to this appeal within 20 working days of your receipt so that we can determine whether to pursue this matter further in the courts.
Thank you for your consideration of this appeal.
Sincerely, y
Billie Pirner Garde Director, Environmental Whistleblower Clinic Q"
                                                                                        >T fe                          i
D Billie Pirner Garde Esquire Government Accountability Project Midwest Office                              IN RES        R 3424 Marcos Lane Appleton, WI 54911 W8    1950 F01 F0!A-86
==Dear Ms. Garde:==
This is the final' response to your letters dated April 9.1986, and June 16, 1986, in which you requested, pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act (F0IA), copies of records related to the evaluation of ISAP's regarding the Comanche Peak plant.
The records identified on the enclosed Appendix E are already available for public inspection and copying at the NRC Public Document Room (PDR). The PDR accession numbers are identified beside the record descriptions.
The records identified on the enclosed Appendixes F, 6, and H are bei      laced    b in the PDR. You may obtain access to these records by referring to PD1 holder F01A-86-272 under your name.                                                        !~
The records identified on the enclosed Appendixes I and J are being withheld pursuant to Exemption (5) of the FOIA (5 U.S.C. 552(b)(5)) and 10 CFR 9.5(a)(5))
of the Comission's regulations. These records contain predecisional infonnation consisting of advice, opinions, and recommendations of the staff.
Release of these records would tend to inhibit the open and frank exchange of ideas essential to the deliberative process. There are no reasonably seeregable factual portions because release of the facts would permit an indirect inquiry into the predecisional process of the agency.
Pursuant to 10 CFR 9.9 of the Comission's regulations, it has been determined.
that the information withheld is exempt from production or disclosure, and that its production or disclosure is contrary to the public interest. The persons responsible for the denial of the records identified on Appendix I are the undersigned and Mr. Harold R. Denton, Director, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation. The persons responsible for the dental of the records identified on Appendix J are the undersigned and Mr. Robert D. Martin, Regional Administrator, Region IV.
gb            5              1
                                                  ',                (c.7                    (g 1
Ms. Garde                                                                This denial may be ap>ealed to the NRC's Executive Director for Operations            f within 30 days from tie receipt of this letter. As provided in 10 CFR 9.11,            ,
l any such appeal must be in writing, addressed to the Executive Director for rations, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Connission, Washington, DC 20555, and S          Id clearly state on the envelope and in the letter that it is an " Appeal fra an Initial F0TA Decision."
This completes NRC action on these two FOIA requests, In light of this response to these requests, we are taking no further action on your letters dated May 15,1986, and July 16, 1986, in which you appealed NRC's lack of response.
                                                                            . - 5,        & bm]
Donnie H. Grimsley.. Director    .
Division of Rules and Records  4 Office of Administration
As stated f
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Re: F0!A-66-272 & 86-454                /
(Final Response)
APPENDIX E                                                  ,
Records Available in PDR                                            :
: 1. 05/07/86 Case Response to Board Questions - Accession No. 8605080296 -
Enclosure is the same as for {{letter dated|date=May 5, 1986|text=May 5,1986 letter}};from 8. Garde to V. Noonan: Results Report I.a.4
: 2. 05/23/86 TUGC0 Letter to: Vince Noonan.from W. G. Counsil
Response to'NRC Questions transmitted by Letter dated May 15, 1986 (5 pages) Accession number 8605280142
: 3. 06/05/86 Application for an Operating License - Answers to Soarii's 14 questions (Memo; Proposed Memo of April 14,1986) Regarding Action Plan Results Report I.a.4 Accession number 8606110361 (25pages)
: 4. 06/05/86 Application for an Operating License - Answers to Case document Requests and Interrogatories on Results Report I.a d -
Accession number 8606110355 (33 pages)
: 5. Undated  CPRS Results Report .ISAP iib, Concrete Compression Scrength                    1 Revision 1. PDR #8604100266
      .6. Undated  CPRT Action Plan, ISAP iib, Concrete Compression Strength Revision 3. PDR #8601300154                                                        j
: 7. 10/06/85 CYGNA Comments on CPRT program plan Revision '2 Accession No. 851017022
: 8. 10/11/85 RIV inspection report 50-445/84-11 and 50-445/85-06 Accession No. 8510280217
: 9. 11/11/85 Transcript of monthly status meeting for CPRT Progress                            1 (openmeeting) Accession.No. 8601220150                            ,
: 10. 11/22/85 SCPRT Response to NRC letters on 9/30 and 8/9 on CPRT program plan Accession No. 8511250079
: 11. 12/02/85 U.S. NRC Sunnary of Meeting held on November 5-6,198!). First monthly status meeting to discuss the activities described in the Applicants Program Plan Accession No. 8601030157 PDR ADOCK/50-445T 12, 12/17/85 Letter from TUGC0 to RIV concerning seisaic gap of concrete                            ;
structures Accession No. 8512260138
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: 13. 03/20/56. ISAP V!X - b.2 results report for valve disasse d ly                                                                                                                        ,,
Accession No. 6604100275
: 14. 04/04/86  U.S. NRC - ASLB - NRR staff's further connents on'the Statistical Inference Memorandom Accession No. 8604090218                                                                                                                                                            i and 8604090222
: 15. 04/09/86 Coment by 8. Garde on Revision 3 of CWT Plan''                                                                                                                                                                        .,
Accession No. 86c4080120
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: 1.              1-24-86                      p.7PRT-.AtionFlan-ISAPI.b.3 Q                                                            r',q          - ,
Conduit to Cable Tray Separdion c                                                                                      (6peger) 1 l
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[lr                                        2.'
1-24-86,                          CPRT - Action Plan ,ISAP VII.b.2
Valve Disassembly i              -
(8pages) 4                                                                          '
                      .. p .                                            g i:) , 3.
: 1-24'-86                        CPRT - Action. Plan ISAP I.a.4                                                            { <
Agreetent Between Drawings and                                                    j Field Terrainatfons                                                                    'l
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y                  /                                    ,        (9 pages)-
r' 4 . ,.                1-24-86                          CPRT - Action Plar.9- ISAP II.b                                                            ,
Concrete Compression Strength                                                      i f,p          f~
1-                                  (12 pages)                                                                              l
      .,                                                                        G.
                                        .5.                2-27-86                          CPRT - Action Plan - III.d g
Preoperational Testing
          ..                                                  .[                            (12 pages)                                  '
T :,
: 6.              2-28-86                        CPRT - Results Report - ISAP II,b
:l >                                                                                        ,,
                        'f f
Concrete Compression Strengthi V '                                  -    4
: 1. t              [                            ,                                            Rekision I h            I'                                                                              (32pages) y
: 7.              *-13-86                          CPRT - Results Report ISAP 1.a.4
Agreement Cetween Drawings and                                                      j Field Terminations - Revision 1 f
(16 pages)                                                                                !
5 i    ,
C                                k_
: 8. 3-20-86  CPRT- Results Report ISAP VII.b.2
Valve Disassembly - Revisies 1 (21pages)
: 9. 3-26-86  CPRT - Results Report ISAP.I.b.3
Conduit to Cable Tray Separation Revision 1 (14 pages)
: 10. 4-4-86    US NRC - ASt.B - Notice of Availability of Results Reports and Working Files - Accession No. 8604090225 (4 pages)
: 11. 4-4-86  TUGC0 1.etter to:    V. Noonan from:  W. G. Counsil
Comanche Peak Steam Electric Station (CPRT) Results Reports - Accession to. 8604100236 -
with attachment (109 pages)
: 12. 4-14-86  US NRC Memo to:    8. Grimes, E. Johnson, R. Ballard, F. Rosa, from:    V. Noonas
Evaluation of Comanche Peak ISAP ISAP No I.b.3
Conduit to Cable Tray Separation              -
(2 pages)          d1                  - E
: 13. 4-14-86  US NRC Memo to:    B. Grimes  E. Johnson, R. Ballard, F. Rosa, from:    V. Noonas
Evaluation of Comanche Peak ISAP ISAP No II,b
Concrete Compression Strength (2 pages)
                                                  -                                f.
13a. 4-14-86    US NRC Memo for B. Grimes, E. Johnson, R. Ballard F. Rosa from: V. Noonan,
Evaluation of Comanche Peak ISAP No. II,b (46 pages) 14, 4-14-86      US NRC Memo to:  B. Grimes, E. Johnson, R. Ballard, F. Rosa, from:  V. Noonan
Evaluation of Comanche Peak ISAP ISAP No. VII,b.2
Valve Disassembly (2pages)
: 15. 4-14-86      US NRC Memo to:  B. Grimes, E. Johnson, R. Ballard, F. Rosa, from:  V. Noonan-
Evaluation of Comanche Peak ISAP ISAP No. III.d
Preoperational Testing (2pages)
: 16. 4-14-86      US NRC Memo to:  8. Grimes, E. Johnson, R. Ballard, F. Rosa, from:  V. Noonan
Evaluation of Comanche Peak ISAP ISAP No. I.a.4
Agreement Between Drawings 8 Field Terminations    ^
3-    *
(2 pages) ...
r4                        ,t_ *A
: 17. 4-24-86      Routing and transmittal slip for W. Pleca,'C. Hofmayer From: A. Vietti, Re: telecopy from Region IV 1
(1page) 18, 4-28-86      US NRC letter to: W. G. Counsil from: V. Noonan -
CPSES CPRT Results, dated April 4, 1986.
With enclosure (9 pages)
:-                              ,0
: 19. 5-86        NRC - Assignment for Comanche Peak (1page)
!      20. 5-86'    'NRC.- Assignment for Comanche Peak (1page)
: 21. 5-86'    NRC - Assignment for Comanche Peak (1page)
: 22. 5-2-86      TUGC0 letter to: V..Noonan - from: W. G. Counsil
NRC Staff Request for Additional Information on Comanche Peak Response Results for ISAPs (I.a.4,:I.b.3 II.6, III.d and VII.b.2) dated April 28. 1986.
With enclosure (50 pages)
: 23. 5-2-86    TUGC0 t.etter to:    V. Noonan - from: W. G. Counsil
NRC Staff Request for Additional Infomation on Comanche Peak Response Results for ISAPs (I.a.4, I.b.3, II.b, III.d and VII.b.2) dated April 28, 1986.
With enclosure (84 pages)
: 24. 5-2-86    TUGC0 letter to: V. Noonan - from: W. G. Counsil
NRC Staff Request for Additional Information on Comanche Peak Response Results for ISAPs (I.a.4, I,b.3, II.b, III.d and VII,b.2) dated April 28, 1986.        .y                                                .
25, 5-2-86    TUGC0 letter to:# Y. Noonan - from: W.' G. Counsil
NRC Staff Request for Additional Information on Comanche Peak Response Results for'! SAPS (I.a.4, I.b.3, II.b III.d and VII,b.2) dated April 28, 1986.
(5 pages) i
r=                                  i-0                                  I                        !
: 26. 5-2-86                  TUGC0 t.etter to:    V. Noonan - from:    W. G. Counsil        )
NRC Staff Request for Additional Information on Comanche Peak Response Results for ISAPs (I.a.4. I,b.3,    j II b III.d and VII,b.2) dated April 28, 1986.                  I (8pages)
: 27. 5-5-86                  GAP letter to Vince Noonan
                                      .from: 8. Garde Re: First Analysis by CASE of the Implementation of the Results Reports I.a.4 which address the " Argument Between Cable Terminations and Current Design Drawings - Enclosure is the same as for May 7,1986.
CASE response to Board Questions (App. C #1)
(1 page)
: 28. No date                Evaluation of ISAP II.b Concrete Compression Strength
                                      - With comments (5pages)
: 29. 4-14-86                Memo from Noonan to Grimes - Evaluation of Comanche Peak ISAP No.11.b Concrete Compression Strength (2 pages)
I l
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                                                      .                                                (Final Response)
Appendix G                                  ,
Records Being Placed in PDR
: 1. 1-15-85      Statistical Evaluation for CPRT on CPRT SSER on the 001. program (ISAP VII.C)
: 2. 10-2-85      Description Memorandum for Documentation Review of (.arge Bore Pipe Supports Non Rigid QI-030          I Rev. 0 #001 (ISAP VII.C)
(2 pages)
: 3. 10-2-85      Description Memorandum for Reinspection of t.arge Bore Pipe Supports Non-Rigid QI-029 Rev.1 CH #2 (ISAP VII.C)
(1 page)
: 4. 10-2-85      Description Memomorandum for Documentation Review of large Bore Pipe Supports Rigid. 01-028, Rev. O CH #001 (ISAP VII.C)
: 5. 10-7-85      CPRT First Random Sample Identification CPP-006.1, Revision 0 (3 pages)
: 6. 10-7-85      Description Memorandum for Reinspection of large      l Bore Pipe Supports - Rigid Code: 1.BSR l
Q1-027 Rev. 1, Ch 001
: 7. 10-8-85      Facsimile Request to : H. Shannon Phillips from:
Agenda NRC Inspection Audit CPRT Civil / Structural Review (Preliminary)
(5 pages) 0
                    -              4 f
c                      ;
: 8. 10-12-85        US NRC Note to: Jim Taylor Harold Denton, Bob Martin, Darrell Eisenhut Dick Vollmer, .
Hugh Thompson, Brian Grimes, Jane Axelred, Dick Denise, Ed Christenbury, Ed Jordse from:
Vince Noonan,
CPRT Status (10 Pages)
: 9. 10-14-85        CPRT Quality Instruction for Issue Specific Action Plan ISAP-VIII.C - Procedure Ms.: QI-049 Revision No.: 0 - Reinspection of t.arge Bore Pipe - Welds / Material (17 pages)
: 10. 10-16-85      Description Memorandum for Reinspection of I.arge Bore Pipe Supports - Rigid - t.BSR 027, Rev.1, CH 002 (1 page)
: 11. 10-16-85      NRC Audits of Comanche Peak Response Team Construction Reinspection / Documentation Review Program (ISAP VII.C)
(19 pages)
: 12. 10-22-85      Comanche Peak Response Team Construction Adequacy Program Audit.
(8 pages)
: 13. 10-22-85      US NRC Note to: Harold Denton, Jim Taylor, Bob" Martin
Darrell Eisenhut, Dick Vollmer Hugh Thompson, Brian      l Grimes, Jane Axelrad, Dick Denise, Ed Christenbury, Ed Jordan from: Vince Noonan,
CPRT Status (11 pages)
: 14. 10-23-85      Meeting on Sampling Populations Comanche Peak -
October 16-17, 1985                                      j (2 pages) 2
I' (E.
: 15. 10-25-85    US NRC Memo for:  J. A. Calvo, from:  E. B.
Trip report - Comanche Peak Site Visit                                          j (4 pages)                                          !
: 16. 10-28-85      Verification Package Status Report Construction Evaluation Program (1 page) i
: 17. 10-29-85      Facsimile Request to:    8. Saffel from: R. Philleo
Comanche Peak Construction Adequacy        1 Program Populations                                ;
(3 pages)
: 18. 10-30-85    CPRT - Construction Adequacy Program Audit Electrical and Instrumentation and Control Instrumentation Equipment (5 pages)                                            :
: 19. 10-30-85    US NRC Memo to J. P. Knight from: V. Noonan,
Safety Evaluation Report on the Visual Inspection of Welds Through Paint at the Comanche    i Peak Site (10pages)
: 20. 10-31-85    NRC Staff Review of CPRT Construction Adequacy l
Review Program                                      j (26pages)
: 21. 11-85        Region IV CPSES Inspection Program l
(4 pages)                                              l
: 22. 11-5-85      TUGC0 Meeting with NRC CPRT Monthly Status            j (1 page)                                              '
i 3
: 23. 11-12-85    TRT Issue:  IC Conduit Supports (21 pages)
: 24. 11-21-85    Teledyne Engineering Services letter to:
Vince Noonan from: Donald F. Landers re:
preliminary trip report for activities conducted at CPSES related to the Construction Adequacy Program.
(8pages) i
: 25. 11-25-85  U.S. NRC Memo for:    V. Noonan through: E. H. Johnson from T. F. Westerman
Visual Inspection Painted ASME Section III Pipe Welds (1page)
: 26. 11-25-85  NRC Audits of Comanche Peak Response Team Construction Reinspection / Documentation Review Program (ISAP VII.C)
: 27. 11-26-85  US NRC Memo for:  L. Shao, J., Calvo, J. Milhoan from: A. Vietti-Cook,
Trip Reports (2pages)
: 28. 11-28-85  US NRC Memo Related to CPRT Program Plan Revision 3 (13 pages) 1
: 29. 12-02-85  Work Process Definition for large Bore Pipe Support      I
                                                              - Non-Rigid Population Group (LBSE)
: 30. 12-03-85  Work Process Definition for Small Bore Pipe Support Population Group (SBPS)
(12 pages)                                                l l
( .~                I
: 31. 12-11-85    Memo for:    L. C. Shao from: David Terao
Audit Sumary of CPRT Construction Evaluation Program (Piping / Pipe Supports)
(4 oages)
: 32. 12-12-85    Mark up Version of Inspection Report from Initial Two CPRT Audits (20 pages)
: 33. 12-13-85    Lawrence livermore letter to: E. B. Tomlinson from:
Paul Chan,
Inspection Report for CPSES  i October 1985 (Draft)
(23 pages) 34, 12-18-85    Memo for:    L. Shao from: Shou Hou,
Trip Report - Audit of SWEC Non-Seismic Piping Effects on Seismic Design Piping (19pages)
: 35. 12-18-85    U.S. NRC Memo for:    I.. C. Shao from: Shou Hou,
Trip Report - Audit of SWEC Non-Seismic Piping Effects on Seismic Design Piping (19pages) 35a.1-3-86      U.S. NRC Memo for:    L. Shao and J. Calvo from: 8.  ,
Input to SSER to Comanche Peak'CPRT Program Plan (3pages) l
: 36. 1-6-86      ASLB NRC staff coments on Statistical Inference; Memorandum (8pages)
: 37. 1-8-86      CPRT Comments (17 pages) 38, 1-8-86      CPRT SSER Draft Revision with comments by staff personnel (42 pages) 4 5
($ '                                lh
: 39. 1-8-86                  SSER on CPRT Program Plan - Appendix !
(73 pages) 39a 1-9-86                    U.S. NRC Memo for V. Noonan from:      L. Shao,
Comments on IE inspection of DAP.
(2pages) 39b. 1-15-86                  U.S. NRC Memo for:    V. Noonan from:    B. Grimes.      l
QA Review Comanche Peak (11nages)                            ,
: 40. 1-16-86                CPRT SSER for Rev. 3 Draft 2 for Sections I, II, and IV (163 pages)
: 41. 1-16-86                Staff Evaluation of CPRT SSER for ISAP V.a through V.e with modification (17 pages) 42,  1-29-86                Appendix B - Staff Evaluation of the CPRT Construction Adequacy Program Plan (18 pages)
: 43. 1-30-86                Section IV - Staff Evaluation of Construction Adequacy Plan - Draft-1 (8 pages)
: 44. 2-6-86                  U.S. NRC Memo for:    L. Shao from: Shou Hou
Audit of Mechanical TRT Issues (15_ pages) .
                                                                                      ;,y    (
: 45. 2-10-86                Memo to: Bob Masterson from:ErnikThompson re:
Staff Evaluation of CPRT SSER for ISAP V.d with modifications (7 pages)
: 46. 2-11-86                Engineering Analyses Services Inc. Memo to: D. Jeng from: V.P. Ferrarini   
Review Rev. 3 of CPRT Program Plan in the Areas of Civil / Structural Concerns (8pages)
: 47. 2-18-86                Safety Evaluation Report Related to CPRT Program Plan, Revision 3 (266 pages) 6
{                                        {-
48,  2-18-86  Safety Evaluation Report related to CPRT Program Plan with comments (225 pages)
: 49. 2-19-86    Comments on the SSER/or CPRT Program Plan (108 pages) 50,  2-25-86  U.S. NRC Telefax to: Robert Masterson c/o Larry Shou from: H. Shannon Phillips
Comments by RIV for CPRT SSER for ISAPS VI.a and VI,b (7 pages)
: 51. 3-3  U.S. NRC Memo to: Larry Shao from: Shou Hou-
Audit CPRT on Safety Significant Evaluation and Appendix.P Issues (3 pages)                      3
: 52. 3-11-86    Battelle letter to: Charlie Hofmayer from: Bernard Saffell
Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant Technical Assistance BNt. Contract No. 216529-S. With Attachment (120 pages)
: 53. 3-19-86    Note to:    D. Jeng from: C. Hofmayer
SER related to Comanche Peak Response Team (CPRT) Program Plan, Revision 3. SER attached. (43 pages)
: 54. 3-25-86  U.S. NRC Letter to: William Counsil from: Vince Noonan re: Coments regarding several ISAPs contained in the CPRT Program Plan (5 pages)                                            )
: 55. 3-27-86    CP SSER 13 (90 pages).
: 56. 4-1-86    Memo for: Jose Calvo from: E.B. Tomlinson
Report of Site Audit of CPRT Self Initiated Construction Adequacy Program - October 1985.(19 pages) 1
: 57. 4-2-86    CP SSER 13 Sec. 2 (10 pages) l 7
                                                        - (l *
                                                          -                                    ("
: 58. 4-3-86                                        U.S. NRC Note to: J. Calvo, t.. Shao from: C. Trammell
Remaining Work for Comanche Peak Program Plan SSER(#13)(2pages)
: 59. 4-8-86                                        Rockwell International letter to: Vince Noonan from:-
F.W. Poucher
Review of Issue Specific Action Plan V.d of Comanche Peak Review Team Program Plan, Revision 3(6pages)
: 60. 4-9-86                                      Brookhaven National lab letter to: Dr. Harold Berkson from: Anthony Romano
Status of funding on -
FIN A-3803. (9 pages)                                    l
: 61. 4-9-86                                        U.S. NRC Note to: J. Calvo,l.. Shao from: C. Tranmell
Remaining Work for Comanche Peak Program Plan l                                                                (SSER #13) Update #2 (1 page)
: 62. 4-9-86                                      CP SSER 13 (29 pages)
: 63. 4-9-86                                      CP SSER 13 - Rev. 4 (94 pages)
: 64. 4-9-86                                      CP SSER 13 (89 pages)
: 65. 4-12-86                                    CP SSER 13 - Rev. 6 (104pages)
: 66. 4-16-86                                    Facsimile to: David Jeng from: C. Hofmayer re:
Tentative Agenda NRC Comanche Peak Site Audit Meeting Civil / Structural Area May 5-7, 1986 - Agenda attached (3 pages) 1 4
8 w__              _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _          _          -_      _ -.    -
                    ,7, f;
a                                  "'
4 66.a 4-21-86          Memo to Brian Grimes from V. Noonan re: Procedure for review of CPRT Results Reports
: 67. 5-15-86          U.S. NRC Memo for: Jose Calvo. from: E.8. Tomlinson
Report of Site Audit of CPRT Self-Initiated Construction Adequacy Program - October 1985(24
                  -      pages)
: 68. No date        CPRT Construction Adequacy Program Audit (2 pages)
: 69. No date          Chart of categories, or populations of hardware containing similar safety-related work activities. :                i
: 70. No date        CPSES - CPRT - Homogeneous Construction Activities (3 pages)
: 71. No date        Q4/QC Review Team Organization Chart (26 pages)
: 72. No date          Discussion of Technical Issues in CPRT Sampling Process (5 pages)                                                    '
: 73. No date        Appendix B - Staff Evaluation of the CPRT Construction Adequacy Program Plan (CAPP) (6 pages)                            ,    ,
: 74. No date        5.3.3 Staff Evaluations                                                i 1
: 75. No date        Appendix B - Staff Evaluation of the CPRT Construction Adequacy Program Plan (CAPP) 5.0 (5 pages)                              !
: 76. No date                                                                                \
Appendix B - Staff Evaluation of the CPKT Construction                  1 Adequacy Program Plan (CAPP) 4.0 (5 pages)
: 77. No date      Section IV 2.4 - Staff Evaluation of Construction Adequacy Plan - Rev. 3 (11 pages) 9
T l
: 78. No date      SSER on Comanche Peak Response Team Program Plan -
Appendix B (4 pages)
: 79. No date      Work Process Definition for large Bore Pipe Support -
Rigid Population Group (LBSR) (11 pages)              J
: 80. No date      large Bore Pipe Supports - Rigid (3 pages) j
: 81. No date      Definition of Work Processes for Population large Bore Pipe Supports - Non-Rigid (5 pages)
: 82. No date      Definition of Work Process for Small Bore Pipe Supports (6 pages)
: 83. No date      CPRT Second Random Sample Identification (19 pages)                                            I
: 84. No date      Section IV - Page IV-d3, Paragraph 2.5 (2 pages)
: 85. No date      SSER Status (3 pages)
: 86. No date      Work Process Definition for Pipe Welds / Material Population Group (PIlM) (8 pages) 7
: 87. No date ,
Coninents on Train' C Conduit Criteria Document
: 88. No date      References Used by C. Hofmayer CPRT Program Plan - Rev. 3 (3 pages)
: 89. No date      Handwritten Notes re: FIN A-3803 (3 pages)
: 90. 4-14-86      Evaluation of ISAP II b - Concrete Compression Strength (5 pages) l 10 L_____.___
                                                ' J                                  r
: 91. 10-22-85        Battelle Draft - Comanche Peak Response Team Construction Adequacy Program Audit. (8 pages)
: 92. 4-10-86          Brookhaven National tab letter to: D. Jeng from: Guiliano DeGrassi subject: CP Conduit Support Program Audit Meeting Trip Report. (22 pages)
: 93. 3-11-86 Section 2.5.7 Preoperational Testing (III.d) (2 pages) i y, 4 -
                                              /.                              [.
            ~          ..
FOIA 86-454 Appendix H Records Being Placed in PDR
: 1.          Endated              Handwritten note Files for ISAP No.1.b.3 (1 page)
: 2.          andated              Handwritten note, Files for ISAP No. I.a.4 (1 Page)
: 3.          1/2/5/85            Comanche Peak Steam Electric Station Design Change Authorization ,No. 19948 Rev. 2 (5 pages)        .
: 4.          6/28/85              CPSES Nonconformance Report No. E-85-100486S (8 pages) 1
: 5.          2/11/85              CPSES Nonconformance Report No. E-85-100054s (1 page) g  .  -
: 6.            4/24/86              CPSES Nonconformance Report No. E-86-101727 (1 Page)
: 7.            4/30/86              CPSES Nonconformance Report No. E-86-101777 (1 page)
: 8.            5/2/86              CPSES Nonconformance Report No. E-86-101833S (1 page) l
                                                                                      ~,                            . f!
POIA 86-454 Page 2 s.1 9..                            5/2/86                                CPSES Nonconformance Report No. E-86-101834S (1 Pa88)
: 10.                            5/2/86                                CPSES Nonconformance Report No. E-86-1018355
                                                          .                  (1 page) t 11.-                            1/18/85                          -CPSES Construction Operation Traveler No. EE85-11,268-3101 -- (2 pages)    .
: 12.                            1/18/85                              CPSES Construction Operation Traveler No. EE85-11.264-2003      (1 page)
: 13.                            5/1/86                                CPSES Field Design Change & Review Status Log Dwg 2323-El-0172        (1 page)
: 14.                            4/29/83                              TUGCo drawings 2323-El-0139-CP3 2323-El-0156 CP6 2323-El-0107-CP1 2323-El-0156 CP7 2323-El-0171-CP6 2323-El-0172-CP4 2323-El-0172-CP3, 2323-El-0112-CP4 2323-El-0172-CP4 A
O..                                    f._
w i  .
Re: FOIA 86-272 and 86-454 APPENDIX I Records Denied in Entirety Exemption (5)
: 1.        05/29/86 Memo to'Annette Vietti-Cook from Charles Rossi Re::ISAP I.b.3, Conduit. to Cable Tray Separation., Comanche Peak Steam Electric Station, Units 1 & 2 (2pa' es). w/ enclosure' .
: a. Technical Evaluation'of the ISAI 1.b.3 Results Report, Revision 1. Regarding Conduit to Cable. Tray Separation at -
: 2.          05/08/86  Facsimile Transmittal Re and J. Malonson-(1 page)w/quest      to Ward Smith from C. Trammell enclosures
                          'a. Results Report Revision 1,3/13/86 ISAP III.d Preoperational Testing (4 pages)              .
: b. Comanche Peak Response Team Results Report - Preoperational Testing Revision 1 (24 pages)
: 3.          04/24/86 Draft Evaluation of ISAP II.b - Concrete Compression Strength (5pages)
: 4.          04/24/86. Draft Evaluation of ISAP. II.b - Concrete Compression Strength (5pages)
: 5.          04/14/86 Draft Evaluation of ISAP II.b - Concrete Compression Strength (5pages)
: 6.          03/05/86 Handwritten Telephone Conversation Record to Dan Lurie from E. Thompson Re: Statistical Aspects of CPRT Action Plan, ISAP V.D., Plug Welds (Revision 3) (1 page)
: 7.          12/16/85 Facsimile Transmission to Ed Tomlinson from B. Saffell (1 page) w/ enclosure                                                        q
: a. Comanche Peak - Construction Re-Inspection / Documentation                l Review (6pages)                        'y          W"                ;f !
: 8.          12/10/85 Handwritten Exit Interview for NRC/NRR Nite Visit (4 pIges)-
: 9.          Undated  Handwritten Memo to Ed Tomlinson from P. Mansterson Re:
Construction Adequacy Audit on Structural Areas (1 page)                    l w/ enclosures                                                                I a.12/5/85 Handwritten Memo to Ed Tomlinson from Bernie Sathell Re: ISAPVII.(c) Audit (2pages)                                          i
: b. 12/5/85 Handwritten Memo to Ed Tomlinson from John Hashenal              i Re: Audit of the Two HVAC Populations in the Mechanical Discipline (2 pages)
: 10. Undated          !!.b Concrete Compression Strength (5 pages)
y .
cc .
Re: F01A-86-272 and 86-454
: 11. Undated                                DraftAdditionalRAIonISAPII.6.(1page)-
12.. Undated . Draft Question on the VII.b.2 Results Report (1 page)                                        -
w/ enclosures
: a. 5510 Control Sheet (1 page)
              '13.                            Undated        Draft Version I.a.3 - Introduction Re: ComanchePeak(5pages)
: 14. . Undated- Safety Evaluation by the Office of NRR Re: the ISAP III.d Results Report for Texas Utilities Electric Company, et al.
Comanche Peak Steam Electric Station Units 1 and 2-(4 pages)
                                                                                              ,                                                      A            i 1
4 F0!A-86-454 (FinalResponse)
Appendix J
                                                  . Denied Records - Exemption 5
: 1.      04/24/86 Memo for T. Westerman from L. Ellershaw re: Review of Results Reports VII.B.2 and II.b. w/ handwritten notations (2 pages)'
: 2.      05/13/86 . Memo for V. Noonan from E. Johnson re: Staff Questions Re:
ISAP No. VII.b.2 Results Report (1 page)
: 3.      Undated                Draft Memo for V. Noonan from E. Johnson re: Evaluation Report and concurrence page (2 pages) w/ attachments:
: a. Evaluation Report, ISAP III.d (4 pages)
                                      - b. Typing cover page (1 page)
: 4.      05/16/86 Memo for V. Noonan from E. Johnson re: Evaluation Report' (1page)w/ attachment:
: a. Evaluation Report, (ISAP III.d) (4 pages)
_ _    _m_m. ______-_m---------      --
                                  . (s                        f GOVERNMENT ACCOUNTABILITY PROJECT 1555 'Connecncut Avenue, N.W., Suite 2021 We#4rgm. D.C. 20036                                              (202)232 8550 April 9, 19ss                                      i
: FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT REQUEST Director                    .
FEEDON OF.NW office of Administration                                AW M@ER Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C. 20555 h M-Qg g'-
To Whom It May concern Oh f g-  ^
Pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act ("FOIA"), 5 USC 552, the Government Accountability Project (GAP) . requests copies of any and all' agency records. and information, including.but not                          !
limited to notes, letters, memoranda, drafts,' minutes, diaries, logs, . calendars, tapes, transcripts, summaries, interview .
reports, procedures,. instructions, engineering analyses,                                  ;
drawings, files, graphs, charts, maps, photographs,- agreements,
                                                                                                        .i handwritten notes, studies, data sheets, notebooks, books,.
telephone messages, computations, voice recordings, computer runoffs, reports,-and any and all other records or reports relevant to and/or generated in connection with all information                            f, developed since October 1,1985 regarding the evaluation of                                  i individual ISAP's at Comanche Peak, by all staff, including consultants.'
This request includes all agency records as defined in 10                          i l          C.F.R.      9.3a(b) and the NRC Manual, Appendix 0211, Parts 1. A.2 and A.3 (approved October 8, 1980) whether they currently exist in l          the NRC official,-" working," investigative or other files, or at any other location, including private residences.
If any records as defined in 10 C.F.R. 9.3a(b) and the NRC l
manual, and covered by this request have been destroyed and/or removed after this request, please provida"all'' surrounding.
records, including but not limited to a list of all records which l-          have been or are destroyed and/or removed,. a descriptiontof. the action (s) taken relevant to, generated in~ connection withf and/or issued in order to implement the action (s) .
GAP requests that fees be waived, because " finding the information can be considered as primarily benefitting the general public," 5 USC section 552 (a) (4) (a) . GAP is a non-profit, non-partisan public interest organization concerned with honest and open government. Through public outreach, the Project promotes whistleblowers as agents of government accountability.
Through its Environmental Whistleblower Clinic, GAP offers                                    ,
I assistance to local public interest and citizens groups seeking                              j to ensure the health and safety of their communities. The                                    i Environmental Whistleblower Clinic is currently assisting several G-                    1
                                                                                                *ff-      ;
C Director, Office of Administration Page Two citizens groups, local governments, and interveners in Texas concerning the construction of the Comanche Peak nuclear power plant.
We are requesting the above information as part of an ongoing monitoring project on the adequacy of Region IV and the NRC's efforts to protect public safety and health at nuclear power plants.
For any documents or portions that you deny due to a specific FOIA exemption, please provide an index itemizing and derscribing the documents or portions of documents withheld. The iindex should provide a detailed justification of your grounds for claiming each exemption, explaining why each exemption is relevant to the document or portion of the document withheld.
This index is required under Vaughn v. Rosen (I), 484 F.2d.
section 820 (D.C. Cir. 1973), cert. denied, 415 U.S. section 977 (1974).
We look forward to your response to this request within ten working days.
Billie Pirner Garde Director, Environmental Whistleblower Clinic        i BPG:41909C I
l l
i 3
fn                                  f.. ~
1sss ccv.a.cor Awnue, N.W., Suk 202 Washingren, D.C. 20036                                                                                          (202)232 4550 June 16, 1986                            l T                  \
Director "g 4*Ng office of Administration
* U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission                                                                          /
Washington, D.C. 20555 Re:  FOIA Request f%
To whom it may concerns Pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), 5 U.S.C.
552, as amended, the Government Accountability: Project (GAP) requests copics of any and all agency records and information, including but not limited to notes, letters, memoranda, drafts, minutes,. diaries, logs, calendars, tapes, transcripts, summaries, interview reports, procedures, instructions, engineering analyses, drawings, files, graphs, charts, maps, photographs, agreements, handwritten notes, studies, data sheets, notebooks, books, telephone messages, computations, voice recordings,                                                                    1 computer runoffs, any other data compilations, interim and/or                                                                  j final reports, status reports, and any and all other records relevant to and/or generated in connection with the following:
The NRC's review of ISAP's-I.a.4, I.b.3, II.b., III.d.,
and VII.b.2, released by Texas Utilities on April 14, 1986.
This request includes'all agency records as defined in 10                                  J C.F.R. 9.3a(b) and the NRC Manual, Appendix 0211, Parts 1.A.2 and A.3 (approved October 8, 1980), whether they currently exist in the NRC official, " working", investigative, or other files, or at any other location, including private residences.'
x  ,
If any. records. as defined in 10 C.F.R. 9.3a(k and the NBC Nanual, supra,-and covered by this request have_been destroyed; and/or removed, or are destroyed'and/or removed after receipt of this request, please provide all surrounding records, including but not limited to a list of all records which'have been or are destroyed and/or removed, a description of the action (s) taken relevant to, generated in connection with, and/or issued in order to implement the action (s).                                                        -
i GAP requests that fees be waived, because " finding the                                    I information can be considered as primarily benefitting the gene-ral public." 5 U.S.C. 552(a) (4) (A). GAP is a non-profit,                                                                        ,
nonpartisan public interest organization concerned with honest                                                                    l and open government.. Through its citizens Clinic, GAP offers                                                                      '
assistance to local public interest and citizens groups seeking                                                              ,    J to ensure the health and safety of their communities.
                                                                                ,            (*
                                                                      ... t FOIA Request June 16, 1986 Page Two GAP is requesting the above information as part of an-ongoing monitoring project on the adequacy of the NRC's efforts to protect public safety and health at nuclear power plants.
For any documents or portions of documents that you deny due to a specific FOIA exemption, please provide an index itemising and describing the documents or portions of documents withheld.
The index should provide a detailed justification of your grounds for claiming each exemption, explaining why each exemption is relevant to the document or portion of the. document withheld.
This index is required under Vaughn v. Rosen IIl, 484 F. 2d 820
                                                                          .(D.C. Cir. 1973), cert. denied, 415 U.S. 977 (1974).
We look forward to your response to this request within ten days.
Respectfully, Billie Pirner Garde citizens clinic Director 42113 i
  - - _ _ - - _ - _ - _ _ _ - . - _ _ _ _ - - _ _ _ - _ _ - _ _ _ -}}

Latest revision as of 07:31, 12 May 2021

Further Response to Appeals of FOIA Request for Records Re Evaluation of issue-specific Action Plan Re Plant.Documents I.2.b & I.10 Addressed in Responses to FOIA 86-A-203 & 86-A-204 & Contained in Other Documents Available in PDR
Person / Time
Site: Comanche Peak  Luminant icon.png
Issue date: 11/19/1987
From: Grimsley D
To: Garde B
FOIA-86-272, FOIA-86-454, FOIA-86-A-194, FOIA-86-A-195, FOIA-86-A-203, FOIA-86-A-204 NUDOCS 8711250156
Download: ML20236S427 (1)


- - _ _ - _ _ _ _ - _ - _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ - -



. t. a wAsMinoTow,0. c. 20sss



Billie Pirner Garde. Esquire NOV 19 387 IN RESPON$E REFER Government Accountability Project TO F01A-86-A-194, Midwest Office 86-A-196, 86-A-203 104 E. Wisconsin Avenue and 86-A-204 Appleton, WI 45911 (FOIA-86-272and86-454)

Dear Ms. Garde:

This is in further response to_ your letters dated October 1 and 20,1986, which appealed the denial of records. subject to your Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests for records relating to the evaluation of.

ISAP's regarding the Comanche Peak plant. .

1 &

, M, #

Ihaverecentlylearnedthat'documentsI.t.bandI.14addres@sedin .M F0!A-86-A-203 and F0!A-86-A-204 are cesteined in other documents'which are-publicly available in the Comanche Peak docket file located in:the NRC-Public Document Room. For'your information, document 1.2.b.(23 pages) is contained in a letter dated April 4,1986, from W. G. Counsil to V.- S.-Noonan-109 pages)_ identified by Accession No. 8604100236. Also, document.I.10 5 pages) is contained in a letter dated May 2, 1986 from W. G. Couns11 to V. S. Noonan (139 pages) identified by Accession No. 8606290061. Furthermore, the transmittal memorandum of document J-2 addressed in F0!A-86-A-203 and F0!A-86-A-204 is the same transmittal memorandum to document D-4 addressed in F0!A-86-A-194 and F0!A-86-A-195 which was released to you on March ~10, 1987.

If you have any questions regarding this matter, please telephone Mr. Charles Mullins, Office of General Counsel, on 202-634-3224.

Sincerely, m 1, m 3 l

Donn)eH.8rt ey, Director Division of Rules and Records l

Office of Administration and i Resources Management h 12 g 6 871119 GARDE 86-A-194 PDR l- - _ _ _ . - . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _i

..h ' f.?  %

_, n .

.Ch ERNMENT ACCOUNIABluTY PROJECT 1555 Connecticut Awenue, N.W., Suite 202 Washington, D.C. 20036 (202)2024550 G(NEIUDSHT ACCOUNTABILITY PROJBCT MIDWEST OFFICE 3424 MARCOS IANE APPLETON, WI 54911 October 20, 1986 APPEAL W INITIAL DECISION Victor Stello Executive Director for Opera;1ons 8hd*N U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C. 20555 Q4gg/

RE: Appeal From an Initial FOIA Decision of FOIA 86-272 and 86-454

Dear Mr. Stellos ,

This is an appeal pursuant to subsection a(6) of the Freedom of Information Act as amended (5 U.S.C. 522), of the actual denial of the Commission to release documents requested on April 9, 1986 and June 16, 1986 by the Government Accountability Project.

By letter dated October 3, 1986, Donnie H. Grimsley, Director of the Division of Rules and Records, informed us that the records identified on Appendix 1 and J were being withheld pursuant to Exemption 5 Decausse they consist of preliminary advice, opinions and recommenda*. ions of the staff.

We believe we are entitled to the release of the documents being withheld.

We expect your response to this appeal within 20 working days of your receipt so that we can determine whether3tos. pursue this matter further in the courts. .4 ar 1: ,

g , f-*

  • s Thank you for your consideration of'this. appeal ~.

Sincerely, Billie Pirner Garde


Director, Environmental Whistleblower Clinic 1 l

,.e jfy2 9W Ly -

i .

i4 'g Billie Pirner Garde, Esquire Government Accountability Project .

Midwest Office IN RESP R 3424 Marcos Lane Appleton, WI 54911 W3 W 0 F01 F0!A-86

Dear Ms. Garde:

This is the final response to your letters dated April 9.1986, and June 16. 1986, in which you requested, pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act (F0IA), copies l of records related to the evaluation of ISAP's regarding the Comanche peak plant.

The records identified on the enclosed Appendix E are already available for i public inspection and copying at the NRC Public Document Room (PDR). The POR accession numbers are identified beside the record descriptions.

The records identified on the enclosed Appendixes F, 6, and H are bef an placed in the PDR. You may obtain access to these records by referring to POR folder F01A-86-272 under your name.

The records identified on the enclosed Appendixes I and J are bein'g withheld pursuant to Exemption (5) of the F0IA (5 U.S.C. 552(b)(5)) and 10 CFR 9.5(a)(5))

of the Consission's regulations. These records contain predecisional information consisting of advice, opinions, and recommendations of the staff.

Release of these records would tend to inhibit the open and frank exchange of ideas essentia1 to the deliberative process. There are no reasonably segregable factual portions because release of the facts would permit an indirect inquiry into the predecisional process of the agency.

Pursuant to 10 CFR 9.9 of the Commission's regulations, it has been deternised that the information withheld is exempt from production or disclosure, and that its production or disclosure is contrary to the public interest. The persons responsible for the denial of the records identified on Appendix I are the undersigned and Mr. Harold R. Denton, Director, Office.of Nuclear Reactor Regulation. The persons responsible for the denial of the records identified on Appendix J are the undersigned and Mr. Robert D. Martin, Regional Administrator, Region IV.

, & m.m ;g) & . Vu

$ Qi? [

  • 6' %L ._

l veer W po# gg w ---

"d O r

Ms. Garde l This denial may be apwaled to the NRC's Executive Director for Ourations within 30 days from tw receipt of this letter. As provided in 10 CFR 9.11, any such appeal must be in writing, addressed to the Executive Director for rations. U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Consission, Washington, DC 20555, and s 1d clearly state on the envelope and in the letter that it is an " Appeal from an Initial FOTA Decision." .

This completes NRC action on these two FOIA requests. In light of this response

' to these requests, we are taking no further action on your letters dated May 15,1986, and July 16, 1986, in which you appealed NRC's lack of response.

Sincerely, 3

jM ffr E- 2 Donnie H. Grimsley, Director

- Division of Rules and Records Office of Administration


As stated



  1. \

v h


L- [~',

Re: F01A-86-272 & 86-454 (Final Response) 1 1


Records Available in PDR I

1. 05/07/86 Case' Response to Board Questions - Accession _No. 8605000296 -

Enclosure is the same as for May 5,1986 letter from B. Garde )

to V. Moonan:..Results Report 1.a.4 ]

2. 05/23/86 TUGC0 Letter to: Vince Noonan from W. G. Counsil


Response to NRC Questions transmitted by Letter dated May15,1986(5 pages) Accession number 8605280142; )

3. 06/05/86 Application for an Operating License -' Answers to Board's-14 questions (Memo; Proposed Memo of April 14,1986) Regarding Action Plan Results Report I.a.4 Accession number 8606110361 (25pages) -

, J s w4  !

4. .06/05/86_ Application for an Operating License'- Answers to Case document Requests and Interrogatories on Results Report I.a.4 - 'l Accession number 8606110355 (33 pages)
5. Undated CPRS Results Report ISAP iib, Concrete Compression Strength Revision 1. PDR #8604100266 6- Undated CPRT Action Plan, ISAP iib, Concrete Compression Strength i Revision 3. PDR #8601300154
7. 10/06/85 CYGNA Comments on CPRT program plan Revision 2 Accession No. 851017022
8. 10/11/85 RIV inspection report 50-445/84-11 and 50-446/85-06 Accession No. 8510280217<
9. 11/11/85 Transcript of monthly status meeting for CPRT Progress 1 ,n(openmeeting) Accession'No.:8601220150b w

' ggo. .pr ,

4 .

10. 11/22/85 SCPRT Response to 15tCL: letters on 9/30.and 8/9 on CPRTv 7 '

program plan Accession No. 8511250079f +

11. 12/02/85 U.S. NRC Sussiary of Meeting held on November 5-6,1985. First monthly status meeting to discuss the~ activities described-in the Applicants Program Plan Accession No. 8601030157 PDR ADOCK/50-445T
12. 12/17/85 Letter from TUGC0 to RIY concerning seismic gap of concrete structures Accession No. 8512260138

1" (c 1


%e Re: F01A-86-272 & 86-454 APPENDIXE(cont'd)

13. 03/20/86 ISAP VII - b.2 results report for valve disassembly Accession No. 8604100275
14. 04/04/86 U.S. NRC - ASLB - NRR staff's further consents on the Statistical Inference Memorandum Accession No. 8604090218 and 8604090221 l -15. 04/09/86 Conment by B. Garde on Revision 3 of CPRT Plan Accession No. 8604080120 i

i '*-

t .c I

l 1


- _ - - _ _ _ - - - - _ _ _ - l



(..Re: F0IA 86-454  :

(Final Respose) )

s J

l Appendix F Records Being Placed in PDR l


1. 1-24-86 CPRT - Action Plan - ISAP I.b.3


Conduit to Cable Tray Separation t (6 pages) l i i

2. 1-24-86 CPRT - Action Plan - ISAP VII.b.2


Valve Disassembly (8 pages) l

3. 1-24-86 CPRT - Action Plar. ISAP I.a.4


Agreement Between Drawings and j Field Terminations l (9 pages)

4. 1-24-86 CPRT - Action Plan - ISAP II.b


Concrete Compression Strength (12 pages) ,

5. 2-27-86 CPRT - Action Plan - III.d


Preoperational Testing (12 pages)

6. 2-28-86 CPRT - Results Report - ISAP II.b. .,.


' Concrete' Compression ~ Strength ~ -

Revision 1 Q, ,

(32 pages) I

7. 3-13-86 CPRT - Results Report ISAP I a.4


Agreement Between Drawings and


Field Terminations - Revision 1 (16pages)




8. 3-20-86 CPRT- Results Report ISAP VII,b 2


Valve Disassembly - Revision 1 (21pages)

9. 3-26-86 CPRT - Results Report ISAP. I b.3


Conduit to Cable Tray Separation -

Revision 1 (14pages)

10. 4-4-86 US NRC - ASLB - Notice of Availability of Results Reports and Working Files - Accession No. 8604090225 (4 pages)
11. 4-4-86 TUGC0 letter to: V. Noonan from: W. G. Counsil


Comanche Peak Steam Electric Station (CPRT) Results Reports - Accession No. 8604100236 -

with attachment (109 pages) 12, 4-14-86 US NRC Memo to: B. Grimes, E. Johnson, R. Ballard, F. Rosa, from: V. Noonan


Evaluation of Comanche Peak ISAP ISAP No. I b.3


Conduit to Cable Tray Separation (2pages)

13. 4-14-86 US NRC Memo to: B. Grimes, E. Johnson, R. Ballard, F. Rosa, from: V. Noonan


Evaluation of Comanche Peak ISAP ISAP No II,b


Concrete Compression Strength (2pages)

x-13a. 4-14-86 US NRC Memo for 8. Grimes, E. Johnson, R. Ballard F. Rosa from: V. Noonan,


Evaluation of Comanche Peak ISAP No. II.b (46 pages)

14. 4-14-86 US NRC Memo to: 8. Grimes, E. Johnson, R. Ballard, F. Rosa, from: V. Noonan


Evaluation of Comanche Peak ISAP ISAP No. VII,b 2


Valve Disassembly I (2 pagesl i

15. 4-14-86 US WRC Memo to: B. Grimes E. Johnson, R. Ballard, F. Rosa, from: V. Noonan


Evaluation of Comanche Peak ISAP ISAP No. III d


Preoperational Testing (2 pagesl

16. 4-14-86 US NRC Memo to: B. Grimes, E. Johnson, R. Ballard, F. Rosa, from: V. Noonan  :


Evaluation of Comanche Peak ISAP ISAP No. I.a.4 j


Agreement Between Drawings & Field q Terminations .

l (2pages).  ;' '.i e

17. 4-24-86 Routing and transmittal slip for W. Pleca.' C. Hofmeyer From: A. Vietti, Re: telecopy from Region IV (1 page)
18. 4-28-86 US NRC letter to: W. G. Counsil from: V. Noonan -


CPSES CPRT Results, dated April 4, 1986.  ;

With enclosure (9 pages)

i-# c.

, t_ .'

.. 1 19, 5-86 NRC - Assignment for Comanche Peak (I page)

30. 5-86 NRC - Assignment for Comanche Peak (Ipage)

ZI. 5-86 NRC - Assignment for Comanche Peak (I page)

22. 5-2-86 TUGC0 letter to: V. Noonan - from: W. G. Counsil


NRC Staff Request for Additional Information on Comanche Peak Response Results for ISAPs (I a.4, I.b.3 II,b, III.d and VII,b.2) dated April 28, 1986.

With enclosure (50 pages)

Z3. 5-2-86 TUGC0 letter to: V. Noonan - from: W. G. Counsil


NRC Staff Request for Additional Information on Comanche Peak Response Results for ISAPs (I.a.4, I,b.3 II.b. III.d and VII.b.2) dated April 28, 1986.

With enclosure (84 pages)

24. 5-2-86 TUGC0 letter to: V. Noonan - from: W. G. Counsil


NRC Staff Request for Additional Information on Comanche Peak Response Results for ISAPs (I a.4, I.b.3 II.b III.d and ,VII.b.2) dated April .28/1986,

,'~4y} qq% A4 %


9 1

25. 5-2-86

, 1e

. v#

  • . w TUGC0 letter to: V. Moonan - from:' W. G."Counsf1


NRC Staff Request for Additiona] Information, on Comanche Peak Response Results for-ISAPs (I.a.4, I,b.3 II,b, III.d and VII.b.21 ' dated April 28, 1986.~

i (5pages) i 1

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ J

L ..

26. 5-2-86 TUGC0 f.etter to: V. Noonan - from: W. G. Counsil


NRC Staff Request for Additional Infonnation on Comanche Peak Response Results for. ISAPs (I.a.4, I.b.3 II.b. III.d and VII,b.2) dated April 28, 1986.

(8 pages) 27, 5-5-86 GAP l.etter to Vince Noonan from: B. Garde Re: First Analysis by CASE of the Implementation of the Results Reports I.a.4 which address the " Argument-Bete en Cable Terminations and Current Design Drawings - Enclosure is the same ast for May 7,1986.

CASE response to Board Questions (App, C #1)

(1 page) ,

28. No date Evaluation of ISAP II.b Concrete Compression Strength

- With consents (5pages)

29. 4-14-86 Memo from Noonan to Grimes - Evaluation of Comanche Peak ISAP No. 11.b, Concrete Compression Strength (2 pages) i 1

. ,c ?' , 1 l


!) -

FOIA 86-272

("" (final Response)

Appendix G Records Being Placed in PDR

1. 1-15-85 Statistical Evaluation for CPRT on CPRT SSER on the 00t. program (ISAP VII.C)


2. 10-2-85 Description Memorandum for Documentation Review of Large Bore Pipe Supports Non Rigid QI-030

, Rev. 0 #001 (ISAP VII.C)

(2 pages)

3. 10-2-85 Description Memorandum for Reinspection of large l Bore Pipe Supports Non-Rigid QI-029 Rev. 1 CH #2 (ISAPVII.C)


4. 10-2-85 Description Memomorandum for Documentation Review of large Bore Pipe Supports Rigid, OI-028 Rev. O CH #001 (ISAP VII.C)


5. 10-7-85 CPRT First Random Sample Identification CPP-006.1, Revision 0 (3pages)

'6. 10-7-85 ~ Description Memorandes for Reinspection of La'rge 2 Bore Pipe Supports - Rigid Code: .lBSR , e

"~ ' '

QI-027 Rev. 1. Ch 001 (1page)

7. 10-8-85 Facsimile Request to : H. Shannon Phillips frts:

R. Lipinski,


Agenda NRC Inspection Audit CPRT Civil / Structural Review (Preliminary)

(5 pages)



8. 10-12-85 US NRC Note to: Jim Taylor, Harold Denton, Bob Martin, Darreli Eisenhut, Dick Vollmer, Hugh Thompson, Brian Grimes, Jane Axelrad.

Dick Denise, Ed Christenbury, Ed Jordan from:

Vince Noonan,


CPRT Status (10Pages)

9. 10-14-85 CPRT Quality Instruction for Issue Specific  ;

Action Plan ISAP-VIII.C - Procedure No.: QI-049 )

Revision No.: 0 - Reinspection of t.arge Bore


Pipe - Welds / Material l (17pages)


10. 10-16-85 Description Memorandum for Reinspection of L.'arge Bore Pipe Supports - Rigid - LBSR - QI-027,'Rev.1, )

CH 002 (1page)



11. 10-16-85 NRC Audits of Comanche Peak Response Team Construction Reinspection / Documentation Review Program (ISAP VII.C)


12. 10-22-85 Comanche Peak Response Team Construction Adequacy Program Audit. ,

(8 pages T * *4 I

~, - . r,}

13. 10-22-85 US NRC Note to: Harold Denton, Jim Taylor, Bob Martin l Darrell Eisenhut Dick Vollmer. Hugh Thompson, Brian Grimes, Jane Axelrad. Dick Denise, Ed Christenbury., l Ed Jordan from: Vince Noonan,


CPRT Status (11pages)

14. 10-23-85 Meeting on Sampling Populations Comanche Peak - l October 16-17, 1985 (2pages) 2 ,


. L. q

( j i

15. 10-25-85 US NRC Memo for: 'J. A. Calvo, from: E. B. j Tomlinson,


Trip report - Comanche Peak l Site Visit ,

(4 pages)  !

16, 10-28-85 Verification Package Status Report Construction j Evaluation Program e (1page)

17. 10-29-85 Facsimile Request to: B. Saffel from: R. Philleo


Comanche Peak Construction Adequacy Program Populations (3 pages).

18. 10-30-85 CPRT - Construction Adequacy Program Audit Electrical and Instrumentation and Control Instrumentation Equipment (5 pages)
19. 10-30-85 US NRC Memo to J. P. Knight fromi V. Hoonan,


Safety Evaluation Report on the Visual Inspection of Welds Through Paint at the Comanche Peak Site (10pages)

20. "10-31-85 .RRCStaffjRevi}ewofCPRT'ConstructionAdequacy'",

Review Program * '

s- -

21, 11-85 Region IV CPSES Inspection Program -


22. 11-5-85 TUGC0 Meeting with NRC CPRT Monthly Status (1page) l i




23. 11-12-85 TRT Issue: IC Conduit Supports (21pages.)
24. 11-21-85 Teledyne Engineering Services letter to:

Vince Noonan from: Donald F. Landers re:

preliminary trip report for activities conducted at CPSES related to the Construction Adequacy Program.


25. 11-25-85 U.S. NRC Memo for: V. Noonan through: E. H. Johnson from T. F. Westerman


Visual Inspection Painted ASME Section III Pipe Welds-(1 page)

26. 11-25-85 NRC Audits of Comanche Peak Response Team Construction Reinspection / Documentation Review Program (ISAP VII.C)


27. 11-26-85 US NRC Memo for: L. Shao, J., Calvo, J. Milhoan from: A. Vietti-Cook,


Trip Reports (2pages)

28. 11-28-85 _US NRC Memo Related to CPRT Program Plan Revision 3


' +

29. 12-02-85 Work Process Definition for large Bore Pipe Support



30. 12-03-85 Work Process Definition for Small Bore Pipe Support Population Group ($8PS) i (12 pages)  !


.. l

31. 12-11-85 Memo for: I.. C. Shao from: David Terao


Audit Summary of CPRT Construction Evaluation Program

, (Piping / Pipe Supports)

(4 pages) 32, 12-12-85 Mark up Version of Inspection Report from Initial Two l CPRT Audits (20pages) 33, 12-13-85 tawrence livermore letter to: E. 8. Tomlinson from:

Paul Chan,


Inspection Report for CPSES October 1985 (Draft)

(23pages) rt - Audit f SWE n s Ppn fe on Seismic Design Piping (19pages) 35, 12-18-85 U.S. NRC Memo for: L. C. Shao from: Shou Hou.


Trip Report - Audit of SWEC Non-Seismic Piping Effects on Seismic Design Piping (19pages) 35a. 1-3-86 U.S. NRC Memo for: L. Shao and J. Calvo from: D.


y. #

], Terao. SubjeIt:. InputtoSSERtoComanck}eakCPRTi l

Program Plan '

,. m ma <


36, 1-6-86 ASt.B NRC staff comments ~on Statistical Inference a Memorandum (8 pages)

37. 1-8-86 CPRT Comments (17 pages) {

i i

38. 1-8-86 CPRT SSER Draft Revision with consents by staff personnel (42 pages) 5


.39. 1-8-86 SSER on CPRT Program Plan - Appendix I (73 pages) 39a 1-9-86 U.S. NRC Memo for V. Noonan from: I.. Shao,


Comments on IE inspection of DAP. ,

(2pages) i 39b. 1-15-86 U.S. NRC Memo for: V. Noonan from: B. Grimes,


04 Review Comanche Peak i

(11pages) f

40. 1-16-86 CPRT SSER for Rev. 3 Draft 2 for Sections I, II, and IV(163pages)
41. 1-16-86 Staff Evaluation of CPRT SSER for ISAP V.a through j V.e with modification (17 pages)
42. 1-29-86 Appendix B - Staff Evaluation of the CPRT Construction Adequacy Program Plan (18 pages)
43. 1-30-86 Section IV - Staff Evaluation of Construction Adequacy Plan - Draft-1 (8 pages)
44. 2-6-86 U.S. NRC Memo for: L. Shao from: Shou Hou


i Audit of Mechanical TRT Issues (15 pages.) .

m -

we ,wmy

"" i?.y %%;; [j&$}r

45. 2'-10-86 Memo to: Bob Masterson from: ErnieThoepsonkre: ' ~~

Staff Evaluation of CPRT SSER for ISAP h$ with .'

modifications (7pages)

46. 2-11-86 Engineering Analyses Services Inc. Memo to: D. Jeng from: V.P. Ferrarini


Review Rev. 3 of CPRT Program Plan in the Areas of Civil / Structural Concerns (8pages) l 47. 2-18-86 Safety Evaluation Report Related to CPRT Program Plan, Revision 3 (266 pages) 6 a-_____


48, 2-18-86 Safety Evaluation Report related to CPRT Program Plan with connents (225 pages)

49. 2-19-86 Coments on the SSER/o* CPRT Program Plan (108pages)
50. 2-25-86 U.S. NRC Telefax to: Robert Masterson c/o Larry Shou from: H. Shannon Phillips'


Comments by- i RIV for CPRT SSER for ISAPS Yl.a and VI.b (7 pages)

51. 3-3-86 U.S. NRC Memo to: Larry Shao from: Shou Hou


Audit CPRT on Safety Significant Evaluation and Appendix P Issues (3 pages) 1.

52. 3-11-86 Battelle letter to: Charlie Mofumyer from: Bernard.I Saffell


Comanche Peak Euclear Power Plant Technical Assistance BNL Contract No. 216529-S. With Attachment (120 pages)

53. 3-19-86 Note to: D. Jeng from: C. Hofmeyer


SER related to Comanche Peak Response Team (CPRT) Program i Plan, Revision 3. SERattached.(43'pages)

54. 3-25-86 U.S. NRC t.etter to: William Coussil'~from: Vince Noonan re: Comments regarding several ISAPs contained intheCPRT,Pr6gIanPlin,(5p$hes) M**g '
  • g
55. 3-27-86 CP SSER 13 (90pages) ei
56. 4-1-86 Memo for: Jose Calvo from: E.8. Tcelinson


Report of Site Audit of CPRT Self Initiated Construction Adequacy Program - October 1985.(19 pages)

57. 4-2-86 CP SSER 13 Sec. 2 l 1

(10pages) t


7 )


. _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - - - _ . __ \

(, ,


58. 4-3-86 U.S. NRC Note to: J. Calvo,t.. Shao from: C. Tranmell


Remaining Work for Comanche Peak Program Plan SSER (#13) (2 pages) 1

59. 4-8-86 1 Rockwell International t.etter to: Vince Noonan from:-

F.W. Poucher


Review of Issue' Specific Action Plan V.d of Comanche Peak Review Team Program Plan, ,

Revision 3 (6 pages)' '


60. 4-9-86 Brookhaven National lab letter to: Dr. Harold Berkson' from: Anthony Romano


Statbs'of funding hn[

FIN A-3803. (9 pages)  ;

[^v .

, my,xa

61. 4-9-86 U.S. NRC Note to: J. Calvo, L. Shao from: C. Trassell:


Remaining Work for Comanche Peak Program Plan (SSER #13) Update #2 (1 page) k

62. 4-9-86 CP SSER 13 (29 pages)
63. 4-9-86 CP SSER 13 - Rev. 4 (94 pages) i
64. 4-9-86 CP SSER 13 (89 pages) y

+% + '.5 @yQ

.un g ,w

. 3:M:$ f MO nQ a :W

+ {
65. 4-12-86 ,

CP SSER 13 - Rev. 6 ,,, s .

,j (104' pa'ges) 4 '



66. 4-16-86 Facsimile to: David Jeng from: C. Hofmayer re: .g Tentative Agenda WRC Comanche Peak Site Audit Meeting -  ;

Civil / Structural Area May 5-7, 1986 - Agenda attached (3pages) il I

8 ,

'1 .


I-66.a 4-21-86 Memo to Brian Grimes from V. Noonan re: Procedure for review of CPRT Results Reports i

l 67. 5-15-86 U.S. NRC Memo for: Jose Calvo from: E.B. Tomlinson i


Report of Site Audit of CPRT Self-Initiated )

1 Construction Adequacy Program - October 1985(24 pages) f

68. No date CPRT Construction Adequacy Program Audit' '

(2pages) *

69. No date Chart of categories, or populations 'of. hardware ,



70. No date CPSES - CPRT - Homogeneous Construction ActivitiesfI m (3pages)
71. No date QA/QC Review Team Organization Chart (26pages)
72. No date Discussion of Technical Issues in CPRT Sampling Process (5 pages)


73. No date Appendix B - Staff Evaluation of the CPRT Construction Adequacy. Program. Plan (CAPP) (6,pages) ..

w0 9y }p - p

.v g ., ,

.,,> 4; $.,


74. No date


, 5.3.3 Staff EvalNtions

- '< qc/C ;jb. 1

a. g y. g. s 4s.



75. No date Appendix B - Staff Evaluation of the~ CPRT,Construci$on Adequacy Program Plan (CAPP)' 5.0 (5 pages). 1 j
76. No date Appendix B - Staff Evaluation of. the CPRT Condkruction Adequacy Program Plan (CAPP) 4.0 (5 pages)
77. No date Section IV 2.4 - Staff Evaluation of Construction Adequacy Plan - Rev. 3 (11 pages) 9


s ,


78. No,date SSER on Comanche Peak Response Team Program Plan -

Appendix 8 (4 pages)

79. No date Work Process Definition for large Bore Pipe Support -

Rigid Population Group (LBSR) (11 pages)

80. No date large Bore Pipe Supports - Rigid (3pages)  ; ,


. .. . o

81. No date Definition of Work Processes for Population large' I Bore Pipe Supports - Non-Rigid (5'pages)~ ,

f e g s -

.r s

., * {

y, ' Sb s . ** .. , ' ih l ,

82. No date t Definition of Work

> Process for SmallJ89re

qge ~ ' Pipe}'ic. e 3-e Supports (6 pages). ,
wi "

- geS:

. - hg p [ '. q ,-

83. No date CPRT Second Random Sample Identification (19 pages)
84. No date Section IV - Page IV-83, Paragraph 2.5 (2pages) 3-
85. No date SSER Status ,

(3pages) -

86. No date Work Process Definition for Pipe Welds / Material? 'a .

4 4

s .,. .

4,N. Population Group,(P!IM) (8 pages{.  !

g " ,~ .gjp

'd y A L vf % [q {'gfjp ]!

87. No date

e Comments. on' Train C Conduit Cr;1teria".DocumeetsN4N l m gsyg g g > ig 3 p 3, ,3. , ,.

88. No date- ReferencesbsedbyC.Hofmayer'CPRTProgram Plan - Rev. 3,(3 pages) .  %" * ' A '

,,e -


't g4

89. No date Handwritten Notes re: FIN A-3803 ,

(3pages) ,

90. 4-14-86 Evaluation of ISAP II.b - Concrete Compression Strength (5 pages) i l

10 1

91. 10-22-85 Battelle Draft - Comanche Peak Response Team Construction Adequacy Program Audit. (8 pages)
92. 4-10-86 Brookhaven National Lab letter to: D.- Jeng from: Guiliano DeGrassi subject: CP Conduit Support Program Audit Meeting Trip Report. (22 pages)
93. 3-11-86 Section 2.5.7 Preoperational Testing (III.d) (2 pages) f 1

I t

' e. ,,

,24 6 _ *' i .'q )<W

.s a




I' S~ '

G." , ,3 ll ,

'3 11

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FOIA 86-454 Appendix H Records Being Placed in PDR


1. Undated Handwritten note. Files for ISAP No. I.b.3 I (1 page) l
2. Undated Handwritten note, Files for ISAP No. I.a.4 (1 page) i 1
3. 1/2/5/85 Comanche. Peak Steam Electric Station'DeAign l

Change Authorization ,No.19948 Rev. 2 1

.(5 pages) .

. . . I

4. 6/28/85 CPSES maaeanformance Report No. E-85-100486S (8 pages).
  • 2/12/85 CPSES Nonconformance Report No. E-85-100054S (1 page) .


z. .

l m

16.' > .'4/24/8&C]9' y. ., Snksw , , . je i .. ; . .,4 4 e i CPSES Moscomformance. Report No. E-86-101727 -

A? (1 7y #

.,  ::.3 q%;.,w}page)b wg 'p. , ,. th e V y m;g&&r 3: +",



7. 4/30/86 CPSES: Nonconformance' Report No. E-86-101777 (1 5 P ke)(


8. 5/2/86 CPSES Nonconformance Report No. E-86-101833S (1 Page)
e. . . l

.. '., i h,

FOIA 86-454 i Page 2  !

. i.


9. 5/?/86 CPSES Monconformance Report No. E-86-101834S (1 page) i
10. 5/2/86 CPSES Nonconformance Report No. E-86-101835S

. (1 page)

  • L i

>;9 e

11. 1/18/85' CPSES Construction'Operatico Travelei-

. . iI No. EE65-11.268-3101 - (2 pages) -

12. 1/18/85 CPSES Construction Operation Traveler No. EE85-11,264-2003 (1 page)
13. 5/1/86 CPSES Field Design Change & Review Statui Log Dwg 2323-El-0172 (1 page) g.

?l ra ; .c, .. : Sk , , ' .

'. I4'= ,

4/29/Sig.._ . f.i_:ghTUCCodrawings'*,h'W.

_ {$ $ s s.. ' l ' fN. "S*' j < MW *1 -

2323-El-0139-CP3'2323-El-0156 CP6 M is -

s  !

tl< .y ,

  1. ~2323-E1 4107-CP1 2323-El-0156 CP7' -"

jo, l

,3 ( -

2323 -Ef4171-CP6g 'n, y  %

2323-El-0172-CP4 .

2323-El-0172-CP3, 2323-El-0112-CP4 .




'l O. O

E <


< i Re: FOIA 86-272 and 86-454 APPENDIX I Records Denied in Entirety Exemption (5)- - "

+ t


1. 05/29/86 Memo to Annette Vietti-Cook from Charles Russi Re: ISAP I b.3, '

Conduit to Cable Tray Sep.aration, Comanche Peak Steam Electric Station, Units 1 & 2 (2pages) w/ enclosure 1

a. Technical Evaluation;of the ISAP I.b.3 Results Report. . I Revision 1, Regarding Conduit to Cable Trety Se

. Comanche Peak Steam Electric Station (6 pages)paration at -

2. 05/08/86 Facsimile Transmittal Re and J. Malonson- (1 page) w/ quest enclosures to Ward Smith from C. Trammell
a. Results Report Revision 1,3/13/86 ISAP III.d Preoperational Testing (4pages)'
b. Comanche Peak Response Team Results Report - Preoperational

- , Testing Revision 1-(24 pages) X

3. 04/24/86 Draft Evaluation of 2 SAP II.b - Concrete tempression Strength (5pages) [
4. 04/24/86 Draft Evaluation of ISAP II.b - Concrete Compression Strength j (5pages)


5. 04/14/86 Draft Evaluation of ISAP II.b u Concrete Compression Strength I-(5pages) '




6. 03/05/86 Handwritten Telephone Conversation Rcord to Dan Lurie from E. Thomason Re: Statistical Aspects of CM Action Plan.

ISAP V.O., Plug Welds (Revision 3) -(1 peat 4 -

  • af

, aw

7. 12/16/85 Facsistle Transmission to Ed Tomlinson frum 8. Faffell. '

(1 page) w/ enclosure m

a. Comanche Peak - Construction Re-InspecticeDocumentationa w yw " .g (6 g g 3 j (
8. ~12/10/85' " ff


. s. ,Handwritten

.u;MQ; %wsiF Exit Interview J Wfor'NRC/NRR Lsd x sg 4 Sita'Vis Undated Handwritten Memo to Ed Tomlinson from P.-Anasterson Re:

Construction Adequacy Audit on Structural Armas' N' sage)


,3 w/ enclosures .

5, , , d'/; . M i iW, -

3 a.=12/5/85 Handwritten Memo to Ed Trolinsen from Berpie Sathell j Re: sISAPVII.c) ( Audit (2pa f/ % '

L b.12/5/85 Handwritten Memo to i bes) '-lomlinson'/rer,Jhr$Hashenal

' l:

Re: Audit of the Two HVAC Populations is,the hechanical Discipline (2 pages) , ,,.


10. Undated II.b Concrete Compression Strength (5 pages)



a 9; ' ~n ;L.

, . .r ..

I lt ? ,


a A ,

Re: FOIA-86-272 and 86-454

11. Undated Draft Additional RAI on ISAP II.6 (1 page)

I I 1s.' Undated DraftQuestionontheVII.b.2ResultsReport(1page)

( w/ enclosures I

, a. 5510 Control Sheet (1 page)

13. Undated Draft Version I.a.3 - Introduction Re: ComanchePeck(5pages)
14. Undated Safety Evaluation by the Office of NRR Re: the ISAP III.d.

Results Report for Texas Utilities Electric Company Comanche Peak Steam Electric Statico Units 1 and 2,[ et al4pages) a


. fy


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,.,t- , , F01A-86-454

.t / . (Final Response) s Appendix J Denied Records - Exemption 5

1. '04/24/86. Meno for T. Westerman from L. E11ershaw re: Review of Results

,Re;portsVII.B.2andII.b.w/handwrittennotations(2pages) l l

2. 05/13/86 /no for V. Noonan fror. E. Johnson re: Staff Questions Re: i ISAPWo.VII.b.2ResultsReport(1page)
3. Undated' W.tft Memo for V. Nocaan from E. Johnson re: Evaluation Report' andconcurrencepage(2pages)w/ attachments:
a. Evaluation f4 port, ISAP III.d (4 pages) b.Typingcoverpage(Ipage)
4. 05/16/65 MemoherV,fNoonanfromE.Johnsonre: Evaluation Report i

, (1 page) wnttachment: ,

l1 a. Evaluation Report, (ISAP III.d) (4 pages) i s ,

a i  !

?) i N



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  • 1555 Connecncur Awmue, N.W., Suite 202 Wasungron, D.C. 20036 (202)232 6550  ;

April 9, 1986 i

i l - FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT REQUEST Director NWNW I office of Administration WW zuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C. 20555 hh -[f, Q g j To Whom It May Concern

@ s W + y'-pg 1 Pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act ("FOIA*)', 5 USC.

552, the Government Accountability Project (GAP) requests copies of any and all agency records and information, including but not limited to notes, letters, memoranda, drafts, minutes, diaries,-

i logs, calendars, tapes, transcripts, summaries, interview - '

reports, procedures, instructions, engineering _ analyses, > j drawings, files, graphs, charts, maps, ' photographs,1 agressants,, o I handwritten notes, studies, data sheets,: notebooks,L books,.

telephone messages, computations, voice recordings, cv roter runoffs, reports, and any and all other records or reports ,

relevant to and/or generated in connection with all information l developed since October 1,1985 regarding, the evaluation of ,

individual ISAP's at Conan,he Peak, by all' staff, includingf; consultants. ' '

w \

This request includes all agency records as defined in 10.

c.F.R. 9.3a(b) and the NRC Manual, Appendix 0211,[ parts 1.A.2 and A.3 (approved October 8, 1980) whether.they wu..-.tly' exist in .{

the NRC official, " working," investigative or other files, or at j any other location, including private residences. ,

/g 3  !

I If any records as defined in 10 C.F.R. _9.3a(b) and tho' NRC manual, and removed covered;by this request afterzthissesquest,s have been edestroyed piense provide" s =E. n ~and/or;&g M g records} including'butxmot" limited to auli 'ialll:56osts Jhich; g'h have been or are destroy'ee*and/or; removed,; tai criptien[afsthg b .

action (s) taken- relevant' teFgenerated' int connection <with,4and/or A*

issued in order to implement the action (s) . W GAP requests that 'feesWwaived,ibecause "fiNdi the information can be'oonsidered as primarily benefittIngethe';i' hg4 general public," 5 USC section $52(a)(4)(a) . GAP is a non-profit, non-partisan public interest organization concerned with honest and open government. Through public outreach, the. Project promotes whistleblowers 'as agents of government accountability.

Through its Environmental Whistleblower Clinic, GAP offers assistance to local public interest and citizens groups seeking to ensure the health and safety of their communities. The Environmental Whistleblower Clinic is currently assisting several p$7 {h qq


4 s

Director, office of Administration Page Two i

citizens groups, local governments, and interveners in Texas concerning the construction of the Comanche Peak nuclear power plant.

We are requesting the above information as part of an ongoing monitoring project on the adequacy of Region IV and the NRC's efforts to protect public safety and health at nuclear power plants.

For any documents or portions that you deny due to a-specific FOIA exemption, please provide an index itemising and derscribing the documents or portions of documents withheld. The iindex should provide a detailed justification of your grounds for claiming each exemption, explaining why each exemption is relevant to the document or portion of the document withheld.

This index is required under Vaughn v. Rosen (I), 484 F.2d.

section B20 (D.C. Cir. 1973), cert. denied, 415 U.S. section 977 (1974).


working look forward to your response to this request within ten sincerely, '

Billie Pirner Garde Director, Environmental Whistleblower Clinic-BPG 41909C yph [

. g y..

f s-p ' ~



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Gr NNMENT ACCOUNTAMUTY PROJECT 1555 Qwwwcncut Awnue, N.W., Suhe,202


WOIhingfort D.C. 2M (202)232 4550 I

l June 16, 1986 T

Director Office of Administration' *N U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission

- ~ '/g Was.hington, D.C. 20555 Re: FOIA Request Yhk To whom it may concerns Pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), 5 U.S.C.


552, as amended, the- Government hocountability Project (GAP) requests copies of any and all agency records.and information, including but'not limited to notes, letters, memoranda, drafts, 1 minutes, diaries, logs, calendars, tapes, transcripts, summaries, 1 interview reports, i analyses, drawings, files, procedures, graphs,instructions, charts, maps, engineering photographs, -

agreements, handwritten notes, studies, data sheets, notebooks, books, telephone messages, computations, voice recordings, computer runoffs, any other data compilations, interim and/or final reports, status reports, and any and all other records relevant to and/or generated in connection with the following:

The NRC's review of ISAP's I.a.4, I.b.3, II.b.,, and VII.b.2, released by Texas Utilities on April 14, 1986.

This request includes'all agency records as defined in 10 C.F.R. 9.3a(b) and the NRC Manual, Appendix 0211, Parts 1.A.2. and A.3 (approved October 8, 1980), whether they currently exist in the NRC official, " working", investigative, or other files, or at any _other location,. including private residences. g g.

i g n, (M 1 ^ " ' '

a; 9* ]

If any records _as definedin 10 C.F.R.'p M J and the NRC 9.3a(b)

Manual, supra, and: covered by this request have been destroyed ,

and/or removed, or"are destroyed and/or removed after receipt of thias request, please provide all surrounding records, -including but not limited to a list of all records wh:.ohehave been or are ,

destroyed and/or removed, a description of the action (s) taken I reinvant to, generated in connection with,' and/or issued in order to 1.mplement the action (s). -

GAP requests that fees be waived, because " finding the information can be considered as primarily benefitting the gene-ral public." 5 U.S.C. 552(a) (4) (A). GAP is a non-profit, nonpartisan public interest organization concerned with honest and open government. Through itas citizens clinic, GAP offers assistance to local public interest and citizens groups seeking to ensure the health and safety of their communities.

i pgoWNo .


  • p
  • FOIA Request-June 16, 1986 Page Two i

GAP is requesting the above information as part of an ongoing monitoring project on the adequacy of the NRC's efforts to protect public safety and health at nuclear power plants.

For any documents or portions of documents that you deny due to a specific FOIA exemption, please provide an inder itemising and describing the documents or portions of documents withheld.

The index should provide a detailed justification of your grounds for claiming each exemption, explaining why each esemption is relevant to the document or portion of the document withheld.

This index is required under Vaughn v. Rosen ,[Il, 484 F. 2d 820 (D.C. Cir. 1973), cert. denied, 415 U.S. 977 (1974) .

We look forward to your response to this request within ten Respectfully, i

Billie Pirner Garde citizens clinic Director 42113

? q l

s ..

L C}

GOVEld4 MENT ACCOUNTABILITY PROJECT 1555 Connecticut Avenue, N.W., Suite 202 j


October 1, 1986 i I

Victor Stello NI Executive Director for Operations U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Mkh~@b

  • h'd I b"M) ,

Washington, D.C. 20555 }I 6 _ Appeal 44 /O - .

Re: from Initial FOIA Decision of FOIA 86-272 and FOIA 86-454

Dear Mr. Stello:

, 4 This is an appeal pursuant to subsection a(6) of the Freedom of Information Act as amended (5 U.S.C. 522), of the actual denial of the Commission to release documents requested on April 9, 1986 and June 16, 1986, by the Government Accountability Project.

By letter dated September 4, 1986, Donnie H. Grimsley, Director of the Division of Rules and Records, informed us that the Records identified on Appendix D are being withheld pursuant to FOIA Exemption 5 because they contain predecisional information which would inhibit open and frank exchange of ideas essential to the deliberation process.

We believe we are entitled to the release of the documents being withheld.

We expect your response to this appeal within 20 working days of your-receipt so that we can determine whether'to pursue ", '

this matter further in the courts.

Thank' you for your consideration of this ' appeal.




Billie Pirner Garde Director, Environmental Whistleblower Clinic cs -

g$4T .




/, - fo,



{ WASHING TON, D. C. 20555 1

Ms. Billie Pirner Garde Government Accountability Project IN RESPONSE REFER 1555 Connecticut Avenue, NW, Suite 202 TO FOIA-86-272 AND Washington, DC 20036 F01A-86-454

Dear Ms. Garde:

This is the second partial response to your letters dated April 9,1986, and June 16, 1986, in which you requested, pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act (F0IA), copies of records related to the evaluation of ISAP's regarding ^

the Comanche Peak plant. ,


The records identified on the enclosed Appendix B are already available for public inspection and copying at the NRC Public Document Room (PDR). The PDR accession numbers are identified beside the record descriptions.

The records identified on the enclosed Appendix C are being placed in the t PDR. You may obtain access to these records by referring to PDR folder 86-272 under your name.

The records identified on the enclosed Appendix D are being withheld pursuant to Exemption (5) of the FOIA (5 U.S.C. 552(b)(5)) and 10 CFR 9.5(a)(5) of the 4

j Commission's regulations. These records contain predecisional information

. l consisting of advice, opinions, and recommendations of the staff. Release of"

' these records would tend to inhibit the open and frank exchange of ideas essential to the deliberative process. There are no reasonab y segregable factual portions because release of the facts would permit an indirect inquiry into the predecisional process of the agency. '

, Pursuant to 10 CFR 9.9 of the CommidiN's regulatNmkN has$eehNetIrmik/

'that the information withheld *is exempt 1 from 3roduction or~ disclosurepand that '

its production or disclosure is contrary to tie public interest. The: persons.

responsible for denial of the information are the' undersigned and i^"'

Mr. Robert D. Martin, Regional Administrator, Region IV.2 l




__ _______-___U

p . (' i Ms. Garde . . t.

This denial may be appealed to the NRC's Executive Director for Operations within 30 days from the receipt of this letter. As provided in 10 CFR 9.11,  ;

any such appeal must be in writing, addressed to the Executive Director for '

Operations, U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Comission, Washington, DC 20555, and should clearly state on the envelope and in the letter that it is an

" Appeal from an Initial F0IA Decision."

i We will comunicate with you further with regard to additional records which 'l are subject to your requests. ,

j Sincerely.

Mu $ w ar/ .x

+. '

Donnie H. Grimsley.. Director Division of Rules and Records Office of Administration j


As stated 1 1

1 i

l 3: m .. . .

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Appendix B FOI A 86-272 and 86-454 Documents in PDR Accession No.

5/23/86 Letter, W. G. Counsil, CPSES, to Vincent S. Noonan, 8605280142 Comanche Peak Project, Response to NRC Questions Transmitted By Letter Dated May 15, 1986.

w attachment, 5RC Comments / Responses (2 pages) 4/28/86 Letter, Vincent S. Noonan to W. C. Counsil, CPRT- 8605020347 Results Reports dtd April 4, 1986.

w attachment, Request for Additional Information (6 pages)

'" ,f ..

7 ,-


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fb}l, I

_____.__m._____ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ . _ _ . _ . . _

, F01A-86-272 and F0lA-86-454

, (~} (Second Partial)

APPENDIX C Released Rbcords86-454 l

1. Updated Question / Response on VII.b.2 Valve Disassembly (10 pages)
2. 7/2?/83 Documentation Review, Table 1, Specification Revision / Addendum Report (6 pages)

N o

3. 3/20/85 Interoffice Mesmo. Brown & Root, G. R. Purdy to Distribution, CPSES, 35-1195, Reinspection Program Implementation (2 pages)
4. 4/8/85 Office Memorandum, Evaluation Research Corporation, Valve Disassembly. Issue VII.b.2 Generic Valve Evaluation (4 pages)
5. 5/2/85 office Memorandum, ERC, Valve Disassembly, Issue VII.b.2 (3 pages)

Additional Generic Valve Evaluation s %.e, f.'4 vy >,-,

-Q, m '

y n ,- C 3  :


, +


6. 5/20/85 Office Memorandum, ERC, Valve Disassembly.. Issue VII.b.2, Generic Safety Consequences Analysis (7 pages)
7. 5/23/85 Table 4. Generic Safety Consequences Analysis (4 pages)



(. .


FOIA-86-272 AND 86-454 Page 2 Released Records l

8. 6/19/85 ERC Memo, Valve Disassembly ~, Issue VII.b.2, Dis / Reassembly Procedural control (2 pages)
9. 7/22/85 Texas Utilities Generating company Office Memo, to Distribution, Unit 2 ASME Startup Activities (1 Page) 4 4/
o. .

-10, 8/14/85 valve Reinspection Checklist, Issue VII.b.2, Ites No 464 (8 pages)

11. 10/2/85 ERC Memo, Review of Procedures Pertinent to Valve Disassembly (
12. 11/25/85 Generic Safety Consequences Analysis, Ites No.

VII.b.2, Revision 1 (6 pages)



] - , W 'a'- *b fc y 3

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, ; -M  ;$$g.y;393 } _v

  • 4s ., And .


13. '3/13/86 '+-

'ERCI letter w t'elecon% Obert to'Milliken (2<pages)

D,,irM ^ < "'


~ .

14. 3/20/86 a. Comanche Peak Response Team Results Report, ISAP VII.b.2, Valve Disassembly, Rev 1, w/ attachment: b. Action Plan (30 pages)


l F01A-86-272 and 86-454 (SecondPartialResponse)

Appendix D Records Denied in Entirety - Exemption (5)


1. 4/24/86 MemorandumfromL.E.EllershawtoT.F.

Review of Results Reports VIIb.2 and II.b (2 pages Westerman}

2. 5/12/86 Memorandum Review of Results Reports fromVIIb.2 L. E. andEllershaw II.b (2 pages to T. F. Westerm
3. 5/13/86 Memorandum from E. H. Johnson to V. S. Noonan. Staff Questions Regarding ISAP No. VII.b.2 Results Reports (1page). 3
4. 5/16/86 Memo from Johnson to Noonan, re: Evaluation Report (1 page) w/ attachment
a. Evaluation Report (ISAP III.d) (4 pages) i l

, , r;, ,..

J '

(.'* y e

p l


.. L i.


- 1555 Connecticut Awnue, N.W., Suite 202.

Washington, D.C. 20036 (202)2324550-June 16, 1986 y TEIN Director office of Administration

  • U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission ,.J 8-Yg Washington, D.C. 20555 Re:

--G FOIA Request


Yf-[f' '

To whom it may concern:

Pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act;(FOIA),,5'U.S.C.-

552, as amended, the Government Accountability Project (GAP)x .

requests copies of any and all agency records and information,5 .

including but'not limited to notes, letters,-memoranda,: drafts,.

minutes, diaries,- logs, calendars, tapes, transcripts, summaries, interview reports, procedures, instructions, engineering analyses, drawings, files, graphs, charts,. maps, photographs, agreements, handwritten notes, studies, data sheets, notebooks, .

books, telephone _ messages, computations, voice recordings, computer runoffs, any;other data compilations, interim and/or final reports, status reports, and any and all other records relevant to and/or generated in connection with the following:

The NRC's review of ISAP's I.a.4, I.b.3, II.b.,III.dif and VII.b.2, ' released by Texas Utilities on April '14, :1985.

This request includes'all' agency records as defined'in 10' C.F.R. 9.3a(b) and the NRC Manual, . Appendix 0211, , PartsL"1. A.2 ' and-A.3 (approved October-8, 1980), whether they currently ' exist-in the NRC official, " working", investigative, or other files, or at any,other 1 tion, inal priv esidences.- 4 %p If any records asjdefined in 10 C.F.R. 9.3a(b)Dandithe Mace Manual,. supra, and covered by this' request have' been, destroye$ .

and/or removed, or are destroyed and/or removed after: receipt ~of this request, please provide all surrounding recorda n including but not limited to a list of:all' records which have been7or area destroyed and/or removed, 'a description of the action (s) takemi' relevant to, generated in connection with, and/or issued 'in' order to implement the action (s).

GAP requests that fees be waived, because " finding the l information can be considered as primarily benefitting the gene-ral public." 5 U.S.C. 552(a) (4) (A). GAP is a non-profit, nonpartisan public interest organization concerned with honest  !

and open government. Through its Citizens Clinic, GAP offers assistance to local public interest and citizens groups seeking to ensure the health and safety of their communities.

2 e ag


FOIA Request June 16, 1986 Page Two GAP is requesting the above information as part of an ongoing monitoring project on the adequacy of the NRC's efforts to protect public safety and health at nuclear power plants, b For any documents or portions of documents that you deny due to a specific FOIA exemption, please provide an index itemizing and describing the documents or portions of documents withheld.

The index should provide a detailed justification of your grounds for claiming each exemption, explaining why each exemption is relevant to the document or portion of the document withheld.

This index is required under Vaughn v. Rosen M , 484 F. 2d 820 (D.C. Cir. 1973), cert. denied, 415 U.S. 977 (1974).

We look forward to your response to this request within ten Respectfully, I

Billie Pirner Garde i citizens clinic Director . l l

42113 l

l s

' e 1, . 4

)4 GOVERP#dENTICCOUNTABluTY PROJECT 1555 Connecticut Avenue, N.W., Suite 202  ;


APPLETON, WI 54911 i October 1, 1986 Victor Stello ' ' . j_ * ,. .

A*l -. .-

Executive Director for Operations '

U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C. 20555 ,,,4 .j 9 gy gg ,,, yg [s Re:

J Appeal c Id from Initial FOIA

/o-1-/6 Decision of FOIA 86-272 and i FOIA 86-454

Dear Mr. Stello:

This is an appeal pursuant to subsection a(6) of the Freedom of Information Act as amended (5 U.S.C. 522), of the actual denial of the Commission to release documents requested on April 9, 1986 and June 16, 1986, by the Government Accountability Project.

By letter dated September 4, 1986, Donnie H. Grimsley, Director of the Division of Rules and Records, informed us that the Records identified on Appendix D are being withheld pursuant to FOIA Exemption 5 because they contain predecisional information which would inhibit open and frank exchange of ideas essential to the deliberation process.

We believe we are entitled to the release of the documents being withheld.

We expect your response to this appeal within 20 working days of your receipt so that we can determine,whether to pursue this matter further in the courts.

Thank you for yoar consideration of this appeal.


\b Billie Pirner Garde Director, Environmental Whistleblower Clinic cs


.gpapw($p ~

qq q,,


s (w? m



. r, a


u** ggp 4g I'

g 4

Ms. Billie Pirner Garde Government Accountability Project IN RESPONSE REFER


1555 Connecticut Avenue, NW, Suite 202 TO F01A-86-272 Als Washington, DC 20036 FOIA-86-454 i

Dear Ms. Garde:

This is the second partial. response to your letters dated April 9,1986 and l June 16, 1986, in which you requested, pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), copies of records related to the evaluation of ISAP's;regarding the Comanche Peak plant.

9 . ,


, w s qq-


. .u ~ w The records identified on the enclosed Ap>endix 8 are already available for; public inspection and copying at the NRC %blic Document Room (PDR). The PDR accession numbers are identified beside the record descriptions.

The records identified on the enclosed Appendix C are being placed'in the i PDR. You may obtain access to these records by referring to POR folder 86-272 under your name.  !

The records identified on the enclosed Appendix 0 are being withheld pursuant to Exemption (5) of the FOIA (5 U.S.C. 552(b)(5)) and 10 CFR 9.5(a)(5) of the Comission's regulations. . These records contain predecisional information consisting _ of advice, opinions, and recommendations of the staff. Release of-these records would tend to inhibit the open and frank exchanne of ideas essential to the deliberative process. There are no reasonab'y segregable factual portions because release of the facts would permit an indirect inquiryy into the predecisional process of the agency.

Pursuant to-10[CFA]9!9fofsthe Consissionis regulationdih ..detebb$$ #-

s that the inforestion erithheld:is exemptLfree' production"or*dite re, and tha @?N #

its production 'or' disclosure is contrary 4to the public interest.,: The responsible for?. denialof the' information are the undersigned and7 ' personsg$N ~i4 -1?

Mr. Robert D. Martin, Regional Administrator, Region IV.

a m o h a $ ,e .


na 5 Abagr6Qt

( ,' ( _  ;

Ms. Garde This denial may be appealed to the NRC's Executive Director for Operations within 30 days from the receipt of this letter. As provided in 10 CFR 9.11, any such appeal must be in writing, addressed to the Executive Director for Operations, U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Comission, Washington, DC 20555, and should clearly state on the envelope and in the letter that it is an

" Appeal from an Initial FOIA Decision." y i

We will comunicate with you further with regard to additional records which are subject to your requests.

Sincerely, MuY Donnie H.'Grimsley, Direc' tor" -

Division of Rules and Records-Office of Administration


As stated l

l s, . g. ~


- HV - >n


l l

1 l

g- ,

. . - %n .

Appendix B FOIA 86-272 and 86-454 Documents in PDR Accession No.

5/23/86 Letter, W. G. Counsil, CPSES, to Vincent S. Noonan, 8605280142 Comanche Peak Project, Response to NRC Questions

-Transmitted By Letter Dated May 15, 1986.

w attachment.

5RC Comments / Responses (2 pa8es) 4/28/86 Letter, Vincent S. Noonan to W. G. Counsil, CPRT 8605020347 Results Reports dtd April 4, 1986, w attachment, Request for Additional Information (6 pages) sus .

7, gg, 94 % s b. , l+f[ht. . ,g.; # ,',

gg, u, -

l' l


--_m. _--._--_ _ _ . . _ _ _ - . _

i F01 A-86-272 and FOI A-86-454 -




[. w ' (Second Partial) b '

1- APPENDIX C Released Rbcords A 6-W  :

4 1


1. Undated Question / Response on VII.b.2 Valve Disassembly (10 pages)

J l

2, 7/22/83 Documentation Review, Table 1 Specification l

l Revision / Addendum Report (6 pages)

3. .3/20/85-l Interoffice Meno, Brown & Root,-C. R. Purdy to Distribution, CPSES, 35-1195, Reinspection Program Implementation (2 pages)

'4 4/8/85 Office Memorandum, Evaluation Research Corporation, Valve Disassembly Issue VII.b.2 Generic Valve Evaluation (4 pages)

5. 5/2/85 Office Memorandum, ERC, Valve Disassembly, Issue VII.b.2 (3 pages)

Additional Generic Valve Evaluation

n gy gj 7 yj j

, .i s ;

y, ' Q:m br g--


.w -

. n; . n 1 ,


, , , p

6. 5/20/85 Offide' Memorandum, ERC, Valve Disassembly, Issue VII.b.2, Generic _ Safety Consequences Analysis (7 pages)  ;.4 . T y '-


7. 5/23/85 Table 4, Generic Safety consequences Analysis (4 pages) i


APPENDIX C F01A-86-272 AND 86-454 age 2 Released Records

8. 6/19/85 ERC Memo, Valve Disassembly', Issue VII.b.2 Dis / Reassembly Procedural Control (2 pages)
9. 7/22/85 Texas Utilities Generating company office Memo, to Distribution Unit 2 ASME Startup Activities (1 Page)
10. 8/14/85 Valve Reinspection Checklist, Issue VII.b.2 Item No. 464 (8 pages)
11. 10/2/85 ERC Memo, Review of Procedures Pertinent to Valve Disassembly (1 page) 12, 11/25/85 Generic Safety Consequences Analysis, Item No.

VII.b.2 Revision 1 (6 pages)


13. 3/13/86 ERCI letter w telecon, Obert to Milliken (2 pages) u
14. 3/20/86 a. Comanche Peak Response Team Results Report, ISAP VII,b.2, Valve Disassembly, Rev 1, w/ attachment: b. Action Plan (30 pages)

(- '


F01A-86-272 and 86-454 (Second Partial Response)

Appendix D l Records Denied in Entirety - Exemption (5)



1. 4/24/86 MemorandumfromL.E.EllershawtoT.F.

Review of Results Reports VIIb.2 and II.b (2 pages Westerman

2. 5/12/86 MemorandumfromL.E.EllershawtoT.F.

Review of Results Reports VIIb.2 and II.b (2 pages Westerman

3. 5/13/86 Memorandum from E. H. Johnson to V. S. Noonan, Staff Questions Regarding ISAP No. VII.b.2 Results Reports (1 page)
4. 5/16/86 Memo from Johnson to Noonan, re: Evaluation Report (1 page) w/ attachment a.- Evaluation Report (ISAP III.d) (4 pages) t '


, ~

.u L

GOVERNMEM ACCOUMABluTY PROECT 1555 Connecticut Awnue, N.W Suite 202 Washington, D.C. 20036 (202)2324550 April 9, 1986 b

FREEDOM OF INFORMATION ACT MMOUEST Director Office of Administration EE Nuclear Regulatory Comnission Washington,_D.C.- 20555 h[d -[f, Q %;

To Whom It May concern:

552, Pursuant to the Freedom of Information- Act ("FOIA"), 5 USC' the Government Accountability Project (GAP) requests copies of any and all agency records and information, including but not limited to notes, letters,. memoranda, drafts,' minutes, diaries, logs, calendars, tapes, transcripts summaries, interviser e reports, drawings, procedures,-instructions, e,ngineering analyses, files, graphs, charts, maps, photographs, agreements,

' handwritten notes, studies, data sheets, notebooks, books,.

telephone messages, computations, voice recordings, computer runoffs, reports, and:any and all other records or reports-relevant to and/or generated in connection with all information developed since October 1, 1985 regarding the evaluation of individual ISAP's at Comanche Peak, by all staff, includingh consultants.

This request includes all agency records as defined in 10 C.F.R. 9.3a(b) and tho' NRC A.3 (approved October 8, Manual, Appendix 0211, . Parts 1.A.2 and 1980) whether they currently exist in-the NRC official, " working," investigative or other files, ur at any other location, including private residences.

If any records as defined in 10 C.F.R. 9.3a(b) and the ERC manual, removedand aftercovered by this please'p;rovide;allrourround this request, request have been destroyed ap4/as'j..

records, including but not: limited to a list of all reco &@M ' -

sttich have been or are destroyed and/or removed,. a description.of(the ,

action (s) taken relevant to, generated in connection with,'andyor issued in order to implement the action (s). 1

, ,e {

GAP requests that fees be waived, becausEf" finding' Mk.' "'

the information can be considered as primarily benefitting' tho' general public," 5 USC section 552(a) (4) (a) . GAP is a non-profit, non-partisan public interest organization concerned with honest and open government. Through public outreach, the Project promotes whistleblowers as agents of government accountability.

Through its Environmental Whistleblower Clinic, GAP offers assistance to local public interest and citizens groups seeking to ensure the health and safety of their communities. The Environmental Whistleblower Clinic is currently assisting several h.-

ge9@ g


. e j

{. .

Director, office of Administration Page Two citizens groups, local governments, and interveners in Texas concerning the construction of the Comanche Peak nuclear power plant.

We are requesting the above information as part of an ongoing monitoring project on the adequacy of Region IV and the NRC's efforts to protect public safety and health at nuclear power plants.

For any documents or portions that you deny due to a specific FOIA exemption, please provide an index itemising and derscribing the documents or portions- of documents withheld. The iindex should provide a detailed justification of your grounds for claiming each exemption, explaining why each exemption is relevant to the document or portion of the document withheld.

This inder is required under Vaughn v. Rosen (I), 484 F.2d.

section 820 (D.C. Cir. 1973), cert. denied, 415 U.S. section 977 (1974).

We look forward to your response to this request within ten working days.

1 sincerely, Billie Pirner Garde Director, Environmental Whistleblower Clinic BPG:41909C

~ -

1 i

s >

__ _ --- l

)., ,

s L:

(Q GOVE/PGAENT ACCOUNTABILITY PROJECT 15S6\.\ necticut Avenue N.W., Suite 202 Washington, D.C. 20036 (202)232-8550 GOVERNMENT ACCOUNTABILITY PROJECT MIDWEST OFFICE 3424 MARCOS LANE APPLETON, WI 54911 0ctober 20, 1986 Al&EAL OF ANITIAL @A DECtSIOK Viclor Stello E:<ecut ive Di re ctor for Operations 8d'*#4 "d3N$ C?d T> 7h U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission .g yg jf pg Washington, D.C. 20555

/g y g RE: Appeal From an Initial FOIA Decision of FOIA 86-272 and 86-454

Dear Mr. Stello:

This is an appeal pursuant to subsection a(6) of the Freedom of Information Act as amended (5 U.S.C. 522), of the actual denial of the Comnassion to release documents requested on April 9, 1986 and June 16, Project.

1986 by the Government Accountability By letter dated October 3, 1986, Donnie H. Grimsley, Director of the Division of Rules and Records, informed us that the records identified on Appendi:< 1 and J were being withheld pursuant to E:<emption 5 decausse they consist of preliminary advice, opinions and recommenda*,lons of the staff.

being We believe withheld. we are entitled to the release of the documents We e:< pe ct your response to this appeal within 20 working days of your receipt so that we can determine whether to pursue this matter further in the courts.

Thank you for your consideration of this appeal.

Sincerely, y

Billie Pirner Garde Director, Environmental Whistleblower Clinic Q"

>T fe i

D Billie Pirner Garde Esquire Government Accountability Project Midwest Office IN RES R 3424 Marcos Lane Appleton, WI 54911 W8 1950 F01 F0!A-86

Dear Ms. Garde:

This is the final' response to your letters dated April 9.1986, and June 16, 1986, in which you requested, pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act (F0IA), copies of records related to the evaluation of ISAP's regarding the Comanche Peak plant.

The records identified on the enclosed Appendix E are already available for public inspection and copying at the NRC Public Document Room (PDR). The PDR accession numbers are identified beside the record descriptions.

The records identified on the enclosed Appendixes F, 6, and H are bei laced b in the PDR. You may obtain access to these records by referring to PD1 holder F01A-86-272 under your name.  !~

The records identified on the enclosed Appendixes I and J are being withheld pursuant to Exemption (5) of the FOIA (5 U.S.C. 552(b)(5)) and 10 CFR 9.5(a)(5))

of the Comission's regulations. These records contain predecisional infonnation consisting of advice, opinions, and recommendations of the staff.

Release of these records would tend to inhibit the open and frank exchange of ideas essential to the deliberative process. There are no reasonably seeregable factual portions because release of the facts would permit an indirect inquiry into the predecisional process of the agency.

Pursuant to 10 CFR 9.9 of the Comission's regulations, it has been determined.

that the information withheld is exempt from production or disclosure, and that its production or disclosure is contrary to the public interest. The persons responsible for the denial of the records identified on Appendix I are the undersigned and Mr. Harold R. Denton, Director, Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation. The persons responsible for the dental of the records identified on Appendix J are the undersigned and Mr. Robert D. Martin, Regional Administrator, Region IV.

gb 5 1

', (c.7 (g 1

Ms. Garde This denial may be ap>ealed to the NRC's Executive Director for Operations f within 30 days from tie receipt of this letter. As provided in 10 CFR 9.11, ,

l any such appeal must be in writing, addressed to the Executive Director for rations, U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Connission, Washington, DC 20555, and S Id clearly state on the envelope and in the letter that it is an " Appeal fra an Initial F0TA Decision."

This completes NRC action on these two FOIA requests, In light of this response to these requests, we are taking no further action on your letters dated May 15,1986, and July 16, 1986, in which you appealed NRC's lack of response.



. - 5, & bm]

Donnie H. Grimsley.. Director .

Division of Rules and Records 4 Office of Administration



As stated f



i I


______m___ - _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ .

a ,, . ]


fr g,

Re: F0!A-66-272 & 86-454 /

(Final Response)


Records Available in PDR  :


1. 05/07/86 Case Response to Board Questions - Accession No. 8605080296 -

Enclosure is the same as for May 5,1986 letter;from 8. Garde to V. Noonan: Results Report I.a.4

2. 05/23/86 TUGC0 Letter to: Vince Noonan.from W. G. Counsil


Response to'NRC Questions transmitted by Letter dated May 15, 1986 (5 pages) Accession number 8605280142

3. 06/05/86 Application for an Operating License - Answers to Soarii's 14 questions (Memo; Proposed Memo of April 14,1986) Regarding Action Plan Results Report I.a.4 Accession number 8606110361 (25pages)
4. 06/05/86 Application for an Operating License - Answers to Case document Requests and Interrogatories on Results Report I.a d -

Accession number 8606110355 (33 pages)

5. Undated CPRS Results Report .ISAP iib, Concrete Compression Scrength 1 Revision 1. PDR #8604100266

.6. Undated CPRT Action Plan, ISAP iib, Concrete Compression Strength Revision 3. PDR #8601300154 j

7. 10/06/85 CYGNA Comments on CPRT program plan Revision '2 Accession No. 851017022
8. 10/11/85 RIV inspection report 50-445/84-11 and 50-445/85-06 Accession No. 8510280217
9. 11/11/85 Transcript of monthly status meeting for CPRT Progress 1 (openmeeting) Accession.No. 8601220150 ,
10. 11/22/85 SCPRT Response to NRC letters on 9/30 and 8/9 on CPRT program plan Accession No. 8511250079
11. 12/02/85 U.S. NRC Sunnary of Meeting held on November 5-6,198!). First monthly status meeting to discuss the activities described in the Applicants Program Plan Accession No. 8601030157 PDR ADOCK/50-445T 12, 12/17/85 Letter from TUGC0 to RIV concerning seisaic gap of concrete  ;

structures Accession No. 8512260138

+ ,

_ .;. fpT a .


+ -


\ #..

, -r c. ,

s t'

Re: F01A-86-272 & 86-454 m' APPENDIXE(cont'd) i b 1 l

13. 03/20/56. ISAP V!X - b.2 results report for valve disasse d ly ,,

Accession No. 6604100275

14. 04/04/86 U.S. NRC - ASLB - NRR staff's further connents on'the Statistical Inference Memorandom Accession No. 8604090218 i and 8604090222


15. 04/09/86 Coment by 8. Garde on Revision 3 of CWT Plan .,

Accession No. 86c4080120

( q i


.g lF'



(. t


f g 1



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,e 6

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E' - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - _ - - . _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ _ - - . _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ - - _ _ _ - - - _ - - . _ _ _ _ _

4V , jf. , . ;. '

> Y* y  :

^ '

If 4 ' r : Re: F0IA 86-454

f. (Final Respsse) lt; ,<
t. 1 f Appendir of .,-



e 6 F, .,


  • Q 'J! RecordsBeingPlacedinPD% i

^1  ! y

1. 1-24-86 p.7PRT-.AtionFlan-ISAPI.b.3 Q r',q - ,


Conduit to Cable Tray Separdion c (6peger) 1 l

^ '

j .

[lr 2.'

1-24-86, CPRT - Action Plan ,ISAP VII.b.2


Valve Disassembly i -

(8pages) 4 '

.. p . g i:) , 3.

1-24'-86 CPRT - Action. Plan ISAP I.a.4 { <





Agreetent Between Drawings and j Field Terrainatfons 'l

' (

y / , (9 pages)-



r' 4 . ,. 1-24-86 CPRT - Action Plar.9- ISAP II.b ,


Concrete Compression Strength i f,p f~

1- (12 pages) l

., G.

.5. 2-27-86 CPRT - Action Plan - III.d g



Preoperational Testing

.. .[ (12 pages) '


T :,

6. 2-28-86 CPRT - Results Report - ISAP II,b
l > ,,

'f f


Concrete Compression Strengthi V ' - 4

1. t [ , Rekision I h I' (32pages) y
7. *-13-86 CPRT - Results Report ISAP 1.a.4


Agreement Cetween Drawings and j Field Terminations - Revision 1 f

(16 pages)  !




5 i ,


C k_

8. 3-20-86 CPRT- Results Report ISAP VII.b.2


Valve Disassembly - Revisies 1 (21pages)

9. 3-26-86 CPRT - Results Report ISAP.I.b.3


Conduit to Cable Tray Separation Revision 1 (14 pages)

10. 4-4-86 US NRC - ASt.B - Notice of Availability of Results Reports and Working Files - Accession No. 8604090225 (4 pages)
11. 4-4-86 TUGC0 1.etter to: V. Noonan from: W. G. Counsil


Comanche Peak Steam Electric Station (CPRT) Results Reports - Accession to. 8604100236 -

with attachment (109 pages)

12. 4-14-86 US NRC Memo to: 8. Grimes, E. Johnson, R. Ballard, F. Rosa, from: V. Noonas


Evaluation of Comanche Peak ISAP ISAP No I.b.3


Conduit to Cable Tray Separation -

(2 pages) d1 - E

13. 4-14-86 US NRC Memo to: B. Grimes E. Johnson, R. Ballard, F. Rosa, from: V. Noonas


Evaluation of Comanche Peak ISAP ISAP No II,b


Concrete Compression Strength (2 pages)


- f.



13a. 4-14-86 US NRC Memo for B. Grimes, E. Johnson, R. Ballard F. Rosa from: V. Noonan,


Evaluation of Comanche Peak ISAP No. II,b (46 pages) 14, 4-14-86 US NRC Memo to: B. Grimes, E. Johnson, R. Ballard, F. Rosa, from: V. Noonan


Evaluation of Comanche Peak ISAP ISAP No. VII,b.2


Valve Disassembly (2pages)

15. 4-14-86 US NRC Memo to: B. Grimes, E. Johnson, R. Ballard, F. Rosa, from: V. Noonan-


Evaluation of Comanche Peak ISAP ISAP No. III.d


Preoperational Testing (2pages)

16. 4-14-86 US NRC Memo to: 8. Grimes, E. Johnson, R. Ballard, F. Rosa, from: V. Noonan


Evaluation of Comanche Peak ISAP ISAP No. I.a.4


Agreement Between Drawings 8 Field Terminations ^

3- *

(2 pages) ...

r4 ,t_ *A

17. 4-24-86 Routing and transmittal slip for W. Pleca,'C. Hofmayer From: A. Vietti, Re: telecopy from Region IV 1

(1page) 18, 4-28-86 US NRC letter to: W. G. Counsil from: V. Noonan -


CPSES CPRT Results, dated April 4, 1986.

With enclosure (9 pages)

- ,0


19. 5-86 NRC - Assignment for Comanche Peak (1page)

! 20. 5-86' 'NRC.- Assignment for Comanche Peak (1page)

21. 5-86' NRC - Assignment for Comanche Peak (1page)
22. 5-2-86 TUGC0 letter to: V..Noonan - from: W. G. Counsil


NRC Staff Request for Additional Information on Comanche Peak Response Results for ISAPs (I.a.4,:I.b.3 II.6, III.d and VII.b.2) dated April 28. 1986.

With enclosure (50 pages)

23. 5-2-86 TUGC0 t.etter to: V. Noonan - from: W. G. Counsil


NRC Staff Request for Additional Infomation on Comanche Peak Response Results for ISAPs (I.a.4, I.b.3, II.b, III.d and VII.b.2) dated April 28, 1986.

With enclosure (84 pages)

24. 5-2-86 TUGC0 letter to: V. Noonan - from: W. G. Counsil


NRC Staff Request for Additional Information on Comanche Peak Response Results for ISAPs (I.a.4, I,b.3, II.b, III.d and VII,b.2) dated April 28, 1986. .y .


25, 5-2-86 TUGC0 letter to:# Y. Noonan - from: W.' G. Counsil


NRC Staff Request for Additional Information on Comanche Peak Response Results for'! SAPS (I.a.4, I.b.3, II.b III.d and VII,b.2) dated April 28, 1986.

(5 pages) i

r= i-0 I  !

26. 5-2-86 TUGC0 t.etter to: V. Noonan - from: W. G. Counsil )


NRC Staff Request for Additional Information on Comanche Peak Response Results for ISAPs (I.a.4. I,b.3, j II b III.d and VII,b.2) dated April 28, 1986. I (8pages)

27. 5-5-86 GAP letter to Vince Noonan

.from: 8. Garde Re: First Analysis by CASE of the Implementation of the Results Reports I.a.4 which address the " Argument Between Cable Terminations and Current Design Drawings - Enclosure is the same as for May 7,1986.

CASE response to Board Questions (App. C #1)

(1 page)

28. No date Evaluation of ISAP II.b Concrete Compression Strength

- With comments (5pages)

29. 4-14-86 Memo from Noonan to Grimes - Evaluation of Comanche Peak ISAP No.11.b Concrete Compression Strength (2 pages)

I l

l l

l l

l l

-m( f'

'^ FOIA 86-272

. (Final Response)

Appendix G ,

Records Being Placed in PDR

1. 1-15-85 Statistical Evaluation for CPRT on CPRT SSER on the 001. program (ISAP VII.C)


2. 10-2-85 Description Memorandum for Documentation Review of (.arge Bore Pipe Supports Non Rigid QI-030 I Rev. 0 #001 (ISAP VII.C)

(2 pages)

3. 10-2-85 Description Memorandum for Reinspection of t.arge Bore Pipe Supports Non-Rigid QI-029 Rev.1 CH #2 (ISAP VII.C)

(1 page)

4. 10-2-85 Description Memomorandum for Documentation Review of large Bore Pipe Supports Rigid.01-028, Rev. O CH #001 (ISAP VII.C)


5. 10-7-85 CPRT First Random Sample Identification CPP-006.1, Revision 0 (3 pages)
6. 10-7-85 Description Memorandum for Reinspection of large l Bore Pipe Supports - Rigid Code: 1.BSR l

Q1-027 Rev. 1, Ch 001



7. 10-8-85 Facsimile Request to : H. Shannon Phillips from:



Agenda NRC Inspection Audit CPRT Civil / Structural Review (Preliminary)

(5 pages) 0

- 4 f

c  ;

8. 10-12-85 US NRC Note to: Jim Taylor Harold Denton, Bob Martin, Darrell Eisenhut Dick Vollmer, .

Hugh Thompson, Brian Grimes, Jane Axelred, Dick Denise, Ed Christenbury, Ed Jordse from:

Vince Noonan,


CPRT Status (10 Pages)

9. 10-14-85 CPRT Quality Instruction for Issue Specific Action Plan ISAP-VIII.C - Procedure Ms.: QI-049 Revision No.: 0 - Reinspection of t.arge Bore Pipe - Welds / Material (17 pages)
10. 10-16-85 Description Memorandum for Reinspection of I.arge Bore Pipe Supports - Rigid - t.BSR 027, Rev.1, CH 002 (1 page)
11. 10-16-85 NRC Audits of Comanche Peak Response Team Construction Reinspection / Documentation Review Program (ISAP VII.C)

(19 pages)

12. 10-22-85 Comanche Peak Response Team Construction Adequacy Program Audit.

(8 pages)


13. 10-22-85 US NRC Note to: Harold Denton, Jim Taylor, Bob" Martin


Darrell Eisenhut, Dick Vollmer Hugh Thompson, Brian l Grimes, Jane Axelrad, Dick Denise, Ed Christenbury, Ed Jordan from: Vince Noonan,


CPRT Status (11 pages)

14. 10-23-85 Meeting on Sampling Populations Comanche Peak -

October 16-17, 1985 j (2 pages) 2

I' (E.

15. 10-25-85 US NRC Memo for: J. A. Calvo, from: E. B.



Trip report - Comanche Peak Site Visit j (4 pages)  !

16. 10-28-85 Verification Package Status Report Construction Evaluation Program (1 page) i
17. 10-29-85 Facsimile Request to: 8. Saffel from: R. Philleo


Comanche Peak Construction Adequacy 1 Program Populations  ;

(3 pages)

18. 10-30-85 CPRT - Construction Adequacy Program Audit Electrical and Instrumentation and Control Instrumentation Equipment (5 pages)  :
19. 10-30-85 US NRC Memo to J. P. Knight from: V. Noonan,


Safety Evaluation Report on the Visual Inspection of Welds Through Paint at the Comanche i Peak Site (10pages)

20. 10-31-85 NRC Staff Review of CPRT Construction Adequacy l

Review Program j (26pages)

21. 11-85 Region IV CPSES Inspection Program l

(4 pages) l

22. 11-5-85 TUGC0 Meeting with NRC CPRT Monthly Status j (1 page) '

i 3



23. 11-12-85 TRT Issue: IC Conduit Supports (21 pages)
24. 11-21-85 Teledyne Engineering Services letter to:

Vince Noonan from: Donald F. Landers re:

preliminary trip report for activities conducted at CPSES related to the Construction Adequacy Program.

(8pages) i

25. 11-25-85 U.S. NRC Memo for: V. Noonan through: E. H. Johnson from T. F. Westerman


Visual Inspection Painted ASME Section III Pipe Welds (1page)

26. 11-25-85 NRC Audits of Comanche Peak Response Team Construction Reinspection / Documentation Review Program (ISAP VII.C)


27. 11-26-85 US NRC Memo for: L. Shao, J., Calvo, J. Milhoan from: A. Vietti-Cook,


Trip Reports (2pages)

28. 11-28-85 US NRC Memo Related to CPRT Program Plan Revision 3 (13 pages) 1
29. 12-02-85 Work Process Definition for large Bore Pipe Support I

- Non-Rigid Population Group (LBSE)


30. 12-03-85 Work Process Definition for Small Bore Pipe Support Population Group (SBPS)

(12 pages) l l


( .~ I

31. 12-11-85 Memo for: L. C. Shao from: David Terao


Audit Sumary of CPRT Construction Evaluation Program (Piping / Pipe Supports)

(4 oages)

32. 12-12-85 Mark up Version of Inspection Report from Initial Two CPRT Audits (20 pages)


33. 12-13-85 Lawrence livermore letter to: E. B. Tomlinson from:

Paul Chan,


Inspection Report for CPSES i October 1985 (Draft)

(23 pages) 34, 12-18-85 Memo for: L. Shao from: Shou Hou,


Trip Report - Audit of SWEC Non-Seismic Piping Effects on Seismic Design Piping (19pages)

35. 12-18-85 U.S. NRC Memo for: I.. C. Shao from: Shou Hou,


Trip Report - Audit of SWEC Non-Seismic Piping Effects on Seismic Design Piping (19pages) 35a.1-3-86 U.S. NRC Memo for: L. Shao and J. Calvo from: 8. ,



Input to SSER to Comanche Peak'CPRT Program Plan (3pages) l

36. 1-6-86 ASLB NRC staff coments on Statistical Inference; Memorandum (8pages)
37. 1-8-86 CPRT Comments (17 pages) 38, 1-8-86 CPRT SSER Draft Revision with comments by staff personnel (42 pages) 4 5

($ ' lh

39. 1-8-86 SSER on CPRT Program Plan - Appendix !

(73 pages) 39a 1-9-86 U.S. NRC Memo for V. Noonan from: L. Shao,


Comments on IE inspection of DAP.

(2pages) 39b. 1-15-86 U.S. NRC Memo for: V. Noonan from: B. Grimes. l


QA Review Comanche Peak (11nages) ,

40. 1-16-86 CPRT SSER for Rev. 3 Draft 2 for Sections I, II, and IV (163 pages)
41. 1-16-86 Staff Evaluation of CPRT SSER for ISAP V.a through V.e with modification (17 pages) 42, 1-29-86 Appendix B - Staff Evaluation of the CPRT Construction Adequacy Program Plan (18 pages)
43. 1-30-86 Section IV - Staff Evaluation of Construction Adequacy Plan - Draft-1 (8 pages)
44. 2-6-86 U.S. NRC Memo for: L. Shao from: Shou Hou


Audit of Mechanical TRT Issues (15_ pages) .

,y (
45. 2-10-86 Memo to: Bob Masterson from:ErnikThompson re:

Staff Evaluation of CPRT SSER for ISAP V.d with modifications (7 pages)

46. 2-11-86 Engineering Analyses Services Inc. Memo to: D. Jeng from: V.P. Ferrarini


Review Rev. 3 of CPRT Program Plan in the Areas of Civil / Structural Concerns (8pages)

47. 2-18-86 Safety Evaluation Report Related to CPRT Program Plan, Revision 3 (266 pages) 6

{ {-

48, 2-18-86 Safety Evaluation Report related to CPRT Program Plan with comments (225 pages)

49. 2-19-86 Comments on the SSER/or CPRT Program Plan (108 pages) 50, 2-25-86 U.S. NRC Telefax to: Robert Masterson c/o Larry Shou from: H. Shannon Phillips


Comments by RIV for CPRT SSER for ISAPS VI.a and VI,b (7 pages)

51. 3-3 U.S. NRC Memo to: Larry Shao from: Shou Hou-


Audit CPRT on Safety Significant Evaluation and Appendix.P Issues (3 pages) 3

52. 3-11-86 Battelle letter to: Charlie Hofmayer from: Bernard Saffell


Comanche Peak Nuclear Power Plant Technical Assistance BNt. Contract No. 216529-S. With Attachment (120 pages)

53. 3-19-86 Note to: D. Jeng from: C. Hofmayer


SER related to Comanche Peak Response Team (CPRT) Program Plan, Revision 3. SER attached. (43 pages)

54. 3-25-86 U.S. NRC Letter to: William Counsil from: Vince Noonan re: Coments regarding several ISAPs contained in the CPRT Program Plan (5 pages) )


55. 3-27-86 CP SSER 13 (90 pages).
56. 4-1-86 Memo for: Jose Calvo from: E.B. Tomlinson


Report of Site Audit of CPRT Self Initiated Construction Adequacy Program - October 1985.(19 pages) 1

57. 4-2-86 CP SSER 13 Sec. 2 (10 pages) l 7


- (l *

- ("


58. 4-3-86 U.S. NRC Note to: J. Calvo, t.. Shao from: C. Trammell


Remaining Work for Comanche Peak Program Plan SSER(#13)(2pages)

59. 4-8-86 Rockwell International letter to: Vince Noonan from:-

F.W. Poucher


Review of Issue Specific Action Plan V.d of Comanche Peak Review Team Program Plan, Revision 3(6pages)

60. 4-9-86 Brookhaven National lab letter to: Dr. Harold Berkson from: Anthony Romano


Status of funding on -

FIN A-3803. (9 pages) l

61. 4-9-86 U.S. NRC Note to: J. Calvo,l.. Shao from: C. Tranmell


Remaining Work for Comanche Peak Program Plan l (SSER #13) Update #2 (1 page)

62. 4-9-86 CP SSER 13 (29 pages)
63. 4-9-86 CP SSER 13 - Rev. 4 (94 pages)
64. 4-9-86 CP SSER 13 (89 pages)
65. 4-12-86 CP SSER 13 - Rev. 6 (104pages)
66. 4-16-86 Facsimile to: David Jeng from: C. Hofmayer re:

Tentative Agenda NRC Comanche Peak Site Audit Meeting Civil / Structural Area May 5-7, 1986 - Agenda attached (3 pages) 1 4

8 w__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ -_ _ -. -

,7, f;

a "'

4 66.a 4-21-86 Memo to Brian Grimes from V. Noonan re: Procedure for review of CPRT Results Reports

67. 5-15-86 U.S. NRC Memo for: Jose Calvo. from: E.8. Tomlinson


Report of Site Audit of CPRT Self-Initiated Construction Adequacy Program - October 1985(24

- pages)

68. No date CPRT Construction Adequacy Program Audit (2 pages)
69. No date Chart of categories, or populations of hardware containing similar safety-related work activities. : i
70. No date CPSES - CPRT - Homogeneous Construction Activities (3 pages)
71. No date Q4/QC Review Team Organization Chart (26 pages)
72. No date Discussion of Technical Issues in CPRT Sampling Process (5 pages) '
73. No date Appendix B - Staff Evaluation of the CPRT Construction Adequacy Program Plan (CAPP) (6 pages) , ,


74. No date 5.3.3 Staff Evaluations i 1


75. No date Appendix B - Staff Evaluation of the CPRT Construction Adequacy Program Plan (CAPP) 5.0 (5 pages)  !


76. No date \

Appendix B - Staff Evaluation of the CPKT Construction 1 Adequacy Program Plan (CAPP) 4.0 (5 pages)

77. No date Section IV 2.4 - Staff Evaluation of Construction Adequacy Plan - Rev. 3 (11 pages) 9


T l

78. No date SSER on Comanche Peak Response Team Program Plan -

Appendix B (4 pages)

79. No date Work Process Definition for large Bore Pipe Support -

Rigid Population Group (LBSR) (11 pages) J

80. No date large Bore Pipe Supports - Rigid (3 pages) j
81. No date Definition of Work Processes for Population large Bore Pipe Supports - Non-Rigid (5 pages)
82. No date Definition of Work Process for Small Bore Pipe Supports (6 pages)
83. No date CPRT Second Random Sample Identification (19 pages) I
84. No date Section IV - Page IV-d3, Paragraph 2.5 (2 pages)
85. No date SSER Status (3 pages)
86. No date Work Process Definition for Pipe Welds / Material Population Group (PIlM) (8 pages) 7
87. No date ,

Coninents on Train' C Conduit Criteria Document

88. No date References Used by C. Hofmayer CPRT Program Plan - Rev. 3 (3 pages)
89. No date Handwritten Notes re: FIN A-3803 (3 pages)
90. 4-14-86 Evaluation of ISAP II b - Concrete Compression Strength (5 pages) l 10 L_____.___

' J r

91. 10-22-85 Battelle Draft - Comanche Peak Response Team Construction Adequacy Program Audit. (8 pages)
92. 4-10-86 Brookhaven National tab letter to: D. Jeng from: Guiliano DeGrassi subject: CP Conduit Support Program Audit Meeting Trip Report. (22 pages)
93. 3-11-86 Section 2.5.7 Preoperational Testing (III.d) (2 pages) i y, 4 -


/. [.

~ ..

FOIA 86-454 Appendix H Records Being Placed in PDR

1. Endated Handwritten note Files for ISAP No.1.b.3 (1 page)
2. andated Handwritten note, Files for ISAP No. I.a.4 (1 Page)


3. 1/2/5/85 Comanche Peak Steam Electric Station Design Change Authorization ,No. 19948 Rev. 2 (5 pages) .


4. 6/28/85 CPSES Nonconformance Report No. E-85-100486S (8 pages) 1
5. 2/11/85 CPSES Nonconformance Report No. E-85-100054s (1 page) g . -
6. 4/24/86 CPSES Nonconformance Report No. E-86-101727 (1 Page)
7. 4/30/86 CPSES Nonconformance Report No. E-86-101777 (1 page)
8. 5/2/86 CPSES Nonconformance Report No. E-86-101833S (1 page) l

~, . f!

POIA 86-454 Page 2 s.1 9.. 5/2/86 CPSES Nonconformance Report No. E-86-101834S (1 Pa88)

10. 5/2/86 CPSES Nonconformance Report No. E-86-1018355

. (1 page) t 11.- 1/18/85 -CPSES Construction Operation Traveler No. EE85-11,268-3101 -- (2 pages) .


12. 1/18/85 CPSES Construction Operation Traveler No. EE85-11.264-2003 (1 page)
13. 5/1/86 CPSES Field Design Change & Review Status Log Dwg 2323-El-0172 (1 page)
14. 4/29/83 TUGCo drawings 2323-El-0139-CP3 2323-El-0156 CP6 2323-El-0107-CP1 2323-El-0156 CP7 2323-El-0171-CP6 2323-El-0172-CP4 2323-El-0172-CP3, 2323-El-0112-CP4 2323-El-0172-CP4 A

O.. f._

w i .


Re: FOIA 86-272 and 86-454 APPENDIX I Records Denied in Entirety Exemption (5)

1. 05/29/86 Memo to'Annette Vietti-Cook from Charles Rossi Re::ISAP I.b.3, Conduit. to Cable Tray Separation., Comanche Peak Steam Electric Station, Units 1 & 2 (2pa' es). w/ enclosure' .
a. Technical Evaluation'of the ISAI 1.b.3 Results Report, Revision 1. Regarding Conduit to Cable. Tray Separation at -


2. 05/08/86 Facsimile Transmittal Re and J. Malonson-(1 page)w/quest to Ward Smith from C. Trammell enclosures

'a. Results Report Revision 1,3/13/86 ISAP III.d Preoperational Testing (4 pages) .

b. Comanche Peak Response Team Results Report - Preoperational Testing Revision 1 (24 pages)
3. 04/24/86 Draft Evaluation of ISAP II.b - Concrete Compression Strength (5pages)
4. 04/24/86. Draft Evaluation of ISAP. II.b - Concrete Compression Strength (5pages)
5. 04/14/86 Draft Evaluation of ISAP II.b - Concrete Compression Strength (5pages)


6. 03/05/86 Handwritten Telephone Conversation Record to Dan Lurie from E. Thompson Re: Statistical Aspects of CPRT Action Plan, ISAP V.D., Plug Welds (Revision 3) (1 page)
7. 12/16/85 Facsimile Transmission to Ed Tomlinson from B. Saffell (1 page) w/ enclosure q
a. Comanche Peak - Construction Re-Inspection / Documentation l Review (6pages) 'y W" ;f !
8. 12/10/85 Handwritten Exit Interview for NRC/NRR Nite Visit (4 pIges)-
9. Undated Handwritten Memo to Ed Tomlinson from P. Mansterson Re:

Construction Adequacy Audit on Structural Areas (1 page) l w/ enclosures I a.12/5/85 Handwritten Memo to Ed Tomlinson from Bernie Sathell Re: ISAPVII.(c) Audit (2pages) i

b. 12/5/85 Handwritten Memo to Ed Tomlinson from John Hashenal i Re: Audit of the Two HVAC Populations in the Mechanical Discipline (2 pages)
10. Undated  !!.b Concrete Compression Strength (5 pages)

y .

cc .

Re: F01A-86-272 and 86-454

11. Undated DraftAdditionalRAIonISAPII.6.(1page)-

12.. Undated . Draft Question on the VII.b.2 Results Report (1 page) -

w/ enclosures

a. 5510 Control Sheet (1 page)

'13. Undated Draft Version I.a.3 - Introduction Re: ComanchePeak(5pages)

14. . Undated- Safety Evaluation by the Office of NRR Re: the ISAP III.d Results Report for Texas Utilities Electric Company, et al.

Comanche Peak Steam Electric Station Units 1 and 2-(4 pages)

, A i 1



4 F0!A-86-454 (FinalResponse)

Appendix J

. Denied Records - Exemption 5

1. 04/24/86 Memo for T. Westerman from L. Ellershaw re: Review of Results Reports VII.B.2 and II.b. w/ handwritten notations (2 pages)'
2. 05/13/86 . Memo for V. Noonan from E. Johnson re: Staff Questions Re:

ISAP No. VII.b.2 Results Report (1 page)

3. Undated Draft Memo for V. Noonan from E. Johnson re: Evaluation Report and concurrence page (2 pages) w/ attachments:
a. Evaluation Report, ISAP III.d (4 pages)

- b. Typing cover page (1 page)

4. 05/16/86 Memo for V. Noonan from E. Johnson re: Evaluation Report' (1page)w/ attachment:
a. Evaluation Report, (ISAP III.d) (4 pages)


_ _ _m_m. ______-_m--------- --

. (s f GOVERNMENT ACCOUNTABILITY PROJECT 1555 'Connecncut Avenue, N.W., Suite 2021 We#4rgm. D.C. 20036 (202)232 8550 April 9, 19ss i


FEEDON OF.NW office of Administration AW M@ER Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C. 20555 h M-Qg g'-

To Whom It May concern Oh f g- ^

Pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act ("FOIA"), 5 USC 552, the Government Accountability Project (GAP) . requests copies of any and all' agency records. and information, including.but not  !

limited to notes, letters, memoranda, drafts,' minutes, diaries, logs, . calendars, tapes, transcripts, summaries, interview .

reports, procedures,. instructions, engineering analyses,  ;

drawings, files, graphs, charts, maps, photographs,- agreements,

.i handwritten notes, studies, data sheets, notebooks, books,.

telephone messages, computations, voice recordings, computer runoffs, reports,-and any and all other records or reports relevant to and/or generated in connection with all information f, developed since October 1,1985 regarding the evaluation of i individual ISAP's at Comanche Peak, by all staff, including consultants.'

This request includes all agency records as defined in 10 i l C.F.R. 9.3a(b) and the NRC Manual, Appendix 0211, Parts 1. A.2 and A.3 (approved October 8, 1980) whether they currently exist in l the NRC official,-" working," investigative or other files, or at any other location, including private residences.

If any records as defined in 10 C.F.R. 9.3a(b) and the NRC l

manual, and covered by this request have been destroyed and/or removed after this request, please provida"all surrounding.

records, including but not limited to a list of all records which l- have been or are destroyed and/or removed,. a descriptiontof. the action (s) taken relevant to, generated in~ connection withf and/or issued in order to implement the action (s) .

GAP requests that fees be waived, because " finding the information can be considered as primarily benefitting the general public," 5 USC section 552 (a) (4) (a) . GAP is a non-profit, non-partisan public interest organization concerned with honest and open government. Through public outreach, the Project promotes whistleblowers as agents of government accountability.

Through its Environmental Whistleblower Clinic, GAP offers ,

I assistance to local public interest and citizens groups seeking j to ensure the health and safety of their communities. The i Environmental Whistleblower Clinic is currently assisting several G- 1

  • ff-  ;

C Director, Office of Administration Page Two citizens groups, local governments, and interveners in Texas concerning the construction of the Comanche Peak nuclear power plant.

We are requesting the above information as part of an ongoing monitoring project on the adequacy of Region IV and the NRC's efforts to protect public safety and health at nuclear power plants.

For any documents or portions that you deny due to a specific FOIA exemption, please provide an index itemizing and derscribing the documents or portions of documents withheld. The iindex should provide a detailed justification of your grounds for claiming each exemption, explaining why each exemption is relevant to the document or portion of the document withheld.

This index is required under Vaughn v. Rosen (I), 484 F.2d.

section 820 (D.C. Cir. 1973), cert. denied, 415 U.S. section 977 (1974).

We look forward to your response to this request within ten working days.



Billie Pirner Garde Director, Environmental Whistleblower Clinic i BPG:41909C I

l l

i 3

fn f.. ~



1sss ccv.a.cor Awnue, N.W., Suk 202 Washingren, D.C. 20036 (202)232 4550 June 16, 1986 l T \

Director "g 4*Ng office of Administration

  • U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission /

Washington, D.C. 20555 Re: FOIA Request f%

To whom it may concerns Pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), 5 U.S.C.

552, as amended, the Government Accountability: Project (GAP) requests copics of any and all agency records and information, including but not limited to notes, letters, memoranda, drafts, minutes,. diaries, logs, calendars, tapes, transcripts, summaries, interview reports, procedures, instructions, engineering analyses, drawings, files, graphs, charts, maps, photographs, agreements, handwritten notes, studies, data sheets, notebooks, books, telephone messages, computations, voice recordings, 1 computer runoffs, any other data compilations, interim and/or j final reports, status reports, and any and all other records relevant to and/or generated in connection with the following:

The NRC's review of ISAP's-I.a.4, I.b.3, II.b., III.d.,

and VII.b.2, released by Texas Utilities on April 14, 1986.

This request includes'all agency records as defined in 10 J C.F.R. 9.3a(b) and the NRC Manual, Appendix 0211, Parts 1.A.2 and A.3 (approved October 8, 1980), whether they currently exist in the NRC official, " working", investigative, or other files, or at any other location, including private residences.'

x ,

If any. records. as defined in 10 C.F.R. 9.3a(k and the NBC Nanual, supra,-and covered by this request have_been destroyed; and/or removed, or are destroyed'and/or removed after receipt of this request, please provide all surrounding records, including but not limited to a list of all records which'have been or are destroyed and/or removed, a description of the action (s) taken relevant to, generated in connection with, and/or issued in order to implement the action (s). -

i GAP requests that fees be waived, because " finding the I information can be considered as primarily benefitting the gene-ral public." 5 U.S.C. 552(a) (4) (A). GAP is a non-profit, ,

nonpartisan public interest organization concerned with honest l and open government.. Through its citizens Clinic, GAP offers '

assistance to local public interest and citizens groups seeking , J to ensure the health and safety of their communities.

, (*



... t FOIA Request June 16, 1986 Page Two GAP is requesting the above information as part of an-ongoing monitoring project on the adequacy of the NRC's efforts to protect public safety and health at nuclear power plants.

For any documents or portions of documents that you deny due to a specific FOIA exemption, please provide an index itemising and describing the documents or portions of documents withheld.

The index should provide a detailed justification of your grounds for claiming each exemption, explaining why each exemption is relevant to the document or portion of the. document withheld.

This index is required under Vaughn v. Rosen IIl, 484 F. 2d 820

.(D.C. Cir. 1973), cert. denied, 415 U.S. 977 (1974).

We look forward to your response to this request within ten days.

Respectfully, Billie Pirner Garde citizens clinic Director 42113 i


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