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Provides Advance Info Re Nature of Fabrication Difficulties Experienced in Main Steam Relief Valve Platform Support Ring to Steel Containment Vessel Under Const by Pittsburg-Des Moines
Person / Time
Site: Columbia Energy Northwest icon.png
Issue date: 03/07/1975
From: Stein J
To: Engelken R
CON-WNP-0040, CON-WNP-40 GO2-75-72, NUDOCS 8605220124
Download: ML20214G434 (7)


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                      '.-)                         Was}....gton Public Power Supply Sy..em
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6. s T(d c  : . o. som ese sooo oco waswn aron war nicadao. was.uneron s,m P onc noene4e.see March 7, 1975 G02-75-72 9 NL 'f.

Mr. R. H. Engelken Director h DJ'D 4. Nuclear Regulatory Commission MY',' I $ Region V " Np.>g 3 tQ -'

                                                                                                                                                                          -i 1990 North California Blvd.                                                                                                                    4 Walnut Creek Plaza, Suite 202                                                                                       g               (c.J ,'!}.6 dZ' Walnut Creek, California 94596                                                                                                         @" g



Dear Mr. Engelken:

The purpose of this letter is to advance information to you regarding the nature of the fabrication difficulties being experienced in the attachment of the main steam relief valve platfor= support rin:: to the WNP-2 steel containment vessel under construction by Pittsburg-Ues Moines (I'Dii) . It is our position that these fabrication problems are not classed as a deficiency reportable under the provisions of paragraph 50.55(e) of 10 CFR 50. The following summary of findings and progress in the examination of this problem are presented for your review:

1) The basic problem is the presence of what appears to be "lamellar tears" in containment vessel plate adjacent to the weld attaching the large " box-girder" which is the support ring. (Theconfiguration is provided as Attachment 1 to this letter).
2) These tears were detected in the course of routine inspection, recorded and reported to the appropriate Engineering and Quality Assurance organizations for disposition in accordance with the procedures of the PDM, Burns & Roe and WPPSS Quality Assurance Programs.

see . - ,31'#ne 'edent 'of these " tears" ~ca' nbe summarized as 'follows: '< ' %S 4 4 4 .: . ........

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a) Two, tears on the top, S'-7" and 7'-4" long, and one 2' longlon . the bottom were detected visually in preparation for r.outine

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magnetic particle testing.

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8605220124 750307 PDR A ADOCK 05000397 PDR

           -            hr. R. H. Engelken                                                                 .

- - ' Nuclear Regulatory Ct....ission Aarch7,1975 Page 2 G02-75-72 v.

3) continued:

b) There was one 6" indication on the top and approximately 21 other indications opposite the bottom weld which were detected in the course of 100% ultrasonic testing of remaining weld zones on top and bottom. These indications range from 1/4" to 40" in length.

4) We have directed Burns & Roe, the drchitect-Engineer and Construction Manager, to do whatever is required to resolve this problem as expeditiously as possible. The actions to date consist of:

a) An evaluation of the characteristics of a sample of metal from the tear area by Anamet Laboratories Inc., and the U.S. Steel Research Laboratory (see Attachment 2) which have established the conformance of the material to the specification; no defects in the material adjacent to the fracture, and a conclusion by the PDM Chief Welding Engineer that a "lamellar tear of a restrained joint" had occurred. Working with this as a preliminary diagnosis, an evaluation of the evidence by the Burns and Roe metallurgist resulted in a concurrence with this opinion, b) A separate evaluation of fabrication techniques and any signifi-cant fabrication stresses is being conducted by m't and Burns ?. Roe. This evaluation has not yet been finalized. c) PDM has prepared a repair procedure in accordance with the require-ments of Section III of the ASME Code and obtained the approval of the Authorized Inspector (Factory Mutual Engineering), Burns & Roe and plans to proceed with defect removal of the first of the tears.


To further summarize Burns & Roe and PDM findings at the present, this

   '.                   appears to be related to the combination of the heavy section of the material
  !                     and the geometry involved. This problem was considered in the design of the weld geometry by PDM, and further review of design and fabrication technique is underway to establish the cause of the tears and determine repairs and/or i                     modifications required to complete an approved containment vessel.

l We will keep you informed of further developments. r

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                                                                                     ..                                 Januaiy 28, 1975.

United Stat es Stccl CoPporat ion GOD Grant Strcot ~


Room C31 Pittsburgh, Pa. 15200 R cr un--{g/C'! t. i '> - Attention: lir. Ilon Norris J A.N 3 C '. t'..


Contract 127G4 Weld Craking on Toa of Fillet y . , , R IC ,n .,.a - ,q made to Face of Il" plate .

Dear l'r. Norris:

Reference is Made to our to ephone conversation of January 27, 1975 requesting assistance from Untited St::tes Steel Corporation in interprcting what may have caused several cracks in making a giadcr connec-tion to the shell plate of the above contract. We are asking for your evaluation in this matter as a follow-up reques t to us by Burns and lloc's mot- ~- allurgist, the engincers on this contract. 1 ::cntiencd t:.' you tiut T h.d discucsod this problem with Dr. D. Doty a.t your laboratory and he felt that if he hnd United States Stocl's sales approval, he would proceed to evaluate the probleu. You agreed and under separato cover, vc are sending Dr. Doty a drawing showit:g the vessel and girder design and a chip of uctal

                              . removed from the ciached area. The chipped picco was removed fro. the atea noted in sketch below:

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United States Steel Corporation January 28, 1975. The chipped out piece has some tool 1:tarks used in re-anoving the section and the balance is darl: in color.

                            ....We believe the dark color is caused by ARCAIR nonging heat. The Burns and Hoc iaetallurgist sho.tod concera about            the fract.ure and would like to knor whether it is a brittle or ductil'c fiacture.

We belicyc this is a well recognized phenomem and13ywill discuss it furthur after Dr. Doty's evaluation.

                         -           copy of this letter Dr. Doty will be notified to subrait any written report to United States Steel Corporation
                           -        Technical Service prior to issue.

The material used in the structure was supplied by United States Steel. [7-4" Area

           -                            li," shcIl                         IIT V73051                            Slab                   03W2                        -

ll" Webs Irr 7/ D35G Slab 23764S 8' Area 14" Shell IIT V73051 Slab 05h*2 1}" Webs IIT 71DG5G Slab 237648 An early written reply will be appreciated since Burns and Roe I'ngineers arc delaying approval of our repair

                                    . procedure until they receive United States Stcc1 Corporation's opinion.

Sincerely, PIT'rSBURGII-DES p MOINES STEEL CO'.!PANY f./ s )-cM~ML ' 'x . l, V , LC:mfb Larry Colarossi, Chief Welding Engineer.

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       '                                        ATTACHMENT 3
     . RECORD OF EVENTS                                             )
1) Friday, January 3, 1975. s a) Crack originally discovered by PDM personnel during visual inspection of the pipe whip support to containment vessel shell weld, prior to preparations for performing MT inspection of the pipe whip support weld.
2) Friday, January 3, 1975.

a) PDM QA - Les Sutton, put hold tags, Numbers 00287 and 00288, on the vessel shell adjacent to the crack area. b) PDM Project Manager - Max Schulze, contacted Nick DeStefano - PDM Western Division Welding Engineer, Santa Clara, for assistance in evaluating cracking problem.

3) Saturday, January 4, 1975.

a) Nick DeStefano arrived on site from Santa Clara. b) Removed a specimen from the cracked area for chemical analysis. The specimen included a section of the containment vessel base material and pipe whip support weld. c) Crack area specimen sent to: Anamet Lab, Berkely, Calif., for analysis by Nick DeStefano. (For results of specimen analysis see Anamet Lab Report, Letter dated January 17, 1975 Anamet Lab No. 175.102, P.O. 9364)

4) Monday, January 6, 1975 a) Burns & Roe QA - MG Krisher, was advised by LR Sutten - PDM QA, of
              , existence of pipe w' hip support crack, and that PDM was proceeding with repair using routine repair procedure.

b) PDM QA Site perfomed preliminary UT Scan of crack area using Site NDT technician. c) PDM QA - LR Sutton requested assistance of NDT-UT Technician from corporate QA (Provo Shop) to UT entire crack area.

5) Tuesday, January 7, 1975
 .         a) Burns & Roe QA - MG Krisher, advised by PDM QA - LR Sutton, that the scheduled repair was not a " routine" repair, and repairs would be j

stopped pending further evaluation of the crack areas. l 6) Wednesday, January 8, 1975. a) PDM, NDT-UT Level I Technician, M. Cameron, arrived from Provo Shop. Proceeded with UT inspection of crack area. (See PDM Deviation or Variation Report (DVR) on results of UT inspection. Dated January 13, 1975. (B&R File No. E52-0802)


  • Sheet 2 of 2
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7) Friday, January 10, 1975 a) UT inspection by Provo Shop UT Technician completed.

(See iterr 6 for Report No.) .

8) Monday, January 13, 1975 a) PDM QA - LR Sutton, prepared NCR on pipe whip support crack.

Transmitted same to Burns & Roe Site QA on 1/15/75.

9) Saturday, January 18, 1975

a) Visual inspection of the pipe whip support crack areas was performed by H. Lunt, Burns & Roe N.Y. (see conference notes No. 316, dated 1/18/75) and L.J. Rousseau, WPPSS. (SeeIOM,No.QA-2-75-21, dated 1/23/75). b) H. Lunt, Burns & Roe N.Y., requested that PDM remove another specimen for fracture analysis.

10) Monday, January 20, 1975 a) PDM removed the requested specimen per H. Lunt's request. Specimen was shipped to PDM's corporate Metallurgy Department, Pittsburgh.

A section of the specimen was sent by PDM Metallurgy Dept. to US Steel (Manufacturers of the base material) for their evaluation. (Seeletter, US Steel to PDM, dated February 3,1975, for their analysis of fracture).

11) Period January 21 through February 21, 1975 a) Exchange and evaluation of correspondence, test reports, and preparation of repair procedure dated 1/29/75.
12) ' Monday, February 24, 1975 Burns & Roe notified by PDM QA, letter addendum to NRC 213-0058 of third crack approximately two (2) feet long, located in bottom plate of subject pipe whip support. Nature of the cracked area is the same as described for the top plate of this pipe whip support.
13) Saturday, March 1, Sunday, March 2 a) Further Ultrasonic Testing by Hamill Manufacturing Company (Report No. 001 resulting in complete map of significant indications on both top and bottom of girder.
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