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Partially Withheld Response to Violations Noted in Insp Rept 70-1113/86-15 (Ref 10CFR2.790(d)).Corrective Actions:Mgt Reminded That Regulations & License Conditions Require Activities to Be Conducted Per Approved Procedures
Person / Time
Site: 07001113
Issue date: 08/29/1986
From: Winslow T
To: Barr K
Shared Package
ML20211M455 List:
FOIA-86-704 NUDOCS 8612180127
Download: ML20211N060 (4)




  • WILMiNGTON. NORTH CADOUNA 28402 August 29, 1986 Mr. Kenneth P. Barr, Chief c.

Nuclear Materials Safety & Safeguards Branch o,

U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, RII rn

- 'F,'i P. O. Box 2203 P8 y.h Atlanta, Georgia 30301 a :c

Dear Mr. Barr:



  1. 1


(1) NRC License SNM-1097, Docket 70-1113 c3 (2) NRC Inspection Report 70-1113/86-15

-4 dated 8/01/86, received 8/08/86 Thank you for your letter reporting the results of the inspection conducted at our licensed fuel fabrication plant by Mr. S. Q. Ninh of your office on July 14-18, 1986.

The General Electric reply to the item of apparent noncompliance with NRC requirements, is given in Attachment 1 to this letter. discusses an unresolved item also identified as a result of this inspection.

We appreciate your inspector's comments and suggestions related to our safeguards programs as they are helpful to us in our constant effort to maintain and, where necessary, improve these programs to ensure the continuation of a successful safeguards effort at our plant.

We also welcome further discussion with your staff on the items in your letter and in our related reply, if necessary.

Pursuant to 10 CFR 2.790(d), General Electric Company requests that the attachments to this letter be withheld from public disclosure since these attachment identify details of General Electric's control and accounting procedures for safeguarding licensed special nuclear material.

Very truly yours, GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY e612180127 861205 R

NER86-704 PDR T.

Preston Winslow, Manager Licensing & Nuclear Materials Management M/C J88 TPW:bsd SGD-I


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N Mr. Kenneth P. Barr August 29, 1986 ATTACHMENT 1 The information given below refers to the item in Enclosure 1,

" Notice of Violation," in the NRC Inspection Report 70-1113/86-15, dated August 1, 1986.

70.51(c) requires the licensee to establish, maintain and follow written material control and accounting procedures.

Section of Quality Information Equipment Plan No. B-40.1, Revision 8 requires scale calibration and maintenance data to be maintained on the scales.

Section 8.1.1 of Quality Information Equipment Plan No. B-40.1, Revi 8r ires accou ability scales to be calibrat Contrary to the above, starting June 13, 1986, Quality Informaticn Equipment Plan No. B-40.1, Revision 8 was not being followed.

The calibration and maintenance data maintained on scales were incorrect since the tag rhowed the calibration due date as the end of the next month which was not consistent with the provisions of section 8.1.1.

This is a Severity Level V violation (Supplement III).

1 General Electric concurs with the violation.

At the time of the inspection, a mandatory modification to Practices & Procedures (P/P) 70-25, " Scales & Balances", to revise the program for scale calibrations and a concomitant Revision 9 to QIEP B-40.1 were in the approval cycle.

These documents revise the wordi calibration fre uency in QIEP B-40.1 from to:

The calibration be accom lish etween an including the The w e sw bb g

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L ERAL $ ELECTRIC Mr. Kenneth P. Barr August 29, 1986 Attachment - Page 2 calib ation sticker will indicate the s being the expiration date."

It should be noted that actual calibration of the subject scales did not exceed the calibration period required by QIEP B-40.1, Revision 8.

The program to accommodate the anticipated Revision 9 was incorrectly put in place on 6/13/86; Revision 9 was issued on 7/17/86.

Since the period between 6/13/86 and 7/17 less than 35 days, the subject scales did not exceed the maximum period during the time Revision 8 was still in effe In order to avoid further violations of this nature, on 8/04/86 the Manager, Nuclear Fuel & Components Manufacturing formally reminded NFECM management that regulations and license conditions require activities to be conducted pursuant to approved procedures.

It was also stressed that efforts to update procedures to reflect operational, organization and regulatory changes must be maintained and that procedure review and approval must be accomplished in a timely manner.

With respect to this matter, General Electric is currently in full compliance.

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TPW bsd



Mr. Kenneth P.

Barr August 29, 1986 ATTACHMENT 2 The information given below refers to the the unresolved item 86-15-04 identified in NRC Inspection Report 70-1113/86-15, dated August 1, 1986.

As requested, General Electric has completed the review of U-factor data shown in inspection report 70-1113/86-07.

For GE blend number 5525, th should b rather than (Table II).

All other values are correct as shown.

TPW:bsd l




,g 4400 J E NIFER STR E ET, N. W SusTE 350 MOZA RT G. RATN ER WA S H I N GT O N, 0. C. 2 O O15 i

AREA COCE 202 362-4060 September 19, 1986 INFORMATION REQUEST Immediate Attention Requested FREEDOM OF INFORMATION Mr. James M. Taylor, Director h {ACT REQUESTp - [h.] Q Office of Inspection and Enforcement U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (f_ggg,ggg/

Washington, D. C.

20555 l

Re: General Electric Company (Wilmington, j[jfg[{

North Carolina Facility), DD-86-ll

Dear Mr. Taylor:

For your Information, contrary to the statement in the Notice issued August 29, 1986, accompanying DD-86-ll, the Partial Director's Decision referred to in that Notice is, as of September 17, 1986, still not "available for public inspection" in the Public Document Room.

Further, contrary to the implication in the Partial Director's Decision, page 7, that the undersigned's request for all future relevant inspection reports was honored by Mr.

Collins, that was true only with respect to inspection reports listed at page 8, footnote 6, from 82-18 through 85-02.

None of the nine listed inspection reports numbered after 85-02 was furnished to the undersigned; 85-04 was discovered by examination of the files in the PDR.

Moreover, some of the reports listed in footnote 6 as addressing "NRC's review of the allegations raised in the petition" are not to be found in the PDR as of the undersigned's latest inspection of the files in 70-1113 on September 17, 1986.

Both under NRC's version of FOIA and in my capacity as counsel for petitioner in the pending 2.206 litigation and in the related DOL litigation, I request that you furnish me immediately a full and unexpurgated copy of each of the below specified inspection reports, all responses thereto, if any, and all replies to responses, including specifically 85-12, and the supplemental report thereon referred to in Stohr's letter to Lees, dated 9-05-85; 85-14; 85-17; and also 85-18, as well as 85-01, albeit the latter two are not listed in footnote 6.

None of the above referenced reports are in the PDR, but I must examine all of them to determine whether they

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o Mr. James M. Taylor, Director Septemer 19, 1986 Page 2 are relevant to matters discussed in the partial decision or Appendix A thereto.

Attached hereto as an Appendix is a memo from Mr. Jones to Mr. Shoemaker concerning. placement of 85-12 in the PDR.

In addition, under the same authority and for the same reason, I request.that you furnish me at once the following inspection reports and notices of violation (if any), all responses thereto and all replies to responses, which are not on file in the PDR:

86-06, 86-07, 86-09 (and attachment to GE's response thereto, dated July 1, 1986), 86-11, 86-13, 86-15, and 86-16.

In addition, please furnish to me IE Information Notice Nos. 86-22 and 86-23, " Underexposure of Radiation Survey Instrument to High Radiation Fields and Excessive Skin Exposure Due to Contamination with Hot Particles," distributed to GE April 29, 1986, which are also not on file in the PDR.

If you do not have adequate authority to comply with these requests, please furnish a copy of this letter to all persons in NRC who collectively do have such authority, and obtain their acquiescence and consent to your compliance with this request at the earliest opportunity, to facilitate my evaluation of your partial decision.

Very truly yours,



3 Mozart G. Ratner cc:

James Lieberman, Esq.





Edward C.'Shomaker, Attorney Operations and Administration Division, ELD /// d5 8'S m \\G D i '!-)


Bra'dley V.', Jones, Regional Counsel



PROPRIETARY REVIEW 0F INSPECTION REPORT 70-1113/85-12 InspectionRepo$t 70-1113/85-12 documents a special inspection conducted at the General Electric facility in Wilmington, NC on June 15, 1984.

Information documented therein is germane to issues raised in the S2.206 Petition.

The inspection report was initially withheld from public disclosure pursuant to 10 CFR 2.790(d).

As an initial step toward placing this inspection report in the Public Document Room, Region II identified the words which rendered the report withholdable under S2.790(d).

The Division of Safeguards, ONMSS, agreed with this determination.

Prior to placement of this report in the POR, the licensee should be given the opportunity to review its contents for proprietary information [10 CFR 2.790(b)].

You indicated to E. J. McAlpine of this office that you would coordinate that review with the licensee.

A copy of the report with S2.790(d) information removed is enclosed.

(gl Bradley W. Jones


Inspection Report 70-1113/85-12 cc w/ encl:

John Collins, OIE Jim Lieberman, ELD




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