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Partially Withheld Supplemental Response to Violations Noted in Insp Rept 70-1113/85-01 (Ref 10CFR2.790(d)).Corrective Actions:Policy Adjusted on 850708,eliminating Delegations of Authority (Not Responsibility) Until Time for Revs
Person / Time
Site: 07001113
Issue date: 03/22/1985
From: Vaughan C
To: Stohr J
Shared Package
ML20211M455 List:
FOIA-86-704 NUDOCS 8612170296
Download: ML20211M480 (5)



  • PO 90x 780 WILMINGTON NORTH CAROUMA 984()9 March 22, 1985 r.

Mr. J. Philip Stohr, Director l,e U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, RII kh

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Division of Radiation Safety & Safeguards e', P. O. Box 2203 g) 'j Atlanta, Georgia 30301 y c

Dear Mr. Stohr:



(1) NRC License SNM-1097, Docket 70-1113 Ih-(2) NRC Inspection Report 70-1113/85-01 dated 2/21/85, received 2/26/85 Thank you very much for your letter reporting the results of the inspection conducted at our licensed fuel f abrication plant by Mr. D. W. Jones of your office on January 14-17, 1985. Pertaining to the item of apparent noncompliance with NRC requirements in your letter, the reply to this item is given in the attachment to this letter. We appreciate your inspector's comments and suggestions related to our safeguards programs. These comments and suggestions are helpful to us in our constant efforts to maintain and, where necessary, improve these programs and to ensure the continuation of a successful safeguards effort at our plant. We also welcome further discussion with your staff on the item in your letter and in our related reply, if necessary, for further clarification of this items. Pursuant to 10 CFR 2.790(d), General Electric Company requests that the attachment to this letter be withheld from public disclosure since this attachment identifies details of General Electric's control and accounting procedures for safeguarding licensed special nuclear material. Very truly yours, GENERAL ELECTRIC COMPANY dbk. 8612170296 B61205 4 PDR FOIA L RATNER 86-704 PDR Charles M. Vaughan, Manager Regulatory Compliance M/C J26 CMV:bsd SGD-I D-1 ~.. ....a H o3 r

GENERAL ELECTRIC i Mr. J. Philip Stohr March 22, 1985 Attachment - Page 1 ATTACHMENT The information given below refers to the item in Enclosure 1, " Notice of violation," in the NRC Inspection Report 70-1113/85-01 dated 2/21/85. 10 CFR 70.58(c)(1) requires the licensee to 4 establish, maintain, and follow a management system to provide for the development, cevision, implementation, and enforcement of nuclear material control and accounting procedures. The system shall include provisions for written approval of such procedures and any revisions thereto by the individual with overall responsibility for the material control and accounting function and by licensee plant management. License Condition 2.1 of Safeguards Amendment No. MPP-3 to Special Nuclear Materials L'icense No. SNM-1097 requires the licensee to follow the current revision of his Fundamental l Nuclear Material Control Plan. Section 8.1 of ( that plan s s an 1 i I i l ' Contrary to the above, Revirions 25 and 26 to QCOR No. 3.1.1, which contains instructions for performing accountability scale ^ 7 --


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GENERAL, ELECTRIC Mr. J. Philip Stohr March 22, 1985 Attachment - Page 2 i l l calibration checks, had not been approved by L&NMM. Also, P/P No. 80-6 is inadequate in that it does not require the Manager, L&NMM to approve nuclear material control and accounting procedures. Thus, compliance with the procedure would not assure compliance with Section 1.4 of the Fundamental Nuclear Material Control Plan. This is a Severity Level IV violation (Supple-ment III). General Electric acknowledges that the instructions containeJ in P/P 80-6 for obtaining L&NMM approval on the QCOR in PROD 20.30, were not followed for Revisions 25 and 26 to QCOR 3.1.1. However, GE does not concur with the stated inadequacy of P/P 80-6 as it relates to L&NMM approval for nuclear material control and accounting activities discussed in the PROD procedure system. P/P 80-6, " Process Requirements & Operatin Documents (PROD)", is a edure vs m which describes th a m or PRODS consist of six parts: r,,,y., y,. ,,,,,,/,..... ' ,..a 4 y; # .. y y _..,p - ,y, .A- ,.M gj... . ij3 " ),,. ' x . q: s '; C.... , _ {,- 4;. % %_ yjy. .,v_ w q, ' _ _, .c. ., L w,. .r yg -s rv. Wu

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.m"._; (( N:} ~ ' ' ' ' ' ' ' Within the PROD, the Method Sheet (MS) and Quality Control Operator Requirements (OCOR) are defined as those sections within the document to include MC&A requirements and require approval by the Manager, L&NMM or his authorized delegate. PROD authors are also reminded that if material control and accountability requirements are included in other sections, these sections also require L&SMM approval. Section of P/P ates that th er P P ontrol of spec fies that the MC&A requirements should be included in the Method Sheet and/or QCOR. Sect ion 4.1.4. 5 o P/P 80-6 r review of the com leted PROD draft package and Section 4.1.8 For a revision to a PROD, Section 4.2.4 of P/P 80-6 requires that l L&NMM approve all changes to QCORs and mss. There is also a i stipulation that L&NMM approvc revisions to any of the other four elements of the PROD package (Equipment Operating Instructions,

GENER AL h ELECTRIC i Mr. J. Philip Stohr March 22, 1985 Attachment - Page 4 Parameter Sheets, Nuclear Safety Release / Requirement, or ..n. -.tection Re.uirem-n .ff-1 i Since P/P 80-6 provides a mechanism for the Manager, L&NMM to review and approve all new and revised PRODS, this P/P does provide compliance with Section 1.4 of the Fundamental Nuclear Material Control Plan for those operations that PROD procedure system. are covered by the The lack of approval for the Revision 25 to QCOR 3.1.1 appears to be a simple oversight. However, the quality engineer who wrote the document has since retired and is not available for questioning. While at GE, this engineer wrote many QCORs which related to material control and accountability and his procedural compliance was very good. Revision 26 to QCOR 3.1.1 was written by a then newly assigned quality engineer. Interviews with him indicate that he questioned the signature requirement but dismissed it since the prior senior engineer had not obtained the signature on Revision 25. Since I that time, he has resolved the issued related to required l signatures and routinely has his QCORs approved per P/P 80-6. QCOR 3.1.1 has been reviewed and reissued as Revision 27 which includes approval by the Manager, L&NMM. General Electric is currently in full compliance. In discussions held in Atlanta on March '13, the NRC indicated that this violation was assigned a Severity Level IV based on the NRC's perceived weakness of P/P 80-6. Had the violation been an isolated instance of failing to follow a procedure with minor significance, the violation would have been classified as a Severity Level y violation. Since our investigation and evidence presented in Atlanta indicate that this was an isolated instance of failing to follow a procedure with minor significance, General Electric hereby requests that this violation be reclassified as Severity Level v. CM Vaughan

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!! n r_f UNITE ~) ST AT Es L ,[ gag g r NUCLEAR REGULATCRY COMMIS$10N c y/ e 3 REGloN il I EI o 101 MARIETTA STREET.N.W. { j ATt. ANT A. GEORGI A 3o323 ~ 4 %, s.e ,/ JUL 16 f986 Docket No. 70-1113 License No. SNM-1097 General Electric Company ATTN: Mr. Eugene A. Lees, General Manager Nuclear Fuel and Component Manufacturing P. O. Box 780 Wilmington, NC 28402 Gentlemen:


NRC INSPECTION REPORT NO. 70-1113/86-13 This refers to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) inspection conducted by G. F. Gibson on June 30 - July 2, 1986. The inspection included a review of activities authorized for your Wilmington facility. At the conclusion of the inspection, the findings were discussed with those members of your staff identified in the enclosed inspection report. Areas examined during the inspection are identified in the report. Within these areas, the inspection consisted of selective examinations of procedures and representative records, interviews with personnel, and cbservation of activities in progress. Within the scope of the inspection, no violations or deviations were identified. In accordance with 10 CFR 2.790(d) and 10 CFR 73.21, safeguards activities and security measures are exempt from public disclosure; therefore, the enclosure to this letter, with the exception of the report cover page which presents a nonexempt summary, will not be placed in the NRC Public Document Room. Should you have any questions concerning this letter, please contact us. Sincerely, bVS enneth P. Barr, Chief Nuclear Materials Safety and Safeguards Branch y g-[O L Division of Radiation Safety s and Safeguards


NRC Inspection Report (Exempt from Disclosure) cc w/ encl: T. Preston Winslow, Manager Licensing and Nuclear f Materials Management ( F0tA ?k??Y}}