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Forwards Revised Pages to CM Allen Re Revised Surveillance Commitments to Static O-Ring Differential Pressure Switch long-term Action Plan
Person / Time
Site: LaSalle  Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 03/12/1987
From: Turbak M
2842K, NUDOCS 8703180231
Download: ML20207R868 (3)



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/ \ Commonwealth Edison

.1 f One First Nabonal Plaza, ChicaOo, Illinois



\_'// Address Reply to: Post Omco Box 767 Chica00. Illinois 60690 - 0767

- March 12, 1987 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission

' ATTN: Document Control Desk washington, D.C. 20555


LaSalle County Station Units 1 and 2 SOR Differential Pressure Switch Long Term i Action Plan and Justified Continued Operation NRC Docket Nos. 50-373 and 50-374


C. M. Allen letter to U.S. NRC dated March 10, 1987.

Dear Sir:

The referenced letter transmitted revised surveillance commitments to the LaSalle County Station SOR differential pressure switch long term action plan. Subsequent NRC staff review has determined that minor changes need to be made to two pages. The two revised pages are attached with changes identified by margin side bars.

The attached pages should replace the corresponding pages in the referenced letter.

If you have any additional questions regarding this matter, please contact this office.

Very truly yours,

%s .n JA M. S. Turbak Operating Plant Licensing Director i

l 1m l


! Enclosures j

cc: Dr. A. Bournia - NRR Regional Administrator - RIII

. NRC Resident Inspector - LSCS i

2842K '

8703180231 870312~ QOf PDR ADOCK 05000373 P PDR

R&v. 1 3/12/87 ATTAQ9mff f

Based on agreement with the NRC, we are revising the long term action plan for the Static-O-Ring.(SOR) differential pressure (DF) switches with regards to their surveillance requirements. Attached in Table 1 are the new SOR DP surveillance requirements that were agreed to be* men the NRC and i CBCo. The action limits, reject limits and the associaiad setpoints of these

! switches and criteria for changing them are also discussed in tables A-2 and A-3 which elaborate on the requirements of Table 1. ,

The attached surveillance requirements supersede the requirements i described in Attachment A to reference (a). The new requirements are the same as those originally proposed with the following changes:

1. The switch groups have been deleted.
2. The calibration interval for switches that exceed the action limit will be reduced to one month, not by one month intervals.
3. Instead of scheduling a switch for replacement within 14 days if i its setpoint exceeds the action limit during two consecutive calibrations, it will be replaced as soon as practical and calibrated every 14 days until it is replaced.
4. Switches that exceed the reject limit.or the action limit twice will be disassembled and inspected.
5. A procedure will be revised or developed to include instructions for evaluating the condition of the diaphrages in the SOR DP

! switches (new requirement).

6. A statement has been added which addresses what surveillance requirements are applicable to the first calibration of a switch following an extended period of time when the instrument channel i is not required to be operable per Technical Specifications (new statement).


i The action limits, reject limits and the associated setpoints that are listed on Tables A-2 and A-3 are the same as the current limits and setpoints except for the action limits of the Unit 2 main steam line high flow switches and the Unit 1 ECCS minimum flow switches. For these two switch applications the action limit will be reduced from 100% to 80% of the reject limit to agree with the new definition of the action limit. Previously the action limit was defined as 1.5 times the repeatability margin for each switch <

group. This limit has been redefined for the non-reactor water level 3 applications to also specify that action limit cannot exceed 80% of the reject limit. This will ensure the sufficient margin exists between the action and r reject limits.

2842K 1

Attachment A of B.L. Thomas.

Letter dated December 22,-1986 TABLE A-1 Page 2 of 3 Revision 2 3/12/87 LONG TERM ACTIONS Scheduled Concletion Date Action Unit 1 Unit 2

8. Revise Surveillence Requirements (Cont'd)
2. Remaining SOR DP switches (Cont'd) 30 days following receipt Prior to startup following of SER first refueling outage
d. If a switch is replaced, the calibration period for the newly (May, 1987) installed swtich shall be one month. After one month, the calibration interval for the replaced switch shall be in accordance with B.2.b or B.2.c above. l
e. The starting calibration interval for each switch following g the implementation of this program is to be based on the last 4 calibration results of the switch in accordance with B.2.b or l B.2.c of this table.
3. If the treasured setpoint of a switch exceeds the action limit during 30 days following Prior to startup following two consecutive calibrations, it will be replaced as soon as practical. receipt of SER first refueling outage It will be calibrated every 14 days until replacement. (May, 1987)
4. If a measured setpoint of a switch exceeds the reject limit, the January 1987 Prior to startup following associated instrument channel shall be declared inoperable until the first refueling outage switch is replaced, and appropriate action will be taken in accordance (May, 1987) with the plant Technical Specifications and the licensee shall report the incident in accordance with the requirements of 10 CFR 50.72 and 10 CFR 50.73.
5. Any switch that is replaced in accordance with 3 or 4 above shall be January 1987 Prior to startup following disassembled and inspected. The inspection results shall be sent to first refueling outage the NRC in a docketed fonnal transmittal. (May,1987) 2842K