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Documents 800218 & 25 Discussions W/Nrc Re Facilities Proposed to Support Emergency Response Capability.Criteria Used in Developing Key Facilities Enumerated
Person / Time
Site: Davis Besse Cleveland Electric icon.png
Issue date: 04/03/1980
From: Crouse R
To: Reid R
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
TAC-12453, NUDOCS 8701120102
Download: ML20207L340 (6)




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Surial No. 606 '*-

m m.v. 2, April 3, 1960 DirecLuc of Nuclent Huactor Regulation Attention: Mr. Kohort H. 8cid. Chief Operating Reacturu Branch No. 4 Division of OpernLing Huactorn Unitud P,tnten Nucient Renulatory Conrninulun Washington, 13 C. 20555

Dear Mr. Ihtid:

On D.scumbur 27,1979 prat 11minary information wnn provided on Toledo Edinnn'n eff orts Lo Arnprove the emergency renponnu capability for the Davls4usue Nuclear Power Station, Un1L 1. 'ihin infortuation included propo!*ing new facilities ns well as expanding and revising the current 1:rternency Plan.

During t hn weeks of l'chroary 18 and 25,1980, two N8C Luans vis1Lud thn Davin-Runne nite guld ruviewed o'apectu of thu umdrnency rc6pune'e capah111ty.

'nio NRC Tc.crgency I'lan Hovluw Tees and the I,usuonn 1.uorned Neview Tea 4n buLh receivud a briuting on thu facilittos proposed tu coppnre ctuntgency cond1Llons ut Davin-Dunuc. ' thin 1=Lt ur documentu these discunnionn and provides the

, Tnicdo 1:disant criteria uam! In developing these key f ac111Lluu.

1. l'o9L *ttit-2 noview I

la H&Y, 1919 Toludo I'djnon couniesioned a corporate task force to uvaluato the Davis-Donnu unctgancy renponse cap.1h1J1ty. 'lhe task forcu convenud with repteoculud uxpurlenets f roni Opurationn, rnutnency Planning. Engineering, 1.icensing, Sucority, Quality Ausornnen and Public Hulations. The viru

President of Adminintrativo r,ervicen chn1rud the group that alau included
thu corporate dintrict monaner ausucinLud with the recrvico area riurroundiou
t hu Dnvin-liesne i ncility, i

'the Lnek force undertook a tuviuw period that included lau111arlaation with I

the enrrunt Davis-linsso ui.asrnuncy plan and c.1pabilitie6, availablu enornuncy planning ducnttients as well an indmitry and govenmental agency reportu related Lu the TNT-2 cvent. in July, a fact findinn nroup h.ct with Metropolitan Ediuun purnannel at Throu Hilu Inland to acquiru ficut hand inform,tLinn reintud to the cir.ergency responen probler..s.

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i 8701120102 800403 PDR ADOCK 05000346 F PDR 1


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1)ocket No. 50-346 Liecuse No. NPF-3 Scrial No. 606 April 3,1980

, Paac Two II. Critc_rju Devolopmyr st, '

hmetional aceas were identified in areas of in-plant accident assessment, ofi-uite radiological assesument.comnunlicat. ions, logistics, uccurity.

tudmiral augtuentation, public information, governnental interface and consnnnity relationn. All the reviews had pointed toward'n banic- concept that centralized accident management was essential. to minimize problems

' associated with control and coordinatiota of emergency r08punce activities.

Facility options were then evaluatud on this banin. '1hc "uite boundary"

~ concept for a new emergency plan facility was selected and identified in our letter of Decather 27, 1979 '11tc Toledo Edison emergency organization was rostructured stra11ar to the recommendations f rom the Atomic Industrial Forum's Emurgency Response Subcommittee. T'acilities for thin organization developed from the following criteria. Facilities should:

a) provide adegoarc data and conusunicationn for plant condition and radiological annensent of etmrgoucy situations, b) optimize the emergency responun organ 12nLionn ability to provide ove ral) accident managee nL.

c) address all known NRC guidance.

d) provide ensplete f uolatinn of Toledo Edinon cechnical annessment activitien from public/ pedia interference. .

c) provide for controlled medin interactions with each technical post-accident area of concern. (overall coordination, station '1 operationn plant aunenstaent , offnite assessment, ute.) I f) bu located such that transportation time lor fanc-to-face interaction i o1 all functional directors and Toledo Edison management is_ held tu a minimum, i g) be located to minimirc the potential of public/mudia interf ace and delay of functional directors that are in transit when required by f) above. i I

b) be located nuch that transportation Lime for face-to-f ace interaction

' of all functinual directorn and Toledo Edison inanagement with governmental organizations is minimized.

1) 'bu located such that any potential impset of precautionary or required protective actious in a two, five or ten mile radiun does not degrado direct couununications caleability among all functional directers se well au governbcutal interfaces.

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l Docket No. 50-346 License No. NPF-3 Serial No. 606 April 3,1980 Page Three III. Facilitien Not all the criteria identified are complet:entary. V.iore optimigation tends to compromine compliance with the Toledo Edison critoria, denign and/or organizational alternatives worc provided to enhance the overall result.

d) FW1e Lionn Figure I rroviden a sketch of the new facility being constructed by Toledo Edison to provide an upgraded errerEency response. Key functional areau of the facility include 1

an ousite technical support center (TSC) for accident assess-tout.


a radiological tealing laboratory (RTL) for environmental monitoring and asucnnt:: cat support.

3 un emergency control center (ECC) for Toledo Edison offuite assesummt and coordination.

4. Jimited berthing and dining f acilities.


a conferenco erea for Toledo Edinon briefing and coordination activition.

6. a sucurity office to coordinato expanded security.
7. nn emergency operations center (EOC) to provide a Toledo Edison interface area for Hovernmental organizations (this is in addition to the currently established offuite EOC located in Port clinton ten talles away).
8. a public rnlations area for coordjnscion of public information activ1 Lien.
9. nedia briefing area for direct media interfaco The site boundary traverues the building such that arean 1-6 are under strict security control and are canite. Areas 7-9 are of fsite.

b) . Design

'lhu ALEucturc on Shown in figure 1 is designed to mect the uniform building code an rm.pdified by Toledo Edison to impose ncisuic requirc-mentu associaLcd with the next higher clanuification (neistaic class 2). With the exception of the lobby area, the entire incility, both onsite and ofisite portious. is radiologically habitable.

Shiciding and ventilation systems ensure compliance with General Design Criteria 19 of 10cFR$0 Appendix A. A second floor provision

' is not part of the emergency response facility and is not radiologi-cally habitable.

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Docket No. 50-346 1 1.Iccuse No. NPF-3 Serial No. 606 April 3,1980 l Page Four i

I c) 1.ucation Figure 2 locates the structure on a sito sketch. The two additional teactor units are illustrated for planning purposes only. The f acility is 2100 f t (0.39 miles) frurn the station veut.

It wan recognized during niting of the facility that the distance i Ln the station opttrationn function in the control room required special attention. To compensate for this,uf forts were made to minimize circumutances nrining Lhnt would requirc instantaneoun trannportaLitna hetween thenc locations as well an ensuring unencumbered acceuu, if required.

ha the area of minimizing instantaneous transit cequirements the following is provided:

1. the estaufgency response organizarinn places etntion r.anagement


(Asnistant Station Superintendent) and station operations managernent in the control room during TSC activation. This ensures dircer corporate nsnigement presence involved in statiou uperations.

. 2. A -".>histicated data acquisition and display systcra has been nulected to ennure real time and historicsi information as well as data rnanipulation capability. Inputs are provided f rom both the utnLion computnr and the utart up and tcut pancl.

These display capabilities are also accensibla in the control room.

3 dedicated Leicphone cur.rnunication loop synteus provide direct voice contact for detailed technical infonastlun independent of planning and policy communicsLionn loops.

l 4. a liraited closed circuit viden nyuteza is to be available in the


TSC for generni control room activity toonitoring.

To provide nunnetunhered accesn between the control room and the rur-ponne f acility all tranuportation tu within Toledo Edinon'n owner controlled areas on rentricted roadwayn. Vehicles will be designated so they can proceed door to door between the plant i

esitrance and the emergency plan facility. Thin provides a transit time between the TSC and control rormr of lesu than four minuten.

Th roughout the escrgency reupaune developnxent. Toledo Edinon h .s reviewed and i

tuodified its approach to ensure consistency with governmenta), industry and our own evaluations of the occurrences at TMI-2 We have further confirmed our l

approach, through discunsions with the chairman of the Atomic Industrial forum's

" Emergency Respouse Planning Subcoranittee" is consistent with their published and pending recommendations.

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Docket No. 50-346 License No. NPF-3 Serial No. 606 April 3, 1980 ,

Pap,e Five i

Toledo Edison in committed to this complex and organization to effectively assess, coordinate and control emerguncy responsen at Davin-Besne. Every effort is being made to provide an operational iacility by Jiuntary 1,1981.

Your concurrence in this overall approach tu ennential to ensure that this is a rualistic gon). Procuruwnr and construction activities have already beca iniitiated due to the exLrcely limited tilne available. Toledo Edison presulaos your concurrence and will continue to itspiement the present schedule unless you cast identify specific criteria the approach docu not addrens.

Very truly yourn,

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