ML20198N801 | |
Person / Time | |
Site: | Grand Gulf |
Issue date: | 12/29/1998 |
References | |
NUDOCS 9901060217 | |
Download: ML20198N801 (22) | |
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[ ARLINGTON TEXAS 76011-8064 SEC 2 9 E98 William A. Eaton, Vice President Operations - Grand Gulf Nuclear Station Entergy Operations, Inc.
P.O. Box 756 Port Gibson, Mississippi 39150
Dear Mr. Hagan:
On December 2,1998, the NRC staff completed a unique Inspection Planning Review (IPR) of Grand Gulf Nuclear Plant. The staff normally conducts Semiannual Plant Performance Reviews for all operating nuclear power plants to develop an integrated understanding of safety performance and adjust inspection resources. However, due to the suspension of the Systematic Assessment of Licensee Performance process, we implemented an abbreviated Inspection Planning Review for plant issues and to develop inspection plans. The IPR for Grand Gulf Nuclear Plant involved the participation of both the Reactor Projects and the Reactor Safety divisions in evaluatin.g inspection results and safety performance trends for the period April 23 to October 28,1998.
Based upon this review, inspection resources have been prioritized and scheduled. No changes have been made to the inspection resources for your facility.
Enclosure 1 contains an historical listing of plant issues, referred to as the Plant issues Matrix (PIM), that was considered during this IPR process to arrive at an integrated view of licensee performance trends. The PIM includes only items from inspection reports and other docketed correspondence between the NRC and Entergy Operations, Inc. The IPR may also have considered some predecisional and draft material that does not appear in the attached PIM, including observations from events and inspections that had occurred since the last NRC l inspection report was issued, but had not yet received full review and consideration. j Enclosure 2 is a general description of the PIM table labels. This material will be placed in the NRC Public Document Room.
This letter also advises you of our planned inspection effort resulting from the Grand Gulf Nuclear Plant IPR. It is provided to minimize the resource impact on your staif and to allow for scheduling conflicts and personnel availability to be resolved in advance of inspector arrival onsite. Enclosure 3 details our inspection plan for Grand Gulf Nuclear Plant over the next 8 months. The rationale or basis for each inspection outside the core inspection program is provided so that you are aware of the reason for emphasis in these program areas. Resident inspections are not listed because of their ongoing and continuous nature. We will inform you of any changes to the inspection plan.
9901060217 981229 '
I Entergy Operations, Inc. If you have any questions, please contact me at (817) 860-8243. !
Sincerely, j t
ph I. Tapi , Chief -
Project Branch A ;
Division of Reactor Projects Docket No.: 50-416
' License No.: NPF-29
- 1. Plant issues Matrix i 2.-- General Description of PIM Table Labels
'3. Inspection Plan cc w/ enclosures:
Executive Vice President and Chief Operating Officer -
Entergy Operations, Inc..
' P.O. Box 31995
~ Jackson, Mississippi 39286-1995-Wise, Carter, Child & Caraway P.O. Box 651 Jackson, Mississippi 39205
. Winston & Strawn .
' 1400 L Street, N.W. - 12th Floor l
- Washington, D.C. 20005-3502 ;
Sam Mabry, Director ;
Division of Solid Waste Management !
Mississippi Department of Natural Resources ;
P.O. Box 10385 -
Jackson, Mississippi 39209
- President :
- Claiborne County Board of Supervisors.
Port Gibson, Mississippi 39150 4
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.. .] ., , . - . . . . - ,. -, , __ . . -
Entergy Operations, Inc. General Manager Grand Gulf Nuclear Station
. Entergy Operations, Inc.
P.O. Box 756 Port Gibson, Mississippi 39150
' The Honorable Richard layoub
- Attorney General Department of Justice State of Louisiana P.O. Box 94005 Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70804-9005 Office of the Governor State of Mississippi
' Jackson, Mississippi 39201 1
. Mike Moore, Attorney General Frank Spencer, Asst. Attorney General State of Mississippi P.O. Box 22947 Jackson, Mississippi 39225 i
Dr. F. E. Thompson, Jr. I State Health Officer ]
State Board of Health !
P.O. Box 1700 Jackson, Mississippi 39205 Robert W. Goff, Director l
State Liaison Officer Division of Radiation Health Mississippi Department of Health ,
P.O. Box 1700 Jackson, Mississippi 39215-1700 l Vice President Operations Support Entergy Operations, Inc.
. P.O. Box 31995
. Jackson, Mississippi 39286-1995 l Director, Nuclear Safety
! and Regulatory Affairs Entergy Operations, Inc.
P.O. Box 756 Port Gibson, Mississippi 39150
[. :i Entergy Operations, Inc. 4 Vice President, Operations Grand Gulf Nuclear Station Entergy Operations, Inc.
P.O. Box 756 .
- Port Gibson, Mississippi 39150 '
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6 Entergy Operations, Inc. g E-Mail report to T. Frye (TJF)
E Mail report to D. Lange (DJL)
E Mail report to NRR Event Tracking System (IPAS) .
E-Mail report to Document Control Desk (DOCDESK) ;
E-Mail report to Richard Correia (RPC)
E Mail report to Frank Talbot (FXT) ,
Ebec to DCD (IE01)# 9 bec distrib. by RIV:
Regional Administrator ' Resident inspector -
DRP Director DRS-PSB Branch Chief (DRP/A) MIS System ,
Project Engineer (DRP/A) RIV File Branch Chief (DRP/TSS) Carol Gordon The Chairman (MS: 16-G-15) Records Center, INPO Deputy Regional Administrator C. A. Hackney Commissioner Dicus B. Henderson, PAO -
Commissioner Diaz B. Murray, DRS/PSB Commissioner McGaffigan SRis at all RIV sites Commissioner Merrifield W. D. Travers, EDO (MS: 17-G-21)
Associate Dir for Projects, NRR Associate Dir. for insp., and Tech. Assmt, NRR SALP Program Manager, NRR/lLPB (2 copies)
'J. Hannon, NRR Project Director (MS: 13-H-1)
J. Donohew, NRR Project Manager (MS: 13-H-3) 0G000G /j, DOCUMENT NAME: G:\DRPDIR\lPR\GG To receive copy of document, Indicate in box: "Q* = Copy without enclosures "E" = Copy with enclosures *N* = No copy RIV:C:DRP/AAl , D:DRS _ m / DD:DRP / D:DRP ld l JITapia:df W $4 k:> ATHowWlh KEBrockinan TPGwynn 07
g /98 12//j/98 I 12/@/98 l f' d 12/ 8 98 OFFICIAL RECORD COPY
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- i. l Entergy Operations, Inc. !
g gg .
! E-Mail report to T. Frye (TJF) )
E Mail report to D. Lange (DJL) 1 E-Mail report to NRR Event Tracking System (IPAS) i l E-Mail report to Document Control Desk (DOCDESK) l l E-Mail report to Richard Correia (RPC) j E-Mail report to Frank Talbot (FXT) '
bec to DCD (IE01) bec distrib. by RIV:
Regional Administrator Resident inspector 1 i
DRP Director DRS-PSB Branch Chief (DRP/A) MIS System ;
Project Engineer (DRP/A) RIV File i Branch Chief (DRP/TSS) Carol Gordon l The Chairman (MS: 16-G-15) Records Center, INPO l
- Deputy Regional Administrator C. A. Hackney 1 Commissioner Dicus B. Henderson, PAO !
Commissioner Diaz B. Murray, DRS/PSB i
, Commissioner McGaffigan SRIs at all RIV sites Commissioner Merrifield
- W. D. Travers, EDO (MS: 17-G-21)
Associate Dir. for Projects, NRR Associate Dir. for insp., and Tech. Assmt, NRR l SALP Program Manager, NRR/lLPB (2 copies)
J. Hannon, NRR Project Director (MS: 13-H-1)
J. Donohew, NRR Project Manager (MS: 13-H-3)
DOCUMENT NAME: G:\DRPDIR\lPR\GG To receive copy of document, Indicate in box: "C" = Copy without enclosures "E" = Copy with enclosures "N" = No copy RIV:C:DRP/An , D:DRS _ m/ DD:DRP / D:DRP JL)
JITapia:df W MJ) ATHowWlh KEBroe6 nan TPGwynn 07 g /98 I 12/tt/98 I' O 12/ 8 98 '
ENCLOSURE 1 Plant trues Mrtrix DATE TYPE SOURCE ID SFA TEMPLATE ITEM CODE 09/19/98 POS IR 98-11 NRC OPS 38 1B 1A Control room operator performance during normal operations and during a minor event was very good. Operations personnel exhibited good oversight and effective communications. The immediate response to the air leakage event of reducing power to 80 percent was acknowledged as a conservative decision that effectively used lessons leamed from industry events. The observation made by the reactor operator of the change in trend of the air pressure in the drywell was identified as good attention to detail and an example of a good questioning attitude.
09/19/98 NEG IR 98-11 NRC OPS 3A 2A Equipment availability, material condition, and housekeeping were found to be very good during plant tours. The inspectors identified an example where attention to detail on the part of operators on tour could be improved, in that operators had not identified indicating Fghts that were out on two separate occasions on the local emergency diesel cor. trol panels.
08/08/98 POS IR 98-09 NRC OPS 1A 1B Contro! room operator performance during normal operations and during a minor grid disturbance was very good. Operations personnel exhibited very good oversight, effective communications, and a high level of operator knowledge.
06/27/98 NCV IR 98-08 LIC OPS 3A The licensee identified that the low-low set logic for all six safety relief valves was LER LER 97-002 inoperable for approximately 10 seconds on June 19,1997, as a result of test switches being erroneously being placed in the test position. This nonrepetitive, licensee-identified and corrected violation is being treated as a nocated violation, consistent with Section Vil B.1 of the NRC Enforcement Policy.
06/27/98 POS IR 98-08 NRC OPS 1A 2A The operations department final walkdown of the drywell following the outage was thorough and detailed and material condition of the drywell was good because of the overall condition of the equipment and structures. The materialcondition of the high pressure core spray and low pressure core spray system components and the pump room areas was good because of the overall condition of the equipment and system availability and health. Fire protection equipment observed in the plant was in good material condition because of overall equipment condition.
l NRC OPS 1A 3A Operations personnel exhibited very good oversight and direction of activities during the 06/27/98 POS IR 98-08 restart following Refueling Outage 9.
05/16/98 POS 1R 98-05 NRC OPS 18 3A Operations personnel exhibited very good oversight and direction of activities during the reduction in power and scram to start Refueling Outage 9.
October 28,1998 1 Grand Gulf
ENCLOSURE 1 Pl*nt Ir ue, M'trix DATE TYPE SOURCE ID SFA TEMoLATE ITEM CODE 05/16/98 POS IR 98-05 NRC OPS 1A 3A The licensee's response to a shroud inspection tool ring lifting rig failure dunng a heavy Itft over the reactor vessel was conservative and well managed.
05/16/98 POS IR 98-05 NRC OPS 1A 3A Operators demonstrated a safe and conservative approach to changing and placing decay heat removal systems in service.
04/21/98 VIO iR 98-05 NRC OPS 1A 3A The failure to ensure that standby diesel generator control cabinet doors were closed or SL 'V attended while open, was a violation of Procedure 04-1-01 P75-1, Revision 50, as required by Technical Specifications. The failure of personnel to contact the control room prior to performing work on equipment associated with the only operable diesel generator was identified as poor con'munications and a poor work practice. The failure of the auxiliary operator to take any action when he noted the cabinet doors open was identified as an example of a need for improvement in the area of operator knowledge.
04/09/98 POS IR 98-02 NRC OPS 1A 3B The actions taken by the licensee in response to a potential concern over the operability of Unit 1 safety-related valves due to cracks found in the yokes on similar spare valves from the abandoned Unit 2 plant were conservative and thorough. Maintenance techn'cians exhibited good attention to detail by identifying the cracks while repairing the valves for modification cnd installation in Unit 1.
04/03/98 POS IR 98-301 NRC OPS 3A 3B All nine (one reactor operator, eight senior operators) license applicants passed their exams. Applicant communications and oversight of control room operations during the operating test were very strong. Peer and self checking were used extensively by the applicants. Senior operators effectively directed crew activities.
04/03/98 POS IR 98-301 NRC OPS 3B The examination submitted was adequate for administration and required only limited enhancement and editiorial corrections. The licensee staff was highly responsive to incorporating enhancement suggestions developed during the review process.
02/21/98 POS IR 98-01 NRC OPS 1B 2A Operators responded well to the manual scram, due to the high temperature difference LER LER 98-001 between the Moisture Separator Reheaters A and B. Performance was in accordance with standing orders, abnormal operating instructions, and Technical Spaifications.
October 28,1998 2 Grand Gulf
h ENCLOSURE 1 PI'nt Iruis M trix DATE TYPE SOURCE ID SFA TEMPLATE REM CODE 02/21/98 NCV IR 98-01 LIC OPS 1A 1C 3A The vperators failed to realize that a change to a work order which required the LER LER 97-001 installation of temporary annubars in standby service water Train A caused the system to be incperable. As a result the operators failed to perform Technical Specification Surveillance to verify correct breaker alignment and indicated power availabihty.
This licensee-identified and corrected violation is being treatad as a noncited violation, consistent with Section Vll.B.1 of the NRC Enforcement Policy.
01/10/98 NEG 1R 97-22 NRC OPS 1A 3A Operations personnel demonstrated inattention to detail by not observing that the reactor core isolation cooling system (RCIC) had no flow after they started the pump, and a weakness in shift communications, shift turnovers, and oversight by not being aware of the status of the RCIC, when they took responsibility for the shift.
01/10/98 NEG IR 97-22 NRC OPS 1B 3A The failure of operators to recall or verify how a nonsafety-related valve controller functioned prior to manipulating it resulted in a minor plant transient.
11/29/97 STR 1R 97-21 NRC OPS 1A aA Control room operators demonstrated good independent verifications, self-checking techniques, and communications during the observed surveillance testing activities.
11/29/97 POS IR 97-21 NRC OPS 1A 3A Operations shift turnovers were thorough and conducted professionally.
10/18/97 NEG IR 97-20 NRC OPS 1C The inspectors ident!fied that one step in two alarm response inst: actions had the potcatial to mislead operators responding to an enclosure building low negative pressure alarm in the control room.
10/18/97 NEG IR 97-20 NRC OPS 1A IC 3A Although operators appropriately identified procedure weaknesses during the performance of a diesel surveillance procedure, they failed to discuss the weaknesses with supervision prior to performing the procedure tasks.
10/03/97 WK IR 97-16 NRC OPS 38 Failure of one of three crews and five individuals in the first two weeks of the requalification cycle indicated potential weaknesses in training for and implementation of 6 teamwork and communications.
10/03/97 STR 1R 97-16 NRC OPS 1C 3B The rmualification program was adequate. Exams were well constructed and discrir' M at the appropriate knowledge level; the licensee was effective in developin9 i using training feedback from employees and other sources; the remedial training program was well administered; and the licensee was effectively maintaining operator licenses and documentation in accordance with 10 CFR 55.53.
October 28,1998 3 Grand Gulf
ENCLOSURE 1 PI=nt l* sues M-trix DATE TYPE SOURCE ID SFA TEMPLATE ITEM CODE 10/03/97 STR 1R 97-16 NRC OPS 5A 5B The crew self<ritique practice and management invo!vement were strengths in the examination process. Crew and indmdual weaknesses identified by licensee staff were consistent with those identified by the inspectors.
i October 28,1998 4 Grand Gulf
ENCLOSURE 1 PPnt I uem M'trix DATE TYPE SOURCE ID SFA TEMPLATE ITEM CODE 09/19/98 NEG IR 98-11 LIC MAINT 28 3A The eight maintenance and testing activities observed were property performed with one exception. The licensee replaced the safeguards switchgear and battery room air handling unit sheave twice before repairing the equipment properly. The vendor manual did not contain adequate guidance for equipment repair and the licensee's work package did not provide sufficient detailed guidance to perform the task.
08/08/98 NCV IR 98-09 LIC MAINT 3A On September 10,1997, the licensee identified that gerations personnel failed to LER LER 97-004 declare a containment isolation va!ve inoperable a 3 failed to enter the limiting condition for operation when the packing was retorqued to address a packing leak. This nonrepetitive, licensee-identified and corrected violation is being treated as a nocited violation, consistent with Section Vil B.1 of the NRC Enforcement Policy.
08/08/98 POS IR 98-09 NilC MAINT 2A 1A Based on observed equ pment condition and ongoing reviews and observations of equipment status during the inspection period, the inspectors found equipment availability to be very good. Material condition and housekeeping were found to be very good during plant tours. The inspectors identified an example where attention to detail on the part of operators on tour could be improved in that two scaffolds had bem 6sta!!ed in the residual heat removal pump room for a month after the work was complete.
08/08/98 POS IR 98-09 NRC MAINT 2A SC Both trains of the control room heating, ventilation, and air conditioning system were well maintained and in good material condition. The system was accurately reflected in the procedures and drawings with the exception of several minor drawing discrepancies and incorrect restoration guidance in an off-normal procedure.
08/08/98 NCV 1R 98-09 LIC MAINT 3A On September 9,1997, the licensee ideri ed that personnel failed to perform an ASME LER LER 97-005 Section XI air seal system test or maintenance leak test after repairs were made to an inner containment airlock door in December 1996. This nonrepetitive, licensee-identified and corrected violation is being treated as a nocited violation, consistent with Section Vil B.1 of the N'lC Enforcement Policy.
08/08/98 NEG IR 98-09 NRC MAINT 2B 3A The six maintenance and testing activities observed were performed property. The inspectors identified an isolated deficiency in the vendors manuals in that the instructions for overhauling the safety-related control room air conditiver compressors were not in the controlled vendor manual.
October 28,1998 5 Grand Gulf
ENCLOSURE 1 Pl~nt l^ sues Matrix DATE TYPE SOURCE ID SFA TEMPLATE ITEM CODE 06/27/98 NEG IR 98-08 NRC MAINT 4C 38 The inspectors found that the procedures for starting the reactor core isolation cooling system and the operator round procedures did not meet the vendor's guidance for ensuring that the turbine oil level was at the correct level for operation and that the operators were not aware of the acceptable operating or shutdown levels.
06/27/98 NEG IR 98-03 NRC MAINT 3A 3B Seven maintenance and survei!!ance tasks observed were performed satisfactority and in accordar'ce with procedures with on exception. The inspectors identified one poor work practice where electrical technicians used trial and error by pushing buttons to try to get a measuring and test equipment meter to work while it was connected to safety-related equipment. The technicians had not received formal training on the use of the meter.
05/16/98 NCV IR 98-05 LIC MAINT 3A An electrical worker cleaning in an incorrect electrical cabinet was identified as a noncated violation.
05/16/98 NEG IR 98-05 NRC MAINT 3A The failure of maintenance personnel to identify a leaking jacket water coupling on the standby diesel generator was identified as an example of inattention to detail.
05/16/98 POS IR 98-05 NRC MAINT 3A 4B The inspections and repairs conducted after the identification of welding and cleanliness concems on the essential core cooling system suction strainer segments were detailed and thorough.
05/16/98 NCV lR 98-05 LIC MAINT The failure to follow Procedure 01-S-07-1 and Work Order 00196455, such that the correct de-energized panet was inspected and cleaned was a violation of Technical Specification 5.4.1.a. This nonrepetitive, licensee-identified and corrected violation is being treated as a noncited violation, consistent with Section Vll.B.1 of the NRC Enforcement Policy .
05/16/98 POS IR 98-05 NRC MAINT 3A A quality inspector's initiative to have maintenance personnel open up a closed standby diesel generator manway to check on a discrepancy in the paint was identified as an example of a good questioning attitude.
05/16/98 POS IR 98-05 NRC MAINT 2A The general housekeeping and material condition throughout the plant during the refueling outage was observed to be very good.
October 28,1998 6 Grand Gulf
ENCLOSURE 1 Pi~nt l' sues Matrix DATE TYPE SOURCE ID SFA TEMPLATE ITEM CODE 04/09/98 POS IR 98-04 NRC MAINT 3A The inspector determined by observation of the limited ongoing inservice inspection and ASME Code replacement activities, and by review of recordc, that the inservice inspection program was being adequately implemented in accordance with licensee procedures, ASME Code requirements, and NRC regulatory requirements.
04/08/98 VIO IR 98-05 NRC MAINT 2B The failure to construct scaffolding in accordance with Procedure 15-S-01-106 was a SL IV violation of 10CFR50 Appendix B, Cnterian V. The licensee failed to ensure that the required clearance between scaffolding and safety-related equipment was either maintained or approved by engineering. Concerns and problems identified by the licensee on 29 of 51 scaffolds built for the outage indicated that there was a problem with the scaffolding program implementation with regard to ensuring scaffolding was built in accordance with the procedure requirements.
04/08/98 NCV IR 98-05 LIC MAINT 2B The f ailure to follow Procedure 01-S-07-1 and Work Order 00196455, such that the correct de-energized panel was inspected and cleaned was a violation of Technical Specification 5.4.1.a. This non-repetitive, licensee-identified and corrected violation is being treated as a nocited violation, consistent with Section Vll.B.1 of the NRC Enforcement Policy.
01/10/98 NEG IR 97-22 NRC MAINT 3A One inadequate work practice was observed during one of the five maintenance or surveillance activities examined. Personnel used a safety-related cable tray, for a short period, as a platform to perform work without completing an engineering evaluation to determine if the tray would be affected.
11/29/97 NEG IR 97-21 LIC MAINT 3A 3C The licensee identified a second maintenance preventable functional failure on the Division 2 standby diesel generator due to a failure of a Jacket water coupling.
11/29/97 POS IR 97-21 NRC MAINT 3A 3C Workers were knowledgeable of equipment and the scope of the planned work activities.
Foreign material exclusion controls were good during work activities in and around the spent fuel pool area.
10/28/97 VIO IR 97-21 NRC MAINT 3A One example (of two] of a 10 CFR 50, Appendix B, Criterion V violation for the failure to SLIV ensure that a procedurally required clearance between scaffolding and safety-related equipment was either maintained or approved by engineering.
October 28,1998 7 Grand Gulf
ENCLOSURE 1 Plant issues Matrix DATE TYPE SOURCE ID SFA TEMPLATE ITEM CODE 10/18/97 WK IR 97-20 NRC MAINT SB As a result of the failure of the licensee to identify similar condition reports during a quality audit, the inspectors determined that the process used by quality programs to 6 trend condition reports and identify similar problems may not consistently assure that ,
similar condition reports were identified. '
10/18S 7 NOV IR 97-20 LIC MAINT SB A minor violation was identified for failing to follow the locked valve procedure for certain nonsafety-related fire protection system valves. This non-repetitive, licensee-identified and corrected violation is being treated as a nocited violation, consistent with Section Vll.B.1 of the NRC Enforcement Policy. The failure to property lock the valves was an example of incomplete corrective actions for a previously identified noncited violation.
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October 28,1998 8 Grand Gulf ,
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ENCLOSURE 1 Plant issues Matrix DATE TYPE SOURCE ID SFA TEMPLATE ITEM CODE 09/19/98 POS IR 98-11 NRC ENG 4B The engineering evaluation conducted in response to a 10 CFR 21 Notifcation on potential inoperabihty of the diesel engines was thorough and well performed.
08/08/98 NEG IR 98-09 NRC ENG 3B The drain systems for the safety-related rooms are designed to prevent cross flooding between spaces. The inspectors identified an example of inattention to detail wtien a ;
system engineer used a drawing that was not current to answer questions about the system.
06/27/98 POS IR 98-08 NRC ENG 4B The root cause and corrective actions taken in response to a problem with steam admission valve seat leakage in the reactor core isolation cooling system were thorough and exhibited good coordination between engir eering, planning, and maintenance.
05/16/98 POS IR 98-05 NRC ENG 4B Engineering support provided in the design and repair of the essential core cooling system suction strainer and the modificatiors of the residual heat removal valves was thorough and technically sound. t 04/09/98 POS IR 98-02 NRC ENG 4B 1A The test instruction and safety evaluation, developed to allow running the reactor feed pumps at mismatched flowrates, were detailed and technically sound. Operators were very knowledgeable of the test. The briefing conducted for this test was thorough and the licensee returned to approximately 98 percent power in a controlled, conservative manner.
02/21/98 POS IR 98-01 NRC ENG 48 Engineering performed well with regard to the operability resolution of the Division 1 standby diesel generator jacket water cooling system gasket leak and the test to allow the plant to return to 100 percent power without second stane reheat. Engineering analyses were technically through and based on sound engineering principles.
01/10/98 NEG IR 97-22 NRC ENG 4C An isolated weakness was identified in the area of configuration control because of the failure to assign unique component identification numbers for eight uninterruptabf 3 power supply control panel breakers and incorporate this intormation in contro!Ied electrical drawings, system operating instructions, and equipment labeling.
11/29/97 POS IR 97-21 NRC ENG 4B Reactor engineering personnel provided continuous oversight and good support during the irradiated control rod blade processing.
October 28,1998 9 Grand Gulf
ENCLOSURE 1 Plant issues Matrix DATE TYPE SOURCE ID SFA ~ TEMPLATE ITEM CODE 99/19/98 POS IR 98-11 NRC PS 3A The third quarter emergency preparedness training drill showed noticeable improvement over the second quarter training drill with respect to licensee's self-critique process.
Personnel were self-critical and identified a number of programmatic and performance problems.
08/20/98 WK IR 98-12 NRC PS SA The licensee did not perform a comprehensive independent assessment as part of the 1997 annual quality assurance audit of the radiological environmental monitoring program. The audit utilized the results of a previous NRC inspection report to satisfy approximately 90 percent of the programmatic elements listed in the audit plan.
08/20/98 STR 1R 98-12 NRC PS 1A 1C Overall, effective radiological environmental monitoring and meteorological programs were implemented. Sample collection, shipment, and analyses were properly performed. The meteorological monitoring equip.nent was maintained in excellent .
operating condition. Calibrations were performed at the required frequencies.
Housekeeping of all observed areas was very good. Meteorological data recovery was 98% throughout 1997.
08/08/98 POS IR 98-09 NRC PS 3A 3B 4C Observed activities involving radiological controls and security were performed in a professional manner with one exception. After observing two survey maps that had not been updated in 56 days, inspectors determined that the practice of allowing up to 60 days between updates had the potential to not capture changing plant conditions. The ;
licensee acknowledged the concem and responded by changing their practice so that the survey maps were updated every 30 days.
08/07/98 NEG IR 98-10 NRC PS 1C 2A One microwave detection zone failed to ala:m during a performance test. This single failure was not an identifiable or predictable vulnerability.
October 28,1998 10 Grand Gulf
ENCLOSURE 1 Pl*nt l~ sue 3 M'trix DATE TYPE SOURCE ID SFA TEMPLATE ITEM CODE 08/07/98 STR IR 98-10 NRC PS 1C in general, performance in the security program was exce!!ent. An effective program for searching personnel, packages, and vehicles was maintained. Excellent protected area barriers and detection systems were maintained. An effective secunty system testing and maintenance program was conducted. The timely response to repair detection aids, access control equipment, and vital area door locks and closures contributed to the low number of compensatory postings. An effective security training program was in place.
Security officers displayed excellent knowledge of the procedural requirements for the tasks they were performing. Changes to the security program plans were reported within the required time frame. A good security event tog system was in place for reporting safeguards events. Senior management support for the security organization was good. Security staffing was maintained at a proper level.
06/27/98 POS iR 98-08 NRC PS 2A Good controls were maintained over combustible materials in safety-related areas.
06/27/98 NEG IR 98-08 NRC PS 3A 3B The emergency preparedness self-critique process following a quarterly training dri!I identified some areas for corrective action and was conducted in an open forum, however, the results were not self critical. The process failed to point out that personnel involved were not aware of the different position responsibilities in the technical support center or that training opportunities were missed by the failure of controllers to intervene to ensure the scenano ran according to plan.
06/27/98 WK IR 98-08 NRC PS 3A 3B The technical support center's performance was marginal during an emergency preparedness training scenario. Personnelin the center were not aware of or did not perform the responsibilities assigned in the emergency response plan. The coordination of the event response that occurred in the technical support center was poor and management did not have a good understanding of or control over the corrective actions being taken.
06/27/98 NEG IR 98-08 NRC PS 3C During observations of a quarterly drill, the inspector's found that the technical support center was not laid out in a manner which facilitated management of the event or clear communication between the disciplines. The status boards provided were not placed or used well and there was no guidance on how the boards were to be used .
October 28,1998 11 Grand Gulf
ENCLOSURE 1 Plant issues Matrix DATE TYPE SOURCE ID SFA TEMPLATE ITEM CODE 05/21/98 STR IR 98-07 NRC PS 1C An excellent access authorization program was maintained. The alarm stations were redundant and we!! protected. A' arm station operators were alert and knowledgeable of their duties and responsibilities. An excellent communicatica program was maintained.
The program was enhanced by the installation of new portal metal detectors and portable radios. A well trained and qualified security staff was traintained. A program was in place to property control packages and vehicle access to the protected area. An effective program for searching packages, and vehicles was maintained. The annual audit of the security program was of good quality.
05/21/98 POS IR 98-07 NRC PS 1C Assessment aids were effectively maintained and provided complete assessment of the perimeter detection zones.
05/21/98 STR 1R 98-07 NRC PS 1C Areas of the licensee's fitness-for-duty program that were reviewed were excellent.
Safeguards had been implemented that prevented circumventing of tests with falso specimens. The hcensee's fitness-for-duty procedures were in-depth, comprehensive, and of excellent quality.
05/16/98 POS IR 98-05 NRC PS 3A 2A With one minor exception, the licensee exhibited good radiological posting, health physics oversight, and radiological worker practices. The raujological posting of one contamination area was identified as being inconspicuous.
05/16/98 NEG 1R 98-05 NRC PS 3A Health physics personnel demonstrated poor attention to detail and communication by not ensuring that the current area survey maps were made available at the containment entrances for review by personnel entering the containment building. ,
05/16/98 NCV IR 98-06 LIC PS 3A The licensee did not perform surveys adequate to evaluate the extent of the radiation levels present or evaluate the associated radiological hazards with the bags of contaminated hoses located on a cart in the hot machine shop. This failure constitutes a violation of minor significance and is being treated as a noncited violation, consistent with Section IV of the NRC Enforcement Policy.
October 28,1998 12 Grand Gulf b
ENCLOSURE 1 PI'nt is~ue3 M"trix DATE TYPE SOURCf. ID SFA TEMPLATE ITEM CODE 05/01/98 STR 1R 93-06 NRC PS 3A Radiation protection performance during the refuefing outage was good. The licensee prepared well for the refueling outage. ALARA reviews of outage work activities were thorough. Exposure controls were implemented well Radiation protection personnel provided good job coverage, in most cases. Effective contamination controls were used.
Surveying and monitoring were performed properly. Radiation worker practices were generally good.
04/29/98 URI IR 98-06 LIC PS 3A 3B An unplanned intake of radioactive material occurred because either radiation protection personnel failed to evaluate the level of contamination in a work area or a radiation worker failed to obey radiological posting. The matter is unresolved, pending the NRC's review of the licensee's investigation.
04/09/98 POS IR 98-02 NRC PS 3A The support provided by radiation protection personnel during diving operations in the refueling pool was very good. The preparation for the job was detailed, personnel were aware of radiation concerns and followed procedures, and very close controls were maintained over the diver's dose.
11/29/97 NEG IR 97-21 NRC PS 2A 2B Housekeeping and corrbustible material controls were in need of much improvement in the hot machine shop.
11/29/97 POS IR 97-21 NRC PS 3A Health physics pr ,vided good support during the waste processing in and around the spent fuci pool area. Workers appropriately adhered to radiological work permit requirements and demonstrated good radiation worker practices.
11/29/97 STR 1R 97-21 NRC PS 2A in general, housekeeping and component material condition in the plant were good.
11/10/97 VIO IR 97-21 NRC PS 3A SC One example (of two} of a 10 CFR 50, Appendix B, Criterion V violation regardmg the SLIV failure to obtain engineering approval prior to securing three steel stanchions to an overhead safety-related cable tray and its associated supports.
10/18/97 POS IR 97-20 NRC PS SA SB The critique following a Post Accident Sampling System emergency drill was thorough and the players provided very good and effective insights.
October 28,1998 13 Grand Gulf
ENCLOSURE 1 PI nt Is uew M'trix DATE TYPE SOURCE ID SFA TEMPLATE ITEM CODE 05/01/98 STR 1R 98-06 NRC PS 3A Radiation protection performance during the refueling outage was good. The licensee prepared well for the refueling outage. ALARA reviews of outage work activitVs were thorough. Exposure controls were implemented well Radiation protection personnel provided good job coverage, in most cases. Effective contamination controls were used.
Surveying and monitoring were performed properly. Radiation worker practices were generally good.
04/29/98 URI 1R 98-06 LIC PS 3A 3B An unplanned intake of radioactive material occurred because either radiation protection personnel failed to evaluate the level of contamination in a work area or a radiation worker failed to obey radiological posting. The matter is unresolved, pending the NRC's review of the licensee's investigation.
04/09/98 POS IR 98-32 NRC PS 3A The support provided by radiation protection personnel during diving operations in the refuelirsg pool was very good. The preparation for the job was deta!!ed, personnu were aware of radiation concerns and followed procedures, and very close controls wem maintained over the diver's dose.
11/29/97 NEG IR 97-21 NRC PS 2A 2B Housekeeping and combustible material controls were in need of much improvement in the hot machine shop.
11/29/97 POS IR 97-21 NRC PS 3A Health physics providad good support during the waste processing in and around the spent fuel pool area. Workers appropriately adhered to radiological work permit requirements and demonstrated good radiation worker practices.
11/29/97 STR 1R 97-21 NRC PS 2A in general, housekeeping and component material condition in the plant were good.
11/10/97 VIO IR 97-21 NRC PS 3A SC One example [of two] of a 10 CFR 50, Appendix B, Criterion V violation regarding the SLIV failure to obtain engineering approval prior to securing three steel stanchions to an overhead safety-related cable tray and its associated supports.
10/18/97 POS IR 97-20 NRC PS SA 58 The critique following a Post Accident Sampling System emergency drill was thorough and the players provided very good and effective insights.
10/18/97 VIO IR 97-20 NRC PS 3A Lighting requirements within the protected area and isolation zones were generally met.
SLIV A violation of License Condition 2.E which implements 50.54(p) and is defined in the licensee's Physical Security Plan was identified for the failure of security patrols to !
identify dark areas in a temporary maintenance work area located in the protected area.
This irKficated a need for greater attention to detail during security patrols.
October 28,1998 13 Grand Gulf
ENCLOSURE 2 GENERAL DESCRil" TION OF P151 TABLE LABELS Actual da'e of an event or significant issue for those items that have a clear date of occurrence, the date the source of the information was issued (such as the LER date), or, for inspection reports, the last date of the inspection period.
Type The categorization of the issue - see the Type Item Code table.
SFA SALP Functional Area Codes: OPS for Operations; SI AINT for 5faintenance; ENG for Engineering; and PS for Plant Support.
Sources The document that contains the issue information: IR for NRC Inspection Report or LER for Licensee Esent Report.
ID Identification of w ho discovered issue: N for NRC; L for Licensee; or S for Self Identifying (events).
Issue Description Details of the issue from the LER text or from the IR Executive Summaries.
Codes Template Codes - see table.
TEhlPLATE CODES 1 Operaticnal Performance: A - Normal Operations; B - Operations During Transients; TYPE ITE51 CODES and C - Programs and Processes EA Enforc ment Action Letter with Civil Penalty Staterial Conditiom A - Equipment Condition or B - Programs and Processes ED Enforcement Discretion - No Civil Penalty 3 Human Performance: A - Work Performance; B - Knowledge, Skills, and Abilities /
SIR Strength - Overall Strong Licensee Performance Traimng; C - Work Emironment WK Weakness - Oserall Weak Licensee Performance 4 Engineering /Desigm A - Isesign; B - Engineering Support: C - Programs and Processes EEI* Escalated Enforcement Item - Waiting Final NRC Action 5 Problem identification and Resolution: A - Identification; B - Analysis; and C -
VIO Violation Level I, II, III, or 15 Resolution NCV Non-Cited Violation NOTES-*
DEV Deviation from Licensee Commitment to NRC * .
Eels are apparent violations of NRC requirements that are being considered for POS Positive - Individual Good Inspection Finding escalated enforcement action in accordance with the " General Statement of Policy and Procedure for NRC Enforcement Action"(Enforcement Policy), NUREG-1600.
NEG Negatise - Individual Poor Inspection Finding flowever, the NRC has not reached its final enforcement decision on the issues identified Licensee Event Report to the NRC by the Eels and the P151 entries rnay be modified w hen the final decisions are made.
LER Before the NRC makes its enforcement decision, the licensee will be prosided uith an URI ** Unresolsed item from inspection Report opportunity to either (1) respond to the apparent siolation or (2) request a predecisional Licensing Licensing issue from NRR
" URis are unresolved items about which more information is required to determine N1ISC Sliscellaneous - Emergency Preparedness Finding (EP),
Declared Emergency, Nonconformance Issue, etc. w hether the issue in question is an acceptable item, a deslation, a nonconformance, or a violation. Ilow ever, the NRC has not reached its final conclusions on the issues, and the P151 entries may be modified w hen the final conclusions are made.
o .
ENCLOSURE 3 GRAND GULF NUCLEAR STATION INSPECTION PLAN IP - Inspection Procedure T1 - Temporary Instruction NI- Non-Inspection Activity Core Inspection - Minimum NRC Inspection Program (mandatory all plants)
INSPECTION TITLE / NUMBER OF DATES TYPE OF INSPECTION / COMMENTS PROGRAM AREA INSPECTORS IP 83750 Occupational Radiation Exposure 1 02/01-05/99 Core inspection IP 37001 10CFR50.59 Safety Eval. Program 4 02/22-26/99 Core inspection IP 64704 Fire Protection Program 03/08-12/99 IP 93809 Safety System Engineering inspection IP 40500 Effectiveness of Licensee Controls in 3 04/05-09/99 Core inspection identifying, Resolving, and Preventing Problems IP 86750 Solid Rad. Waste Management & 1 06/14-18/99 Core inspection Transportationof Radioactive Material IP 82301 Evaluation of Emergency 4 06/21-25/99 Core inspection Preparedness Exercise IP 83750 Occupational Radiation Exposure 1 08/09-13/99 Core inspection IP 84750 Radioactive Waste Treatment and 1 08/30 - 09/03/99 Core inspection Effluent and Environmental Monitoring
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