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Insp Rept 50-275/69-06 on 690626-27.No Nonconformance Noted. Major Areas Inspected:Status of Const,Major Contract Awards, Contract Specs,Qa,Site Evaluation,Meteorological Data Collecting Stations & Breakwater
Person / Time
Site: Diablo Canyon, 05000000
Issue date: 07/11/1969
From: Andrea Johnson, Spencer G
Shared Package
ML20154C370 List:
FOIA-88-156 50-275-69-06, 50-275-69-6, NUDOCS 8805230013
Download: ML20154E871 (12)


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U. S. ATOMIC ENERGY C0;O;ISSIGN DIVISION OF CC:1?LIANCE REGION V Report of Inspection CO Report No. 50-275/69-6 Licensee: ?acific Cas & Electric Cotapany

'- Construction Permit No. CPPR-39 {

Cc.cc3ory A

l Date of Inspection: J un,.: 26 and 27,1969 y Date of Previous Inspection: May 6 and 7, 1969

. / , ,

Inspected by:

/ -' <- Y'

A. D. Johnson i

Reactor InspcCCor .

r t

,,. t Reviewed by: O' 'u A * ,

,4,'/ ~ * !

C. S. Spcacer Senior Reactor Inspector ,

i >

i i Proprietary Information: Ncnc  ;

,L i

SCGpE i i

. . . . . . . l .. - -- -- :

?over i. eval
I',;C tec .

, f Location: Oisblo Car.yca, Scn Luis 0'aispo County, California i Type of __ Tnsucct ion: Roucinc - Announccd 1 i  !

Acco:o un rin; Peenoanel: J. L. Crews, Reactor Inspector, CO:V 2

hk f0 3 800510 t w u a~ee,-iss goe i


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Sa fety Items - None.

Noncon formance Items - None.

Status of Previously acported ?robican - No: cpplicable. t

_Other significan:

shown in parencheses. Itcms - For detail, refer to the section of :ha report

1. 1 Guy F. Atkinson Compec.y has bcon cuarded tha contrac: for the construction of the raajor civil-etructurec of the foc 'ty.

The Pi:tsburgh Steci Cvr.:, .ny we.c che success ful bidder for installation of :he concalanent liner. /.:kincen planned to correncnce coas: rue:ict, cccivi:1cs at the sito on July 7, 1969. (C.)

2. i The excavacion work neccaccry fe.r che containtsent, ux ilit.ry ,

and turbino buildinaa hac baca ecc..p'.c cd. (3.)


Neither PG62's nor Achinact,'s Jaca. led c,uali:y coacrol procedura concerning of the concrc:e work ut.a availabic for review ct the tirt.c the inspection.

PG&E rec:ated chai" previous position tha: the appropriate procedures will bc approved and itspic=en:cd prior to comencing actual work on I s:ructures. (E.8.)

4. The contract
specificcciona concerning the concrete t.unufactura, placement and testing ucro fot.nd
o be consistcat wi:h the cuido-lines prescri'oed in PI 4600, with :he cxecption of the acvictions front the provisions of the PSAR noted in CO Report No. 50-275/69-5 (E.)


For econorr.ic :.;

o f the' ,

reasons, cu :c-

'GL2 plens
o Ins:all a breakwn:ce senwerd

, cccy cooinat. f,'.c o c;;;

p ii' a:1 daiA f u .* 4..e ........

..J'.%6 t.Je t.i.e shore than previm.:,l/ .adice cd ia ethe be locGted lur:ac'.* frCra PSAR. (I.)

) 6.

The environmental tr.oaitoria; sct.:loac were observed to bc maintained in an approyciate Jachioa. (;i.)

! 7.

! Pct,E's to J::

quality ciasuccace proarca has been formulated and sub;.ticted L ( 1/11/,h) af,$lic..iiOa C0 Caa.i forcr.: view rt.c t La connec; ion with the CO: peny' J l. thio Clittyou c lo c. 6;'.u Jecuad aucicar power plagg g. t t *,,a i;Jy ladividuals ity c oa6t raac': ;s 0.;i c i da;i .

i;;;yc boca ang(;*,ngd to on.g{ta U.4 VO S*rGGpcC0!vc qualigy Concrel in y ectorG -

'CeclVdd crisininj in cursad aa6 tcuclag 02 concretc. (;'.) u.00 hods of proper n;anufactt;.'*c, placGt.;ans, i

s I

Management Interview - The inspectors met briefly with Mos:rs. Paricy, Lindblad, Bettinger and Brady to discuss the findings of the inspcction.

Once again, the inspectors stressed the import being placed on the need for appropriate quality control proceduccc 'ocing in ef fcet during the various phases of plant construction. Lindblad again reaffirracd PC&C'c position that work would not commcaco on any given work unicss such procedures were approved and implacented.

DCTAILS A. Persons Contacted l W. J. Lindblad - Design 2naincer R. V. Bettinger - Civil Engincer F. W. 3:ady - Civil 2ngincar R. V. Faricy - Rocident Engineer E. Peterson - Fic1d 2ngineer

3. Status of Constcuccier.

At the timo of the vicit, the in poc;cr., observed c..c.c ,,c. c::e . ; ion for the reactor, the auxiliary ane CW st.cbino generaccr building: had *ecca completed. The bedrock was observed to M covcred with a t' .c.yer of sand-dirt, etc. Mr. Farley staccd thet the loose dirt will be re.uov d anc j

the surface of the bedrock will be cler.ned prior to instal;c. tion of '

concrete. The foundations of the Class I structurcs arc to be bonded to the bedrock as describcd in the prelitaini.ry scfety analyais report (.$$.C). ,

C.  :. a j or cont ca ct rds Mr. Lindblad .;taced that PGL2 has awarded the contracc for the construction of the major civil structurcs for the facility to tho Guy F. Atkinson Company. The successful biddce for the work involvin; installation of the containment linor was the Pittsburgh DesMoines Steci company.

Ah $2..; ./.*i'!..;_ ..._ _..

Acco cuite; t o :.ic. , c h : At:Ganoa Co. pacy will aegin ec, move tc.en and equipent onto the ciLe oa .,uiy 7,1969. Lindalad, stated thac the placesuenc of rain.'occina acca'. una a,chet.nled ::o cc.:.: cace deriaa the latter part of July 196's, with che plaem::nt of concreto bcainning in Au3uct 1969.

Pittsaar;;h M* Stt ul Om., . .ny la cc'..cduled to be;in installacioa of the coataina.ent liner abouc ::ovember 196.

C. Caacr.i_etj.jggy i M ca t tuis T;pf .o:,n W ait- d i . :t.: bed rhJ C.,4Cract u pc G i fi c..C 10a:3 (CCA'

  • s ract d031)

/al..cin t o o.Ac ri i. J U i t 'a .* id u d i*J . y .*.ey, L.adb'.aw. O s 4 4 . A. ,w .* . . n t.

. ..-w".

'lhe speci . icat ltW3 W fe V.3bdf N to N*d $*N 20**5 * 'E of cau coat.t.*Uc tor (PCSC) alld the cont'**ac to?.

l 4

i l

4 The specifications contain detailed requircracnts concerning (1) concrete forms, (2) manufacture, placement, curing and testing of

concrete and (3) reinforcing stcol.

From a review of the provisions prescribed in the contract, r,pceifi- l cations, it was'found that the inspection requirements contained in PI-4600, concerning materials and test provisions were satisfied-as follous:

1. Material Specifications
a. The specifications provide that the fino and coarse aggregata and sand are to conform and be tested in accornar.ce with appropriate ASD' standards. ;Iowever, no speci' ic rce,uirement .

war included concerning reaccivity.- I,indblad stated t.u reason for the absence of such a require .cnc would be reviewed to preclude an oversight of a possible needed rec,uira;. cat.

He stated that ?GC has eve.lur.ted potential soureca of aggregate materials and, aa a result of this evalut.tiva, '

specified limited sources of supply for these macerial.:. 1.c a

said that he was confiden:: that the evaluation of ::.tcric.;

sources included an evalua'eian of potential reactivene.;s of aggregate materials.


b. The contract provides that the water will be cican c.nd 2 rec  !

from doloterious amouats of silt, oil, acids, alkali, scica, organic substances and shall contain no chlorides calculacca as C1 in excess of 1,000 ppm or no r,ulfaces calculated .s 504 in excess of 1,000 ppm. '

c. .The cement is ree,uired to conform to the specificationc of ASYn C 150. ,


) d. Admixtures including watcr reducing agents, air entraining l 1

agents. Pozzolan, and retarders are to be used in accordance i with the applicable ASDI procedurcs and standards. Use of

accelerators in prohibited by the contract specification
,. l
c. YM tr'.: .. J . e . . . . . , cv. ate teacerials were repocteu

, in 40 ..e,> ort . 0 .,U 2/3/a-4, deccion n. '


2. @ncrete Des i gn .'if e Accordin:: to IJndi> icd. the design rai::ca for concrete have noe au yet beca cata'lished.

o '2 hey c.rc to be prepared and submitted by the contrrctoc and approved by ?GC la accordaace wich the followi.nd requirea.en s.


.i i

1 J

b 1


s. Compressive Strength Maximum Sino of Class _ _Strencth Aggrecate (in.)



A 5,000 psi at 60 days 1-b and 3/4 B 3,000 psi at 23 days 1- and 3/4 l i

b. Slump Description or Location Slump (in.) ,

Wall and slabs 11 inches 4 thick or less 1 All other work 3

c. The percentage of finc aggregate is deton.ined by the a..;oant l passing through a nu:r.bor 4 sieve (35 4 50'/) . ,

The procedurcs, tests and c.cthods aued in detonaining co:.plic.nce with the specifications will bc based on ACI-301, Secticr. SOS and i ASTM C 192 Standard Method of Makin;; and Curing Concrete Tcst i Specimens in the Laboratory,  ;

3. Echar Splices The specifier. tion was observed to contain requirc.r.cncs for fabricacin;; and toccing rchar splices. These requirements cover both welced and Cadueld splicos, and they include procedurcs and operator qualifications. The proccdure to be used for installation of Cadscid splicos was specified.

Test and inspection requirce.cnts of robar splicos arc delinaced in the contract.

Visual inspection is required for every Cadweld'

,,1ic . .

. ;o e . - c- c.,.. . :-;.:

. . . i t. , . t. ..u . .4 .J .m 0.~. . y u. t '.* . . / U,...s....

In i*o. 10. G r.t d; 6 v i .u.1* . (Y*.1.i inc ludc3 all tunsion lo d eacryi.m cchar in C;an. I atruecurcs, accordian to Mr. Lindblad.)

The to :t i.i.; sc..euule for cach crcu, po.sition and grado of bar i s to na a.s follwa:

.: . vue out of firse 10 4211ces .

!.. three out of av::e W a,ilicca

e. .wa oac vi second .;ud subsequenc 100 .spliccs
d. inupector reject spliccu i

i 1


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-,,,,n ,,.n -, . . - - - - - . , , , , - . n.n.n- -,.,,--,,-n--r--. -~,,._,g,-..

, At least 25 percent of the total number of test splices shall be mado_by cutting out splicos from job bar. The renainir.3 ccst splices may be made by having test bars tie-wired ior.u si *e ch job bar and spliced in sequeace wich those bara (sister splicea). s The minimum icngth of splice bars have been prescribed to be three fcet.

The contract specificacions chaw that buct welded splices are to be performed in accordance.with ACI 31S and /.mcrican ;;ciding Society Recommended P ractico D12.1 using double-bevel or doubic-vec groove (

welds with the "short-arc" process or low hydroaca stick electrodes i by shicided arc process. Loth processes are to have minic.u:a pre-heat and interpass ccmporatures of 40007. Comy'eced velde are to .

be wrapped with a proccctivo blanket of insulating v.accr.aa to avoid rapid cooling.

Both Tensile and Nick arcak-Tases for butt welds are to Lc j performed on wolded splices. The frequcacy of coating is to be i twice that outlined above for Caducld splicos.  ;

The inspectors' review of the contract specifications !..iled to .

l reveal specific requirements for the carc ac.d control cf ice  !

hydrogen weld electrodes. Mr. Lindblad stated that  !

  • attention would be given to the contractor's quality coacrol '

l program in this regard, i a

j 4. natch Plant l

i The inspector observed that a new automatic concrete batch plant was beina orrected at the site. The plant was manufactured by 4

the Eric Strayer Co.upany, a member of the Concroce plant Manufacturers Dureau and affiliated with the Natior.a1 Rcady Mix Concreto Association. The plant has a rated capacity of 150 cubic yards por hour and is to be tested to assure .

' conformance to the standards of the Concretc Manufacturers nureau. Third nevinton - e r rece;va ;.;nech 1,1957. The l (

.; .- t ' . . /. . ! *

..f .o.u.- ...e. ..:.. . . . . . . . . ., e , d . . .. . e a . . n . ,, i ; . . : ; . . . . j i.iear.or tur, ei,uip.taac vonia be coced, cea;ed crd cercificu by the local .tuchoci,c;u:; havir.g jurisdiction (Couacy of San Luis Obis,,o and/or State <.f California) .


5. Manu f.m'ap e and Trg. .cycat ion I

Concarnin ; ncoriu:; and hnadlin,;, the coatract required that

i. h t eim.. ccor a;u .:det vacc i precautica, satisfaecory to 1>ct.2,

to prevsnt ( t) .;egregation of edgrcJates, (2) interaixing of


7 the separate sizes of aggregate prior to batching, (3) contamination of material by dirt or other foreign substances, (4) damage to cement by dampncas or weather, (5) retentica of free surface water in aggregatcs and, (6) execssive chipping and breaking of coarse aggregate which might produce undcraine accumulations. At the time of batching, all aggregaccs shall be dried or drained to obtain a stable coisture content that is not less than saturated surface dry nor shall thc uoisture content of the fino aggregate exceed saturated surface dry cond2 ion by more than cight percenc. Ground storage of concrete aggregate will not be alloucd. Lindblad staced that ,

contract requirements prohibiting ground storage ol aggregate materials may be waived if an absolute need is rce,uired. -

if Temperature for classes of concreto at the time of placement was prescribed in tbc specifications as follows.


a. Shall not exceed 55 7 for clnas A and 7007 for class d.
b. Shall not be less chan 400! vhen c=bient temperature is above 32 F.


c. Shall not be below 50 F0 when ambient temperature is 32 F0 or below. ,
d. Raising or lowering temperature of concrete by mecas of '

chemicals is prohibited.

f j Concerning placement of concreto, the specifications provide that the concreto must be placed within 45 minutes aftcr ,

introduction of water to the mix. Concrete showin3 cvidence l of initial set prior to placement must be discarded. Concrotc  !

is to be deposited as nearly as possible in its final position without segregation and in horizontal layers of thickacss th t  ;

can be satisfactorily consolidaced, but not to exceed 12 inchec unicss otherwise dirceted by 2C12. The concretc is to be placed ,

..t noch a c. m r '. '. L.i M d poaited ca ,le. tic l I

concruce suce,e .i. . ,c,.....  ; . p ' .. . r. . ., , e,: . c. . . ., . . , .

< J nvolve droppina eo..c A i.e Jiw .cce or core, che concretc iu .

to be depoaited chrm.ah pipca, chutes, or elephant truak uaices other 41cc directed by scai;.

)  !

The specificationa do not atipulato the frequency of tet.ta for

. ne ren.;th, slu..ip c ud .:ir e..t rainuenc . I,iadblcd ataccd chese c:aca verc to be dune by 2C.'m cad that the quality coatrol pro:',can vill


I require such ecata tu be periormed ct leaJe cacc iot every 150

  • cunte yards of win. 3pecified lhaics conecraing :.trengch and l l

ntwg ace niven in icca 2 above. entreiaaent are to h.: cenducted In accuccaaca with ASTd Tcst hethod C231 or C173. '

  • ihu applica0tc lia.ita ucre specilicd es Jollows.

4 1


, 3 i Coarse Aggregato, '

Total Air, ?creene by Maximum Size Voluco of Concreto a

3/4 inch 6+1 l- inches 5 [,1

6. Curing '

The contract providos that tihe curing of concroce be accoc.pliched by maintaining the concroce moist for a minimum period of ceven 4cys or by use of an approved impervious curing cott. pound complying with the specifications of ASTt! Designation C309, Type 1, 2 or 3. Uncured concrete is required to be protected against injury duc'co advar ca weather conditions as follova.

a. Exposed finished surfacco arc co be protected from ,

direct rays of the sun during hot wcacher for oc icast '

three days af ter placing.


b. In cold weather, che tetc.paracuro of concroce is not to ,

be allowed to drop beloe 500; for a period of : lessw  :

72 hours8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br /> after placcmont, or until the concrete has e thoroaghly hardened. Whcro artificisi hcac is used, special care is to bc taken to prevent drying of concrutc.

c. All concretc is to be procccted froa freezing for at least '

the specified moist curing period. '

d. Fresh concretc is to be protected from damasc by rain.


7. Special concretc Use of grout, both dry pack (nonshrink) and pour types, is provided for in the spccifications. The general requirements  !

of proceduro, manufacture, placere.cnc, temperature con 6rol and 2

, .;t ren:.: h . r .>-


: - .., : : i c. . nt %r-
6. .:e co. . d 1 . . . . o_t :-- ..

l i

Mr. Lind!) lad c: plaiacs. that c ae's, e,ualicy cor.t rol pro;ra a requi red by t. o contract had ac.t oa yet been fort.tulc.ted i

and approved by PC.G; na provided in the contract (sec CO Report

o. 50-2/5/69-4, ce d on a.). Upea approval of .' thia.:on'n plana , i Ic.ii, thrmo;h the Ger.e cal Coa: t ruccioa Depart.nent , will imy;ement
  • nei r niu:ility coit rol peoecdurcs no 4.pplicabic to ac. aire chat the pro luct n concoc... t a the 4 ac.uire.nunca prencribed in the j

c o..t ca e t . p e c i fl e. t i o. .a . re-affirced '>c5;'; previous . i

' r.tatmtntn that work t ould not ccica.:cace uncil the c,u.ti;ty control

,. co,; ra a ; i or a ,;i ven j o;> a re a proved c.nd ready to ..ep;e.c. c.c e o ast,ure proper control oJ qualicy and approprincu dect;cnsation j j ~

to reflect the c,uality of the work and resulting prc,,d.; eta.



,_.-____m -. ,,._4.,_. ,7_ ~ . , _ . . _ . . . . _ _ . , _ _ , - . _ . . _ . ,

t F. Quality Assurance

1. P rogram PG&E's quality assurance proarca hcs beca for tuistcd and auhalcted to DRL in connection with the coupany's application to construct the second plant on the sito (Docket No.50-020). That plaa is currently *gsing impicmented for the conscruction of the Diablo Canyon No.1 facility, according to Lindblad.
2. P ersonnel Mr. Lindblad informed the inspectors of the folicuina jersoaaci
assignments relative to the quality assuranco activicies.
a. Professor C. D. Carr has accepted the position of Quality Assuranco Engineer - General Construction Leperci.wnc.

His dutics will encompass providing the required cechaieci direction of the Depart =2nt's quality ac;urance accivitica j at the site. Professor carr will be directly reuponsibic to the construction superintendent in ?G&2's ho c o*fice in San Francisco.

i According to Lindblad, Professor Carr concu to PC&2 from California state Polytechnic College located ac San Lui; Obispo, California where he was a member of the Mcchanical Engineering faculty. Prior to joining the faculty of Cal i Poly, Professor Carr was Manaccr, Engineerina, Edwards Valve Coupany, Chicago, Illinois. Lindblad added that recently Professor Carr completed a visit of 13 nucicar powcr plants j under construction to acquaint himscif with probicas the I

were being encountered by other conscructors, j b. Mr. Frank W. Brady, Civil Enginccr, plans to novo to the site during .\u:;ust. Mr. Drady has been assicacd as the On.5 i tt, t'.i' .. 2. '. V J [i s * (*.P' ..r' l#4 p.1/ . .L .. i n ,..d . ' c r.. 6. a . .. ,

annut.ince p co:;re .: .. .iro oeg-. coly iapic .: enc ea uc.a followed, nr. Brady r.cated thnt ;.c holda a nasters of Scivace ::: gree in Civil En:;incering with an opcion in structurca frc.a stanford Univorcity, no is a ner.istered Profcastor.a1 Jagineer in the ;itate of California. Brady said that he had beca untoyod with rcct for c. bout the last two yeara und uas intiinatoly involveu with ci.e desinn of the concai..i.ent buildta,;. arady reports to the Chief Civil Engineer la the Co.upany'a ollicca in sua Francicco, California.



3. Training In response to the inspectors' questions concerning qualifications of PG&E quality control inspectors, Mr. Lindblad stated that 12 employces to be assigned responsibility for concrete inspeccion have recently completed a one week training course. The cource included a review of the various tests and procedures involved in the manufacture and placercnt of concrocc. Lindblad explained that the Engineering Department sponsored the training and had the benefit of having various manufacturces of Portland cement present to explain the importance of the various procedures and tests that must be followed.  :

i Concerning nondestructivo testing of materials, Lindble.d stated that arranaccients have bocn .rade wich che Concral Dyacre.ics Corporation in San Diego to conduct a tuo-weck training course for approximately 24 rancerials inspeccors. The subjece .stter of the course will include noadestructive testing of macerials by radiographic, ultrasonic, dyc c.eaetrant, a..d cz;;nctic particic i methods. Lird blad said the course was scheduled for the first two vecks of At. gust. i;c also cxp'ained that 8 or 9 of the attendees of the course will bc 4.ssigned vendor inspection -


G. Site Evaluation i In response to the inspectors' question concerning the "as found"  !

geological conditions of the site bcdrock, Lindblad said the Richard H. I j

Johns , Ccologist Consultant , has c::a.uined the entire area. According to Lindblad, Johns satisfied himself chat the bedrock conditions were as 1 i

i anticipated and, therefore, conlirc.ed the conclusions reachod ia the I PSAR as to the suitability of the site for the intended use.

H. Meteorological Data Collecting Stations In view of the recent information deficiencies observed l

i n actenrninaic.,1 i

  • c.31 - - -

. t e e. .o bc :en J . , 1.w : r ar.

1 u, . se ,,v. .. . ... i

. . o i:. . .j . .. . . . . . . . ~m..

s ta t ed t hat t he :,t.ic io.u. c...m.uu u ; . ..

daily basia (5 days / week) to assure continued operacion of c..e data collecting equip.T.ent.

During the tour of the utacioaa, the inspectors obsecvec. thc.c no extrancoun mterial waa ia che vicinity of any of the stations aad chat all recordian equipent W.c Dne:Loning. Pctorsoa indicated 2 hat che equipment necmd to be' reif a ble. no ever, he nald that occasionally he would flad problum, especially t.ich cl.e recorder pens.

1 I. Breakwater  !

4 Annex A attached shows PCLE's plan for instelling a breakwater to proccet the cove where the inlet for the secondary coolant cystera will be located. Mr. Bettinger stated that the breakvc.ccr is bein;; installed for economic reasons and that failure to install it would result ir. a high l 2

risk of coffer dam failure during installation of the intake structure. IIc [

stated that their evaluation of the installation of the desi;ned bru.?.uator showed that it was neither beneficial nor detrimental to the safety acpect of the nucicar facility. He also pointed out that the incake scructure vill be locate / a couple hundred fccc further into the vaccr than was originally proposed. Installation of the brealciacer is scheduled to during l the summer of 1970, according to Bettinger. ,

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