IR 05000275/1987018
ML20214J900 | |
Person / Time | |
Site: | Diablo Canyon |
Issue date: | 05/08/1987 |
To: | |
Shared Package | |
ML20214J870 | List: |
References | |
REF-PT21-87 50-275-87-18, 50-323-87-17, NUDOCS 8705280240 | |
Download: ML20214J900 (5) | |
Report Nos. 50-275/87-18, 50-323/87-17
Docket Nos. 50-275, 50-323 i
License Nos. DPR-80, OPR-82 Licensee:
Pacific Gas and Electric Company 77 Beale Street, Room 1451 San Francisco, California 94106 Facility Name: Diablo Canyon Units 1 and 2
Inspection at: Diablo Canyon Site, San Luis Obispo County, California
Inspection Conducted:
April 20-24, 1987 Inspector:
J. F. Burdoin, Reactor Inspector /
Date Signed Approved by:
M. M. Mendonca, Chief Date Signed Reactor Project Section 1 c
Inspection During Period of April 20-24, 1987 (Report Nos. 50-275/87-18 and 50-323/87-17)
Areas Inspected: An unannounced inspection by one regional inspector of i
non-licensed staff training, followup of Part 21(s), and an independent j
inspection of various vital areas and equipment in the plant.
procedures Nos. 30703, 41400, 71707, and 92703 were used as guidance for the'
No items of noncompliance or deviations were identified.
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DR ADOCK 05000275 PDR
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Individuals Contacted Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E)
- R. C. Thornberry, Plant Manager J. A. Sexton, Plant Superintendent
- L. F. Womack, Operations Manager
- T. L. Grebel, Regulatory Compliance Supervisor
- C L. Eldridge, Quality Control (QC) Manager J. E. Molden, Operations Training Supervisor R. D. Cramins, Verification Section Supervisor J. M. Rappa, Electrical Maintenance Foreman D. D. Malone, I&C Supervisor R. J. Chaddick, QC Training Instructor L. R. Exner, Training Administrative Supervisor G. D. Havale, Assistant Control Operator G. A. McMullen, Auxiliary Operator J. B. Whetsler, Auxiliary Operator R. W. Harvey, Auxiliary Operator M. A. Zentmyer, Electrician A. Valdez, Instrument Repair Technician S. B. Patterson, Control Technician M. L. Smith, Power Production Engineer Various other engineering and QC personnel.
- Denotes attendees at exit meeting on April 24, 1987.
Area Inspection An independent inspection was conducted in Units 1 and 2 Turbine and Auxiliary Buildings.
The equipment and areas inspected included:
Five Emergency Diesel Generator Rooms B.
Six 4160 Volt Switchgear Rooms C.
Combined Two-Unit Control Room D.
Four Containment Spray Pumps E.
Four Safety Injection Pump Areas F.
Four RHR Pump Areas G.
Six Component Cooling Pumps H.
Auxiliary Feedwater Pumps I.
Six 480 Volt Vital Bus Rooms J.
Two Cable Spreading Rooms K.
Two Hot Shutdown Panels L.
Two 480 Volt Center Areas
Turbine Building at Elevation 140'
(Closed) Followup Item 50-275/87-11-01, Non-Licensed Staff Trainino The purpose of this inspection was to continue the evaluation of the licensee's training program for non-licensed staff personnel to determine
that it satisfies regulatory requirements and meets the licensee's commitment for training.
The FSAR does not specifically identify any nuclear or industrial standards to which the licensee is committed.
conversation with the training manager, it was determined that the i
licensee's training program conforms to ANSI standard N18.1-1971,
" Selection and Training of Nuclear Power Plant Personnel."
The licensee's training programs for maintenance technicians and non-licensed operators was addressed in Inspection Report 50-275/87-11.
This inspection report on the training program for principal and technical staff members, and QC inspectors.
Training for non-licensed managers, supervisors and professional-technical staff as described in ANSI Standard N18.6-1971 requires, that if not already qualified by experience and academic related technical training they shall be qualified by programs in related technical training; by assignment at operating reactors or simulators; by participation in design, construction or startup activities.
The FSAR describes training for non-licensed staff as follows:
The experience obtained by PG&E since 1956 in training personnel for operation and maintenance of nuclear power plants has enabled it to clearly define the training requirements for each position in the plant organization and to evaluate the various means of obtaining this training.
Based on this experienca, PG&E chose to utilize a combination of formal classroom training and on-the-job experience with operating nuclear plants to achieve its training goals.
The inspector examined the training programs and records for the technical staff members, QC inspectors, and principal staff members.
The principal staff's and technical staff members' initial qualifications were by academic and related technical training and qualified experience at operating reactors or simulators, or by participation in design, construction, or startup activities of nuclear power plants.
The Technical Staff Training Program is described in Administrative Procedure (AP) B-350, Revision 4.
The technical staff at the Diablo Canyon Plant is comprised of individuals in several departments who perform engineering work in support of safe and efficient operation and maintenance of the plant.
The individuals in these positions have varying backgrounds, education and work experience.
However, there is a common need in each of these positions for technical training related to power plant fundamentals, the Diablo Canyon Plant systems and equipment, plant administration and systems engineering.
The Technical Staff Training Program was developed to provide needed technical training for both incumbent and newly assigned engineering personnel.
The program was designed based on an analysis of the tasks common to all the technical staff positions at the Diablo Canyon Plant.
The program includes an exemption process so that program requirements may be adapted to different individuals with varying backgrounds.
The Department Manager, may exempt an individual from requirements if equivalent knowledge has been gained elsewhere.
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In addition to the initial program, there is an ongoing continuing training program to maintain plant knowledge current through updates on plant changes, procedures changes, and significant plant and industry problems and events.
The new technical staff training curriculum (initial program) includes courses in fundamental concepts, documents and administrative procedures, plant systems, administrative / personnel, and systems engineering. This
new 18-week curriculum which is presently under review by INPO for accreditation was offered for the first time in January 5, 1987, with 15 technical staff members participating.
The course was suspended after the 12th week (end of March) to allow for Unit 2 refueling outage which started April 3, 1987.
The curriculum will be reconvened following Unit 2 outage.
The training department is presently developing a training program in accordance with INPO standards and requirements for the QC inspectors.
The curriculum will have a total of thirty-two training modules with some modules having as many as three and four lesson plans.
The present scheduled completion for this program is June / July, 1987.
The qualifications for QC inspectors are described in Procedure NPAP B-800, Revision 5, dated February 13, 1986.
These qualifications for QC inspectors satisfy the qualification requirements of ANSI N45.2.6-1978,
" Qualifications of Inspection, Examination and Testing Personnel for the
Construction Phase of Nuclear Power Plants." The qualification records for eighteen QC inspectors were examined to determine their conformance I
with Procedure NPAP-B-800.
All records appeared to be in order except for a few minor clerical errors.
The Management Staff Training Program is outlined in a paper prepared by the management development representative.
The basic format of the Management Staff Training Program is the Zenger-Miller (ZM) " supervision" program used throughout the PG&E system.
The curriculum consists of twenty-five training modules.
The delivery of this training in order to meet two criteria; to maximize the long-term benefit (learning) and to minimize the short-term costs (time in training, away from the job), resulted in the "three orbit" approach for presenting the licensee's supervision training.
The first
" orbit" basic principles is established as prerequisite for the other ZM modules.
The second orbit known as the core is that set of modules i
determined to be of the highest priority from the needs analysis:
Delegating, Giving Recognition, Listening and Communicating, Correcting Problem Behavior, and Improving Employee Performance.
The third orbit is "new modules" which reinforce and review supervisory
Also included in this orbit are " tailor-made" modules addressing i
such areas as an Individual Performance Management performance review and " safety supervising."
J The basic principal orbit is of fered six to eight times per year.
The core is offered twice per year.
Each new module, taught in two week blocks to aid scheduling, is offered once per year.
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The general office offers resident management courses periodically in the city or at various other location where Diablo management staff members meet with managers for other company divisions to study various aspects of personnel and employee problems.
A two-day supervisory orientation class which emphasizes communications and basic tools is presented one or two times per year for new supervisors. A work shop which stresses time management, inter personal relationships, technical writing, etc., is offered three or four times a
year is also available to new supervisors.
Quarterly training seminars are available to all levels of employees at the Diablo plant.
These training periods are normally offered to the individual discipline such as I&C technicians, electricians, QC inspectors, etc.
The topics offered are general information, lessons-learned and applicable technical developments peculiar to the
particular discipline involved.
Eleven members of various maintenance technician disciplines, non-licensed operators and technical staff were interviewed to determine the effectiveness of the training programs and verify those training records that were examined.
It is concluded that the non-licensed staff training meets and satisfies the requirements of ANSI Standard N18.1-1971.
It is further concluded that the licensee's various non-licensed staff training programs are well
planned, documented and acceptably implemented.
No violations or deviations were identified.
Followup of Open Items List (OIL) Part 21s The following Part 21 report applicable to some nuclear power plants was reviewed with the licensee:
OIL 86-14-P1, Automatic Sprinkler Corporation Model C deluge valves failed to open.
The licensee concluded following his study of the above Part 21 report that the equipment described in this report is not installed at the Diablo Canyon Plant.
Consequently, no action is required of the licensee.
This item is closed.
No violations or deviations were identified.
Exit Meeting The inspector conducted an exit meeting on April 24, 1987, with the plant manager and other members of the plant staff.
During this meeting, the inspector summarized the scope of the inspection activities and reviewed
the inspection findings as described in this report.
The licensee acknowledged the concerns identified in the report.
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