ML20151K027 | |
Person / Time | |
Site: | Fermi |
Issue date: | 07/25/1988 |
To: | |
Shared Package | |
ML20151K012 | List: |
References | |
IEB-85-003, IEB-85-3, NUDOCS 8808030105 | |
Download: ML20151K027 (57) | |
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l UR*28b8R888gg, PDC
Enclosura 2
.............................. 6 o
OF RESULTS ............................ 8 ,
OF DEVIATIONS ........................ 10 o LONG-TERM RESPONSE PLAN ...................... 20 o MOV DATA SMEETS .............................. 22 i
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- l Enclosura 2 l
at o CST - Control Switch Trip: Refers to de-energization of the valve actuator motor at the end of a stroke. When associated with a thrust value this refers to motor trip on torque switch contact dropout, o # or LB - pounds of force, unit of measure for thrust o Total Thrust - absolute resulting output of the actuator as inferred from the maximum linear displacement (by compression) of the actuator torque spring pack.
o Thrust at CST - the force applied by the actuator at CST as inferred from spring pack displacement to contact dropout comparison.
o Inertia -
residual force due to valve / actuator momentum following motor trip determined by subtracting thrust @ CST from Total Thrust.
o dP - differential pressure in pounds (force) per square-inch (psid).
o TSS - - Torque Switch Setting.
o Available Thrust - available thrust as indicated on the MOV Data Summary is based on MOV with maximum TSS in the closed direction for all valves and in the open direction for valves with Mode 3 or Mode 6 control logic. For valves with Mode 5 or Mode 7 control logic, the open direction available thrust value listed is the motor stall capacity or actuator thrust rating, o NEDC 31322 - the "BWR Owner's Group Report On The Operational Design Basis Of Selected Safety-Related Motor-Operated Valves," dated Septenber 1986, is the generic document used j for evaluating Fermi 2 specific MOV dP requirements in response to Bulletin 85-03 o Control Mode - the design specified arrangement of bypass and position / trip limit switches as found on
, each MOV specific schematic diagram. The Fermi 2 modes used for MOVs in this report
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Enclosure 2 NRC-88-0187 Page 4 are described below. Variances to these descriptions are found on the throttleable MOVs, but are not necessary to describe here. The limit switch positions are nominal settings. A permissible band of + 5% of stroke, not less than 0% and not greater than 100%, is allowed for establishing actual field settings. Position is relative to the valve disk, wedge, etc., such that Full Closed is 0% and Full Open is 100%.
o Mode 3 - Torque Open and Torque Closed:
Closing / opening bypass and close/open position indicating switches are set at 100%
and 0% accordingly. Bypassing is intended to ensure the disk has unseated, or come off its backseat, before the torque switch setting ir.
enforced. This limits forc a into the seat but allo w m ximun actuator capability to be applied on initiation of the reverse stroke.
I Closing bypass and close position indicating o Mode 5 Non-Fail -
Open switches are set at 100%. Open position indicating switch is set at 0%. The opening bypass switch is set at 95%. This mode is .
selected to ensure that MOVs with an active I safety-reht,ed function requiring the valve !
to stroke open will not be inhibited by the torque switch setting. In these cases, actu4 tor / motor failure potential is subordinated to accomplishing t.he system safety function, o Mode 6 Non-Fall - Opening bypass and open position indicting Close switches are set at 0%. Close position indicating switch is set at 100%. The closing bypass switch is set at 5%. This i mode is selected to ensure conpletion of an '
active isolation function with the torque switch setting inhibited until just prior to disk seating. In these cases, the actuator / motor failure potential is subordinated to accomplishing a reactor or containment isolation function, o Mode 7 Non-Fall -
The close and open position indicating Open/ Closed switches are set at 100% and 0%,
respectively. The closing and opening bypass switches are set at 5% and 95%,
Enclosuro 2 NRC-88-0187 ,
i Page 5 respectively. This mode combines the features of modes 5 and 6. It is to 1 accomplish a safety system function, and to J close to accomplish a reactor or containment :
isolation function.
NOTE: For all safety-related MOVs at Fermi 2, including those in the Bulletin 85-03 cesponse program, a modification has been made to elir.inate energized actuator torquing to CST on the valve backseats. CST on opening is now accomplished by a position limit switch. This effort was performed due to a Fermi 2 specific NRC concern separate from the Bulletin 85-03 issues.
7 2" rri on DD to O O (D e ~
(D O CD(DLn esOV DATA SuasuARY bk
2 6 SAT. I 113%/125% SAT. SR 113%/120% SAT.
3 7 5AT. P 105%/233% SAT. SR 114sf 128% SAT. w/RA 4 7 5AT. SR 107%/253% SAT. SR 107%/110% SAT. W/RA 4A 7 5AT. SR 106%/248% SAT. SR 103%/135% SAT. w/NA 5 6 5AT. NA opened at 0.0dP SAT. P 104%,-118% SAT.
6 6 SAT. NA 121%/>239%* SAT. P 193%/>239%* SAT.
H 7 SAT. P 146%/>298% SAT. NA 138%/13H% SAT.
9 7 $AT. I 397%/>504%* SAT. NA 369%/>504%* 5AT.
I 7 LAT. 54 130%/>168%* sal. I 151%/151% SAT.
II 7 SAT. P 165%/>205%* SAT. SR 136%/152% SAT.
III 7 SAT. SR 208%/>483%* SAT. SR 318%/318% SAT.
V 7 SAT. P 279%/>390%* SAT. SR 192%/>390% SAT.
VI 7 SAT. P 110%/>225%* SAT. SR 100%/158% SAT.
VII 7 SAT P 331%/e439%+ SAT. SR 296%/296% SAT.
VIII 7 SAT. P 200%/>510%* SAT. SR 402%/402% SAT.
Ix 7 SAT. P 443%/>527%* SAT. SR 444%/>527%* SAT.
- = Value equal to actuator rated thrust (or motor stall thrust)
- Satisfactory 54 2 Safety-Related I = Important to component protection / system function NA z Not applicable P = Passive (no attion due to normal 1ineup) w/RA s With r ceree d i a l action
'02 m Os ;XP 3 to o n
@ s ==
%J to e C
+ C) 7 I e 00
} 1 5 SAT. SR 138%/>237%* SAT.. SR 539%/184% SAT.
2 6 SAT. I 145%/>182%* SAT. SR 130%/>182%* SAT.
3 5 SAT. P 277%/>398%* SAT. I 287%/287% SAT.
4 3 SAT. I 187%/229% SAT. NA 568%/>200% SAT. W/RA 4A 3 SAT. I 206%/>240%* SAT. SR 167%./>222% SAT.
5 6 SAT. NA Opened at 0.OdP SAT. P 63% UNSAT, sW/RA g
2 7 7 SAT. P 262%/>724%* SAT. SR 367%/367% SAT.
( 8 5 SAT. P r.o t tested SAT. NA not tested Deenergized MOV 9 5 SAT. I 211%/>247%* SAT. NA 197%/247%* SAT.
l j 1 5 SAT. SR 121%/>128%* SAT. I 143%/>128%* SAT.
] II 7 SAT. P 134%/>242%* SAT. SR 173%/>199% SAT.
I III 7 SAT. P 139%/>245%* SAT. SR 141%/>163% SAT.
. VI 7 SAT. P 114%/>149%* SAT. SR 110%/110% SAT.
VII 6 SAT. P 297%/297% SAT. SR 264%/264% SAT.
1 VIII 6 SAT. P 405%/468% SAT. SR 307%/382% SAT.
j x GE SAT. NA not measurable SAT. NA not measurable SAT.
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- = Value equal to actuator rated tnrust (or motor stall thrust) j SAT. = Satisfactory
,{ SR = Safety-Related l 1 = Important to component protection / system function .
1 NA = Not appl 1 Cable P= Passive (no action due to normal lineup)
W/RA = With remedial action s = unsatisfactor- result documented acceptable by 50.59 evaluation
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Enclosure 2
. NRC-88-0187 Page 8
. SlRMARY OF RESULTS o All MOV position and bypass switch settings were found to be satisfactory. Some opening bypass ewitches were adjusted during MOV testing after the implementation of the backseat rewiring nodifications. This was done to conserve work force during the 88-01 Outage. No position switch nircuits failed to perform their required functions.
o Of thirty-one (31) MOVs receiving thrust confirmation tests, thirty (30) MOVs passed the Bulletin 85-03 criteria. Spring pack degradation identified by the testing resulted in a deficient thrust capacity for only one (1) MOV as identified below. No other identified deviations resulted in conditions such that an affected MOV would have failed its i specified design function (s). Details for all deviations are found in the following section Summary of Deviations.
l o One (1) valve, RCIC MOV5, was found with a degraded spring pack which results in deficient thrust. This is a non-active MOV. Actions are being taken to correct this condition.
o One (1) valve, HPCI MOVS, was as-found identified with a l closing thrust less than the calculated Bulletin 85-03 test '
thrust requirement. This is a non-active MOV. Since only i active MOVs had been adjusted prior to Outage 88-01, the !
torque switch setting for this MOV had not been altered to satisfy the new criterion. This is not considered a 1 deviation; the torque switch was adjusted to obtain l satisfactory results during testing.
I o Four (4) valves, HPCI MOVs 8, I and VI, and RCIC HOV II had l opening as-found thrusts less than the Bulletin 85-03 i calculated minimum requirement. This concern is considered I to be negated by the control modes of these MOVs which have opening torque switch bypass switches with a nominal 95%
setting; this is not a deviation. MOV data sheets provide details for each valve.
o Two (2) valves, HPCI MOVs 4 and 4A, were found to have degraded spring packs. Both MOVs' spring packs were cleaned and gear-case grease was replaced due to a generic hydraulic degradation concern. Repeat as-found thrust verification results were below the Bulletin 65-03 criteria specified for the test. However, it was determined that no operating thrust deficiency had existed prior to the testing.
o Three (3) additional valves, HPCI MOV 3, RCIC MOVs 4 and VI, also showed some spring pack fatigue. HPCI MOV 3 and RCIC
Enclosura 2
. NRC-88-0187 Page 9 MOV 4 had adequate thrusts as-found. RCIC HOV VI had deficient thrusts relative to the IEB 8503 test requirement. No operability concern was identified due to this spring pack fatigue, o One (1) valve, RCIC MOV8, was deleted from test program and the actuator was de-energized. This was previously reported by Reference 4.
Thus, all HOVs required to perform an active function under the generic BWR evaluation NEDC-31322 and the Fermi 2 licensed design bases were found to perform satisfactorily.
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Enclosure 2
. NRC-88-0187 Page 10 i
Bypass / indicating switches improperly set 0 of 32 Incorrect thrust 1 of 31 Spring pack fatigue 6 of 31 Unbalanced torque switch 20 of 31 Valve backseating Not Applicable High motor current 0 of 32 Hotor abnormality 1 of 31 Motor sizing deficient 0 of 31 i
Actuator overthrust 6 of 31 l I
4 Actuator undersized 1 of 31
. Hydraulic damping of the spring pack 7 of 31 l Miscellaneous corrections and tracking items 52 1
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1 Enclosure 2
. NRC-88-0187 Page 11 i
Corrective actions are being taken for RCIC MOV5, E5150F022 Test Mode i Return Line to CST Isolation Valve. The postulated deficiency is a i failure to seat tightly against RCIC pump discharge pressure on system auto-realignment. A 50.59 Safety Evaluatdon was prepared to document justification for continued operation. A replacement spring pack has been requisitioned and is to be installed during the Fermi 2 1st Refueling Outage. ;
, For RCIC HOV V the remedial action was to replace the spring pack due to fatigued Belleville washers. The defective washers were identified during an inspection for spring pack gap. The corrective action is to improve training for maintenance awareness and detection of spring !
pack gap as part of post-maintenance testing and MOV preventive i maintenance. An evaluation of the potential operability concern !
concluded no inoperable condition had existed prior to testing. The i bases for this conclusion are: l l
o 150 psid original design assumes closure against an operating )
RCIC turbine exhaust flow l o Maximum dP is reverse (maximum pressure downstream) and only 25 psid based upon the method of evaluation in NEDC 31322.
o The valve has a 95% open-stroke bypass which negates an opening l thrust concern. !
o The valve is a globe stop/ check with normal flow under the seat which negates an opening thrust concern. l o The valve has a separate stem and floating disk for check mode function. Reverse dP causes the disk to drop (valve stem is oriented vertically upright). The stem is stroked closed against i zero differential to tightly seat the disk; this negates closing ,
thrust concern. I o The valve disk has a balance chamber ported to downstream pressure; this negates opening and closing thrust concerns.
Degraded spring packs on three (3) other actuators, HPCI HOVs 3, and
! 4A, and RCIC MOV 4 do not presently inhibit MOV function and are not considered a near-term operability concern. A replacement spring pack l
- was obtained and installed for a fourth actuator, HPCI MOV 4, during 1 Outage 88-01. Replacement spring packs for the other 3 HOVs are being l
, procured for installation during the 1st Refueling Outage. HPCI MOV 3 and RCIC MOV 4 had adequate as-found thrust to meet the Bulletin 85-03 ;
criteria. .
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Enclorure 2
. NRC-88-0187 Page 12 HPCI HOVs 4 and 4A as-found thrust confirmation results originally showed adequate thrust. Due to a potential hydraulic degradation concern the spring packs were removed for cleaning and the actuator gearbox grease was replaced. Subsequent repeat as-found testing with the cleaned spring packs showed inadequate thrust to meet the Bulletin 85-03 criteria. Although grease migration into the spring pack cavity
- is not generally desirable, it was conci.uded that the hydraulic damp *ng of the spring packs prior to degreasir.g had contributed tc the higher as-found thrust measurements. This precluded the existence of deficient thrust prior to the testing. No potential MOV failure due to deficient thrust had existed prior to Bulletin 85-03 confirmation testing.
HPCI HOVs 4 and 4A use control mode 7, which negates any concern for deficient thrust on opening due to the 95% of stroke bypars switch setting. On closing, these two (2) valves are in series and at least one (1) valve would be able to torque closed since the high dP condition calculated for either valve would actually be mitigated across the first valve to close. Again, mode 7 bypass ensures that both valves would travel to less than 5% open before the torque switch setting is enforced. The nomentun of these large fast-acting (1 inch /sec) valves would assist disk ceating. In addition, the testing conservatively used only the highest calculated differential of 95 psid. This condition occurs on valve opening, whereas on closing the maximum calculated differential is 50 psid. The original 70 psid specification results in a minimum thrust requirement of 6,336LB. On these bases, the as-found thrust of HPCI MOVs 4 and 4A are acceptable, i
Enclosure 2
. NRC-88-0187 Page 13 UWBALANCED TORQUE SWITCHES Twenty (20) of thirty-one (31) MOVs were determined to have imbalanced torque switches by MOVATS comparison of measured spring pack displacement in each stroke direction at the same torque switch setting. All were evaluated by Fermi.2 Engineering and none of the supposed imbalance conditions has been found to adversely affect HOV performance. Torque switch imbalance readings are proportionally greater in Limitorque size 00 and 000 actuators, but occurred almost as often for 00/000 actuators (11 of 20) and 0-4 actuators (9 of 20).
Fermi 2 is taking actions to upgrade its maintenance procedures and maintenance training for HOVs with regard to torque switch imbalance.
In addition, Fermi 2 noted in several cases that the resultant actuator thrust output for open and close strokes with like torque switch settings were very close, although an imbalance was determined from measured spring pack displacement. Fermi 2 attributes this to an insufficient experience base, subjective interpretations and insufficiently defined criteria for determining torque switch imbalance for MOVATS testing of MOVs. Fermi 2 believes the number of actual imbalance conditions has been conservatively determined. Fermi 2 maintains contact with other utilities, industry organizations and vendors which ensures coverage of developments on MOV issues such as torque switch imbalance.
VALVE BACKSEATING Valve backseating is considered not applicable as the original Fermi 2 design base included controlled torque backseating of MOVs. In j response to a NRC concern, however, Fermi 2 rewired the safety-related l MOV control circuits to implement a trip-on-open logic. This effort was completed during Outage 88-01. ,
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l Enclosure 2
- NRC-88-0187 Page 14 SUMARY OF DEVIATIONS MOTOR ABNORMALITY HPCI HOV 5 was found to have a motor with internal shorting during as-found testing. This condition was suspected due to low motor current in-rush peaking and slow rotation speed. Resistance checks confirmed a winding short. This is a normally closed, non-active MOV. The motor was replaced from stock. No thrust deficiency is considered to have existed prior to the testing performed during Outage 88-01. The thrust requirement established ensures no failure will occur due to any abnormal operating event. The actual differential expected is less than that conservatively calculated.
This is because the calculation disregards the sequence of events under which the maxinum dP occurs.
The most probable event is an auto-realignment from high-pressure test mode to reactor injection. Under this assumed event, HPCI HOV 5 would start to close as HPCI HOV 1 begins to open. Actual flow would not vary from the pump discharge and would shift from returning to CST to injection into the reactor feedwater line as these HOVs changed position. This flow shift mitigates the water-hammer effects on HOV 5 as the valve closes. Therefore, actual dP would never exceed the nominal pump discharge pressure.
The as-found thrust was determined to be sufficient to ensure complete MOV closure under the above conditions. The as-left thrust was increased to provide an additional margin of conservatism and is !
sufficient to clcse the valve against HPCI pump shutoff head. The cont-ol mode of this HOV inhibits torque switch function until the valve is less than 5% open. This ensures completion of the closure function and protection of the downstream lower-pressure isolation valve (HPCI HOV 6) function. l l
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i Enclosure 2
. NRC-88-0187 i Page 15 ACTUATOR OVERTHRUST Six (6) of thirty-one (31) tested HOVs had overthrust conditions identified during as-found testing. The conditions were:
ACTUATOR THRUST @ CST TOTAL THRUST VALVE RATING (LB) OPEN/CLOSE (LB) OPEN/CLOSE (LB) 4 HPCI HOV 2 24,000 VALUES NOT 37980 2 DETERMINED 31291 HPCI HOV 6 24,000 14,740 15,963 26,960 28,500 RCIC MOV 2 8,000 4460 8064 5333 8960 RCIC MOV I 14,000 15,294 15719 23,503 24423 4 ,
! 13.993 17580 ,
RCIC HOV III '8000 2342 3 8370 9740 l
i HPCI MOV 6 and RCIC MOVs II and III were identified during Outage 87-06 testing. RCIC MOVs II and III were inspected as a representative sample using Limitorque recommended criteria. No mechanical deformation or damage was found. HPCI HOV 2 and RCIC MOVs 2 and I were identified during Outage 88-01 testing; HPCI HOV 2 and RCIC MOV I were inspected. No mechanical deformation or damage was found.
. l Enclosura 2
- NRC-88-0187 1 Page 16 j
As-left torque-switch settings ensure that overthrust will not occur on any of these MOVs. Based upon investigation of actuator and valve weak points it has been determined that none of the valves were potentially o'cerstressed by the identified overthrust conditions. No i operability concern existed due to these identified conditions.
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Enclosure 2
. NRC-88-0187 Page 17 F
ACTUATOR UNDERSIZED RCIC MOV II and MOV III were compared during Outage 87-06 testing.
These MOVs are in series and have identical maximum dP and thrust requirements. MOV III was originally equipped with an SMB-000 actuator. Although sufficient for the minimum thrust requirement, this actuator was replaced with an SMB-00 to provide an improved margin between operating and rated thrust. As a result, actual operating thrusts are 40% to 70% above the required minimum and remain well within actuator capacity. Based upon inspections performed for overthrusts, no operability concern existed prior to the testing.
RCIC HOV 8 is discussed belcw. Due to the decision to de-energize this MOV it is not counted as one of the deviations. The MOV has not been tested as reported in Reference 4. The discussion is included here as a potential undersized actuator question which remains to be resolved.
RCIC MOV 8 was evaluated against RCIC MOV 1. A concern for actuator size was identified based upon the difference between MOV 1 (SMB-0) and MOV 8 (SMB-00) and the MOVATS estimates of about 20,000LB thrust required for either valve. Investigation determined that MOV 8 had '
been specified for 1000 psid whereas the safety analysis report stated 1280 psid, and MOV 1 had a purchase specification of 1300 psid.
Consultation with Limitorque resulted in a thrust calculation of less than 11,000LB for RCIC MOV 8, a value well within its capability.
Fermi 2 Engineering reviewed all available information and concluded that neither the calculated thrust or MOVATS estimate could be validated from known sources. A dynamic test was considered and rejected since the required maximum dP could pose a threat to RCIC -
pump integrity. Instead, an interim proposal to de-energize the MOV was chosen. HOV position indication is retained in the Control Room.
Re-energization under administrative control for required testing is allowed with RCIC declared inoperable for the test. The pressure ;
isolation function of the valve, as a backup for reactor leagage i containment, is maintained. l A long-tern resolution has not been determined. Validation testing being performed by various research and industry organizations is being followed. Fermi 2 may also elect to keep this MOV de-energized. Final resolution will be made during Fermi 2's 1st Refueling Outage.
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i Enclosura 2 ,
. NRC-88-0187 Page 18 l
All seven (7) HFCI MOVs with SB/SBD style Limitorque actuators were {
subject to a generic concern of potential hydraulic degradation. The l degradation cause was grease migration into the spring pack cavity. l No MOVs with SMB style actuators showed similar hydraulic !
degradation. l Five (5) of the seven (7) MOVs consecutively showed damping of the spring pack function during o n-strcke testing against a load cell.
Three (3) of the MOVs had previously been tested during outage 87-06 and a review showed damping had been present at that time. Some grease separation was identified in four (4) of the seven (7) MOVs but cannot be quantified; these determinations are considered to be subjective and dependent on limited personnel experience with this condition. Fermi 2 is following industry efforts to establish a quantified basis for determining grease separation Aimits.
Fermi 2 Engineering reviewed the MOVATS testing and found that the hydraulic damping was not called out until 3 to 5 repeated stroke cycles on 4 of 5 MOVs tested prior to remedial action. The test
< method was determined te be a significant causative factor influencing this deviation. The fifth MOV showed immediate damping on its first open stroke. Thrust washer dimensions were compared and, in consultation with Limitorque, it was determined that the tight clearances of the fifth MOV's thrust washers to the actuator casing contributed to very rapid choking of the grease relieving pathway. A replacement spring pack resolved this problem. The evaluation by Fermi 2 Engineering also determined that closing strokes on the tested l HOVs showed much less damping; this was determined from review of available thrust and motor current signatures. This is attributed to the affect of the SB/SBD stem compensator which reduces spring pack compression rate on torque out; the test method for open stroke does not include compensator function.
As reredial action, Fermi 2 cleaned the spring packs and replaced gearbox grease in twenty-four (24) fast-acting HOVs with SB/SBD type actuators. As-left testing of the seven (7) MOVs in the Bulletin 85-03 response program showed the damping condition to be resolved.
No spring packs were found with hardened grease or buildup of solids indicating grease separation failure and hydraulic lockup had occurred.
As a long-term corrective action, Fermi 2's preventative maintenance for MOVs will include more extensive grease condition inspection and renoval of the dust cover to inspect the spring pack cavity. Fermi 2 is also following developments regarding hydraulic lockup / grease
.! separation and the proposed fixes.
Enclosuro 2
. NRC-88-0187 Page 19 As part of corrective actions for spring pack wear, Fermi 2 Engineering is also seeking to upgrade the duty rating for three (3) ,
affected HOVs with SB-0 actuators. The intent of the upgrade is to
, reduce the torque switch setting, and so the required spring pack compression. Fermi 2 believes this will make the actuators less susceptible to hydraulic damping affects.
Based upon the evaluations of previous HOV maintenance records and the H0 VATS tests, Fermi 2 concludes that no operability concern existed prior to the Outage 88-01 testing. The most significant affect of hydraulic damping was to cause higher effective torque switch settings. Motor sizing was reviewed and found to be adequate to cover this affect. Maintenance training is being ?rovided input on these ,
events to improve field identification an ' rurrection of hydraulic damping conditions.
A number of miscellaneous concerns were identified by H0 VATS personnel during testing. These include certain recommendations of items ca ,
tracked for potential long-term degradations, and routine repla.e4 m l
items and HOV maintenance. None of these items were identified as determined to be an operability concern.
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Enclosure 2
. NRC-88-0187 Page 20 LONG-TERM RESPONSE PLAN The quality of MOV maintenance is the primary governing factor which determines if MOVt will perform as required and expected. For this reason, Fermi 2 has been working to steadily improve the maintenance procedures, practices, and personnel training for HOVs. Events and issues that have been identified during the Bulletin 85-03 testing program are toing incorporated into the post-maintenance testing and preventi.e maintenance for HOVs.
Fermi 2's MOV maintenance program prior to Bulletin 85-03 already iacluded many items addressed in the Bulletin program. These include selection and monitoring of lubricants for MOV gear cases and geared limit switches, use of motor current traces, option to perform dynamic testing for post-maintenance confirmation, and extensive checkouts of limit switch positioning. Fermi 2 added a M0 VATS diagnostic test capability to augment the existing MOV maintenance program as part of the Bulletin 85-03 response.
Improvements made or being pursued include enhanced grease inspections and maintenance training upgrades on spring pack gap and spring fatigue, torque switch balancing, and hydraulic degradation. Fermi 2 is evaluating INPO recommendations to use more extensive motor current tracing for MOV diagnostic and confirmation testing. Fermi 2 is also following the development of maintenance and technical guidebooks on Limitorque actuators by EPRI.
As demonstrated by Fermi 2's testing of thirty-one (31) actuators, vendor recommended torque switch settings are adequate to generate the required thrust levels. In some cases, torque switches were set down when performance exceeded expectations and is evidence of additional operating margin. Where spring packs have begun to fatigue the i condition is directly attributable to the de6ree and duration of compression.
Serious fatigue has only occurred in some MOVs with virtually several years of continuous compression at high torque switch settings. MOVs at Fermi 2 have been installed for about eight (8) years and the as-found settings of the tested MOVs date back over four (4) years. l Other factors also influenced the rate of spring pack fatigue since the start of plant operation. Spring pack fatigue is not linear, however, some comparisons can be made between those MOVs tested and found to have fatigued and other MOVs with similar histories and condit!ons. On this basis, Fermi 2 Engineering and Maintenance will I be evaluating other MOVs for potential spring pack replacement. This l effort will centribute to maintaining necessary MOV performance and 1 the leak tightness of pressure boundary and containment isolation MOVs.
Fermi 2's MOV engineering and maintenance programs have also introduced graphite packing and live-loading of packing gland fcllowers. The result of this change has been a reduction of packing
Enclosura 2
. NRC-88-0187 Page 21 load and long-term control of the load at a constant value. This augments efforts to maintain adequate actuator thrust over plant life.
Based upon the above factors, only limited need for MOVATS diagnostic testing is presently foreseen. No tests to reconfirm the adequacy of the torque switch settings is required based upon current test results. HOVATS testing of an MOV may be used when other diagnostic procedures do not resolve actuator functional problems. Fermi 2 continues to monitor the development of diagnostic methods and equipment by various vendors. The current emphasis is on the developing experience and database with HOV diagnostic testing.
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Enclosure 2 o NRC-88-0187 Page 22 1 MOV DATA SHEET l HPCI Fluid MOV 1 E4150F006 HPCI System Injection to Reactor Isolation Valve Mark No. V8-2191 Normal Lineup: CLOSED 1
Active Function (s):
OPEN - for HPCI system initiation / safety-related Rx makeup.
CLOSE - for system shutdown and safety isolation; interlock - CLOSE signal on Turbine Stop Valve closure for system auto-isolation.
l Valve - 14 inch Powell flex-wedge gate )
Actuator - Limitorque SB-3 with 150FT-LB start /250 VDC motor Control Mode - (7) NON FAIL OPEN/CLOSE Design Line Pressure - 1330 psig Original dP - 1300 psid Max. Calculated dP - 1300 psid ASME II - Yes, LLRT - Yes Torque Switch Setting (TSS)/ Thrust Requirement:
Vendor Recommended TSS - 2.00 Limiter Plate Value - 2.25 Minimum Thrust Required - 48,105 Lb.
MOVATS Estimated Thrust - 63,144 LB-opening / 63,537 LB-closing Thrust Limit - 140,000 LB actuator l
Confirmation Test Results:
l As-Found TSS/ Thrust (f9 CST) As-Left TSS/ Thrust (#@ CST) j OPEN >2.25 / 102,798 2.00 / 81,563 i CLOSE >2.25 / (Note 1) (Note 2) 2.00 / 79,309 Notes:
- 1. This MOV was retested during Outage 88-01 due to changeout of the motor; retest results are shown. l
- 2. Based on generic hydraulic degradition concern, testing was stopped I and only conplete as-left testing was performed; see Summary of l
Deviations. .
3 Unbalanced torque switch; does not affect MOV function. l l
Enclosure 2 NRC-88-0187 Page 23 HPCI Fluid MOV 2 E4150F012 HPCI Pump Hinimum Flow Bypass Line Isolation Valve Mark No. V8-2196 Normal Lineup: CLOSED Active Function (s):
OPEN - on an increasing pressure signal for component protection.
CLOSE - on a system auto-isolation interlock (Turbine Stop Valve closure);
closes on increasing injection flow signal.
Valve - 4 inch Powell non-return globe with flow under seat Actuator - Limitorque SB-0 with 25 FT-LB start / 250 VDC motor Control Mode - (6) NON FAIL CLOSE Design Line Pressure - 1330 psig Original dP - 1180 psid Max. Calculated dP - 1306 psid ASME II - Yes, LLRT - Yes Torque Switch Setting (TSS) / Thrust Requirement:
Vendor Recommended TSS - 3 50 Limiter Plate Value - 3 75 Minimum Thrust Required - 17,367 LB MOVATS Estimated Thrust - NA LB-opening / 12,835 LB-closing Thrust Limit - 24,000 LB actuator Confirmation Test Results:
As-Found TSS/ Thrust (#6 CST) As-Left TSS / Thrust (#6 CST)
OPEN 3 50 / 21,740 > 3.50 / 19,693 CLOSE 3 50 / 20,770 > 3 50 / 19,693 (Note 1) (Note 2)
- 1. Based on generic hydraulic degradation concern initial operator testing was stopped; see Summary of Deviations . Repeat as-found test results are listed.
- 2. Initial as-found tests showed open and close stroke thrusts in excess of actuator rating; see Summary of Deviations.
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Enclosure 2
. NRC-88-0187 Page 24 HPCI Fluid MOV 3 E4150F004 HPCI Pump Suction from CST Isolation Valve Mark No. V8-2191 Normal Lineup: OPEN Active Function (s):
OPEN - NA; an auto-open signal ensures suction from CST on system initiation CLOSE - by an interlock - CLOSE signal for safety-related suction transfer to the Suppression Pool
Valve - 16 inch Powell flex-wedge gate Actuator - Limitorque SB-0 with 25 FT-LB start /250 VDC motor Control Mode - (7) NON FAIL OPEN/CLOSE Design Line Pressure - 125 psig Original dP - 75 psid Max. Calculated dP - 104 psid ASME XI - Yes, LLRT - No Torque Switch Setting (TSS)/ Thrust Requirement:
Vendor Reconmended TSS - 3 75 Limiter Plate Value - 3 75 Minimum Thrust Required - 8,525 LB MOVATS Estimated Thrust - 12,489 LB-opening / 9,387 LB-closing Thrust Limit - 24,000 LB actuator / 19,850 LB @ CST (motor)
Confirmation Test Results:
As-Found TSS/ Thrust (#@ CST) As-Left TSS/ Thrust (f@ CST)
OPEN 3 75 / 13,800 2.75 / 8,980 CLOSE 3 75 / 11.264 2.75 / 9,495 (Note 2)
(Note 1)
- 1. Generic concern for hydraulic degradation; see Summary of Deviations.
- 2. TSS reduced due to potential for full spring pack compression; the thrust available was evaluated as adequate. See Summary of Deviations.
Enclosure 2
. NRC-88-0187 Page 25 HPCI Fluid MOV 4 E4150F042 HPCI Punp Suction from Suppression Pool 1st Isolation Valve Mark No. V8-2202 Normal Lineup: CLOSED Active Function (s):
OPEN - on an auto-open signal for safety-related suction transfer to Suppression Pool 1 CLOSE - for line break safety isolation
l Valve - 16 inch Powell flex-wedge gate Actuator - Linitorque SB-0 with 25 FT-LB start /250 VDC motor Control Mode - (7) NON FAIL OPEN/CLOSE l Design Line Pressure - 125 psig Original dP - 70 psid Max. Calculated dP - 95 paid ASME II - Yes, LLRT - Yes Torque Switch Setting (TSS/ Thrust Requirement:
Vendor Recommended TSS - 3 00 Limiter Plate Value - 3 75 !
Minimum Thrust Required - 8,004 LB l MOVATS Estimated Thrust - 11,705 LB-opening / 5,803 LB-closing l Thrust Limit - 24,000 LB actuator / 20,289 LB @ CST (motor) l I
Confirmation Test Results: I As-Found TSS/ Thrust (#@ CST) As-Left TSS/ Thrust (#@ CST) i 1
OPEN 3 00 / 6,866 < 3.75 / 8,594 CLOSE 3 00 / 6,549 3 50 / 8,551 i (Note 1) (Note 2) (Note 3)
- 1. Based on generic hydraulic degradation concern the initial operator testing was stopped; sea Summary of Deviations. Repeat as-found test results are listed.
- 2. Spring pack deterioration was identified during testing; see Summary of Deviations.
3 Unbalanced torque switch; does not affect MOV function.
Enclosure 2
- NRC-88-0187 Page 26 HPCI Fluid MOV 4A E4150F041 HPCI Pump Suction from Suppression Pool 2nd Isolation Valve Mark No. V8-2204 Normal Lineup: CLOSED Active Function (s):
OPEN - on an auto-open signal for safety-related suction transfer to Suppression Pool CLOSE - for line break safety isolation
Valve - 16 inch Powell flex-wedge gate Actuator - Limitorque SB-0 with 25 FT-LB start /250 VDC motor Control Mode - (7) NON FAIL OPEN/CLOSE Design Line Pressure - 125 psig Original dP - 75 psid Max. Calculated dP - 95 psid ASME XI - Yes, LLRT - No Torque Switch Setting (TSS)/ Thrust Requirement:
Vendor Recommended TSS - 3.00 Limiter Plate Value - 3 75 Minimum Thrust Required - 8,004 LB MOVATS Estimated Thrust - 11,705 LB-opening /5,803 LB-closing Thrust Limit - 24,000 LB actuator /19,850 LB @ CST (motor)
Confirmation Test Results:
As-Found TSS/ Thrust (#@ CST) As-Left TSS/ Thrust (#@ CST)
OPEN 3 00 / 7,044 3 75 / 8,514 ,
CLOSE 3 00 / 7,561 3 50 / 8,223 I (Note 1) (Note 2)
Notes: l
- 1. On basis of potential hydraulic degradation the initial operator testing was stopped; see Summary of Deviations. Repeat as-found test ,
results are listed. )
- 2. Spring pack deterioration was identified during testing; see Sumnary of l Deviations.
l l
l Enclosure 2
. NRC-88-0187 Page 27 HPCI Fluid MOV 5 E4150F008 HPCI Test Mode Return to CST Isolation Valve Mark No. V8-2198 Normal Lineup: CLOSED Active Function (s):
OPEN - NA CLOSE - Passive; has an interlock - CLOSC signal for system auto-realignment from Test Mode.
Valve - 10 inch Powell non-return globe with flow under seat Actuator - Limitorque SMB-3 with 60 FT-LB start /250 VDC motor Control Mode - (6) NON FAIL CLOSE Design Line Pressure - 1330 psig Original dP - 1100 psid Max. Calculated dP - 1387 psid ASME II - Yes; LLRT - Bypass Leakage only Torque Switch Setting (TSS)/ Thrust Reauirement:
Vendor Reconnended TSS - 2.75 Limiter Plate Value - 3 00 Minimun Thrust Required - 111,726 LB MOVATS Estinated Thrust - NA LB-opening /76,089 LB-closing Thrust Limit - 140,000 LB actuator Confirmation Test Results:
As-Found TSS/ Thrust (#@ CST) As-Left TSS/ Thrust (#@ CST)
OPEN 1.50 / 66,923 > 2.50 / 118,820 CLOSE <2.25 / 92,735 (Note 1 & 2) 2.50 / 115,982 Notes:
- 1. Based upon IEB 85-03 criteria the as-found thrust was deficient; the previous minimum thrust was 83,000 LB. Adjustments made complete Fermi 2's conmitment to develop and implement dP/ thrust requirements for non-active MOVs.
- 2. A defective notor was identified and replaced during testing; see Summary of Deviations.
Enclosurc 2
. NRC-88-0187 Page 28 HPCI Fluid MOV 6 E4150F011 HPCI/RCIC Test Return Line to CST Isolation Valve Mark No. V8-2200 Normal Lineup: CLOSED (Note 1)
Active Function (s):
OPEN - NA CLOSE - Passive; has an interlock - CLOSE signal for system auto-realignment from Test Mode
Valve - 10 inch Powell flex-wedge gate Actuator - Limitorque SMB-0 Control Mode - (6) NON FAIL CLOSE Design Line Pressure - 770 psig Original dP - 165 psid Max. Calculated dP - (Note 2)
ASME II - Yes, LLRT - Bypass Leakage Torque Switch Setting (TSS)/ Thrust Requirement:
Vendor Recommended TSS - 2.25 Limiter Plate Valus - 3 50 Mininum Thrust Required - 9,830 LB @ 165 psid MOVATS Estimated Thrust - 10,648 LB-opening /6,943 LB-closing Thrust Linit - 24,000 LB actuator /23,525 LB @ CST (Motor)
Confirmation Test Results:
As-Found TSS/ Thrust (#9 CST) As-Left TSS/'Ihrust (#9 CST) l OPEN 2.75 / 14,740 2.25 / 11, 900 CLOSE >2.75 / 26,960 (Note 3 & 4) 2.00 / 19,020 Notes:
- 1. Normally deenergized for Appendix R commitment.
- 2. dP calculation result using NEDC-31322 assumptions was 1414 psig. The Fermi 2 specific design for this valve requires closure of the upstream high pressure isolation valves, HPCI MOV 5 or RCIC MOV 5, prior to closure of HPCI MOV 6. The valve was tested based upon the original design line pressure and dP. the valve is intended only as an isolation of the CST and not for HPCI or RCIC pump isolation.
Enclosur@ 2
- NRC-88-0187 Page 29 l
3 As-found close thrust exceeded actuator rating; see Summary of Deviations.
- 4. Variance in thrust results at similar open/close TSS is due to valve orientation and non uniform running loads. Condition does not~ affect MOV function.
Enclosure 2 ,
. NRC-88-0187 l Page 30 l HPCI Fluid HOV 8 E4150F007 HPCI System Injection Valve Test Valve J Mark No. V8-2193 Normal Lineup: OPEN Active Function (s):
OPEN - NA; has an interlock-OPEN signal for system auto-realignment from test mode.
Valve - lie inch Powell flex-wedge gate Actuator - Limitorque SMB-3 with 150 FT-LB start /250 VDC moto.a Control Mode - (7) NON FAIL OPEN/CLOSE Design Line Pressure - 1330 psig Original dP - 1100 psid Har. Calculated dP - 1316 psid ASME II - Yes, LLRT - No Torque Switch Setting (TSS)/ Thrust Requirement:
Vendor Recommended TSS - 2.50 Limiter Plate Value - 2.50 Minimum Thrust Required - 46,976 LB MOVATS Estimated Thrust - 61,239 LB-Opening /60,280 LB-closing Thrust Limit - 140,000 LB actuator Confirmation Test Results:
As-Found TSS/ Thrust (#9 CST) As-Left TSS/ Thrust (#9 CST)
OPEN >1.00 / 13,204 (Note 1) 2.50 / 68,257 CLOSE 2.00 / 58,620 2.50 / 64,950 Notes:
- 1. Control Mode 7 negates concern for inadequate thrusts; see Abbreviations and Definitions.
- 2. Unbalanced torque switch; does not affect MOV function.
Enclosura 2 ,
NRC-88-0187 I i .
Page 31 j l
l l
l Mark No. V8-2218 i l
Normal Lineup: CLOSED Active Function (s)
OPEN - fcr component protection and system auxiliaries functioning CLOSE - NA; may be manually closed by control room pushbutton (Note 1)
Valve - 2 inch Rockwell univalve globe with flow under seat Actuator - Limitorque SMB-000 with 2 FT-LB start /250 VDC motor Control Mode - (7) NON FAIL OPEU/CLOSE Design Line Pressure - 460 psig Original dP - 460 psid Max. Calculated dP - 58.2 psid ASME II - No, LLRT - No Torque Switch Setting (TSS)/ Thrust Requirement:
Vendor Recommended TSS - 1.00 Limiter Plate Value - 3 00 Minimum Thrust Required - 1587 LB @ 460 psid MOVATS Estimated Thrust - NA LB-opening /5,748 LB-closing Thrust Limit - 8,000 LB actuator Confirmation Test Results:
As-Found TSS/ Thrust (#@ CST) As-Left TSS/ Thrust (#@ CST)
OPEN 1.75 / 8,948 (Note 2) 2.00 / 6,308 CLOSE 1.75 / 7,421 1.75 / 5,860 (Note 3)
- 1. NEDC-31322, Table 3, identifies close stroke as an active MOV safety function. Basis of NEDC-31322 assumes no second isolation valves. )
Fermi 2 specific design includea additional ASME Class 2 *alves isolating the system from clean radwaste. A manual action is sufficient to close this valve.
- 2. As-found opening thrust exceeded actuator rating; see Summary of l Deviations. l 3 Unbalanced torque switch; does not affect MOV function.
l l
Enclosure 2 NRC-88-0187 Page 32 HPCI Steam HOV I E4150F001 HPCI Turbine Steam Admission Valve Mark No. V17-2022 Normal Lineup: CLOSED Active Function (s):
OPEN - for HPCI system initiation / safety-related Rx makeup CLO3E - for system shutdown
Valve - 10 inch Powell flex-wedge gate Actuator - Limitorque SMB-1 with 60 FT-LB start /250 VDC notor Control Mode - (7) NON FAIL OPEN/CLOSE Design Line Pressure - 1250 psig Original dP - 1100 psid Mar. Calculated dP - 1110 psid ASME II - Yes; LLRT - No
, Torque Switch Setting (TSS?/ Thrust Requirement:
Vender Reconnended TSS - 2.75 Limiter Plate Value - 2.75 Minimum Thrust Required - 24,257 LB M1 VATS Estimated Thrust - 31,791 LB-opening /30,405 LB-closing Thrust Limit - 45,000 lb actuator /40,872 LB at CST (motor)
Confirmat.fon Test Results:
As,Found TSS/ Thrust (f@ CST) As-Left TSS/ Thrust (f@ CST) .
OPEN 1.00 / 10,617 (Note 1) 2.75 / 32,949 l CLOSE 2.73 / 36,345 2.75 / 36,606 '
(Note 2)
- 1. Control Mode 7 negates concern for inadequate thrust; see Abbreviations i and Definitions-
- 2. Unbalanced torque switch; does not affect MOV function.
Enclosure 2 NRC-88-0187 Page 33 HPCI Steam MOV II E4150F002 HPCI Steam Line Inboard Isolation Valve MARK No. V17-2020 Normal Lineup: OPEN Active Function (s):
OPEN - Passive; nay be manually opened by control room pushbutton CLOSE - for steam line break safety isolation
Valve - 10 inch Powell flex-wedge gate Actuator - Limitorque SB-2 with 60 FT-LB start /2l60 VAC motor Control Mode - (7) NON FAIL OPEN/CLOSE Design Line Pressure - 1250 Psig Original dP - 1100 psid Mar. Calculated dP - 1110 psid ASME II - Yes, LLRT - Yes Torque Switch Setting (TSS)/ Thrust Requirement:
Vendor Recommended TSS - 2.75 Limiter Plate Value - 3 75 Minimum Thrust Required - 24,237 La MOVATS Estimated Thrust - 33,774 LB-opening /31,629 LB-closing l Thrust Limit - 70,000 LB Actuator /49,711 LB @ CST (Motor) 1 Confirmation Test Results:
As-Found TSS/ Thrust (#@ CST) As-Left TSS/ Thrust (#@ CST)
OPEN 3 50 / 35,593 3 50 / 39,981 (Note 2) l CLOSE 3 75 / 36,747 (Note 1) 3 50 / 32,872 ,
- 1. On basis of poteatial hydraulic degradation the operator testing was stopped; see Summary of Deviations. Results shown are repeat as-found thrusts.
- 2. Unbalanced torque switch; does not affect MOV functioning.
Enclosure 2
. NRC-88-0187 Page 34 HPCI Steam MOV III E4150F003 HPCI Steam Line Outboard Isolation Valve Mark No. V17-2021 Normal Lineup: CLOSED Active Function (s):
OPEN - for MPCI system initiation / safety-related Rx makeup CLOSE - for steam line break safety isolation i
Valve - 10 inch Powell flex-wedge gate i l
Actuator - Limitorque SBD-3 with 100 FT-LB start /250 VDC motor Control Mode - (7) NON FAIL OPEN/CLOSE Design Line Pressure - 1250 psig l 1
Original dP - 1100 psid Max. Calculated dP - 1110 psid ASME II - Yes, LLRT - Yes Torque Switch Setting (TSS)/ Thrust Requirement:
Vendor Recom.nended TSS - 1.625 Limiter Plate Value - 2.00 Minimum Thrust Required - 25,207 LB MOVATS Estimated Thrust - 33,774 LB-opening /31,629 LB-closing Thrust Limit - 140,000 LB actuator / 121,781 @ CST (motor)
Confirmation Test Results:
As-Found TSS/ Thrust (#9 CST) As-Left TSS/ Thrust (#@ CST)
OPEN 2.00 / 58,918 2.00 / 52,518 CLOSE 2.00 / 82,802 2.00 / 80,186 (Note 1) (Note 2)
- 1. Unbalanced torque switch; does not affect MOV functioning.
- 2. Generic concern for hydraulic degradation; see Summary of Deviations.
l Enclosure 2 j
+ NRC-88-0187 Page 35 i
HPCI Steam NOV V E4150F600 HPCI Steam Line Outboard Isolation Bypass Valve Mark No. V17-2088 Normal Lineup: OPEN Active Function (s):
OPEN - Passive; manually opened for steam line warming CLOSE - for steam line break safety isolation I
Valve - 1 inch Rockwell univalve globe with flow under seat Actuator - Limitorque SMB-000 with 5FT-LB start /250 VDC motor Control Mode - (7) NON FAIL OPEN/CLOSE 1 Design Line Pressure - 1250 psig l Original dP - 1250 psid Max. calculated dP - 1110 psid I ASME XI - Yes, LLRT - Yes ,
Torque Switch Setting (TSS)/ Thrust Requirement:
Vendor Recommended TSS - 1.25 Limiter Plate Value - 3 50 Minimum Thrust Required - 2,050 LB @ 1250 psid MOVATS Estimated Thrust - NA LB-opening /6,119 LB-closing Thrust Limit - 8,000 LB actuator Confirmation Test Results: I As-Found TSS/ Thrust (#9 CST) As-Left TSS/Dirust (#@ CST)
OPEN 1.50 / 5168 2.50 / 5710 CLOSE 1.50 / 6151 1.50 / 3929 Notes: None
_ . _ .-. m
Enclosure 2 e NRC-88-0187 Page 36 HPCI Steam MOV VI E4150F021 HPCI Turbine Exhaust Line Isolation Valve Mark No. V11-2006 l Normal Lineup: OPEN l
Active Function (s)
OPEN - Passive; may be manually opened by control room pushbutton CLOSE - Valve checks closed for steam line break safety isoL_ tion and nay be manually closed by control room pushbutton (Note 1) ;
J Valve - 16 inch Powell non-return stop/ check globe with flow under seat Actuator - Limitorque SMB-2 with 25 FT-LB start /250 VDC motor !
Control Mode - (7) NON FAIL OPEN/CLOSE )
Design Line Pressure - 125 psig i Original dP - 125 psid Max. Calculated dP - 25 psid ASME II - Yes, LLRT - Yes l
Torque Switch Setting (TSS)/ Thrust Requirements:
l Vendor Recommended TSS - 1.50 Limiter Plate Value - 4.00 Minimum Thrust Required - 29,946 LB @ 125 psid MOVATS Estimated Thrust - NA LB-opening /8210 LB-closing .
Thrust Limit - 70,000 LB actuator /67,547 LB @ CST (motor) l Confirmation Test Results:
As-Found TSS/'lhrust (#@ CST) As-Lef t TSS/ Thrust (#@ CST) )
OPEN 2.00 / 12,881 (Note 2) >3 50 / 33,108 CLOSE 4.00 / 47,451 <3 50 / 31,628 Notes:
- 1. NEDC - 31322, Table 3, identifies close stroke as an active MOV safety function. However, Fermi 2 specific design uses a non-return globe stop/ check valve. Check mode of this valve negates the need for closure by auto-action; manual actuation of the stem to the closed position is at zero dP
- 2. Control Mode 7 negates concern for inadequate thrust; see Abbreviations end Definitions.
Enclosure 2
. NRC-88-0187 Page 37 HPCI Steam MOV VII E4150F075 HPCI Turbine Steam Exhaust Line Vacuum Breaker Mark No. V11-2013 Normal Lineup: OPEN Active Function (s):
OPEN - Passive; may be manually opened by control room pushbutton CLOSE - for line break safety isolation
Valve - 4 inch Powell flex-wedge gate Actuator - Limitorque SHB-000 with 2 FT-LB start / 250 VDC motor Control Mode - (7) NON FAIL OPEN/CLOSE Design Line Pressure - 150 psig Original dP - 150 psid Max. Calculated dP - 39 7 psid ASME II - Yes, LLRT - Yes Torque Switch Setting (TSS)/hrust Requirement:
Vendor Recommended TSS - 1.25 Limiter Plate Value - 1.50 Minimum Thrust Required - 1,567 LB @ 150 psid MOVATS Estimated Thrust - 3,675 LB-opening /2,570 LB-closing Thrust Limit - 8,000 LB actuator /6,875 @ CST (motor)
Confirmation Test Results:
Au-Found TSS/ Thrust (#9 CST) As-Left TSS/mrust (#9 CST)
OPEN 1.50 / 5,160 1.50 / 5,183 CLOSE 1.50 / 5,020 1.50 / 4,663 (Note 1)
- 1. Unbalanced torque switch; does not affect MOV function.
Enclosuro 2 4 NRC-88-0187 Page 38 HPCI Steam MOV VIII E4150F079 HPCI Turbine Steam Exhaust Line Vacuum Breaker Mark No. V11-2019 Normal Lineup: OP8N Active Function (s)
OPEN - Passive; nay be manually opened by control roon pushbutton CLOSE - for line break safety isolation
Valve - 4 inch Powell flex-wedge gate Actuator - Limitorque SMB-000 with 5 FT-LB start / 250 VDC motor Control Mode - (7) NON FAIL OPEN/CLOSE Design Line Pressure - 150 psig ;
Original dP - 150 psid Max. Calculated dP - 39.7 psid i ASME XI - Yes, LLRT - Yes i
l Torque Switch Setting (TSS)/ Thrust Requirement: )
Vendor Recommended TSS - 1.25 Limiter Plate Value - 1.50 Minimum Thrust Required - 1,567 LB @ 150 psid MOVATS Estimated Thrust - 3,675 LB-opening /2,570 LB-closing Thrust Limit - 8,000 LB actuator Confirmation Test Results:
As-Found TSS/ Thrust (#@ CST) As-Left TSS/ Thrust (#9 CST) l OPEN >1.50 / 3,880 1.50 / 3,134 l CLOSE >2.75 / 6,295 >2.75 / 6,295 (Note 1)
(Note 2)
- 1. Thrust at setting above vendor's limiter plate value does not result in a deviation; long-term action established to reduce setting and restore limiter plate.
- 2. Unbalanced torque switch; does not affect MOV function.
Enclosura 2
. NRC-88-0107 Page 39 HPCI Steam MOV II E4150F022 HPCI Turbine Exhaust Condensate Drain Isolation Valve Mark No. V11-2008 Normal Lineup: OPEN Active Function (s)
OPEN - Passive; may be manually opened by control room pushbutton CLOSE - Valve checks closed for line break safety isolation and may be manually closed by control room pushbutton (Note 1)
Description Valve - 2 inch Rockwell univalve stop/ check globe Actuator - Limitorque SMB-000 with 2 Ft-LB start /250 VDC motor Control Mode - (7) NON FAIL OPEN/CLOSE Design Line Pressure - 150 psig Original dP - 150 psid Max. Calculated dP - 25 psid ASME XI - Yes, LLRT - Yes Torque Switch Setting (TSS)/ Thrust Requirement:
Vendor Racommended TSS - 2.75 Limiter Plate Value - 4.00 Minimum Thrust Required - 1,518 LB @ 150 psid MOVATS Estimated Thrust - NA LB-opening /5,603 LB Closing Thrust Limit - 8,000 LB Actuator Confirmation Test Results:
As-Found TSS/1hrust (#9 CST) As-Left TSS/ Thrust (#9 CST)
OPEN 3 00 / 6,280 3.25 / 6,720 CLOSE 3 00 / 6,200 3 00 / 6,740 (Note 2)
- 1. NEDC-31322, Table 3, identifies close stroke as an active MOV safety function. However, Fermi 2 specific deaign uses a globe stop/ check valve. Check mode of this valve negates the need for closure by auto-action; manual actuation of the stem to the closed position is at zero dP.
- 2. Unbalanced torque switch; does not affect MOV function.
Enclosure 2
. NRC-88-0187 l Page 40 RCIC Fluid HOV 1 E5150F013 RCIC System Injection to Reactor Isolation Valve Mark No. V8-2228 Normal Lineup: CLOSED Active Function (s)
OPEN - for RCIC system initiation / Rx makeup injection CLOSE - for system shutdown and safety isolation; has an interlock - CLOSE signal on Turbine Stop Valve closure for system auto-isolation l
l Valve - 6 inch Powell flex-wedge gate Actuator - Limitorque SMB-0 with 25 FT-LB start /250 VDC motor Control Mode - (5) NON FAIL OPEN '
l Design Line Pressure - 1280 psig Original dP - 1300 psid Max. Calculated dP - 1263 psid ASME XI - Yes, LLRT - Yes i Torque Switch Setting (TSS)/ Thrust Requirement:
Vendor Recommended TSS - 2.50 Limiter Plate Value - 2.50 Minimum Thrust Required - 10,120 LB @ 1300 psid MOVATS Estimated Thrust - 16,211 LB-opening /15,670 LB-closing Thrust Limit - 24,000 LB actuator Confirmation Test Results:
As-Found TSS/ Thrust (#@ CST) As-Left TSS/ Thrust (f@ CST)
OPEN <2.50 / 14,665 2.25 / 13,275 CLOSE <2.50 / 17,022 2.25 / 14,125 (Note 1)
- 1. Unbalanced torque switch; does not affect MOV function.
l l
Enclosura 2
- NRC-88-0187 Page 41 I
RCIC Fluid MOV 2 i E5150F019 RCIC Minimum Flow Bypass Line Isolation Valve l Mark No. V8-2230 l 1
Normal Lineup: CLOSED l Active Function (s)
OPEN - on an increasing pressure signal for component protection !
CLOSE - on system auto-isolation interlock (Turbine Stop Valve I closure) or auto-reset (Steam Admission Valve closure); !
closes on increasing RCIC injection flow signal.
l Valve - 2 inch Rockwell univalve globe with flow under seat Actuator - Limitorque SMB-000 with 5 FT-LB start /250 VDC motor Control Mode - (6) NON FAIL CLOSE Design Line Pressure - 1280 psig Original dP - 1280 psid Max. Calculated dP - 1258 psid ASME II - Yes, LLRT - Yes Torque Switch Setting (TSS)/ Thrust Requirement:
Vendor Recommended TSS - 2.00 Limiter Plate Value - 4.00 Minimum Thrust Required - 4,416 MOVATS Estimated Thrust - NA LB-opening /6,643 LB-closing Thrust Limit - 8,000 LB actuator Confirmation Test Results:
As-Found TSS/1hrust (#9 CST) As-Left TSS/ Thrust (#9 CST)
OPEN 1.00 / 4,460 <1.50 / 6,390 CLOSE 2.00 / 7,800 (Note 1) 1.50 / 5,650 (Note 2)
- 1. As-found closed thrust exceeded actuator rating; see Summary of Deviations. !
- 2. Unbalanced torque switch, does not affect MOV function.
i 1
Enclosure 2
= NRC-88-0187 Page 42 RCIC Fluid MOV 3 E5150F010 RCIC Pump Suction Fron CST Isolation Valve Mark No. V8-2221 Normal Lineup: OPEN Active Function (s)
OPEN - Passive; an auto-open signal ensures suction from CST on system initiation.
CLOSE - by an interlock - CLOSE signal for system pump suction transfer to the Suppression Pool.
Valve - 6 inch Powell flex-wedge gate Actuator - Limitorque SMB,000 with 5 FT-LB start /250 VDC motor Control Mode - (5) NON FAIL OPEN Design Line Pressure - 125 psig Original dP - 60 psid Max. Calculated dP - 42.6 psid ASME XI - No, LLRT - No Torque Switch Setting (TSS)/ Thrust Requirement:
Vendor Recommented TSS - 4.0 Limiter Plate Value - 4.0 Minimum Thrust Required - 2,009 LB @ 60 psid MOVATS Estimated Thrust - 4,245 LB-opening /2,844 LB-closing ,
Thrust Limit - 8,000 LB actuator Confirmation Test Results:
As-Found TSS/B rust (#9 CST) As-Left TSS/Erust (#9 CST)
OPEN 4.00 / 5,480 4.00 / 5,560 i CLOSE 4.00 / 5,490 4.00 / 5,716 l Notes:
Enclosure 2
= NRC-88-0187 Page 43 RCIC Fluid MOV 4 E5150F029 RCIC Pump Suction From Suppression Pool 2nd Isolation Valve Mark No. V8-2223 Normal Lineup
- CLOSED detive Funct, ion (s):
OPEN - by an auto-open signal for system suction transfer to Suppression Pool CLOSE - NA; may be manually closed by control room pushbutton
Valve - 6 inch Powell flex-wedge gate Actuator - Limitorque SMB-000 with 5 FT-LB start /250 VDC motor Control Mode - (3) TORQUE OPEN/CLOSE Design Line Pressure - 125 psig Original dP - 60 psid, Max. Calculated dP - 94 psid ASME II - No, LLRT - No Torque Switch Sctting (TSS)/ Thrust Requirement:
Vendor Recommeded TSS - 1.75 Limiter Plate Value - 4.00 Minimum Thrust Required - 2,412 LB j HOVATS Estimated Thrust - 4,700 LB-opening /2,914 LB-closing l Thrust Limit - 8,000 LB actuator j l
Confirmation Test Results:
As-Found TSS/ Thrust (#9 CST) As-Left TSS/ Thrust (#9 CST)
OPEN 2.00 / 4,372 2.00 / 4,509 CLOSE 1.50 / 3,326 2.00 / 4,053 l (Note 1) (Note 2)
I Notes:
- 1. Unbalanced torque switch; does not affect HOV function.
- 2. Full spring pack compression at a TSS > 2 5; spring pack to be replaced; see Summary of Deviations.
Enclosure 2 s NRC-88-0187 Page 44 RCIC Fluid H0V 4A E5150F031 RCIC Pump Suction from Suppression Pool 1st Isolation Valve Mark No. V8-2225 Normal Lineup : CLOSED Active Function (s):
OPEN - by an auto-open signal for system suction transfer to Suppression Pool CLOSE - by control room pushbutton for containment isolation
Valve - 6 inch Powell flex-wedge gate Actuator - Limitorque SMB-000 with 5 FT-LB start /250VDC motor Control Mode - (3) TORQUE OPEN/CLOSE Design Line Pressure - 125 psig Original dP - 60 psid Max. Calculated dP - 94 psid ASME II - Yes, LLRT - Yes Torque Switch Setting (TSS)/ Thrust Requirement:
Vendor Recommended TSS - 1.75 Limiter Plate Value - 4.00 Minimum Thrust Required - 2,412 LB H0 VATS Estimated Thrust - 4,700 LB-opening /2,914 LB-closing Thrust Limit - 8,000 LB actuator Confirmation Test Results:
As-Found TSS/1hrust (f@ CST) As-Left TSS/ Thrust (#@ CST)
OPEN 1.75 / 4,520 2.00 / 4,968 CLOSE 3 00 / 5,281 2.00 / 4,0D0 (Note 1)
- 1. Unbalanced torque switch; does not affect HOV function.
Enclost o 2
.' NRC-88-0187 Page 45 RCIC Fluid MOV 5 E5150F022 RCIC Test Mode Return to CST Isolation Valve Mark No. V8-2232 Normal Lineup: CLOSE Active Function (s):
OPEN - NA CLOSE - NA; has an interlock - CLOSE signal for system auto-realignment from Test Mode
Valve - 4 inch Powell "Y" globe with flow under seat Actuator - Limitorque SMB-00 with 10 FT-LB start /250VDC motor Control Mode - (6) NON FAIL CLOSE Design Line Pressure - 1280 psig Original dP - 1000 psid (Note 1)
ASME II - Yes, LLRT - Bypass leakage only Torque Switch Setting (TSS)/ Thrust Requirement:
Vendor Recommended TSS - 1.75 Limiter Plate Value - 2.75 Minimum Thrust Required - 15,127 (Note 2)
MOVATS Estimated Thrust - NA LB-opening /12,834 LB-closing Thrust Limit - 14,000 LB actuator Confirmation Test Results:
As-Found TSS/ Thrust (#9 CST) As-Left TSS/ Thrust (#9 CST)
OPEN 2.50 / 10,081 2.50 / 9,394 l CLOSE 2.50 / 9,804 2.50 / 9,468 i l
Notes: ;
- 1. 1000 psid is maximum dP required for throttling in test mode but is less than dP at full closure; see Summary of Deviations.
- 2. Value exceeds actuator rating, but motor stall at reduced voltage is 30,780 LB; see Sunmary of Deviations.
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RCIC Fluid MOV 7 E5150F002 RCIC Barometric Condenser Discharge Isolation Valve Mark No. V8-2235 l
Normal Lineup: OPEN 1 i
Active Function (s): l 1
OPEN - Passive; may be ma.qually opened by control room pushbutton l CLOSE - Valve checks closed for line break safety isolation and may be manually closed by control room pushbutton (Note 1).
Valve - 2 inch Rockwell univalve stop/ check globe with flow under seat Actuator - Limitorque SMB-000 with 2 FT-LB start /250VDC motor Control Mode - (7) NON FAIL OPEN/CLOSE Design Line Pressure - 150 psig Original dP - 50 psid Max. Calculated dP - 30.9 psid i ASME II - Yes, LLRT - Yes Torque Switch Setting (TSS)/ Thrust Requirement:
Vendor Recommended TSS - 1.00 Limiter Plate Value - 1.00 Minimum Thrust Required - 1,105LB @ 50 psid MOVATS Estimated Thrust - NA LB-opening /5,608 LB-closing Thrust Limit - 8,000 LB actuator l
Confirmation Test Results:
As-Found TSS/ Thrust (#6 CST) As-Left TSS/ Thrust (#9 CST) l l
OPEN 1.00 / 2,266 1.00 / 2,892 CLOSE 1.00 / 3,488 1.00 / 4,051 (Note 2) l Notes:
- 1. NEDC-31322, Table 4, identifies close stroke as an active h0V cafety !
function. However, Fermi 2 specific design uses a globe stop/ check valve. Check mode of this valve negates the need for closure by auto-action; manual actuation of the stem to the closed position is at zero dP.
- 2. Unbalanced torque switch; does not affect HOV function.
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Enclosura 2 I
- NRC-88-0187 Page 47 RCIC Fluid MOV 8 E5150F012 RCIC Systen Injection Valve Test Valve Mark No. V8-2227 Normal Lineup: OPEN - deenergized (Note 1)
Active Function (s):
OPEN - Passive; has an interlock - OPEN signal for system auto-realignment from test node.
Valve - 6 inch Powell flex-wedge gate Actuator - Limitorque SMB-00 with 25 FT-LB start /250 VDC motor Control Mode - (5) NON FAIL OPEN Design Line Pressure - 1280 psig Original dP - 1000 psid (Note 1) Haz. Calculated dP - 1240.6 psid I ASME II - Yes LLRT - NO Torque Switch Setting (TSS)/Brust Requirener.t:
Vendor Reconmended TSS - 2.25 Linitcr Plate Value - 3 0 Minimum Thrust Required - 10,995 LB MOVATS Estimated Thrust - 19,306 LB-opening /17,918 LB-closing Thrust Limit - 14,000 LB actuattr (Motor stall at reduced voltage is l 32,736 LB l Confirmation Test Results: (Note 2)
As-Found TSS/Brust (#9 CST) As-Left TSS/ Thrust (#9 CST)
- 1. Originally specified dP deviates from Fermi 2 FSAR; see Summary of Deviations. l l
- 2. This MOV deenergized and not tested as reported in letter NRC-88-0084, l dated April 8, 1988. May be temporarily reenergized and actuated under j RCIC systen administratively inoperable status only. See Summary of i Deviations.
Enclosura 2
< NRC-88-0187 Page 48 RCIC Fluid MOV 9 E5150F046 RCIC Turbine Accessories Cooling Water Valve l Mark No. V8-2239 Normal Lineup: CLOSED Active Function (s)
OPEN - for component protection and system auxiliaries functioning.
CLOSE - NA; may be manually closed by control room pushbutton (Note
- 1) or on a system auto-reset signal.
Valve - 2 inch Rockwell univalve globe with flow under seat Actuator - Limitorque SMB-000 with 5FT-LB start /250 VDC motor ,
Control Mode - (5) NON FAIL OPEN Design Line Pressure - 1280 psig Original dP - 1065 psid Max. Calculated dP - 305.6 psid ASME II - No, LLRT - No Torque Switch Setting (TSS)/'Ihrust Requirement:
Vendor Recommended TSS - 1.75 Limiter Plate Value - 4.00 Minimum Thrust Required - 3,239 LB at 1065 psid MOVATS Estimated Thrust - NA LB-opening /6,054 LB-closing Thrust Limit - 8,000 LB actuator Confirmation Test Results_:_
As-Found TSS/ Thrust (#9 CST) As-Left TSS/ Thrust (#9 CST)
OPEN 2.00 / 5,927 2.50 / 6,825 CLOSE 1,75 / 3,745 3 25 / 6,376 (Note 2)
- 1. NEDC-311322, Table 4, identifies close stroke as an active MOV safety function. Basis of NEDC-31322 assumes no second isolation valves.
Fermi 2 specific design includes additional ASME Class 2 valves isolating the system from clean radwaste. A manual action is sufficient to close this valve.
- 2. Unbalanced torque switch; does not affect MOV function.
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o Enclosura 2
, NRC-88-0187 Page 49 RCIC Steam MOV I E5150F045 RCIC Turbine Steam Admission Valve Mark No. V17-2032 Normal Lineup:
Active Function (s):
OPEN - for RCIC system initiation /Rx makeup injection CLOSE - for system auto-reset shutdown or turbine shutdown
Valve - 4 inch Powell "Y" globe with flow under seat Actuator - Limitorque SMB-00 Control ;4 ode - (5) NON FAIL OPEN Design Line Pressure - 1250 psig Original dP - 1000 psid Max. Calculated dP - 1020 psid (Note 1)
ASME II - No, LLRT - No Torque Switch Setting (TSS)/ Thrust Requirement:
Vendor Recommended TSS-2 375 Limiter Plate Value - 3 00 Minimum Thrust Required - 10,960 @ 1000 psid MOVATS Estimated Thrust - NA LB-opening /11,096 LB-closing Thrust Limit - 14,000 LB a<.tuator Confirmation Test Results:
As-Found TSS/1hrust (#9 CST) As-Lef t TSS/ Thrust (f6 CST)
OPEN > 1.24 / 14,047 > 1.00 / 13,260 CLOSE > 1.00 / 14,261 (Note 2) 1.00 / 11,293 (Note 3) l' Notes:
- 1. NEDC-31322 basis is reactor pressure control by the lowest lift setpoint of the SRVs. Fermi 2 specific design includes Low-Low Setpoint (LLS) Logic which has a lower setpoint for relift of 1,017 psig. Based upon startup test results a value of 1020 psid has been selected. LLS blowdown for 5 cycles varied from 31.5 to 41.0 seconds with an average of 37.2 seconds for a 11u psi drop; stroke time of RCIc I HOV I is 35 seconds, l l
- 2. As-found open and close stroke thrusts exceed actuator rating; see l Summary of Deviations.
3 Unbalanced spring pack; does not affect MOV function.
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< NRC-88-0187 Page 50 1
RCIC Steam MOV II E5150F007 RCIC Steam Line Inboard Isolation Valve Mark No. V17-2030 Normal Lineup: OPEN l Active Function (s):
OPEN - Passive; may be manually opened by control room pushbutton CLOSE - for line break safety isolation
Valve - 4 inch Powell flex-wedge gate Actuator - Limitorque SMB-00 with 7.5FT-LB start /250VDC motor Control Mode - (7) NON FAIL OPEN/CLOSE Design Line Pressure - 1250 psig Original dP - 1100 psid Max. Calculated dP - 1110 psid ASME II - Yes, LLRT - Yes Torque Switch Setting (1SS)/ Thrust Requirement:
Vendor Recommended TSS - 2.25 Limiter Plant Value - 2.75 Minimum Thrust Required - 5,807 LB HOVATS Estimated Thrust - 6,448 LB-opening /6,949 LB-closing Thrust Limit - 14,000 LB actuator Confirmation Test Results:
As-Found TSS/ Thrust (#9 CST) As-Left TSS/1hrust (#9 CST)
OPEN 1.00 / 2,470 1.75 / 7,780 CLOSE >2.25 / 13,993 (Note 1) >2.00 / 10,032 Notes:
- 1. As-found close stroke thrust in excess of the actuator rating; see Summary of Deviations.
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NRC-88-0187 l l
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RCIC Steam MOV III 1 E5150F008 RCIC Steam Line Outboard Isolation Mark No. V17-2031 Normal Lineup: OPEN 1
Active Function (s)
OPEN - Passive; may be manually opened by control room pushbutton CLOSE - for line break safety isolation
Valve - 4 inch Powell flex-wedge gate Actuator - Limitorque SMB-00 with 10 FT-LB start /250VDC motor (Note 1)
Control Mode - (7) NON FAIL OPEN/CLOSE Design Line Pressure - 1250 psig Original dP - 1100 psid Max. Calculated dP - 1110 psid ASME XI - Yes, LLRT - Yes Torque Switch Setting ( TSS)/'Ihrust Requirement:
Vendor Recommended TSS - 1.00 Limiter Plate Value - 2.00 Minimum Thrust Required - 5,807 LB MOVATS Estimated Thrust - 6,448 LB-opening /6,949 LB-closing Thrust Limit - 14,000 LB actuator Confirmation Test Results:
As-Found TSS/ Thrust (#9 CST) As-Left TSS/'lhrust (#9 CST)
OPEN 1.00 / 7,932 1.00 / 7,932 CLOSE 1.00 / 8,050 1.00 / 8,050 ;
i Notes:
- 1. Replaced original SMB-000 with 5 FT-LB start motor; this MOV is in series with RCIC MOV II and the larger motor used (10FT-LB vs 7.5 i FT-LB) was selccted on the basis of avt 'isble stock. As-found open and close stroke thrusts were in excess of tne original actuators rating; see Summary of Devitions.
- 2. Test results are for MOV with SMB-00 actuator.
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Enclosura 2
. NRC-88-0187 Page 52 RCIC Steam NOV VI E5150F001 RCIC Turbine Steam Exhaust Line Isolation Valve Mark No. V11-2002 Normal Lineup: OPEN Active Function (s):
OPEN - Passive; may be manually opened by control room pushbutton CLOSE - Valve checks closed for steam line break safety isolation and may be manually closed by control room pushbutton (Note 1).
Valve - 10 inch Powell non-retucn stop/ check globe with flow under seat Actuator - Limitorque SMB-0 with 10 FT-LB start /250 VDC motor Control Mode - (7) NON FAIL OPEN/CLOSE Design Line Pressure - 150 psig Original dP - 150 psid Max. Calculated dP - 25 psid ASME II - Yes, LLRT - Yes Torque Switch Setting (TSS)/ Thrust Requirement:
Vendor Recommended TSS - 1.50 Limiter Plate Value - 2.25 Minimer Thrust Required - 16,080 LB @ 150 psid MOVATS Est! mated Thrust - NA LB-opening /6,691 LB-closing Thrust Limit - 24,000 LB actuator Confirmation Test Results As-Found TSS/ Thrust (f@ CST) As-Left TSS/ Thrust (f@ CST)
OPEN 2.25 / 15,827 2.25 / 18,410 CLOSE 2.25 / 12,713 2.25 / 17,614 (Note 2)
- 1. NEDC-31322, Table 4, identifies close stroke as an active MOV safety function. However, Fermi 2 specific design uses a non-return globe 1 stop/ check valve. Check mode of this valve negates the need for closure by auto-action; manual actuation of the stem to the closed l
position is at zero dP. )
- 2. Spring pack replaced during testing due to flattened washer; see Summary of Deviations.
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Enclocure 2 NRC-88-0187 Page 53 RCIC Steam MOV VII E5150F084 RCIC Turbine Stean Exhaust Line Vacuum Breaker Mark No. V11-2026 Normal Lineup: OPEN Active Function (s):
OPEN - Passive; nay be manually opened by control room pushbutton CLOSE - for line break safety isolation
Valve - 3 inch Powell flex-wedge gate Actuator - Limitorque SMB-000 with 2 FT-LB start /250VDC motor Control Mode - (6) NON FAIL CLOSE Design Line Pressure - 150 psig Original dP - 150 psid Hax. Calculated dP - 40 psid ASME II - Yes, LLRT - Yes Torque Switch Setting (TSS)/ Thrust Requirement:
Vendor Recommended TSS - 1.25 Limiter Plate Value - 1.50 Minimum Thrust Required - 1,318 LB @ 150 psid MOVATS Estimated Thrust - 3,582 LB-opening /2,475 LB-closing Thrust Limit - 8,000 LB actuator /7,216 LB @ CST (hotor)
Confirmation Test Results: l l
As-Found TSS/'lhrust (f9 CST) As-Lef t TSS/'Ihrust (#9 CST) !
OPEN 1.50 / 2,307 1.50 / 3,911 i CLOSE 1.50 / 2,966 1.50 / 3,484 ;
None !
Enclosura 2
, NRC-88-0187 Page 54 RCIC Steam MOV VIII E5150F062 RCIC Turbine Steam Exhaust Line Vacuum Breaker Mark No. V11-2020 Normal Lineup: OPEN Active Function (s):
OPEN - NA CLOSE - for line break safety isolation
Valve - 3 inch Powell flex-wedge gate Actuator - Limitorque SMB-000 with 2FT-LB start /250 VDC motor Control Mode - (6) NON FAIL CLOSE Design Line Pressure - 150 psig Original dP - 150 psid Mar. Calculated dP - 40 psid ASME II - Yes, LLRT - Yes Torque Switch Setting (TSS)/ Thrust Requirement:
Vendor Recommended TSS - 1.25 Limiter Plate Value - 1.50 Minimum Thrust Required - 1318 LB @ 150 psid MOVATS Estimated Thrust - 3,582 LB-opening /2,475 LB-closing Thrust Limit - 8,000 LB actuator /7,474 LB 6 CST (Motor)
Confirmation Test Results:
As-Found TSS/ Thrust (#@ CST) As-Left TSS/ Thrust (#@ CST)
OPEN 1.25 / 4,690 1.00 / 5,338 CLOSE 1.00 / 4,029 1.25 / 4,041 ;
(Note 1) l Notes: i l
- 1. Unbalanced torque switch; does not affect MOV function. I 1
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Enclo;ura 2
. NRC-88-0187 Page 55 RCIC Steam MOV I E5150F059 RCIC Turbine Mark No. V17-2023 Normal Lineup: OPEN Active Function (s):
OPEN - .NA CLOSE - NA; spring closure for turbine trip (Note 1)
Value - 3 inch Schutted Koerting Mechanical Throttle / Trip Valve Actuator - Limitorque SMB-000 with 2Ft-LB start /250 VDC motor Control Mode - GE Control Mode Design Line Pressure - 1250 psig Original dP - unknown Max. Calculated dP - 143 psid ASME II - No, LLRT - No Torque Switch Setting (TSS)/ Thrust Requirement:
Vendor Recommended TSS - 2.00 Limiter Plate Value - 2.50 Minimum Thrust Required - 2,706 MOVATS Estimated Thrust - NA LB-opening /NA LB-closing Thrust Limit - 8,000 LB actuator /4,634 9 CST (motor)
Confirmation Test, Results: (Note 1)
As-Found TSS/Dirust (#9 CST) As-Left TSS/ Thrust (#9 CST) l OPEN NA NA i CLOSE NA NA l i
- 1. Actuator required only as part of mechanical trip relatching procedure. This MOV is to be deleted from the long-term response program per Edison letter NRC-88-0142 dated May 4, 1988 l
. Enclosure 3 NRC-88-0187 Page 1 ENCLOSURE 3 FERMI 2 RESPONSE TO SUPPLEMENT 1 0F IE BULLETIN 85-03 l
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Page 2 FERMI 2 RESPONSE TC NRC_ BULLETIN 85-03 SUPPLEMFMr 1 Supplement 1 to Bulletin 85-03 was issued April 27, 1988, to reemphasize the importance of the abnormal valve position concern.
The BWROG had been discussing the question of valve mispositioning with NRC staff for several months before the issuance of Supplement 1. As a result, an agreement was reached to consider the implications of MOV mispositioning relative to the original BWROG report, NEDC-31322, prior to issuance of Supplement 1.
} The BWROG has prepared a response report, NEDC-31322 Supplement 1, and Fermi 2 has reviewed the final draf t of this response. The draf t supplemental report specifically addresses 7 of the MOVs in the Fermi 2 response program. These are HPCI MOVs 3, 8 and VI, and RCIC MOVs 3, 8, VI and X. The BWROG supplemental report is expected to be submitted to the NRC shortly.
All 7 MOVs have been tested for their capability to open and close under calculated maximum dP conditions. The approaches selected for evaluating MOV mispositioning in the BWROG draf t supplemental report are ecmparable to the analysis of maximum dPs used for Fermi-2's MOVs. Therefore, no recalculation of dP and thrust requirements, or MOV retesting is required for compliance with the Supplement 1.
As reported in Reference 5 RCIC MOV X is being deleted from Fermi-2's long-term response program. The evaluation for mispositioning of the MOV by the draf t supplemental report supports the bases upon which Fermi 2 reported its decision. No further action is necessary for RCIC MOV X.
In addition, the required action for the other 6 MOVs has been evaluated to be reopening after being mispositioned closed. All 6 l Fermi 2 MOVs have non-fail open logic circuits which inhibits the torque switch setting limits to ensure each of the valves will open upon demand. Each MOV's actuator and motor combination has been sized to significantly exceed any thrust requirement determined to date.
Thus, the mispositioning concern is considered to be adequately addressed at Fermi 2.
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