Leakage Reduction Program Summary Rept for Process Sampling Leakage Monitoring Sys (P33-00)ML20237G362 |
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Fermi |
Issue date: |
08/06/1987 |
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ML20237G331 |
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P33-87-01, P33-87-1, NUDOCS 8709020219 |
Download: ML20237G362 (2) |
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Prepared By:
PJh87 ISI Prog
- e. S
>[ visor Approved By:
b !b Plant Manager 8709020219 870828 PDR ADOCK 05000341 P
Both the I'ermi 2 Technical Snacificationq, paragraph G.8.4.a, and the Ferial 2 UFSAR, Section, repire that leakage from nystems out,ide pri:aary contain: rent that could or would contain highly railoactive fluida, bc reducci an1 mintained to an-lou-an practical levels. To deraonstrate the leak tight integrity of the Jrocess Sampling Syctern, a cystera leakago test is conductoi once nor reactor refueling (a??roxi:aately once ovary 10 monthc). Thin report in for the initial leakage tect of the Pro ~ ens-Samnling cyntera.
D23. No GI721-2400-4 "Diagra:a of Samnles in Re:ctor Bldg."
D,0. No. GI721-2400-7 " Flow Diagrain-Samoling Cabinetc for Reactor an1 PM uante Oldg."
- 3) Plant Occrationn ?hnual 43.714.02 " Process Samnling Leakage Monitoring Tent".
Mith the plant in muse 1, cranle pointo Mo. 37 " Reactor Water", no. 50 "Raactor Water Cleanu? Inlet", Mo. 51 "Raactor Water Cleanup Outlet",
No. 42A " Reactor Shutdown Cooling Sycto,a Div. I" and No. 423 "Re ctor Shutdoan Cooling System Div II", were aligned to cara91e station U21-P432A. Af ter each namle point was aligned, the piping ani. tubing van valkel do.in and all dicccenancier noted.
The tent uaq conducto1 on June 17, 1967, anS the innpoction frota che:aical ca~rple tana to Srnte Station H21-P432A revealei no leakage.
It wan noted that a Srip pan was locatoi under panel U21-P4329, but during the inopaction no leakage was recorded.
The general leakage criteria to be anplied durin] the first fuel cycle j
at tha ba9ic for instituting corrective action in the form of' J
corrective maintenance shall be 20 ml per rain. Per the E-2 UFSAR, thin leakage criteria will be further evaluated at the end of the firct refueling cycle to determine the long-ranje leakage reduction progrxa criteria. This will allow oxnerience gainal durin] the initial cycle to be factored into the long-range criteria.
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