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Third Refueling Outage Final Rept for Reactor Containment Bldg Integrated Leak Rate Test
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Site: Fermi DTE Energy icon.png
Issue date: 01/08/1993
From: Hare S, Sheffel B
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ML20127P143 List:
NUDOCS 9302010195
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DETROIT EDISON COMPANY FERMI 2 3RD REFUELING OUTAGE Final Report fort REACTOR CONTAINDENT BUILDING INTEGRATED LEAK RATE TEST .i 4 To:. U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Attn Document Control-Desk Nashington, D.C. 20555-January 8, 1993 .) - Prepared By: Prepared By: M Steven M. Hare IST Engineer M -Approved By: -f ~ Bruce %/SheffM

General' Supervisor ISI/ PEP ef.* -

930201019S.930126 PDR. ADOCK O500 i= y














This report is being submitted to the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission in accordance with the requirements of 10CFR50 Appendix J, Section V, Paragraphs B.1 and B.3 The general form and content of this re,acrt was written in accordance with ANSI /ANS-56.8-1987, " Containment System Leakage Testing Requirements", Section 5.8. Accompanying Appendices have been prepared in accordance with 10CFR50 Appendix J, Section V, Paragraph B.3, which addresses the failure to meet Fermi 2 Technical Specification Surveillance Requirement based on the addition of the difference between the "as found" vs. "as left" minimum pathway Icakages for all penetrations. 2.0 GENERAL DATA

2.1 Owner

The Detroit Edison Company 2.2 Plant Names Fermi 2 Power Plant 23 Docket No.: 50-341

2.4 Location

Fermi sits on the western shore of Lake Erie at the Lagoona Beach, Frenchtown Township, Honroe County, Michigan 2.5 Test Completion Date: October 28, 1992 3 0 TECHNICAL DATA 31 Containment Net Free Volume: 294,630 cu ft 32 Design Pressure (Maximum Allowed): 62.0 psig 0 33 Design Temperature: 340 F (Drywell); 281 F (Torus) 3.4 Calculated Accident Peak Pressure, Pac: 56.5 psig (Drywell); 25.2 psig (Torus) 35 Calculated Accident Peak Temperature: 304 F (Drywell) _.= ' 4.0 'IEST DATAL 4.1 Test Method: Absolute Method-4.2 Data Analysis Technique: Total Time-analysis method-in_accordancefwith BN-TOP-1, " Testing Criteria for Integrated _ Leakage Rate Testing of. Primary Containment Structures for Nuclear Power Plants", Revision 1, -November 1, 1972.- ~ 4.3 Test Pressures: -Between 56.5 psig and 59.5.psig 4.4 Maximus Allowable Leakage Rate La (5/24 hours):' O.5%/ day 4.5 Calculated Leakage Rate at Upper Confidence Limit-(UCL): 0.2125/ day. 4.6 Measured / Calculated Leakage Rate (Lam): 0.170%/ day 5.0 VERIFICATION TEST 51 Calibrated Leak Superimposed (%/24 hours):- 0.52455/ day-5.2 Mass. Step Change Metered Volume'(% La): N/A 5 3_ Mass Step Change Measured by Type A Test Instrumentation: N/A l 6.0 ANALYSIS AND-INTERPRETATION 6.1 Acceptance Criteria Based on-Fermi 2 Technical Specification Limiting Condition for ~ Operation 3 6.1.2.a. the primary containment.overall-integrated leakage-rate shall be maintained less than or, or 0.5%1by weight of the. containment air per 24 hours at Pa,-56.5 psig.. 10CFR50 Appendix ~J,' Section'III A.S.b,' requires that-the measured / calculated leakage rate" shan be less than 0 75 La, or 0 3755/ day as determined by-the Type. A-1 test. "his was interpreted'to'mean that the upper confidence limit.on the seasured leakage rate (UCL), including all Type B and C corrections, penalties, and other-leakage additions, shall-be less than 0 75 La, or 0 3755/ day. i-i1 3 l 4-1 +

Further, a verification test using the calibrated superimposed leakage method shall be performed and satisfy the following conditions (Lo + Lam - 0.25 La) 5 Le 5 (Lo + Lam + 0.25 La) k'here; Lo : Superimposed Leakage rate which is between 75% and 125% of La, Lam Type A seasured/ calculated leakage rate, Lo Composite leakage rate as measured by the data acquisition system during the verification test, La = Maximum allowable leakage rate at pressure Pa. 6.2 Instrumentation System The test instrumentation system consisted oft (1) a computer driven microprocessor controlled data acquisition system (DAS); (2) twenty-six drybulb resistance temperature sensors;-(3) twelve relative humidity sensors; and (4) two precision pressure manometers. Prior to containment pressurization, the calculated instrumentation' system Instrument Selection Guide (ISG) was 0.0206%/ day for an assumed eight hour test duration. This value was well below the required value of 0.125%/ day. The instrumentation system configuration at the beginning and end of the test was: 1. Drybulb RTD Sensors: 26 2. Relative Humidity Sensors: 11 3 Precision Pressure Manometers: 2 4. Mass Flow Meters: 1 After containment pressurization, and during stabilization, Humidity Sensor Number 11 was saturated at an approximately 104 percent humidity. Since the other humidity sensors in the Torus were stable between 95 and 98-percent, it was decided to consider this sensor failed. The volume fraction associated with this sensor was redistributed equally to adjacerit sensors. The revised ISG based on 11 functioning humidity sensors, and assuming an 8 hour test duration was negligibly higher at 0.0208%/ day. This value was well below the required value of 0.125%/ day. -63 Temperature Stabilization The temperature stabilization period was begun after reaching a final containment pressure of 72.21 psia (57 51 psig). The containment atmosphere was allowed to stabilize for approximately 7 hours and 10 minutes. The latest rate of drybulb temperature change -over the last hour of the stabilization period was 0.15 F/hr. The rate of change over the last four hours of the stabilization period was 0.16 F/hr, indicating a very stable containment atmosphere. Further, a plot of containment air mass versus time was obtained and observed to be linear thus confirming containment atmospheric stability (Figure 6 3.-4). 6.4 As Left Containment Type A Test The Type A Test commenced at 1940 hours on October 27, 1992. Based on the Total Time Analysis Hethod, the test was declared over at 0340 hours on October 28, 1992. The follow!ng table summarizes the as left containment test results: Table 6.4-1 As Left Type A Test Results 1. Type B & C Pre Test Penalty Leakage 0.0221%/ day 2. Nitrogen in leakage correction 0.00975/ day from CRD Accumulators 3 Water Level Correction 0.00005/ day 4. Total Time Leakage UCL 0.2116%/ day Total Time Acceptance: 1+2+3&4=0.24345/ day 50 375%/ day Figure 6.4-6 illustrates the Total Time calculated leakage rate and associated upper confidence limit over the test interval. Based on the above data, it was concluded that the as left containment leakage rate was stable, well below the acceptance criteria, and therefore the containment may be declared operable in accordance with the plant Technical Specifications. 6.5 As Found Containment Type A Test As required by Technical Specification Surveillance Requirement, the Type A test results must be compensated for the "as found" vs. "as lef t" leakages for all penetrations if the Type B and C Tests are conducted prior to the Type A Test. These as found vs.' as left leakages were tabulated based on the minimum pathway leakage in Procedure HPP 43 401.101 and exceeded the maximum allowable leakage rate of 0.8537 wt %/ day or La. The following table summarizes the as found containment test results. 1 _ _ _ - _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - _ _ - - -

Table 6.5-1 As Found Type A Test Results 1. As Left Total Time Leakage Rate 0.2434%/ day 2. As Found VS. As Left Leakage Correction 0.8537%/ day

  • 3 Post Test Type B & C Leakage Correction 0.0000%/ day Total Time Acceptance:

1+2+3=1.09715/ day >0 375%/ day

  • As Found leakage was unquantifiable as documented in Section 7.6 and LER 92-007-01. Since the leakage correction was unquantifiable, a conservative leakage rate value in excess of La was assumed.

Based on the above data, it has been concluded that the as found containment leakage rate was above the acceptance criteria, and therefore, the test schedule for subsequent Type A tests shall be reviewed and approved by the Nuclear Regulatory Commission as specified in Technical Specification Surveillance Requirement 10CFR50 Appendix J, Section V, Paragraph B.3 requires.the-report discuss the test failure and the proposed future test schedule. The Type A, B, and C test failures are addressed within the accompanying appendices and throughout this report. The proposed Type A test schedule is addressed in Section 7.6 of.this report and LER 92-007-01, 6.6 verification Test The superimposed leakege verification test commenced 0420 hours on October 28, 1992. The superimposed leakage rate was 4.766-SCFM. A four hour verification test was performed in accordance with BN-TOP-1 based on an 8 hour Type A Test duration. The following table summarizes the verification test results: Table 6.6-1 l Verification Test Results 1. Verification Test Completion Time and Date 0920/10/28/92 2. Superimposed Leakage Rate (Lo) 0.5245%/ day l 3 Total Time Composite Leakage 0.66045/ day at End of Test (Lc) 4. Total Time Calculated Leakage (LH) 0.1703%/ day from the Type A Test 5. Lo + LH + 0.125%/ day ULIMIT = 0.8198%/ day 6. Lo + LH - 0.1255/ day LLIMIT = 0.5698%/ day Total Time Acceptance: 0.5698 $ 0.6604 5 0.8198 LLIMIT Lc ULIMIT l Figure 6.6-6 illustrates the verification test Total Time Composite Leakage Rate with respect to the upper and lower limits as a function-of time. _ Based on the above data, it was concluded that the composite leakage rate was stable, well within the limits of the test, and therefore, the Type A Test instrumentation system was considered to be verified functional throughout the Type A Test. 6.7 Type B Test Results (Ref. Appendix A) 6.8 Type C Air Test Results (Ref. Appendix A) 6.9 Type C Water Test Results (Ref. Appendix A) 6.10 Type B and C Pretest Penalty Leakage (Ref. Appendix E) In accordance with 10CFR50 Appendix J, Section III A.1.d, certain systems penetrating the containment boundary were not vented and drained. In order to compute the appropriate Typo A Test penalty to be applied to the upper confidence limit, an analysis of each affected penetration was performed, based on single failure criteria as described in the Fermi 2 UFSAR. Based on this analysis,.a total pretest penalty leakage of 0.02215/ day was assigned. Appendix "D" is a-detailed summary of these penetrations and their assigned penalty leakages based on Type B and Type C Test results.- 6.11 Control Rod Drive System Leakage Measurement-The Type A Testing basis for the Fermi 2 Control Rod Drive Hydraulio - System is contained in the following UFSAR Sections: 1. UFSAR Section, Page 6.2-69; 2. UFSAR Table 6.2-2, Page 6.2-155, Penetration Detail for X-37 and X-38; and 3. UFSAR Table 6.2-2, Note 19 Because leakage from the reactor vessel through the CRD hydraulic system would be water leakage, a separate test procedure, NPP 43 401.102,'" Control Rod Drive HCU Water Bypass Leakage Measurements"- was used to measure and record this leakage under Type A Test-conditions. The initial conditions for this test were:' 1. Containment Pressure; 56.5-to 59.5 psig' - 2. Reactor SCRAM Signal; Inserted 3 CRD System Status; shutdown / Standby In summary, steady state leakage was collected from the cooling, charging, drive and exhaust water headers and their respective leakage rates determined. In addition, total system bypass leakage was measured at the suction of the CRD pumps. CRD header leakage was considered acceptable if the total leakage from all' headers was less than 28 gpa, which is approximately equivalent to a containment leakage rate of 0.75 La on a volumetric basis. No specific criteria were established for the bypass leakage measurement. The following table provides the results of this test: Table 6.11-1 CRD System Leakage Measurement Resulta Header Leakage 1. Cooling Water 4.90 gpm 2. Charging Water 0.98 gpm 3 Drive Water 6.10 gpm 4. Exhaust Water 0.66 gpm Total Leakage 12.64 gpm Based on the above data, it was concluded that the CRD system leakage rates were below the established criteria and therefore acceptable. Since no effective method for collecting the water leakage from the Scram Discharge Volume vent and drain vales was available at the time of the Type A Test, their respective Type C air local leakage rates were added to the pretest penalty leakage based on minimum pathway. This is considered extremely conservative from a Type A testing perspective since all leakage from the Scram Discharge Volume would be water leakage. 7 0


OF EVNfS 7.1 Pressurization - Containment pressurization was begun at approximately 0300 hours on October 27, 1992. The pressurization phase proceeded without f.ncident. Final containment pressure was reached at 1031 hours on October 27, 1992. 7.2 Stabilization - Containment stabilization commenced at approximately 1230 on October 27, 1992. During the stabilization period, CRD system leakage was measured and documented in accordance with Procedure NPP 43.401.102. The containment was declared stabilized at 1940 on October 27, 1992. 73 Type A Test - The start of the Type A Test was declared at approximately 1940 hours on October 27, 1992. The test proceeded without incident and was declared over at 0340 hours on October.28, 1992. 7.4 Verificmtion Test - The start of the verification test was declared at l approximately 0420 hours on October 28, 1992. A one hour stabilization period was implemented in accordance with BN-TOP-1. The verification test was conducted without incident and was declared over at 0920 hours on October 28, 1992. 75 Depressurization - After sampling the containment atmosphere for radionuclides, the containment was depressurized using the Standby Gas Treatment System over a period of 7 hours. The containment pressure was reduced to atmospheric conditions at 2330 hours on October 28, 1992. 7.6 Proposed Future Test Schedule - 10 CFR 50 Appendix J. Paragraph III.A.6(b) and Feral 2 Technical Specificatfor Surveillance Requirement 4.6,1.2 states that "Three Type A Overall Integrated Leakage Rate tests shall be conducted at 40 +/- 10 month intervals during shutdown at Pa, 56.5 psig, during each 10-year service period," and the acceptance criteria for the Type A test is 0.75 La. Further, 10 CFR 50 Appendix J, Paragraph III.D.(a) and Fermi 2 Technical Specification Surveillance Requirement states that "If two consecutive Type A tests fail to meet 0 75 La, a Type A test shall te performed every 18 months until two conser'utive Type A tests meet 0.7i La, at which time the above test schedule may be resumed." To date, the Preservice ILRT was per formed in November 1984, the first of the Inservice ILRTs was performed in November 1989 and the second Inservice ILRT was performed in October 1992. For both Inservice Type A tests performed the "as left" Type A test results were satisfactory. However, in both cases, the "as found" Type A test resulta exceeded the acceptance criteria of 0.75 La. While both tests are considered administrative Type A test "as found" failures, in both cases, the failures were caused by the degradation of containment isolation valves and not deficiencies in the containment structure. This is significant since considerable resources have been expended addressing these containment isolation valve failures, including in-depth valve redesign and valve replacement. These efforts have resulted-in significant improvements in containment isolation _ valve Icakage performance. Due to the disassembly of an outboard containment isolation valve prior to obtaining an "as found" leakage value, the "as found" leakage through the penetration was not quantified. If this valve had been leak terted prior to disassembly, it is very likely that the Type A "as found" leakage for this outage would have been satisfactory, well below the limit of 0.75 La. Based on the requirements of 10 CFR 50 Appendix J and Fermi 2 Technical Specifications current plans are to schedule a Type A test for the next refueling outage, RF-04. Subsequent to the Type A test failure in RF-03, conversations with NRC Personnel _ indicated that duo to the LLRT testing history and the failure mechanisms experienced during the RF-01 and RF-03 "as found" Type A tests, the potential exists to obtain relief from the above increased frequency Type A test schedule requirements. Based on previous LLRT testing history and the corrective actions to containment isolation valve failures, relief from performing a Type A test.In RF-04 will be pursued. l l _



l *. I -w -d - 11 6 i v e-f

s.P 2 .t Q:_ t f fsy ' n 1 7. t-FERMI:2'ILRT Test Results my AVERAGE TCi)L. PRESSURE i 8 i - lI l' -l DATASET -~ S555[ ] i i 73.00; OATE - - 10/27/92 l l' ' TIME. - 19: 30: 00 --72.90-- I I I I .l 1 1 - 1 g g g. { Tdr y- ' 9 2.;7 2 0

72.80-l l

l .l .i Ptot.- ' 7 2.'1 9 3 7g 1. I 1 i O.5226 1 cs-[ p 7 2'. 7 0 Pvap to L S I l m. Re1 Hum 63.487 ~ (D ; 8 8 f

.- I 72.60-ht

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  • A.

j Tstab ' O.'OS2 .g - 72.' 50 : hI. LI l l 'l 103h81 AIAMASS 72.40. 'MP Lam'-

6. 0000

'l. -l .l '72.30 'MP^UCL: 'O.0000 L l i TTLLam .O.0000 s 4 N 72420 il TT-LSq : ' =, O.'0000 -[. I'


-l TT'UCL -- O.0000 1: i .72.20f ac - O 1: 2H '3-4 ~5' S- -- 7

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.10s ~ ~ . EL-APSEDnTIMEc =-(HOURS).. TEMPERATURE.STABILIZATIONi > w, b i e-s ,..m.., -L A 6M vm--k'-- u' J-. -edu' --d-

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m .x n ~ "~%. (gy w FERMI 2 ILRT Test'Results ~ AVERAGE RELATIVE HUMIDITY .i 1-1 l l 'l OAT'ASET - S'55 55.00' .DATE -10/27/92 g . TIME = 19:J 30: 00 ~ 64,00 I I i J 1 Tdr y '92.720 m = .63.00 t 721.193 Ptot g

.- ] -- -

=^ - r Pvap-(8: iP O.s22s LO: 'C/ . 62.00- / ? - l[ Ae1 Hum'=' 53.' d87 -3.' i 1 -61.00-I- l Tstab-- 0.052' [f; 1 i i c.o - E. i- . g f. l f AIRMASS N.: s o, o o ; - i "103181 = 'I l' l' -l l MP.Lem =. 1 0'. 0 0 0'O [.. .j". .[ l 5 9 '. 0 0 - V


O.0000 e .g. l l TT 1 am' = ' O'.0000 .58.00 V ~! TT LSQ.= .O.'0000 _. g { g g. TT UCL:- O'.0000 .;57.60 1 I' I' O. 'l 72-

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- 5< 6' 7 84 9 - 10.:. ~ ? ELAPSED -: TIME: ;(HOURS) TEMPERATURE $ STABILIZATION 7 J ,,,, ~,,, ~.. - -~.;,. . +., - a... . ~ .,a ,m ,o

FERMI 2 ILRT Test Results CONTAINMENT AIR MASS I i l l DATASET S 55 --- i 103300 p 8 tf l OATE'- 10/27/92 103280 I I I TIME 19: 30: OO i i l i l, I i i 103260. I Tdry 92.720 l-1 I /lg l l l l-l Ptot 72.193 3. 103240 j. j c-t O.5226 C [ Pvap j B 103220

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ne1 Mum - sa as7 -[_ i I l M I -I Tstab O.052 ~ 103200 g l N:Ni l i 103180 AIAMASS 103181 l-1 i l l l l l 0.0000 MP Lam 103160 g O.0000 MP UCL 103140 g j= TT Lam O.0000 i i O.0000 L 103120 f l l k 0.0000 TT UCL = I I I I 103100 O 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ELAPSED TIME (HOURS) TEMPERATURE STABILIZATION e

o FERMI 2 ILRT Test Results AVERAGE TOTAL PRESSURE i l l l l l l DATASET A 49 72.27 l 1 i i i i i i i i DATE 10/28/92 1 i l l TIME - 03: 40: 00 I 8 g j Tdr y 91.520 72.21 i l I l l l l l l Ptot 72.015 _T_. p

72. se 5

l l l 1 i i i i o e j j j j j Pveo O.5416 C I

  • S l

l 1 l l-l Re1 Hum g 68.OS2 1 A- [ G l l l j j l l ~ Tstab O.008 4 72.32 l \\l8 l AIAMASS 103121 1 I l l l 72.09 3 MP Lam O.1753 MP'UCL O.1790 l 1 .l TT Lam O.1726 72.03 I i i TT LSQ O.1703 i i TT UCL O.2116 72.00 O 1 2 3 4 5 6 7. 8 9 20 ELAPSED TIME (HOURS) TYPE'A TEST-

j lI 1 TEC. g ~ in f 2 8 1 3 0 6 3 6 -** s 2 0 0 5 0 2 5 9 2 0 1 9 0 2 1 g / 5 0 d O O 1 7 7 7 7 1 3 1 1 1 1 2 9 8 C 5 4 2 4 1 2 8 O 0 4 g / 9 7 s 1 O O' O O. 0 A 0 3 1 0 = 9 ~ = = T E E y t P m b S m L m Q L E T M r o u a S e C a S C + M t_ A L U L L U S A I o t " - 1 s M A D T T P T e T R P P T. T T' A n I M M T T T O A i.y q 0 1 g s 9 f1$ l t l u 9 se 8 gg ' 8 l . R E y e R ,p t U s T e q A 7 ) lll1 i' II T R S rp E R T P U R M 6 HO T L E g l !ii!! S ( T E I p w 2 E' T. BL 5 M A, I ii! . M U I { B T R E. E Y ' D P y p Y 4 E F A T. D SP m E A L G I' 3 A m-E { R \\ j i E V 2' A !2 k i N- - v .\\ 1. q a N O 0 0 0 b 0' 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0

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0 8 6 2 0 9 8 6 4 4 3 3 2 2 2 2 2 1 3 1 1 2 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 DEG p 'w7 4


  • -3' a,,,

y FERMI 2 ILRT Test Results AVERAGE RELATIVE HUMIDITY I j ~A 49' DATASET 70'.00 ~ I i i I DATE -'10/28/92 i TIME 03: 40: 00 1.- l l 69.00 [ l 9'i.520 Tdr y - - l -l l 'Ptot '72.015 k 1 68.00' i i J i - (O I p .l: Pvap 0.5416 y co-1 E i i seisum (D -- es.os2 - R 67.00 8' I l 8 ' I l --Of . C I I' - I T"t* .i ~ E I -l-I N


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AIAMASS, 203121 T

.l 1-i- i! i-3 l l j j j. MP.-tem ~ Lo '. 2 7 5 3 [ es.oo 'I- -MP UCL O.1790 ?! l 'l ,[. I j-TT' Lam .O.1726 = 64.00 I I d. I I' 8 .1 .i i TT~LSc3

O.:1 7 0 3 I

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-Oi2116 I I 'I' 'I 63.00 =0

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    • '+

6 -e~ v +- w vr=== a m

FERMI 2 ILRT Test Results CONTAINMENT AIR MASS DATASET A 49 = 103190 I I ~ g l 10/28/92 OATE TIME - 03: 40: 00 103180 I I ~ 103170 s' l l Ptot 72.015 71 I ~ ~ i l 6' 50386 O.5416 c s L Pvan 7 G B 3 Re1 Hum 68.062 I . M 103150 l g 8 l Tstab O.008 ^! h 8 103140 g AIAMASS 103121 I i i 103130 8 ^ O.1753 MP Lam I l O.1790 MP UCL j 103120' y l TT Lam O.1726 i i O.1703 103110 TT LSQ 0.2116 TT UCL 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ELAPSED TIME (HOURS) TYPE'A TEST =



\\ I I i i I 1 k k OATE 10/28/92 P -l ' { l i i O.440 TIME 03: 40: Oo E- ), I i l l I I I R.O.390 U_ i i i i p + Tdr y 91.520 g ...[*y......._ -....._....--_.--J.-.-- ) j' l l l l -l~ l Ptot E O 340 j .j j j - co 72.015 3.~ = 't N 8 Pvap l l .l l ,C-O.5416 I T O.290 j. I E j AelHum 68.062 1 l 1 m = p O.240 I l l f i Tstab O 008 i,' i...... i I: I dn: E e } i i R - ~ -f ' ' ~ ' ^I""^** ~~ ~' ---- - ---- - - -I I ' 1 t- ~ ~ ~ I j. ' ) l D . _g l l l MP-Lem O.1753 0.140 I i 1 MP uct -A I -O.1790 . 0.090 l g TT Lam O.1726 1-0.040 TT-LSp O.1703 . l 'l TT UCL . i O'.2116 .010 I O 2-3 4' S-S 7 'O 9 10 ELAPSED TIME (HOURS) -TYPEJ A: -TEST 'D' V W 4 ~


.----a---. - .a..'"ma,, --,w u.--. --.xa,

FERM; 2 ILRT Test Results TOTAL TIME LEAKAGE RATE AND UCL VS.75La 8 i Lam l l l A 49 ~ OATASET UCL l l 0.790 DATE -10/28/92 f l TIME - 03: 40: 00 E 0.690

  • I I

I k I I To y 91.520 c I I E ~ f 7*' }- ~ i: i i o N .! i j Pvan O.5416 C U T d8 5 l Ae1 Hum 68 OS2 .i l CD I I h ~ P o*390 ~ .~~i... .~ ____. _____w_____.e______.___._4..___j __g___ I CD E 1 I I I i

  • *..* * - )-

I I I AIRMASS 103121 0.290 j .Ml _..***..:'..'*-....... 9... ,,,,,4,,,,,,,, l l MP Lem O.1753 g 0.190 - _i NM 1 MP UCL O.1790 A i i ~!- i y l l l l TT Lam O,1726 f 0.090 0.1703 TT LSQ 1 i -l = I I TT UCL 0.2116 = l i i ...J _ o3o O 1 2 -3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ELAPSED TIME (HOURS) TYPE A TEST

FERMI 2 ILRT Test Results AVERAGE TOTAL PRESSURE 8 8 8 l l l l DATASET V 25 I I i i i 72.07 DATE - 10/28/92 l l l j TIME - 09: 20: 00 72.04 _I i i 1 i I i i l l 90.950 I { j T@y 72.01 72.854 3. t l Ptot I yl g,g P 71.98 j g l 8 0 S N Re1 Hum 72.043 73,gg y O r s p_l I I l 0 003 N 78tob A ~ I l l a .w j 71.92 i i i i 1 AIAMASS i i 102977 l l l 71.89 .g y l O.GG43 K MP Lem - ~ ~ - I I i i i i I I. ~ 71.86 r O.esos l I TT Lam 8' 1 i i I O.6604 TT LSq 71.83 l l TT UCL O.7312 I I l I I I [ 71.80 0' 1 2 3 4 5 ELAPSED TIME (HOURS) VERIFICATION TEST

p. FERMI 2 ILRT Test Results AVERAGE DRY BULB TEMPERATURE 8 i OATASET V.25, 10/28/92 DATE E.= 09: 20: 00 91.30 S I Tdry. 90.950 g 1 Ptot 71.854



l co

' ', g.91.20 0.5546 C' pvap N m-to E 9 71.043 Re1 Mum .CD G 92 25 -- t Tstab'- O.003 'g ; l - F 92 20 'M AIRMASS - -102977 l i i i i l 8 I l j. f MP Lam'= O'. S G 4 3 91.05 i I 'l .i I, i MP UCL'.- O.6733 g j j j j 91.00 p .TT Lem'- O~.6601 'i l 8- { .TT LSa O.6604 90.95 l


O'.7312 I I I I 90.90-O - 2-

3 4

5. ELAPSED TIME (HOURS). VERIFICATIONL-TEST e k 4 4 s z + 4 ,,a. +g +. v +., e

FERMI 2 ILRT Test Results AVERAGE RELATIVE HUMIDITY l OATASET V 25 72.50 l j l DATE 8 10/28/92 72.00 TIME - 09: 20: 00 I i 8 i i I 8 f I Tdry 90.950 73.50 7 8 l l Ptot 71.854 T l i d5' P 78 - s l l Pvao 0.5546 c n E E l -s i S ne1 Mum 71.043 R 70 50 l 0) Tstab 0.003 E 70 00 j i W i j N s AIAMAss - 102977 I i [ T 69.50

j -

i-i t i up t_ a m O.c6oa i i i i i i l l j j j l l MP UCL O.6'33 69.00 [.. l l l l l' l TT.Lem O.6601 I i l 1 i l 68.50 j-g l g 8 TT LSq O.6604 TT UCL O.7312 60.00 I I I O 1 2 3 4 S ELAPSED TIME (HOURS) VERIFICATION-TEST

1 "- y.,

'c l 4.

L FERMI 2 ILRT Test Results CONTAINMENT AIR MASS -[ l OATASET V 25 103100 I DATE =10/28/92 1030B0-TIME - 09: 20: 00 s Tdr y' 90.950 -3 103040 N l, . _T, Ptot 72.854 = cc - A [ L-l Pvap O'.5546 C g103020. Re1 Hum { -e .72.043 = M Tstab .o)- 103000 w l -- 0.003 -\\ 102900 l l g AIAMASS - -102977 ~ [ l -MP Lem O'.6643 = 102960 l f l I I I O '.'6 7 3 3 102940 - l l l. l 'j. ' I MP.UCL j i ~ ~ l ? f TT Lam O'.6601 = 102920 ' TT LSa ' ~ . O.6604 ~ - 1 0 2 9 0 0 -- I I TT UCL.= 0.7312 I 0 1 2 ~'3 4 . 5- . ELAPSED TIME' (HOURS) -VERIFICATIONLTEST: u 2- ) Y ?*- F F" 5 1 Wei 4 4 -i += W 9 se" 'bt- +r' e

+.: -z .'u' FERMI 2:lLRT Test Results s TOTAL: TIME lLEAST SOUARES FIT'VS VERIFICATION. LIMITS t w OA'TASET - V.25 -0.890 .D ATE ' =.10/28/92 P -' TIME 09: 20':.00 l E'** 'R Tor y 90.950

0.690 A

f V Ptot = 71.854 s' / N :- 0.590-Pvao 'O.5546 C y. T-m ne1 Mum

0.490 7s.043 l@

Tstab .O.003 g-s. E. o.390 @~ i i AInsAss - ,s o 2 9 7 7-R-- l-l l O.290'- l { ' 1 -- l- .I - .l-l { -- l~ --f- ---[ M P:.- L e m .O -; 6 6 4 3 = 'O l 21 l, ' i 1 - i. ."j L - j M P.L. U C L' - - O.6733 l' l- ] g' i

A ' O.190

.:1- ~ ~ t-l- .i. l. i. TT~ Lam ,y. O.6601 [ 0.090 j - 8 - T T, LSa O.6604 TT?UCL-= 'O.7312. V' \\. . 010. "

O, 2

.3 4 -- - 5 ELAPSED TIME. (HOURS)


y. p [., i~ v 7 v a-1 1 -r ' Y .F F t-

  • d P

il 'W f "'i O * 'M'b

    • h
  • ""i:'~ ^ ' ' '

q4 q .+g 4 'N-5 >-- .q sr

t c-l I e i ~ I i i b r i i E r i I i i e a FINAL RitPORT FOR REACTO'a 00erFAIIBWrf BUILDING IIrtBGRATED IJtAE RATE TEST l - r h l i ? i t-t 9 ' f APPENDICES-P + k E L 1' l.i1i P h l a. '.28 -- b '7 w,- wie-r ,%I. - 'v. w-e- w<- + w "ww ,-e- - -+,

  • w w


4 4i PW 1 APPENDII "A"- Ststl&RY OF TYPE B AND C TIC 5T MRSULTS AS FOUND AS IDT COMPONENT PENETRAT1001 LEAEAGE 12AKA(E P/F -DATE TECTICII I TYPE R Electrical X-100A 0.124 SCFil 0.124 SCFH P 05/15/91 Penetrations 0.137 SCFll 0.137 SCPH P 09/10/92' X-100B 0.120 SCFH 0.120 SCFH P 05/15/91 0.280 SCFil 0.280 SCFH P 09/10/92-X-1000 0.050 SCFil 0.050 SCFH P 05/15/91 0.047 SCFil 0.047 SCFH .P 09/10/91 X-100E 0.050 SCFH 0.050 SCFft-P. 05/15/91 0.047 SCFH 0.047,SCFH P 09/10/92 X-100F 1.050 SCFH 0.050 SCFH F 05/15/91 0.138 SCFH 0.138 SCFH P 09/10/92 X-1000 0.050 SCFH. 0.050 SCFH P 05/15/91 0.094 SCFH 0.094.SCFH. P 09/10/92 X-101A 0.050 SCFH 0.050 SCFH P 05/15/91. 0.047 SCFil 0.047'SCFH P 09/10/92 X-101B 0.050 SCFH 0.050 SCFH' P 05/15/91-0.047 SCFH 0.047 SCFH .P 09/10/92 X-1010 0.050 SCFil 0.050 SCFH P 05/15891 0.047 SCFil 0.047 SCFH P 09/10/92 X-101D 0.047 SCFH. 0.047 SCFH P 05/15/91; 0.047 SCFH 0.047 SCFH P - 09/10/92 l-L L p L p i ..;c ~ ; .a- ,s

P:g3 2 APPENDIX "A" SUMARY OF TYPE B AND C TEST RESULTS AS FOUND AS LEFT COMPONENT PEWimtATION IE.AKAGE LEAEAGE P/F DATE X-101E 0.047 SCFH 0.047 SCFil P 05/15/91 0.418 SCFl! 0.418 SCFl! P 09/10/92 X-101F 0.050 SCFH 0.050 SCFil P 05/15/91 O.076 SCFil

0. 07 *) SCFil P

09/10/92 X-10EA 0.050 SCF11 0.050 SCFil P 05/15/91 0.150 SCFil 0.150 SCFH P 09/10/92 X-1020 0.060 SCFil 0.060 SCF11 P 05/15/91 0.047 SCFH 0.047 SCPH P 09/10/92 X-102C 0.050 SCFl! 0.050 SCFil P 05/15/01 0.050 SCFH 0.050 SCFH P 09/10/92 X-102D 1.000 SCFl! 0.050 SCFil P 05/t5/91 0.047 SCFl! 0.047 SCFl! P 09/10/92 X-103A 0.047 SCFl! 0.047 SCFil P 05/15/91 0.151 SCFil 0.151 SCFil P 09/10/92 X-1038 0.050 SCFil 0.050 SCril P 05/15/91 0.057 SCFH 0.057 SCFil P 09/10/92 X-104A 0.050 SCFl! 0.050 SCPH P 05/15/91 0.049 SCFH 0.049 SCFil P 09/10/92 X-104B 0.060 SCFil 0.060 SCFl! P 05/15/91 0.054 SCFil 0.054 SCFil P 09/10/92 X-1040 0.050 SCFil O.050 SCFH P 05/15/91-0.050 SCFil 0.050 SCFH P 09/10/92 X-104D 0.150 SCFH 0.150 SCFH P 05/15/92 0.047 SCFil 0.047 SCFH P 09/10/92 X-104E 0.047 SCFH 0.047 SCPH P 05/15/91 0.047 SCFil 0.047 SCFH P 09/10/92

1 6.. 'j Pese 3 l APPEND!I "A" SLBMARY OF TYPE B AND C TEST RESULTS AS POUND AS LEFT COMPONENT PENETRAY10N IRArAGE 12AKAGE P/F DATE X-104F 0.100 SCFil 0.100 SCFH P 05/15/91 i 0.065 SCFH - 0.065 SCFil P 09/10/92 l X-105A 0.050 SCFH 0.050 SCFil P 05/15/91 O.054 SCFl! 0.054 SCFll P 09/10/92 %-105D - 0.047 SCFil 0.047 SCFH P. 05/15/91 0.047 SCPH 0.047 SCFH P 09/10/92 X-106A 0.252 SCFH 0.252 SCFH P 05/15/91 0.215 SCFH 0.215'SCFH P 09/10/92 3 X-106B 0.050 SCFH-0.050 SCFH P 05/15/91 0.047 SCFH 0.047 SCFil P 9/10/92-0 X-209A 0.047 SCFH 0.047 SCFH P. 05/15/91~ 0.047 SCF!! 0.047 SCFil-P 09/10/92 X-209C 0.047 SCFH 0.047 SCF11 P. 05/15/91 0.127 SCPH 0.127 SCFil P 09/10/92 Vacuun X-228A 0.047 SCFH 0.047 SCFH-P 04/21/91- - Breakers 0.047 SCPH 0.047 SCFH P 09/02/92 X-228B 0.047 SCFH 0.047-SCFl{ P 04/21/91 . 0.04Y SCFH 0.047 SCFH - P -09/02/92 X-228C 0.047 SCFH 0.047 SCFH P-04/21/91- . 0.047 SCFH-0.047 SCFil P-

09/02/92 i

X-228D 0.047 SCFH - 0.047 ; SCFil1

P 04/21/91-0.047 SCFH 0.047'SCFH P

09/02/92' Drywell X-3 0.047 SCFH 0.047 SCFH P ~ 05/24/91:- 0.223 SCFH 0.047 SCF}l-P 10/25/92 r + l / u m., .2 s

P:g3 4 APPENDIX "A" SUMARY OF TTPE B AND C TEST RESULTS AS POUND AS IMT COMPONENT PENETRATION LEAEAGE LEAKAGE P/F DATE Equipment X-1A 0.047 SCFil 0.047 SCFH P 05/23/91 llatch 0.047 SCFH 0.210 SCFH P 10/18/92 Equipment X-18. 0.047 SCFil 0.047 SCril P 09/15/91 Hatch 0.047 SCFH 0.047 SCFH P 10/26/92 Dr pell X-2 11.930 SCFH 11.930 SCFil P 03/31/90 Airlock 4.700 SCFil 4.700 SCFH P 09/26/90-12.650 SCFil 11.697 SCFH P 10/08/90 21.150 SCFH 2 340 SCFH F 05/,20/91 5.720 SCFH 5 720 SCFH P 11 21-91 8.940 SCFil 8.940'SCFH P 05/14/92-6.886 SCFH 6.886 SCFH P 10/24/92 CRD H&tch X-6 0.047 SCFH 0.047 SCFH P 05/30/91 O.047 SCFH 0.047 SCFH P 10/22/92 Torus Hatch X-200t. 0.050 SCFH 0.050 SCFH P 05/20/91 0.050 SCFH 0.050 SCFH P 04/09/92 -0.047 SCFH 0.047 SCFH P 10/25/92 0.047 SCFil 0.120~SCFH P 11/03/92 Turus Hatch-X-200B 0.047 SCFil 0.047 SCFH' P 15/16/91 0.068 SCFil 0.047 SCFH P 10/19/92 RVSM

  1. 1 0.047 SCFH 0.047 SCFH P

04/16/91 0.047 SCFH 0.047 SCFH_ .P 10/01/92

  1. 2 0.047 SCFil 0.047 SCFil P

04/16/91 0.047 SCFil 0.047'SCFH P 10/01/92-y L i i' i- = i m,, A., , ui. .i.


  1. 3 0.047 SCFll 0.047 SCFH

- P 04/16/91 O.047 SCFH 0.047 SCFH = P 10/01/92-t

  1. 4 0.047 SCFil 0.047 SCFH P

04/16/91 0.047 SCFH 0.047 SCFH P 10/01/92

  1. 5 0.047 SCFH 0.047 SCPH P

04/16/91 + 0.047 SCFil 0.047 SCFH' P-10/01/92 l

  1. 6 0.096 SCFH 0.096 SCPH P

04/16/91 i 0.150 SCFH 0.150 SCFH P 10/01/92

  1. 7 0.047 SCFH 0.047 SCFH P

04/16/91 0.047 SCFH 0.047.SCFH P 10/01/92 i f8 0.047 SCFH 0.047 SCFil P_ 04/16/91 0.047 SCFH 0.047 SCFH P 10/01/92. Expansion X-7A 0.047 SCFH 0.047 SCFH - P 04/26/91 Bellows 0.047 SCFH 0.047 SCFH P 09/16/92 X-7B 0.047 SCFH 0.047 SCFil' P-04/26/91 /l ? 0.047 SCFH 0.047 SCFH P 09/16/92 P_ 04/26/91 . X-70 0.047 SCFH 0.047_SCFH-0.047 SCFil 0.047 SCFH P 09/16/92 p X 0.047 SCFH' O.047 SCFH P 04/26/91- -I' 0,047 SCFH 0.047 SCFH~ P --09/16/92 j X-8 -0.067 SCFH 0.067 SCFll ' P 04/26/91. O.047 SCFH 0.047 SCFH P-09/16/92 r X-9A 0.050 3CFH 0.050 SCFH' P 04/26/91 i 0.047 SCFH 0.047 SCFH P 09/16/92 X-9B _0.047 SCFH' O.047 SCFH P -04/26/91-0.04T SCFH - 0.047 SCFH . P' 09/16/92 = F ~ l I ,wV r u- ,e n, 5

4 Pag] 6 APPENDII "A" SUDMARY OF TYPE B AND C TEST RESULTS AS FOUND AS 1R'T COMPONFJ.*T PENIfrRATIOel IE.AKAGE IE.AKAGE P/F DATE X-10 0.410 SCFil 0.410 SCFil P 04/26/91 0 366 SCFH 0 366 SCFH P 09/16/92 X-11 0.250 SCFil 0.250 SCFil P 04/26/91 0.047 SCFil 0.047 SCFil P 09/16/92 X-12 0.047 SCFil 0.047 SCFil P 04/26/91 0.047 SCFil 0.047 SCFil P 09/16/92 X-13A 0.047 SCFil 0.047 SCFl! P 04/26/91 0.047 SCFil 0.047 SCFil P 09/16/92 X-13B 0.047 SCFH 0.047 SCFl! P 04/26/91 0.047 SCFil 0.047 SCFH P 09/16/92 X-16A 0.050 SCFl! 0.050 SCFil P 04/26/91 0.047 SCFl! 0.047 SCFil P 09/16/92 X-16B 0.047 SCFH 0.047 SCFil P 08!/26/91 0.047 SCFH 0.047 SCFH P 09/16/92 X-17 0.050 SCFH 0.050 SCFil P 04/26/91 0.047 SCFil 0.047 SCFil P 09/16/92 X-43 0.050 SCFil 0.050 SCFil P 04/26/91 0.047 SCFil 0.047 SCFH P 09/16/92 TIP Flanges X-35A 0.047 SCFH 0.047 SCFil P 04/28/91 0.047 SCFil 0.047 SCFil-P 10/13/92 X-35B 0.047 SCFH 0.047 SCFll P 04/28/91 0.047 SCFH 0.047 SCFil P 10/13/92 X-350 0.047 SCFil 0.047 SCFH P 04/28/91 0.047 SCFH 0.047 SCFil P 10/13/92 l I

Pcg] 7 APPENDII "A" SL99lARY OF TYPE B AND C TEST PESULTS AS FOUND AS II'FT COMPOWENT PENETRATION LEAEAGE LEAKAGE P/F DAT1? X-350 0.047 SCFil 0.047 SCFil P 04/28/91 0.047 SCFil 0.047 SCFil P 10/13/92 X-35E 0.047 SCFl! 0.047 SCFH P 04/28/91 0.047 SCFil 0.047 SCFl! P 10/13/92 X-35F 0.047 SCFl! 0.047 SCFil P 04/28/91 0.047 SCFil 0.047 SCFil P 10/13/92 Ri!R Test, X-210A 0.047 SCFil 0.047 SCFil P 04/20/91 Orifices 0.047 SCFil 0.047 SCFH P 09/04/92 0.050 SCFil 0.050 SCFil P 04/20/91 0.047 SCFil 0.047 SCFH P 09/04/92 X-2100 0.050 SCFl! 0.050 SCFH P 04/20/91 0.047 SCFH 0.047 SCFil P 09/04/92 0.050 SCFil 0.050 SCFH P 04/20/91 0.062 SCFil 0.062 SCFl! P 09/04/92 RIIR Spool X-39B 0.047 SCFH 0.047 SCFH P 04/21/91 Flange 0.047 SCFil 0.047 SCFil P 10/30/92 Butterfly X-205C 0.050 SCFH 0.050 SCFil P 04/15/91 Flanges 0.047 SCFH 0.047 SCFil P 09/04/92 X-205D 0.050 SCFil 0.050 SCFil P '04/15/91 0.047 SCFH 0.047 SCFil P 09/04/92 1

l I I P gs 8 APPlWDIX "A" SUDMAHY OF TYPE B AWD C TEST RFSULTS AS FOUND AS IMT 00MPOW10f7 PINETRATION LP.AKAGE LEAKAGE P/F DATE TWHS Spool X-213A 0.050 SCFH 0.050 SCFH P 04/09/91 Flanges 0.047 SCFil 0.047 SCFH P 09/08/92 0.050 SCFl! 0.050 SCFil P 04/09/91 0.047 SCFH 0.047 SCFH P 09/08/92 X-213B 0.047 SCFil 0.047 SCFH P 04/09/91 0.047 SCFil 0.047 SCFh P 09/08/92 0.047 SCFil 0.047 SCFil P 04/09/91 0.047 SCFil 0.047 SCFil P 09/08/92 Torus Bellows X-201A 0.060 SCFil 0.060 SCFil P 04/06/91 0.053 SCFil 0.053 SCFil P 09/04/92 X-201B 0.050 SCFil 0.050 SCFil P 04/06/91 0.047 SCFil 0.047 SCFH P 09/04/92 X-2010 0.050 SCFil 0.050 SCFil P 04/06/91 0.047 SCFil 0.047 SCFil P 09/04/92 X-201D 0.050 SCFil 0.050 SCFil P 04/06/91 0.047 SCFH 0.047 SCFH P 09/04/92 X-201E 0.050 SCFH 0.050 SCFH P 04/06/91 0.075 SCFil 0.075 SCFH P 09/04/92 X-201F 0.050 SCFH 0.050 SCFH P 04/06/91 0.083 SCF11 0.083 SCFl! P 09/04/92 X-2010 0.050 SCFil 0.050 SCFl! P 04/06/91 0.047 SCFH 0.047 SCFH P 09/04/92 X-201}i 0.050 SCFil 0.050 SCFil P 04/06/91 0.047 SCFil 0.047 SCFil P 09/04/92 Relief Valve X-210A 0.047 SCFH 0.047 SCFH P 05/01/91 Flanges E11-F001B 0.050 SCFil 0.050 SCFil P 09/04/92 'I l

-4 P g) 9 APPDIDII "A" SLBMARY OF TYPE 5 AND C TEST RESULTS AS FOUND AS LEFT + 000ea0NDrf PENETRATION 12AKAGE IJ__AKAGE P/F DATE 4 X-210A 0.047 SCFH 0.047 SCFH P 05/03/91 E11-F025B 0.047 SCFH 0.047 SCFH P 09/04/92 X-210B 0.047 SCFh 0.047 SCFH P-04/10/91 E11-F025A 0.047 SCFH 0.047 SCFH .P 10/08/92 X-210B 0.047 SCFH 0.047 SCFH P 04/17/91'- 1 E11-F001A 0.050 SCFH 0.050~SCFH P 09/04/92 X-210B 0.047 SCFH 0.047 SCFH P 05/04/91. E11-F029 0.050 SCFH 0.050 SCFH P. 09/04/92: X-218 0.056 SCFH 0.056 SCFH P-04/26/91 T48-F016A 0.047 SCFH 0.047 SCFH P 09/20/92 X-218 0.047 SCFH 0.047 SCFH P 05/15/91 748-F016B 0.047 SCFH 0.047 SCFH' P 10/13/92-X-223A 0.047 SCFH -0.047 SCFH P 05/02/91 E11-F030D 0.047 SCFil 0.047 SCFH P - 09/04/92. X-2238 0.047 SCFH 0.047 SCFH .P 05/02/91.. E11-F0308 0.047 SCFH 0.047 SCFH 'P 09/04/92 X-223C 0.047 SCFH 0.047 SCFH P-04/11/91' E11-F0300 0.047 SCFH 0.047-SCFH P-09/04/92-X-223D 0.050 SCFH 0.050 SCFH P 04/12/91-E11-F030A 0.047 SCFH 0.047 SCFH .P 09/04/92-X-227A 0.047-SCFH' O.047 SCPH P 04/30/91 E21-F011B 0.047 SCFH 0.047 SCFH P 09/17/92 X-227A 0.047 SCFH. 0.047 SCFH P. 04/30'91' / E21-F012B 0.047 SCFH 0.047 SCFH P 09/17/92-X-227A 0.047 SCFH 'O.047 SCFH P' 04/30/91 E21-F032B 0.047.SCFH. 'O.047'SCFH P 09/17/92.

+ . P:go 10 .i .APPisDII "A' SLBMARY OF TYPE B ARID C TEST RESULTS AS FOUIID AS LEFT 00MP00RWT PlWETRAT10lf 12&KAGE LEAKAGE P/F DATE X-227B 0.047 SCFH~ 0.047 SCFH P 04/16/91 E21-F011A 0.047 SCFH 0.047 SCFH P-10/09/92 X-227B 0.047 SCFH 0.047 SCFH P 04/11/91 E21-F012A 0.047'SCFH 0.047 SCFH P 10/03/92 X-227B 0.047 SCFH 0.047'SCFH P .04/11/91 E21-F032A 0.047 SCFH 0.047 SCFH P 10/09/92-HHR Blank X-210A 0.050 SCFH 0.050 SCFH P 04/10/91 Flanges 0.050 SCFH 0.050 SCFH P 09/02/92-X-210B 0.050 SCFH 0.050 SCFH P. 04/10/91 0.050 SCFH .0.050 SCFH P -09/02/92 -RHR Test X-210A 4.160 SCFH 4.160 SCFH P .10/10/92 [ Flanges . X-210B 1.730 SCFH 1.730 SCFH P 10/10/92 t k l-Li v v. i a,.. y ,,h ';,

t a Pag 3 11 APPENDII "A" r SUINtARY OF TYPE B AND C TEST RESUL.TS AS POUND AS LEFT PON!TRATI0tf TALTE N0'S LEAKAGE LEAEAGE -P/F DATE i SECTIO 11 11 TYPE C X-7 A,B,C,&D B2103-F434 0.047 SCFH 0.047 SCFH P-05/03/91 Flanges 0.047 SCFH 0.047 SCFH P 09/16/92 B2103-F022A 2.000 SCFH 2.000 SCFH P 04/02/91-B2103-F028A 1.930 SCFH 1 930 SCFH P 09/13/92 R B2103-F022B 86.030 SCFH 1.720 SCFH F 04/22/91 B2103-F028B 131 370 SCFH 12 330 SCFH F 10/09/92 B2103-F0220-111.250 3CFH 12.650 SCFH F 04/24/91 B2103-F0280 150.870 SCFH 10.170 SCFH F 10/09/92 j B2103-F022D 38.270 SCFH 24.750 SCFH-F 06/02/91 B2103-F028D 32.840 SCFH 32.840 SCPH P 09/13/92 X-8 B2103-F016 42.000 SCFH 1.820 SCFH F 04/10/91- [ 38 780 SCFH 0.047 SCFH F 09/28/92 r B2103-F019 0.784 SCFH 0.523'SCFH-P 04/15/91 0.127 SCFH 0.127 SCFH P 09/17/92 X-9A B2100-F010A 10.000 SCFH 0.050 SCFH ~F -05/02/91 0.260 SCFH 0.260 SCFH P 09/29/92 B2100-F076A 1.920 SCFH 1 920 SCFH P 04/29/91-E4150-F006 >45 SCFH 2.860 SCFH-F- 10/08/92 X-9B B2100-F010B 0.099 SCFH 0.099 SCFH P 04/29/91 >45 SCFH 1 780 SCFH .F-10/19/92 B2100-F076B 42.000 SCFH 0.075 SCFH F. 05/03/91 E5150-F013 >45 SCFH -0.160 SCFH F -10/15/92 t G3300-F120 ,h-e s + +

t Peg) 12 i APPENDII "A" smenny or TrPs a AND C MST RESULTS i f AS FOUND AS LEFT Pt3lETRATION VALVE N0'S LEAKAGE IEAKAGE P/F -DATE X-10 E5150-F007 0.047 SCFH 0.047 SCFH P 04/12/91 0.047 SCFH 0.047 SCFH P '09/22/92 E5150-F008 0.047 SCFH 0.047 SCFH .P 04/12/91 0.047 SCFH 0.047 SCFH P. 10/01/92 i X-11 E4150-F002 41.530 SCFH 0.050 SCFH

  • F 05/17/91:

0.047 SCFH 0.047 SCFH P 10/08/92'- E4150-F003 0.047-SCPH 0.047 SCFH P 04/07/91_ E4150-F600 0.047 SCFH 0.047 SCFH .P-10/08/92 X-12 E1150-F008 1.900 SCFH 1 900 SCFH P 05/02/91 0.270 SCFH-0.270 SCFH ~P-10/04/92 j E1100-F408 2.150 SCFH 0.930 SCFH F 05/02/91-0 949 SCFH 0 949 SCFH P 10/04/92 E1150-F009 -0.230 SCFH 0.230 SCFH P'- 04/30/91: E1150-F608 1.820 SCPH 1 930 SCFH P


'X-13A E1100-F050B 42.000 SCFH 0.190 SCFH F 05/03/91 E1100-F610B >45 SCFH-19.870 SCFH 'F. 10/01/92 t' E1150-F015B 2.110 SCFil 2.110 SCFH P-05/07/91-0.047 SCFH 0.047~SCFH 'P 09/17/92 X-13B E1100-F050A ' >45 SCFH 0.130 SCFH F 04/22/91-E1100-F610A >45 SCFH 0.061 SCFH F _10/15/92 E1150-F015A 1.900 SCFH 1 900 SCFH 'P 04/15/91' 1 700 SCFH 1.800 SCFH-- P 10/15/92 X-15. T4804-F603A 0.177 SCFH 0.177-SCFH -P' .'04/18/91 T4804-F605A-0.120 SCFH -0.120 SCFH P 09/28/92' r (. ' h l i -p y = .w.*, r. r s _.., + -- --w.-

1 PCse.13 l APPENDII "A" I SLBMARY OF TYPE B AND C TEST RESULTS AS FOUND AS LEFT PRMETRATION VALVE M0'S LEAEAGE lEAEAGE P/F DATE X-16A E2100-F006B 0.060 SCFH 0.060 SCFH-P 04/19/91 O.064 SCFH 0.055 SCFH -P 09/16/92 E2150-F005B 0.255 SCFil 0.255 SCPH P. 04/19/91 O.150 SCFH 0.236 SCFH P 09/16/92 X-16B E2100-F006A 0.091 SCFH 0.091 SCFH P 04/15/91' O.050 SCFH 0.050 SCFH' P 10/01/92-j E2150-F005A 0 345 SCFH 0 345 SCFH P 04/17/91-0.047 SCFH 0.047 SCFH P 10,/02/92-X-17 E1150-F022 0.064 SCFH 0.064 SCFH P 04/14/91 0.090 SCFH 0.090 SCFH P 09/23/92 E1150-F023 0.047 SCPH 0.047 SCFH P 04/10/91 0.047.SCFH 0.047 SCFH P 09/17/92 X-18 01100-F003 0.278 SCFH 0.278 SCFH P -- 05/19/91 2.100 SCFH 2.100 SCFH P -09/16/92 01154-F600 1.500 SCFH 3 620 SCFH F 05/27/91 0.570 SCFH 0.570 SCFH P 09/16/92 X-19 01100-F019 0.050 SCFH 0.050 SCFH P-05/06/91-. 0.047 SCFH 0.047 SCFH P. 10/09/92 01154-F018 0.050 SCFH 0.050 SCFH P. 05/06/91. 0.047 SCFH 0.047 SCFH .P 10/09/92 X-20 P1100-F126- 'O.420 SCFH 0.420 SCFH P 04/27/91-O.110 SCFH 0,110 SCFH P -10/04/92-f ( b u ( a a m-

e Pag) 14 APPENDII "A' SUMARY OF TYPE B AMD C TEST RESULTS AS FOUND AS LEFT PfMETRATION VALVE MD'S IRArAag I.marAGE P/F DATE P1100-D013 0 363 SCFil 0 363 SCFH -P 05/05/91-0 343 SCFH 0.096 SCFH P-10/05/92 X-21 P5000-F603 0.047 SCFH 0.047 SCFH P -04/27/91 0.182 SCFH 0.182 SCFH P 10/06/92 P5000-F604 0.047 SCFH 0.047 SCFH P 04/27/91 2 928 SCFH 0.228 SCFH F 10/13/92 X-22 T4901-F007 0.960 SCFH 0 960 SCFH P 04/27/91 T4901-F465 0.826 SCFH 0.470 SCFH P 10/10/92 T4901-F601 x-23 P4400-F282A 2.730 SCFH 2 730 SCFH P 04/16/91 1.930 SCFH 1.930 SCFH P 10/10/92 P4400-F606A 42.000 SCFH 1.470 SCFH -F 04/16/91 1.078 SCFH 1.078 SCFH P 10/10/92 X-24 P4400-F607A 0.489 SCFH 0.489 SCFH P 04/10/91 0.047 SCFH 0.047 SCFH P '10/02/92 P4400-F616 6.310 SCFH 0.809 SCFH F 04/16/91' >45 SCFH 0.057 SCFH F 10/03/92-l -X-25 74803-F602 2.515 SCFH-2.515 SCFil P 04/01/91 T4600-F402 2 770 SCFH 2.770 SCFH P 10210/92 o I-26 'T4803-F601 0.260 SCFH .'O.260 SCFH P-04/03/91 T4800-F407 .2.470 SCFH 2.470 SCFH P 10/10/92 T4800-F408 I-27A.C,D, & E T5000-F401B 0 310 SCFH 0 310 SCFH- - P-04/23/91 T5000-F403B 0.670 SCFH 0.670 SCFH P 09/17/92 L 75000-F404B L T5000-F4050-I-278 P3400-F403A 0.050 SCFH 0.050 SCFH P 04/25/91 T5000-F402B 1.520 SCFH' O.047 SCFH-F 10/14/92~ L I

P:g3 15 APPENDII "A"


OF TYPE B t.ND C TEST RESULTS AS FOUND AS LEFT PENETRATION VALVE N0'S IERAGE LEAKAGE P/F DATE P3400-F404A 0.050 SCFil 0.050 SCFil P 04/25/91 T5000-F402B 19.620 SCFil 0.047 SCFil F 10/14/92 X-27F 75000-F458 2.600 SCFH 0.047 SCFil F 05/12/91 0.047 SCFH 0.047 SCFil P 09/25/92 X-2BCF P3400-F401A 0.047 SCFH 0.047 SCFil P 04/11/91 0.047 SCFil 0.047 SCFil P 10/09/92 X-29Aa B3100-F019 0 350 SCFH 0 350 SCFli P 04/14/91 1.480 SCFil 1.480 SCFil -P 09/29/92 B3100-F020 0 340 SCFl! 0 340 SCFH P 04/14/91 5.430 SCFH 0.047 SCFil F 10/03/92 X-29Bb E1100-F412 0.050 SCFil 0.050 SCFH P 04/13/91 0.047 SCFil 0.047 SCFH P 09/28/92 X-29Bo E1100-F413 0.090 SCFli 0.090 SCFl! P 04/13/91 0.047 SCFH 0.047 SCFH P_ 09/28/92 X-29Be T5000-F420B 0.050 SCFil 0.050 SCFH P 04/23/91 0.047 SCFil 0.047 SCFil P 09/23/92 X-31B T4800-F453 0.058 SCFil 0.058 SCFH P 04/21/91 T4800-F454 0.077 SCFH 0.077 SCFil P 09/26/92 T4800-F455 X-34A P4400-F282B 0.800 SCFH 0.800 SCFH P 04/26/91 0.970 SCFli 0 970 SCFH P 09/19/92 P4400-F606B 0.920 SCFH 0 920 SCFH P 04/26/91 4.460 SCFil 0 724 SCFil F 09/29/92 X-34B P4400-F6078 4.150 SCFH 0.200 SCFil F 05/02/91 1.084 SCFl! 0.616 SCFil P 09/21/92 P4400-F615 0.050 SCFH 0.050 SCFH P 04/27/91 0.047 SCFil 0.178 SCFH P. 09/22/92

Pag) 16 APPENDIX "A" SUMARY OF TYPE B AND C ' REST RESULTS i A5 FOUND AS LEFT PENETRATION VALVE N0'S LEAKAGE-12AKAGE P/F-DATE X-35B C51-F002B 0.047 SCFH 0.047 SCFH P 04/29/91 0.047 SCFH-0.047-SCFH P 09/22/92-l X-350 C51-F002A 0.047 SCFH 0.047 SCFH P 04/29/91 0.047 SCFH 0.047 SCFH ' P 10/14/92 X-35D C51-F0020 0.047 SCFH 0.047 SCFH P 04/29/91 -0.047 SCFH 0.047 SCFH' P 10/14/92-X-35E C51-F002E 0.047 SCF!! 0.047 SCFH P. 04/29/91 0.047 SCFH 0.047 SCFH P 10/14/92' X-35F C51-F002D 0.047 SCFH 0.047 SCFH P- -04/29/91 0.047 SCFH 0.047 SCFH P 10/14/92 X-36 T4901-F016 0 360 SCFH 0 360 SCPH P 04/14/91 T4901 F602 0 300 SCFH 0 300 SCFH -P_ 09/26/92 T4901-F468 X-37/38 C1100-F010 1.930 SCFH 1 930 SCFH. P 04/30/91 1.980 SCFH 0.047 SCFH P 09/28/92 C1100-F011 1.210 SCFH 1.210 SCFH' . P. 04/30/91 ( 0.047 SCFH 0.047 SCFH P 09/28/92 - C1100-F180 1.159 SCPH 1.159 SCFH-P 04/30/91 0.047 SCFH 0.047: SCFH-P -09/28/92- -q I C1100-F181 1.220 SCFH 1.220 SCFH P 04/30/91-0.047 SCFH 0.047 SCFH P 09/28/92 X-39A E1150-F016A 0.069 SCFH-0.069 SCFH - P 04/11/91 0.682 SCFH 0.682'SCFH' P. 10/05/92 4 + t i f -w c t y-- q i+e 9-y

Peg 3 17 APPENDIX "A" l StattARY OF TYPE B AND C TEST RESULTS i AS POUND AS LEFT i PIDETRATION VALVE N0'S IXAFAGE 12AKAGE P/F DA11!: E1150-F021A 0.072 SCFil 0.072 SCPH P 04/11/91 0 557 SCFH 0.557 SCFH P 10/05/92 X-398 E1150-F016B. 2.020 SCFH 2.020 SCFH P-05/01/91 1.928 SCFH 1.928 SCFH P 09/17/92 j E1150-F021B 1.860 SCFH 1.860 SCFH P 04/29/91 -) 1.290 SCFH 1-290 SCFH P 09/16/92 X-40Dd P3400-F401B 0.047 SCFH 0.047 SCFH P 04/11/91. 0.047 SCFH 0.047 SCFH P 10/01/92 X-42 C4100-F006 0.170 SCFH 0.170 SCFH P LO4/14/91 >45 SCFH 0 380 SCFil. F-10/09/92 04100-F007 0.047 SCFH 0.047 SCFil P 04/14/91 0.047 SCFil 0.047 SCFH P 09/27/92 X-43 03352-F001 0.720 SCFH 0.720 SCFH P 04/22/91 >45 SCFil 0.047 SCFH P-09/27/92-03352-F004 1.490 SCFH 1.490 SCFH .P 04/22/91 O.109-SCFH -O.109 SCFH P 09/22/92 X T4804-F603B 0 906 SCFH 0.906 SCFH P 04/20/91L T4804-F605B 1.220 SCPH 1;220 SCFil P 09/28/92 X-47a E1100-F414 'O.057 SCFH 0.057 SCFil P 04/14/91: r 0.058 SCFH 0.058-SCFH P: 10/06/92 { X-47b E1100-F415 0.050 SCFH 0.050 SCFH ' P: 04/14/91: 0.047 SCFH 0.047 SCFH P' 10/06/92 t 4 t i _. .+

Pag 3 18 APPENDII "A" -- SUBetARY OF TYPE B AND C WST RESULTS AS FOUND AS LEFT PENETRATION VALVE N0'S LEAKAGE TJtAKAGE P/F -DATE X-47c T4800-F451 0.050 SCFH' O.050 SCFH P 04/18/91 0.247 SCFH 0.191 SCFH F -10/16/92 X-47e T5000-F420A 0.050 SCPH 0.050-SCFH P 04/02/91 0.047 SCFH 0.047 SCFil P 09/28/92 l X-4Sa,b,o,d, 75000-F401A 0.615 SCFH 0.615 SCFil P 04/02/91 e T5000-F402A 0 378 SCFH 0 378 SCFH P 09/28/92 T5000-F403A T5000-F404A T5000-F405A T5000-F450 0.047 SCFH 0.047 SCFH P 04/02/91 0.049 SC7H 0.049 SCFH P -09/28/92 75000-F456 0.047 SCFH 0.047 SCFH P 04/02/91 0.047 SCFH 0.047 SCFH P 09/28/92-X-48f P3400-F403B 0.077 SCFil 0.077 SCFH P- -04/25/91 >45 SCFH 0.047 SCFH F 10/18/92 P3400-F404B 0.096 SCFH 0.096 SCFH P 04/25/91 0.075 SCFH 0.075 SCFH P 10/08/92 X-49Aa B3100-F0148 0.160 SCFH 0.160 SCFH. - P 05/08/91 0.061 SCFH 'O.061 SCFH' P 09/22/92 B3100-F016B 0.050 SCFH 0.050 SCFH P 05/08/91 0.064 SCFH 0.064: SCFH-P 09/22/92 X-51A B3100-F014A 0.047 SCFH 0.047 SCFH P. -04/08/91 0.047 SCFH 0.047 SCFH P 10/07/92 i B3100-F016A 0.047 SCFH 0.047 SCFH P 04/08/91 'j 0.047 SCFH 0.047 SCFH P 10/08/92 'X-204A T4800-F416 0.140 SCFH 0.140 SCFH P 04/03/91 0.137 SCFH 0.137 SCFH . P 09/25/92-X-2048_ 74800-F417 0.220 SCFH 0.220 SCFH P 04/04/91-. 0.144 SCFH 0.144 SCFH-P- 09/25/92-1 t .-w ... - - ~- n~ - ~ ~ ~

Pago 19 APPENDIX "A" SUWiARY OF TIPE B AND C D:ST RESULTS AS FOUND AS IJ:FT PENE.TRATION VALVE N0'S If.AEAGE !E.AEAGE P/F DATE X-204C T4800-F418 0.170 Scal 0.170 SCFil P 04/04/91 0.190 SCFil 0.190 SCFH P 09/25/92 X-204D T4800-F419 0.220 SCFil 0.220 SCril P 04/04/91 0.248 SCFH 0.248 SCFil P 09/25/92 X-204E T4800-F420 0.190 SCFil 0.190 SCPH P 04/04/91 0.212 SCFil 0.212 SCFH P 09/25/92 X-204F T4800-F421 0.070 SCFil 0.070 SCFil P 04/04/91 0.064 SCFH 0.064 SCFil P 09/25/92 X-2040 T4800-F422 0.080 SCFH 0.080 SCFil P 04/04/91 0.072 SCFH 0.072 SCFH P 09/25/92 X-20411 T4800-F423 0.271 SCPH 0.271 SCFH P 04/04/91 0.200 SCFH 0.200 SCFH P 09/25/92 X-204J T4800-F424 0.072 SCFil 0.072 SCFil P 04/04/91 0.049 SCFil 0.049 SCFil P 09/25/92 X-204K T4800-F425 0.180 SCFH 0.180 SCFH P 04/04/91 0.159 SCFil 0.159 SCFil P 09/25/92 X-204L T4800-F426 0.080 SCFil 0.080 SCFli P 04/04/91 0.086 SCFil 0.086 SCFH P 09/25/92 X-204H T4800-F427 0.047 SCFil 0.047 SCFil P 04/04/91 0.047 SCFil 0.047 SCFil P 09/25/92 X-205A T2300-F450B 1.830 SCFil 1.830 SCFli P 04/05/91 T2300-F410 1.980 SCFH 1.980 SCFil P 09/20/92 X205B T2300-F450A 2.580 SCFH 2.580 SCFH P 04/07/91 T2300-F409 13 378 SCFH 13 378 SCFil P 09/20/92

1 ) PCEO 20 ) APPERIDII "A" SLhelARY OF TYPE B AND C TEST RESULTS. .{ AS POUND AS IM T PEMETRATION VALVE N0'S LEAKAGE lEAEACE P/F DA' fit X-205C 74800-F404 0.750 SCPil 0 750 SCFil P 05/02/91 T4800-F405 0 340 SCFH 0 340 SCFH P 08/27/92 T4800-F409 X-205D T4600-F400 0.860 SCFH 0.860 SCFH P 04/05/91 T4600-F401 0.100 SCFH 0.100 SCFil P 08/27/92 74600-F412 74800-F410 T4800-F456 0.279 SCFil 0.279 SCFH P 05/08/91 74800-F457 0 388 Scrl! 0 388 SCFH P 09/26/92 T4800-F458 X-206A E41-F402 0.058 SCFH 0.058 SCFH-P. 05/02/91 0.280 SCFH 0.191 SCFil P 10/15/92 X-206D E41-F400 0.113 SCFil 0.056 SCFH P 06/02/91 204.700 SCFH 0.123 SCFH F 10/22/92 X-211A E1150-F024B 0.730 SCFil 0.730 SCFil P 05/06/91 E1150-F027B 0.086 SCFH -0.054 SCFH P. 09/22/92 E1'50-F028B X-211B E1150-F024A 3 526 SCFil 3 526 SCFH 'P 04/16/91-E1150-F027A 0 786 SCFH 0.786 SCFH P 10/05/92 E1150-F028A X-214 E4150-F079 1 360 SCFH 1 360 SCPH P 05/15/91 E5150-F084 5.276 SCFil 1.690-SCFil F 10/15/92 E4150-F075 1.580 SCPH 0.416 SCFH-P 05/14/91 E5150-F084 2.660 SCFH 0.428 SCFH F 10/15/92 E4150-F079 1.220 SCFH 1.220 SCFH P 05/15/91 E5150-F062 6.800 SCFH 2 340 SCFH F 10/15/92 E5150-F062 0.496 SCPH 0.496 SCFH P_ 105/15/91. o E4150-P075 21.600 SCFH 1.271 SCFH-F 10/15/92-X-215 P3400-F408 0.198 SCFH 0.198 SCFH P 04/11/911 0.260 SCFH 0.106 SCFH F


4 Pag] 21 APPENDII "A" SUDMARY OF TIPE D AND C TEST HESULTS AS POUND AS LEFT PEWETilATION VALVE N0'S I.EAEAGE LEAEAGE P/F DATE P3400-F410 5 300 SCFil 0.170 SCFH F 05/11/91 0.047 SCril 0.047 SCFil P 10/07/92 T4804-F602A 42.000 SCFil 0.240 SCFil F 04/23/91 T4804-F606A 0.206 SCFil 0.206 SCFH P 09/20/92 75000-F408A 4.021 SCFil 0.179 SCFil F 04/23/91 0.160 SCFil 0.160 SCFil P -10/01/92 T5000-F451 0.071 SCFil 0.071 SCFH P 04/02/91 0.047 SCFl! 0.047 SCFil P 09/28/92 T5000-F455 0.056 SCFl! 0.056 SCFil P 04/02/91 0.047 SCFil 0.047 SCFH P 09/28/92 X-218 T4804-F601A 0.510 SCFil 0.510 SCFH P 04/09/91 T4804-F604A 0 347 SCFil 0 347 SCFH P 09/22/92 T4804-F601B 0.250 SCFH 0.250 SCFil P 04/20/91 T4804-F604B 0.237 SCFH 0.237 SCFH P 10/05/92 T4804-F016A 1960 SCFil 0.076 SCFil F 04/26/91 0.047 SCFil 0.047 SCFil P 09/20/92 T4804-F016B 0 359 SCFil 0 359 SCFil P 05/05/91 0.147 SCFH 0.147 SCFil P 10/12/92 X-219 T4804-F602B 0.420 SCFil 0.420 SCFH P 04/20/91 T4804-F606U 0.426 SCFil 0.426 SCFil P 10/01/92 T5000-F408B 1.189 SCFil 0.189 SCFil P 04/23/91-0.047 SCFil 0.047 SCFH P 09/17/92 X-230 P3400-F405B 0.949 SCFil 0 949 SCFH P 04/14/91 0.053 SCFil 0.053 SCFil P 10/07/92 P3400-F406B 1.200 SCFil 0.050 SCFil F 04/24/91 0.057 SCFH 0.057 SCFil P 10/07/92

i i Pag) 22 APPENDII "A" SIastARY OF TYPE B AND C TEST RESULTS AS POUND AS IJFT PEMETRATION-VALVE M0'S LEAIAGE IJAKAGE P/F DATE 75000-F407A 0.550 SCFH 0.050 SCFH F 04/07/91 0.048 SCFH 0.048 SCFH P 10/01/92 X-231 P3400-F405A 0.090 SCFH 0.090 SCFH P 04/11/91 0.096 SCPH 0.096'SCFH P 10/07/92 P3400-F't06A 0.050 SCFH 0.050 SCFH P 04/11/91 O.047 SCFH 0.047 SCFH P 10/07/92 T5000-F407B 0.047 SCFH 0.047 SCFH P 04/23/91 ~ 0.047 SCFH 0.047 SCFH P 09/17/92 X-206B E4100-F403 0.00 ML/ MIN 0.00 E/ MIN P 05/02/91 1.20 ML/ MIN 1.20 ML/ MIN P 09/19/92 X-206C E4100-F401 6.96 ML/ MIN 6.96 E/ MIN P .04/05/91 0.00 E/ MIN - 0.00 ML/ MIN P 10/03/92. X-206E T5000-F412A 0.00 E/ MIN 0.00 ML/ MIN P 05/02/91 1.20 ML/ MIN 1.20 E/ MIN P 10/03/92 X-206F 'T5000-F412D 4.64 ML/ MIN 4.64 E/ MIN' P 05/02/91 7 80 ML/ MIN 7.80 ML/ MIN P 09/23/92 X-210A E1100-F001B 0.00 HL/ MIN' O.00 E/ MIN P 05/01/91 0.00 E/ MIN 0.00 E/ MIN P 09/22/92 E1100-F025B 11.60 ML/ MIN 11.60 ML/ MIN P 05/02/91 -1.20 E/ MIN 1.20 E/ MIN P 09/19/92 E1150-F007B 95.12 ML/ MIN 95.12 ML/ MIN P 05/06/91 139 20 E/ MIN. 139.20 ML/ MIN P 09/16/92 E1150-F026B' 2854.00 E/ MIN' 2854.00 ML/ MIN P 05/07/91 1213 03 E/ MIN 1213 03 E/ MIN P 09/16/92 l l r s ( t l

) Pagi_23 ) APPENDII "A" SIN 04ARY OF TYPE B AND C TEST RESULTS AS FOLMD AS IRT PEMETRATION VALVE N0'S LEAEAGE 12AKAGE P/F DATE X-210B E1100-F001A 0.00 ML/ MIN 0.00 ML/ MIN. P 04/15/91 1 4.80 ML/ MIN 4.80 ML/ MIN -P 10/06/92 i E1100-F025A 0.00 ML/ MIN 0.00 ML/ MIN P_ 04/09/91 1 1.20 ML/ MIN 1.20 ML/ MIN P-10/06/92 'l E1100-F029 0.00 ML/ MIN 0.00 ML/ MIN P 05/03/91 4.60 ML/ MIN 4.60 ML/ MIN P 10/02/92 E1150-F007A 3000.00 HL/ MIN 0.00 E/ MIN P 04/13/91 1173 30 ML/ MIN 1173 30 E/ MIN. P 10/02/92 05100-F604 46.40 ML/ MIN 46.40 ML/ MIN P 04/20/91 4.64 ML/ MIN 4.64 E/ MIN ~ P 09/27/92-05100-F605 3000.00 ML/ MIN 16.24 ML/ MIN F 05/18/91 4.64 ML/ MIN 4.64 E/ MIN-P 09/22/92 P3400-F407 2 32 ML/ MIN 2 32 ML/ MIN P 04/11/91: 0.00 ML/ MIN 0.00 ML/ MIN P 10/07/92-P3400-F409 0.00 E/ MIN 0.00 ML/ MIN P 04/11/91 4.64 E/ MIN 4.64 ML/ MIN P 10/07/92 X-212-E5150-F001 39.44 HL/ MIN 39.44 ML/ MIN P-04/02/91' 394.40 ML/ MIN 394.40 ML/ MIN P 09/16/92 X-213A G5100-F600_ 0.00 E/ MIN 0.00 ML/ MIN P 04/20/91 100.80 ML/ MIN 100.80 E/ MIN P 09/23/92-G5100-F601 0.00 ML/ MIN-0.00 ML/ MIN P 04/20/91 28.20-ML/ MIN-28.20 ML/ MIN P 04/23/92 - X-213B G5100-F602 0.00 ML/ MIN: 0.00 ML/ MIN -P 04/20/91 81.00 E/ MIN 81.00 ML/ MIN P 09/23/92 4 1

Pag 3 24 APPENDII 'A" SLBGERY OF TYPE B AMD C TEST HESULT5 AS POUND A5IAFT PEMETRATION VALVE MD'S LEAE&g tuarame P/F DATE 05100-F603 0.00 E/ MIN 0.00 E/ MIN P 04/20/91 3 60 m/ MIN 3 60 E/ MIN P 09/23/92 X-220 E4150-F021 23 00 E/ MIN 23 00 E/ MIN P .04/07/91: 34.80 E/ MIN 23 20 E/ MIN P 10/13/92 X-221 E4150-F022 0.00 E/ MIN 0.00 E/ MIN P 04/05/91~ 2.40 E/ MIN 2.40 E/ MIN P 09/23/92: i .) X-222 E5150-F002 3 00 E/ MIN 3 00 ML/ MIN P 04/02/91_ q 1.80 E/ MIN 1.80 E/ MIN - P 09/15/92 X-223A E1100-F030D 13 20 E/ MIN 1.80 E/ MIN - P 05/01/91 -i 1.80 E/ MIN 1.80 E/ MIN P-09/19/92 E1150-F004D 9 30 E/ MIN 9 30 E/ MIN P 05/06/91 839.84 E/ MIN 839.84 E/ MIN P 09/18/92-- X-223B E1100-F030B 16.24 E/ MIN 16.24 E/ MIN P 05/01/91-14.40 E/ MIN' -14.40 ML/ MIN -P 09/19/92 l E1150-F004B. 9 30 E/ MIN 9 30 E/ MIN. P. 05/06/91 1 37.12 ML/ MIN 37 12 ML/ MIN P-09/18/92-j X-223C E1100-F030C 1.20 m / MIN 1.20-ML/ MIN P' '04/10/91 1.20 E/ MIN - 1.20 E/ MIN..P - 10/05/92 E1150-F004C . 64.96 ML/ MIN. 64.96 E/ MIN P 04/16/91-904.80 E/ MIN 904.80 E/ MIN-- P - 10/05/92' i X-223D E1100-F030A 0.00 ML/ MIN 0.00 ML/ MIN P 04/12/91 1.20 ML/ MIN 1.20 ML/ MIN _.P-


- E1150-F004A' 406.00 ML/ MIN 406.00 E/ MIN P 04/16/91 596.00 ML/MIh 596.00 ML/ MIN P =10/05/92-0 X-224A . E2150-F036B - 406.00 ML/ MIN 406.00 ML/ MIN: P-04/26/91-- 34.80 E/ MIN 34.80 ML/ MIN P l09/18/92i g li . i 1 L h j 1 ) i ' i $s $ ei'ye -v 4F $ - y-g e-p W rr m u -*yy*

pasy4, wer my yg4a.-

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r Pass 25 APPENDII


PIGE.11ATION VALVE N0'S IJtAKAGE LEAEAGE P/F: DATE l X-224B E2150-F036A 13 92 E/ MIN 13 92 E/ MIN P 04/08/91 l 9 28 E/ MIN 9.28 ML/ MINP 10/05/92: X-225 E4150-F042 157 80 E/ MIN 157.80 E/ MIN P 04/12/91 997.60 E/ MIN 997.60 ML/ MIN P 09/18/92 X-226 E5150-F031 2 32 E/ MIN 2 32 E/ MIN P 04/03/91 3.60 E/ MIN. 3 60 ML/ MIN P' 09/14/92 X-227A E2100-F0118 12.00 E/ MIN 12.00 ML/ MIN P 05/03/91-E2100-F0128. 2.40 E/ MIN 13 80 ML/ MIN P 09/21/92 E2150-F015B E2100-F032B 4.20 E/ MIN 4.20 E/ MIN P 04/29/91 0.00 ML/ MIN 0.00 E/ MIN P 09/14/92 E2150-F031B 4.64 E/ MIN 4.64 E/ MIN P -04/20/91-2.40 E/ MIN 2.40 E/ MIN P. 09/14/92 E4150-F012 0.00 E/ MIN 0.00 E/ MIN P 04/06/91 58.00 E/ MIN 58.00 ML/ MIN P 09/27/92-05100-F606 3132.00 E/ MIN-1.80 E/ MIN F 04/24/91 6.00 E/ MIN 6.00 ML/ MIN P 09/22/92' G5100-F607 508.00 E/ MIN 508.00 ML/ MIN P-c04/20/91-669.90 ML/ MIN 669 90 E/ MIN ~ P. 09/22/92 X-227B E2100-F011A 2430.00 ML/ MIN 2430.00 HL/ MIN P-04/17/91 E2100-F012A 1.20 E/ MIN 92.80 E/ MIN - P. .10/12/92 E2150-F015A E2100-F032A 4.20 ML/ MIN 4.20 E/ MIN P-04/05/91 l; 0.60 E/ MIN 0.60 ML/ MIN P 10/02/92~ l 0 n L-l* l-l' i

-i: Pag 3 26'- APPEND 1I "A" SLAMARY OF TYPE B AMD C TEST lutSULTS l A5 POUND A5 LEFT PDIE1 AATION VALVE N0'S Imara0E LEAEACE P/F DATE E2150-F031A 5040.00 E/ MIN. 18.00 ML/ MIN. F,- 04/22/91 - ? 0.00 ML/ MIN 0.00 ML/ MIN P 09/29/92 E5150-F019 4.20 ML/ MIN' 4.20 ML/ MIN' P 04/03/91 0.60 ML/ MIN 0.60 ML/ MIN P 09/16/92 8-( r L- . 1 ( .i t l l; -. h i i -9we, -*-g-+ e- -es vi g 5 g7--j-y-g .+p-,.-,y---,pn.e --p b y V

.. ~. -. Pag) 1 [


- r e APPENDIX "B" StBenRY OP OUTA(E RF-02 TYPE O AND C TEST FAILURES SECTION I TYPE B FAILURES - Electrical Penetration r I-101F Leakage was through test connection valve packing. i When test connection valve is closed,-penetrati.on does not leak. Test connection valve was replaced and tested. I-102D Leakage was through test connection valve packing. When test connection. valve _is closed, penetration does notl 1eak. Test connection valve was replaced and tested. I-103A Leakage was through test connectson valve packlig. when - r test connection valve is closed, penetration does not-leak. Test connection valve was replaced and tested.- k 5 J P s-m 's-e, =>e e vr rmY w ,'[ rr-+ e is-w-,r-m E t' s -ge*- ,y .%<r 4 e


.s se Pagt:2' 1r

- APPENDII --"B" SU MARY OF OUTAGE RF-02 TYPE B AND C TEST FAILUHES ?! SECTION TYPE C FAILUHES !J B B?1-F016A Failed because of leakage through the seat. Motor - Operator was reworked and torgtwa switch wast increased WR000Z910113-B21-F010A .Fuiled because of leakage _ through the seat., Valve wasi ~ disassembled and inspection of-soft scat ~showed signs of degradation (cracking). Soft seat was replaced. WR000Z910584-B21-F028B Failed LLRT Seat Leakage. Valves:were disassembled B21-F028C and inspected.. Valves were reassembled with new i B21-F028D bonnet, stem, and nose cone -modificatien. - WR005D900514, WR0050900514, WR007D900514. E11-F007A Failed LLRT because of leakage through-the seats._ When. valve was disassembled disk was found-to not be going completely into the seat. The cause was wear on the guides. Guides were reworked and motorfoperator' resetup. -WR000Z910115 E11-F050B Failed LLRT because of leakage 1 through: the: seats.. Valve: was disassembled and inspected. The soft seat showed signs of degradation.- Soft seat was replaced and-full stroke actuator installed to keep disk out of flow. WRO11E910219-E11-F610A Failed PIV Lest. Valve's-seal-weld was removed and valve disassembled.-. Inspection-reviewed a piece of5 tygon Lubing in seating area. -Tubing was' removed. WR0002910484 "J E11-F408 Failed LLRT because of through seat leakage. Seal weld was removed from-valvo, valve disassembled;and seatsJand plug reworked.- Note:' This is' the' first: test-for-E11-F408 by itself. It had: been1 group tested in the ^,. pas t. - WR000Z910585-E21-F006A Valve failed PHT test because of-Jeakage through.bonneti ~ pressure seal. Prior to test, valve had; soft seat; replaced. Bonnet pressure seal-was installed incorrectly.. Bonnet pressure seal was-replaced. WR000Z910155 q E41-F002 Failed-LLRT due to packing leak-and pressure sea ~l leak. Valve was repacked and bonnet pressure sealcleak = repaired.- WR000Z910033 E41-F075 ' Failed LLRT di3'to packing leak. Valve'was repacked and motor operator resetup. WR000Z910785 E21-F031A Failed LLRT_due'to.through' seat-leakage.. Valve was ~ disassembled and valve seats'and wedge were' lapped. This was-unsuccessful-and valve was cut outland replaced.,WR000Z910110' T 1 xr 4 A 1 y 4 6 + 4 r me

Page 3 APPENDII "B" SUleORY OP OUTAGE RP-02 TYPE B AND C TEST FAILURES G11-F600 Failed LLRT due to packing and seat leakage.. Valve was disassembled and inspected. Disk was found to have cracks in seating crea, disk was replaced and valve repacked. During final testing motor operator problems were identified (spring pack), this was corrected. WR000Z910785 G33-F120 Failed LLRT due to seat leakage. Valve was disassembled and inspected. 0-Ring soft seat was missing, disk was replaced with new style with retaining ring. Also during inspection indicator shaft showed excessive wear, which had lead to indication problems, this was also replaced. WR000Z910584 G51-F605 Failed LLRT because of through seat leakage. Valve was disassembled and seats and gate were lapped. These attempts were unsuccessful and valve was cut out and replaced. WR000Z910483 G51-F606 Failed LLRT because of throu3h seat leakage. When valve was manually tightened valve had acceptable leakage. Valve motor operator was resetup with a higher torque switch setting. WR000Z910479 P34-F406B Failed LLRT because cf packing leak on boundary valve P34-F010. Boundary valve'was repacked. WR0002910178 P34-F410 Failed LLRT because of through seat' leakage. Valve was. disassembled and seats and plug were cleaned, valve retested satisfactorily. WR000Z910168 P44-F607B Failed LLRT because of through seat leakage. Valve was disassembled and seats and gate were reworked. WR000Z910581 P44-F616 Failed LLRT because of through seat leakage. Torque-l switch setting was raised and valve retested and passed. WR000Z910167 P44-F282A Failed LLRT because of through seat leakage. Valve was disassembled and soft seats were' replaced. WR000Z910482

4 .t Pag) 4 - APPENDII "B" SIDMARY OF OUTAE IF-02 TYPE B AMD C TEST FAILURES T4804-F016A Failed LLRT due to packing leak at lever stem. Packing-was replaced. WR000Z910482. T4804-F606A Valve failed LLRT due to seat leakage. Valve was disassembled and found to be dirty inside. Valve was cicaned and required parts replaced. WR000Z910156 T50-F407A Failed LLRT due to leakage through seats. Valve was disassembled and replaceable seats were replaced. WR000Z910015 T50-F408A Failed LLRT due to leakage through seats.- Valve was disassembled and replaceable seats were replaced. WR000Z910077 T50-F453 Failed LLRT due to packing leak on boundary and also due to leakage. Boundary valve was repacked. T50-F458 had seal weld removed and valve disassembled. Valve seats and plug were reworked by vendor representative. WR000Z910497

+.-,- gi r y e .- ~ - ~~.. --- > a.2 r 0 .Qm APPIMDII - ' *C" - SWMARY OF OUTAGS RF-43. TrPE B AED C FAI1ERES z-A SECTION I TYPE B FAILUllES 'None i + t I t c \\ k U$C

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Pags 2' 3 'APPENDII "C" SUDMARY OF OUTA0E RF-03 TYPE B.AND C FAILURES SECTION II TYPE C FAILURES B21-F010B Failed becaur.e of-leakage through flanga at actuator. Affected area was welded and machined. WRf B204911105 B21-F076A Failed because of leakage through the seat._ ; Valve was disassembled and inspected. Soft seat and hinge pin bushing was replaced. WRf G222911003 B21-F076B Failed because of leakage through the seat. _ Valve was disasscabled and inspected. Soft seat and hinge pin bushing was replaced. ~WRf T211911003 B21-F016 Failed LLRT because of leakage through the seat.= Valve was disassembled and inspected._. Seating surface and gate were lapped. WRf 000Z913945 B21-F028B Failed LLRT'because of seat leakage. _ Valve was disassembled and inspected. Indications found on seat and plug. Valve seat and plug were: machined. WRf 000Z922509 B21-F028C Failed LLRT because of. seat leakage.. AfterL disassembly _and-inspection,. actuator springs were replaced and actuator-realigned. .WRf 000Z922512' B31-F020 Failed LLRT-due to seat leakage ~ caused by'the actuator ~not going closed.-l Valve's air operator. Was. reworked. WRf 0002922728 C41-F006 Failed LLRT due to not going closed-after valve was opened with air. Valve was repacked.. WRf 000Z922529 E11-F050A. Failed LLRT because' of leakage through1 the seats.- . Valve was disassembled and inspected. _The soft seat showed -signs of degradation. Soft seat 'Was replaced and aligned. WRf 0002913948 O P r

.l ~ . Paga 3. APPENDII "C" SLBMARY OF OUTAGE RF-03 TYPE B AND C FAILURES i SECTION II TYPE C FAILURES E11-F050B Failed LLRT because of leakage through the seats. Valve was disassembled and inspected.- The soft seat showed signs of degradation. Soft seat was replaced and aligned. WRd 000Z913949-E11-F414 Failed LLRT because of leakage through the seats. Valve was disassembled and water,_ rust and scale was found. Cleaned up seat and plug. WRd 000Z924357 E41-F075 Failed LLRT' because of leakage through the seats. Valve was-disassembled, cleaned, seats and disk lapped. WRf 000Z913953 1 E41-F079 Failed LLRT because of leakage through the seats. Valve was disassembled, cleaned.. seats and. disk lapped. WRd 000Z913954 ^ E41-F400 Failed LLRT because of leakage through the seats. Valve was disassembled and water, rust and scale was found. Cleaned up seat and plug. WRf 000Z922535 E41-F402 Failed LLRT'because of leakage < through the seats.1 Valve was disassembled and water, rust?and scale i was found. Cleaned up seat and plug.. WRf 000Z922516 - E51-F013 Failed LLRT because of. leakage through -the seats. Valve was disassembled seat and-gate were steam cut. Valve seats and gate were machined and lapped. WRf 000Z924067 E51-F084 Failed LLRT because of-leakage through _ the-seats. Valve was disassembled, cleaned, seats and disk lapped. WRd 0002923489 -033-F120 Valve was disassembled due to a known? indicator-shaft-deficiency prior to obtaining an as found-LLRT. ' Valve was disassembled, soft seat replaced, new indicator shaft installed, and. valve repacked.- WRf T223911003 -4v-'S-)

_ ~. _ _. _ _ _ Pcg3 1 APPENDII "D" SuletARY OF TYPE B AND C PENALTY is.AraGE FOR OUTAGE RF-03 ILRT-I Penalty l Penetration No. I Leakage (SCFH) l Penalty ($/ day). Electrical Penetrations X-100A 1 0.137 0.0002329 X-100B 0.28 -0.000476 X-100C 0.047 0.0000799 X-100E 0.047 0.0000799 X-100F 0.138-0.0002346 X-100G 0.094 0.0001598 i X-101A 0.047 0.0000799 X-101B 0.047 0.0000799 X-101C 0.047 0.0000799 X-101D 1 0.047 0.0000799 X-101E 0.047 1 0.0000799 X-101F O.076 1 0.0001292 X-102A I 0.15 0.000255 X-102B 0.047 0.0000799 l X-1020 0.05 0.000085 X-102D 0.047 0.0000799 X-103A 0.151 0.0002567-X-103B 0.057 0.0000969 X-104A 0.049 0.0000831 X,104B i 0.054 0.000091E X-1040 0.0513 0.00008721 X-104D 0.047-0.0000799 X-104E l 0.047 0.0000799-X-104F l 0.065 0.0001105 X-105A 0.054 0.0000918 l X-105B 0.047 i 0.0000799 X-106A ll 0.215 0.0003655 'X-106B l 0.047 0.0000799 X-209A 0.047 0.0000799 'X-209C 0.127 0.0002159 X-228A I 0.047 0.0000799 X-2288 0.047 0.0000799 X-228C 0.047-0.0000799 X-228D-1 0.047-0.0000799 'IDTAL ELBUTHICAL LEAKAGE 2.5943 0.00441031



Penetration No. l Leakage (SCFH) l Penalty (%/ day) Mechanical Penetrations X-9A 0.26 0.000442 X-9B 0.16 0.000272 X-18 0 57 0.000969 X-19 I 0.047 0.0000799 X-43 1 0.047 0.0000799-TOTALS 1.084 0.0018428 AND X-23 1 93 O.003281 l X-24 0.047 1 0.0000799 TOTALS I 1.977 0.0033609 u OR I X-34A l 0.97 0.001649 X-34B I 0.178 0.0003026 TOTALS 1.148 0.0019516-l PLUS WORST ECCS Division X-39A 0.557 0.0009469 X-13B 0.18 I 0.000306 X-211B 0.786 0.0013362 X-39B 1.29 0.002193 X-13A 0.047 0.0000799 i l X-211A 0.054 -0.0000918 X-17 1 0.047 0.0000799 TOTALS 2.961 0.0050337 I OR l l X-39A 0.557 0.0009469 X-138 0.18 0.000306 X-211B 0.786 0.0013362 X-16B 0.047 0.0000799-1 l: TOTALS i 1.57 0.002669 OR i i X-39B 1.29 0.002193 X-13A 0.047 0.0000799 X-211A 0.054 0.0000918 i

l Page 3 APPENDII D" SIDMARY OF TIPE B AND C PENALTI LEAKAGE FOR OUTAGE RF-03 ILRT l Penalty l Penetration No. l Leakage (SCFil) Penalty (%/ day) X-17 1 0.047 0.0000799 X-16B I 0.047 0.0000799 I

  • IDTALS I 1.485 l 0.0025245 I

l If0RST ECCS TOTAL l 2.961 i PCMS DIV 1 I l X-48a-e 1 0.427 0.0007259 X-230 0.11 0.000187 X-215 -0.459 0.0007803 1 'IDTALS 0.996 0.0016932 PCMS DIV 2 X-27a-e 0.67 0.001139 X-231 0.143 0.0002431 X-219 0.52 0.000884 i 1DTALS 1.333 1 0.0022661 CRD SDV i I X-37,38 l 2.027 0.0034459 i TOTAL MECHANICAL LEAKAGE 110.378 0.0176426 TOTAL ELECTt1ICAL LEAKACE l 2.5943 1 0.00441031 I I-nnAL PENALTY LEAKAGE 112 9723 1 0.02205291 I

O-Page 1 APPENDII "E" TYPE A TEST LEALAGE AND ERHOR PARAMETERS Scan Scan Elapsed Average Average Calo Calo Calc Date Time Time Drybulb Pressure Air Mass Leak, LC UCL (hrs) (Deg F) (PSIA) (LBM) (%/dy) (%/dy) 10-27 19:40:00 0.00 92.683 72.187 103180.7 0.00000 0.00000 10-27 19:50:00 0.17 92.647 72.182 103179.5 0.00000 0.00000 10-27 20:00:00 0 33 92.620 72.177 103176.5 0.29377 0.00000 10-27 20:10:00 0.50 92.588 72.171 103173.9 0 33159 0.77793 10-27 20:20:00 0.67 92.555 72.167 103173 5 0.29472 0.64128 10-27 20:30:00 0.83 92.525 72.161 103171.4 0.28374 0 51766 10-27 20:40:00 1.00 92.493 72.157 103171.2 0.25788 0.45531-10-27 20:50:00 1.17 92.469 72.153 103168.1 0.25595 0.41795 10-27 21:00:00 1 33 92.435 72.149 103168.1 0.24229 0 38502 10-27 21:10:01 1.50 92.409 72.144 103165.5 0.23910 0 36549 10-27 21:20:00 1.67 92 380 72.140 103164.1 0.23505 0.34928 10-27 21:30:00 1.83 92 356 72.136 103161.8 0.23521 0 33983 10-27 21:40:00 2.00 92 327 72.132 103160.8 0.23269 0 32971 10-27 21:50:00 2.17 92 302 72.128 103159 3 0.23033 0 32106 10-27 22:00:00 2 33 92.271 72.124 103159.1 0.22526 0 31096 10-27 22:10:00 2.50 92.248 72.120 103156.7 0.22314 0 30432 10-27 22:20:00 2.67 92.218 72.116 103156.1 0.21930 0.29666 10-27 22:30:00 2.83 92.194 72.111 103154.1 0.21728 0.29115 10,-27 22:40:00 3 00 92.168 72.108 103154.1 0.21309 0.28408 10-27 22:50:00 3 17 92.142 72.104 103153 0 0.20914 0.27751 10-27 23:00:00 3 33 92.122 72.101 103151.6 0.20598 0.27189 10-27 23: 10:00 3 50 92.095 72.097 103150.5 0.20281 0.26653 10-27 23:20:00 3 67 92.070 72.093 103150.1 0.19906 0.26083 10-27 23:30:00 3 83 92.050 72.089 103147.4 0.19738 0.25734 10-27 23:40:00 4.00 92.026 72.086 103146.0 0.19570 0.25404 10-27 23:50:00 4.17 91.997 72.082 103145.8 0.19329 0.25008 10-28 00:00:00 4 33 91.977 72.079 103144.7 0.19114 0.24647 10-28 00:10:00 4.50 91.957 72.073 103139.9 0.19165 0.24640 10-28 00:20:00 4.67 91.933 72.073 103142.4 0.18941 0.24289 10-28 00:30:00 4.83 91.910 72.070 103141.8 0.18714 0.23941 10-28 00:40:00 5 00 91.888 72.065 103139.0 0.18588 0.23716 10-28 00:50:00 5.17 91.864 72.063 103139.8 0.18355 0.23378 10-28 01:00:00 5 33 91.843 72.059 103137.6 0.18211 0.23140-10-28 01:10:00 5.50 91.825 72.056 103135.8 0.18095 0.22944 10-28 01:20:00 5.67 91.808 7P.051 103131.9 0.-18108 0.22930 10-28 01:30:01 5.83 91 780 72.049 103133 2 0.18016 0.22765 10-28 01:40:00 6.00' 91.759 72.042 103129 3 0.18030 0.22755 10-28 01:50:00 6.17 91.742 72.042 103129 9 0.17964 0.22633 l 10-28 02:00:00 6 33 91.714 72.040 103131.5 0.17808 0.22402 l 10-28 02:10:00 6.50 91.701 72.035 103127.0 0.17769 0.22322 10-28 02:20:00 6.67 91.678 72.034 103128.0 0.17655 0.22146 10-28 02:30:00 6.83 91.656 72.030 103126.2 0.17581 0.22019 l 10-28 02:40:00 7 00 91.639 72.028 103124.6 0.17512 0.21904 l 10-28 02:50:00 7 17 91.615 72.024 103124.1 0.17424 0.21767 10-28 03:00:00 7 33 91.598 72.022 103121.9 0.17383 0.21688 10-28 03 10:00 7 50 91.580 72.020 103122.5 0.17284 0.21541 10-28 03 20:00 7.67 91.561 72.016 103120 3 0.17217 0.21435 10-28 03 30:00 7.83 91.539 72.014 103118.8 0.17170 0.21353 10-28 03.40:00 8.00 91.520 72.013 103121 3 0.17029 0.21162

o Page 1 APPENDII "F" VERIFICATION TEST PARAMET, Ells Scan Scan Elapsed Average Average Calc Calc Date Time Time Drybulb Pressure Air Mass Leak, Lc (hrs) (Deg F) (PSIA) (LBM) (5/dy) 10-28 05:20:00 0.00 91 336 71.968 103090.0 0.00000 10-28 05:30:00 0.17 91.317 71 961 103084,6 0.00000 10-28 05:40:00 0.33 91.298 71.958 103081.4 0.60057 10-28 05:50:00 0.50 91.281 71.954 103077 1 0.57771 10-28 06:00:00 0.67 91.267 71.948 103069.6 0.64884 10-28 06:10:00 0.83 91.249 71.943 103066.7 0.64756 10-28 06:20:00 1.00 91.231 71.939 103064.5 0.61663 10-28 06:30:00 1.17 91.214 71.934 103058.5 0.61427 10-28 06:40:00 1 33 91.200 71.929 103053.3 0.62015 10-28 06:50:00 1.50 91.182 71.920 103046.8 0.63462 10-28 07:00:00 1.67 91.165 71.918 103045.2 0.62906 10-28 07:10:00 1.83 91.151 71.915 103041.4 0.62315 10-28 07:20:00 2.00 91.137 71.909 103034.6 0.62656 10-28 07:30:00 2.17 91.117 71.900 103029.7 0.63006 10-28 07:40:00 2.33 91.103 71.896 103022.8 6390000 10-28 07:50:00 2.50 91.088 71.891 103018.4 0.64488 10-28 08:00:00 2.67 91.070 71.886 103013 5 0.64979 10-28 08: 10:00 2.83 91.053 71.882 103009 3. 0.65292 10-28 08:20:00 3 00 91.043 71.880 103003 3 0.65742 10-28 08:30:00 3 17 91.021 71.873 103001.0 0.65743 10-28 08:40:00 3 33 91.012 71.871 102997.1 0.65664 10-28 08:50:00 3 50 90.994 71.864 102989.4 0.65938 10-28 09:00:00 3.67 90.976 71.861 102986.7 0.65935 10-28 09 10:00 3.83 90.965 71.856 102981.9 0.65962 10-28 09 20:00 4.00 90.950 71.852 102976.5 0.66036

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- P2g2_ : 1: APPENDII "G" s 11RT REPETITIVE FAILURE ANALYSIS; ~ .The: number of poor'LLRT performers continuesLto' shrink as.'a-result'ofJ-corrective Engineering Design Packages; implemented during past. _ - outages. The: total = number of failures in outages 88-01, RF-01, RF-02-- 4 and RF-03 continue to show a decreasing trend. Of the LLRT failures during.RF-03, ten were first time failures caused-by excessive; moisture in the: valve seating area. 'Ihis was likely caused by a higher than_normallamount of moisture in the containment atmosphere resulting froalexternal leakage from an. inboard feedwatericheck valve. It'these failures are removed from the' total: number of valve failures the improving trend of valves passing-rate-would 'even be more dramatic. As valve failure mechanism trends are identified, appropriate and aggressive corrective actions will be taken. T m- ',w d r r P 7 4 d 4+ t =}}