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Change 2 to MP 724.2, Reactor Feed Pump Coupling Replacement & Alignment, Replacing Pages 6,17,20 & 25
Person / Time
Site: Millstone  Dominion icon.png
Issue date: 06/23/1997
From: Mcnerney T
MP-724.2, NUDOCS 9707030028
Download: ML20141F522 (6)


- - . . _ .. . . . . . . . . . . . . ..= .. . . ..

1 f *NDS Document Transmittal 6/23/97 -ii To: Nuclear Regulatory Commission Addressee Unique # 140 Document Control Desk ROUTINE distribution Washington, D.C. 20555 '

The following documents have been revised. You are currently on distribution for these documents. Verify that all documents are included in this distribution set.




l l

1 l

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1 l

l o1

__ IIllIIIIllIIlill)If[Illllllllllllllll 000061 Return this form to NDS, MP475,3rd Floor, C/O Rick Lundin (x2446) as soon as received.

Signature Date:

9707030028 970623 PDR ADOCK 05000245 P PDR 1

. j Procedure and Form Change Request  !

.Q (Sheet I ofl)

V Section 1: Change initiation Information Document No.: MP 724.2 Revision No. 5 Change No. 2


Reactor Feed Pump Coupling Replacement and Alignment Initiated By: T. McNerney change Type: in,,n, x gonin,,n, o p o ide the correct heating temperature forinstalling the motor N r*e$u9efd Nnu N b r @ m b n coupling hub. To provide recommended coupling lubricant quantity. ' Expiration Date or Condition:

To add requirement to add non-hardening sealant to shaft keys and l j keyways. I Removed Date: ,

o _ _ _ _ _ _ __ a Section 2: Instructions for Entering Change j Replace pages 6,17,20, and 25.

l Section 3: Non . Intent Change Interim Approval l Section 3a. Approved by SORC or PORC Member or First Line Supervisor Signature: Date: l

= = -- - - - . -

Section 3b. Approved by Shift Manager or SRO Licensed on Unit Signature: Date: )

OG Section 4: Reviews l QA Reviewer Signature:(irrequired) Date:

Independent Reviewer Signature: [ j n Date: ((/7f47 Ch1 l No comments @ cr Attachment 10 from DC 3 not required


===m _-cas+ == .c=> .


4 Safety Evaluation Required? YES NO Ifeither question is answered "YES " l 4 Environmental Review Required? YES NO .

Section 5: Review and Approval ru nt or su"'

YES NO Review Required?

nd v d al i na u e: e/f,) Date: jf//7/f7 (Common Department Procedures require Date; each arrected Department licad's signatures)


Section 6: APPROVAL hiceting Number: l- D(/)9 PORC>rSORC -

C iairperson Signature: Appr val Date: ( 7 ~' y ')1 DC1. Att. 6, Rev. 5, (06-03-97)

Effective Date: -

b ~ ) ,5 ~ Station Admin Procedures Group OSCAR Report f

i n

I t) l l



. 2.4.4 Consumables

' fT, U

  • Approved antiseize compound, such as Never Seeze Approved cleaning solvent, such as HydraFoam 2020 Approved degreasing solution, such as PT Degreaser a h couo$ us-k WAe5 %sm-a-Gos ek seakk No.2.suck kcq s

Approved marking dye, such as Dykem Approved 0-ring lubricant (for coupling sleeve O-rings),

such as Dow Corning Clean rags e

Heat-resistant gloves for installing heated coupling hubs

gear teeth) I l 4' i



Scotch-Brite pads j v

3. PRECAUTIONS 3.1 All consumables used in or on power plant components must be controlled in accordance with CC-1," Control of Chemical Consumable Products." ,

l 3.2 Ensure all combustible materials, flammable liquids, compressed gasses, I and ignition sources are used in accordance with WC-7," Fire Protection 1 Program." l 1

p ,

t hip 724.2 Level of Use 'sT6F "tkiWF~ KACIS REVIEg7 General Ma J% ? '1 -a 7c74{




'o NOTE The reactor feed pump shaft is tapered. To ensure a proper coupling hub fit, the coupling hub is installed in two phases; a cold-fit installation phase and a hot-fit installation phase. During the cold-fit installation, the pump coupling hub is installed snu to provide a reference point for measuring the 0.037-inch couplin hub drift that takes place when the coupling hub is heated and install .

I 4.4.2 Refer To Attachment 1 and PERFORM cold-fit installation of ,

pump coupling hub as follows: )

o,.UsitScw roced. w.-krdes$3 sdd, &

C. OAT 4 Kcy M Keywo-V. 2 )

a.o. INSTALL shaft key into shaft ke>way.

b. ALIGN coupling hub with shaft key and PUSH hub onto shaft as far as possible.


c. Using a spanner wrench, INSTALL vnd TIGHTEN couplmg l nut until snug. I l

r l (j NOTE j l

The pump coupling hub face may extend beyond the end of the shaft, or the shaft may extend beyond the face of the pump coupling hub.


d. IE pump coupling hub face extends beyond end of shaft, l ReferTo Attachment 3 and PERFORM the following:
1) ALIGN holes in strap with threaded holes in face of coupling hub.
2) INSTALL and TIGHTEN bolt securing strap to coupling hub.
3) FABRICATE shims with a thickness of 0.037 inch (0.035 to 0.039 inch).
4) INSTALLjamnut onto locator bolt and THREAD jamnut up to bolt head.
5) INSTALL, but do not tighten, locator bolt and jamnut into threaded hole in strap.

V 1 , ,

THINK" ' ACf Level of Use ~STOP 'h5Vl5%I

Rev. 5 General - . g . ,



.- t i

1 l

l 4.4.7- Refer To Attachment 1 and INSTALL motor coupling sleeve and coupling hub as follows-

]G O-ci

a. Using an approvecMu7ricant, LUBRICKI'E coupling sleeve  !

O- rmg. i j


b. INSTALL coupling sleeve O-ring into mating recess in coupling sleeve. '
c. With O-ring end of coupling sleeve facing motor, INSTALL sleeve onto motor shaft and POSITION sleeve toward motor as far as possible.

c..a. Vitg = a. coued no^-krbig gajmk lCh CoATT e af %cb kyuJo.yr. 2J

d. INSTALL shaft key into shaft keyway and ENSURE shaft key l fits tightly in shaft keyway.


1. Motor coupling hub and motor shaft have an interference fit of approximately 0.003 inch. Coupling hub must be heated to y approximately-2W1F in order to achieve a proper fit. g O 35o* F kJ 2. Motor coupling hub can be heated using an oven or an induction bearing heater. Heating with an oven is the preferred method.
3. Coupling hub installation must be performed as quickly as possible to ensure coupling hub is positioned properly before it cools.
e. -Using an oxi , HEAT coupling hub tc 21" F and ENSURE '

temperature does not exceed 220"F.- 2 350*F

f. PUSH coupling hub onto shaft until hub face is flush with end of motor shaft and HOLD hub securely until hub cools.

4.4.8 Refer To MP 720.4," Reactor Feed Pump Repair (Ingersoll-Rand 12 x 17 RFD-3)" and INSTALL upper-half inboard bearing.


Level of Use ' STOP

' THINK 'ACT REVIEW' Rev. 5 General 20 0f 46




1. " Dimension 1"is the required button length on pump end of spacer piece.
2. Button length can be reduced by machining spacer piece button end.

Button length can be increased by welding additional material onto  !

spacer piece button end.

m. PERFORM applicable action:

MACHINE spacer piece button until button length equals " Dimension I."

NOTE Spacer piece button materialis AISI 1045 carbon steel.

l Refer To Weld Plan and WELD material onto spacer l

piece button until button length is equal to

" Dimension I."

l 4.5.3 Refer To Attachment 1 and COUPLE pump and motor as { }


Tha coupN b ku co awwAd.S S.6, bs b or3.guce$wv:vree4 coap(i$ yea 6a. .

EferTc> MP w.o (4t), " Feelm4cc (m)" M ch

a. .Usim3 Mohih": EP-111 grease, thoroughly LUBRICATE I coupling hub teeth and coupling sleeve teeth.

l l b. APPLY approved thread scalant to coupling sleeve l lubricatio i plugs.

l c. INSTALL and TIGHTEN coupling sleeve lubrication plugs.

l d. INSTALL pump coupling sleeve-to-spacer piece gasket.

e. INSTALL motor coupling sleeve-to-spacer piece gasket.
f. RELEASE motor from locked magnetic center position.

Level of Use STOP 'T'NK H ~ ACT ~bhiEYi R

O.1 l Rev.5 General , t 25 of 46 .
