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Responds to .Continued Receipt of NRC Correspondence to Util Requested.Considers Prospect of Speeding Up Licensing Process as Disturbing
Person / Time
Site: Marble Hill
Issue date: 05/15/1981
From: Frey D
To: Youngblood B
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
NUDOCS 8105200179
Download: ML20126K663 (1)


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\ .d4 ' The INDIANA SASSAFRAS AUDUBON SOCIETY s of Lawrence - Greene - Monroe -

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. . q jW L ,i l7i,'>rN @%. 4 3 I'WI 131981 > -j Hr. 3. J. Youngblood O.

Ohief, Licensing Branch No.1 hN y//p N% "gp ['6


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l Division of Licensing


Uuclear Pagulatory Co==ission  ;

!ashington, D.C. 20555

Dear Mr. Youngblood:

In response to your letter of :hy 5,1981, the Sassafras ..udubon Society has a con-tinuing concern in Marble "', and uould apomciate continuing to aceive directly copies o_, .,,.., corre spondence to ,u.L:.0 cervace ana (P.c a ).


.i . . son, anciana as soco distance from Bloomington, Indiana, a round-trip squiring three hours travel ti 4, and the need to secure information abou., :hrble Hill from the Madison-Jeffer-son Public Library would constitute a hardship. Se am asking PSI for copies of docunents filed with the "R0 on Marble Hill, as you sug;;ested.

Sassafras audubon wishes to be a party to the Ocerator Licence (OL) Proceedin:;s regarding Maicle Hill. Sassafras audubon filed a mquest with the :130 for a public hearing when safety-related constraction was stopced at :hrble Hill because of a breakdown in PSI's quality control-qual.ity assurance pro;ran. This aquest was denied even though this was an early and reaningful stage in Mapole Hill's constraction and the raquest concerned issues and problems slative to :raclear power plant operation not covered, or inadecuately covend, in the constraction license proceeding. The public hearirq held in :1rch 1920, in Fadison, Indiana on PSI's revised quality assur-l ance progra=, cannot be constraed as a subctitute for the tyce of Hearing ve requested.


'le accived notice on Saturday, May 9th,1931, of a foMhec=ing raeting on hay lith uith PSI concerning the schedule for the FSAR and IR tenderirg and OL Paview. .le uculd appreciate a copy of the mport on the results of the teeting.

Se have been dictufoed by recent Federal Sovern=ent aetion tovard speedirq up licons-ing of nuclear power plc.nts and the possibi~ity of issuance of 'interir" opera *,or licenses before a oublic hearing night be held or cc pleted on he FSAR, IR, and OL.

Us trould acomeiate specific infornation as to when to apply for a public hearing en the FS. 2, 53, c.nd OL for Marble FO , including an "interin" license, if such be-ce;2 s a ,, erat!.1 ?rC.Ctice .

? curs since a ly,

.:rs. havid G. Frey hesafrns .suduben Society 2525 2. hith Road S comington, c e l O N 8105200 6 p'9IN


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