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Responds to NRC Re Violations Noted in IE Insp Repts 50-546/83-19 & 50-547/83-20.Corrective Actions:Sys Developed to Identify Matls Requiring Periodic Maint & Storage Procedures Revised to Identify Sys
Person / Time
Site: Marble Hill
Issue date: 12/14/1983
From: Shields S
To: James Keppler
Shared Package
ML20083H667 List:
SVP-0201-83, SVP-201-83, NUDOCS 8401130301
Download: ML20083H669 (3)



'3, :6-l PUBLIC December 14, 1983 SERVICE i

SVP-0201-83 INDIANA S. W. Shields Senior Vice President -

Nuclear Division James G. Keppler Regional Administrator Docket No.:

STN-50-546 U. S. Nuclear Regulatory commission STN-50-547 Region III 799 Roosevelt Road Const. Permit Nos.:


Dear Mr. Keppler:

This is in response to Nuclear Regulatory Commission's (NRC) Inspection Report Numbers 50-546/83-19 and 50-547/83-20 dated November 17, 1983.

The report identified one item of noncompliance to which the following is addressed:


Description of Violation 10CFR50, Appendix 3, Criterion XIII states in part, " Measures shall be established to control the handling, storage, shipping, cleaning, and' preservation of material and equipment in accordance with work and inspection instructions to prevent damage or deterioration."

Marble Hill PSAR Chapter 17 dated June 1983, Section 1.13 states in part, " PSI has delegated the handling, storage, shipping, cleaning, ar.d preservation of material and equipment to contractors and suppliers where not performed by PSI. Organizations perforning handling or ship-ping activities shall develop work and inspection instructions or procedures for accomplishing these activities.

Instructions or pro-cedures so developed by contractor and suppliers are reviewed and accepted by PSI or its designated agent."

Contrary to the above, the licensee failed to assure that the respon-sible contractor's instructions and procedures adquately identified all material included in the storage preservation and inspection pro-gram. This resulted in the degradation of the diesel generator mounting bolta in Unit One Auxiliary Building.


Corrective Action Taken and Results Achieved The Civil / Structural Contractor had procurred the diesel generator mounting bolts under its own Quality Assurance Program requirements, 8401130301 840109 DEC yg @

PDR ADOCK 05000546 O

PDR t'. O. Box 190, New Washington, Indiana 47162 812. 289.3000 4



gg TO: James G. Keppler 2

December 14, 1983 g

RE: NRC's Inspection Report Numbers SVP-0201-83 50-546/83-19 and 50-547/83-20 PUBUC SERVICE INDIANA


and was further charged with the responsibility for performing storage preservation and maintenance activities for items under its control.

The Civil / Structural Contractor had identified the nonconforming conditions on the following nonconformance documents:

Newberg NCR 6897 Newberg CAR 432 6898 6990 6999 Newberg initiated Corrective Action Request (CAR) 432 on October 28, 1983 which identified that periodic maintenance was not performed on material because of inadequate material identification in the periodic maintenance program. The corrective action was to develop a system identifying materials which accounts for each item requiring periodic 1 tintenance and revice pro-cedures to identify this system.

An evaluation was made to determine what additional material is not adequately identified in the storage and maintenance program. The evaluation indicated that anchor bolts and anchor bolt nuts welded to embedded plates at the base of a sleeve are the only items that require corrective actions as a result of the CAR.

The CAR referenced the four Nonconformance Reports (NCRs) (6897, 6898, 6900 and 6999) for corrective action to inspect, rework and repair the anchcr bolts and their grouting locations.

Additionally, a map identifying all in-place anchor bolts requiring periodic maintenance by Newberg shall be prepared by the Newberg Material Control Department. An inspection of these anchor bolt threads shall be performed, as required, to identify unacceptable items.

Additionally, the in-place anchor nuts shall also be identified on a map prepared by the Newberg Material Control Department. Once all items are N y.

identified, an inspection of the threads on the anchor nuts shall be per-7.,;14y formed, and NCRs shall be generated as required, to identify unacceptable items.

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Corrective Action Which Has Been or Will Be Taken To Avoid Further Noncom-

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Public Service Company of Indiana, Inc. (PSI) shall assure that Newberg M

shall henceforth use the maps identified above while performing periodic l4-maintenance of in-place anchor bolt threads and anchor nut threads, and shall indicate the status on these maps.

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1 TO: James G. Keppler 3

December 14, 1983 RE: NRC's Inspection Report Numbers SVP-0201-83 PUBUC 50-546/83-19 and 50-547/83-20 SERVICE INDIANA 2.

The applicable Newberg generated Storage and Maintenance Instructions shall be reviewed and updated to requira use of the location map.


Newberg procedure WPN-6 shall be revised to require a check of all new Storage and Maintenance Instructions in the future for similar items that would require mapping to assure verification of periodic maintenance.

Additionally, the procedure shall ce revised to address transfer of maintenance responsibilities. PSI shall review and approve the pro-cedure to assure incorporation of the identified revision parameters.


PSI shall assure that training is administered to the applicable Newberg Material Control personnel in procedure WPN-6 requirements.


PSI shall perform surveillance and audits to assure that Newberg per-forms maintenance as required per their procedures and Storage and Maintenance Instructions.


Progress Achieved and Date of Full Compliance 1.

All of the Newberg initiated NCRs have been dispositioned, and PSI has approved the corrective action response to the Newberg CAR 432 on December 2, 1983.


The scheduled date for achievement of full compliance of the activities identified above is January 31, 1984.

Please advise if you have any questions on the above material.

Sincerely, I

l S. W. Shields Senior Vice President-Nuclear Division SWS:IJL:sw cc:

J. Schapker (NRC) b a va

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