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Requests Transcript of 800325 Public Meeting Per 800406 Request & Promising Transcript Upon Issuance. Discusses Public Concerns & Suggestions Re Nuclear Issue & NRC
Person / Time
Site: Marble Hill
Issue date: 07/02/1980
From: Butler P
To: Stello V
Shared Package
ML19344E436 List:
NUDOCS 8008280551
Download: ML19344E437 (1)






Paul Batler July 2, 1980 Box 281 Eanover, In. 47243 Mr. Victor Stello, Jr.

Director, Office of Inspection and Enforcement U.S. Nuclear Eagulatory Com=ission j

Washington, D.C. 20555

Dear Mr. Stallo,

Reference your letter of May 23, 1980 in which you responded to my letter of April 6,1980, I am becoming curious as to when the transcript of the March 25 Public Meeting which we expect to issue shortly-- is to be forth-


I must say that I am pleased that you saw fit to respood to my inquiry (Ne: 73I investigation) although there has been no furtner information forthcomt g from that agency. The level of ignorance or tne public concern over tne local nuclear issue is perhaps not as emrs.e as is sometimes suggestec, altnough major problems of crecib.:.1&ry or tne NRC remain unresolvec; I can now say that an individual can ex:ist within ene local-federa.L dialogue.

n I remain convinced tnat my plan-regarniug tne Marble Hill facziary is viante. 1hanic you for attaening it to the transcript.

A:nerica's invesn=*nr in nuclear po.:er must be questioned in the light of

'the present and future economic realities.

Mr. Stello, some loca.1 puncit has suggested that the NRC be moved to the haunt St. Heleus area in tne interest of ridding tne Washingtou area of exces. oureaucracy. I don' t know that this is entirely a wortnwnale idea although, as tne same pundit says, one Washington's loss might be anviuer Mas:1u3tu='s gain. My feeling is tuat. you guy. sometimes ao a pretty good joo so you really con't need to me movec that far---p.r 4 only to Missouri, sa:sewhere around Reelfoot I.ake.

Then, if there were a nuclear power disaster,you could bail out of Peelfoot and head out anew to Madrid perhaps. All the @_ile claiming that :he entire earthshaking matter was no fault of your own...

Sincer q

o s

Paul Butler l

