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Responds to 800508 Inquiry Re Statement in 790901 Request for Hearing on Confirming Suspension of Const Re Heavy Faults.Forwards 790111 Indianapolis Star News Article in Which Statement Appeared.Requests Any Info on Subj
Person / Time
Site: Marble Hill
Issue date: 05/15/1980
From: Frey D
To: Shewmaker D
Shared Package
ML19310A926 List:
NUDOCS 8007010055
Download: ML19310A940 (2)




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. 3o: :..r.g"!,0n, J.*.clana O.

May 15, 19EO 2.

7. ' S r; E.e *.-.1/.e r





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his let er is concer:ed with you-ine,ui:7 of May 8,1980 :egarding a state:ent

ads b-- Sassafras '--#uben in t'reir Septe_.ber 1,1W9 A RI~UIS? FOR A FEARING ON

~3.DI:. X. ' ::E::~- SUS:E!!SION 07 CO::STRI JTIC to the effect : "Eo sention is nede in the C-der of F:. Jevel Rogers, Mr. Stanley Mortensen, and Mr. Michael Walston, also con:#.4 veders at Mei:le A7', Vno signed affidavits, July 10,1W9, charging se d~'e '2z s in the cocerete work at Marble F477, including " heavy faulta" in the

" case of 're :eactor cc:nainment ba'47r%g." (page 5).

7 A nsed is a ev,. cf a news a:ticle which appeared in The Indianapolis Star, July 1, 1TO, titled N'- e 1"ridav.ts Clai- ?_aws in Ma-ble "7'"

fron which the state-re=t vs.s taken. is I mentioned over the phone, Sassafras Audubon has copies of a'1 cf -ie w:r'.:sr nffidt.vits conce- # g poor concrete constructi:n of Marble Hill, in-

1 4# 5 that of Mr. Carl E. Turner of Ju27 23, 1979 The latter was particularly dis.cis.g as it was Mr. Turner's op' #on that certain areas could not be tested in situ for cgssive strength by ultra sound.

Sassafra.s ininben has supported Save The Talley's regaests for an independent investi-ga,i:n cf the safety-related cencrete ec=struction and is st4'1 seeking a public herring to les. n as:ng other t!'m;;s of the thoroughness and results of Mr. Richard Muen,

  • s nicr:seisnic testin$ba2:ation of the cone:ete. 1:7 info: ation you could gi-e u.s :n t*-i s sublect would be app:sciated.

You s since:ely,N G..., -



Mrs. Ocvid G. Frey 2625 5. Snith Road 31co '-$cn, Indiana 1701 8007010 $[


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7 /s, M q Ih.%!!KE M:.N W.EE State's c clear disaster esacuati a Trree r:$cre a!!.d:. t c'.arg:rz ser:.

Planning may be inadeq;iate.Page s.

Ns lia-3 m *re c3*.cre'e w:rk' a* the


Martle !!J! r. :icar pia.! - it.:.;.dct Wate r

neavy f. its" in tne rur: tor cor.:.:6,. PROBLEMS W eva.-s+:

w niert tat:lir.g - were fied 4 :2.e, 'iar to tme e, wwm W eenw roa w c n arran-rr-e wrect et _,

. u&ar Eegu:st:ry

1: e ; t -crreren: terr-*rs r.s - ec t; ne. t e J N

T a lay.

DDe Of tne (T: sin nent : c-ars he ta:rd

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.nc nff.d3.i.s. gisen bv fc Trfr cc>

Ice woraers ce more eneriencec.

c n v.


... s...... aM worked icnger at the site th:n dd 5:n5$oN."r.amE~nN.Y,.e!!I- -

t Cr. aries Edward Cu'sna!!.whose affidavit crhred cc-tr:n et-ve.cos' cf e c..e e lp:!! month f: st set off invest gations cf CnM. ectorcing tr., a"c ney The..s 24 wberg Construction Co.'s concrete

.s T.e statemer.'s pcu.!cd out ";.e spe-I *,

at be Mear pa.M. & any

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DMQo* 6 'u m m &'2 Nb ents:1 hie of !!e rea: tor cor ai~nent the :;,3X]

e ucky environmental g oup Save a

which weald hWd the first cf t o nu:

tre \\ alley. called for en 3rnpa sal group reactors planned for the.Ma.-b;e litii si.e*

b take over the investigation of concrete.

Dati'lo said' L faults from the Nuclear Regulatory Com i A


(.Dattito sa d t.te new affidav.ts pointed j i

i "Are they there to invest'; ate er to t- -----. --- -out speeme f au,.trin the concrete pouring react to pub:i: pressure?" Datt;:o said of and improper techniques used. They t:e ;;RC prote s at the plant. -We don't charged that concrete forms were not irtend to keep findi.g the fiam for them. properiy vibrated L shaken by machines Wny can't they find ther.T' to ensure that the poured concrete settles CHARGING THAT the NRC " intends evenly into the ic ms.

"They also pested out where laborers guiate nucler power and to continue skilled concrete 2. U U*E "b"['rowth." DMt!!o cal!!d f0r a "Ce;*' alt 3 v to investigate.

  • I'hers m re;a:r: g oad concrete, he s


e 19-iressicr.1: arche we' *d be :: crder. he sai.


O.e a:,!,.dav,:t also discusses,,certain situat: cts in t'e union" governing New-ihe riRC halted concrete work in berg's concrege werkers, Dattilo said. t safety.related arcas of the pirit-areas One c! tr.e worxers was la,d off after he l

i Fah wonM have to hc:d rad.ation fer a!Nost two weeks whae it investigated began ques'.ogngjrocedures P!2n. te sa; two quit.

Cutshall's original charges The stet. C!nk Ccunt:. and Stanley !.lcrtens T!!E WOREERS are Jewel Regers of merk order was Lited Saarday. but Put-inc Service Indiana, csrer ei the plan!. Louisv ile, wrc toth worked three menths I, was ordered to mair.tain a heavy and.lichael Walsten of p


at t'e :! ant sened.ile c' irs enions C: ark cu g a cinerete Imisher who A-inmti*atiar, i-it Cctshall's wer;e:!rcm ; etr.:3 y to June at Martie t.

cnarg"es tha,. 5..e w as c.a.e;..s c-e.. -.. - - ;_c.

N,,r. -

.. _....a,g 2.y,.s vcere filad. with the i a

h... e,.tilo 51+-

e con,:rc ie.s,a w s is....;

,. -at r-al cifice in Cn: caro late :



_,ues w

..RC e g... S.->< m -7( G,3h,'.c s; e...


"5 Tre ;;RC has ver:f:td sa

',.,jl.,' 'Da" ~.c said. Cc[-ies wtach are e' allegai.
cns ex0tp; tre c:ver.u-charges. trese hho e-cered the c

,.3 he sat '

"'T I-'S A ma"tr ci a debberMe es he said.

criermnd that they're going to attem; t h deceive tt.e...C. thit ecu% tv.-

inves:: tate i-the:r own inim table way."


a passt'e ma"cr I:: c- ~..-a! invest ga-DattR s2M. " tut l'd like to see more tion bv ine Justice Depa - nent." Stras-than what iney call an investigatten."

. ma sa'd.


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