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Requests Info Re Requirements for Emergency Response Capability & Possible Impact on Plant,Per NUREG-0737,Suppl 1, Requirements for Emergency Response Capability. Schedules & Completion Dates Also Requested
Person / Time
Site: Marble Hill
Issue date: 01/12/1983
From: Frey D
To: Doolittle E
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
RTR-NUREG-0737, RTR-NUREG-737 GL-82-33, NUDOCS 8301170236
Download: ML20028D215 (2)


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i E. P. Doolittle Project Manager, Marble Hill Division of Licensing, IIRC

'Jachington, D.C. 20555 D3ar Ms. Doolittle :

i This letter is in mgard to Supplement 1 to NUREG-0737 - RE:iUIREME:?fS FOR EER-I GE:1CY RESPONSE CAPABILITY (GENERIC IETTER I 0. 82-33). According to the letter from Darml G. Eisenhut, Dimetor, Division of Licensing, which accompanied the supp]cnont, Public Service Indiana (PSI) is requested to furnish, no later than April 15, 1983, a proposed schedu3e for completing each of the basic mquimtents, and submit uith it a description of plans for phased implementation and integra-tion of tl's omrgency response activities to be reviewed by the URC as part of their mview of PSI's proposed schedule. The letter also states that after the staff completes evaluation of the proposed schedule and plans, timt it will take action to assum that such mquirements and committments are appropriately en-forceable.

I It is our understanding that implementation of tle TMI-related safety mquimments of 1:UREG-0737 (1980) has 2agged and Mr. Eisenhut's letter would seem to indicate that, with establishment of workshops to explain and discuss implementation etc.

Is it cormet to assume that PSI has not addmssed these matters in detail as yet?

You are awam of our concern regarding the effect of currert and potential mgula-tory mquiroacnts on the cost and construction schedule of Marble Hill,from our j

lotter of December 18, 1982.

He would appreciate what information you can give us now mgarding mquimmnts for emergeacy msponse capability and their possible impact on Marble Hill.

We would also like a copy of the schedu3es and completion dates for theco mquimments for PSI after they have been for:aalized into an en-forceable documnt.

Yours si comly,bl&


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Mrs. David G. Fmy 2625 S. Smith Road Bloomington, Indiana 47401 (OOd l

Energ Policy Committee, SAS l

8301170236 830112 PDR ADOCK 05000546 A

