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FOIA Request for Drafts of Vol 2 of NUREG-0850 & Documents Discussing Feasibility Measures or Design Features to Mitigate Consequences of Core Melt Accident at Facilities or Other BWR Mark I,Ii or III Design Reactors
Person / Time
Site: Limerick  Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 09/13/1983
From: Elliott C
FOIA-83-550 NUDOCS 8312270239
Download: ML20083D144 (2)


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LAW OFFICES BROSE AND PoswisTito llot BUILDING EAsToN, PENNSYLVANIA c.stmouc maost 18 o42 vrtepwouc raAnit s. poswistito -

TwCM AS R. ELLIOTT, J a. 1215) 288-2374 c ..tes w. rwo" September 12, 1983 retex e474ei FREEDOM OF INFORMAT!ON AC T in_QUf.S T Office of Administration ,

Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C. 20555 ,g Re: Freedom of Information Request Gentlemen:

On behalf of Limerick Ecology Action, Inc., a non-profit corpo-ration, pursuagt to the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act, 5 U.S.C. E 552, and to your regulations governing such re-s quests, 10 CFR s 9.3, et. seq., I request access to and copies of the following documents:

(1) drafts or manuscripts of Vol. 2 of NUREG-0850; (2) documents discussing or analyzing the feasibility of measures or design features to mitigate the consequences of a core melt accident at the Limerick Nuclear Generating Station (Docket 50-352, 353), or any other reactor of the General Electric Boiling Water Mark I, II, or III design. This request does not include publicly avail- i I

able NUREG or NUREG/CR reports.

Pursuant to 10 CPR 5 9.14 (a), I request a waiver of the fees for the search for and reproduction of these records. The information obtained from the records will be disseminated to the general public in the Limerick facility area with further analysis and comment by Limerick Ecology Action and i its representatives. This will be done with the expected l benefit of further informing the public in the Limerick l facility area of the nature of the risk involved in possible l 8312270239 830913 PDR FOIA ELLIOTT83-550 PDR

BROSE AND PoswisTito Office of Administration Nuclear. Regulatory Commission September 13, 1983 Page_Two operation of the Limerick facility, and means available to reduce the risk. The information will also thereby contribute substantially to public debate on the policies involved in siting a reactor close to an urbanized area by providing in-formation on the availability of measures to mitigate the consequences of reactor accidents.

Neither myself, nor Limerick Ecology Action, will financially

- benefit from the use of the requested materials.

Limerick Ecology Action has limited ability to pay for the requested records, in that it is a public interest organiza-tion, funded solely from contributions and periodic fund raising events.

I would appreciate a disposition of this request as expedi-tiously as possible, and look forward to your response within the 10 day period required by law. Thank you.

Very truly yours, I h/h Y Charles W. Elliott CWE/iks 4

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