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Forwards List of Electric Equipment Important to Safety to Be Environmentally Qualified at Facilities.Info Duplicates 811008 Response,Per IE Bulletin 79-01B,w/listed Exceptions
Person / Time
Site: Point Beach  NextEra Energy icon.png
Issue date: 05/20/1983
From: Fay C
To: Harold Denton
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
IEB-79-01B, IEB-79-1B, TAC-51593, TAC-51598, NUDOCS 8305240497
Download: ML20071H088 (29)



l Wisconsin Electnc eom coww 231 W. MICHIGAN, P.O. BOX 2046. MILWAUKEE, W: 53201 May 20, 1983 Mr. H. R. Denton, Director Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D.C. 20555 Attention: Mr. R. A. Clark, Chief Operating Reactors, Branch 3 Gentlemen:

DOCKET NOS. 50-266 and 50-301 ENVIRONMENTAL QUALIFICATION OF ELECTRIC EQUIPMENT IMPORTANT TO SAFETY WITHIN THE SCOPE OF 10 CFR 50.49 POINT BEACH NUCLEAR PLANT, UNITS 1 AND 2 Paragraph (g) of the rule 10 CFR 50.49, " Environmental Qualification of Electric Equipment Important to Safety for Nuclear Power Plants," (Federal Register, Vol. 48, No.15, p. 2729) requires that licensees identify the electric equipment within the scope of the rule already qualified and submit a schedule for either the qualification or replacement of the remaining electric equipment within the scope of the rule. Enclosure 1 to this letter provides a list of electric equipment important to safety which is to be environmentally qualified at Point Beach Nuclear Plant, Units 1 and 2, (PBNP) [i.e., equipment within the scope of 10 CFR 50.49(b)(1), (2), and (3)]. The actual or expected operation date and the expected qualification documentation schedule for each equipment item is also provided. The equipment list is organized by plant system and plant tag number. The equipment in Enclosure 1 is also identified by the equip-ment item number from the NRC's Technical Evaluation Reports (i.e. , attachments to the NRC Safety Evaluation Report regarding Envirunmental Qualification of Safety-Related Electrical Equipment at PBNP aated December 22, 1982).

The list of equipment provided in Enclosure 1 to this letter is the same as that provided to you in our letter regarding " Supplemental Response to SER for Environmental Qualification..." dated October 8, 1981, (i.e., Master List of Electric Equipment at Point Beach Nuclear Plant for IE Bulletiri 79-018) with the following exceptions:

1. The scope of 10 CFR 50.49 does not include equipment required to achieve and maintain cold shutdown equipment (Federal Register, Vol. 48, No. 15, p. 2731). Therefore, the equipment required only to achieve or maintain cold shutdown has been removed from the list.

8305240497 830520 PDR ADOC.K 0:5000266 P PDR

Mr. H. R. Denton May 20, 1983 e

2. Two safeguards motor control centers (MCCs 1&2-832) were previously listed due to potential radiation exposure following a Loss of Coolant Accident. These MCCs have now been shielded and are located in a

" mild environment" as defined in 10 CFR 50.49(c). Therefore, the MCCs themselves (not the associated cables which could be exposed to sig-nificant radiation) have been removed from the list.

3. Paragraph (b)(3) of 10 CFR 50.49 requires the environmental qualifica-tion of "certain post-accident monitoring equipment." Wisconsin Electric conducted a comprehensive review of Regulatory Guide 1.97 recommendations (including NUREG-0737 requirements) against the PBNP design for post-accident monitoring instrumentation in early 1981. As a result of this review Wisconsin Electric undertook the modification or installation of several instruments in addition to those instruments being installed or modified to meet the requirements of NUREG-0737.

The instruments to be used for post-accident monitoring at PBNP were added to the list of equipment to be environmentally qualified.

4. Wisconsin Electric committed in our September 30, 1982 letter to you regarding NUREG-0737, Item II.B.3, Post-Accident Sampling Capability, to environmentally qualify some additional air operated valves to enhance our capability to sample the reactor coolant and containment atmosphere following an accident. These components have also been added to the list. The equipment described in paragraphs 3 and 4 above comprises the equipment within the scopa of 10 CFR 50.49(b)(3) (i.e., "Certain post-accident monitoring equipment"). This (b)(3) equipment is specif-ically identified in the Enclosure 1 list.
5. Wisconsin Electric committed to install eight additional air-operated containment isolation valves inside containment in response to NUREG-0737, item II.E.4.2 and IE Bulletin 80-11. The air operators for these valves use environmentally qualified soienoid valves and limit switches. These valves have been added to the list.
6. The solenoid valves and limit switches associated with automatic closure of the Main Feedwater System control valves and bypass valvas upon initiation of safety injection have now been identified as being within the scope of 10 CFR 50.49(b)(1). The solenoid valves were not previously assigned to our " Master List" due to their fail-safe design and the fact that they are deenergized electrically on a potential steam-line break in the turbine hall where they are located. Justifi-cation for continued operatioi is provided until the equipment is qualified by the fact that the solenoid valves are deenergized and shift to their fail-safe po ion immediately upon initiation of safety injection. Since these valves would be subjected to a harsh steara environment due to a postulated steam line break in the turbine hall for only a short time (less thcn 10 seconds) prior to cperating, they are expected to properly perform their safety function. In additicn, the main feedwater pumps are automatically tripped on a safety injec-g -

a e . - . -

Mr. H. R. Denton May 20, 1983 tion signal followed by automatic closure of their respective dis-charge isolation valves. This provides a redundant means to isolate main feedwater flow to the steam generators following a steam-line break accident. Therefore, the continued safe operation of P8NP is j assurei until these equipment items can be replaced with environmentally qualified equipment.

The anticipated schedule for installation of the qualified equipment and the schedule for completion of the environmental qualification documentation has been provided in Enclosure 1. Our letter to you dated May 4,1983 requested an extension of the environmental qualification deadline on certain equipment items for which the qualification cannot be completed by the 10 CFR 50.49(g) deadline (i.e. , second refueling outage after March 31, 1982). The schedule provided in Enclosure 1 assumes that these extension requests will be granted.

An extension of the environmental qualification deadline is now also requested for PBNP Unit 2 only, in accordance with the provisions of 10 CFR 50.49(g), for the additional equipment items described in item 6 above until November 1, 1984 (i.e., the end of next refueling outage for Unit 2). The basis of this extension request is that this equipment was just recently identified as requiring environ-mental qualification. Replacement equipment cannot be specified, purchased, and installed by the end of the current Unit 2 outage scheduled to end on June 30, 1983, (i.e., the end of the second refueling outage after March 31, 1982 referenced in paragraph (g) of 10 CFR 50.49). The schedules provided in Enclosure 1 also assume that the environmental qualification documentation questions raised by the PBNP Safety Evaluation Report (SER) dated December 22, 1982 can be fully resolved in a meeting requested by Wisconsin Electric with the NRC Staff.

In your letter to us dated March 28, 1983 regarding " Clarification of Environmental Qualification Safety Evaluation Report" it was requested that we describe the methods used to identify the equipment covered by 10 CFR 50.49(b)(2)

(i.e., "Nonsafety-related electric equipment whose failure under postulated environmental conditions could prevent satisfactory accomplishment of safety functions..."). The methodology employed to review the equipment within the scope of 10 CFR 50.49(b)(2) is described in Enclosure 2 to this letter. This review was conducted since the effective date of the rule (i.e., February 22, 1983) and no additional eqt.ipment items were identified which were not previously identified in our reviews for IE Bulletin 79-01B.

We would be pleased to answer any questions you may have regarding tnis information.

Very truly yours, b/ -

t/D /

C. W. Fay Vice President - Nurlear Power Enclosures cc: NRC Resident Inspector

f 6




(May 20, 1983)

Notes: 1. A request for an extension of the environmental qualification deadline imposed by 10 CFR 50.49(g) (i.e., "the end of the second refueling outage after March 31, 1982") was requested for the final environmental qualification documentation only (not installation or operation) of this equipment in our letter to Mr. H. R. Denton dated May 4, 1983. The end of the second refueling outage after March 31, 1982 is expected to be June 30, 1983 for PBNP, Unit 2, and March 30, 1984 for PBNP, Unit 1.

2. Some equipment items were listed in NRC Qualification Category II.A

(" Equipment Qualification Not Established") or II.C (" Equipment Satisfies All Requirements Except Qualified Life or Replacement Schedule Justified") in the Technical Evalijation Report (TER) attached to the PBNP Safety Evaluation Report dated December 22, 1982 regarding " Environmental Qualification of Safety Related Electrical Equipment." A meeting has been requested with the NRC Staff to resolve the documentation questions raised in the TER.

Wisconsin Electric considers this equipment to be environmentally qualified in accordance with 10 CFR 50.49 (i.e., D0R Guidelines).

3. This equipment is within the scope of 10 CFR 50.49(b)(3) (i.e.,

"Certain post-accident monitoring equipment"). An extension of the environmental qualification deadline imposed by 10 CFR 50.49(g) (i.e., "the end of the second refueling outage after March 31, 1982") was requested until November 1, 1984 in our letter to Mr. H. R. Denton dated May 4, 1983.

4. A request for extension of the environmental qualification dead-line has been requested for the equipment until 11/1/84 by this letter in accordance with 10 CFR 50.49(g).
5. The " installation / operation" date is the date by which the equip-ment was turned over to the operations group for operation. The final official turnover may not be completed by the specified date due to the lack of certain formal quality assurance document-ation required. The final operation configuration may also not be complete due to various power supply, instrumentation loop, and control board modifications being implemented at PBNP.

t .



TO SAFETY TO BE ENVIRONMENTALLY QUALIFIED POINT BEACH NUCLEAR PLANT, UNITS 1 AND 2 System: I. Safety Injection Page: 1-1 Date: May 20, 1983 Expected Expected or Actual Environmental Item PBNP NRC Installatien/ Oualification No. Tag No. TER No. Description _ Operation Date Documentatiop,Date

1. 1-P15A&B 24 a. Westinghouse Motors - High-Head Safety Original Equipeent 6/30/83"'

l 2-P15A&B Injection Pumps None b. Motor-to-Lead Splices - Scotch #70 i

Silicon Rubber Tape Insulation with Vinyl Tape Overall or Equivalent 41 c. Power Cables - Okonite Okonex-Insulated and Okoprene-Jacketed 5000 Volt Power 50 d. Motor & Pump Bearing Lubricant - American Oil .

Co. No. 68 Oil or Equivalent

2. 1&2-SI878 63 a. Limitorque Valve Motor Operators - High- Original Equipment 6/30/83(2)

B&D Head Cold Leg Injection Line Isolation Valves 43 b. Power Cable - Kerite 600 Volt Power Cable 43 c. Control Cable - Kerite 600 Volt Control Cable None d. Motor-to-Lead Splices - Scotch #70 Silicon Rubber Tape Insulation with Vinyl Tape Overall or Equivalent 36 e. Electrical Penetration Splices - Bechtel Dwg. No. SK-E-165/Raychem Type 5FR 35 f. Electrical Penetration Assembly - Westinghouse /

Crouse Hinds Welded Canister Penetration 54 g. Main Gear Case Lubricant - American Oil Co.

Amolith #1 EP or AMDEX #2 EP Greases 56 h. Geared Limit Switch Assembly Lubricant -

Mobil Oil Co. No. 28 Grease

3. 1&2-SI878 62 a. Limitorque Valve Motor Operators - High-Head Original Equipment 6/30/83(2)

A&C Reactor Vessel Injection Line Isolation Valves 43 b. Power Cable (see Item 2.b) 43 c. Control Cable (see Item 2.c)

None d. Motor-to-Lead Splices (see Item 2.d) 36 e. Electrical Penetration (see Item 2.e) 35 f. Electrical Penetration Assembly (see Item 2.f) 54 g. Main Gear Case Lubricant (see Item 2.g) 56 h. Geared Limit Switch Assembly Lubricant (see Item 2.h)


TO SAFETY TO BE ENVIRONMENTALLY QUALIFIED POINT BEACH NUCLEAR PLANT, UNITS 1 AND 2 System: I. Safety Injection Page: I-2 Uate: May 20, 1983 Expected Expected or Actual Environmental It:s PBNP NRC Installation / qualification No. Tag No. TER No. Description Operation Date Documentation Date

!4. 1&2-SI852 63 a. Limitorque Valve Motor Operators - Low-Head Original Equipment 6/30/83(2) f.&B Reactor Vessel Injection Line Isolation Valves 43 b. Power Cable (see Item 2.b) 43 c. Controi Cable (see Item 2.c)

None d. Motor-to-Lead Splices (see Item 2.d) 36 e. Electrical Penctration Splices (see Item 2.e) 35 f. Electrical Penetration Assembly (see Item 2.f) 54 g. Main Gear Case Lubricant (see Item 2.g) 56 h. Geared Limit Switch Assembly Lubricant (see Item 2.h)

5. 1&2-SI851 66 (Unit 1) a. Limitorque Valve Motor Operators - Low-Head Original Equipment 6/30/83( )

A&B 70 (Unit 2) Safety Injection Suction from Containment Sump 8 Isclation Valves 43 b. Power Cable (see Item 2.b) 39 c. Control Cable - Rome 600 Volt Control Cable None d. Motor-to-Lead Splices (see Item 2.d) 54 e. Main Gear Case Lubricant (see Item 2.g) 56 h. Geared Limit Switch Assembly Lubricant (see Item 2.h)

6. 1&2-PT922 1 a. Foxboro Pressure Transmitters - Safety Injection 12/10/82 (Unit 1) 3/30/84(1)

& 923 Pump Discharge Pressure 6/30/83 (Unit 2)

None b. Cable Splices - Raychem Type WCSF-N

40 c. Instrumentation Cable - Boston Insulated Wire &

Cable Co. Bostrad 7 Twisted Shielded Pair

7. 1&2-FT924 4 a. Foxboro Differential Pressure Transmitters - 6/30/83 (Unit 2) 3/30/84(1)

& 925 High-Head Safety Injection Line Flow 3/30/84 (Unit 1)

None b. Instrumentation Cable - Anaconda, Rockbestos, or Brand Rex Twisted, Shielded Pair i 8. 1&2-FT928 3 a. Foxboro Differential Pressure Transmitters - 6/30/83 (Unit 1) 3/30/84(1)

Low-Head Safety Injection Line (Train B) Flow 3/30/84 None b. Instrumentation Cable - Anaconda, Rockbestos, or Brand Rex Twisted, Shielded Pair 4


TO SAFETY TO BE ENVIRONMENTALLY QUALIFIED POINT BEACH NUCLEAR PLANT, UNITS 1 AND 2 System: I. Safety Injection Page: I-3 Date: May 20, 1983 Expected Expected or Actual Environmental Item PBNP NRC Installation / Qualification No. Tag No. TER No. Description Operation Date Documentation Date

9. 1&2-PT936, None a. Foxboro Pressure Transmitters - Safety Injec- 12/10/82 (Unit 1) 3/30/84(3) 937, 940, tion Accumulator Pressure 6/30/83 (Unit 2)

& 941 42 b. Instrumentation Cable - Okonite Okotherm-Insul-ated and Okoseal-Jacketed Twisted, Shielded Pair or Okonite PVC-Insulated and Jacketed Twisted, Shielded Pair (1-PT937 only) 36 c. Electrical Penetration Splices - Bechtel Dwg.

No. SK-E-165/Raychem Type SFR 35 d. Electrical Penetration Assembly - Westinghouse /

Crouse Hinds Welded Canister Penetration

10. 1&2-LT960 5 a. Gems Delaval Level Transmitter - Containment 12/10/82 (Unit 1) 3/30/84(1)

& 961 Sump B Water Level 6/30/83 (Unit 2)

None b. Conax Electrical Conductor Seal Assembly (ECSA)

None c. ECSA-to-Cable Splice - Raychem Type WCSF-N None d. Instrumentation Cable - Anaconda, Rockbestos, or Brand Rex Twisted, Shielded Triple None e. Cable-to-Penetration Splices - Raychem Type WCSF-N None f. Electrical Penetration Assembly - Westinghause Modular Penetrations e


TO SAFETY TO BE ENVIRONMENTALLY QUALIFIED POINT BEACH NUCLEAR PLANT, UNITS 1 AND 2 System: II. Containment Spray Page: 11-1 Date: May 20, 1983 Expected Expected or Actual Environmental

Item PBNP NRC Installation / Qualification No. Tag No. TER No. Description Operation Date Documentation Date
1. 1-P14A&B 25 a. Westinghouse Motors - Containment Spray Pumps Original Equipment 6/30/83(2) 2-P14A&B None b. Motor-to-Lead Splices - Scotch #70 Silicon Rubber Tape Insulation with Vinyl Tape Overall or Equivalent I

43 c. Power Cables - Kerite 600 Volt Power

55 d. Motor Bearing Lubricant - American Oil Co. Amolith
  1. 2 Grease or Equivalent 52 e. Pump Bearing Lubricant - American Oil Co. Rykon Industrial No. 32 Oil
2. 1&2SI860 64 a. Limitorque Valve Motor Operators - Containment Original Equipment 6/30/83(2)

A,B,C,& D Spray Pump Discharge Line Isolatior Valves 43 b. Power Cables - Kerite 600 Volt Power 39 c. Control Cables - Rome 600 Volt Control None d. Motor-to-Lead Splices - Scotch #70 Silicon Rubber Tape Insulation with Vinyl Tape Overall or Equivalent 54 e. Main Gear Case Lubricant - American Oil Co.

Amolith #1 EP or Amdex #2 EP Greases 56 f. Geared Limit Switch Assembly Lubricant - Mobil Oil Co. No. 28 Grease

3. 1&2SI871 64 a. Limitorque Valve Motor Operators - Containment Original Equipment 6/30/83(2)

A&B Spray Pump Suction from RHR Heat Exchange Outlet Isolation Valves .

43 b. Power Cables (see Item 2.b) 39 c. Control Cables (see Item 2.c) i None d. Motor-to-Lead Splices (see Item 2.d) 1 54 e. Main Gear Case Lubricant (see Item 2.f) 56 f. Geared Limit Switch Assembly Lubricant (see l Item 2.f)



! Expected or Actual Environmental

< Item PBNP NRC Installation / Qualification N o. Tag No. TER No. Description Operation Date Documentation Date

4. 1&2-SI836 33 a. Fisher Electro-Pneumatic (I/P) Transducers - 6/30/83 (Unit 2) 6/30/83 (Unit 2)

A&B Containment Spray Additive Tank Outlet Isolation 3/30/84 (Unit 1) 3/30/84 (Unit 1) 1 Valve Air Operators 4 57 b. NAMCO Limit Switches - Valve Position Indication

! None c. Conax Electrical Conductor Seal Assemblies (ECSAs) for NAMCO Limit Switches None d. ECSA-to-Cable Splices - Raychem Type WCSF-N 39 e. Control Cable - Rome 600 Volt Control q

None f. I/P Instrumentation Cable - Okonite PVC-Insulated

and Jacketed Twisted, Shielded Pair 2

! 5. 1&2-LT931 2 a. Foxboro Differential Pressure Transmitter - 6/30/83 (Unit 2) 3/30/84(1)

Containment Spray Additive Tank Water Level 3/30/84 (Unit 1) i None b. Instrumentation Cable - Anaconda, Rockbestos, l or Brand Rex Twisted, Shielded Pair 1 6. 1&2-FT962 None a. Foxboro Differential Pressure Transmitter - 3/30/84 (Unit 1) 11/1/84(3) i & 963 Containment Spray Pump Discharge Line Flow 11/1/84 (Unit 2) 1 None b. Instrumentation Cable - Anaconda, Rockbestos, i or Brand Rex Twisted Shielded Pair l

1 i

1 1


TO SAFETY TO BE ENVIRONMENTALLY QUALIFIED POINT BEACH NUCLEAR PLANT, UNITS 1 AND 2 System: III. Auxiliary Coolant Page: III-1 Date: May 20, 1983 Expected Expected or Actual Environmental Item PBNP NRC Installation / Qualification No. Tag No. TER No. Description Operation Date Documentation Date

1. 1-P10A&B 27 a. Westinghouse Motors - Residual Heat Removal Original Equipment 6/30/83(2) 2-P10A&B (Low-Head Safety Injection) Pumps None b. Motor-to-Lead Splices - Scotch #70 Silicon Rubber Tape Insulation with Vinyl Tape Overall or Equivalent 43 c. Power Cables - Kerite 600 Volt Power 55 d. Motor Bearing Lubricant - American Oil Co.

i Amolith # 2 Grease or Equivalent 52 e. Pump Bearing Lubricant - American Oil Co.

Rykon Industrial No. 32 Oil

2. 1-P11A&B 26 a. Westinghouse Motors - Component Cooling Water Original Equipment 6/30/83(2) 2-P11A&B Pumps None b. Motor-to-Lead Splices - Scotch #70 Silicon Rubber Tape Insulation with Vinyl Tape Overall or Equivalent 43 c. Power Cables - Kerite 600 Volt Power 55 d. Motor Bearing Lubricant - American Oil Co.
Amolith #2 Grease or Equivalent 51 e. Pump Bearing Lubricant - American Oil Co.

Industrial No. 46 Oil

3. 1&2-AC738 66 a. Limitorque Valve Motor Operators - Component Original Equipment 6/30/83(2) l A&B Cooling Water to RHR Heat Exchanger Isolation i

Valves i 43 b. Power Cable - Kerite 600 Volt Power i 39 c. Control Cable - Rome 600 Volt Control l None d. Motor-to-Lead Splices - Scotch #70 Silicon l Rubber Tape Insulation with Vinyl Tape Overall or Equivalent 54 e. Main Gear Case Lubricant - American Oil Co.

Amolith #1 EP or AMDEX #2 EP Greases 56 f. Geared Limit Switch Assembly Lubricant - Mobil Oil Co. No. 28 Grease



, POINT BEACH NUCLEAR PLANT, UNITS 1 AND 2 System: III. Auxiliary Coolant Page: III-2 4

Date: May 20, 1983 Expected Expected or Actual Environmental Item P8NP NRC Installation /

No. Tag No. TER No. Description Qualification Operation Date Documentation Date

4. 1&2-AC624, 33 a. Fisher Electro-Pneumatic (I/P) Transducers - 6/30/83(Unit 2) 625, & 626 6/30/83 (Unit 2)

Residual Heat Removal Heat Exchanger Discharge 3/30/84 (Unit 1) 3/30/84 (Unit 1)

(624 & 625) and Bypass (626) Line Throttle Valves 57 b. NAMC0 Limit Switches - Valve Position Indication None c. Conax Electrical Conductor Seal Assemblies (ECSAs) for NAMCO Limit Switches None d. ECSA-to-Cable Splices - Raychem Type WCSF-N .

! 39 e. Control Cable - Rome 600 Volt Control None f. I/P Instrumentation Cable - Okonite PVC-Insulated

and Jacketed Twisted, Shielded Pair

! 5. 1&2-FT626 7 a. Foxboro Differential Pressure Transmitters - 6/30/83 (Unit 2) 3/30/84(1) l Residual Heat Removal (Low-Head Safety - 3/30/84 (Unit 1) 1 Injection-Train A) Discharge Line Flow None g. Cable Splices - Raychem Type WCSF-N j 40 c. Instrumentation Cable - Boston Insulated Wire

& Cable Co. Bostrad 7 Twisted, Shielded Pair

6. 1&2-PT628 8 a. Foxboro Pressure Transmitters - Residual Heat 6/30/83 (Unit 2) 3/30/84(1) j & 629 Removal (Low-Head Safety Injection) Pump 3/30/84 (Unit 1)

Discharge Pressure None b. Cable Splices - Raychem Type WCSF-N l 40 c. Instrumentation Cable - Boston Insulated Wire 1

& Cable Co. Bostrad 7 Twisted, Shielded Pair (Unit 1) or Okonite PVC-Insulated and Jacketed Twisted, Shielded Pair (Unit 2)

7. 1&2-FT619 6 a. Foxboro Differential Pressure Transmitters - 6/30/83 (Unit 2) 3/30/84(1)

Component Cooling Water Discharge Line Flow 3/30/84 (Unit 1)

None b. Cable Splices - Raychem Type WCSF-N r

c. Instrumentation Cable - Boston Insulated Wire

& Cable Co. Bostrad 7 Twisted, Shielded Pair


TO SAFETY TO BE ENVIRONMENTALLY QUALIFIED POINT BEACH NUCLEAR PLANT, UNITS 1 AND 2 System: III. Auxiliary Coolant Page: III-3 Date: May 20, 1983 Expected Expected or Actual Enviro. mental Item PBNP NRC Installation / Qualification No. Tag No. TER No. Description Operation Date Documentation Date

8. 1&2-TE621 30 a. Conax Resistance Temperature Detectors - 6/30/83 (Unit 2) 3/30/84(1)

Component Cooling Heat Exchange Outlet Line 3/30/84 (Unit 1) l Temperature

] None b. Cable Splices - Raychem Type WCSF-N 40 c. Instrumentation Cable - Boston Insulated Wire &

Cable Co. Bostrad 7 Double Twisted, Shielded Pair

)! 9. 1&2-TE622

& 623 30 a. Conax Resistance Temperature Detectors -

Residual Heat Removal Heat Exchanger Outlet 6/30/83 (Unit 2) 3/30/84(1) 3/30/84 (Unit 1)

Line Temperature None b. Cable Splices - Raychem Type WCSF-N None c. Instrumentation Cable - Anaconda, Rockbestos, or Brand Rex Twisted, Shielded Triple l



TO SAFETY TO BE ENVIRONMENTALLY QUALIFIED POINT BEACH NUCLEAR PLANT, UNITS 1 AND 2 System: IV. Auxiliary Feedwater Page: IV-1 Date: May 20, 1983 Expected Expected or Actual Environmental Itra PBNP NRC Installation / Qualification No. Tag No. TER No. Description Operation Date Documentation Date

1. 1&2-FT4036 None a. Foxboro Differential Pressure Transmitters - 7/5/81 3/30/84(3)

& 4037 Auxiliary Feedwater to Steam Generator Line Flow

b. Instrumentation Cable - Boston Insulated Wire &

Cable Co. Bostrad 7 Twisted, Shielded Pair

2. LT4038, 17 a. Foxboro Differential Pressure Transmitters - 6/30/83 (Unit 2) 3/30/84(1) 4039, 4040, Condensate Storage Tank Water Level 3/30/84 (Unit 1) i & 4041 b. Instrumentation Cable - Anaconda, Rockbestos, i or Brand Rex Twisted, Shielded Pair 1

l i

l 4

l i



TO SAFETY TO BE ENVIRONMENTALLY QUALIFIED POINT BEACH NUCLEAR PLANT, UNITS 1 AND 2-System: V. Reactor Coolant Page: V-1 j Date: May 20, 1983 j Expected 1 Expected or Actual Environmental jItem PBNP NRC Installation / Qualification 1 No. Tag No. TER No. Description Operation Date Documentation Date

1. 0 1&2-RC515 61 a. Limitorque Valve Motor Operators - Pressurizer Original Equipment 6/30/83(2)

& 516 Power Operated Relief Valve Blocking Valves

43 b. Power Cables - Kerite 600 Volt Power j 39 (43) c. Control Cables - Rome 600 Volt Control (Kerite j for 1-RC515) l None d. Motor-to-Lead Splices - Scotch #70 Silicon
Rubber Tape Insulation with Vinyl Tape Overall

! or Equivalent l 36 e. Electrical Penetration Splices - Bechtel Dwg.

No. SK-E-165/Raychem Type SFR

! 35 f. Electrical Penetration Assembly - Westinghouse /

j Crouse Hinds Welded Canister Penetrations a 54 g. Main Gear Case Lubricant - American Oil Co.

Amolith #1 EP or AMDEX #2 EP Greases i 56 h. Geared Limit Switch Assembly Lubricant- Mobil l Oil Co. No. 28 Grease l .

) 2.0 1&2-RC430 19 a. ASCO Solenoid Valves - Pressurizer Power 12/10/82 (Unit 1) 6/30/83 i & 431C Operated Relief Valve Air Operator 6/30/83 (Unit 2)

) b. NAMCO Limit Switches- Valve Position Indication j 58 c. Conax Electrical Conductor Seal Assemblies (ECSAs)

] for NAMCO Limit Switches i None d. ECSA-to-Cable Splices - Raychem Type WCSF-N l 43 e. Control Cable - Kerite 600 Volt Control '

! 36 f. Electrical Penetration Splices (see Item 1.e) 35 g. Electrical Penetration Assembly (see Item 1.f)

! 3.0 1&2-RC None a. Target Rock Solenoid Valves - Reactor Coolant 6/30/83 (Unit 2) 3/30/84 570A&B System Gas Vent Line Isolation Valves 3/30/84 (Unit 1)

, 575A&B, & None b. Conax Electrical Conductor Seal Assemblies (ECSAs)

Q This equipment is not safety-related. Its failure or spurious operation can not prevent the achievement or i maintenance of safe shutdown or mitigation of design-basis accidents. This equipment is not within the scope

! of 10 CFR 50.49(b) but is listed here for completeness.

i 1


TO SAFETY TO BE ENVILONMENTALLY QUALIFIED POINT BEACH NUCLEAR PLANT, UNITS 1 AND 2 System: V. Reactor Coolant Page: V-2 Date: May 20, 1983 Expected Expected or Actual Environmental Ittm PBNP NRC Installation / Qualification No. Tag No. TER No. Description Operation Date Decumentation Date 580A&B None c. ECSA-to-Cable Splices - Raychem Type WCSF-N None d. Control Cable - Anaconda, Rockbestos, or Brand Rex 600 Volt Control None e. Electrical Penetration Splices - Raychem Type WCSF-N None f. Electrical Penetration Assembly-Westinghouse Modular Penetrations

4. 1&2-PT420, 13 a. Foxboro Pressure Transmitters - Reactor Coolant 6/30/83 (Unit 2) 3/30/84(1) 420A, & System Wide-Range Pressure 3/30/84 (Unit 1) 420B None b. Instrumentation Cable - Anaconda, Rockbestos, or Brand Rex Twisted Shielded Pair-None c. Electrical Penetratiion Splices - Raychem Type WCSF-N None d. Electrical Penetration Assembly - Westinghouse Modular Penetration
5. 1&2-LT 11 a. Foxboro Differential Pressure Transmitters - 6/30/83 (Unit 2) 3/30/84(1) 426, 427, Pressurizer Water Level 3/30/84 (Unit 1) 428, & 433 42 b. Instrumentation Cable - Okonite Okotherm -

Insulated and Okoseal-Jacketed Twisted, Shielded Pair 36 c. Electrical Penetration Splices (see Item 1.e) 35 d. Electrical Penetration Assembly (see Item 1.f)

6. 1&2-PT 10 a. Foxboro Pressure Transmitters - Pressurizer 12/10/82 (Unit 1) 3/30/84(1) 429, 430, Narrow-Range Pressure 6/30/83 (Unit 2) 431, & 449 42 b. Instrumentation Cable (see Item 5.b) 36 c. Electrical Penetration Splices (see Item 1.e) 35 d. Electrical Penetration Assembly (see Item 1.f)
7. 1&2-LT None a. Foxboro Differential Pressure Transmitters - 6/30/83 (Unit 2) 3/30/84(3) 494 & 495 Reactor Vessel Wide-Range Water Level 3/30/84 (Unit 1)

None b. Instrumentation Cable (see Item 4.b)

None c. Electrical Penetration Splices (see Item 4.c)

None d. Electrical Penetration Assembly (see Item 4.d)



Expected Expected er Actual Environmental Ite:a PBNP NRC Installation / Qualification N2. Tag No. TER No. Description Operation Date Documentatiop,Qate

8. 1&2-LT None a. Foxboro Differential Pressure Transmitters - 6/30/83 (Unit 2) 3/30/84"'

496 & 497 Reactor Vessel Narrow-Range Water Level 3/30/84 (Unit 1)

None b. Instrumentation Cable (see Item 4.b)

None c. Electrical Penetration Splices (see Item 4.c)

None d. Electrical Penetration Assembly (see Item 4.d)

9. 1&2-PT498 None a. Foxboro Pressure Transmitters - Reactor 6/30/83 (Unit 2) 3/30/84(3)

Coolant System Gas Vent Discharge Line Pressure 3/30/84 (Unit 1)

None b. Instrumentation Cable (see Item 4.b)

None c. Electrical Penetration Splices (see Item 4.c)

, None d. Electrical Penetration Assembly (see (item 4.d)

10. 1&2-TE None a. Conax Thermocouples (T/C) - Reactor Vessel Level 3/30/84 (Unit 1) 11/1/84(3) 499 thru Indicating System Reference Leg Temperature 11/1/84 (Unit 2) 502, 506 None b. T/C-to-Cable Splices (see Item 4.c) thru 509 None c. T/C Extension Cable - Anaconda Type K T/C Exten-i and 1-TE sion Twisted, Shielded Pair 503 & 510 None d. Electrical Penetration Splices (see Item 4.c)
None e. Electrical Penetration Assembly (see Item 4.d) j 11. 1&2-TE1 31 a. Control Products Corp. Thermocouples (T/Cs) 11/1/84 (Unit 2) 11/1/84(3) thru 39 Incore (Core Exit) Thermocouples 3/30/84 (Unit 1) 47 b. Veam Division of Litton T/C Connectors 37 c. Instrumentation Cable (see Item 10.c)

None d. Electrical Penetration Splices (see Item 4.c) j None e. Electrical Penetration Assembly (see Item 4.d)

12. 1&2-TE 32 (Unit 1) a. Conax Resistance Temperature Detectors (RTDs)- 3/30/84 (Unit 1)* 11/1/84(1)(3) 450A-D & 32 and 69 Reactor Coolant System Hot & Cold Leg Loop Temp. 11/1/84 (Unit 2)*

451A-D (Unit 2) b. RTD-to-Cable Splices (see Item 4.c)

c. Instrumentation Cable - Anaconda, Rockbestos, or Brand Rex Twisted, Shielded Triple
c. Electrical Penetration Splices (see Item 4.c)
e. Electrical Penetration Assembly (see Item 4.d)

One element of each dual element RTD will be operational through existing cables and instrumentation racks by 12/10/82 (Unit 1) and 6/30/83 (Unit 2).

s .


TO SAFETY TO BE ENVIRONMENTALLY QUALIFIED POINT BEACH NUCLEAR PLANT, UNITS 1 AND 2 System: VI. Chemical & Volume Control Page: VI-1 Date: May 20, 1983 Expected Expected or Actual Environmental Itca PBNP NRC Installation /

No. Tag No. TER No. Description Qualification Operation Date Documentation Date

1. 1&2-CV1296 22 a. ASCO Solenoid Valves - Auxiliary Charging 12/10/82 (Unit 1) 6/30/83 Line Isolation Valve Air Operators E/30/83 (Unit 2) 60 b. NAMC0 Limit Switches - Valve Position Indication None c. Conax Electrical Conductor Seal Assemblies (ECSA's) for NAMCO Limit Switches None d. ECSA-to-Cable Splices - Raychem Type WCSF-N 43 e. Control Cable - Kerite 600 Volt Control -

36 f. Electrical Penetration Splices - Bechtel Dwg.

No. SK-E-165/Raychem Type SFR 35 g. Electrical Penetration Assembly - Westinghouse /

Crouse Hinds Welded Canister Penetration

2. 1&2CV313A None a. ASCO Solenoid Valves - Reactor Coolant Pump 6/30/83 (Unit 2) 6/30/83 (Unit 2)

Seal Water Return Line Isolation Valve Air 3/30/84 (Unit 1) 3/30/84 (Unit 1)

Operators None b. NAMC0 Limit Switches (see Item 1.b)

None c. Conax ECSA (see Item 1.c)

None d. ECSA-to-Cable Splices (see Item 1.d)

None e. Control Cables - Anaconda, Rockbestos, or Brand Rex 600 Volt Control None f. Electrical Penetration Splices (see Item 1.d)

None g. Electrical Penetration Assembly - Westinghouse Modular Penetration

3. 1&2-CV371A None a. ASCO Solenoid Valves - Reactor Coolant Letdown 6/30/83 (Unit 2) 6/30/83 (Unit 2)

Line Isolation Valve Air Operators 3/30/84 (Unit 1) 3/30/84 (Unit 1)

None b. NAMC0 Limit Switches (see Item 1.b)

None c. Conax ECSA (see Item 1.c)

None d. ECSA-to-Cable Splices (see Item 1.d)

None e. Control Cables - (see Item 2.e)

None f. Electrical Penetration Splices (see Item 1.d)

None g. Electrical Penetration Assembly - Westinghouse Modular Penetration


TO SAFETY TO BE ENVIRONMENTALLY QUALIFIED POINT BEACH NUCLEAR PLANT, UNITS 1 AND 2 System: VI. Chemical & Volume Control Page: VI-2 Date: May 20, 1983 Expected Expected or Actual Environmental Item PBNP NRC Installation / Qualification No. Tag No. TER No. Description Operation Date Documentation Date

4. 1&2-LT106, 12 a. Foxboro Differential Pressure Transmitters - 6/30/83 (Unit 2) 3/30/84(1) 172, & 190 Boric Acid Storage Tank Water Level 3/30/84 (Unit 1)

LT102, 171, None b. Cable Splices - Raychem Type WCSF-N

& 189 40 c. Instrumentation Cable - Boston Insulated Wire

& Cable Co. Bostrad 7 Twisted, Shielded Pair or Okonite PVC-Insulated and Jacketed Twisted, Sheilded Pair (2-LT106 & 190) e

! e



TO SAFETY TO BE ENVIRONMENTALLY QUALIFIED POINT BEACH NUCLEAR PLANT, UNITS 1 AND 2 System: VII. Heating & Ventilation Page: VII-1 Date: May 20, 1983 Expected Expected or Actual Environmental Item PBNP NRC Installation / Qualification N s. Tag No. TER No. Description Operation Date Documentation Date

1. 1&2-W1A1 28 a. Westinghouse Motors - Containment Air Recircu- Original Equipment 6/30/83(2)

B1, C1, & 1ation Emergency Cooling Fans 01 29 b. Motor-to-Lead Splices - Westinghouse Drawing No. 206C391 43 c. Power Cable - Kerite 600 Volt Power 53 d. Motor and Fan Bearing Lubricant - Chevron Style SRI Grease None e. Fan Bearing Housing Labyrinth Seal Lubricant -

Westinghouse Style No. M-53701TT (E. I. Dupont de Nemours & Co. , Inc. Krytox 240 AC Florinated)

Grease 36 f. Electrical Penetration Splices - Raychem Type WCSF-N 35 g. Electrical Penetration Asscmbly - Westinghouse /

Crouse Hinds Welded Canister or Westinghouse Modular Penetration

2. 1&2-HV 20 a. ASCO Solenoid Valves - Containment Purge Supply 12/10/82 (Unit 1) 6/30/83 3213 & and Exhaust Line Is'olation Valve Air Operators 6/30/83 (Unit 2) 3245 60 b. NAMCO Limit Switches - Valve Position Indication None c. Conax Electrical Conductor Seal Assembly (ECSA) for NAMCO Limit Switches None d. ECSA-to-Cable Splices - Raychem Type WCSF-N 43 e. Control Cables - Kerite 600 Volt Control 36 f. Electrical Penetration Splices - Bechtel Dwg.

No.SK-E-165/Raychem Type SFR 35 g. Electrical Penetration Assembly - Westinghouse /

Crouse Hinds Welded Canister Penetration

3. 1&2-HV 21 a. ASCO Solenoid Valves - Containment Atmosphere 12/10/82 (Unit 1) 6/30/83(2) 3200C Sampling Line Isolation Valve Operators 6/30/83 (Unit 2) 60 b. NAMCO Limit Switches - Valve Position Indication None c. Conax Electrical Conductor Seal Assembly (ECSA) for NAMCO Limit Switches .

e .



  • TO SAFETY TO BE ENVIRONMENTALLY QUALIFIED POINT BEACH NUCLEAR PLANT, UNITS 1 AND 2 System: VII. Heating & Ventilation Page: VII-2 Date: May 20, 1983 Expected Expected or Actual Environmental Item PBNP NRC Installation / Qualification Ns. Tag No. TER No. Description Operation Date Documentation Date None d. ECSA-to-Cable Splices (see Item 2.d) 39 e Control Cables - Rome 600 Volt Control 36 f. Electrical Penetration Splices (see item 2.f) 35 g. Electrical Penetration Assembly (see Item 2.g)

t .


TO SAFETY TO BE ENVIRONMENTALLY QUALIFIED POINT BEACH NUCLEAR PLANT, UNITS 1 AND 2 System: VIII. Main & Reheat Steam Page: VIII-1 Date: May 20, 1983 Expected Expected or Actual Environmental ItGm PBNP NRC Installation / Qualification No. Tag No. TER No. Description Operation Date Documentation Date

1. 1&2-MS 65 a. Limitorque Valve Motor Operator - Steam Supply Original Equipment 6/30/83(2) 2019 & to Turbine - Driven Auxiliary Feedwater Pump 2020 Isolation Valves 43 b. Power Cables - Kerite 600 Volt Power ,

39 c. Control Cables - Rome 600 Volt Control None c. Motor-to-Lead Splices - Scotch #70 Silicon Rubber Tape Insulation with Vinyl Tape Overall or Equivalent 54 e. Main Gear Case Lubricant - American Oil Co.

Amolith #1 EP or AMDEX #2 EP Greases 56 f. Geared Limit Switch Assembly Lubricant-Mobil Oil Co. No. 28 Grease

2. 1&2-FT 15 a. Foxboro Differential Pressure Transmitters - 12/10/82 (Unit 1) 6/30/83(1) 464, 465, Main Steam Line Flow 6/30/83 (Unit 2) 474, & 475 42 b. Instrumentation Cable - Okonite, Okotherm-Insulated, Okoseal-Jacketed Twisted, Shielded Pair 36 c. Electrical Penetration Splices - Bechtel Dwg.

No. SK-E-165/Raychem Type SFR 35 d. Electrical Penetration Assembly - Westinghouse /

, Crouse Hinds Welded Canister Penetration

, 4. 1&2PT 16 a. Foxboro Pressure Transmitter - Main Steam Line 12/10/82 (Unit 1) 3/30/84(1) 468, 469, (Steam Generator) Pressure 6/30/83 (Unit 2)

482, 478, 42 b. Instrumentation Cable - Same as Item 2.b or Okonite PVC-Insulated and Jacketed Twisted,  ;

i Shielded Pair (2-PT478, 479, & 483) 479, & 483 None c. Additional Instrumentation Cable - Anaconda, Rockbestos, or Brand Rex Twisted, Shielded Pair None d. Cable-to-Cable Splices - Raychem Type WCSF-N

t .


TO SAFETY TO BE ENVIRONMENTALLY QUALIFIED POINT BEACH NUCLEAR PLANT, UNITS 1 AND 2 System: IX. Main Feedwater Page: IX-1 Date: May 20, 1983 Expected Expected or Actual Environmental Item PBNP NRC Installation / Qualification N o. Tag No. TER No. Description Operation Date Documentation Date

1. 1&2-CV None a. ASCO Solenoid Valves - Main Feedwater Regu- 3/30/84 (Unit 1) 11/1/84(4) 466 & 476 lating Valve Air Operator Trip on Safety 11/1/84 (Unit 2)

Injection None b. NAMC0 Limit Switches - Valve Position Indication None c. Conax Electrical Conductor Seal Assemblies (ECSAS) for NAMCO Limit Switches None d. ECSA-to-Cable Splices - Raychem Type WCSF-N 39 e. Control Cable -Rome 600 Volt Control

2. 1&2-CV 480 None a. ASCO Solenoid Valves - Main Feedwater Regu- 3/30/84 (Unit 1) 11/1/84(4)

& 481 lating Bypass Valve Air Operator Trip on Safety 11/1/84 (Unit 2)

Injection None b. NAMCO Limit Switches (see Item 1.b)

None c. Conax ECSA (see Item 1.c)

None d. ECSA-to-Cable Splices (see Item 1.d) 39 e. Control Cable (see Item 1.e)

3. 1&2-LT461, 14 a. Foxboro Differential Pressure Transmitters - 12/10/82 (Unit 1) 3/30/84(1) 462, 463, Steam Generator Narrow-Range Water Level 6/30/83 (Unit 2) l 471, 472, & 42 b. Instrumentation Cable - Okonite Okotherm-473 Insulated, Okoseal-Jacketed Twisted, Shielded
Pair l 36 c. Electrical Penetration Splices - Bechtel Dwg.

No. SK-E-165/Raychem Type SFR 35 d. Electrical Penetration Assembly - Westinghouse / ,

Crouse Hinds Welded Canister Penetration

4. 1&2- LT 14 a. Foxboro Differential Pressure Transmitter - 12/10/82 (Unit 1 - 3/30/84(1)(3) 460A&B, Steam Generator Wide-Range Water Level one temporary channel) 470A&B None b. Instrumentation Cable - Anaconda, Reckbestos, 3/30/84 (Unit 1 -

or Brand Rex Twisted, Shielded Pair final configuration)

None c. Electrical Penetration Splices - Raychem Type 6/30/83 (Unit 2 -

WCSF-N one temporary channel)

None d. Electrical Penetration Assembly - Westinghouse 11/1/84 (Unit 2 -

Modular Penetration final configuration) t

t .


  • TO SAFETY TO BE ENVIRONMENTALLY QUALIFIED POINT BEACH NUCLEAR PLANT, UNITS 1 AND 2 System: X. Electrical Page: X-1 Date: May 20, 1533 Expected Expected or Actual Environmental Item PBNP NRC Installation /

No. Tag No. TER No. Description Qualification Operation Date Documentation Date

1. 1&2-832 43 a. Power Cables to Safeguards Motor Control Original Equipment 6/30/83

& 42 Center - Kerite 600 Volt Power 39 b. Control Cables to Safeguards Motor Control Centers - Rome 600 Volt Control 4

d i


N o. Tag No. TER No. Description Qualification Operation Date Documentation Date

1. 1&2-PT 9 a. Foxboro Pressure Transmitters - Containment 12/10/82 (Unit 1) 3/30/84)1) 945 thru Narrow-Range Pressure 6/30/83 (Unit 2) 950 40 b. Instrumentation Cable - Boston Insulated Wire

& Cable Co. Bostrad 7 Twisted, Shielded Pair

2. 1&2-PT968 None a. Foxboro Pressure Transmitters - Containment 6/30/83 (Unit 2) 3/30/84 I3)

& 969 Wide- Range Pressure 3/30/84 (Unit 1)

None b. Instrumentation Cable - Anaconda, Rockbestos, or Brand Rex Twisted, Shielded Pair

3. 1&2-HA969 None a. Exo-Sensor Hydrogen Analyzers - Containment 6/30/83 (Unit 2) 11/1/84(3) thru 967 Hydrogen Concentration 3/30/84 (Unit 1)

None b. Instrumentation Cable (see Item 2.b or Equivalent)

None c. Electrical Penetration Splices - Raychem Type WCSF-N None d. Electrical Penetration Assembly - Westinghouse Modular Penetrations

4. 1&2-TE3292 None a. Conax Resistance Temperature Detectors (RTDs) - 3/30/84 (Unit 1) 11/1/84(3)

& 3293 Containment Atmosphere Temperature 11/1/84 (Unit 2)

None b. RTD-to-Cable Splices - Raychem Type WCSF-N None c. Instrumentation Cable - Anaconda, Rockbestos, or Brand Rex Twisted, Shielded Triple None d. Electrical Penetration Splices - Raychem Type WCSF-N None e. Electrical Penetration Assembly - Westinghouse Modular Penetrations

5. 1&2-TE3294 None a. Conax Resistance Temperature Detectors (RTDs) - 3/30/84 (Unit 1) 11/1/84(3)

& 3295 Containment Sump B Water Temperature 11/1/84 (bnit 2)

None b. RTD-to-Cable Splices (see Item 4.b)

None c. Instrumentation Cable (see Item 4.c)

None d. Electrical Penetration Splices (see Item 4.d)

None e. Electrical Penetration Assembly (see Item 4.e)



  • TO SAFETY TO BE ENVIRONMENTALLY QUALIFIED POINT BEACH NUCLEAR PLANT, UNITS 1 AND 2 System: XI. Containment Page: XI-2 Date: May 20, 1983 Expected Expected or Actual Environmental Ittm PBNP NRC Installation / Qualification No. Tag No. TER No. Description Operation Date Documentation Date
6. 1&2-RE126, None a. General Atomic Radiation Monitor - Containment 3/30/84 (Unit 1) 11/1/84(3) 127, & 128 High-Range Gamma Radiation 11/1/84 (Unit 2)

None b. Monitor-to-Cable Splices - Amphenol Coaxial Connectors /Raychem Type WCSF-N None c. Instrumentation Cable - Rockbestos Coaxial None d. Electrical Penetration Splices - Amphenol Coaxial Connectors /Raychem Type WCSF-N None e. Electrical Penetration Assembly - Westinghouse Modular Penetration

7. 1&2-LT958 None a. Gems Delaval Level Transmitters - Containment 6/30/83 (Unit 2) 3/30/84(3)

& 959 Sump A Water Level 3/30/84 (Unit 1)

None b. Conax Electrical Conductor Seal Assemblics (ECSAs) for Transmitter None c. ECSA-to-Cable Splices - Raychem Type WCSF-N '

None d. Instrumentation Cable (see Item 4.c)

None e. Electrical Penetration Splices - Raychem Type 4


None f. Electrical Penetration Assembly - Westinghouse Modular Penetrations

1 .


Expected Expected or Actual Environmental Item PBNP NRC Installation / Qualification No. Tag No. TER No. Description Operation Date Documentation Date

, 1. 1&2-SV951, 23 a. ASCO Solenoid Valves - Pressurizer Steam Space, 12/10/82 (Unit 1) 6/30/83 953, & 955 Pressurizer Liquid Space, and Reactor Coolant 6/30/83 (Unit 2)

Hot Leg Sample Line Isolation Valve Air Operators 59 b. NAMCO Limit Switches - Valve Position Indication None c. Conax Electrical Conductor Seal Assemblies (ECSAs) for NAMCO Limit Switches None d. ECSA-to-Cable Splices - Raychem Type WCSF-N 43 e. Control Cable - Kerite 600 Volt Control 36 f. Electrical Penetration Splices - Bechtel Dwg.

No. SK-E-165/Raychem Type SFR 35 g. Electrical Penetration Assembly - Westinghouse /

Crouse Hinds Welded Canister Penetration

2. 1&2-SV966C 18 a. ASCO Solenoid Valves - Reactor Coolant Hot Leg 12/10/82 (Unit 1) 6/30/83 Sample Line Isolation Valve Air Operators 6/30/83 (Unit 2) 57 b. NAMCO Limit Switches - Valve Position Indication None c. Conax Electrical Conductor Seal Assemblies (ECSAs) for NAMCO Limit Switches e None d. ECSA-to-Cable Splices - Raychem Typw WCSF-N 39 e. Control Cable - Rome 600 Volt Control
3. 1&2-SV959 None a. ASCO Solenoid Valves - Residual Heat Removal 3/30/84 (Unit 1) 11/1/84(1)

Heat Exchanger Outlet Sample Line Isolation 11/1/84 (Unit 2)

Valve Air Operators None b. NAMCO Limit Switches - Valve Position Indication None c. Conax ECSAs (see Item 2.b)

None d. ECSA-to-Cable Splices - Raychem Type WCSF-N 39 e. Control Cable - Rome 600 Volt Control 1


) .



Expected or Actual Environmental Item PBNP NRC Installation / Qualification Na. Tag No. TER No. Description Operation Date Documentation Date i 1. 1&2-IA3047 None a. ASCO Solenoid Valves - Instrument Air to 3/30/84 (Unit 1) 11/1/84(1)

& 3047 Containment Line Isolation Valve Air Operators 11/1/84 (Unit 2)

None b. NAMCO Limit Switches - Valve Position Indication None c. Conax Electrical Conductor Seal Assemblies (ECSAs) for NAMC0 Limit Switches None d. ECSA-to-Cable Splices -'Raychem Type WCSF-N 39 e. Control Cable - Rome 600 Volt Control J

l 1


) .


MASTER LIST OF ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT IMPORTANT 3 TO SAFETY TO BE ENVIRONMENTALLY QUALIFIED POINT BEACH NUCLEAR PLANT, UNITS 1 AND 2 System: XIV. Steam Generator Blowdown Page: XIV-1 Date: May 20, 1983 Expected Expected or Actual Environmental Item PBNP NRC Installation / Qualification Ns. Tag No. IER No. Description Operation Date Documentation Data

1. 1&2-CV5958 None a. ASCO Solenoid Valves - Steam Generator 12/10/82 (Unit) 6/30/83

& 5958 Blowdown Line Isolation Valve Air Operators 6/30/83 (Unit 2)

None b. NAMCO Limit Switches - Valve Position Indication None c. Conax Electrical Conductor Seal Assemblies (ECSAs) for NAMCO Limit Switches None d. ECSA-to-Cable Splices - Raychem Type WCSF-N None e. Control Cable - Anaconda, Rockbestos, or Brand Rex 600 Volt Control None f. Electrical Penetration Splices - Raychem Type WCSF-N None g. Electrical Penetration Assembly - Westinghouse Modular Penetration N _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _





Paragraph (b)(2) of 10 CFR 50.49 requires that licenses identify "Nonsafety-related electric equipment whose failure under postulated environ-mental conditions could prevent satisfactory accomplishment of safety-functions..."

.l The methodology that was used to identify such equipment is summarized below:

1. A list was generated of safety related electric equipment as defined in paragraph (b)(1) of 10 CFR 50.49 required to remain functional during or following design-basis Loss of Coolant Accident (LOCA) or High Energy Line Break (HELB) Accidents. The LOCA/HELB accidents are the only design-basis accidents which result in significantly adverse environments to electrical equipment which is required for safe shutdown or accident mitigation. The list was based on reviews of the PBNP Final Safety Analysis Report (FSAR), Technical Specifications, Emer-gency Operating Procedures, Piping and Instrumentation Diagrams (P& ids),

and electrical distribution diagrams;

2. The elementary wiring diagrams of the safety-related electrical equip-ment identified in Stop 1 were reviewed to identify any auxiliary devices electrically connected directly into the control or power circuitry of the safety-related equipment (e.g., automatic trips) whose failure due to postulated environmental conditions could prevent the required operation of the safety-related equipmert; and
3. The operation of the safety-related systems and equipment were reviewed to identify any directly mechanically connected auxiliary systems with
electrical components which are necessary for the required operation of the safety-related equipment (e.g., cooling water or lubricating systems). This involved the review of P& ids, component technical j manuals, or system descriptions in the FSAR.

l 4. Nonsafety-related electrical circuits indirectly associated with the electrical equipment identified in Step 1 by common power supply or physical proximity were considered by a review of the original PBNP electrical design. -

The systems and equipment generated in Steps 2, 3, or 4 above were i then compared to the " Master List of Electrical Equipment at Point Beach Nuclear i Plant for IE Bulletin 79-01B" (i.e., Enclosure 1 to our October 8, 1981 letter to Mr. Harold R. Denton regarding " Supplemental Response to Safety Evaluation Report for Environmental Qualification of Safety-Related Equipment, Point Beach Nuclear Plants, Units 1 and 2"). The results of the above review indicated that no additional electrical equipment was identified which was not previously in-cluded in the October 8, 1981 " Master List." Therefore, the list of electrical equipment provided in Enclosure 1 to this letter includes all electrical equip-ment within the scope of paragraph (b)(2) of 10 CFR 50.49.

-- .- -_.-.- - - _. - - - . - - .-__._ - - .- - - _ - . . -