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Forwards Three Ads Published in Listed Newspapers Sponsored by Utils Informing of Safe Plant Operation.Info Provided Per ASLB Oral Directive at 820123 Public Hearing
Person / Time
Site: Indian Point  Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 12/03/1982
From: Brandenburg B, Levin J
To: Gleason J, Paris O, Shon F
Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel
Download: ML20069Q478 (5)



4 IRVING PLACE, NEW YORK, N.Y. 10003 32 pg),7 40:01 c:r .

$YVh POWER AUTHORITY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK 10 COLUMBUS CIRCLE, NEW YORK, N.Y. 10019 Docket Nos. 50-247 SP 50-286 SP December 3, 1982 The Honorable James P. Gleason The Honorable Frederick J. Shon-The Honorable Oscar H. Paris United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D. C. 20555

' ~

Dear Sirs:

In accordance with the Board's oral directive at the January 23, 1982 public hearing sesion to report public statements sponsored by the parties to this proceeding which are made about operations at Indian Point (Tr. 489-90), enclosed as Attachments A, B, and C are three newspaper advertisements jointly sponsored by the licensees which have recently been published in newspapers in the Indian Point area.

These advertisements were published in the following publications: , - _ - . _

l Cornwall Local n.. ,

l Croton-Cortlandt News .. ,

1 Mount Kisco Patent Trader '.'.,,'. . ,

Newburgh Evening News The News of the Highlar ds >:2- ' . w r; North CGunty News Ossining Citizen Regisuer~'-' ..


Peekskill Evening Star ' ~~


I Poughkeepsie Journal Putnam County Courier Putnam County News and Recorder ~. -.--

< Reporter Dispatch ' - - - - - - - . - - . - . .

8212090087 821203 gDRADOCK 05000247 3)363

O Rocklano County Times Rockland Journal News Tarrytown Daily News The Times Herald-Record 1

Very truly yours, h V Brent L. Brandenbur f

Joseph J. Levin, Jr.

Attorney for Morgan Associates Chartered Consolidated Edis n Compa:iy Counsel for the Power Authority of New York, Inc.

cc: Service List t

l l


Attachment A ,

There aremanyreasonswhy IndianPointhasdeliveredsafe, reliablepowerforover20 years.


C,',:,cha sjaysonp ajp r s,eeni. are knowledgeable, who live in this area and west Nyack.N Y Ecucation Associale who are working around the cbck to keep our plant optrating safely We are proud of our bEarNS7Ba$Yors[ede I r M

oegree in Nuciear Engineering New Wk

$iy1M/,e^e7n'.@e'n Power was first generated at Indian Point in Nuc:e '

plant.s safety record. We care about the peco:e in this area. We are their neighbors!'

indian Point is reliable as well as safe. and the power it produces is hiohly economical. About 1962. Since then Indian Point has generated 30% of New York City's'and Westchester's elec-almost 75 bill:on kilowatt-hours of electricity with- Incity is supplied by Indian Point. Since the Arab out a s:ngle inpry to the pubhc. Charke Jackson Oi! Embargo, nuclear fuelat Indian i a seferan of 14 years service with Con Edison- Point hasloweredoilimports by is one of the many men and women responsible about 100 mil'on barrels and f for this record reduced customers' electricity bills by more than one b!!! ion dollars.

" I hve actoss the river from Indian Point. I've We'd like totellyou more about spent 14 years v.orking on the safety , , ,

mstems for th:s plant At Indian S,9' safety atIndian Point. Please ca:1 the Indian Point Energy Point there are more than 900 l peoole working full-time who / Education Center.

9 (914) 73 7-8174 t m il

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Ed.onison L Now York Power

,I) Authority h' , &,

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Attachment B .

There aremanyreasonswhy IndianPointhasdeliveredsafe, reliablepowerforover20 years.


BobTandyis one... -

r$NNcIiN3)NIfkt$NSoy the finest in materials and workmanship go

'"'S * "'~

MtiraC.TR"2 Hudson H.<p sdual f +@mes gardemu "#More than 20 members of my fami!y and most i pneerav rA"*'

of my friends live within a few miles of Ind an

- Point. Wnen they ask me about :he plant, I tell People in Buchanan and Montrose respect Bob them the truth: I believe this is the s.7,fest power Tandy as a community-spinted neighbor who plant in this country will give up a Saturday afternoon to help a (nend Indian Point is reliable as well as safe and the solve a home plumbing or electrical problem. A power it produces is highly econctnCal. About life-long resident of Buchanan and a 20-year 30% of New York City's and Westchester's elec-

, veteran at Indian Point, Boo Tandy helps tricity is supplied by Indian Point Since the Arab l maintain the plant's intricate electnca! and Oi! Ernbargo. nuclear fuel at Indon Point has mechanical systems. lowered oil imports by about 100 m:!:.on barre!s,

.Every pb we do in the plant is a Class A po, and reduced customers' elcctnc.ty b.Its by more period. No shortcuts Ouality ontrol pracedures. 'h " S' D'II' "-

our tools, our welds are We'd like to tel1you more about' a:1 specia!. above and ,

! safety at Ind:an Point.

beyond accepted 1 Please cal: Ine Inden Po:nt Energy standards Weuse g 4 ( Educaton Center. (910 737-8174 multiple safeguards i to assure that only p_ .,

c Edison

.Y NewYork

( \, Power

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Authority Nei;:hbors for Safety

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..'* Attachment C



Therearemanyreasonswhy i IndianPointhasdeliveredsafe, reliablepowerforover20 years.


{ Meet: William A.Jes er.35 svoe inten- "My family hves close to Indian Point and has fE$HY$'r'Ea ac e visited the plant several times. Like most people.

goree westenes:ercommunaycone ge. the rnore they learn aoout Indian Point-i:s arcoIoNNr#EEanYeEo Meenanica Eng<neers Marred twocm8-contnbutions and safe operation-the more I aren secoes saang ca oentry they appreciate its role. Its energy is an impor-tant part of my family's and our neighbors' lives."

A hfelong resident of Westchester County. B.Il Josiger has worked at Indian Point for the past Indian Point is reliable as well as safe and the 10 years. He coord:nated the start-up test pro- ower it produces is highly economical. About l gram for Unit 3 in 1976. and is responsible for its 30% of New York City's and Westchester's elec-safe operam tricity is supplied by Indian Point. Since the Arab Oil Embargo, nuclear fuel at Ind;an Point has

" There's nothing mysterious or magic about lowered oil imports by about 100 rnflion barrels.

a nuclear power plant. Indian Point is big, but it's and reduced customers' electncity bi!Is by more only pumps. pipes. e!ectrical systems and peo- than 51 bilhon.

e. real people who work hard to provide a vita;


e'd IWeil Ame aW safeW Indian Point. Please calline lac:an Point Energy "The New York Power Education Center. (914) 737-8174.

Authonty s Unit 3 powers public schools. street lights. - - -

f.rehouses, municipal buildings and commuter (-  !

i Ed.{On ison ra:l hnes in this area. C.+- Ne W York

- ,,.s Power l

- Authority Nei;:hbors for Safety


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