ML20149H958 | |
Person / Time | |
Site: | Indian Point ![]() |
Issue date: | 02/17/1988 |
References | |
GL-88-02, GL-88-2, NUDOCS 8802220216 | |
Download: ML20149H958 (3) | |
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Vcc Pres 6wt ConsoMated Edison Company of New YA inc.
Indian Pomt Staten Broadway & B eakley Avenue Buchanan, NY 10511 l
Te4 phone (914) 737-8116 February 17, 1988 Re Indian Point Unit No. 2 Docket No. 50-247 Document Control Desk U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555
Response to Generic Letter 88-02 "Integrated Safety Assessment Program II (ISAP II)"
Attachment A to this letter provides our response to Generic Letter 88-02 on licensees participating in ISAP II.
Should you have any questions concerning this matter, please contact my office.
Very truly yours, 4
- /
attachment cci Mr. William Russell Regional Administrator - Region I U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 631 Park Avenue King of Pruscia, PA 19406 Ms. Marylee Slosson Project Directorate I-l Division of Reactor Projects I/II U.S. Nuclear Regualtery Commission Washington, DC 20555 Senior Resident Inspector P.O. Box 38 Buchanan, NY 15011 8802220216 880217 PDR ADOCK 05000247 p
L ATTACHMENT A Response to Generic Letter 88-02 r
k r
Consolidated Edison Company of NY, Inc.
Indian Point Unit No. 2 Docket No. 50-247 February, 1988 i
l i
4 Integrated Safety Assessment Preeram (ISAF) !!_
Response Format to Generic Letter 88'02 Facility Name:' Indian Point 2 Utility:
Consolidated Edison Individual Contact Name:
Sheri R. Juergens Phone Number: (914) 526-5688 An expression of interest will not be considered a conmitment te participate on the part of the utility.
Would you be interested in participating in ISAP II? If so, in what time fralre? We are currently in the process of updating our original PRA over the next year and as a result we will not be in a position to participate in ISAP !! starting in 1988.
$hould the !$AP !! effort continue we would certainly be interested in discussing parti-cipation upon completing our present efforts to update the Indian Point Probabilistic Safety Study.
Do you believe that an industry /NRC seminar consisting of a brief discussion by NRC followed by a question and answer period would be beneficial prior to making a decision? Yes, we believe an informational seminar with open discussion would be beneficial.
Would you be interested in a one-on-one meeting with the NRC to discuss your particular facility or facilities? Based on our response above we do not feel a one-on-one meeting would be useful at this time. However. in order to consider partici-pating in ISAP !! in the future, an opportunity to discuss the program in detail prior to making a decision would be beneficial.
If you remain urdecided regarding participation, what additional information do you need in order to make a decision? Additional information of value (which could be expanded upon at a seminar) would include examples of actual changes achieved by application of ISAP. additional information concerning acceptable criteria for categorizing ISAP issues and a discussion of the integration of risk reduction with other cost / benefit considerations such as personnel safety, cvailable resources, plant availability, etc.
l 5.
Do you have any potential concerns about participating iri !!AP II? We would like to attend an informational seminar to obtain additional knowledge of 'the program and express any potential concerns at that time.
Do you have any suggestier.s for progran improvenents or char.get? We feel it is premature to suggest any improvements or changes.