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Requests Formal NRC Approval of Encl ASME Code Case N-249, Addl Matls for Subsection Nf Class 1,2,3 & Main Condenser Component Supports Fabricated W/O Welding,Section III, Div 1. Approval Requested to Cover Strap & Rivet Matls
Person / Time
Site: Satsop
Issue date: 09/21/1982
From: Bouchey G
To: Miraglia F
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
GO3-82-963, NUDOCS 8209290131
Download: ML20069G521 (16)



Washington Public Power Supply System P.O. Box 968 3000 George Washington Way Richland, Washington 99352 (509)372-5000 Docket No. 50-508 September 21, 1982 G03-82-963 Mr. Frank J. Miraglia, Chief Licensing Branch No. 3 Division of Licensing U. S. Nuclear P,egulatory Commission 7920 Norfolk Avenue Bethesda, Maryland 20014

Dear Mr. Miraglia:




Letter G03-82-760, GD Bouchey to FJ Miraglia, dated luly 30, 1982, "WNP-3 Response to NRC Questions on Pipe Clam [./

This letter requests formal NRC approval of ASME Code Case N-249,

" Additional Materials for Subsection NF Class 1, 2, 3 and MC Component Supports Fabricated Without Welding,Section III, Division 1" (copy attached). Approval is requested to cover strap and rivet materials used in the ITT-Grinnell Figure 215 Stiff Clamps. The subject Code Case was approved by the ASME Council on June 17, 1982. Due to its recent approval, N-249-2 is not currently listed in Regulatory Guide 1.85.

Details relative to application of this Code Case were presented to the NRC staff in Bethesda on June 18, 1982 and as further discussed in the referenced letter.

Your expeditious response will be appreciated.

Very truly yours,

&44 G. D. B0UCHEY, Man r Nuclear Safety and Licensing GDB/rch Attachment cc: JA Adams NESCO WG Albert NRC 761 D Smithpeter BPA 762 Ob LL Wheeler NRC Ebasco - Elma 8209290131 820921 PDR ADOCK 050C3508 A PDR 1

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Appmved by Councit, June 17,1982 This Case shall espire on June 17,1985

- J: v unless preelously annulled or resffirmed.


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The following additional requirements shall apply:

Case N 248-2 (1) The requirements of Subeection NF shall be met Additional Meterials for Subsection NF Ctess 1,2,3, and except as modified by this Case.

MC Component Supports Fabricated without Welding (2) Repair welding is not permitted on carbon and section ill, olvision 1 low alloy steels containing more than 0.35% carbon, nor n PretiPi tation hardened or age. hardened steela, not on

  • ** "'** "*8 ""** P* "" (} '""'*"

inquiry: What materials,in addition to those listed in Tables I 11.0, I 12.0, and I.13.0 of Appendix I of Sec. permitted by the material specification. Weld repairs of

. tion III, D. . .mmon 1, may be used for Cass 1,2,3, or MC, haae material shall be made on annealed material and component supporta constructed to the requirements of such repaired material shall be reheat treated in accord.

g;g, Su crion NF when the' Items are fabncated without , 4 gg ,,,g (3) When the Nominal Compositiori column refer-ences AISI 8rades, only materials meeting the chemical Replyr It is the op. .mion of the Committee that the - composition requirements of the speciSc AISI grades additional materials, stress mtensity and allowable listed shall be used, with the exception that 0.60% maxi.

stress values, the yield strength, and the ultimate tensile mum silicon is pennitted for castings. Free machining strength values, listed m Tables 1,2,3,4, and 5 of this modifications of the specific A!SI grades lise d may be Code Case may bc used in the construction of 0ans i,2, used at the same design strees intensities, allowable 3, and MC component supporta fabricated without weld- stresses and yield strengths of thd reference grades but mg for Section III, Division 1,in addition to those listed their use is limited to 400*F (200*C) maximum temper-m Table NF 2121 (a) .1. sture.

. (4) When the ASTM specification referenced in Tables 1 through 4 does not specify minimum tensile

__ 'The tabulated values of tenaGe stranath and yield strength and yield strengtha, the values listed under the appropri-are those which the Committee believes are suitable for use in .

design calculations requind by Section III. Division 1. At the ate columns shall be met by the matenal, ternperatures above room temperature, the values of tensile (5) The maximum measured ultimate tenaile strength strength tend toward an average or espected value which may .

he as much as 10% above the tmaile strength trend curves ad.(UTS) of the component support material should not ex.

Justed to the minimum specified room temperature tenade ceed 170 kai (117 MPa) .m view of the susceptibility of etnnsth. At ternperatures above room temperature, the yield high-strength materiala to brittleness and stress corrosion etrength values correspond to the yield strength trend curve ad-cracking. Certain applicationa may exist where a UTS justed to the mirimurn specified room temperature yield strength. Neither the tensile strength nor the yield strength val-value of up to 190 kai (131 MPa) could be considered ac-ues correspond exactly to either " average" or "minirnum," a, ceptable for a material and, under this condition, the De-these terms are applied to a statistical treatment of a homogene. f sign Specification should specify impact testin6 or the aus set of data, Neither the ASME oc ASTM Material Specificationa nor the material. For these cases,it should be demonstrated by rules of Section HI, Division 1, require elevated tempenture the owner that (1) the impact test results for the mate-testing for tenaue or yield strengths of production material for rial meet Code requirementa and (2) the material is not use in Code componenta, it is not intended that results of such tests, if performed. be eensposed wkh these tabulated tenelesubject and to stress corrosion by virtue of the fact yield strength f alues foe ASME Code acceptance / rejection pur. that (a) a corrostve environment is not present and (b) poses for materlets. If some elevated temperature test results theoncomponent that contains the material has eseentf ally production material appear lower than the tabulated values by a tarse amount (mon thaa the weal variabulty of material sus- no residual stresses or anaembly stresses, and it does riot seating the poembility of some error), further investigation by re- experience frequent sustuned loads ,m serv, ice.

test or other means thould be considered.

537 SLIPP.12 - NC

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"' T m e. . CASE (continued) .w= r as:+ w nm ~

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Nf%.,v& pre f :.-* CASES OF ASME BOILER AND PRESSURE VESSEL CODE . ' : ' ' 77 8 y.y. r

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(6) Materials in Tables 1 through 4 whose nominal that portion of the material of the same heat and lot

. composition la referenced as an AISI composition may which has traceability established by the Manufacturer be accepted as satisfyir ; the requirements of the ASTM through his pro 6 ram. Where Certificates of Compliance speedication provided t?:e che.mical requirements of the are acceptable under Subsection NF, testing of each AISI specification are within the specified range of the pi ce is not required. i desi6 nated ASTM specification, and certification of the (7) The material shall be furnished with the require.

material shall be in accordance with the requirements of ments of NF.2600.

NCA.3867.4(e) or (f). The term "each piece of stock (8) This Case and revision number shall be listed on material" in NCA.3867.4(e) may be taken to refer to the applicable documentation accompanying shipment.

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Min. IJetimate Design strees intonelty, kai (snettiply try 1000 to obtain pod 4

Type Yielse Teesias for instal teenparacures.

  • F, not to = w Noenamel Psaluct Spectfice. or Senergte, Strengtig, ', 8 Cesnposhnes Form tien Sea. Grade came Notes
  • losi kai 100 200 300 400 SCO E00 860 700 750 000 'N, Casten SimaIn sy AISI1045, '


.t 1818.14 3 Bar (188 79 <

1018CW - - 4 40 60 20.0 20 0 20.0 20.0 - - - - - - n AISI 1945 Bar A108 79

[1020CWh 1045CW

'i D AIS11058 100 120 40.0 48D 40.0 40.0 - - - - - - E '

Bar A108 79 1050CW - - 125 140 46.7 46.7 46.7 E7 - - - - - - O AISil117 Bar A106 79 1117 - -

60 70 23.3 23.3 23.3 23.3 - - - - - - 9 AISill44 Bar A198-79 1144 - -

100 115 38.3 38.3 38.3 38.3 - - - - - -

i AISI1214 AISIl015 Bar A108-79 1214 -

55 65 21.7 21.7 21.7 21.7 - - - - - .- h n

Timbe A51340 1915CW -

4 55 65 21.7 21.7 21.7 21.7 - - - - - - en ,

] AISI l020 Tube A51340 g l820CW , - 4 60 70 23.3 23.3 23.3 23.3

, 025, 2

Tube A51340 - 5 65 75 25.0 25JD 25.0 25.0 -


u. AISI1918 - l 10lSCW - -

$ 1920, TW 4 3

1022 A519L80 1020CW 1022CW 60 70 23.3 23.3 ' 23.3 23.3 - - - -

-7 - $


. 025, Tube A51940 -


5 Low Assey Semele 3[ 65 75 25.0 25.0 25.0 25.0 .


} AIS14130,4140, 32 85 4320, 1))O545 -

105 35.0 35.0 35.0 '35.0 35.0 310 35.0 35.0 - -

E Castiss A14840 <

120-95 - 33 95 120 40.0 40.0 40.0 40.0 40.0 4a0 40.0 40.0 - - <-

4340 t150-125 125 AtS14140 TW 150 50.0 50.0 50.0 50.0 50.0 S&G Sao 50.0 - -

A51940 4140SR - - Q 1 4142 Tube A51940 4142SR - _

100 120 40.0 40.0 40.0 40.0' ' - - - - - - "

1 SN W.r h V Foging A579 77 12a 140 150 50.0 49.5 48.0 47.0 47.0 47.0 46.0 44.0 - -

6.13 75 100 33.3 33.3 33.3 33.3 33.3 33.3 33.3 33.3 - - c 9,11.12 80 105 35.0 35.0 35.0 35.0 310 35.0 35.0 310 - -

1 AIS14140, 6.13 85

! 4340 Forging 110 36.7 36.7 36.7 36.7 36.7 36.7 36.7 36.7 - -

A688 79a - 1, 6.9,12 95 115 38.3 38.3 34.3 38.3 38.3 38.3 38.3 34.3 - -


, 6,9,11 105 125 41.7 41.7 41.7 41.7 41.7 41.7 41.7 4L7 - -

l 6,13 110 135 45.0 45.0 45.0 45.0 410 45.0 45.0 45.0 - - We M 6,9,12 115 140 46.7 46.7 46.7 46.7 46.7 46.7 467 46.7 .- - IIB 4 6,9,11 120 145 48.3 48.3 48.3 48.3 48.3 45.3 48.3 48.3 - -


L 6,13 AIS14340 Forgs' w 130 160 53.3 53.3 53.3 53.3 5'L3 53.3 53.3 513 - - 85

! A66879s -

N . l 6.9.12 135 165 55.0 55.0 55.0 55.0 55.0 55.0 55.0 510 - 8 Z, d

) [6,9,11 140 17e 56.7 56.7 56.7 56.7 56.7 56.7 56.7 56.7 - -

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TABLE 1 (Cassiemed) .-

Deadys Susee incessisy Vehses,3,for Fesroes Somete med Copper Alasys for Chen 1 Ploes and shell Type Compennet Empports E

M 88 Mhn.

Men. Ultiseees Deniso Stress detesmity, hsl (snustiply any 1000 to ePsamin peQ for sensel teseperatores,

  • F, see w esseed hm Type YioM Teneile #

NeaW Prediact Speciba- er Sesongth, Steerieth, 100 200 200 400 500 600 SES 700 7 800 ?2

{ e- -in Fene tien No. Osade Class Notus* Itd kai o

y Highs ABoy Samols precepturtlee Herdened steele g MS A, B 85 130 43.3 43.3 43.3 43.3 43.3 43.3 43.3 433 - - r4 26Ni15Cr,2Ti B.: A45340 31 Copper and Capper Alloys E M

7 45 90 30.0 25.8 24.0 23.7 - - - - - -

8 45 85 28.3 25.8 210 23.7 - - - - - -

per Alusa.Broene SB-150 642

{le 26.7 24.0 22.4 22.1 h 2 42 80 - - - - - -

35 75 23.3 20.0 18.7 18.5 - - - - - -

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ceaemenee. Foam isen h c d. came seeems- h.: kai saa see see ses saa som ese les 7ee see .

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AN 1415, 101 % ,- 4

. n 1618,1039 AlEM IM 1430CW Q j 1

4 44 64 15 6 lie lie lie - - - '

AISI IMS See Ales-M 1645CW - ,' - 108 129 MC 3&G M0 Me - - - -

o AIS11650 Sar Ales-M 1654CW - - 125 144 35 4 lie 3Se 316 - - - - - **

AISI 1117 Bar A198-M 1117 ' - ' '

44 79 1 *.5 115 175 17.5 - - - - - -

A N 1144 Bu A188-3 1144 - - - 100 115 XS 218 3La 3LS - - - - * - -

AN 1214 Bar A198-79 1:14 -

- 55 65 IL3 R3 14 3 16 3 - - - - - -

8.!St 1015 1sie A513 46 1615CW - 4 ' 55 65 R3 Ik3 16 3 16 3 - - - -

r -

0 AI$I 1806 Tide A51146 1938CW -

4 64 3 17.5 17.5 17.5 17.5 - - -

425, Tabe A11180 I

- 5 65 75 It S ILS ILS 118 - - - - j* , I' - [

8 AN 1818, *-

y 1618CW ,

1820 Teiae A51SJe Ic20CW - s 4 ee 70 17.3 17.5 17.5 17.5 - - - * -

2 .,

1822 1622CW


A m 825' 3

Leur Apey sammen Tebe A51SJ6 f- 2,5 65 75 118 18 8 1&B ILS - - - - -



- 32 &$ les A3 3L3 3k3 - ",

AISI ux 4,130,4140} C% una. siM5 - u .5 13 x. 13a. m. 2n3 m m3k3. x. %.3 x. Sh me 3-- .- n A N 4140 (154125 - - 125 158 375 37.5 37 3 37.5 37.5 37.5 3L5 37.5 - -

g Te A51Ea8 414tSR '

las **


AISI 4142 Tebe A51tJG 104 360 3&S 38 0 34 4 - - - -

4142SR ',- g i

SNCrR>V Fesums A57%'T lla - -

144 158 315 37.1 3k e 35.1 31.1 3L1 34 5 319 - ' -

6.13 3 o E; let M O 256 M 25 6 MMMM - - M 6,9,11,12 34 165 2L3 13 36J 3e> 3 3L3 13 13 % 3 - -

i 6,13 85 118 27.5 27 5 273 27.5 27.5 27.5 37.5 27 3 - -

AM 4144,4343 Forpas A6ea-79s - 1. i t, 9,12 95 115 T18 24 8 X$ 18 2LS 3LE X8 3LS - --

l 6,9.11 145 125 31.3 31.3 31.3 31.3 313 31.1 31.3 313 - -


6,13 118 135 318 333 313 314 312 318 als 312 - -

nt ' 6.1,12 115 140 310 318 314 31.6 314 150 318 154 - -

!6.9.11 13e 145 x3 sts 3(3 h3 m3 an.3 3L3 m3 -; - ?e 6,13 134 163 4Le M6 as dat 444 RD 4&e 4&e 2 -

AISI 4340 A664-Me j 6.9,12 Fossise - N L 6,t 11 las 144 165 13 41.3 41.3 41.3 41.3 41.3 413 41.3 41.3 - l-=

42.5 415 415 415 415 415 415 415 - * -N 23*

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TABLE 2 (Condemed) '. o Allemakte Stress values, S for Ferrens sonst and Copper Aueye ear Chasms 2,3, and MC Festo end ShsE Type Compenset Snoparts ,

Mbt 55 Mio. IAsisases Allamable Sereas Veamme bel (seettiply by 1400 to e6esin ps0 g Type YiaW Teemas for sensel asesperemmen,'F, not to esamed p

! Noaileel Prosheet Spes#tse- or Sesongels, Birusqueh, M I Coenposition Form sien No. Grade C8ses 96eess" kd kai 140 200 200 400 500 000 ese 700 790 300 #


" D its een Alloy Sammes O

r. . -" w seseh 3 26 Nil 5Cs,2D Bar A45340 660 A 31 85 130 32.5 32.5 32.5 32.5 32.5 32.5 32.5 310 -

Copper and Capper Aseys m

M 7 45 90 22.5 22.3 22.0 21.2 - - - - - -

33 8 45 85 21J 2L1 2&8 20.0 - - - - - - s"2 Aken. Bronze Bar SB-ISO 642 -

2 42 80 20.0 19.9 19.6 18.9 - - - - - - 4 10 35 75 18.4 18.6 18.4 17.7 - - - - - -

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Yleid Semagth Values.f for r Feereus Samals and Copper Alloys for Clauses 1. 2. 3, and tac Lineer Type Cannpement asypests asia. Yleidses nethvasues,het t asin. tuntuises landtlpevby 1000 to obeein psel Type Yield Tensits fee assaal emaipeseanoes, F, not to emesed a Nooninst Puedust Spesifice. or Seramedi, Etrength,

^=paah Forms tien No. Grade Cass Idoome* kai kal 100 200 300 400 500 800 650 1 911 750 age I Cashon Sammes i .*

  • AISI1015 - -


{E 1018, Bar A108 79 3101 -

4 , 40 60 44.0 36.5 35.4 34.2 - - - - - -

j 1020 I I

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.I AISI1045 Bar A108.79 1045CW - - 100 120 100t0 9L2 88.4 85.6 - - - - -

c i AISI1050 Bar A10lL79 1050CW - - 125 140 125.0 1140 110.5 107.0 - . - - - -

AISI1117 Bar A105.79 1117' - - 60 70 60A 547 53A SIA - - - - - -


AIS11144 Bar A104.79 1144 - - let 115 100.0 91.2 88.4 85.6 - - .: - - -

g Bar A18B.79 1214 - - 55 65 Sie 50.2 484 47.1 - - - - - -

se AIS11214 88 Whe A228.77 C -

16 250 270 250.0 220 5 2023 187.5 - - - - - -

AIS11038.1541 Bar. Belt A32540s 1 - 1 81 105 81.0 73.9 71.6 69.3 - - - -

, - p AISIl015 Tube A51340 1015CW - 4 55 65 55.0 50.2 48.6 47.1 - -

- - .- t=s M

60.0 54.7 53.0 51.4 -

60 - -

AISI1020 Tube A51340 1020CW -

4 70 - - -

hA 25,-

'Ibbe A51340 25CW g - 5 65 75 65.0' 59.3 57.5 516 - - - - - -



AISI I010, le - - j @

1920 Tube A51940 1020CW - 4 60 6&O 54.7 53.0 51.4 - -- - - - - g 1922 1022CW - - ..

m 2 CW 65A 59.3 57.5 55.6 -

[25, 1

Tube A51940 - -. 3,5 65 75 - - - - -

h AISI 1035' Fanging A52176 CC 11 50- 85 50.0 45.6 443 42.9 40.4 37.0 36.3 36.0 - -

i 1040 III,15 55 90 55.0 50.2 4E6 47.1 44.5 40.7 39.9 394 - -

B 6 38 60 30.0 27.3 26 4 25.7 24.5 22.2 21A 214 -- - es AISI1035 Fossing A668-79e - C 6 33 66 23.0 30.1 29.2 28.3 26.5 344.243 21.8 . -

j D 6 37.5 75 37.5 342 312 32.1 30.3 27.7 27.2 27.0 - - 8 AIS11035, F A668~79* F 6,12,13 50 85 50A 454 ' 443 42.9 40.4 37.0 36.3 36.0 - - @

55.0 50.2 484 47.1 44E 40.7 39.9 39.6 -

1040.1045 6,9,1) 55 90 -

Le== Assoy sommes d

AISI 4138, (10545 - 32 85 105 85.0 82.5 79.2 74.8 71.0 78.5 7065 70.5 A 4140,4320, Castisq A14440 (12695 - 33 95 120 95.0 92.1 883 83.5 79.3 78.9 78.9 78.9 - - D 48b 4340 {'150125 - - 125 150 125.0 121.1 116.5 110.0 104.3 103.9 103.9 103.9 - -

88 AISI 4150 Dar A32240 4150 - - 100 115 100.0 93.5 90t2 87.8 85,1 SL4 78.9 76A - -

24 90 110 90A 84.1 81.3 79.0 76.6 73.3 71.0 68.4 - - ^

A514130, g I

4160,4145, 25 80 105 80.0 7t8 72.3 70.3 68.1 65.1 63.1 60.0 - -

4328, M Bar A434 76 - BE < 26 75 300 75.0 70L1 67.7 652 618 61.0 59.1 57.0 , - g3 I 8260 12 75 95 75.0 70L1 67.7 65.8 63.8 61.0 59.1 57.0 - -

, .e i (l27 65 90 65.0 6117 58.6 57.1 55.3 52.9 51.2 49.4 - - ,.

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TAsLE 3 (Cassinued n. - g MI n ,

Yomid Sesered Vokses, y S , for Ferrous senels and Copper Alloys for Camasas 1,2,3, and MC Lineer Type F Supperts a

  • yO Mi 3 v wese, e,k.i Mbi. Ultisante laisitiply by 1000 to obeein ym4 1

Type viaM Temmise 2

Nemiast Freduce spesifice- er for nimeni sensperne ,es. *F, not es onceed C N " s vense s,sireigen, i e Forum tien No. Grade Camas Neessa kai s kal los 200 300 400 806 ses 660 700 75s 800 N d Low Alimy atents (Cese's0 24 110 130

.. rg y' .s AISI 4130, .

110.0 102.9 99.4 96 4 916' 89.5 p' 4140,4145 25 105 125 105.0 98.1 94.8 92.2 89.4 85.5 86.4 834 'P4M Bar A434.76 -

BC 26 95 115 82.9 79.8 * ' 9.s - e G' 4320 4340 12 85 95.0 88.5 814 83.0 804 77.0 716 72.0 ,*: - p . ' - 7 Q

  • i, 110

,27 80 105 8! 9 79.5 76.8 74.6 72.4 69.1 80.0 74J 72.3 70.3 68.1 65.1 67.0 64.6 w - u '

63.1 60.9 o .-' '

  • o "I -

AISI 4130, j 130 155 >

}24 130.0 121.5 117.2 114.1 110.7 105.7 102.5 9&B d -3k.. "- -t) '

4140,4145 4320,4340 Bar A434 76 -

BD 25

< 26 12 120 110 105 150 140 135 120.0 112.1 108.4 105.2 102.1 97.6 110.0 102.9 99.4 96 6 93.6 89.5 105.0 98.1 94.8 92.2 89.4 85.5 946 91.1 * -% 'd 863 83.6 82.9 79.8  ! 4I;-, -;,

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g ll27 100 130 100.0 93.5 90.2 87.8 85.1 81.4 78.9 76.0



.a 2 21 85 105 85.0 80.1 77.5 75.8 744 73.3 72.2 71.2 .3- - t y4 Y 1

3 21 91 110 ;o 3- i4 21 les 95.0 89.5 866 84.7 83.4 81.9 80.7 794 .: J. lf. - n. +

120 105.0 99.0 95.8 93.7 92.1 904 89.2 8& O fj $ fl '

3NifrhY ForgimE A471-77 5 21 115 130 g ,'.4 a.

115.0 103.4 104.9 102.6 100.9 99.2 97.7 96.4 -d-6 7

21 21 125 135 140 150 125.0 117.8 114.0 1I1.5 109.7 107.8 106.2104.4 t.Q * -

3;K e 8 135.0 127.1 123.0 120.3 138.3 116.2  !!4.8113.1 i'i j

(9 21 21 145 155 160 145.0 1364 132.2 129.3 127.1 1249 123.2 121.8 "' 'M '- QbL e! I' AISI 4140 Tube A519-90 4140SR) 170, 155.0 146.0 141.2 138.1 136.0 133.5 131.8130.0 ~- c .f- is

  • 4142 +


Tube -

100 120 100.0 93.5 90.2 87.8 SNitr h V A519-80 Forging A579 4342SR{ -

77 12a

- - - - - - 4 140 AISI 4140, F8N 668 % K 6,13.20 75 150 ~ 140.0138.6 134.0129.5127.7126.3 123.5 117.6 100 h

4340 - ,

6,9,11,12.20 80 75.0 70.1 67.7 65.8 63.8 61.0 59.0 57.0 ./ - E!

AISI 4135 <

105 80.0 74A 72.3 70.3 68.1 65.1 63.1 60.9 i

6.13,20 85 118

-',~~ n

) 4140,4335, Forgisig A66879a L 6,9,12,24 85.0 79.5 76A 74.6 72.4 69.1 67.0 64 4 . -

4340 95 115 910 88.5 85.4 83.0 .80.6 77.0 744 72.0

) 6,9,11,28 105

- - ce

Alsl 4140, 125 105.0 98.1 94A 92.2 89.4 85.5 82.9 79.8 6,13,20 110 135 l 4340,4135, Forging A668 7h 44 -

6,9,12,20 lle 0102.9 99.4 96 6 93.6 89.5 86.8 816 - -

i 4335 115 140 6,9,11,20 120 115.0 107.5 103.8 101.0 98.0 .93.6 90.7 87.5 - -

145 120.0 112.1 108.4 105.2 102.1 974 91.6 . 91.1 6.13,20 130 160 i

AISI4340 Fosging A668 79a N 130.0 121.5 117.2 114.1 110.7 105.7 102.5 98.8 6,9,12,20 135 165 6,9.11,20 140 135JD 126.1 121.9118.5115.0109.9 106.5 102.7 - -

170 140.0 131.0 126.3 123.0 119.1 114.0 110.4 106.3 - -


  • O O O O O -

- - _ . ~ - - . - . - . . . . - . . . - . - .- . - - _ ._

J. ,. .


e rf, N *. .h, . . . .

, $ g- . .

  • T .

.a 4 .-

TABLE 3 Iceaeinuset Yimed Serength values,Sf . for Forsone Somets and Copper ASeys for Camasse 1,2,3. and RAC Llaser Type Comepamest Egparts Min. Yield Sesougth Values, het beln. Ultimesse [anulelpfy tur 1000 to absain pull Type Yield Tensits 3

's mienenet product Specifese- er for sessel terupersesses *F. not to enamed cosipasitima StrongA Serengeln, Fene tion No. Geods Class Neeme* kai kd High Assy ammala 100 200 N 400 000 600 SEO Jee 7se see ' i threendtic Stassamme Sesses . ,

n 17Cr Bar A276 79e 444C f 22,28 214 275 210 0 210LD 190.'l 180.8 - #

L19,22,29 275 185 275.0 -

I 0

- - - - - - - - v 4 h -

23 46 70 40A 38.1 36.9 35.7 - - - - - -

Precipiention Husenned sessie 26Ni.15Cr.211 Bar Bar, Fors.

A45340 664 A 31 85 130 BSA 82.5 81,0 81.0 81.0 81.0 81.0 BI A 8Le SLS g gm 11115 0 -

105 135 1050 97.1 93.0 892 87.0 84.7 83.4 -

yi e 17Cr4Ni 4Can { Plate, Strip Sheet A6 % 7 634 111100 -

Ils 140 115.0106.3101.9 98.3 95.2 92A 915 g

19Cr.196W 111075 -

125 145  ::

Plate,Sheed A457 71 651 125A 115.6114.7106.9103s5100.9 99.5 - - - -

i 94 125 98A -

.g 13Cr4Ni-3Cie Bar,Forg. A56440s XM12 .- -

145 155

- - - - - - - - 2 y

(111025) 145 013&c I30.7125.8121.7117.2115.2112.9 - -

15Cr4N13Can Bar,Foss. A56440s XM12 c 125 145 1210117.1112.610s.3104.8 lelA 99.5 97.2 - -.

13Cr4Nt2Me har Fog A56440s XMIS (Hle75) 3 g

30 165 175 SONi.l?Cr.M+Ch hee, Sheet B67078 16 165A 154.6 148.5 143.0 138.1 133.8 131.1 128.4 - -

ga Semineens Seemis 150 180 150.0 - - - - - - - - - c' 3 :s M

3 Wire A58040s B -

14 300 125 100.0 83.3 75.0 69A - - - - - -

17Cr4Ni4Ma 2DCr4Ni4Ma Nte. Sheet A41240 201 -

17 110 150 116.8 - h Sbset Strip A24040b XM17 -

60 100 M

20Cr4NHIMm Plate 60.9 - - -

A2404eb XM17 -

50 94 50.0 -

8 82 - - - - -

82 y 30 75 30A 25.0 22.5 20.7 19N 18.2 17.9 17.7 17.3 16.0 E copper d copper Alloys Cu2mrFb Bar B1641 364 -

7,8 25 55 25A - - - - - - - - -

Cu,2n Pb 2 24 50 20A - rh Forging 812441 377 - -

18 50 18.0 16.3 14.9 14.2 -

4A 7 45 90 45.0 38.7 36.0 354 - - - - - -

8't Alum. Bronse Bar SB.150 642 -

8 45 85 45.0 38.7 36.0 354 - - - -

2 42


at 42.0 36.1 33.6 33.2 - - - - - - 85 10 35 75 35.0 30.1 28.0 27.7 - - - - - -

7 l~

e N . el e,. m s.

i .I g  !


,o .

a 3 I ' h3 v,


.s 4 'y' ', ' >.


_. j.

. l(.' .-

kn z es>.


.l MM as -


TABLE 4 c^

g '

Ylead strumees ,h seatineassemensas for Cessnes 1,2,3, and necaspeares

.I, Man. Yledd Stron

~ u,- ism m i.esh Values,

Type Yleed Tansale
0. . ehel'.so , ,

Nesnied ".-

  • _ _ _ - - er for mental team *F, seet to emesed i Compeo6eine No.

Streneih, steeneth, s g, Grade Casas Nasse* let 100 N v het 200 300 400 500 800 see 700

. 750 000

^; carbon seemis C,Mn SA.36 - -

34 36 58 36.0 32.s AISI 1688,1541 A425 1 1 41 31.9 30.8 29.1 26.6 26.1 25 9 - -

I' AISI1645 A108 79 1945CW 105 St.s 73.9 71 4 69.3 - - - -

l AISI1054 A108 79 1950CW 100 120 100.0 91.2 88.4 85 4 - - - -

Q AISI1141 125 144 125A 114.0 111L5 107.0 i

! AISI1144 A108 79 1141 -

37 .

g A108.79 1144 -

38 81 eg i

AISI1214 105 81.0 73.9 71.6 69.3 A10879

] AISI1144 A108-79 1214 1144 37 37 105 g*


125 10lL9 95 2 92.8 89.8 SA.194 2H -

36 - -


<= A30740 M A -

42 36 60 l  % 39,42 92 36.0 32.8 31.9 30.8 29.1 26 4 26.1 25.9 - - *

120 92.0 83.9 81.3 78.8 SA449 - -

40,42 81 105 81.0 73.9 71.6 69.5 b

41,42 58 90 58.0 52.9 51.3 49.7 g -

^ - - - - - -


, g A57440 040 - -

135 17e l

1541 135.0 125.1 119.3 115.6 - - - - -

j Lour Asley Stash to

[ I SA320 A

  • 37 gg - -

les 125 105.0 98.8 94.1 91.5 - - - -


  • I3 - -

4 A49040s - -

42 138 150 AISI 4137, 130.0 121.5 117.2 114.1 110.7 105.7 102.5 918 - -

4140,4340 A574a6 h

c 35 135 170 "

4037,4042 135.0 126.2 121.7 1185 115.0 109.8 106.4 1924 - -

Precipitesien Hardened Sessie 26 Mil 5Cr,2T1 A45346 660 A 31 85 ISO 85D 82.5 13Cr4Ni-2Me A56444a XM-13 81 4 81.0 81.4 81.0 SLO 81.0 31.0 81.4 30 165 175 Aasstenitic Steintes Smeel 165.0 154.6 148.5 1 43.0 138.1 133.3 131.1 128.4 - -

! I #

g g SA.320 -

A IA 2M 2&7 - - - .- - -

  • Notes follew T-% 5.

n O O O O -


. e. , . . 14 i'

- g&, , _N y. . . .cspj?;G k ,

  • : 1 T.N,s4-+v

~' *

. ' '

^..,' 5

+[ g ,.

TABl.E 5 usensuse Teesses aerus whose.S , for Fervous Semmes and Copper NJoys for C: mess 1,2. 3. end RAC Llamar Type Component Supperes cases 1 Pises and sham fype Camipaisne suppura, and for asseine assesrish for Osame 1,2.3. and nec Compensues asm. Useimmes T ean seress vek hai 1 I

asin. latinesse (museise r hv 1000 se absein see ,

8 Type Yleid Tensiin for mueal smagneesessen, *F. not to emeesd Seposgeh, Serenesh, ,\,

Nasalms0 Product Specifice- or Comepostelen Form tien No. Grade Omsa essess* kai hai 100 age 300 400 000 ese 50 798 750 300 corneriseants AISIl015, Bar A100 79 1015CW  :^

1010, Bar A108 79 1010CW - - 40 60 6&O 60.0 60.0 60.0 - - - - - - e 1020 Bar A108-79 1020CW ..

AISI1 M 3 Bar A10879 1045CW - - 100 120 120.0 120.0 120.0 120.0 - - - - - - o AISI1964 Bar A10679 1050Cn - - 125 140 140.0 140.0 140.0 140.0 - - - - - -

AISI 1117 - Bar A19879 1117 - - 60 70 70tt 70.0 70.0 70.0 - - - - -

~ ~ -

h, AISill44 Bar A108 79 1144 - - ISO 115 115.0115.0115A 115.0 - - - -

A100 79 1214 55 65 65.0 610 610 65.0 - - - - - ' - co AISt 1214 Bar - -

Wins A228 77 C - - 250 210 27&O 270.0 270te 270.0 - -


9 AISI1915 Tube A51340 1015CW - - 55 65 610 65A 65.0 65.0 - - - .  ; ', - Q Thbe A51340 1030CW 60 70 7E0 7EO 7&O 7&O - - - - 1 .a - :s AIS11030 - -

{ AISIl025,1026 Tube A51340

}025CW 2 - 65 ,75 75.0 75.0 75.0 75.0 - - .- -l , f # -

010,1030 - - 60 70 70A 7&O 70.0 70.0 - - ' -

-4 -

Tube A31940 -

J 1022CW l "N '

AISI1025,1936 Tube A31940 65 75 75.0 75A 75.0 710 - - - - -

CW -

A!SI1035,1040 Foruise A52176 CG 85 OSA 85A 85A OSA - -- - - - -

g f50 55 90 90.0 90LG 90.0 90.0 - - - - - -

g i B - Je 60 60A 6&O 60.0 60.0 - - - - - -

AISI1935 Forgias A66879a - JC - 33 66 66A 66.0 66.0 660 - - - - - - r-i D - 37.5 75 710 710 75.0 75.0 - - - - - -

'Q AISl 1985.1040, F A660 79s F 50 05 05.0 850 05.0 05.0 - - - - - -

e 89 1945 1 55 90 90.0 90.0 90A 90.0 - - - - - -

Low Juley somets AISI 4130,4140*

f 105-85 - - 85 105 105.0 1910 105.0 105.0 105.0 105A 1051 105.0 - -

n Castug A14840 t120-95 - - 95 120 12E0120.0120.01240120.0120.01R&O 120.0 - -

p 4330,4340 125 150 150.0 150.0 150.0 150.0 150.0 150.0 15&O 150.0 - - gan

. t150L125 - -

9C.LMo Castasq SA,217 Cl2 - -

60 40 90.0 90.0 90.0 90.0 90.0 90A 90.0 90.0 - - see AISI 4150 Bar A32240 4150 - - 100 115 115.0115.0115A 115.0115.0115A 115.0115.0 ' - -

n AISI4320, lle IlRS 110.0110.011&O 110.0110.0110.0110.0 - - n f90 1010 105.0 105.0 1010 105s0 105.0 1010 1010 - - e 4130, 4140, par A434 76 - BB -

<l 75 80 les 100 100.0100.0 300A 10&O 100A 100.0100t0100.0 -

- 23 4145,4330 4340,0620 v ll 65 75 95 90 910 910 95.0 910 95A 95.0 95.0 910 -5 90.0 90.0 90.0 90.0 90A 90.0 90.0 90.0 -

h1 gg 1 oe e e

l M ' v.

M i


    • ~**


' ~

- CAS'E (s ntinacd) l N-249-2 C..


j ' J. .'C >

l l l l 111111 11 1 I I I i i i I i liIIIi1il I i lIi d m;

  • fss ,%. -

l l 1.1 I II I i ii I i lIiliI i liIi6 iil iii l iiI h

.+.... 9999,99oe95 =ngwe i usWn,,sWessme 9 'memem d nu i i i .a 3 ]Q $ ---------- --~~~-- -----------

i 9NM9 '*M *

1 3

s l ****98**9*g*sda sid s.sastma -- nods iAssnn'sgas"s

      • 99 u
    • 9 i iiid y o c. c o o o c o q o o 4
g. o o o o o o o o o o m e. , - oo n ee m w h NhdIY.NNINNdddNNYNdI


Ego *9 m

899*9989990 l

. 2.n d9 .. g 2.S
s. 9 8 s0..n..W cOO 88 M2M3..*CMD.e y- M M y 6 0s2R33 Ossn2 8-1 Iid gj ********9e*.----,n a* *

>j _ I 99999000000*=5k9*dWCsdd2332233 an2*sfasd23ddd

------------- ----------- 5d st 13 3 qqqcqqoogeocomoeena e o o s

gs 5 n k ------------------Ndgemeseeqee ENUNEMN$EIYNNNYNIN ----------- ooNddNNENI III -

eeeeeeeqoooooooo nocoemeeqoo om!ging5Wisginininntiend i


} I. ------~~~---------------WWWesi in - ---

Eiiid oo o o pee e l


,y I oooooooooo3ooooo,s#WsgWddW$poorsmeds indgsd.i.gdi t.Wgda -- ooooooo d sag 4 t ."

j j annssassnaamassasaaassassenes$ n ass n

,J 3.t . .. .,e.m.,. . . . .-

.r l 5,3 ! j]j 28ss323 sg3Esen2333 SESas2:2822 8 23  :


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t %e s x s a J!M,s!" 9 1 3 2 1 M557$svens 35588 i suis 54-3$e 4 ASSE W MS

$53iW 548 84#P.13 - NC i

' N f: y .I g.d h.1



%  ? ?J "
f5( y t . '.

!  ; p. - .

TABLE E (Cen=8==d) -

IJBtiseses Temelle Sense Yahses, Su,let Ferrow Semels med Copper Aheys for Chasse 1. 2,3, and MC Lineer Type Comiponent Supports

  • Casas 1 Plots and SImme Type cewipenent Sasyports, and k teklee Maentsmis for cimamos 1,2. 3, and MC Compenames Min. tjatiansee TeamIIe sesens Velises, hai Inn. Ultiensee (sussitiply try 1000 te eastoissys0 Type Yimed Temede for mustad tasapereenaren 'F not to esemed Normians Produet SpecWise. er Sesenetsi, sapergese, Cesapasitten Forse tien Me. Grade CIsas 4

l*eh Aaley Somets Neese* kai hal 180 200 300 400 500 000 550 700 750 See \

M"*'"nis samanasse sense' ' ^

210 275.0 275D 275.0 275 0 - N' 17Cr Bar 2 75 A276-79e 440C - -

275 285 285.0 - - - - - - - - w 13Cr Bar A58240 416 -

13&Se Bar A58240 416SeL -

.- M M 7&O - - - - - - - - -

e P. ... o __ Headamed soumis  ?

26 Nil 5Cr,271 Rer A45340 660 A O 3L 85 134 19Cr'9Ni4Eo W Flate. Sheet A457 71 651 90 130.0 180.8 130.0 134.0 130.0 130.0 130.0 130.0 134.0 128.0 o Bar,Forg.

125 125A - - - - - - - - -

  • g4,344 HI150 105 135 135A 135.01310131.4128.5126.7125.6124.4120.8118.1 17Cr.4Ni.4Ce 630 HIlee g

{ PlateSofp '

Sheet ~

A693-79 H1075 115 125 144 145 140.0144.014e e 136.3133.2131.4134.3129.1136.3122.4 145.0 145.0 1410 141.1 138.0 136.1 134. 9 133.7130A 126A

~ '

15Cr.5Nt3Cu Bar.Forg.

' ' ' ' ' " " ' ' ' ' ' ' " ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ~~ - "'

,,, 13Cr4NWIMo Bar, Forg.

A56440e f(H1025)

A56440s ~XM13 I

125 165 145 175 145.9 145.0 1410 1M 4 136.1 132.4 130.3 127.9 175 A 175.0 1710 174.8 169.4 164.6 161.3 156.9 -

Q 50NA.17Cr. Math Flete Sineet D670 78 -

,- 150 100 180.0 a

a=8 ame Maeers es centsoa soumis g

C.Ms Bar SA.36 - -

54 36' 58 58A 58.6 58.0 SSA -

g AISI1945 -.

A104 79 1945CW

- - -- - - c 100 120 120.0 120.0 120.0 120.4 - '-

AISI1950 -

A108-79 1050CW - -

125 140 140.4 14&O 140.0 143.0 - -

5 AISI1141 -

A106 79 1141 AISI 1144 -

A108 79 1144 81 AIS11214 Its 105.0105.0195 0185A - - - -

A198 79 1214 AISI1144 -

A108 79 1144 AISI1050 -

- - 105 125 125.0125.01252125A - - - - - -

92 120 120.0 120.0 1202 120.0120.0 120.0 120.0 128t0 - o 1035,1040, -

SA-449 - - -

81 Its IM5,1050 -

105.0105.0105A 165.0105.0105.0105.0105.0 - - '9 58 90 90LD 90.0 900 90t0 90Le 90.0 90.0 90.0 -

AIS11035, -

A574 77 1035.

135 170 170.017&O l70.017tLe A 1040,1541 1940 1541 >

EA SA.194 2H - - - -

1010 105.0 105.0 105.0 - - - - - 88 A3W.80 A - -

36 60 60LO 60.0 60.0 60.0 -


- - - - - ^

81 105 1010 105.4 11:3.0 105.0 -

AISI1938,1541 Bar, Bolt A32540= 1 -

1 81 105 105.0 105.0 105 0 105.0 -

g y

0 Zg 3 - -

105 125 125.0 125.0 125.0 125.0 125.0 1210 1110 125.0 - .-

AISI 4037,4540 -

SA454 BC 109 125 125.0 125.0 125.0 1210 125.0 1210 1210 125.0 -


SA454 11D

, 99 115 115.0115.0115.0115.0115.0115.01110 ll5A - -

A C 4g 136 150 150.0150.0150.0150.0150.0150.0150LO ISRO -

i'. - a g I I h) v,  !



  • n u

A 47 IAtInaste Tenelle Stress VeW S , for Ferrsue Staats end Copper Alloys for CInsass 1 2 3 TABLE 5 (Coettened) 6oE times 1 Ptste end Shell Type Cosopenent Sepports and for Bolting ,.

testeriste for causse 1 2 3, , , and anc Linser

, and MC Components 3 Type C

Min. e Min. tAttmete Teeslie Stress Values, kpl Nomissel Cosoposition Predact Specifice .

Type or Yiskf Ultimeee Tensste imeleeply by 1000 to elytosa past b Ferve tien No. Crede Strengen, Serengeh, for sustel tesseneretsroo *F. not to azeesd CIsss . Dieses' het liel Solting MessefefeICorst1dl 198 200 300 400 500 000 850 700 750 Q

A 10 g 40 -

A49040s - -

AISI4140, 130 150 o 4340,4037.(f -

A574 88 -

150.0 15&O 150.0 150.0 156 0 150.0 154 0 150.0 - -

4137,4042 ) - -

135 170 E AISI4340 SA,540 17ae 170.0170.0170.0170.0170.0170.0170.0 -

B21,B22, 1 -

~150 c"o B23,R26 165 o AISI4340 AISI 4340 ,-,.

SA440 B21.B22, B23,B24 2 -

140 155 165.0 165.0 165.0 165.0 1610 165.0 165.0 165.0 -'

155.8 155.0 155.0 155.0 15 10 155.0 155.0 155.9 -


n a

J. t -

SA 540 B21.B22, 823,B24 3 -

130 145 g

AISI4340 1410 145.0 145.0 145.0 145.0 145.0 145.0 145.0 e S4.540 B21.B'12, 4 120 135

  • AISI4320, B23,824 SA440 135.0 1310 1310 135.0 1310 135.0 135.0 1350 i

4340 B21,B22, 5 -

100 115 h


AISI4320 B23.B24 SA440 B21 B22, 5 115.0 115.0 115.4 115.0 115.0 1110 115.0 115.0 - -

E 4340 -

105 120 13CrSNI.2Mo.

B23,B24 120.0 120.0 120.0 120.0 120.0 120.0 120.0 120.0 - E! .:

A564-30m XM13 - -

165 18CrJINI,5 - E 175 1710 175.0 175.0 174.8 169.4 164.6 161.3 156.9 &

C- B8 A 1A d C- ~


- ~ ~

Odafb Bei B1641 360

- ~ ~

25 55 55.0 - -

&Zafb P 20 Farghw' B12481 3 77 -

30 50.9 - - -

13 50 45 50.0 45.5 40.0 34.0 - -

Alprn. Bronze 90 - - -

. Bar SB150 642 - - 45 85 90.0 39.4 88.1 84.9 - - - - -

42 80 8E0 34.4 83.2 80.1 - - - - -

90-10 10 Casting L)35 75 80.0 79.4 78.3 75.4 - - -

5B484 937 -

  • 710 74.5 73.4 79.7 -

12 30 - -

" Notes .'A. Teide S. 34.0 26.s 24.s 24.5 -- - - - -

4 a


, f.;. a >.

s i




, -) I


s s. ,- . .

TAalt!S (Cantinusso ,

.s Nctes:

1. His matedale ry be made frcse ASTM A 54677.
2. 0,cr 1 in. to 2 in. Ind.
3. These materials sie limited for mee only for component standard supporta.
4. Max. BtIN 215.
5. Man. BilN 225.
6. For coch forging 250 lb net weight and lem, the marking reguirements of A 666 79a ahmE be sect by a suitable code or symballdentified by the Mascrial Mannsfee.

turer in his Certificate of Comiphance or Certified Material Test R eport. N hardness test require ment misy be perforswd cedy on the tensee test speefmen.

7. % in. sad under.
8. Over % in. to 1 in. lad.
9. By mare ment between Furtheser and Material Manufacturer, these materiale maay be pescuremi to thelower spedf'wd sninanum ultimate tene1e strength and mini.

i naum yicW strength values given in this table.

10. Over 2 in. Io 3In.Ind.


'n 3 11. 4 in, and under. .

i 12. Over 4 in. to 7 in. Ind.

13. Over 7 in. to 10 in. Ind. l
14. This material may be uned only la fdly constrainad appliestions, sudi se thrend inserts, so that fature of the wire woeH tiot affect the function of the coroponest ,

O support.,

15. Solution heat.treeted (for thicknem 3/16 in. and under, tensac stremsth is 140 kat,rieW stremsth is 80 kai). y

- 15. Solution heat trental and hendened (1325* F for 8 hr,turnsee cooled to 115(F bdd to a total of la hr, air eested). p

17. Half hard. h

."N 18. Ilot to5cd.


19. Hot firmhed, heat treated. :88
20. E434011 may be ==d, with the moolybdenom rense leeressed,by aseenient to 0.40% men.
21. He minimien spedfied yieW streasth abaB be tekee at 0.2% offset. h e-
22. This misterial may he used only in fe Er constrained appliestions sudi sa valve dise or flow restrictor bees or smechanical enabber parts sudt as seers so that faDare of the se parte does not signifiesney affect the fenetion of One livsm. Desism stresses are lindled to 9.4 9y. 5
23. For bar sises under % in. nominal size,this moeterialsney I.c oedered to A 58179. 4
24. 1% in. sad under.


25. Over 1% in. to 2% in. ind.
  • g r-
26. Over 2% in. to 4in. Incl.
27. . Over 7 in. to 9% in. Ind. Q
28. Austenitime 185FF to 195f F, oE eteendi,teinper at 700*F min. t3

,j 8*

e 29 Auistenitize 1850*F to 1950*F o8 quesch,teenper at 60rF anha.

30. A 564 Type XM.13 shaB be snodified so that age baniening treakeent abaB be loSFT enly.
31. For sagesless than % In. In diameter, wire to AMS 5757 many be aqppbed, with oc without hende, These values also apply to material that bas been solution treated gg

- in a vannun at 1657F for 30 minutes sad oE apnencised and aged at 1325'F for % to 1% hours med aireaaa t p gy

32. The Elonsstion and Reduction of Ares requiressents for Grade 19545 may be specified as 14% and 30% respectively,
33. The Elongation and Reduction of Arearequhemmente for Grade 120t3 may be speciAed as 115 and 25% respectaedy.

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34. Threaded rode only. n se l 35. Minknen TemperingTesnperature aliaB be 85FF. O
36. No yield or termile streasth spedfled. Asamme tobe the samme as A 32540a Type I belte for met demism calculations. 3 .

l 37. 3 in. inashnesn dianseter, enid drawn and tempered.

  • 1 3L 10 in,maarimero diernetre. 2
39. % In. to 1 in. Ind. C
40. Over 1 be. to 1% in. Ind.
41. Over 1% in. to 3 in. Ind.

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$ 42. Nets may be as Dewd in ASTM A 563.7sa,TaWe XI.

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