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Forwards Insp Repts 50-373/93-28 & 50-374/93-28 on 930923-25 & Notice of Violation.Nrc Concerned That Corrective Action for Similar Event in May 1993 Not Comprehensive Enough to Prevent Mispositioning Event
Person / Time
Site: LaSalle  Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 10/26/1993
From: Greenman E
To: Wallace M
Shared Package
ML20059D939 List:
NUDOCS 9311030041
Download: ML20059D936 (3)

See also: IR 05000373/1993028


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OCT 2 61991

Docket No. 50-373

Docket No. 50-374

Commonwealth Edison Company

ATTN: Mr. M. J. Wallace

Vice President and

Chief Nuclear Officer

Executive Towers West III

1400 Opus Place Suite 500

Downers Grove, IL 60515

Dear Mr. Wallace:

This refers to the special inspection conducted by M. Bielby, D. Hills, and R.

Hague of this office and S. Parsons of Parsons and Associates on September 23

through September 25, 1993. The inspection included a review of activities

authorized for your LaSalle County Station, Units I and 2, facility. At the

conclusion of the inspection, the findings were discussed with those members

of your staff identified in the enclosed report.

l Areas examined during the inspection are identified in the report. Within

these areas, the inspection consisted of a selective examination of procedures

and representative records, ir,terviews with personnel, and observation of



activities in progress. Specifically, the inspectors examined the

circumstances surrounding the mispositioning of a spent fuel bundle in the

Unit 2 spent fuel pool. The inspectors determined that this event was caused

in part by a lack of teamwork on the refulling bridge, a lack of questioning

attitude on the part of fuel handlers, and inadequate training regarding the

misalignment of the spent fuel racks. We are concerned that your corrective

actions for a similar event in May 1993 were not comprehensive enough to


prevent this mispositioning event. We are also concerned that the

! misalignment between the Unit 2 high density spent fuel racks and the

refueling bridge was not common knowledge among all individuals responsible

for placing and removing fuel assemblies in the Unit 2 spent fuel pool.

Based on the results of this inspection, certain of your activities appeared

, to be in violation of NRC requirements, as described in the enclosed Notice.

l You are required to respond to this letter and should follow the instructions

specified in the enclosed Notice when preparing your response. In your

response, you should document the specific actions taken and any additional

actions you plan to prevent recurrence. After reviewing your response to this

Notice including your proposed corrective actions, and the results of future

inspections, the NRC will determine whether further NRC enforcement action is

necessary to ensure compliance with NRC regulatory requirements.

9311030041 931026

i PDR ADOCK 05000373




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OCT 2 01333

Commonwealth Edison Company 2

The responses directed by this letter and the accompanying Notice are not

subject to the clearance procedures of the Office of Management and Budget as

required by the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1980, Pub. L. No. 96.511.

We will gladly discuss any questions you have concerning this inspection.


0.,wpr.aQ.}RfDCl T 0. N0h[Wu

Edward G. Greenman, Director

Division of Reactor Projects


1. Notice of Violation

2. Inspection Report

No. 50-373/93028(DRP):

No. 50-374/93028(DRP)

cc w/ enclosures:

W. Murphy, Site Vice President

J. Schmeltz, Acting Station Manager

J. Lockwood, Regulatory Assurance


D. Farrar, Nuclear Regulatory Services



Resident inspectors, LaSalle,

Clinton, Dresden, Quad Cities

R. Hubbard

J. W. McCaffrey, Chief, Public

Utilities Division i

Licensing Project Manager, NRR

R. Newmann, Office of Public

Counsel, State of Illinois Center .

State Liaison Officer I

Chairman, Illinois Commerce Commission

bcc: PUBLIC IE01


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UCI % 6 @ j

Commonwealth Edison Company 2 g


In accordance with 10 CFR 2.790 of the Commission's regulations, a copy of

this letter, the enclosures, and your response to this letter will be placed

in the NRC.Public Document Room.

The responses directed by this letter and the accompanying Notice are not 1

subject to the clearance procedures of the Office of Management land Budget as ,

required by the Paperwork Reduction Act of 1980, Pub. L. No. 96.511. '!

We will gladly discuss any questions you have concerning this inspection.


('}y g[ bL Uk h

Edward G. Greenman, Director-

Division of Reactor Projects


1. Notice of Violation ,

2. Inspection Report l

No. 50-373/93028(DRP);  !


No. 50-374/93028(DRP)



cc w/ enclosures:

L. DelGeorge, Vice President, Nuclear

Oversight & Regulatory Services

W. Murphy, Site Vice President

J. Schmeltz, Acting Station Manager

J. Lockwood, Regulatory Assurance


D. Farrar, Nuclear Regulatory Services



Resident Inspectors, LaSalle,


Clinton, Dresden, Quad Cities

R. Hubbard-

J. W. McCaffrey, Chief, Public

Utilities Division

Licensing Project Manager, NRR

R. Newmann, Office of Public

Counsel, State of Illinois Center

State Liaison Officer

Chairman, Illinois Commerce Commission

bec: PUBLIC - IE01

See Attached Concurrences


McMurtray Hague Hausman Clayton Greenman

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