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RO 2-81-34/1P:on 810612,during Safe Shutdown Analysis,Four Cables Were Found Improperly Routed & Improperly Designated as Nonsafeguard.Caused by Improper Designation of Three Cables Associated W/Power Supply to Room Cooler Fans
Person / Time
Site: Peach Bottom  Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 06/12/1981
From: Ullrich W
To: Grier B
RO-2-81-34-1P, NUDOCS 8106180277
Download: ML20049A605 (2)



M PHILADELPHIA ELEC"!RIC COMPANT 1%ech Atomic Power Station Delta, Pennsylinanir.

1731k June 12. 1981 W. Boyes E. Grier Office of Inspection and Enforcement Region 1 (Asited. States Nuclear Regulatory Commission.

631 Park Avenue King of Prussia,.PA 19k06 1


REPORTABLE OCCURRENCE - PROMPT NOTIFICATIDE United" States Nuclear Regulatory Ccuatission on 6/12/81. Confirming J. E. Winseuried's couvers 1

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meterence: Docket so. 05o-277/278 Poech Bottom tJaits 2 and 3


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6.9 2s(9) b-1 7 1981 * \\

Technical Specification


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Occurrence Date:

June 12. 1981 N

Identification of Occurrence:

/'lg During the Safe Shutdown analysis four cables in each unit were identified.

which were improperly designated se non-safeguard. and improperly routed.

Condition Prior to Occurrence:

Unit 2 - Critical on range 9 of IRM k50 psig.

Unit 3 - Dettaeled for major outage.

Ah R Cause of Occurrence:

Improper designation of three cables associated with the power supply to-auxiliary control relays of the room eccler fans for RER, Core Spray, HPCI and BCIC pump rooms.

Analysis of Cs,_-.mece:

During the design phase of the Peach Bcttom U~ its, an error in destsnating the a

bower supply cable to the roost eccler fan auxiliary control relay cabinets

. wee made.

l'his was identified during a design review of cable routing initiated as a result of an investigation with respect to fire protectice.

The four cables involved were origin =1Tv considered non-safeguard and routed secordingly.

There are four cabinets containing the relays for.the automatie start feature of the tsas.

The cables to the A., C 4 D cabinets are routed in separated cable trays.

Hoverer the B cable is in cable tray shared. with.

the A cables.

By operating the 3 fans In the run mode, the auto start-feature is no longer required and a firs could no longer affect more than one BER or core spray pump roent cooler.


8106180 W




4-9 cc...ctive Action:

As an 1 Mate corrective nem the fans for the B IGR, B Core Spray and HPCI room cooler will be operated continocusly in the run mode.

Engi w ring design changes will be made to wet ther designation sad routing deficiencies.


Previous Failures: 2-79-1/IP dated January h.17T9 m 2-79-10/IP dated February 26,.1979 Very truly yours.

W. T. IIllriett,. Superintendent Peach Bottaa Atomie Power Station.

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