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Forwards Agreement W/Arco Pipeline Co Prohibiting Shipping Propane Through Arco Pipeline,Per C Ferrell Concern from Aug 1982 Environ Site Visit
Person / Time
Site: Limerick  Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 12/03/1982
From: Bradley E
To: Schwencer A
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
NUDOCS 8212070025
Download: ML20028B829 (5)



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(215)841 4000 vec.e mm enesionne GENEmak COWNsEk EUG EN E J. BR ADLEY ass...a . .....a ....s., December 3, 1982 DON ALD BLA NKEN RUDOLPH A. CHILLEMI E. C. KI R K H ALL T. H. M AHER CORNELL PAUL AUERB ACH assistant samana6 counsut EDW A RD J. CULLEN, J R.


IR ENE A. McMENN A asseavant counsuk Mr. A. Schwencer, Chief Docket Nos. 50-352 Licensing Branch No. 2 50-353 Division of Licensing U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, D. C. 20555


Limerick Generating Station Units 1 f, 2

Dear Mr. Schwencer:

Mr. Charles Ferrell of your Siting Analysis Branch, during the August, 1982 Environmental Site visit, expressed a. concern about the possibility of shipping propane gas through the ARCO pipeline traversing the Limerick site. We are pleased to report that Philadelphia Electric Company and the ARCO Pipeline Company have executed an agreement whereby the latter agrees to prohibit the shipping of propane through its pipeline.

A copy of that agreement is enclosed.

Very tru yours,


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Y l q / Dl lA l b . B a ley llDil/pb/Z-11 Enclosure cc: See attached service list 800 g2% 0 p A

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a cc: Judge Lawrence Brenner (w/o enclosure)

Judge Richard F. Cole (w/o enclosure)

Judge Peter A. Morris (w/o enclosure)

Troy B. Conner, Jr. , Esq. (w/o enclosure)

Ann P. Ho,dgdon (w/o enclosure)

Mr. Frank R. Romano (w/o enclosurc)

Mr. Robert L. Anthony (w/o enclosure)

Mr. Marvin I. Lewis (w/o enclosure)

Judith A. Dorsey, Esq. (w/o enclosure)

Charles W. Elliott, Esq. (w/o cnclosurc)

Mr. Alan J. N, ogee (w/o enclosure)

Robert W. Adler, Esq. (w/o enclosurc)

Mr. Thomas Gerusky (w/o enclosure)

Director, Pennsylvania Emergency Management Agency (w/o enclosure)

Mr. Steven P. liershey (w/o enclosure)

James M. Neill, Esq. (w/o enclosure)

Donald S. Bronstein, Esq. (w/o enclosure)

Mr. Joseph 11. White, III (w/o enclosure)

Dr. Judith 11. Johnsrud (w/o enclosure)

Walter W. Cohen, Esq. (w/o cnclosure)

Robert J. Sugarman, Esq.


(w/o enclosure)

Mr. W. Wilson Goode (w/o enclosure)

Atomic Safety and Licensing Appeal Board (w/o enclosure)

Atomic Safety and Licensing Board Panel (w/o enclosure)

Docket and Service Section (w/o cnclosure)

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THIS AGREEMENT made this 27th day of 0ctobcr , A.D. 1982, by and between PHTLAMDHIA ELECTRIC CONPANY, a corporation of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, hereinafter called ELECTRIC, of the first part, and ARCO PIPE LINE COMPANY, a corporation of the State of Delaware, with its principal officou in the City of Independence, State of Kansas, hereinafter callod ARCO, of the second part.

WPRRA M , ELECTRIC is the own ? of premises situate in the Townchip of Limerick, County of Montgomery, Co. nonwealth of Pennsylvania, more particularly described in four (h) Indentures dated November 27, 1964, October 20, 1969,

, January 26, 1970 and May 25, 1970 and recorded in the Office for the Recording of Deeds &c., in and for the County of Montgomery, aforesaid, in Dood Book Nos. 3661, 3576, 3584 and 3595, pases 861, 88, 857 and 871 &c., respectively; AND M M RAM, said promises were acquired UNDER and SOBJECT to three (3) eaco-ments for a pipe line or lines grante to Keystone Pipe Line Company and one (1) easement granted to Atlantic Pipe Line Company dated December 8,195h, April h, 1955, July ll, 1955 and January 18, 1956 and recorded in the Office, aforesaid, in Deed Book Nos. 2533, 2561, 2648 ana 2656, pcaos 103, 206, Sc) and 543 &c.,

respectively; AND MMR A M, said Keystone Pipe Line Company and Atlantic Pipe Line Company merged into ARCO PIPI: LINE COMPANYi AND M M RAM, ELECTRIC'S Limerick Generating Station Sito is located on the abovo 1

recited premises and in order to coqply with a Nuclear Regulatory Commission requost portmining to the construction of the Generating Station, ELECTRIC requested that ARCO agree to modify said easements to prohibit the shipping of propane in and throu6h the pipe line or lines traversing said premises; AND

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WRRRm, the third abovementioned easement provides in Clc.use h thereof, "The said party of the second part agrees at its expense to take up and relocate said pipe line within property of the said Darty of the first part at any time or times when required to do so by the said party of the first part, etc." and ARCO requests that ELECTRIC a6ree to modify said easement to permit ARCO permanent status for its pipe line at this location; AND NOW, THEREFORE, WITNESSEIH in consideration of the mutual covenants herein and for other good and valuable consideration, and intending to be legally bound hereby, the parties hereto agree as follows:

1. ARCO agrees to prohibit the shipping of propane in and through the pipe line or lines traversing ELECTRIC'S Limerick Generating Station Site.
2. RN.TRIC agrees to the deletion of Clause 4 of the third abovementioned easement thereby eliminating the request of relocation by ARCO.

3 Except as herein provided, all other covenants and conditions of the four (h) abovementioned easements shall remain in full force and effect.

IN WITNESS MIEREOF, the parties hereto have caused their respective common or corporate ueals to be hereunto affixcd, duly attested, the day ard year first above written.




f, Ef'f5l+w t Secretary WW Vice P 'esl.aent H.

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c Approved as to Form

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STATE OF Pcwm.V Awc6 COUNTY OF Pitn.nort.PArn On this, the 2.2.wa day of tdoimisee 1982, before me, duovrd \/ . fcAhtX4 , the underai 6ned officer, peraonally appeared C . M . N C.E.s , who acknowledged himself to be a Vice Prealdent of PHIT.AMTPHIA ELECTRIC COMPANY, a corporation, and that he as such Vice President, being authorized to do so, executed the foregoing instrument for the puq>ocou thoroin contained, by ai,yting the namo of the corporation by lumaelf as Vice President.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I hereunto aet my hand and official coal.

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A Notarygblict.

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My Cunus,r..w l o,.n.s Ic'i 'y th STATE OF KANSAS )



On thia, the 27th day of October 1982, befom me, Mildred L. Russell , the undersi 6ned officer, personally appeared Gail M. Stout , who acknowledged himself to be the Vice President of ARCO PIPE LINE COMPANY, a corporation, and that he ao auch Vice Prooident, being authorized to do so, executed the foregoing instrument for the l

purposes therein contained, by signing the name of the corporation by himself no l

Vice President.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I hereunto set my hand and official scal.

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. ', , &W , i a .- ld My Coibm.i's'sion expires Notary Publid , Mon tgome ry County, Aansas.

February 7, i i,8 4 . (Mildred I,. Ilus s e l 1 )