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Forwards Revised Test Procedure RT-500,per NRC Request at 810210 Meeting.Increases in Power & Testing Above 70% Power Level Will Be Controlled by Normal Operating Procedures & Limitations of Test Procedure RT-500,Revision K.W/O Encl
Person / Time
Site: Fort Saint Vrain Xcel Energy icon.png
Issue date: 02/19/1981
From: Swart F
To: John Miller
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
P-81057, NUDOCS 8102260482
Download: ML20003C032 (2)



4 Public Servlee Company Cf Odaids 12015 East 46th Avenue, Suite 440; Denver, CO 80239 February 19, 1L 9 81 Fort St. Vrain Unit 'To. 1 '2~;

P-81057 q i

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Mr. James E. Miller, Chief Ei e. ~'d Special Projects Branch R

" g Q Oivision of Project Management m

-U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 17ashington, D.C. 20555 nocke t ?To . 50-267


Revised Testing Proceduro RT-500J


1) PSC/NRC fleeting
2) PSC Letter P-31047 dated 2/5/81

Dear Mr. Miller:

l In the referenced correspondence, PSC foruarded certain draf t naterial including Revision J to Test RT-500 to be used for confirmation testing of the of factiveness of the Region Constraint Devices to control the Reactor Core Region Outlet Temperature Fluctuations above 70% reactor power.

The material, including the test procedure, was discussed at the February 10, 1981 neeting in Bethesda. At this necting the staff nade certain comments and requests for changes in.

the subject test procedure to he subnitted for Staf f revieu prior to releasing the plant to operate for testing purposes above. 70% of rated reactor pouer.


e P-31057 Page 2 February 19, 1901 PSC indicated that a draft of the Test Procelure RT-500 Revision K including the Staff's connents and requirenents vould be submitted on Februari 20, 1991. This letter trans-nits the revised procedure requested by the Staff and con-c.itted to by PSC.

I..Jreases in reactor power and testine above the 70% power level vill be controlled by nornal operating procedures and the limitations contained in Test Procedure RT-500 Fevision K.

In addition , at those power levels above 70% power specified in Rise to Power Test SUT B-0, steady state plant data vill also be accumulated and reviewed.

If there are any questions please let no knov.

Very truly yours, s



y, e. . -.

Frederic E. Swart Nuclear Project 'lanager FES/pa Attachnent u

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