IR 05000309/1980007

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IE Insp Rept 50-309/80-07 on 800505-09.No Noncompliance Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Followup on Selected LERs & Licensee Action to Limit Online Containment Purging & Ventilation
Person / Time
Site: Maine Yankee
Issue date: 06/11/1980
From: Lazarus W, Martin T
Shared Package
ML19321A449 List:
50-309-80-07, 50-309-80-7, NUDOCS 8007230383
Download: ML19321A451 (5)






80-07 Docket No.

50-309 Category C

License No.

DPR-36 Priority



Maine Yankee Atomic Power Comoany 25 Research Drive Westborough, Massachusetts 01581 Facility Name:

Maine Yankee Nuclear Power Station Inspection at:

Wiscasset, Maine Inspection conducted:

ay 5-9, 1980 Inspectors:

6w /0, /rfo


date' signed W. Lazaru's,fReactor Inspector date signed date signed Approved by:


/ J"O T. T. Martin, Chief, Reactor Projects date signed Section No. 3, RO&NS Branch Inspection Summary:


Inspection on May 5-9, 1980 (Report Number 50-309/80-07)

Areas Inspected:

Routine, unannounced inspection of plant operations; and followup on selected Licensee Event Reports (LERs); and licensee action to limit on-line con-tainment purging and ventilation.

The inspection consisted of 18 inspector-hours onsite by one NRC region-based inspector.

Results: No items of noncompliance were identified.


Region I Form 12 (Rev. April 77) 8 0 0 7 23 o gg3








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Persons Contacted i

P. Anderson, Administrative Department Head


R. Arsenault, Plant Shift Superintendent


  • J. Brinkler, Technical Support Department Head W. Paine, Operations Department Head D. Sturniolo, Technical Assistant to the Plant Manager
  • E. Wood, Plant Manager j


The inspector also interviewed several plant operators and members of the technical and administrative staffs.


denotes those present at the exit interview



Plant Tour The inspector performed a tour of accessible areas of the plant, including


the Control Room, Turbine Building, Primary Auxiliary Building, Spent Fuel


Pool Area, Emergency Diesel Generator Rooms, Switchgear Room, Cable Spreading


Area, Auxiliary Feed Pump Areas, and the Spray Building.

Findings are i

noted below, i


Monitorina Instrumentation and Annunciators


Control Board annunciators were checked for alarms, abnormal for plant conditions, on several occasions during the inspection.

The following monitoring instrumentation was checked to verify that required instru-mentation was operable and that, where applicable, values indicated were


in accordance with Technical Specifications.

tionitoring Instrumentation



Safety Injection Tank Levels and Pressures


Refueling Water Storage Tank Level


I Containment Pressure



CEA Positions


RMS Process and Area Monitors




RCS Temperature and Pressure


NI Power Level


Systematic Offset


All readings were within nornal acceptable bands.

No abnornal annunci-ator/ alarm conditions existed.






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Radiation Controls Radiation Control established by the licensee including posting / locking of radiation areas and high radiation areas, the condition of step-off pads, and the disposal of protective clothing were observed for com-pliance with Technical Specifications 10 CFR 20, and the Maine Yan-kee Radiation Protection Manual.



Plant Housekeeping and Fire Protection Plant housekeeping conditions, including general cleanliness and stor-age of material to prevent fire hazards, were observed in all areas toured for conformance with the Maine Yankee Plant Safety Manual.

The inspector noted that general plant housekeeping conditions were good.

Cardox tank pressure and level was verified to be normal and the main transformer deluge system was set for automatic actuation.

The inspector identified several status indicator lights in the fire protection systems which had apparently burned out (transformer deluge, PAB deluge cable penetration area CARD 0X).

The licensee agreed to check the status lamps and replace those which were burned out.

This will be reviewed in a subsequent inspection (50-309/80-07-01).


Fluid Leaks and Piping Vibrations Systems and equipment in all areas toured were observed for the exis-tence of fluid leaks and abnormal piping vibrations.

None were iden-tified.


Control Room Manning Control Room manning was reviewed for conformance with the requirements of 10 CFR 50.54(k) and Technical Specifications.

The inspector observed that appropriate ~ licensed operators were on shift.


Battery Room Ventilation l

The inspector verified that battery ventilation was operable.


In-Office Review of Licensee Event Reports (LERs)

t l

The inspector reviewed LERs. received in RI office to verify that details l

of the event were clearly reported including the accuracy of the descrip-


tion of cause and adequacy of corrective action.

The inspector also deter-mined whether further information was required from the licensee, whether generic implications were indicated, and whether the event warranted on site followup. The following LER; were reviewed:

  • --

80-09, LPSI Loop Header Stop Valve Failed to Operate





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80-10, Auxiliary Feed Pump Thrust Bearing Oil Leak


Except for those LERs denoted (*), which were selected for on site followup, the inspector had no further questions in this area.


On Site Licensee Event Followup


For those LERs selected for on site followup, the inspector verified that i

reporting requirements of Technical Specifications and Regulatory Guide


1.16 had been met, that appropriate corrective action had been taken, that the event was reviewed by the licensee as reguired, and that continued


operation of the facility was conducted within Technical Specifications



The review included discussions with licensee personnel, review of PORC meeting minutes, Plant Information Reports (in-house reports),

and applicable logs.

The fo1% wing LER was reviewed on site.


l 80-09, LPSI Loop Header Stop Valve Failed to Operate


The inspector reviewed this event with the operations and maintenance per-sonnel involved to verify that the valve had not been previously cycled by


hand and that the torque limit switch setting had been verified to be proper.

The personnel involved indicated that the valve had only been cycled elec-trically and that the torque limit switch was set to the minimum.

The inspector had no further questions in this area.


Abnormal HPSI Lineup During the inspection the licensee informed the inspector that a routine inspection had identified an imp" roper lineup in the High Pressure Safety Injection (HPSI) System.

The "S pump had been lined u pump, but its auxiliaries (cooling water and oil pumps)p as the "A" train had been lined up to the "B" train Emergency Diesel Generator.

This represents a licensee


identified noncompliance with Technical Specification 3.6.B.2, as the i

required redundancy in the HPSI system had been compromised.

The inspector


verified that the system had been returned to the correct lineup as noted

by the completed surveillance test procedure 3.1.2, "ECCS Routine Testing" of May,7, 1980.

The licensee plans to issue a change to procedure 1-11-6,

" Charging and Volume Control System Operation," to clarify section 5.0 which involves shifting the charging pumps.

This will be reviewed in a subsequent report (50-309/80-07-02).


Containment Purging and Venting During Normal Operation

The inspector verified that the licensee had committed to 'imit on-line


purging of the Containment to a maximum of 90 hours0.00104 days <br />0.025 hours <br />1.488095e-4 weeks <br />3.4245e-5 months <br /> per year (WMY letter 79-146 of December 12, 1979 to NRR).

In addition, the licensee has com-mitted to implement a design change to the 42 inch butterfly valves in the Containment Ventilation System, to limit the valves to 50* open.

This I





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design change has not been completed, but the plant has already exhausted the 90 hours0.00104 days <br />0.025 hours <br />1.488095e-4 weeks <br />3.4245e-5 months <br /> of on-line purging allowed for 1980.

The implementation of the desi n change will be reviewed following its implementation (50-309/



Exit Interview The inspector met with licensee representatives (see details 1 for attend-ees) at the conclusion of the inspection to discuss the scope and findings of the inspection as detailed in this report.





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