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Quarterly Rept 29,Apr-June 1980, in Response to ALAB-106
Person / Time
Site: Midland
Issue date: 03/31/1980
Shared Package
ML19309B877 List:
NUDOCS 8004070294
Download: ML19309B878 (34)






Consumers Power Company Report #29, Nhrch 31, 1980 _

Pursuant to Conditions -2 F.B. and 2 F.C. of Construction Permits CPPR-81 and CPPR-82, the . following report covers the period ' April 1,1980 - June 30, '1980.

A. Construction work to be performed during the period:

See Attachment A.


B. Supervisors and engineers of the applicant and architect-engineer who are expected to be onsite during the; period April 1 - June 30,1980 in addition to those previously reported:

1. Consumers Power Company HPLeonard MAPuschel
2. Bechtel- '

Dietrich, M - Quality Assurance Engineer - Mech / Piping Carchedi, F - Quality Assurance Engineer -' Mech / Piping Kasparek, G - Quality Assurance Engineer - Civil Griffis, C - Quality Control Engineer -- Mech / Piping Miller, J - Quality Control Engineer - Mech / Piping

. Schumitsch, W - Quality Control Engineer - Mech / Piping Tucker, G - Quality Control Engineer - Mech / Piping

3. B&W Construction Company R L Greer - QC Inspector C. Quality Assurance qualifications o'f supervisors and engineers with site-related duties are attached to thi? report.

D. Changes The- following personnel no longer are performing quality related tasks at this site:

1. Consumers Power Company DDBalinsky
2. Bechtel Ablondi, H - Quality Assurance Engineer - Mech / Piping Gubitose,'M - Quality Control Engineer - Mech / Piping Ainsworth, N - Quality Control Engineer - Electrical

' Peters, R - Quality Control Engineer - Electrical

-Squires, C' - Quality Control Engineer - Document Review Yonekawa, R ' - Quality Control Engineer - Welding Michels, L. - Quality Control Engineer- - Electrical Robbins, W - Quality Control Engineer - Document-Review Drew,' K- - Quality Control Engineer - Electrical Fritz, W - Quality Control Engineer - Mech / Piping Montreuil, R- - Quality Control Engineer - Material Receiving 8004070

.-l. .p . . . + . . -


2. Bechtel (Contd)

Nutaitis, K - Quality Control Engineer - Electrical Pendergast, R - Quality Control Engineer - Electrical Brautigam, F - Quality Control Engineer - Mech / Piping Price, J - Quality Control Engineer - Mech / Piping Starr,' F - Quality Control Engineer - Mech / Piping Campbell, M - Quality Control Engineer - Mech / Piping '

Valentine, L - Quality Control Engineer . Civil

-Kelly, M - Quality Control Engineer - Mech / Piping Provencher, T - Quality Control Engineer - Mech / Piping Marietti, S - Quality Control Engineer - Electrical Cheves, G ' - Quality Control Engineer - Civil Siegel, K - Quality Control Engineer - Civil Haren, P - Quality Con, trol Engineer - Civil Brown, L - Quality Control Engineer - Mech / Piping .

Spiker, L - Quality Control Engineer - Document Review. l Brinster, K - Quality Control Engineer - Electrical l Kerr, J - Quality Control Engineer - Civil 1 Reist, D - Quality Control Engineer - Document Review '!

3. B&W Construction Company -

K Carroll C Krok l J Rheinhardt i J Tooley Further additions and . deletions to the list of personnel with quality-related duties will be listed in the next report.

1 I




1. Continue working radiation shielding in the Auxiliary Building.
2. Continue installation of HVAC'ductwork throughout the Auxiliary Building.

.. 3. Complete installation of. relief stacks at c)cvation 704' in the Auxiliary

. Building._ .

4. Complete missile shielding from G to E line in the Auxiliary Building.
5. Complete cable tray in the upper and lower cable spreading room and safety related rooms.
6. Start insta'laticn l of internals storage stand base, fuel racks, arms and indexing fixture. pine in Ccntainment 2.
7. Complete installation of reactor cavity seal plate in Containment 2.
8. Continue installation of HVAC ductwork in Containment 2.

. 9. Start installation of monorail in cavity "A" and "B" and at elevation 640' in Containment 2.

10.. Start post tensioning in Containment 1.

i l

11. Start concrete work on the upper reactor cavity in Containment 1. -


12. Continue work on the Reactor Building sumps in Containment 1 & 2.
13. Continue installation of large pipe, small pipe, cable tray and conduit in Containment 1 & 2.

14 Continue work on NSSS~ systems in Containment 1 & 2.

, ,, 15. Complete Unit 2 Turbine / Generator installation for layup.

16. Complete installation of mechdnical equipment in Turbine 2.
17. Continue installation of large pipe, small pipe, cabic tray & conduit in Turbine 1.
18. Complete HVAC in the Service Water Building.
19. Continue erection of the' Service Water Cooling Tower.
20. Continue construction on the Diesel Generator Building".

5: e

w Attachment A'

. Quarterly. Report

-April, 1980 through June, 1980 -

Project Work Schedule ~ (Continued)

.Page 2. .

21.' : Complete .installatiion of the field erected tanks in the tank farm.

22.- Start piles for the bents and' sleepers for the process steam pipe to Dow.

23. Complete erection of the oily waste storage tank.

b o

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  • 3. . .. . b . - .




Henry P. Leonard 3730 Gleneagle Drive

Murrysville, Pa.1S668 EDUCATION

Master of Business Administrationa University of Pittsburgh,1973

' Bachelor of-Science in Mechanical Engineering, Northeastern University,1965 <


Professional Engineer, Pennsylvania No. 23938-2 Member, ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code,Section III, Subgroup on \

i Pressure Relief Westinghouse Learning Corporaticn,' Management Techn: ques for Manajement .

Personnel Course t 40 hours4.62963e-4 days <br />0.0111 hours <br />6.613757e-5 weeks <br />1.522e-5 months <br />), 197'.

. U. S. Army Manayenent Engineering Training Agancy, Wah fathods and Standards Cource (320 bcurs) and Work Methods and Standstds Instructor's Institute (80 hours9.259259e-4 days <br />0.0222 hours <br />1.322751e-4 weeks <br />3.044e-5 months <br />),1966



- 2/79 to Present SENICR ENGINEER /SHCP ORDEA HOLDER Westinghouse Electric Corporation Nuclear Equipment Divisions Cheswick, Pennsylvania -

Westinghouse Nuclear Equipment Divisions is the equipment engineering design, componcnt mnufacturing and procurement arm of the Water Reactor Divisions Business Unit. The business of Water Reactor Divisions is the design, manufacture, licensing, sale and servicing of Nuclear Steam Supply Systems, and related products and services.

The function of the Shop Order Holder is to manage a defined portion af the total scope of supply for a ' Nuclear Steam Supply .

System. The Shop Order Holder 'is responsible for the tcchnical, logistical 'and administrative activities associated with providing the goods and services included within the scope of the Shop Order.

~ As Shop Order Holder for Valve Engineering, I provide valves, valve related components and the associated engineering effort for 34' Nuclear Reactor Plant Projacts (an average annual value of approximately S10 million). My responsibilities include ,the specification, design, testing and production 'of Electro-Mechanical components which are both manufactured by Westinghouse and procured from suppliers.


l kM el. .. ITU

r -

Resume of Henry P. Leonard Page 2 -

EXPERIENCE: (continued) -

My skills are applied in the following areas:

1). The leadership of engineers to attain technical and

-commercial goals.

2) ' The preparation of budgets and the scheduling of manpower
3) The synthesis of equipment' design criteria from multi-diciplined reactor plant technologu. ,
4) The development of specification criteria, including the application of the ASME Boiler and Vessel Code, ANSI Standards, IEEE ' Standards and USNRC Regulatory Guides.
5) The performance of engineering surveys and audits to qualify and evaluate' equipment manufacturers.
6) The review of ' reactor plant safety analysis reports.
7) The establishment of interface criteria and tha integration of Westinghouse engineering effort with that of the equipment suppliers, the architect / engineers and the utilities.
8) The initiaticn of research programs for the development o[ new products and services.
9) The evaluation and revision of work methods and procedures to improve productivity.

7/72 to 1/79 SENIOR ENGINEER /SHCP ORDER HOLDER W e stinghouse Electric Corpo,tation -

Pressurized Water Feactor Systems Division Monroevilie, Pennsylvania Prior to restructuring of the Westinghouse Water Reactor Divisions Business Unit, the Pressurized Water Reactor Systems Division was engaged in the design, licensing and sale of Nuclear Steam Supply Syste=s to electric utilities. I was responsible for the engineering effort to provide valves, valve operators and accessories for Westinghouse Nuclear Reactor Plants. The responsibilities of this position were integrated into the current position described above.

~12/67 to 6/72 SUPERVISING ENG1NEER Westinghouse Electric Corporation Plant Apparatus Division 'l Wilkins Township, Pennsylvania Westinghouse Plant Apparatus Division is a prime contractor l to the United States Navy in the Naval Reactors Program. l



. Resume of Henry'p. Ixonard~

Pagei3. -

EXPERIENCE: (continued)

From a starting position as Associate Engineato I advanced through Engineer. to Supervising Engineer. _ As Supervising Engineer, I managed a section of seven engineers. Assignments were related to the sp.tcification, procurer'ent and design evaluation of components, and technical support for Naval Reactor Power plants.

Hardware responsibilities included dominera11zers, valves, ion exchangers, filters, viewing windows, venturis and ruantcr ,

coolant piping.

My major responsibilities were:

1) Ihe evaluation and development of personnel through estimatt:s of promotability, performance reviews and salary administration.
2) Specificaticri preparation, including the developmnt .1nd appilaation of military specifications and standards.
3) The technical evt.luation of quott.tions and the prcestacion  ;

of engineering estimates to support procurement decisions. 1 l'

4) Evaluations of drawings, non-destructive examination procedures,. fabrication methods, design analyses and tes* '

. programs.

5) Development of operating and maintenance instructions for Naval personnel.
6) Evaluation and resolution of fieldproblems during construction and overhaul. ,
7) Liaison with other prime contractors, shipyards, equipment manufacturers and the Division of Naval Reactors.

9/6S to 9/67 FIRST LIEUTENANT United States Army Corps of Engineers 1

. I served on . active duty as a commissioned officer. I held positions as engineering maintenance officer and engineering supply officer at platoon, company and battalion staff level.

Special training and duties included construction of roads, airfields and bridges; work measurement techniques and work standards- development and maintenance of engineering equipment and vehicles.


Y D Y k 'b Woods Hole Oceanographic institute "y

@b @ ' '

Woods Hole, Massachusetts '

While a cooperative education student, I worked part time as a

s. draftsman ar. ! assistant engineer. My duties included design, layout and calculations for oceanographic research equipment, mechanical drawing for s' hop fabrication and assembly, and preparation of charts and graphs.


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. . 1980

. (Year)


ri- ..- .,,

General Information


1.0 .

NSPE Affiliation; Jackson MI Dirthdate: 12 16 32 Month, Day, Year . - Cnapter, State Home Address: 3h58 Balmars, Jackson, MI h9201 Registration: Profeccion21 Engineer MI 17250 *See Attached Classification, State,, ,

, , Registration Numocr Basic Degree BS, Civil Engineering Designation Date 1957 Major Water Power Institution Michigan Tech gpg 2.5

2.0 Educational and Co11eciate Achievements .

Advanced Degrees: -(Give Date, Major, -Institution and GPA for each).

2 . .. . . . . .

Honorary Societies: [Give Society and Office (s) Held]

Scholastic Awards:


Organizations: [Give Nama of Organization and Office (s) Held]

ASCE Student Chapter, Michigan Tech (Trec)

  • s.


1 l


-tbmination for . , Engineer of the Year ~

Other Activities:

Cama-Delta, Michigan Tech Chapter 1

l 3.0 Professional Society Activities _ $

Cnacter Level: -

Office Held: Conrnittee Assignmnts: l (Give Comittee, Responsibility, Date)

(Give Function arid Date) 1

.lackson Chapter, ISPE,1968 - Present High School Student Program (" Engineer l

,, j for a Day") - 1977 - 1980 '

Engineers' Week Committee

- \

Awards: (Give Title and Date)

. =

.* j

)1 l


. I


J State Level:



Offices Held: .

Committee Assiganents: l l

l Awards:

National Level:

. Offices Held: Coranittee Assignrrents:


' I l


l l


, &"7 . _ . . . . _ _ .


. Engineer of the Year - -

M. nation for .

1 1

4.0 Technical Society Activities  :,

'lechnical Society: See attached sheet. .

Ofrices Held:. ,- -

Comittee. Assignments:

u. . a+ .

, q- .- .. ..

j Technical Society:'

Offices Held: Comittee Assignments:

.: u . .. - . , :;

. 1

" 'l , . i < . .? .;- *

. _.y .

5.0 Civic'and Humanitarian. Activities .

Civic Organization: Morth Jackson Liens 1972 - Present - "See Ittabh'ed Offices , Held: Comittee Assignments: , . ,

~~~' C1'ic v organization:

- - ~ ' -'"* - ' ' - - ~ " -

~ - - -- - --- - -

Offices Held: , ,

Comittee Assignments: ,

. ~

.i .

n. . . . . ~  :. .. .' . .

_ . . . .. l'

...s.. ..

. , n ... .

. . , r.,  ;

6.0 Continuing Co.metence *See Attached .

GraduIte Studies - excluding degrees (Giv'e' Course and Date)

. .-?.m . ... . . . .

Short Courses and Seminars: (Give Course and Oate)

Papers Published: (Give Article, Journal, and Date) 4

.v ~ - - - - s

t 4-

, Engineer of the Year -

g nomination for 7,0 Engineering Achievements

-/= Current. Position: Staff Engineer, Project Engg Services. Dept, Consumers Power Co

~ Title, Company or Institution Responsibility: Service Consulting to Any Department Which nequest Assistance Nu.Tber of Subordinates, Annual Budget Accountability: (Position Function snd Nature of Challenge) 5'cc Attached Classification per NSPE Guidelines,' Engineer I - Engineer IX: VI (See attached Income Ranges for definitica of classifications)

. Patents Applied for:


4i -

t t-C.indidate's Signature: //?- .. s. ( / /. d' 'IM Date: /-/F .Po I certify that the above data is correct and will fully disclose all


information to anyone who may be concerned.

l  !.;>:n.oring State Representative's Signature:

fe et ::r. -


I .

i e

i 4


  • - - - - , , , , .__,g

. i

~~ . ... ... . . . . ..


.e a



+ ,


National Board of Registration- for Nuclear Safety-Related Coating Engineers and Specialists - No N.CE100, Nuclear Safety-Related Coating ,

Engineer n I


- American Society for Testing and Materials - 1962 to Present l Comittee B Wire for Elcetrical Conductors - 1962-1971 Chaiman - Editorial Subeceittee - 1965-1969

- Vice Chairman B1 - 1968-1971 Committee D01.43 Paint for Nuclear Application - 1976-1979 l Chairman of TG on Materials and Test Procedures Committee D.33 (Subecmmittee D.01.h3 Upgraded to Full ASTM Committee Status in June 1979) - 1979 to Present Chairman - Subcommittee D.33.02 - Materials and Test Procedures Member of Advisory Subcommittee National Association for Corrosion En61 neers - 1970 to Present Committee T Underground Corrosion Control Committee T10-C - Materials of Construction Committee T Power Plant Corrosion Committee T Protective Coatings Utility Nticlear Coating Work Committee - 1976 to Present Secretary - 1978-1980 ,

1 Chairman - 1980-1932 Michigan E1cetrolysis Ce.rnittee - 1970 to Present

" Secretary - 197h-1979 Tempornry Chairmatt - 1976-1978 , .



.a  % --- __

i .


, i I

American Society of Metals - 1958-1963 Treasurer - 1961-1962 l



North Jackson Lions Club - 1972 to Present .

Director - 1973-197h.

t Secretary - 197h-1977, Vice President - 1977-1979 President - 1979-1980 l

Received two extension awards for starting two new clubs. )

l Award for guiding and counseling new club during first year of existence.

Headed major fund raising ac'ivity (citrus fruit drive) 1975-1980.

' Responsible for JCC Rosier Tent Show being presented in the Jackson area since 1976. .

Immanuel Lutheran Church - 1957 to Present .

i 1

Church Council - 1961-1967 -

Chairman of Stewardship Comittee - 1962-1968 l l


Chairman of Educational Co:=2ittee - 1969-1970 )

Member of Choir - 1958-197h Member of JCC Jackson Chorale - 1974-1977 6.0 CONTINUIT.G COMPETENCE i Graduate Studies i WSU - General Business I and II - 1967-1968 i

USU - Accounting - 1968 WSU - Marketing - 1968 '

Short Courses nnd Seminars I it3U - Business Report and Letter Writin6 - 1959 ,

- MSU - Modern Encincering Seminar - i965 l


' 3 West Virginia University - Morgantown, WV ,

. 15th Annual Appalachian Underground Corrosion Short Course (General) - May 19-21, 1970 West Virginia University - Morgantown, WV 16th Annual Appalachian Underground Corrosion Short Course (Advanced '

Topics) - May 17-20, 1971 r, %

NACE Basic Corrosion Course - 1972

  • 10th Annual Liberty Bell Corrosion Course (Protective Coatings),

Philadelphia, PA - Septenber 12-14, 1972 Goodall Electric Inc Seminat (Rectifier Design and Maintenance) -

January 30-February 1,1973 -

IEEE Spring Seminar 1975 - Keys to Managerial Success - Spring 1975 Institute of Applied Technology - Comprehensive Short Course in Coating Inspection Theory and Praqt' ice - November 1-5, 1976 Seminar on Inspection of Spray Urethane Foam - Sun Tech - June 1-3, 1977 Consumers Power Company-Sponsored Courses Basics of Job Management - 1961 _

l Probability -and Statistics (Dr Chisman) - 1964 .

Conference Leadership Course - 1965 Basics of Economics - 1967 Effective Letter Writing - January 1970 Productive Listening - Management Oriented - Spring 1976 Managerial Economics - February 27-March h,1977 Papers Published and/or Presented IEEE 1965 - Coauthor of Conference Paper " Effects of Power Follow Currents on Suspension Insulators."

NACE Corrosion /73 " Power Lines and Pipelines Safely Compatible in Close Froxir.ity Durint; Con::tructiori and Operation." Publinhed in Cas Induntrics inacuzine June 3973 and Material Protection December 1973 NACE Corrosion /Th "URD Cablen Cannot Be Enried and Forgotten."

.m _ _ ___ . ~ . .

h NACE Corrosion /75 "URD Concentric Neutral Failures Becoming a National Concern" Published in Undergrounding' Magazine, May/ June 1975.

l Urethane Foam Contractors Assocation Guest Speaker at Their 1977 Meeting - " Select a Urethane Contractor: A Customer's Point of View."

MISCELLANEOUS Elected to the Technical Advisory C8mmittee of the Institute of Applied Technology. IAT is an educational organization offering the coating specialict professional courses that combine the latest in theory with practical knowledge obtained from site inspection, hands-on practice and experienced course leaders.

. From the fundamentals to the most recent developments in coating technology, the IAT Technical Advisory Committee and instructors are prepared to focus on the application of this knowledge sto field or shop uituations.

I am chairman of the committee which developed the course on nucicar quality-assured coating work. This course was written in 1978 and has been presented three times with about 75 participants. The course scope is:

The safe and efficient operation, of a nuclear power plant is a major responsi-

', bility in which coatings play a significant role. By properly selecting, applying and maintaining a nuclear coating system, you are contributing to public and employee safety and health. -

. . Designed for quality control and inspection personnel, design engineers,

. corrosion and coating specialists, quality assurance personnel and specification


writers, this course highlights:  ;

1. Coating system design for, containment and noncontainment service.
2. NRC and other Federal regulations.
3. AST' . ANSI, SSPC, NACE Standards.
4. -Inspection criteria.

5 QA programming, compliance, documentation, painter and inspector qualificatin, materials inspection and handling.


FUNCTION AREA: PROTECTIVE CCATINGS 1 g pg9 'W D T T In Eoptember,1957 I joincd Concumers Power o. @ / d .A 3s he .loct'r'ic Engineering Department as an electrical enCincer. One of my first recponsibilitice .as to take over the area of protective coatings for cicctric facilitics of the Ccepan*;.

Prior to t.his time there was no formal procedures for,conting. Ecch plant did their own " painting" uith a minimum w ount ot* attention being paid to curface


preparatien and application of the coating. At that time the mar.imun. curface preparation uns a hand-t:f re bcuching with n. ort surfaces not receiving that. The only formal' coating specification wuc ,one for decorat.lve coatings in the plants, and the coating involted were uninly red lead and chromate primers uith alkyd or oil-based topccats. I investigated many new typec of coatings at that time

o , -

5 including the epoxys, vinyls, chlorinated rubbers and metalizing. By 1958 I had an extensive program developed for long-term evaluation of coatings includ-ing proper surfice preparation and application and started consolidating specifi-cation writing, inspection of the .ccating application and approval of applications

.in the general office.

There was much opposition to the idea of proper surface preparation such as sand blasting, however, permission was riceived to make an experimental coating instal ,

lation on the upstream faces of some hydro gates on the system which were being repaired at that time.- This included applying the coatings that had been previously used over unprepared surface.and also applying the same coatings over sand blasted surfaces. Also evaluated were the epoxys, vinyls, and chlorinated rubbers applied over sand blasted surfaces. This was classified as testing and evaluations were made annually as to the conditions.of the coatings. Using this evaluation, within four years the management of Consdr.ers Power Ccepany was shown and convinced as to the benefits of proper surface preparation, proper coating material, control of the application and company standards covering protective coatings. The program I prepared for proper surface preparation, application and inspection was approved by the Company. I was made recponsible for writing all company specificatiens for protective coatings and revicving any protective coating specification for the electric system which were written by outside consulting firms.

During this time I developed an evaluation program of different coatings by coating panels and testin5 both in the laboratory and under actual field exposures.

The result of my work in this area is evident in coatings uhich have been in scr-vice in de-ionized water tanks for 12 to 15 years. At last inspection they are still in good condition and there is no estimate on-when these tanks will need recoating.

In 1961 Consumers Power Company's first' nuclear plant was put in operation.

This unit was constructed by a consulting firm and turned over to Consumers for operating. Shortly after being constructed and placed in service, I assu .ed the responsibility for specifying, writing specifications and inspecting all maintenance coating work done in this plant. With the limited amount of industry and national standards and specifications at that time, the best coating practices were follow-cd on all of the maintenance done in this plant involving the selection and appli-cation of coatings. When the Palisades Plant was designed in 1966 and during construction all coating specifications were revieued by me with conments and recommendations for change,s submitted to the architect / engineering firm. Since the plant vent into operation, all technical specifications for coatings at this i plant are written or rc/iewed by me and the administration for the application

! . is under by jurisdiction including the inspection of the work. Basic training

[ in inspection and application of coatings is given to the plant engineers so that they can follow this work when I am unavailable at a given time. However, I all cbating work is my responsibility and I am available at any plant site

! within about five hours if problems develop in coating or the engineers have any

questions concerning proper application of the coating.


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6 jf In 1976 the' Company was reorganized and I was transferred to the Project Engi-

/E neering Services and added to my technical responsiblity was the responsibility for all committee work involving nuclear coatin6s. I have direct interfacing with the project personnel and with the quality assurance department in forming Quality Assurance Programs for coatings as well as reviewing other companies,

.- applicators and manufacturers QA programs.

All coating materials.used in Consumers Power Ccmpany's systems are approved by '

me as well as reviewing all contractors applying the coatings. I have direct responsiblity for the review of approved contractors for Level I work. Evalu-ation of products used is my responsiblity along with the approval of specific materials.

3 FUNCTION AREA: CORROSION CONTROL,a In 1970 the electric area of Consumers Power Company decided that a corrosion control program was necessary. ihe assignment of developing and implementing this program was given to me. !@ initial responsibility was to learn about corrosion control through the use of cathodic protection alone and in conjunc-tion with protective coatings. I developed and conducted an evaluation program throughout our electric system regarding the extent of corrosion. !& findings and

. recoccendations were adopted and I was S i ven the assi6nment to implement this a

program for controlling and mitigating all and any corrosion problems. One of j

. the major areas of concern at that time was the underground residential distri-bution facilities, which the electric utilities were be6 nning i to use very extensively. Another area was the use of cathodic protection in our electric plant facilities and a third was investigations in interference problems caused by stray currents from other utilities in close proximity to our facilities.

I initiated and conducted a survey of all generating facilities to determine what extent cathodic protection was needed. After the studies at each plant were made, reports were submitted to the plants recommending necessary correc-tive measures.' I then designed the recommended cathodic protection and.coordi-

,nated its installation. After the installations were made, it remained my responsibility to monitor their operations as required by law and requirements

. set up within the Company.

In 1976 with the Ccmpany's reorganization, the electric distribution corrosion ecntrol was placed under another area-for responsibility. I maintained the responsibility for corrasion control of all transmission power lines, Cencrating facilities and electric. generating construction projects. Evaluation of any failures suspected to be caused by corrosion is investigated by me with correc-tive recommendations being made to the. responsible department. Any department which requests help for corrosion control receives this help from me if possible.

If.not, I will recommend an outside company to do the work and I will coordinate the projeet.

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7 FUNCTICIT AREA: MATERIAL AND EQUIEGITf EVALUATIOIT From the time Ijoined the Company in 1957 until 1970 when given full responsi-bility for corrosion control for electric facilities of the Company, I worked in the materials section of the Electric Engir'scring Department where another part of iny responsibility was evaluating new ma arials used for the transmission and distribution of electricity as well as eye.: nation of failures of this equipment and materials. The degree of resconsibili" r increased as I was promoted from .

Graduate Engineer to Associate En'gideer to Jeneral Engineer and in 1968 I was promoted to a Senior Engineer. At that time I was given full responsibility for projects and their etaluation, making recorzendations for action to be taken and approval of materials. During this time, I worked on projects, one of which was the evaluation of current limitations on switches used for transmission of electric power. Out of rny ctudy I reco:m: ended increases in the capacity rating of these evitches over EEMA uhich saved the Company $50,000 a year because of the additional current these s titches could carry as evidenced by the testing I did. I also developed a series of tests for distribution cutouts to evaluate fused cutouts from different manufacturers. Many of these evaluation paraceters I used have since been adopted by the cutout manufacturers and ANSI C37.41-1969 and are being used today. They more clearly and completely demonstrate the ability of these cutouts to operate under actual service conditions.

. I developed and implemented a series of tests on suspension insulators for use when' the Company went to 345 kV. These high current tests and results uere written and presented at the winter meeting of the IEEE in 1965 The value of these tests which showed the detrimental effect that high fault currents would-have on insulators along with RIV tests were used to help design the configuration of the EHV transmission towers to achieve the proper electrical characteristics.

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Has shown competency andfitness to practice as a NUCLEAR SAFETY RELATED COATING ENGINEER The Board herchy issues this certificate No. - 5 5 5~ I II II The holder of this certificate has been licensed prior to issuance of this certificate to practiceprofessional engineering by the

.ll Clt i G^l:  ;

y State Bo.1rd of f.l'lN"g"$h EngineerExaminers. His Registration No. is 17250?E tICEluos e,

Q7 1 In witness whereofthis Boardissues Certificate Number } ' j 7, this 16th october /

davpf n 1.of~ f ~." .' ~t N

}O Executive Director ~ M

/2- '

i, '

Chairms'n 3.$t".. .



. DI.,':if.h- J Form II vvvvo


{A-Ltd RESUMS) .

DATE: March 12, 1980 ,

i NAMg: 'DIETRICH MARION A. DiPLO m NO. 660533 (Ia3T) ( M.ST) (Di1TIAL) -

EDUCATION: High School Diploma - St. Mary's High School, Natchitoches, LA --1958

. Class "A" Machinists Mate School, Great Lakes, ILL, U.S. Navy - 1959

. Nuclear Power Training Unit, U. S. Navy, Groton, Conn. - 1961

. . 1 Nuclear Power Training School, U. S. Navy, Idaho Fall, ID - 1962 -

l l

l l

L'OPi HISTORY: 8/58 to 1/66 - U. S. Aavy - Machinist's Mate. Served aboard USS NEOSHO as  !

I '

Petty Officer, responsible for maintenance and repair of all laundry 'and

galley equipment, deck machinery, heating systems and pump rooms. Selected I to attend Nuclear Power School, after which served as Chief Machinery-


Operator aboard USS ENTERPRISE CVA(N) 65.

1/66 to 10/67 - Ingalls Shipbuildiig Division - Nuclear PoYer. Inspector. -

c -

Responsible for inspecting mechanical, structural and fluids systems in .

- accordance with approved drawings, technical instructions & test' procedures.

,. ; _ ~ .. ,

' ~

1/67 to 4/68 - Ingalls Shipbuilding Division - Assistant Project Super. visor,

, -[ ' Nuclear Power Inspection. Respon~

s ibilities same as for Project Super,v'isor' .


4/68 to 1/70 - Ingalls Shipbuilding Division - Project Supervisor, Nuclear .

q ,, - -

Power Inspection. Responsible for ensurina insoections were perform d -


i in accordance with all approved drawings, technical instructions and 4 test procedures.

1/70 to 9/72 - Ingalls Shipbuilding Division - Sect. ion Manager, Nuclear Quality Assurance, reporting to the Manager, Nuefear Power Inspection.

Responsible for writing Quality Control Procedures for nverhaul, modifi-

. cation and repair of nuclear systems and components, and training of l

Inspection personnel. After organizing, was responsible for_ the inspec' tion

v .

6 RESUME.- H.-A. DIETRICH - MARCH 12,.1980 - PAGE 2.

group' assigned to verify work performed was in accordance with approved fprocedures and specifications including material verification, dimensional


n verification, dye penetrant inspection, installation, pre-test, cleanliness-and hydrostatic inspections.

9/72 to 4/74 - Ingalls Shipbuilding Division - Foreman, Nuclear Services, reporting to the Director,ENuclear Construction / Overhaul Production.

Responsible for installation, removal of off-hull radioactive water I

collection systems, processing radioactive wat'er for_ reuse, collection, I packaging and shipment of ' solid radioactive waste, maintenance of radio-active tools for reuse, supply of materials for handling and collecting I

radioactive materials, and maintenance / operation of Submarine Overhaul '

, Refueling Building. ,

4/74 to 1/76 - Ingalls Shipbuilding Division - Manager, Nuclear Support, reporting to the Director, Nuclear Construction Overhaul Production..

Responsible for the manufacture, maintenance, insta,11ation and operation /

removal of test equipment used to test nuclear systems and equipment asso-ciated with nuclear submarines. Responsible for installation / removal of off-hull radioactive water collection systems, processing radioactive water collection systems, processing radioactive water for reuse, collection, packaging and shipping of solid radioactive waste, maintaining radioactive tools for reuse and maintaining and operating of the Submarine Overhaul Refueling Building.' 1

. 1 1/76 to 10/79 - Ingalls Shipbuilding Division, Pascagoula, Mississippi - j i

, Manager,-Radiation Control Monitoring Department, reporting to the j Director, Radiation Control - Responsible for radiological control of all I

work performed on radioactive equipment, piping and components, both on 1

  • i nuclear submar,ines during overhaul and refueling and in the Nuclear

' Overhaul Facility. Approximately fifty personnel reported directly to me, of which thirty-five were union represented.


. RESUME - H.A. DIETRICH- March 12, 1980 '- Page 3.

10/79 to 1/80 - Bechtel Power Corporation, QA Department,'at Palisades Site working under G. L. Richardson, PQAE. - Quality Assurance Engineer on site. Responsible for performing monitoring functions, assisting in audits, approving procedure changes for Quality Assurance, representing Bechtel Quality Assurance in meetings with client at Palisades.

1/80 to Present - Bechtel Power Corporation - QA Department at Midland Site, working under L.-A. Dreisbach, PQAE. - Quality Assurance Engineer -

Assigned to help resolve and coordinate problems, including, receipt, coordination, evaluation, and action in'itiation and response of all

. Consumers Power Company.and NRC type items.

O m

D j




EKoLOYES NO. _663385 .


EDUCATION: B.S. in Mechanical Engineering Technolony - Southeastern Massachusetts University - 1973 Career Development Program - Stone & Webster Engineering Corporation - 1979 NDT - Level II - Liquid Penetrant Testing - Stone & Webster Engineering Corporation - 1979 -

WDRS: HISTORY: 6/71 to 9/72 - Deval Corporation, Canton, MA - Machine Dperator; responsi-

' /

f ble for eight m'achines producing styrofoam products. .

e' 6/73 to 9/73 -'Am. Dryer Corp., Fall River, MA - Designer-Draftsman; I

_ _ Redesign' electrical schematics for commercial dryer's. . .

.t. ' .

2/74 to 3/75 -f SWEC, Power Division, Boston, MA"- Piping Engineer; initiated


specifications for pipe design, v51ves, steam t~ rips, strainers, for'_!' - -

. I nuclear plants in Hillstone, Conn., and Wisconsin. ~

/ /- - .

s 3/75 to 3/77 - SWEC, FOC Di' vision, Mineral. VA - Assistant QC Ennineer'


Responsible for storace. installation and reworkino of all mechanient q . .

equipment for all nuclear units at North Anna Power Station (NAPS).

Performed in all aspects.of mechanical including handling' and riqaino,. ? ~

. structural welding, system releases, hangers and Grade "A" cleaning. -

J 3/77 to 7/78 - SWEC, FQC Division, Mineral, VA Senior Fis1d QC Inspector; Lead inspector for all mechanical field inspections at NAPS, including training of new inspectors. Wrote booklet for NRC on use of Torque Multipliers at NAPS. Wrote. Equipment Storage and Housekeeping Lecturo for Stone & Webster Training Department for all site employees.- l 1

7/78 to 7/79 - SWEC, FQC Division, Mineral, VA - Field QC Engineer -

Mechanical Supervisor in charge of all mechanical documentation and

, -r - . , , .

4 8

.. r .


storage program. Wrote Mech. 0.T.J. training courses to be used nt all S&W sites. .

7/79 to 1/80 - SWEC, FQC Division, Mineral, VA - Tield QC Engineer:

Supervisor for mechanical, structural, and hanger disciplines.

. Responsible for field inspegtions and documentation including turnover '

of records to client. Performed welding inspections for electrical component structures and ASME piping. Responsibic for preparation and presentation of 10CRF50.55(e) items to the NRC.

2/80 t'opresent - Bechtel Power Corporation, tlidland Site -

Senior QA Engineer - Responsible for the performance of monitors and audits in the fields of piping, welding, NDE and mechanical at the Midland Nuclear Plant Sit'e.

a g 9' e

t *

+ - --

,r r .w + -, + . , - = ,e< , - - - -


DATS: flARCH, 12.-1980 gang: KA'SPAREK, CEORGE P.. EloLOYES UO. 663466 __


EDUCATION: BSCE in Civil Engineering, University of Wisconsin - 1979 General Engineering - University of Wisconsin, Parkside - 1977

..n .

kVRIEISTORY: 1/73 to 4/74 - Turnstyle Dept. Store - Racine Misconsin - Stocking Clerk ,



\ Mens & Boys Department

,,.f . .

3/74 to 9/75 - Pioneer Products, Racine, Wisconsin - General Machine . ,

G '. . .

~.. j Shop, Drilling, tapping, milling, some braizing and' polishing. _- .

. +

4/76 to 1/79 - Piqq1y Wloolv Foods,' Burlincton, Wisconsin - Stockino Clerk on Night stocking crew!

- }' .

5/78 to 9/78 and 5/79 to 9/79 - Wisconsin Department of Transportation ,'


i -

.. Milwaukee District #9 - Engineer-in-training - Worked in materials lab.,.

,, ,. t'esting . concrete aggregate and cylinders, and working on a construction .

Jp surveying crew.

  • i *,.J' ' , . . , .

Jf ' ,"

2/80 to present - Bechtel Power Corporation - QA Engineer -

. l-

  • '~

,l, y- ,


.p ' ' '

.+ <


  • 4 e


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.,3 ;...y.g .

DATE:: _12/27/79

.! 1 IWE: L._ ._

EMPL0m 110 . 045019 Schumitsch (LaST) ~ . Wal(tor

?IRST) (l'ilTI.d' )

123 Jones Court. -

Midland, Mi. 48640 '

l (517)832-3485 1

. . 4 EDUCATION: 1969-1974 - The Unive itv of Wisconsin. Madison. Wisconsin _ l B.S. Nuclear _Encineering ,

Gradn' '9d August, 1974 .

+ ~

WOP.I EI.c. TORY: Septiember 1974 to l

September 1978 - Bechtel Power Corporation, Arka'nsas Nuclear One. Russellville. Arkansas. Mechanical '--

4 Field Encineer. resnonsible for installation .

and quality inspections of equipment.' This included all safety related equipment in the),

Auvi14 nv v %41 di nn_

September 1978 to .U-December 1979.- Bechtel Power Corporation, Midland, Michigan.f- l Lead Ecuirment Field Encineer, responsible .

for installation and maintenance of equipm'ent','

December 1979'to -

Present' -

Bechtel Power Corporation'. Midland'. Michicam ".

Quality Control Engineer * '

Associa_te member of Amerienn Nuc_innr Socieg Registered Professional Encineer. S_ tate of Michican

_ . , . . _,.v._- - - .. --

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SacrtWAw, Alica acsa 48603 gfu /2A-(5t7) 78f h~C6 w _d travne m c:czos: l948 -l9'il- 7 5 K i>e<sif op/'d jffo m g ,,,s* g f,j g a, ,

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           !_                                                                                     ' CERTIFICATE OF PERSONNEL QUALIFICATION                                                                              .

QUALITY CONTROL INSPECTOR - Mechanical i-NAME 'Randall Lee Greer SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER 357-34-6475 EDUCATION SCH OOL . YEAR GRADUATED DEGREE OR DIPLOMA ELEMENTARY Rushville Crade schoni 149A HIGH ' SCHOOL Rushville Mich ' chnnI I 461 TECHNICAL OR VOCATION AL COLLEGE ' Brown Business College 1962 GR ADU ATE SCHOOL - t OTHER PREVIOUS EXPERIENCE AND CERTIFICATIONS g . Atemeted Roenme DATE CERTIFICATION l COMPANY TEST METHOO LEVEL DATE CERTIFIED a l r: l k TECHNICAL TRAINING DATE METHOD HOURS LOCATION 1963 Bjuegynt - 50 Rushville High School Nicht CInss 1963 Draftina 50 Rushville High School Nieht Class Ill. 1964 Weldina 50 Rushville High School Night Class Ill. l Jan. - 1980 Mec);,,,,y e;, ,n 1 month OJr in Mech. Insp. techniques at B&WCC Midland, 'MI PRESENT CERTIFICATIONS IN OTH ER METHODS EYE EXAMIN ATION RECORD DATE LEVEL D ESCRIPTION DATES

                                                                                                                                               -1 0 77-e CORRECTIVE LENSES 1                                                                                                                                                    REQUIRED                                             YES       NO LEVEL 1 CERTIFICATION                  LEVEL 11 CERTIFICATION                                LEVEL lli CERTIFICATION DATE /- $ ~ N


                                              . e-                                                                                                                                                                        ,
                                                                       . THE INDIVIDUAL DESCRISED ABOVE IS CERTIFIED IN ACCORDANCE WITH B&W CONSTRUCTION COMPANY QUALITY ASSURANCE PROGRAM TO PERFORM QUALITY CONTROL MECHANICAL INSPECTIONS.                                                            .
  • OQ3QG9$h660@6GS $Q PGXM)6999 @QW SR9@ M TCOPA-- _



e e .- . , 1

 !'                       Resume:                Randall Lee Greer          ,
  .                                               513 N. Bessie Rushville, Ill 64681 Education:             Craduate Rushville High School 1                                                                    .*

Place of Employment: Babcock & Wilcox Company B&W Construction Co. t

 '                                                29 South LaSalle St.

Chicago, Ill 60603. Experience: ,


10/77 - Present Babcock and Wilcbx Construction Co. , l Superintendent responsible for repairs at various '

         .                                       locations in the Michigan area such as Dow Chem-ical in Midland, Michigan, NIPSCO in Michigan City, In. and Portage, In. Also supervised the installation of new MPS coal mills in Monroe, Mi.

Duties included setting sole plates, aligning ) i . and leveling motors, gear boxes, etc. using field transit and other equipment necessary for the leveling and alignment.


f 10/68 - 10/77 Employed by numerous companies while working as a Millwright. Worked as foreman and general foreman five years during this period. Respon-sibilities included setting and aligning heavy-machinery, motors, compressors, steam genera-tors, FD and ID fans, 'etc. Reading and inter-pretting drawings and other written procedures, making sure all tolerances are met at all times using Field transits, levels, plumb bobs and . other equipment also were a part of my duties. I l 4 4

                                                                          -                         -,                      .~-- --}}