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Interim Part 21 & Deficiency Rept Re Rosemount 1153 Series B Transmitters Potentially Leaking.Initially Reported on 841010.Four Units Shipped to Facilities.Corrective Actions Will Not Be Pursued
Person / Time
Site: Midland
Issue date: 11/15/1984
From: Jackie Cook
To: James Keppler
REF-PT21-84 32077, 84-15-#1, OL, OM, NUDOCS 8412060188
Download: ML20100E262 (4)



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Power company i

Vice President - Projects, Engsneenng and Construction Genere4 offices: 1945 West Pernaal flood, Jackson, MI 49201 + (517) 788 0453 November 15, 1984 84-15 #1 Mr J G Keppler, Regional Administrator US Nuclear Regulatory Commission-Region III 799 Roosevelt Road Glen Ellyn, IL 60137 MIDLAND ENERGY CENTER PROJECT DOCKET NOS 50-329 AND 50-330 ROSEMOUNT 1153 SERIES B TRANSMITTERS FILE: SERIAL: 32077 On October 10, 1984, Consumers Power Company (CP Co) notified your staff of a reportable condition concerning Rosemount 1153 series B transmitters.

Concurrence was received on November 15 from W Shafer of.your staff to extend the submittal date of this written report to November 21, 1984. Pending resolution of our discussion with the staff on our request to waive the requirement to submit a written 30-day 50.55(e) report during the project shutdown, we have prepared this interim report on the above subject.

Description of Concern CP Co received a 10CFR21 report from Rosemount, Inc. The report indicated that 1153 series B transmitters, manufactured and shipped after January 10, 1984, have a potential leak path in the seal of the threads between the sensor module and the electronics housing. This leak path could allow moisture to enter the housing during abnormal operating conditions and cause the trans-mitter to stop functioning. Rosemount identified four units, by serial number, which had been shipped to the Midland Energy Center.

Safety Impact The safety impact of this condition is indeterminate.

Root Cause No root cause has been determined for this condition.

8412060188 841115 PnR ADOCK 05000329 5

pon 0C1184-0032-QL01 NOV 2 6 w xm

2 Serial 84-15 #1 Corrective Action Corrective actions will not be pursued and no further reports on this subject will be made unless the Midland Energy Center is reactivated. This item vill be entered in our Correspondence and Commitment Management System for long-term tracking.

s JWC/JLW/kra CC: Document Control Desk, NRC Washington, DC DSHood, NRC Office of NRR Bethesda, MD INPO Records Center i


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OC1184-0032-QL01 i

3 Serial 84-15 i f1 OM/OL SERVICE L'IST s

Mr Frank J Kelley :

Atomic Safety & Licensing Attorney General of^the Appeal. Board State of Michigan U S Nuclear Regulatory Commissica Ms Carole Steinberg Washington, DC 20555

' Assistant. Attorney General Environmental Protection Division Mr C R Stephens (3) 720 Law Building Chief, Docketing & Services

. Lansing, MI 48913 U S Nuclear Regulatory Commission

. Office of the Secretary

~ Washington, DC 20555 Mr Myron M Cherry, Esq Suite 3700 Ms Mary Sinclair

~ Three First National Plaza--

5711 Summerset Street

Chicago, IL 60602 Midland, MI 48640 Mr Wendell H Marshall fMr William D Paton, Esq RFD 10 Counsel for the NRC Staff

= Midland,~MI 48640 U S Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555 (Mr'Charl'esBechhoefer,Esq l

Atomic Safety & Licensing Atomic Safety & Licensing t

Board Panel Board Panel


-U S Nuclear Regulatory Commission U S Nuclear Regulatory Commission

-East-West Towers, Room E-413 Washington, DC 20555 Bethesda, MD 20014 Ms Barbara Stamaris

. Dr! Frederick P Cowan 5795 North River Road 6152 N VerdeLTrail Rt 3-


Apt B-125_

Freeland, MI.48623 Boca'Raton, FL 33433

. Dr Jerry Harbour


Mr Fred C Williams Atomic Safety &. Licensing Isham,; Lincoln & Beale.

Board Panel 1120 Connecticut Ave, NW, Suite 840' U S Nuclear Regulatory Commission-Washington, DC'20036 East-West Towers, Rous E-454 Bethesda, MD 20014 Mr_-James E.Brunner, Esq Consumers Power Company Mr M I Miller, Esq 212 West Michigan Avenue Isham,' Lincoln & Beale Jackson, MI.49201 Three First' National Plaza 52nd Floor Chicago. IL 60602 i.

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4 Serial 84-15 11 Mr Steve Gadler, Esq Mr John Demeester, Esq 2120 Carter. Avenue Dow Chemical Building St_ Paul, MN 55108 Michigan Division Midland MI 48640 Mr P Robert Brown Clark, Klein-& Beaumont Ms Lynne Bernabei 1600 First Federal Bldg Government Accountability Project

-'e Woodward Ave' 1901 Q Street, NW Detroit, MI 48226 Washington, DC 20009 4

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