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Forwards Initial Questions Re FSAR in Response to 791115 Discussion.Requests NRC Assistance in Obtaining Answers to All Questions
Person / Time
Site: Grand Gulf  Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 11/30/1979
From: Thomas Taylor
To: Rosa F
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
NUDOCS 7912100310
Download: ML19262A686 (9)





November 30, 1979 Mr. Faust Rosa, Chief Power Systems Branch Mail Stop 832B Phillips Building U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Bethesda, MD 21609

Dear Mr. Rosa:

Attached are initial questions relating to Grand Gulf Nuclear Station which we discussed with A. Bennett and yourself on November 15, 1979.

In addition to these questions, the applicant has not replied to your questions numbered 040.26, 040.37 and 040.38.

Your assistance is requested in obtaining responses to all questions.

Yours very truly, W. M. Taylor Superintendent E & I Department WMT:ssr 1522 096 79121003/o

Q040. - Section of the FSAR says that there ce three (8.1)

GG (3) physically independent circuits from the 500KV switch-1 yard to the onsite electrical distribution system.

Figure 8.2-3 indicates that there are only two (2) circuits from the 500KV switchyard.


Q040. - Standard Review Plan Section 8.3.1, III, 4 requires onsite (8.1)

(8.3) fuel storage capacity for seven (7) days.

The following GG 2

questions pertain to this capacity:

a) - In FSAR Section, it is stated that the fuel capacity for the standby power soirce has " time sufficient to put the plant in a safe condition".

How much time is

" sufficient"?

b) - Provide the fuel consumption rate of the HPCS and standby diesel generators while they are supplying maximum post-LOCA load demands.

c) - How much of the diesel storage tank is useable?

(i.e. How much fuel oil can the transfer pump be expected to supply to the day tank?)

Provide drawing of stcrage tank, trans-fer pump, and transfer pump suction line.

Provide dimensions of storage tank, depth of suction line into storage tank and show where level of fuel oil is maintained during normal standby operation.

1522 097

Q040. - In the first paragraph of FSAR Section a " spare (8.1)

GG set of BOP transformers" are mentioned.

Are these in 3

addition to those shown in Figure 8.1-1 or do you mean


that these are included in the four BOP transformers shown (such as BOP XFMRS #12A and 12B) ?

Q040. - In FSAR Section it is stated that " provision (8.1)

GG is made for control (of the HPCS power system) from the 4

control room and another location external to the control room".

Where is the other location?

Q040. - ; RP Section 8.1, III, 5, Revision 1, requires that cri-(8.0)

GG teri;t applicable to the design should be identified and 5

the degree of conformance defined.

SRP Table 8-1 lists applicability of criteria to each FSAR section.

Each section of your FSAR Chapter 8 should mention conformance (or exception) to all of the criteria of SRP Table 8-1.

This may be done by a single comprehensive table in FSAR Section 8.1 which would be referenced by the subsequent sections.

Where exceptions, relative to the electrical power systems, are taken, these should be specifically noted and referenced to a detailed explanation.

Q040. - FSAR Section states that the design is in (8.1)

GG accordance with Regulatory Guide 1.93, among others.

6 However, in the table of contents of Appendix 3A, RG 1.93 is noted as "not addressed in FSAR........".

1522 098

The statement in Appendix 3A is not correct since the recommendation of Regulatory Guide 1.93 will be incor-porated in the Technical Specifications, FSAR Section 16.

Correct Appendix 3A.

Q040. - In FSAR Appendix 3A, page 3A-4, Regulatory Guide 1.32 is (Appx. 3A)

GG noted as N/A.

However, compliance with RG 1.32 is stated 7

in FSAR on page 3A/1.32-1.

Correct this discrepancy.

Q040. - SRP Section 8.1, III, 1 states that FSAR grid "....descrip-(8.2)

GG tions should state whether facilities are existing or 8

planned; if planned, the respective completion dates should be provided."

Which of the 500KV and ll5KV overhead lines are completed and ready for service at this time?

For those that are not completed, list scheduled or projected date of



Q040. - Regulatory Guide 1.70, Revision 3, Section 8.2.2 specifies (8.2)

GG that the applicant should " provide information and a 9

discussion of grid availability, including the frequency, duration and cause of outages".

For the outage statistica given in FSAR Table 8.2-1, furnish the following information:

a) cause of each outage b) duration of each outage c) update the table to the present time Q040. - In FSAR Section and Section the acronym (8.2)

GG "NAPSIC" is used.

Explain the meaning and the function 10 of NAPSIC.

1522 099

Q040. - Explain how you comply with Regulatory Guide 1.9, (8.3)

GG revision 1, paragraph C.9 with respect to first out 11 alarm indication.

Q040. - In the FSAR paragraph it indicates that (8.3)

GG generator differential current and engine overspeed are 12 the only emergency protective devices for the HPCS diesel.

Figure 8.3-8 of the FSAR shows that lube oil pressure low (2 of 3 logic) and case pressure high (2 of 3 logic) also operate protective interlocks during an emergency for division I and II.

If this logic diagram also applies to the HPCS diesel explain the discrepancy or provide the logic diagram for the HPCS diesel.

Q040. - FSAR Section in describing the RPS power (8.3)

GG supply states that ".....the power feeds to indepen-13 dent divisions are physically separated and feed four redundant buses."

FSAR Figure 8.3-11 shows only two

buses, "A" and "B".

Correct the contradiction.

Q040. - SRP Section 8.2, I, 2 states that " evaluation (of the (8.2)

GG offsite power sou 'Q will include a review of the 14 electrical protective relaying and breaker control circuits and power supplies to assure that lass of one preferred system circuit will not cause or result in loss of the redundant counterpart, nor any standby power system sources".

FSAR Section states that 1522 100

"a fault of any section of 500KV bus will be cleared....

and not inter upt operation of any of the remaining parts of the 500KV switchyard bus".

Provide details describing how this selectivity of breakers is accomplished.

Q040. - In FSAR Table 8.2-3 " Load Flow Studies" and Table 8.2-4 (8.2)


" Stability Studies", the results of analysis of contin-15 gencies and faults are stated as "no problem" and " stable".

Define:these terms more explicity so as to provide greater assurance of the results of the analysis.

Provide minimum or maximum voltage, transient durations, and other quanti-tative values to substantiate the conclusions drawn in Tables 8.2-3 and 8.2-4.

Q040. - Clarify the description in FSAR Section, regarding (8.2)

GG alarms for the various problems that could occur involving 16 the switchyard auxiliary systems.

Identify the alarm indication and its location.

Q040. - In FSAR Section page 8.2-3, you state that "there (8.2)

GG has only been an average loss of two towers per year....".

17 Provide further detail of these tower failures and show how this compares to the experience of other utilities and the effect on grid stability at Grand Gulf.

Q040. - In Section on page 8.2-2, it is stated that "The (8.2)

GG ll5KV line does not cross over or under any of the 500KV 18 offsite power supply lines....".

However, from Figure 8.2-2, it appears that the 500KV line from Franklin to 1522 101

Grand Gulf does cross over the 115KV line between Natchez S.E.S. and Port Gibson.

Confirm that it does or does not cross.

Provide further information on grid stability at Grand Gulf if the above mentioned 500KV line fell on top of the ll5KV line.

Q040. - In FSAR Section, page 8.3-26 provide a more (8.3)

GG substantive basis to support the statement concerning 19 large motors reaching rated speed in 5 seconds or less.

Relate this information to each of the large motors involved.

Q040. - FSAR Section page 8.3-11 provides information (8.3)

GG on controls for diesel generators.

Clarify statement con-20 cerning how many and where the local control stations are for each diesel generator.

Q040. - Describe how you assure that a diesel generator is capable (8.3)

GG of responding automatically to a LOCA - loss of preferred 21 power condition after completion of and during a periodic test.

Address the following:

o Governor control settings o

Monitoring of Diesel Generator Sync-Speed setting Q040. - FSAR Section 8. 3.1. 2.1.b.14. (e) page 8. 3-37, s tates that (8.3)

GG the "HPCS generator is operated in the isochronous mode 22 only".

HPCS Power Supply Topical Deport NEDO-10905, page 1522 102

7-11 states that IEEE 387 - Section is "not applicable since the governor is operated in droop mode only".

Clarify this discrepancy and explain the pro-visions for placing the engine governor controls in an acceptable mode of operation when the diesel-generator unit is required to operate automatically.

(See also Topical Report NEDO-10905 paragraph 5.2.10)

Q040. - In FSAR Section page 8.3-39, you state that (8.3)


" circuits of different safety divisions are not routed 23 through hostile areas....".

Define and identify (provide list) all hostile areas.

Q040. - In FSAR Section page 8.3-7, you state that (8.3)

GG folloging an automatic start, diesel generator sats 11 24 and 12 (21 and 22) are automatically connected to their associated 4.16KV ESF buses.

Clarify the statement with regard to the availability of offsite power as discussed in FSAR Section

Q040. - In FSAR Section page 8.3-2, you state that (8.3)

GG any one offsite power source is capable of supplying 25 AC power to start the ESF loads of one unit required due to a LOCA and to run the ESF loads of the other unit required for safe shutdown.

IEEE Standard 308 uses the terminology of " start and operate the ESF loads of the other unit required for safe shutdown."

Define the 1522 103

capability of the offsite power source more explicitly in this regard.

Q040. - In FSAR Section page 8.3-12, it appears (8.3)

GG that the resistive load was omitted from the tabulated 26 data in test 2; clarify.

Also, provide the analytical method for obtaining the cumulative loads.

Q040. - The load shedding and sequencing reset operation is (8.3)

GG mentioned in Section page 8.3-5.

Regarding 27 restoring of motors and valve operations following loss of offsite power, clarify and expand the description since you state that, " reset is not a function of the presence or absence of bus voltage".

Q040. - In Table 8.3-5 of FSAR, it is stated that the diesel (8.3)

GG generator start signal is given at time 3 seconds following 28 LOCA.

In Table 6.3-1 the diesel generator start signal is given at time 0 seconds.

Correct this discrepancy.

1522 104