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Forwards Questions Re Electric Power,Developed During Initial Review of Section 8.1 of FSAR
Person / Time
Site: Grand Gulf  Entergy icon.png
Issue date: 11/07/1979
From: Taylor W
To: Rosa F
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
NUDOCS 7911140310
Download: ML19210C467 (12)




M. J.


D. Bil7eu J.

E. Conaway, Wilmington W.

J. MotteL - T. Hendrick, SRP D. G. Owen November 7, 1979 Mr. Faust Rosa, Chief Power Systems Branch Mail Stop P-832B Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555

Dear Mr. Rosa:

GRAND GULF 1 & 2 FSJR REVIEW INITIAL QUESTIONS Attachec are questions developed during initial review of Section 3.1 of Grand Gulf 1 & 2 Final Safety Analysis Report.

We are sending questions to you as they are developed, rather than sending all cuestions simultaneously at a later date.

Early resolution of questions should benefit the utility and expedite our review.

Please transmit the attached questions to Mississippi Power and Light Company at your earliest convenience.

Please advise if additional information is required by your staff or the utility.

We are prepared to provide additional details by telephone or in a meeting if needed.

Yours very truly, l

f W. M. Tavlor Superintendent E & I Department WMT:ssr


1-321 283 T911140 3 */ h i[1

Q040. - In section 8.1.1 there is no mention of how or where (8.1)

GG Grand Gulf Nuclear Station ties into the grid systen.

1 Clarification can be made by making reference to the Grand Gulf area block on Figure 8.2-2 and also refer-encing Figure 8.2-3 in FSAR section 8.1.1.

Q040. - Section says that there are three (3) physically (8.1)

GG independent circuits from the 500KV switchyard to the 2

onsite electrical distribution system.

Figure 8.2-3 indicates that there are only two (2) circuits from the 500KV switchyard and one (1) circuit from the ll5KV system which does not enter the 500KV switchyard.

Please clarify.

Q040. - In section it is stated that the fuel capacity (8.1)

GG for the standby power source has " time sufficient to put 3

the plant in a safe condition".

How much time is

" sufficient"?

Q040. - In the first paragraph of section 8.i.4.3 a " spare set of (8.1)

GG BOF transformers" are mentioned.

Are these in addition 4

to those shown in Figure 8.1-1 or do you mean that these are included in the four BOP transformers shown (such as BOP XFMRS #12A and 12B)?

Q040. - In section it is stated that " provision is (8.1)

GG made for control (of the HPCS power system) from the 5

control room and another location external to the control room".

Where is the other location?

j} }g4

Q040. - Each section of Chapter 8 (i.e. 8.1, 8.2, 8.3.1, and (8.0) GG 8.3.2) should mention conformance (or excention) to all 6 of the laws, regulations, and guides as set forth on the attached Table 8-1. This may be done by a single com-prehensive table in section 8.1 which would be referenced by the subsequent sections. Where exceptions, relative to the electrical power systems, are taken, these should be soecifically noted and referenced to a detailed explanation. Q040. - In section it is stated that the design is (8.1) GG in accordance with Rsculatory Guide 1.93, among others, 7 However, in the table i contents of Appendix 3A, RG 1.93 is noted as "not addressed in FSAR. These conflict. Please clarify. Q040. - In Appendix 3A, page 3A-4, Regulatory Guide 1.32 is (Appx. 3A) GG noted as N/A which we interpret as meaning "not 8 applicable" However, on page 3A/1.32-1, your project position states that you ccmply with RG 1.32. These conflict. Please clarify. Q040. - Which of the 500KV and ll5KV overhead lines are completed (8.2) GG and ready for service at this time? For those that are 9 not completed, list scheduled or projected date of completion. 1321 285

) D fo' ~ ACCf PI Atif f CRlit RI A F N< ll t flRIC l'U.M R - Ifl.1E 8-1 AFPl.lClillt lT Y(SAR ' et ticn) ~ ~ ~ ~ ~- CRITERIA IITLE 8.1 a/ fi. 3.1 3.3.2 RIMAh5 i l. 10 CfR Part 50 a. 10 CFR sSO.34 Contents of f pplicationis lechnical information X X X i b. 10 CFR s50.36 Technical $pecifications X X A X c. 10 CFR 550.55a Codes arid $tandartis X X X X 2. General Design Criteria (GDC). Apper. dix A to 10 CFR Part LO a. GDC-1 Quality Standards and Records X il X X b. GDC-2 Desi9n Bases for Protection A uinst fiatural Phenomena X X X X o, a, y c. 60C-3 fire Protection X X X X d. GDC-4 i nv i s onmenta l and flis".i le t he< ieri L. st X X X X e. CDC-5 Sharing of Structures, Sy s tra.s. and Ccaponentu X X X X t. GDC-13 Insti umentation anJ Curit u al X X X X 9 GDC-17 Electric Power Systeus X X A X h. GDC-13 Ir.siection and lesting of t lett rical Power Sys t e...s X ) X X 1. GDC-21 Piotection Systeu Reliability.:ni le.t ability X X X X l j. GDC-22 Protection System independence X X G }%Efd WIN b ~ 3 N i os t

/ () t I/WI E a-1 p.o. rJ 1 I t ut.Q--. CRITIRIA liitt 8.1 8. H.3.1 H. 3. c Rt MAkh k. GDC-33 Reactor Coolant Makeup X X X X l. GbC-34 Residual lleat Remaval X X X X m. GDC-35 Emergency Core Cooling X X X X n. GDC-38 Containsi.cnt Hea t I<einoval X X X X o. GDC-41 Containment Atmospher e Cleant.p X X X X p. CDC-44 Cooling Water X X X X 3 Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Standards: a. IEEE Std 279 (ANSI f442.7) Critetla for Protection Systen.2 forth lear X X X See 10 CtR Power Generating Stations s S0. 55a(h) and Reg. Guide 1.62 b. IEEE Std 303 Crites ia for fins Il l lec t r ii. Sp l enc for X ( X X See Reg. l.uclear Generating Stations Guide 1.32 c. IEEE Std 117 E lectric Penetration ksenblie, in Cont airalierit X ( X 'ee kcg. Structures for fluclear Power Generating Statinns Guide 1.63 d. IEEE Std 323 Standard for (Jualt rying Class it I quipoient for X A X see Reg. f;uclea r Power Gerit.e a t in4J Stations Guide 1.e9 e. IEEE StJ 334 standard for Type fest or Continuous luty L: lass l' X X See Reg. Motors for iluclear Gener.u. ing St at ions Caide 1.40 f. ILEE Std 336 (AfiSI N45.M.4) Insta liat ion, inspection and les ting Requirernen ts X X ) X tee Reg. far Instrumentation end Electric tquipauit During Luide 1.30 the Ccustruction of Hucleat-Puuer Genierating Stationis g. IEEE Std 338 i Criteria for the Periodic lesting af Nuritar X X X X See Reg. i Power Generating Station Protectinn Systems Guide 1.118 D MM i = N

.) ~..

n 1 A8t f H-1 f ror4 T !!;IJf D)_._.. _ _ ___ _ ___. ____ _.

gg y _g.q 'j CRIT Elt I A TITEt 8.1 3.?l 8.3.1 H. n 2 ki ttAkk5 h. IEEE Std 344 (ANSI N41.7) Guide for Selskic Qualification of Class I X X X See Reg. Electrical Equipment for f.uclear her Cer.c ratim; Guide 1.100 Stations 1. IEEE Std 379 (ANSI N41.2) Guide for the Application of the failure X X X See Re:g. Criterion to riut lear Generating Station Gaide 1.S3 Protection Systtus j. IEEE Std 362 ial-Use Gui.le t'or the f>pe-lest of flass 1 X X See Reil. .iectric Valve 0,.erators f or f.utlear her hu i,le 1.73 Generating Statitais (Af4SI Nilt ) k. IEEE Std 383 Standird for Type Test of 01.iss ll ilet tric ( able X X X Field Splices, and Connections for Nuc.Itar Power Generatirig Station > 1. IEEE Std 384 (ANSI N41.14) Criteria for Separativa of Class lE I quipnient X X X 5 e Reg. drid Circuits Guide 1.7S cu m. IELE Std 387 (AtiS! T141.13) Criteria for leiesel-Gener ator thiits Applied o. X X Standby fower Su, plies for t.uclear. Staticr.s 7 a n. IEEt Std 41S Planning of 6 e e-Operational Testin.) h onrai..s X X X tur Llass IE Fower i<ste.r. foi Inclear Power Generating Stations, IE!E Guide for. o. IEEE Std 420 Trial-Use Guide for Class it Lontrwl Switchlau.rJ2. X X X for Nuclear Power Ger.erating Stations ( AgS4*TT41. /), p. IEEE Std 4S0 Retouraended Practice for f tiintenante. Testingand5 Ecplacement of large Stationar y Type Power Plant X see Reg. X Cuide 1.129 and Substation LeaJ Stoiage batterits q. IEtt Std 484 Retoagnended Pe actice for Installat ion Design and j X X See Reg. Installation of large t.ead Stora9e Batteries for Luide 1.128 ] Nuclear Power I'lants

  1. 5

.Y* I ae ~ pO JO D ~ u N ~ wt CO J .s

7 s' A de I ( ( t' i) v TAbl F 8-1 {rGullNt;[li) - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ AriLIrAhli!ly ~('AR SeftinnF - '~ ~ CRI1ERIA lillE ' isT 'h'. 2 1.T T ~ ~B. l. T kl M kkS 4. Regulatory Guides (kG) a. RG 1.6 Inuependence f.etween Fedundant '.> tan !by (Unsit e) Pewer X X X and betwe.:: Iteir Distrit.ution Sy:.tems b. RG 1.9 Lelection at Diesel G..ncrator Set Capacity for X X Standby Power Supplies I c. RG 1,29 Seismic Design Classificatn.n X X X d. RG 1.30 Quality Assurance Require.oents f or t he Installation X X X X Inspection, and Testin) of instrwent.ition and Electric [quipent e. RG 1.32 lise of IE E E Std 308, "triteria f.a Class 11 Ilei.o it X X X X l Systems for Nucleir Power tenerating stations" f. RG 1.40 Qualificatinn lests for Cont inuous-Duty Motnrs X X Installed Inside tr.e Containment of Water l'uoled a, fluclear Power Plants /o 9 RG l.41 Preoperational f es t ing of He.Lndant Ons ite i lec t ric X X X X Power Systems to Veri fy Proper l oa.1 Gioup A,sigoncnt s l h. RL 1.4 7 Bypassed and Inoperat>le Status Indit ation for y s X X Nuclear Power Plant Safet y Systens g i. 1:G 1.53 Application of the single-f ailure f. iterion to X X X fluclear Fower llant Prote(tion Systems j. RG 1.63 E lect r ic Pene t r ation A>sei..lil ies in t i.nt ainment i X X 5te uctures f or Water-f ooled fou< lean W,uer Plants k. RG 1.68 Preoperational and Initial ',tartup Test l'rog ra.ns X X X X for Water-Cooled Power tors .O N b g D999 h j\\ ~ \\ c 2. y CO t e e

,S y T AFi f s-1 (g0l41 !NUf h). CRITERIA TITIE 8.I' .2 8.3.1

8. 3.?

RIMARKS 1. RG 1.70 Standard format arid Cr, tent of Safety Analy sis X X X X j Reports for huclear l ower Plant s m. RG 1.73 Qualification Tests of Electric Valve Operator s X X Installed inside the Contailucnt of fiuclear Pc,wer ji Plants n. RG 1.75 Physical InJependent2 or llectrit Systems X X X o. RG 1.81 thar ed in.ergency and Shutdown i letts ic Systeiti2 for X X X fiulti-Unit flaclear Power Plants p. RG 1.89 Qualification of Class Il lquipment f or fautlear X X X Power Plants q. RG 1.93 Availability of Electric Sources X X X X r. RG 1.100 Seismic Qualification of Electric Iquipment for X X X fluclear Power Plants s. RG 1.106 Theniial Overload Pr uttc t ion for Llectric l'ac es X X [ on Motor-0perated Valves a t. RG 1.108 Periodic Testing of liiesei Generators lhed As Unsite X a Fower Systems at ' Piar.t; u. RG l.118 Periodic Testing of Electric Power and Protettion $ stems X X X 3 v. RG 1.120 fire Protection Guidelines for Nuclear Power Plants X / X X w. RG 1.128 Installation Design.4nd Installation of l arge l ea l X X Storage tutteries for flaclear Power Plants x. RG 1.129 ifainteriatice, lest ing end i4 cpl st.enient of l ai gr l ead ) X Sturarje flatteries for flucit:ar Power l'lant s acq f u N 4 e D Cd

.) v . s-. i I ( } i i: IAbtt H-) (t' UNI D) 1 Ah'l iD13iL iIY'T'SXR'Tei t'ihIi}' ~~ CRITERIA TITLE ii.1 ' li. ' H: 3.I '

8. 3.~ 2 ~ ~ REMARKS 5.

Branch Technical ) Positions (BIP) ICSB d. BIP ICSB 2 (PSB) Diesel-Gcnera tor keliabi l i ty Qua l i f ica t iori lesting X )r b. BIP 1C53 6 (PSB) Capacit/ Iest Requis.w nts of S ta t iu.i !!a t ter it s - X X Technical Specifica tioris c. blP ICSB 8 (PSG) Use of Diesel-Gener atoi-Set s f or l'e:al ievi X X d. 81P ICSb 11 (P58) S ta t,i li ty a t O t ts i t e Powe r sys t rio X X biP ICSB 15 (PSB) keactor Coolant Pump br eat er Qua lii ttalion X e. i.. f. BIP ICSB 17 (PSB) Diesel Gerier a tor Pr otec t i ve s e ip Circuit i:vpones ( X 9 BTP ICSB 18 (PSB) Application of the Single f ailure ( r iterion to x Nnually-Controlled I lletrico lly-opu at. J valu. 7 O h. BIP ICSB 21 .-__._.__._._{___...-.__._____nuidance tr Application or Idi 1.4/ A x x x 1. 'u _m i 4 ~ e

  • 4

Q040. - For the outage statistics given in Table 8.2-1, please (8.2) GG furnish the following information; 10 a) cause of each outage b) duration of each outage c) data on outages occuring between 1977 and the present time Q040. - In section and section the acronym (8.2) GG "NAPSIC is u;ad. Please explain the meaning and the 11 function of NAPSIC. Q040. - Explain how you comply with Regulatory Guide 1.9 (8.3) GG paragraph C.9 with respect to alarm sequence indication. 12 Q040. - Explain the differences between the interlocks for the (8.3) GG HPCS diesel and diesel's 11 & 12 (21 & 22) for overspeed, 13 generator differential current, lube oil pressure low and crankcase pressure high. Also provide the logic diagram for ESF Division III diesel control logic. Q040. - In and Figure 8.3-11, we only see two (8.3) GG separate buses. The FSAR indicates four redundant buses. 14 Please clarify. 1321 292

Q040. - In section it is stated that "a fault of any (8.2) GG section of 500KV bus will be cleared..........and not 15 interupt operar'.on of any of the remaining parts of the 500KV switchyard bus" Please provide further informa-tion describing how this selectivity of breakers is accomplished. Q040. - In section, page 8.2-4, the layout of the sub-(8.2) GG station is referred to as Figure 8.2-4. This should be 16 corrected to read; Figure 8.2-3. Q040. - In Table 8.2-3 "Le ad Flow Studies" and Table 8.2-4 (8.2) GG " Stability Studies" there are no quantitative values to 17 indicate that these studies were truly satisfactory. Please suoply minimum or maximum voltage, transient durations, and other quantitative values to sub.etantiate the conclusions drawn in the tables. Q040. - In section, it is not clear whether or not there (8.2) GG are alarms for the various problems that cou.ld occur 18 involving the switchyard auxiliary systems. Please clarify this stating the alarm indication location. 1321 293

Q040. - In sectibn page 8.2-3 it is stated that "there (8.2) GG has only been an average loss of two towers per year...". 19 Provide further detail of these tower failures and show how this compares to the experience of other utilities. Q040. - In section on page 8.2-2, it is stated that "The (8.2) GG ll5KV line does not cross over,. under any of the 500KV 20 offsite power supply lines. However, from Figure 8.2-2, it appears that the 500KV line from Franklin to Gran e' ulf does cross over the ll5KV line between Na_enez S.E.S. and Port Gibson. Please supply further information about Port Gibson substation to indicate what would happen at Grand Gulf if the above mentioned 500KV line fell on top of that ll5KV 1ine. Q040. - In section it is stated that " routine maintenance (8.2) GG on power circuit breakers will be performed as required. 21 Please make a more definite statement as to the actual schedule for inspection and testing of these breakers. 1321 294}}