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Forwards Nutech Rept COM-0708-03, Evaluation of 18-Inch Containment Isolation Valves for Dresden Station,Units 2 & 3 & Quad Cities Station,Units 1 & 2, in Response to NRC 791022 & 23 Ltrs Re Containment Vent & Purge Valves
Person / Time
Site: Dresden, Quad Cities  Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 08/22/1980
From: Janecek R
To: Eisenhut D
Office of Nuclear Reactor Regulation
Shared Package
ML17192A929 List:
TASK-06-04, TASK-6-4, TASK-RR NUDOCS 8009020105
Download: ML17192A928 (1)


~di~on ,1 i e Commonwe.

One First National Plaza, Chicago, Illinois Address Reply to: Post Office Box*767 Chicago, Illinois 60690 *

  • August 22,. 1980*
  • Mr. Darrell G. ~isenh8t, Dir~ctdr Division of Licensing

~.S. Nuclear Re~ulatory Commission Washington, DC 20555 *


.. Dresden Station Units 2 and ~

Q~ad Cities 5taticin Unit~ l and .2 Additio~al Respdn~~ concetning .

Containment Vent and Purge V~lv~s*

NRC. Dqcket Nos. 50-237/249 and:

50"'-254/265 ..

References (a): Q.. L~ Ziem~nn *letter to D~ L. Peoples dated October 23,-.1979

( b) : T

  • A. I pp o l i t o le t t e r t o D.
  • L.. Pe d'p le s daied Octobe~-22, 1979

Dear Mr. Eisenhut:

Enclosed for your us~ ~ie.five (5) cop~es- of NUTECH Re~?rt No. COM-0708-03, Rev .. O, "Evaluati'on of 18-lncf1 Containment .

Isolation Valves for Dresden Station~ Units 2&3,_ ~nd Quad Cities St at ion , Units l & 2" .

  • This report was p_ rep are d . 'in response to Item 2 . a of the I n t er i m Posit ion t *rans mitt e d by Re .

fer enc es . '( a ) . and ( b ) .

c As i nd*i at e q i n . t he re.po rt , -* the l_~ ad*~ . a ri'i;j s t re s s e s o n t he valve components are ~ithin acceptabl~.limits,_ ahd *~tress margins are sufficient to ensure no deformation of activ~ valve parts.

Based on the results of this report, the valve tr13vel restrictions.

which were imposed in the interim position_~te ~o loAger required:**

The test data are. currently being used. ta* qualify the s.ix-inch butterfly valves at Dresden 2/3 and Quad Cities 1/2, a.nd the result of this evaluation will be forward~d to you in the near future.

Please addr~ss any qu~stions ccincerning this matter to this office.

One (1) _signed original and fifity-nine (5~} copiBs .of this tr~rismittal _letter are provided for y6ur use~

  • . 47~ .

Yours _very* truly


  • . ~$1 f(l.t-J.

Robert Ff ~~-n~c~; . * * .* ~ "J Nuclear Licensing Administrator *~.AJ'J> v \

  • Boiling Water* Reactors ...,~~~

to i"='9--'~

, day . ~~\L.~

~~~~';fl4,~_,...,.--' 1980