IR 05000354/1985022

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Insp Rept 50-354/85-22 on 850429-0503.No Violations Noted. Major Area Inspected:Reactor Pressure Vessel Internals Installation,Including QC Insp Records & Involvement & Qc/Qa Interface
Person / Time
Site: Hope Creek PSEG icon.png
Issue date: 06/10/1985
From: Durr J, Gregg H, Wiggins J
Shared Package
ML20126L804 List:
50-354-85-22, NUDOCS 8506200153
Download: ML20126L833 (5)


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Report No.

50-354/85-22 Docket No.

50-354 License No.

CPPR-120 Priority Category B



Public Service Electric and Gas Company 80 Park Plaza Newark, New Jersey 07101 Facility Name: Hope Creek Generating Station, Unit 1 Inspection At: Hancocks Bridge, New Jersey Inspection Conducted: April 29, 1985 - May 3, 1985 Inspectors:





H I. Gr gptea'd Reactor Engineer date h^.

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&lS W J. T. Wiggif(J, Ghtef, Materials and

' d' ate Processes Section, DRS Approved by:



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J. P./ u'rr', Chief(Angineeri J


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d Division of Re&e of Safety Inspection Summary: Inspection on April 29-May 3, 1985 (Report 50-354/85-22).

Areas Inspected:

Routine unannounced inspection of licensee's activities related to the Reactor Pressure Vessel Internals Installation including review of:

1) The licensee's installation and test procedures, QC inspection records and involvement, and QA/QC interface, 2) discussions with cognizant and work force personnel, and 3) direct observations of ongoing and completed work in the reactor vessel. Additionally, the inspection involved a review of the installation status of the Spent Fuel Pool storage racks.

The inspection involved 41 hours4.74537e-4 days <br />0.0114 hours <br />6.779101e-5 weeks <br />1.56005e-5 months <br /> on site by one region based inspector.

Results: No violations were identified.


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DETAILS 1.0 Persons Contacted


1.1 Public Service Electric and Gas Company (PSEG)


  • A. Barnabei, Principal QA Engineer



F. Foster, QC Inspector

  • A. Giardino, Manager QA Engineering & Construction
  • R. Griffiths, Principal QA Engineer
  • R. Inverso, Construction Contract Supervisor M. Kobran, Sponsor Engineer, Spent Fuel Racks
  • S. LaBruna, Assistant General Manager
  • E. Logan, Site Manager
  • M. Metcalf, QA Startup Engineer
  • J. Nichols, Technical Manager

R. Robinson, QA Engineer 1.2 Bechtel Construction, Inc. (BCI)

  • W. Cole, Lead Site QA Engineer


  • G. Moulton, Project QA Engineer M. Gill, QC Engineer R. Hamilton, Lead QC Engineer

1.3 General Electric Company (GE-NEBO)

  • C. Brinson, QA Engineer


J. Cockcroft, Lead Mechanical Engineer 1.4 General Electric Company (GE-A&ES0)

R. Burke, Project Manager j

A. Giansanti, QC Engineer


M. Hart, Site QC Manager C. Johnson, Welding Engineer 1.5 U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (USNRC)


R. Blough, Senior Resident Inspector



S. Chaudhary, Senior Construction Resident Inspector

  • S. Ebneter, Director Division of Reactor Safety, Region I

2.0 Reactor Pressure Vessel (RPV) Internals Installation


The inspector reviewed the licensee's activities related to the RPV inter-


nals installation.

The inspector observed work being performed and the QC t

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inspection of portions of the installation. The inspector verified that installation instructions and procedures were in place and followed, QC inspections and QA Surveillances were made, and the General Electric Apparatus and Equipment Support Organization (GE-A&ES0) was effectively in control of the internals installation. During the inspection the in-spector also had some involvement with the reactor vessel internals vi-bration test which had just been completed.

2.1 Work Observations The inspector made numerous tours to the reactor vessel area to ob-serve work in progress. Activities observed were:


Detensioning of the reactor vessel head studs


Reactor head nuts placed in storage crates and lifted out of


l the reactor area l

Protective covers placed on reactor studs



QC inspection of top of shroud head and steam separator bolts


and QC inspection of tack welds Detorquing and unlatching of shroud head bolts


Lifting of steam separator from reactor vessel


Placement of steam separator in storage pool


Cleaning of steam separator and reactor vessel


l No violations were identified.

l l

2.2 Independent Verification The inspector went into the reactor vessel prior to the steam sepa-rator removal. The inspector verified that the steam separator shroud bolts were in latched position (with their milled tangs in circumferential position).

The inspector also observed several of the shroud bolt collar tack welds and verified they were intact.

No violations were identified.

2.3 Documentation Review The inspector reviewed PSE&G QA Surveillance Reports, PSE&G RPV i

Internals Vibration Test Procedure, and QA Startup Deviation Reports


(SDRs), BCI QC instructions for RPV intervals installation, contrac-tors Surveillance Inspection Records and Supplier Deviation Dispo-sition Requests (SDDRs), GE-A&ESO Installation Instructions and Travelers for the work installations, and BCI QA audits of RPV

internals installation.






Documents reviewed included:

PSE&G Surveillance Reports of GE-A&ESO RPV Internals work


(Reports CC-84-400 CC-84-425, CC-005, CC-85-010, CC-85-017, CC-85-021,CC-85-024,CC-85-028,CC-85-043)

PSE&G RPV Intervals Vibrations Test Procedure No. PTP-BB-4,


Rev. O.

Pre-vibration test SDRs Nos. BB-0212, 0213, 0214, and 0220


BCI QA audits 25.7-P-6 of March 29, 1985 and 25.7/26.5-5 of


March 18, 1983 GE-A&ESO Procedure No. HCH-0PT Rev. O of October 18, 1984 for


RPV Head Stud Tensioning and Detensioning, BCI-QC Instruction No. SM-1.01 for RPV Internals Installation


Contract Surveillance BCI-QC Contractor Surveillance Inspection Record (PQCI) No.


SM-1.01 M 98-HCI-E4-TI dated March 13, 1985, and SM-1.01 M-098-AG-355-II dated April 3, 1985, April 12, 1985, April 15, 1985, April 23, 1985 and April 25, 1985 BCI completed and dispositioned SDDRs 22, 23, 24, 27, 29, 31, 32,


33, 34, 36, 38, 40 GE-A&ESO Installation Instruction for Reactor Assembly, GE


Specification 22A6639 of April 10, 1979 GE-A&ESO Installation Procedures HCI-3-P, HCI-3-P1, and HCI-TPT


of specific installation requirements GE-A&ESO Procedure Qualification Records (PQR) Nos. 8.8.1 Rev. O


of August 30, 1982 and 8.8.2 Rev. O of November 14, 1984 GE-A&ESO Travelers for RPV internals installations Nos. HCI-E4-


TI, HCI-E7-1, HCI-DS-T No violations were identified.

2.4 Pre-Vibration Test Findings During the inspector's review of Startup QA's SOR No. 88-0213 con-cerning drawback scribe line notching of jet pump sensing lines, the licensee provided several GE letters, one of which stated that the subject was discussed and resolved previously. However, the infor-mation provided by the licensee did not contain sufficient details or the engineering basis for acceptance of the deviatio,e*


The licensee said there was more information, some of which was re-quested from GE San Jose but which was not available at the time of the inspector's exit. Therefore, this item is unresolved until the licensee provides satisfactory details with engineering basis for the acceptance of the above listed deviation (50-354/85-22-01).

2.5 QA/QC Interface As indicated in each of the paragraphs of this section, there was an effective QA and QC involvement with RPV internals installations.

GE-A&ES0 QC witnessed all work, GE-NEB 0 QA was involved, Bechtel QC monitored all work efforts, Bechtel QA Performed audits, PSE&G QA performed surveillances, and PSE&G Startup QC performed pre vibration test inspections.

No violations were identified.

3.0 Srt.nt Fuel Pool Storage Rack Installation Staty The inspector reviewed the status of the Spent Fuel Pool Storage Rack Installation.

The inspector determined that seven racks of the high density type were on site and that a receiving inspection NCR 6957 was written listing 29 discrepancies on these racks.

Installation has not been scheduled due to work being performed on the RPV and also due to the NCR which has to be dispositioned.

No violations were identified.

4.0. Unresolved Items Unresolved items are matters about which more information is required in order to ascertain whether they are acceptable, violations or deviations.

An unresolved item is discussed in paragraph 2.4.

5.0 EXIT MEETING The inspector met with the licensee's representatives (identified in para-graph 1.0), at the conclusion of the inspection on May 3, 1985, to sum-marize the findings of this inspection. At no time during this inspection was written material provided to the licensee by the inspector.