IR 05000354/1990002

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Insp Rept 50-354/90-02 on 900226-0302.No Violations Noted. Major Areas Inspected:Licensee Radioactive Liquid & Gaseous Effluent Control Programs,Including Mgt Controls, Implementation of ODCM & Calibr of Effluent Monitors
Person / Time
Site: Hope Creek PSEG icon.png
Issue date: 03/21/1990
From: Bores R, Jang J
Shared Package
ML20012E768 List:
50-354-90-02, 50-354-90-2, NUDOCS 9004060272
Download: ML20012E770 (6)












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i Report No.-

50 354/90-02


e Docket No.

50-354 j

License No. NPF-50



Public Service Electric Company


P. O. Box 236


Hancocks Bridge, New Jersey 08038 Facility Name : Hope Creek Generating Station Inspection At: Hancocks Bridge, New Jersey l


Inspection Conducted : February 26 March 2, 1990 l

l l


. s Inspector:

\\\\ & *

]dh 3-DJ~ 90-


" Jasob 0. JangIg enfo~ Radiation Specialist r



Effluents Rad ation Protection Section




3 ') l ' 7 d Approved by:





/'(t Robert J. Bores 4 Chief,FRSSB, DRSS Effluents Radiation Date Protection Section, l-t


Inspection Summary:

Inspection on February 26-March 2, 1990 (Inspection


Report No.50-354/90-02)

l Areas Inspected:

Routine, unannounced inspection of the licensee's


radioactive liquid and gaseous effluent control programs, including:

management' controls for these programs, implementation of the ODCM, calibration of effluent / process monitors, and ventilation systems.


Results: Within the areas inspected, no violations were identified. The f

licensee was implementing effective gaseous and liquid effluent control programs.













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1.0 Individuals Contacted


t 1.1 Licensee Employees l

R. Breslin

  • T. Cellmer,, Chemistry Technician


Radiation Protection Engineer

  • J. Clancy, Chemistry Technician / Chemistry Manager


Radiation Protection

M. Fagan,


L. Garrison,ior Radiation Protection Supervisor-Operations Chemistry Technician


R. Gary Sen

  • R.Griffith,Sr.IationProtectionTechnician Station QA Manager R. McCarthy, Rad i
  • P. McNulty, Engineer, Radiation Protection / Chemistry Services


J. Molner, Senior Radiation Protection / Chemistry Supervisor-Support


T. Newell, Senior Nuclear Maintenance Supervisor Radiation Protection Technician

K. Suomi, K. Watson L.Wenrick,RadiationProtectionSuperviscr-Support

- j Chemistry Supervisor-Laboratory 1.2 NRC


  • G. Tracy, Reactor Engineer, Region I


  • Denotes those present at the exit interview on March 2, 1990.

Other licensee employees were contacted and interviewed during this inspection.

2.0 Purpose The purpose of this inspection was to review the licensee's ability to implement its gaseous and liquid effluent control programs.

3.0 Management Controls


3.1 _ Program Changes There were no sig' ontrol programs since the previous inspectionnificant chan liquid effluent c performed in December 1988.

l 3.2 Audit The inspector reviewed the results of the quality assurance audit s

documented in Audit Report Number NQP-89-0664, and performed by the Nuclear Quality Assurance Department (NQAD) from October 2 to


October 26, 1989.

This audit covered areas of the Offsite Dose Calculation Manual (ODCM), radiological environmental monitoring,



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gaseous and liquid effluent control meteorological monitoring


and process control procrams. TheInspectornotedthattheaullit l

was performed by qualified auditors and conducted with technical


depth. The audit identified a few minor findings in the-i effluents control areal none of safety significance. The i

appropriate departments responded to these findings in a timely


manner. The inspector also noted that the NQAD was using a


tracking system for the followup items. The inspector had ro


further questions in this area.

3.3 Review of Sen.1 annual Reports t

The inspector reviewed semiannual radioactive effluent reports for 1988 and 1989. These reports provided total released radioactivity for liquid and gaseous effluents including assessed radiation dose projected to the public. There were no elevated

liquid or gaseous radioactive material releases during this period. Through review of these reports the inspector


determined that the licensee met the tecbnical specification i

requirements. No violations were identified.

4.0 Liquid Effluent Controls j

The inspector reviewed the licensee's discha1ng technicala permits and procedures!

to determine the implementation of the fo110w specification requirements.

o Technical Specification 3/4.11.1, "Liouid Effluents" o Technical Specification 6.8.1.(1), "Offsite Cose Calculation


Manual" i

The inspector reviewed selected liquid discharge permits and the

following procedures to determine compliance with the above


requirements, o CH-TI.ZZ-015

" Radioactive liquid Effluent Permits"


y o CH-SA.ZZ-002

" Composite Liquid Effluent Samples" i

j o CH-TI.ZZ-014

, " Manual Liquid Effluent Calculations"



o CH-SA.ZZ-001

, " Chemistry Sampling Techniques"




The inspector determined that the licensee was meeting the requirements for sampling and analysis at the frequencies and lower limits of detection established in Table of the Technical Specifications. All reviewed discharge permits met the above I



The inspector noted that the Chemistry Department had a training and qualification program for individuals who perform certain activities within chemistry operations including liquid effluents control.

The i

L inspector reviewed the Chemistry Department Qualification Manual, and i












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noted that 12 technicians were qualified to perform liquid discharge

activities such as sampling, analyzing, and reporting. The inspector interviewed three technicians and noted that they understood their


responsibilities clearly for the liquid effluent control program.

l Based on the above review, the inspector determined that the licensee


had an effective training program for the liquid effluent controls.



Within the scope of this inspection, no violations were identified.

5.0 Gaseous Effluent Controls

The inspector reviewed the licensee's gaseous discharge permits and procedures to determine the implementation of the following technical

specification requirements.

o Technical Specification 3/4.11.2}, " Gaseous Effluents" o Technical Specification 6.8.1.(1

"Offsite Dose Calculation Manual"


The inspector also reviewed selected gaseous release permits and the

following procedures to determine compliance with the above l



o RP-ST.ZZ-004(Q), " Gaseous Effluent Surveillance" o CH-SA.HA.001(R), " Sampling the Offgas-System" o M12-RER-104,

" Integration of Plant Vent Radiation Monitors

for the Radiological Effluent Release Report"


Based on the review of the gaseous release permits and procedures, and


through discussions with pertinent licensee personnel the inspector determined that the licensee had an effective radioactive gaseous effluent control program.

The inspector interviewed two of the 11 qualified Radiation Protection and Department technicians who performing sampling, analyzing, inspector


reportins for the gaseous effluents control program. The discussec. routine activities of the gaseous effluents control program with these two qualified technicians and noted that they clearly

understood their responsibilities and gaseous effluent control procedures.

Based on the above interviews, the inspector determined that the licensee had an effective training program for the gaseous effluent controls.

Within the scope of this inspection, no violations were identified, i


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6.0 Calibration of Liouid and Gaseous Effluent / Process Monitors f

The inspector reviewed the recent calibration results for the'


following effluent / process monitors ar.d liquid flow rate measurement


devices to determine the implementation of the Technical Specification j



o South Plant Vent Stack - Low, Mid, and High Range Noble Gas l



o North Plant Vent Stack - Low, Mid, and High Range Noble Gas Monitors

o Offgas Monitor


o Drywell Atmosphere Post-Accident Radiation Monitor


o Main Steam Line Monitors

o Li uid Radwaste Effluent Monitors


o Li uid Radwaste Discharoe Flow Calibration


o Co ling Tower Blowdown 9eir Calibration The licensee was not able to retrieve several monitor calibration results which listed above during this inspection because the licensee initiated a new document control system and some results were being processed for the microfiche. The licensee therefore sent these calibration results to the NRC later followlng the onsIte inspection i

activitics, t

Based on the review of the calibration results of above (

effluent / process radiation monitors and flow rate measurement devices, the inspector determined that the licensee was meeting the Technical


l Specification requirements with respect to these radiation monitors and flow rate measurement devices.

Within the scope of this inspection no violations were identified in this area.

i 7.0 Air Cleaning Systems



The inspector reviewed the licensee's most recent surveillance test results to determine the status of im Technical Specification requirements,plementation of the following o Technical Specification 3/, " Filtration, Recirculation, I

and Ventilation System" o Technical Specification 3/4/7.2, " Control Room Emergency


u Filtration System" l

l h












The following surveillance results were reviewed and all reviewed test


results were found to be within the licensee's Technical Specification j

acceptance criteria, o Visual Ins sections I

o In-Place H PA Leak Tests

o in Place Charcoal Leak Tests


o System flow Rate Tests


o Pressure Drop Tests


o Laboratory Tests for the lodine Collection Efficiencies I

o Heater Control Tests o Humidity Sensor Calibrations o Channel Calibration of the Humidity Control Instrumentations Based on the above review the inspector determined that the licensee


wasimplementingtherequIrementsfortheairc'leaningsystems I


No violations were identified.

8.0 Exit Interview The inspector met with the licensee representatives denoted in Section 1.0 at the conclusion of the inspection on March 2, 1990. The



. inspector summarized the purpose, scope, and findings of the







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