IR 05000354/1985021

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Insp Rept 50-354/85-21 on 850429-0503.No Violations Observed.Major Areas Inspected:Maint Programs, Instrumentation & Control Programs,Surveillance Test Programs,Document Control & Qa/Qc Interfaces
Person / Time
Site: Hope Creek PSEG icon.png
Issue date: 06/23/1985
From: Bettenhausen L, Blumberg N, Dev M
Shared Package
ML20127P730 List:
50-354-85-21, NUDOCS 8507020520
Download: ML20127P802 (20)








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Report No. 50-354/85-21 Docket No. 50-354 License No.

CPPR-120 Priority Category B


Licensee: Public Service Electric and Gas Company 80 Park Plaza - 17C Newark, New Jersey Facility Name:

Hope Creek Generating Station Inspection At:

Hancocks Bridge, New Jersey Inspection Conducted: April 29, - May 3, 1985 Inspectors: /d d

'N.~Bluyprg, ead acto 7 gineer date E

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c lts/gq M. Dev, Reactor Engineer Ida t'e


[Bettenhausen, Chief (MI's-Approved by:



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Operations Branch, DRS



Inspection Summary:

Inspection on April 29 - May 3, 1985 (Report No.

50-354/85-21 Areas Inspected:

Routine unannounced inspection of maintenance programs, I&C programs, surveillance test programs, document control, and QA/QC Interfaces.

The inspection involved 72 hours8.333333e-4 days <br />0.02 hours <br />1.190476e-4 weeks <br />2.7396e-5 months <br /> onsite by two region based inspectors.

l Results: No violations were identified.

l t

8507020520 850625 PDR ADOCK 05000354 G


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Persons Contacted


C. Ayars Maintenance Staff Engineer

  • T. Busch Technical Engineer
  • G. Daves Senior Operating Technical Supervisor

C. Fuhrmeister Quality Assurance (QA) Engineer A

S. Funsten Instrument and Control (I&C) Engineer E. Galbraith, Jr.

Technical Engineer i


  • A. Jiardino Manager, QA Engineering and Construction i
  • R.

Griffith, Sr.

Principal QA Engineer, Operations P. Kordziel Maintenance Planning Coordinator

  • P. Kudiess Maintenance Manager i
  • S. LaBruna Assistant General Manager


  • J. Nichols Technical Manager
  • M. Metcalf QA Supervisor (Startup)



W. Mokoid Senior Maintenance Planning Supervisor M. Phillips Technical Staff Engineer

R. Salvesen General Manager, Hope Creek Operations W. Schultz Programs and Audits Engineer, Nuclear Department M. Zapolsk Senior I&C Staff Engineer U. S. NRC l

R. Blough Senior Resident Inspector

  • S. Ebneter Director, Division of Reactor Safety Region I i
  • Denotes those present at the exit interview.




Inspection Scope The following programs which the applicant must have established for operations subsequent to receiving an operating license were reviewed:

Corrective Maintenance Program


Preventive Maintenance Program



Technical Specification Surveillance Test Program


Inservice Test Program - Pumps and Valves


Document Control








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The above programs were reviewed for conformance to the requirements and guidelines of the following:

10 CFR 50, Appendix B, Quality Assurance Criteria for Nuclear Power


Plants and Fuel Reprocessing Plants Final Safety Analysis Reports (FSAR), Section 13, Conduct of





Technical Specifications, Section 6, Administrative Controls




FSAR Section 17, Quality Assurance During the Operations Phase


Reg. Guide 1.33 - 1978, Quality Assurance Program Requirements





ANSI N18.7 - 1976, Administrative Controls and Operational Quality


Assurance for the Operational Phase of Nuclear Power Plants


ANSI N45.2.1 - 1973, Cleaning of Fluid Systems and Components -

l-ANSI N45.2.3 - 1978, Housekeeping for the Construction Phase of


Nuclear Power Plants l

In addition to the applicants programs in the above areas, QA/QC interfaces with each program were also reviewed.


The above programs are defined in station and department procedures which are listed in Attachment (1) to this report. Department procedures define in more detail each department's implementation of a station procedure.

However, departments are not required to establish an implementing proce-dure for each station procedure as they can use the station procedure directly if they desire.

Most program procedures have been established and issued.

In some instances, as noted in Attachment 1, program proce-dures are still in draft form and have not been approved or issued.

How-ever, these procedures were sufficiently developed to be inspected.

Pro-gram procedures which are not yet ready for NRC review are identified in l

the " findings" subparagraphs of this report.

An inspection order (IO) system has been developed to provide a method for each department to provide input to the computer for the scheduling of preventive maintenance (PM), calibrations, and surveillance testing.

Once an item has been placed in the 10 system, it will be automatically scheduled at the established frequency. The system will also identify i

delinquent PM and tests. All work will be controlled by the work order


(WO) system.

Each item of corrective maintenance, PM, or testing will be entered on a WO.

Plant representatives stated that it was their ultimate goal to combine the 10 and WO systems.

Repetitive PM and tests would be scheduled by preprinted W0's.







All measuring and test equipment control (M&TE) is handled by the startup group.

Plant representatives stated that both I&C and Maintenance Departments will control their own M&TE during plant operation. However, a station M&TE program has not yet been developed.

NRC review of the applicants M&TE program will be the subject of future NRC inspections.

Eight departments, I&C, Maintenance, Operations, Technical Support, Chemistry, Radiological Protection, Reactor Engineering, and the Power Ascension Phase III, are involved in developing their department proce-dures. According to the plant Operational Readiness Plan, the plant re-quires some 2550 procedures, combined together, pertaining to these depart-ments. At the time of this inspection the applicant had about 300 proce-

dures approved. The rest will be ready at least in draft form by June 15, 1985. The Site Operational Review Committee will be expected to review and approve these procedures within 3 months thereafter.

The management indi-cated that entire station procedure package will be ready for NRC review by September 15, 1985, at least 3 months prior to the fuel load schedule.


Maintenance Program 3.1 Program Review Corrective and preventive maintenance for mechanical and electrical equipment will be performed by the Maintenance Department.

I&C Department, which is discussed in Paragraph 4, will perform instru-l ment corrective and preventive maintenance. Most administrative procedures which define the station maintenance program have been



However, the routine station maintenance program has not yet been implemented, as system turnover and pre-operational testing are still in progress.

Implementing procedures for the program are being written but have not yet been issued.

The Maintenance Department, when fully staffed, will have approxi-mately 90-100 mechanics, machinists and electricians. A review of the maintenance organization indicates that it is currently almost fully staffed.

Plant representatives stated that it is intended that most maintenance activities will be performed in-house; with few exceptions for outside contractors involvement.

3.2 Area Reviewed I

i The maintenance program was reviewed to assure that the following areas were incorporated into program procedures:

A work permit system has been established for initiating and


controlling maintenance activities Criteria and responsibilities have been established for review


i and approval of maintenance work requests

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Responsibilities of maintenance personnel are defined



Methods have been established for defining safety-related


maintenance Methods have been developed for the preparation of mair.tenance


procedures and their proper approval A program has been established for the definition and


performance of preventive maintenance activities including items in storage Systems have been established for the trending and evaluation


of component failures


Methods have been established for the evaluation of


applicability of component failures identified by Nuclear Plant Reliability Data System (NPRDS)

Responsibilities and methods have been established to assure


adequate post maintenance testing will ce accomplished prior to


return to service Provisions and responsibilities have been established for the



identification of appropriate inspection hold points


QA/QC interfaces are defined


Procedures are in place for the review and storase of


maintenance records


3.3 The folicwing procedures listed in Attachment (1) were reviewed to ensure that the above areas were properly incorporated into the maintenance program:


SA-AP.ZZ-001 MD-AP.ZZ-001



SA-AP.ZZ-002 MD-AP.ZZ-002



SA-AP.ZZ-003 MD-AP.ZZ-009

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SA-AP.ZZ-009 MD-AP.ZZ-010



SA-AP.ZZ-010 MD-AP.ZZ-012



SA-AP.ZZ-014 MD-AP.ZZ-014



SA-AP.ZZ-021 MD-AP.ZZ-030



SA-AP.ZZ-030 MD-AP.ZZ-151



SA-AP.ZZ-031 OP-AP.ZZ-002



SA-AP.ZZ-032 OP-AP.ZZ-003











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3.4 Findings 3.4.1 Discussions with Maintenance Department representatives indicate that the development of a large backlog of non-critical main-tenance work orders can be a potential problem.

They stated that an administrative procedure will be written to help track, control, and minimize maintenance work order backlogs.

3.4.2 ANSI N45.2.3 states that cleanliness controls for maintenance work should be planned and documented. While program procedures have been written for the establishment of cleanliness controls, it was not clear how such controls would be implemented.

Pro-cedure MD-AP-009 requires that the maintenance planner will specify that proper cleanliness, tool control and housekeeping are specified as per SA-AP.ZZ-021 and SA-AP.ZZ-031.

However, there is no documentation required to verify how this will be done.

Maintenance representatives stated that MD-AP-009 will be revised so that housekeeping requirements would be entered in the special instructions section on the Work Order form.

In addition, in-structions in MD-009 will specify that supervisory signoff for job completion will also be for verifying that housekeeping and


cleanliness requirement were met during job performance.

3.4.3 As noted in paragraph 3.'.g the applicant intends to use few contractors for performance of plant maintenance. However, maintenance representatives stated that a small contract work force may be available to the plarP. MD-AP-014 states that

"The qualification / certification r equirements for vendor personnel performing services are identified by Quality Assurance in the procurement and documentation requirements phase of the Material Order / Item Classification (MOIC)." The inspector noted that while this was acceptable for skills level certification, any contractor / vendor personnel who routinely perform safety related maintenance should have the same plant specific training as maintenance personnel working for the Hope


Creek Generating Station. Maintenance representatives stated that M0-AP-014 will be revised to assure that contract maintenance personnel who perform maintenance on safety related equipment receive appropriate plant specific training and indoctrination.

3.4.4 Operations Department has identified the need to establish a procedure for taking equipment out of service safely.



will be incorporated in procedure OP-AP.22-108, " Removal and Return of Equipment to Service".

The procedure was in a pre-liminary draft form at the time of this inspection.

Operations i


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Department representatives stated that this procedure will con-tain a checklist which plant operators will use to assure Technical Specification operability requirements and limiting conditions for operations are considered whenever plant equipment is taken out of service for repairs.

3.4.5 Procedure MD-AP.22-150, " Department Post Maintenance Testing


Control" was identified by the Maintenance Department as a pro-cedure which would aid a maintenance planner identifying needed post maintenance testing for each work order (as applicable).

Maintenance Department personnel stated that this procedure was being deleted and the responsibility has been assigned to the Technical Department. Technical Department representatives stated that a post maintenance testing control procedure will be written.

Procedure SA-AP-009 defines the current work order process and the work order form.

This procedure specifies an entry block for identifying retest requirements prior to per-forming maintenance and an entry block for identifying additional (or different) retest requirements.

The. post mair.tenance test procedure t) be written is intended-as an aid in further iden-tifying the;e requirements.

3.4.6 Items identified in paragraphs 3.4.1, 3.4.2, 3.4.3, 3.4.4 and 3.4.5 are open items pending the applicants completion of actions stated in each paragraph.

The applicants resolution to each open item will be reviewed during a subsequent NRC:RI inspection.

The above open items in the maintenance area are collectively assigned Open Item No. 354/85-21-01.


4.0 Instrument and Control program 4.1 Program Review Corrective and preventive maintenance for plant instruments will be accomplished by the I&C Department. The I&C Department is currently part of the Technical Department under the Technical Engineer.

Dis-cussions with plant representatives indicated that plans are under way to move I&C to under the Maintenance Department at some future date.

Most administrative procedures which define the I&C program have been issued; however, the program has not yet been implemented.

Imple-menting procedures are in preparation.

Instrument calibrations, other than those required by the Technical Specifications, will be part of the instrument preventive maintenance program. The I&C Department, l

when fully staffed, will have approximately 40 technicians. A review of the I&C organization indicated that it is almost fully staffed.

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4.2 Areas Reviewed The I&C program was reviewed to assure that the following areas were incorporated into program procedures:

(Note: Maintenance areas listed in paragraph 3.2 are also applicable.

Items listed below are those which are unique to I&C.)

Responsibilities of I&C personnel are defined


Methods have been developed for the preparation of I&C


procedures and their proper approval A program has been established for the calibration of technical


specification related instruments A program has been established for the calibration of balance


of plant instruments Traininn programs have been established for I&C personnel


4.3 The following procedures listed in attachment (1) were reviewed to ensure that the above areas were incorporated into the I&C program:

SA-AP.ZZ-001 IC-AP.ZZ-003



SA-AP.ZZ-002 IC-AP.ZZ-008



SA-AP.ZZ-009 IC-AP.ZZ-009



SA-AP.ZZ-010 IC-AP.ZZ-010



SA-AP.ZZ-014 IC-AP.ZZ-014



IC-AP.ZZ-001 IC-AP.ZZ-100



IC-AP.ZZ-002 IC-AP.ZZ-101



4.4 Findings


4.4.1 Procedure SA-012 requires that a list of process instruments used to satisfy Technical Specification surveillance criteria be established and sent to the I&C Department. Such a list has not yet been developed.

I&C representatives stated that such instruments are defined by the applicant as Category B instru-ments and a list to that effect will be established.

4.4.2 I&C representatives stated that Category B instruments would be handled in the same way as non-safety related balance of plant instruments. The inspector informed the applicant that Category B instruments, because of their safety significance, require a







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higncr degree of control. A procedure (or procedures) should be established which defines calibration frequencies, setpoints, and tolerances and this procedure should go through the safety review process.

I&C representatives stated that such a proce-


dure will be developed.



4.4.3 Procedure IC-AP-001 concerns the preparation of I&C procedures.

Although this procedure has been issued, the following attach-ments identified in the procedure have not yet been written:


Attachment (5) Time Response Procedure Guidelines


Attachment (6) Corrective Maintenance Procedure Guidelines


Attachment (7) Preventive Maintenance Procedure Guidelines


Attachment (8) Loop Calibration Procedure Guidelines



t I&C representatives stated that the above attachments will be issued except Attachment (8) which might be deleted.

4.4.4 Items identified in paragraphs 4.4.1, 4.4.2 and 4.4.3 are open



items pending the applicants completion of actions stated in i

each paragraph.

The applicants resolution to each open item will be reviewed during a subsequent NRC:RI inspection.



above open items in the I&C area are collectively assigned Open

Item No. 554/85-21-02, 5.0 Technical Specif tpation Surveillance Test and Intervice Testing (Pumps

and Valves) Progiams 5.1 Program Review T.S. surveillance testing and IST will be accomplished by individual departments. A matrix is being developed which will assign responsi-bility for each required test to a specific department. Once assigned


the responsibility for a test, the individual department is responsi-ble for preparing the test procedure, scheduling, performing, and tracking the testing activities. At the time of this inspection, i

department responsibilities have not yet been fully assigned nor have most implementing test procedures been written. Tests will be sche-


duled by ccmputer using the Inspection Order (IO) form of the pre-

ventive maintenance program.

Each department is responsible for submitting the I.O. for tests under its jurisdiction.


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5.2 Areas Reviewed The surveillance test and IST programs were reviewed to assure that following areas were incorporated into program procedures:

A master test schedule has been established for surveillanc


testing; calibrations; and IST which prescribed test frequency, and assignment of responsibilities for performing the test, and maintaining test status


Responsibilities have been assigned to maintain the master test


schedule current Methods have been established for the preparation of test


procedures and documentation of test acceptance l-l Test procedures will be prepared for each test required by the



Technical Specifications l

l Test results will te properly documented and evaluated



Methods are developed for tracking and trending recurrent test


failures QA/QC interfaces are defined


l l

5.3 The following procedures listed in attachment (1) were reviewed to

ensure that the above areas were properly incorporated into the surveillance test program:

SA-AP.ZZ-001 IC-AP.ZZ-100



i SA-AP.ZZ-002 IC-AP.ZZ-101 l



SA-AP.ZZ-003 MD-AP.ZZ-001



SA-AP.ZZ-009 MD-AP.ZZ-002



SA-AP.ZZ-010 l




SA-AP.ZZ-012 MD-AP.ZZ-012



SA-AP.ZZ-014 MD-AP.ZZ-030



SA-AP.ZZ-048 OP-AP.ZZ-001



IC-AP.ZZ-001 OP-AP.ZZ-002



IC-AP.ZZ-002 OP-AP.ZZ-030



l IC-AP.ZZ-010 OP-AP.ZZ-102




5.4 Findings 5.4.1 In order to assure that all surveillance tests are performed and incorporated into appropriate plant procedures, the applicant is developing a matrix which will identify each



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Technical Specification requirement and cross-reference this requirement to a specific procedure.

In addition, the ma-trix will assign primary responsibility for each surveil-lance test to a specific department for scheduling and im-plementation.

The inspector observed that a matrix currently exists but is incomplete. The applicant stated that this matrix will be completed once the T.S. is in its final form and plant management has determined responsi-bilities for all surveillance tests.

5. 4. 2.

Acceptance criteria for inservice testing (IST) of pumps to ASME Code (lWP-3000) criteria will be developed by the applicants inservice inspection (ISI) engineering group.

I l

This acceptance criteria will not be in the test procedure but will be supplied to the Control Room as a separate docu-ment. The. operator will use this acceptance criteria to make an evaluation as to pump operability following a test.

This evaluation will be documented in the test procedure itself.

Procedural controls of engineering acceptance criteria and their distribution for use by Control Room personnel have not yet been established. This control must assure that operators have the latest and most accurate acceptance criteria.

Procedure SA-AP.ZZ-027, though developed, has not yet been issued. The applicant stated that SA-027 will be the procedure to provide controls for IST acceptance l




5.4.3 Itens identified in paragraphs 5.4.1 and 5.4.2 are open items pending the applicants completion of actions stated in each paragraph. The applicants resolution to each open item will be reviewed during a subsequent NRC:RI inspec-tion. The above open items in surveillance test area are collectively assigned Open Item No. 354/85-21-03.

6.0 Document Control Program 6.1 Program Review The station document control program is in place and operating. The Technical Document Room (TDR) is responsible for the control, acces-sibility and storage of all station "Q" related documents. Proce-dures have been established for their retention, transfer, release, and distribution and for the control, receipt and distribution of vendor documents and technical manuals.

The control of procedures and drawings have been established. The applicant has also established procedures for permanent checkout, temporary checkout, control of aperture cards and microfiche, and replacement of lost or destroyed documents.



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Procedures have been established for the review and approval of pro-cedures and procedure changes. All Station "Q" (safety related), "F" (fire protection), and "R" (radiological) procedures and changes are reviewed by the Station Operations Review Committee (SORC).

In ac-cordance with the T.S., station procedures are approved by the gen-eral manager and department procedures by department managers. All


"F", and "R" department procedures also require SORC review.


Site Engineering group has established their own system of document control.

Procedures have been established for document approval, distribution, retention, final record format, and final record loca-tion. An interim document control center has been established.

Ven-dor documents and manuals are updated periodically and current ori-ginal documents are filed in a master copy file.

The-documentation of safety-related computer software is controlled by the Management Information System and requires access authorization.

6.2 Areas Reviewed The document.:ontrol program was reviewed to assure that the follow-ing areas were incorporated into program procedures:

Master indices will be maintained for drawings, manuals,


technical specifications and procedures indicating current revisions Provisions have been established for document issuance,


distribution, use and periodic review A means to assure current as-built drawings will be provided to


the plant in a timely manner


Drawing and procedure changes receive the proper level of


management review Provisions have been established for identifying drawings that


have outstanding revisions A method for controlling obsolete drawings has been..stablished


Responsibilities have been assigned for the operation of the


document control system

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The following procedures listed in Attachment (1) were reviewed to ensure that the above areas were properly incorporated into the document control program:


SA-AP.ZZ-001 IC-AP.ZZ-003


SA-AP.ZZ-002 OP-AP.ZZ-001



SA-AP.ZZ-003 OP-AP.ZZ-002




SA-AP.ZZ-004 OP-AP.ZZ-003



SA-AP.ZZ-008 GM9-QAP-1-6








SA-AP.ZZ-044 GM9-QAP-8-2


MD-AP.ZZ-001 GM9-QAP-8-3



MD-AP.ZZ-002 SEI-5.2








IC-AP.ZZ-002 l

l 6.3 Findings No violations or other discrepancies were identified.

l 7.0 QA/QC Interfact.s Currently two sepa, ate QA groups - QA (Operations) and QA/QC (Startup)

have the QA/QC overview responsibilities for operational readiness activities at Hope Creek Generating Station (HCGS).

The inspector reviewed work activities, program procedures (see Attachment (1)), and current documentation to determine the adequacy and effectiveness of QA/QC interfaces relative to station document control and preoperational maintenance activities.

M has review responsibility for safety related


"F", and "R" procedures, including non safety related procedures to


assure that they have been properly categorized.

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At present QA/QC (Startup) group reviews the department procedures for maintenance, technical engineering, chemistry, I&C, and reactor engineering; l

and QA (operations) group reviews department procedures for operation and radiological protection.

The review is done in accordance with QA procedure GM9-QAP1-6, which establishes QA acceptability requirements and methods for resolution of comments for review of station procedures.

The station maintenance department administrative procedures have incor-porated the QA provisions of GM9-QAP3-1 for procurement of materials, equipment, and services.

In addition maintenance program procedures have incorporated the QA requirements of GM9-QAP5-1 for test equipment calibra-tion, material traceability, cleanliness and housekeeping, disposition of nonconformances, procedure prerequisites, verification of qualification and training of personnel, performance of maintenance activities, equipment


tagging, availability of procedures, proper work order signoffs, and ini-tiation and disposition of deficiency reports.

Requirements of QA proce-dure GM9-QAP5-3 for maintenance work inspection and ALARA considerations have been incorporated into the maintenance program.

Station procedures have~ included the requirement for maintenance work package review, inspec-tion hold points, and inspection attributes as outlined in GM9-QAP5-4.

The procedures also delineate the control of nonconformances during testing, inspection and maintenance activities; and provide requirements for veri-fication of completed actions, retests and inspection of results, and identification of failure mechanisms and associated corrective action measures as specified in GM9-QAP5-5.

Through the review and approval processes, the nuclear quality assurance program assures that the station quality records meet the acceptability requirements. The procedures relating to Station document control delineate the requirements for the generation of any document, its' review, approval and retention as required by GM9-QAP8-1.

In addition, GM9-QAP8-2, provides guidelines for issuance, review, approval, and distribution of quality action requests (QARs), corrective action request (CARS), and management action rer,uests (MARS).

The station quality Assurance Manual Instruction QAI 6-1, provides l

instruction for the control of the documents furnished by suppliers, A-E, j

NSSS vendor, and PSE&G QA Engineer-Construction.

i No violation or other discrepancies were identified.

8.0 Management Meetings l

Plant management was informed of the scope and purpose of the inspection l

at an entrance interview conducted on April 29, 1985.

The findings of the inspection were periodically discussed with plant representatives during the course of the inspection. An exit interview was conducted on May 3, 1985 (see paragraph 1 for attendees) at which time the findings of the inspection were presented.

At no time during this inspection was written material provided to the applicant by the inspectors.



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STATION, DEPARTMENT, AND QUALITY ASSURANCE PROCEDURES REVIEWED SA-AP.ZZ-001, Preparation and Approval of Station Procedures, Revision 2


SA-AP.ZZ-002, Station Organization and Operating Practices, Revision 1


SA-AP.ZZ-003, Document Control and Periodic Review Program, Revision 1


SA-AP.ZZ-004, Station Operations Review Committee, Revisien 2


5A-AP.ZZ-008, Station Design Changes Tests and Experiments, Revision 0


SA-AP.ZZ-009, Control of Station Maintenance, Revision 1


SA-AP.ZZ-011, Station Records Management, Revision 0


SA-AP.ZZ-010, Station Preventive Maintenance Program, Revision 1


SA-AP.ZZ-012, Technical Specification Surveillance Responsibilities,


Revision 0 SA-AP.ZZ-014, Station Personnel Qualification and Training, Revision 1


SA-AP.ZZ-015, Station Safety Tagging Program, Revision 2


SA-AP.ZZ-019, Station Material Procurement and Control Program, Revision 0


f SA-AP.ZZ-020, Non-Conformance Program


SA-AP.ZZ-021, Station Cleanliness Program, Revision 0


SA-AP.ZZ-027, Station Inservice Inspection Program, DRAFT



SA-AP.ZZ-030, Station Response and Commitment Control Program, Revision 0


SA-AP.ZZ-031, Station Housekeeping Program, Revision 2


SA-AP.ZZ-032, Revisions and Changes to Station Procedures, Revision 1



- SA-AP.ZZ-C40, Master Equipment List (MEL)

SA-AP.ZZ-044, Station Aids Programs, Revision 0


SA-AP.ZZ-047, Operating Experience Evaluation, Revision 1


SA-AP.ZZ-048, Station Performance and Reliability Monitoring, DRAFT


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MAINTENANCE DEPARTMENT ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURES MD-AP.ZZ-001, Preparation of Maintenance Department Procedures, Revision 0



MD-AP.ZZ-002, Maintenance Department Organization and Responsibilities,


Revision 0 MD-AP.ZZ-009, Control of Station Maintenance, Revision 0



MD-AP.ZZ-101, Preventive Maintenance, Revision 0


MD-AP.ZZ-012, Department Responsibilities For Technical Specification


Surveillances, DRAFT MD-AP.ZZ-014, Department Personnel Qualification and Training, Revision 0


MD-AP.ZZ-030, Department Response and Commitment Control Program,


Revision 0 MD-AP.ZZ-151, [ Maintenance] Department Control of Code Welding, DRAFT






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IC-AP.ZZ-002, I&C Organization and Responsibilities, Revision 0


IC-AP.ZZ-003, I&C Document Control and Procedure Review Program, Revision 0


IC-AP.ZZ-008, I&C Troubleshooting, DRAFT


IC-AP.ZZ-009, Control of I&C Maintenance, Revision 0


IC-AP.ZZ-010, I&C Preventive Maintenance Program, Revision 0


IC-AP.ZZ-014, I&C Personnel Qualification and Training, Revision 0


IC-AP.ZZ-100, Use of I&C Procedures, Revision 0


'C-AP.ZZ-101, Instrument Calibration Data Card Use, ORAFT














OP-AP.ZZ-001, Preparation and Approval of Operations Department I


Procedures, Revision 0


OP-AP.ZZ-002, Conduct of Operations, Revision 0


OP-AP.ZZ-003, Operations Department Document and Periodic Review Program,




OP-AP.ZZ-030, Department Response and Commitment Control Program, DRAFT


OP-AP.ZZ-102, Use of Operations Department Procedures, Revision 0


OP-AP.ZZ-103, Tagging Request and Inquiry System Use, Management, and



Audits, DRAFT l


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GM9-QAP1-4, Coordination and Verification, Revision 2


GM9-QAP1-5, Orientation and Training, Revision 2


GM9-QAP1-6, Procedure Review, Revision 1


GM9-QAP3-1, Procurement Document Review, Revision 3


GM9-QAPS-1, Monitoring Program, Revision 1



GM9-QAPS-2, Verification Program, Revision 0 GM9-QAP5-2.3, Walkdown of Contracted Modification, Revision 0


GM9-QAP5-3, Inspectio., Program, Revision 0



GM9-QAP5-4, Work Procedure Revision 0 GM9-QAP5-4.1, Contractor Procedure and Work Review, Revision 0



GM9-QAP5-5, Control of Nonconformances, Revision 1


GM9-QAP8-1, QA Record Control, P4 vision 0 GM9-QAP8-2, Document Control, Revision 0



GM9-QAP8-3, Safeguards Information Control, Revision 0




SEI-2.1, Component Functional Classification, Revision 0


SEI-2.2, Preoperational Review Committee, Revision 3



SEI-3.1, Trending Analysis, FCRs, FCNs, SCRs, and DCNs, Revision 0


SEI-5.2, Document Receipt and Distribution Procedure, Revision 0 SEI-5.3, Review and Control of Vendor Document, Revision 0


SEI-5.5, Record Turnover Schedule, Revision 0




