IR 05000354/1988010

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Insp Rept 50-354/88-10 on 880404-08.No Violations Noted. Major Areas Inspected:Review of Previously Identified Unresolved Items & Maint Outage Mgt That Encompassed Observations of Limitorque Valve Operator Insp
Person / Time
Site: Hope Creek PSEG icon.png
Issue date: 06/21/1988
From: Blumberg N, Finkel A, Rebelowski T
Shared Package
ML20196D833 List:
50-354-88-10, NUDOCS 8807010474
Download: ML20196D845 (15)







Report No.

50-354/88-10 Occket No.

50-354 License No.

NPF-57 Licensee:

Public Service Electric & Gas Company Post Office Box 236 Hancocks Bridge, New Jersey 08038 Facility Name: Hope Creek Nuclear Generating Station lospection At: Hancocks Bridge, New Jersey Inspection Conducted: April 4-8, 1988




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A. Finkel, Sent6r Reactor /ngineer J d u k & /d d A ~ l-cA//w T. Rebelow r Pgactor Engineer

/ dat(

Approved T


. Blumberg, Chief, OPS, DRS ate



Inspection Summary:

Inspection on April 4-8, 1988 (Report No. 50-354/88-10)

Areas Inspected: A routine, unannounced inspection was condut.ted of the Outage / Maintenance activities that included observations of ongoing corrective and preventative maintenance work activities.

The inspection included review of previously identiffed unresolved items; maintenance outage management that encompassed observations of limitorque valve operator inspection, repairs to piston check valve, application of liquid penetrant inspection with a freeze seal applicatien, repairs to the auxiliary cooling piping and the examination of the failed reactor main feed pump.

Reviews were also conducted in the areas of preventive maintenance of the diesel generators and the licensee's installation of a modified Standby Liquid Control System to comply with the ATWS Rule (10 CFR 50.62) was veriffeo.

Results: During the inspection, management of outage / maintenance work was observed and discussions of various work tasks were held.

The detailed planning, sequencing of job tasks in a controlled manner was observed.

Engineering attention to the modifications and day-to-day work was sa ti s f actory.

One concern was identified in that a large backlog of uncompleted preventive / maintenance surveillances has accumulated due to licensee's postponement of surveillance tests not required by the Technical Specifications.

(Paragraph 5.0)

8807010474 880621 PDR ADOCK 05000354 Q







In addt'. ton, the inspector identified the presence of non-conforming springs in the installed two inch Rockwell plug check valves. The licensee determined that the valves were acceptable for the current usage.

(Paragraph 3.2.3) No y tolations or deviations were identifie.

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OETAILS 1.0 Persons Contacted Public Service Electric and Gas Company -

R. Beckwith, Station Licensing Engineer S. Funsten, Outage Manager /IC Engineer A. Giardino, Manager Station, QA J. Hagan, Maintenance Manager S. LaBruna, General Manager L. Lake, ISI Engineer


E. Maloney, ISI Supervisor J. Nichols, Technical Manager

- i


D. Pease. System Engineer M. Sesok, Senior Engineer U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission G. Meyer, Senior Resident Inspector


2.0 Previously Identified Inspection Findings 2.1 (Closed) Violation (86-52-01)

Records were stacked in cardboard boxes rather than approved fire rated cabinets; and the humidity /

temperature indicator for 'the radiographs storage trailer was not calibrated.

The licensee immediately placed the records in an approved fire rated cabinets in the Central Records Facility trailer on site.

The humidity / temperature _ indicator was calibrated on November-18, 1986 and was found to be in calibration.

The humidity and temperature instruments have been placed in the existing calibration program for the site.

The inspector verified that the above instruments are on the present calibration program _ listing and that the radiographs have been placed and maintained in approved fire proof cabinets.

This item is closed.

2.2 (Closed) Unresolved Item (86-52-02) Certiftstion t..' compliance to the two hour fit e rating provisions of NFPA No. 232-1975 for the'

trailer that is part of the Central Records c acility had not been requested or received by the licensee.

l Whitley Manufacturing Co.,

Inc. on November

.1, 1986 provided the

licensee with the supporting data and records-to confirm that traileis Serial Nos. 20419, 20420, 20421 and 20422 did comply to the Underwriter's Laboratories Fire Resistance Directive and that i

construction of the design complies with the 2 hour2.314815e-5 days <br />5.555556e-4 hours <br />3.306878e-6 weeks <br />7.61e-7 months <br /> fire rating provisions of NFPA No.


The inspector reviewed the j

documentation letters and verified that the serial No. referenced in


the letters were tha same as being used for documentation storage by the licensee. The inspector also verified that the fire protection equipment installed in the trailers was in workirg order and in the fire equipment control program.

This item is closed.

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3.0 Outage Maintenance Activities 62700, 62702, 62703, 62704, 62705)


3.1 Scope of Inspection The licensee's performance of _ corrective and preventive maintenance activities ~was observed to ascertain that:

Field changes involving maintenance were

- sati sfactory;



Work packages were adequate-with proper documentation; Interface ~s of maintenance activities with support departments


had a free flow of communication to resolve = the identified


problem areas; and, Work request backlog was not excessive.


3.2 Observation of Maintenance In Progress 3.2.1 Limitorque Valve Inspection and Lubrication Scope of Inspection


The MSIV steam sealing system valves KP5834 A and B, 5836 A and B and 5837 A and B required larger - motors and new spring packs to provide sufficient force to close. Design Change Request (OCR) No. 4-HM-0222 was i ssued by the licensee to accomplish this task. The inspector verified and observed proper retest requirements of the above OCR.


Licensee Findings The KP valves receive a containment isolation signal to operate. The valves open if the main steam line pressure for each independent system (there a re - two independent systems) is not in excess of 20 PSIG.

If the valves are open and they receive a SIS signal, the valves will automatically close. Af ter completing the modification No.

4-HM-0222, leaks were found at the v41ve stems during their hydro testing. Torquing the valve flange bolts Miminated the stem leaks, but required a valve re-test to verify that the flange bolt torquing did not affect the valve closing time.

To assure that valve travel time and other character-istics were not affected by the flange bolt terquing, the


Instrument and Control (I&C) personnel performed a M0 VATS retest of the KP valves affected by DCR No. 4-HM-0222.


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Inspectors Findings and Observations

The inspector witnessed-the ~re+.est o f-the KP valves performed by the: 'I&C personnel. ' A comparison of the

- original MOVATS test-~ data performed. during -the DCR modification and the M0 VATS data taken following.the: flange-bolt-torquing _ indicated that there was little ' the

- overall characteristics. Based on the data reviewed it was apparent that the - KP ' valves.w'ere ~ not affected by the torquing of the flange bolts 'to' correct' the stem leaks and therefore the valves were accepted 'and.placed. in service.

No deficiencies were-identified by the' inspector.

3.2.2 Diesel Generator Maintenance Scope of Inspection

The inspector reviewed the records of the 18 month preventive maintenance that was performed in the "C" Diesel Generator, Procedure No. IC-G-400,.

Inspectors Findings The maintenance task was initiated by Work Order (WO) No.

871006197 which consisted of. repair / replacement of the following items:

Barring drive system;


Air Start distribution shaft;


Nozzles and air start check valves; and,



Torquing, lubricating and inspection of parts for wear



as described in the maintenance manual.


The documentation that the inspector reviewed during the inspection i s referenced in Attachment 1 of this report.



Cleanliness and quality hold point criteria are identified


in maintenance procedure MD-GP.ZZ-009(9), while detailed measurements values are defined in-procedure MD-ST.KJ.-001(9).

The inspector compared the recorded maintenance data with


the diesel manufacturer (Colt-Pielstick) data sheets for

verification of the following readings:

Visual gear backlash values for camshaf ts, waterpump,


a and oil pumps;

Visual firing pressure (PSI), Rack- (MM) and cylinders


temperatures per diesel cylinders (1-12); and, Visual inspection for fluid leaks, cracks, corrosion,


base bolt torquing









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Test and inspection results that were _"out of specifica-tion" were documented on the test and inspection da':

sheets and formed part of the log documentation. The "out of specification" readings were dispositioned by licensee's engineering department.

All the "use as' is" dispositions were teviewed by the inspector and in all cases were within-the acceptance criteria for the subject item.

At -the completion of the preventive maintenance task,the " C"

-diesel was tested and declared operational.

No deficiencies were identified.

'3.2.3 Valve Repair - IFDV-032 Scope of Inspection Observation of valve No. IFDV-032 repair which included-lapping' valve disc and seat, and replacement of gasket and.



Licensee Findings The licensee identified a leaking _ two inch Rockweli Piston Check Valve, 1F0V-032 with a

Maintenance Order No.


The valve is located at the 54' Elevation, in the HPCI Pump / Turbine Room.

The valve was. disassembled, i

valve cover, gasket, disk and spring were removed and the


valve seat and disc were lapped.


Inspectors Findings


The inspector observed the lapping and reassembly.

The repair package required the replacement of a. spring and cover gasket but in viewing replacement parts, the new spring was determined to be. Ils inches shorter than the old spring. The licensee', QC was notified of the anomalie and


station management cetermined that an additional similar check /alve would be opened to examine the valve internals.

Valve 1BJV027 was opened with the following results. (QA'

Surveillance Reoort 88-325)

i Replacement Spring Old (Removed) Spring Spring No. 451329 No number found P,0. P2-190340 I

QA No. 4687


Spring is 3 15/16" long Spring is 5 7/16" long 1 3/16" diameter 1 3/16" diameter 1/16" wire dimension 1/16" wire dimension 12 coils 12 coils


















The difference in the spring length was lh inches.



valve vendor was called to verify that the replacement


spring was the correct spare part.

-The spare. spring-dimensions were determined to be correct. The licensee was requested by the _ inspector to determine ' that the removed springs were acceptable, in that 28 additional similar


valves - with longer springs apparently exist in ;various -

safety. related systems. The licensee's' vendor responded to the-inquiry after testing one of the-removed springs with


+he following analysis:


The effect of the longer spring on.the. performance of




the check. valve was not significant based on 5esting


that-determined-that the additional comptession would result in a higher opening pressure '(normally about

.7 psi) and a slightly higher flow required to ~ fully


open the valve. (normally about 5 psi pressure drop within the valve).

The higher loads will not have any effect on the life-




of the spring.

The stresses calculated using the higher loads are well below the allowable levels for

- '

the spring material.


Vendor conclusions stated that the-valves will



continue to perform. satisf actorily with the longer spr_ings and will not affect form, fit or function of

the valves.


The licensee stated that it will replace springs when work is necessary on the 23 additional valves.

In addition a


search of purchase orocce for spare ' springs indicated no idantified deficiencies.


This problem is to be evaluated as potential generic concern by Region I.

The inspector,has no further concerns on licensee investigation into this anomalie.

3.2.4 Maintenance to Complete of Design Change

To determine i.he body wall weld integrity of Valve No, i

1-AP-V051, a design change no. 7189, DCR No. 4-BMP-86-099 modified the hinge pin assembly on the Anchor Darling i

Testable Check Valves. This modifiEaticn required changes to the valve internals, that required in some cases the





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removal of a portion of ~ the. internal. wall body and an external patch to be welded to the thinned body areas. -To verify that the minimum wail thickness was maintained, a


Radiograph (RT) was performed on -the area of. the patch-prior to acceptance. On valve 1-AP-V051 the radiograph was

' inconclusive and a decision was made to reshoot the patched area.. Due to the configuration of piping, the valve could


not be readily isolated and a freeze seal technique was used isolate und drain residual fluid.

Inspectors Findings The inspector observed the preparation of upstream piping 1-AP-HCD-022 (condensate Supply)

included cleaning and liquid penetrant ' testing (LP).

During.the indication of a seam was identified in the piping. A check

of drawing and engineering documentation determined that

the line was instalied under code ASTM A-12, GRTP 3046 seam-welded, which was acceptable under Power Piping: Code ANSI B31.1.

On completion of the LP test, a freeze seal was applied to pipe using an approved procedure VMD-GPZZ-001 (Q) Rev. 3 entitled "Carbon and Stainless Pipe Freezing." Observations of the inprocess freeze sealing indicated a plug tempera-ture of -31-2 F was attained and sintained with no leakage.

from a open drain line ups t reai;. of valve -No.

1-AP-V051 which was then the subject to the RT inspection. The final RT was shot and accepted by licensee's Level III personnel.

The inspector read the film which showed proper orientation.

The radiographic techniques and examination reports were acceptable.

In addition, the inspector reviewed the qualifications of personnel performing in LP

inspection and they were acceptable.

The lnspector has no further question in this area.

No deficier.cies were



l 3.2.5 Safetv_an.d Turbine Auxiliary Cooling System (STACs)


Scope of Inspection Ae inspection of.he STACs piping and heat exchangers was performed.

The Safety and Turbine Cooling Systerr consists


of two independent Safety Auxiliary Cooling (SACS) and two


Turbine Auxiliary Cooling loops.

Each SAC has two STAC to Service Water (SW) heat exchangers.

Localized pitting of


the SW piping was previously identified by the licensee and a scheduled outage examination indicated that a number of service water piping runs exhibited areas of pitting below the minimum wall acceptability and required repairs.







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- The SAC Heat Exchanger 182E201 inlet and outlet elbows and piping runs were found ~ to be below minimum wall thickness.

The 24" piping has a-nominal. wall thickness of.414. inches with a minimum acceptable - thickness of.125 inches.



inspector examined the internals of. elbows and piping runs and found numerous pitted areas including some thru-wall, where the pipe coating material was not intact.

Weld repairs and RT were performed to correct-and verify ~ pipe thickness.

Inspectors Findings-The inspector observed the welding and reviewed licensee acceptance of completed repairs.

Additional coatings - of -

preservative "Belzone R&S" were used over repaired areas.

In addition, the inspector observed numerous examples - of


nitted and repaired areas.

Discussions with the licensee


of their program to reduce piping deterioration determined that the licensee is pursuing a review of piping materials


to determine if a.less corrosive piping could be used for j

future modifications. Licensee review of velocity and flow condition to reduce turbulence and oxygen is under study.

Additional monitoring of the. corrosion conditions of the service water piping i s scheduled during the unit operation. The inspector has no further questions at this time.

3.2.6 Main Feed Pump Repair Scope of Inspection During the inspection, the turning gear motor associated with the

"A" Reactor Feed Pump tripped and could not be reengaged.

The inspector observed the disassembly of the j

"A" Reactor Feed Pump.

Maintenance Procedure MD-CM.AE-001(2), "Reactor Feed Pump Overhaul" was the controlling document.

A number of areas were observed including:

Proper tagging was in place




The feed pump was drained and vented




A Radiation Work Permit was issued and radiation monitoring personnel were involved j

Maintenance Supervisor and mechanics were knowledge-



able of details of the repairs.





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Licensee Findings On removal of turbine pump bolting and coupling the Reaccor Feed Pump was found seized.

Disassembly continued and all the parts were found undamaged with the exception of the breakdown bushing.

The. breakdown bushing has -a rectangular shaping at top of each labyrinth (vs. normal knife edge) was _ rolled over and a amount of metal was displaced and found on the shaft.

The displaced metal seized the_ shaft to breakdown bushing inhibiting all movement.

The vendor has recommended that prior to installation of _ new breakdown bushing, the edge of the square labyrinth should be lapped with a abrasive to remove possible high points incurred during manufacture.

The licensee will include this information in the next rev*sion to his procedure.

The repair was not completed pric. to completion of this inspection.

The operational testing of this pump will verify the maintenance repairs.

The inspector inquired if this candition of metal rollover would be identified in a expeditious manner through a maintenance

"alert" from vendor (Ingersol-Rand).

The licensee agreed to this action.

Inspector Findings The pump was received in a preassembled package and maintenance had no prior knowledge of the type of failure caused by the breakdown bushing.

The maintenance program precluded inadvertent equipment failures.

All areas in:pected above were found to be satisfactory.

The inspector had no further questions.

4.0 Surveillance Testing (61725. 61700)

4.1 Scope of Testing The inspector witnessed surveillance testing of the Reactor Meter Level Transmitter (Rosemont No. 402E) to verify that equipment testing complied with the Technical Specifications and that the procedures used verified the operational characteristics of the items tested.

Findings A

surveillance test was performed per specification No.

1C-SC-5A-003(Q) as modified per Design Change Request (DCR) No.


The DCR added a capacitor across the transmitter sensor to change the circuit time constant value and dampen the system

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response to noise signal from activating the system.

The test section of procedure No.


. as changed to w

test ICA-0115. The inspector verified that the testing was performed per DCP No. AHC-0115, (Procedure No.


and that the Instrument and Control (I&C) technicians complied with the following requirements:

Prior to testing, the. control room supervisor approved the work



The I&C technician recorded the as found' condition of the


transmitters before performing the testing.

The test equipment was within calibration and the-serial


numbers of the equipment recorded on the test data sheets.


Cleanliness protection of the ' transmitter was maintained I


throughout the test.


Quality control monitored the modification as required by the procedure, and; The control room supervisor was notified by the iead I&C


technician that the test was completed prior to leaving the area.

The inspector determined through work observations and discussions with the craft personnel that they were knowledgeable of their procedure requirements and that they perfor' d. their testing in accordance with their I&C guidance and instruct


The System and Support Engineer were found knowledgeable and ' pressed attitudes of desired excellence in the accomplishment of ;... i r assigned tasks.

In addition, the the surveillance procedure they were using and that the design change criteria of DCP No. AHC-0115 was verified by testing.

No deficiencies were identified.

5.0 Preventive Maintenance Program (PMP) (62700)

Scope oT Inspection The inspector reviewed the Preventive Maintenance Program to determine thet the program addressed the maintenance of components and instruments important to safety, that staffing was available to perform program and that the control of PMP procedure performance was such that a minimum backlog of uncompleted procedures was maintained.

Inspector Findings The PMP program has been expanded by the licensee to include the following:















Components and instruments not presently in PMP that would enhance


operational performance, PM's that were performed during the start-up phase, and completed once


but were not subsequently incorporated into the sequence of repeated tests.


The arbitrary frequency' of eighteen (18) months was assigned to the new PMP procedures.

Based on the completion dates of startup tests.the assigned frequency a number of PMP. procedures were overdue at time - of -



In addition, the licensee postponed, due to ' personnel unavailability,' the PMP program during the outage, resulting in a backlog.

of over 600 uncompleted procedures, i

The licensee has recognized that PMP backlog was excessive. and stated


that the following corrective actions were being pursued.


Contractor personnel will remain for an additional three months after



the completion of the outage to eliminate the backlog.

Additional permanent personnel have been requested to complete the


expanded PMP.


The PMP procedures will be reviewed to determine if the frequency of performance can be expanded to longer intervals with additional review of manloadirg.

A goal of less than 6*; uncompleted tasks over the outage to outage


interval has been established.

The licensee's control over PMP backlog will be subject to future NRC review.

The area of PMP backlog is a weakness which is being corrected by the licensee.

6.0 Anticipate Transients With Scram (ATWS) Rule, 10 CFR 50.62 (25029)




j On February 25, 1983, during sta< tup cf the Salem Unit 1 plant, both


Westinghouse-type 08-50 reactor trip system (RTS) circuit breakers failed to open automatically when a valid tr:p signal was received on a low-low steam generator water level.

The Commission has reviewed several intermediate - term actions to be taken by licensees and applicants as a result of the Salem ATWS.

The actions were devel3 ped on the basis of information con ta i"< in NUREG 1000, "Generic Implicaticn of ATWS Events at the Salem Nuclear Power i

Plant". The Of fice of Nuclear Reactor Regulations (NRR) issued GL83-28


to all licensees and applicants on July 8, 1983.

Pursuant to 10 CFR


50.54(f), GL83-28 requires the utilities to furnish the status of current conformance with the position contained in the GL and the plans and j

schedules for any needed improvements, i


















On October 14, 1987, NRC completed their review of Public Service Electric and Gas Company (PSE&G) submittals dated May 21,1985; April 2,1987; and July 14,1987 describing how the Hope Creek Alternate _ Rod Injection (ARI)

system, Anticipated Transient Without Scram reactor coolant recirculation pump trip (ATWS/RPT) and Standby Liquid Control (SLCS) ' systems meet the requirements of the ATWS Rule (10 CFR 50.62). Based on the information in these submittals the NRC concluded that Hope Creek is currently in-l compliance with the ATWS rule requirements for the ARI and ATWS/RPT


systems, i

In addition to the above approval, the NRC has. approved the Standby Liquid l

Control System Sodium Pentaborate Concentration System modification through Amendment 11 to Facility Operating License No. NPF-57 for the Hope Creek Generating Station.


Ins p ction Verification of the Standby Liquid Control System for Eompliance with the ATWS Rule, 10 CFR 50.62 The inspector selected the Standby Liquid Control System (SLCS) for verification since testing was completed during this inspection period.

The inspector reviewed the records and procedures for procuring, storage and mixing the sodium pentaborate in addition to the surveillance records verifying compliance with their Technical Specification (TS) requirements of section 3/4 1-19, Amendment No. 11.

The inspectors review of the licensee's daily, monthly and eighteen month surveillance records of the SLCS verified compliance with TS surveillance requirements of paragraph 4.1.5(a),(b) and (c) (see Attachment 1 of this report). The inspector verified that the daily operating record reading of the SLCS were within the Mode 5 (cold shutdown) TS range during that period of time.


No deficiencies were identified by the inspector. The licensee's program did comply with the ATWS Rule, 10 CFR 50.62.

7.0 Exit Meeting Management Meetings Licensee management was informed of the scope and purpose of the inspection at the entrance meeting conducted on April 4,


The findings of the inspection were periodically discussed with licensee representative during the cou*se of the inspection. An exit meeting was conducted on April 8,1988, at which time the findings of the inspection were presented.

At no time during this inspection was written material concerning the inspection findings provided to the licensee by the inspectors.

The licensee did not indicate that any propriety information was involved within the scope of this inspection.




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Attachment A i

i This attachment lists under the paragraph titles, the principle documents and drawings used to address the issues in the findings.

Previously Identified Unresolved Items (Paragraph 2.0)



Whitley Manufacturing Co. Inc., letter dated January 27,1987 referencing



third party inspection agency Licensee letter NLP-N87014, February 2, 1987 to US NRC


. Licensee letter NLP-N87029, March 2,.1987 to US NRC


Limitorque Valve Operator (Paragraph 3.2.1)


Design Change Request (DCR) 4-HM-0222



Design Change Package Form SE-AP.ZZ-008 (Q)


Limitorque Valve operator inspection and lubrication - MD-PMN.ZZ-004(Q)


General instruction for pump disassembly, inspection and reassembly -





Diesel Generator _(Paragraph 3.2.2)

Work Order No. 371006197



Manufacturers Instructions M18(Q)-499(1), Chapter-1, Section 1,


Supplement Page W2.


Piston Check Valve (Paragraph 3.2.3)

Drawing ACD 31602414 Rockwell Edward Forge Steel Piston Check


April 15 letter Rockwell International to PSE&G


Purchase order D2-190340 (1-8-87)



Work Order No. 880404071 - Valve Repair


Quality Assurance Surveillance Report 88-325


l Certificate of Conformance - Rockwell Int - PSE&G i


Freeze Seal - NDE-LP Inspection (Paragraph 3.2.4)


Procedure VMD-GP22-001(Q) Rev 3 Carbon Stainless Steel Pipe Freezer


Personnel Qualification - Branch Radiographic Piping Class Sheet - Orawing No. 10855-P-0500 Rev 9, Sheet 2 of 86-



Auxiliary Cooling Systems (Paragraph 3.2.5)

i Weld History Record - WI M-HC-EA-006-SO9FW17


j Station Deficiency Report 88-1066


Surface NDE Report HC0085-M


i Corrective Maintenance Work Order 880305045


Hope Creek Service Water P&l0 M-10-1Sh.1, 2&3



I Reactor Feed Pump (Paragraph 3.2.6)

Reactor Feed Pump Overhaul Maintenance Procedure MD-CM.AE-00(Z)



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-2-Attachment A AnticipatedTransientsWithoutScram(ATWS){ Paragraph 6.0)



US NRC letter, October 14, 1987, to licensee, Compliance with ATWS Rule 10 CFR 50.62 (TAC No. 61255)

US NRC letter, November 9,1987, to licensee, Standby Liquid Control


System Sodium Pentaborate Concentration (TAC No. 61255)


Licensee letter to the US NRC, NLR-N87131, July 14, 1987, Request for Amendment to facility operating license NPF-57, Hope Creek Generating Station, Docket No. 50-354 Daily Surveillance Test (SLCS)


OP-OL.ZZ-026(Q) Surveillance Log Control Room Procedure



OP-AP.ZZ-107(Q) Nuclear Control Relief Checklist Daily Surveillance Log Data for March 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17,


18, and 19, 1988.

Monthly Surveillance Test (SLCS)


OP-ST.BH-001(Q) SLCS Valve Operability Test (VOT)


Monthly SLCS V0T Test data for January 1,1988, March 10,1988 and


March 23, 1988


Eighteen Month Surveillance Test (SLCS)

OP-ST.BH-003(Q) SLC System Tank Flow Test



OP-ST.BH-004(Q) SLC System Storage Tank Heater Operability Test Work Orders 87G929006, December 16, 1987


870724126-7 October 2, 1987, and 871002169, December 12, 1987.

Manual / Drawing Numbers


P&ID M-30-1, Sheets 1, 2, 3 Vendor Manual M18(Q)-499


Maintenance Procedure MD-GP.ZZ-009(Q) General


Maintenance Procedure MD-ST.KJ-001(Q) Emergency Diesel Generator (18 month Surveillance /PM).

Fire Protection Impairment Permit - Form SA-AP.ZZ-025-1.


Materials Management System material issue forms


Miscellaneous Procedures Procedure AP.22-022(Q) Department Control of Calibration Measurement and


Test Equipment Daily Planning Package, 4/5/88, 4/4/88



Maintenance Department Preventive Maintenance, Program Percert Recurring


Task Overdue 3/4/88 Design Change Procedures Closure Status 4/6/88






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