IR 05000354/1987013

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Insp Rept 50-354/87-13 on 870504-06 & 12.No Violations Noted.Major Areas Inspected:Licensee Activities in Areas of Surveillance Testing,Procedures & Records
Person / Time
Site: Hope Creek PSEG icon.png
Issue date: 06/01/1987
From: Blumberg N, Finkel A
Shared Package
ML20214T930 List:
50-354-87-13, NUDOCS 8706100487
Download: ML20214T937 (6)


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Report No.


Docket No. 50-354 License No.

NPF-57 Licensee:

Public Service Electric and Gas Company Hancocks Bridge, New Jersey 08038 Facility Name: Hope Creek Generating Station


Inspection At: Hancocks Bridge, New Jersey Inspection Conducted: May 4-6 and 12, 1987 Inspectors:



A. Finkel, Lead Reactfr Mgineer date 08, OPS, DRS


Approved by:

Norman J. Blumberg, Chief /

date-Operational Programs Section,-08, DRS


Inspection Summary:

Routine, Unannounced inspection conducted on May 4-6 l

and 12, 1987, (Report No. 50-354/87-13)-

- Areas Inspected:

Routine. unannounced inspection of licensee's activities in the areas of surveillance testing, procedures and records.

Results: No violations or deviations were identified.








8706100497 870604 PDR ADOCK 0500

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Persons Contacted Public Service Electric and Gas Company (PSE&G)

  • R. Beckwith, Station Licensing Engineer
  • G. Connor, Operations Manager
  • S. Funsten, Instrumentation and Control Engineer


  • R. Griffith, Principal Engineer-Quality Assurance P. Krishna, Assistant to General Manger (HCO)
  • G. Roggio, Station License Engineer-Salem
  • R.:Salvesen, General Manager (HCO)

United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission

  • D. Allsopp, Resident Inspector R. - Brady, Reactor Engineer

The inspector also held discussions with managers, supervisors and other licensee employees during the course of the inspection, including operations, technical and administrative personnel.


Maintenance Organization Maintenance activities are controlled and conducted by the onsite maintenance section.

The maintenance section is made up of two main


groups; mechanical and electrical group which function under one supervisor and.the instrumentation and control (I&C) group which is under an I&C engineer.

2.1 Surveillance Activities 2.1.1 Administrative Controls Administrative controls were reviewed to evaluate the licensee's program for implementing requirenents associated


with their FSAR and Technical Specifications in the area of


surveillance testing, procedures and records.

The documents reviewed by the inspector are listed in Attachment 1.

l 2.1.2 Surveillance Test Witnessed

The inspector witnessed the following surveillance test performed by the I&C section.





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Reactor - Water Cleanup System Isolation, RWCU Area

Temperature - High.

(Steam Leak Detector Temperature


Switch) TS

During the preparation for this surveillance test, the inspector verified that the I&C technicians and the quality control inspector'

had performed the _ procedures'


The inspector also verified that the surveillance procedure had acceptance criteria and instructions to ensure'that the components were restored to operational status after the surveillance testing was completed.

This was also verified by the Quality Control (QC) inspector and the shift operator.

The Hope Creek Order Request System (HCORS) provides the surveillance work orders that are scheduled by the 1&C group for work and the-due and overdue dates ~ for each surveillance test.

The inspector verified that the i

surveillance test on the RWCU temperature switch was within the dates on the HCORS.


No violations or deviations were identified.

l 2.1.3 Surveillance Reports The completed surveillance test procedures, listed in Attachment 1, were reviewed by the inspector to verify that the data in the procedures complied with the following criteria:

i j

Surveillance tests performed were in conformance with

j their Technical Specifications, the IST program and

procedural requirements;



Test data results sere reviewed and signed by


management; i

Test were performed within the due dates listed in

the HCORS; and,


Test data was signed and witnessed by qualified



The' inspector reviewed both the management and quality control surveillance overdue listings and determined that no Technical Specifications surveillance tests were listed as overdue. The procedures reviewed by the inspector were i

from January to May 1987.

No violations or deviations were identified.



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Incident Reports The inspector reviewed selected incident reports that were attributed to the I&C group. During this incident report review, the inspector deter-mined that the use of a model Simpson 260 Volt-0hm-Milliamp meter (VOM)

may have unnecessarily challenged the plant equipment and safety systems.

The licensee was already awate of th4 concern.

Their onsite Safety Review Group (OSRG) had iden t' fied it as a result of their review of Incident Reports87-007, 87-016, 1-020,87-032, 87-036 and 87-059.


Maintenance Department Personnel Qualification and Training Program The maintenance organization had approximately 1/3 of its permanent I&C surveillance personnel in training during this inspection period.

The permanent staff was supported with contractor personnel which was adequate to perform the Technical Specifications (TS)

surveilla'nce testing requirements. The large number of I&C personnel in training at the same time was due to the licensee's delay in restarting the plant.

Their normal schedule of training does not have this percent of I&C personnel taking training at the same time.

The I&C personnel performing the surveillance testing, witnessed by the inspector, were knowledgeable of the testing procedures they were using.

A review of their training records indicated that they were certified for this type of work.

No violations or deviations were identified.


Quality Assurance The quality assurance personnel are notified on a daily basis the type of safety related surveillance testing and modification work planned.

Selection and assignment of surveillance testing inspections are determined during the morning that the work is to be performed. The NRC inspector reviewed the quality inspection selection of the surveillance test that QA was to witness on May 5-6, 1987. The inspector observed that the quality control inspector verified with the surveillance I&C personnel the following:

Procedure prerequisites were complied with;

Surveillance testing was within the Technical Specifications time

frame; and, Test equipment used was within the calibration dates on the equipment







The inspector verified that both the I&C technicians andiquality control-inspector were knowledgeable of the surveillance testing they were performing and witnessing.

No violations or deviations were identified.


Exit Meeting The inspector met with licensee management representatives (see section

'1. 0 for attendees) at an exit meeting on May 12, 1987.

The inspector summarized the scope and findings of the inspection at that time.

At no time during this inspection -was written material provided to the licensee by the inspecto _



ATTACHMENT 1 Surveillance Procedures and Test Data Reviewed Set Point / Functional Test Work Order No.87-068 TS & 1.2.B Standby -Liquid Control System Valves, Work Order No. 87-0217 ISI Test OP-IS.BH-102(Q)

Incore Probe System Valves Work Order No. 87-0219 ISI OP-IS.SE-102(Q)

'4.16KV SWG CUBCL 01-Relay /31 Day Work Order Nos. 87-0416-0223, Surveillance / Degraded Voltage Channel 0231, 0240 and 0258.


Functional Test TS 5.B Fire Protection - Tray Cover Inspection Work Order No.87-039 Condenser Vacuum Surveillance Procedure No. IC-FT, SM,033 (Q)


TS Steam Line Temperature Procedure No. IC-CC.SK-011 (Q)


TS IBC-693 Main Rod Monitor Panel Procedure No IC.FT.SB-014 (Q)



' Administrative Procedures Reviewed Station Preventive Maintenance Program, Procedure No. SA-AP.ZZ-010 (Q),

Revision 6, January 28, 1986


Station Fire Protection Program, Procedure No. SA-AP.ZZ-025.(Q), Revision 5 Maintenance Department Procedures Reviewed



Maintenance Department Preventive Maintenance Program, Procedure No. MD-AP.ZZ-010 (Q), Revision 1



Department Personnel Qualification and Training, Revision 3,


- Procedure No. MD-AP-ZZ-014_(Q)




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