IR 05000354/1988017

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Insp Rept 50-354/88-17 on 880509-13.No Violations Noted. Major Areas Inspected:Licensee Effluent Controls,Liquid Effluent,Gaseous Effluent,Effluent Monitor Calibr, Ventilation Sys & Offsite Dose Calculation Manual
Person / Time
Site: Hope Creek PSEG icon.png
Issue date: 06/02/1988
From: Jang J, Pasciak W
Shared Package
ML20155D724 List:
50-354-88-17, NUDOCS 8806150395
Download: ML20155D735 (6)




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Report No.

50-354/88-17 Docket No.



License No. NPF-50 Category C


Public Service Electric & Gas Company 80 Park Plaza - 17C Newark, New Jerrey 07101 Facility Name: Hope Creek Generating Station Inspection At: Hancock's Bridge, New Jersey Inspection Conducted: May 9-13, 1988 l


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. C. Jang, Sr. Radiati Specialist date al Approved by. (}.d- ' IWWM b'2'88


.pt.W. J. Pasciak,' Chief, Ef fluent Radiation date Protection Section l

Inspection Summary:

Inspection on May 9-13, 1988 (Inspection Report


No. 50-354/88-17)

Areas Inspected:

Routine, unannounced inspection of the licensee's effluent controls:

liquid effluent, gaseous ef fluent, effluent monitor ca'iibration, ventilation system, and ODCM. Areas reviewed included:

one previously identi-fied item and 1987 Semiannual Effluent Release Reports.

Results: Within the areas reviewed, no violations were identified.

l 8806150395 880607 PDR ADOCK 05000354 L


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Details 1.

Individuals Contacted


R. Choromanski, System Engineer

  • J. Clancy, Radiation Protection / Chemistry, Manager J. Defebo, QA Operations, Lead Engineer V
  • S. Funsten, Planning Department Acting Manager
  • R. Gary, Radiation Protection Supervisor
  • A. Giardino, Manager - Station QA J. Hawrylak, System Engineer
  • E. Karpe, Radiation Protectior - Sr. Radiological Engineer M. LaVacchia, QA Operations, Principal Engineer
  • K.' Maza, Chemistry Supervisor
  • P. McNulty, Asst. Engineer, Radiation Protection / Chemistry Services G. Morill, Radiation Protection Supervisor, Effluents
  • J. Nichols, Technical Manager
  • A. Schettino, QA Operations, Sr. Staff Engineer
  • M. Sesok, Sr. Engineer D. Smith, System Engineer
  • L. Wenrick, Nuclear Technical Supervisor, Chemistry J. Wilkens, I&C Supervisor
  • J. Wray, Radiation Protection Engineer (Salem)
  • denotes those present at exit interview on May 13, 1988.


Other licensee employees were contacted and interviewed durinq the inspec-tion.


Licensee Action on Previous Finding (Closed) Followup Item (50-354/87-07-01) Delay time calculation of Xe-133 and Kr-85.

The inspector reviewed the licensee's delay time calculations and the results met the FSAR committments.




Audits The inspector reviewed the following QA audits with respect to Technical e

Specification requirements:

(1) Audit Number 87-342; Technical Specification - Operations, g5can July 27,1987


(2) Audit Number 87-480; 7 Chemistry / Sampling and Analysis, October 20, 1988 (3) Audit Number 88-043; Radiation Protection Count Room,


February 12, 1988

(4) Audit Number 88-280; Radiation Protection Count Room,


March 15, 1988





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(5) Audit Number 88-334, Chemistry Analysis of RCS-Dose Equivalent I-131, April 13, 1988 The audits appeared to cover the stated objectives and were thorough.



inspector also noted the audits were performed by a qualified lead auditor and audit-identified deficiency followups were excellent. No violations were identified.


Liquid Effluent Controls

The inspector reviewed the following procedures to determine the implementation of the Technical Specification requirements (3/4.11.1 Liquid Effluents, and 3/4.11.1 Dose):

(1) CH-TI.ZZ-014(Q); Manual liquid Effluent Calculation, Rev. 1 March 27, 1987 i




(2) CH-TI.XX-015(Q); Radioactive Liquid Effluent Permit, Rev. 4


February 25, 1988

.(3) RP-ST.SP-001(Q); Monitor Source Check and Setpoint Calculations Prior to Liquid Effluent Release, Rev. 15 March 21,


1988 The inspector also reviewed the liquid radwaste discharge permits for May'


The licensee generally discharged liquid radwaste four times per day. The discharge permits contained the total amount of radioactive

, material released and the dose calculations for each discharge. The


inspector determined that the licensee was meeting the requirements for


sampling and analysis at the frequencies and lower limit of detections l

j-established in Technical Specification Table

All discharges met the Technical Specification requirements.

Within the scope of this review, no violations were identified.


-Gaseous Effluent Controls Procedure RP-ST.ZZ-004(Q): Gaseoes Effluent Surveillance, implements


Technical Specification requirements (Sections,,,, and

The inspector reviewed the procedure and associated records and then determined that the licensee i

met the Technical Specification requirements.

t i

The inspector reviewed Procedure RP-SA.ZZ-001(Q): Airborne Radioactivity

Sampling, Revision 8, April 19, 1988. This procedure describes the

sampling techniques for particulates, iodines, noble gases, and tritium.

  • The licensee uses Procedure IAW RP-SA.ZZ-002(Q), Airborne Radioactivity l

Analysis for airborne samples.

l Within the scope of these reviews, no violations were identified.







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Radiation Monitoring Instrumentation 6.1 Introduction The inspector examined the liquid and gaseous effluent monitors and process monitors with respect to Technical Specification requirements for calibration and functional testing.

Electronic calibration and functional tests are performed by I&C personnel.

Also source' calibrations of the radiation monitors are performed by I&C personnel but the current radioactivity (decay calculations) of the sources are calculated by Radiation Protection personnel.

6.2 Liquid Effluent Monitors The inspector reviewed the following calibration procedures and results:


IC-CC.SP-025(Q); Channel Calibration, Monitor RY-4861, Liquid Radwaste Discharge Monitor (2)

IC-SC.SP-028(Q); Sensor Calibration, Channel RE-4861, Liquid Radwaste Discharge Monitor, Calibration Date:

February 27, 1987 (3)

IC-CC.SP-022(Q); Channel Calibration, Monitor RY-8817, Cooling Tower Blowdown (4)

IC-SC.SP-029(Q); Sensor Calibration, Channel RE-8817 Cooling Tower Blowdown, Calibration Date: March 6, 1987 During the previous inspection in this area (Inspection Number 50-354/86-33) the licensee had a plan to compare the monitor readings against grab sample results determined by laboratory analysis.

The results of this comparison study would provide the licensee information about the reliability nf the monitor. The inspector reviewed the comparison results during this inspection and noted that the monitor results were in good agreements with the grab sample results.

Within the scope of the review, no violations were identified.

6.3 Gaseous Effluent Monitors The inspector reviewed the following calibration procedures and results:


IC-SC.SP-008(Q); Sensor Calibration, RE-4811 A Filtration Recirculation Ventilation (FRVS) System Calibration Date: April 21, 1988 (2)

IC-CC.SP-031(Q); Channel Calibration RY-4811 Filtration


Recirculation Vent i


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(3) IC-CC.SP-021(Q); Channel Calibration, RY-48758 South Plant Vent (SPV)


(4) IC-SC.SP-014(Q); Sensor Calibration, RE-48758 South Plant Vent Noble Gas 0-(5) -IC-CC.SP-015(Q); Channel Calibration, RY-4873B North Plant Vent (NPV)


(6) IC-SC.S -020(Q); Sensor Calibration, RE,4873B North Plant Vent Low Range Calibration Date:

February 17, 1987 All procedures contain acceptance criteria and calibration results were within'the acceptance criteria.


'In reviewing the noble gas monitor calibration data, the inspector noted that the licensee had a contractor (Watts-Bar Jones, Nuclear Service Inc.) who performed noble gas monitor efficiency measurements (NPV, SPV, FRVS) in 1986.

The licensee used these



measurement results to correct the monitor conversion factors for NPV. SPV, FRVS (conversion factor = pCi/cc/ counts per minute).

The contractor used NBS traceable Xe-133 and Kr-85 radioactive gas sources to determine the monitor efficiencies.

The inspector also reviewed test results of particulates and iodine


loss in the sampling line for NPV and SPV.

The inspector noted that the licensee applied line loss factors in the gamma counting system


as part of the calculations.


Within the scope of the review, no violations were identified.

6.4 Offgas Radiation Monitor The inspector reviewed offgas radiation monitors calibration procedures and results for Channels A and B.

Channels A and B were

calibrated on August 13, 1986 and July 6,1986, respectively.

The inspector determined that the calibrations were performed as required by the appropriate procedures and Technical Specifications.


Testing of Air Cleaning Systems



The inspector reviewed the licensee's air cleaning systems (control room


and FRVS) with respect to Technical Specification requirements and the results of the 1987 HEPA and charcoal ab:orber in place and laboratory tests. All results met the requirements.

i 8.

Offsite Dose Calculations i

i The inspector reviewed the Offsite Dose Calculation Manual (0DCM), Rev.

8, i

June 1987, and Semiannual Effluent Release Reports for 1987. The inspector also reviewed total error calculations for liquid, gaseous, and l












solid radwaste.

The estimated total errors of reported liquid and gaseous releases and solid radwaste shipment were listed in the semiannual reports.

The inspector performed a spot check on the calculated dose using the model equations in the 00CM.

The spot check calculations performed by the inspector agreed with those of the licensee.

Wit'in the scope of the review the licensee complied with Technical Specification requirements.


Exit Interview The inspector met with the licensee's representatives (denoted in Detail 1) at the conclusion of the inspection on May 13, 1988. The inspector summarized the scope of te inspection and results as described in this report.

