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Requests NPDES Permit PA0051926 to Be Amended to Allow Solution Pentaborate to Be Discharged to Schuylkill River from Outfall 001 Via Holding Pond (Monitoring Point 201)
Person / Time
Site: Limerick  Constellation icon.png
Issue date: 01/31/1994
From: Matty R
To: Garg S
NUDOCS 9402140139
Download: ML20063F151 (16)


{{#Wiki_filter:. . . . . . . . 5 . .. .


_= . PECO ENERGY ecco c"e<9, c-- ", 2301 Market Streer PO Box 8699 Phdadelphta, PA 191014699 215 841 4000 . t January 31,1994


Mr. Sohan Garg Department of Environmental Resources  ; Suite 6010. Lee Park

                                                                                                                                                 't 555 North Lane Conshohocken. PA 19428                                                                                                                     i i

Dear Mr. Garg:



Limerick Generating Station NPDES Pennit No. PA0051926 Pursuant to Chapter 92.7, " Reporting of New or increased Discharges." we are requesting the subject permit be , amended to allow a solution of xxlium pentaborate to be discharged to the Schuylkill River from outfall 001 via i the holding pond (monitoring point 201). As per our telephone conversation on Thursday, January 6,1994, the concentration of sodium pentaborate in the final effluent of outfall 001 will te limited to 57 mg/l average and 285 mg/l inst;mtaneous maximum. The following information/ plan is being provided to demonstrate that the specified concentration limitations will not be exceeded: l) 25 - 55 gallon drums of sodium pentaborate are to be released. The material will be released over 5 holding pond discharge events (5 barrels or 275 gallons per discharge event).

2) Limerick Generating Station Technical Specifications dictate that the maximum allowabla concentration of sodium pentaborate to be used in the stand-by liquid control sysu.m is' l 138,000 ppm (Note. the present solution has a concentration of 135.000 ppm). Herefore,-

F releasing 275 gallons of solution into the 200.000 gallon holding pond will resuh in a  ! concentration of 189.75 ppm of sodium pentaborate in the holdi..g pond.

3) Discharge from the holding pond commences when the level in the pond reaches 200.000 gallons. He holding pond discharges at a flow of 1.0(X) gpm and mixes with cooling tower blowdown. The minimum allowable cooling tower blowdown now rate is 5000 gpm (the maximum blowdown rate is 10,000 gpm). The mixture of holding pond efuuent and cooling
                                                                                                                                                 '1 tower blowdown will result in a corcentration of 38 ppm of sodium pentaborate in the final efnuent at outfall 00L Dis numbet conservative due to the use of the maximum allowable                            .j '

concentration of sodium pentaborate and the mi Snum cooling tower blowdown rate in the final - cfuuent concentration calculation. Attached for your infonnation are the calculations used in determining the fimd ef0uent concentration and the 'j material safety data sheets for' boric acid and borax (two components that make up sodium pentaborate). A copy of this letter (including any anachments or enclosures) is being sent to the U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission (USNRC) in accordance with the Limerick Generating Station. Units I and 2. Environmental Protection Plan. Section 3.2, which stipulates that USNRC shall receive a copy of any proposed changes to the NPDES pennit at the same time that the permittin;, agency is notified. l

                                                                                                                                                 .l l

nnn n r- m n ,l 9402140139-940131 " /

                                                                                                                            / l, g*

I. PDR- ADDCK 05000352 6 P PDR L v'

  .a . .


                                                                                                                                    .1 a
                                                                                                                                  'I Since the final cifluent concentration limitat'ons i   have been detennined by your office, we would appreciate an expedited response to our discharge plan, ~ If you have any questions or require additional information please -           l contact me at (215) 841-5177.                                                                                          .

j L ' Sincerely, Robert M. Matty. Jr.

           . Engineer                                                                                                                  .
                                                                                                                                  'l Environmental Affairs

t l

                                                                                                                                  ,f i-        :


                                                                                                                                      'i Attachment                                                                                                               ,

y, ,.> cc: U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, Documem Control Desk ~! (Docket Nos' 50-352 and 50-353 & License Nos. NPF-39 and NPF-85) T.T. Martin. Administrator USNRC, Region 1 .; N. S. Perry, USNRC Senior Resident inspector. LGS . , l l

     .        .     -.          ..         .               - . . .  ~.    -          . , , - .   . .
                                               . ATTACHMENT Calculation Sheet                                          ;
1. Concentration in the Holding Pond  ;

5 55-gallon drums of solution = 275 gallons ~I Solution concentration = 138,000 ppm (Gallons of Solution)(Solutior 'oncentration)  ! (Holding Pond Volume) (275 callons) (138,000 com) (200,000 gallons) i

                       = 189.75 ppm in Holding Pond a

. 2. Concentration in Final Effluent (outfall 001) { (Holdine Pond Concentration)(Holdine Pond Discharge Rate)  ! (Blowdown Discharge Rate) - 1

                =      (189.75 nom) (1000 enm)

(5000 ppm) -i

                 =     38 ppm of sodium pentaborate in final effluent at outfall 001 Y

1 ( i rmm/cg/01319403 , 4 ul l


         -JAN 94 MON 17:48M ID: LIMERICK CHEMISTRY                            TEL NO:2Td.         .._        _,
                                                                                                                         . _.tlyg Fg2, ,,,,, ,,, ,, ,


                                                                                                                                      /1100-0013        i
                                                                                           ** APPROVED MATERIAL **

Product ........... BORIC ACID nerufacturer ......: Uu!TD STAfts totAX 1 CatMICAi. CotPORAflou 3075 Witsults sattvano Phone (714)T74-2673 ' LDS AlinfLts, CA 90010 12% . I Classificatlers ....: I (BLut) Date Approved for !! 33f09/92 Product Connerits ..! Vt4CR ttIPON33RL5 73t RDEWAL Cf 12UstD CM981CALS. Prodzt Category ..! (1100) STsTrn ADDIflvt$, Artiftriu, tuttos!DI INNitlicts Predet Latet .....t- 1100 0033 Imentory tecpired a to TrigPer cuantity s 250 Pouid(s) er 55 Calton(s) storeroa. Cede. ...: 119-05352 114-77347 119-05351 storese 2am ..... 1 ACin storepe Notee .....: Hawt *

           $amerif codes ......t        westth> 2 Flammobility* O teoctivlty* 1          hazart> 1                   8:50s Oste ..t 06/31/90 karardous irgradients Llat (settlan 2 of the usD1)                       .

Chanical CAS f ' 3Dalm. ,XMaa. tot 1C At3D 1004I353 0.00 ' 99.00 Natardaus Category Codes (CO2C?) USE CDerLETILT. LtAvt up tisl0ut le CWTAluta PRI0t 10 DisposAt (CO207) Do act fLust 70 SAalfMY btAls (NIC206) DO Mot Flusu To hacentTI DEAle (a20501) CatulCAL IuPutITIIs AntLTers at (1stitICsTE w CourDtmAmts ticulttD IKID550) 90 uoi Ust lu cursigt seats AatA8 las!Cu DtAls to RADwASTE (40551) 90 EDT int YEAS OR DRAIR TO SthMR OR $A51IAff $781Dts (40552) 00 NOT ALLOW TO DRAls TO CUT 5IDE 57358 DRAlr$ FOR INickmATIDu OtLY. CDdPLtft sartTY 8tFORMilDB 5NCULD St OffAlstD f tDN TRE R$Dt. In case of confilettre informatten, notify Irukatriel Safety and follow the Msds.

          *** trid of 9epert ***

Controlled materlets Program (CMP) vttslag 2.0 L JAN__q '94 _1_7:54_ L_IMERICK CHEMISTRY PAGE.002


-+ ,; ,JAN-03 '9419! 37M8'1 ID
L!rERICK CHEMISTRY TEL NO:2721 . _ ___8@D.f0,3_, ,, ,,,

4 Pape 1 ' CML PRODUCT INFORMATION SHEET 11/19/93 1100-0013

                                                                                         ** APPROVED MATERIAL **

Prwmet ...........: BORIC ACID [2) Mervf acturer .. ....: UNITED STATE 3 BORAX & CNtMICAL c:mPatATIcel 3075 WIL5NIR2 taJLtVARD Phone 3 (714)T/4-2673 LDS ANCELis, CA 90010-1?94 . Claselficetten ....s I (BLut) Date Amrowed for Use: C3/D9/F2 Prodact Cassants ..: VtkDot RtsPoutitLE rou ttMDVAL Of tmuSED capICALS. Predect Category ..: (11CO) STtit4 ADDITIVts. 4.milfttf21, C0tt0$1Dt INNillT0fts i Prodxt Label .....: 1100 0013 . inventory ascpaired a to frieser cuantity 250 Pourz!(s) er 55 Celtants) storeroao Co6ee ...: 116-85221 Storage 2cne ......t ACID 5torage Notre .....: WDWE hazaril Co$es ......I seetth> 2 Flammability > 0 teactivity> 1 satard> 1 MSDS Date ..t 08/31/90 Nazareaus f rerodients List Esection 2 of the st3DS) D emical CAs # 2 Min. 2 Man. Scelt ACID 10043333 0.00 99.00 .

        #aterdour Category Codes (M20202)         USE CCMPLETILT, LEAVE WO 21510U( la CutTAthtt PRIOR TO Ol5POSAL (K20?D7)         Do act FLusu to sNrtTArv IHtate (KZ0704)         DD sct TLuss to RAputJTE D4Als (N20531)         CutMICAL INPutifits ANALYSTS 02 Cttfif!CAff of CDufDRMANCE REQUltED (M20550)         D0 hof Ust la EstisIDE DRAls sa115 WWICN DRAIN TO RANA 3ft (M20551)         Do act Ust MAR On DtAlu 10 samst at sANITAff STITYus (N20552)         DO 901 ALL0u TO DRAIN TO OUlllM STORM DRAIN $

fot luforMATION OsLY. EnePLitt sAf tTT isFoumAttou sacutJ M 081Alu!D from twt uses. In case of confilettre leformellen, natify leviattlet safety arti follow the MSDS. s

        *** End of R eport ***

Controtted materiets Progens (tmP) Vtattou 2.0 L 2ag 2 fg4.17: R b5 6 80K GHEMj$TRY P A$3,fq@@

1 i

    .....7-              4.ey94 rua 17:ei ID:LiMERIC,K ,CHFM151RY,,, TEL to:2721
                                                                                                        , , , , , , , ,,      ,u[29 N4 ...;,;C C ws.ww.mengr,,
                                                                   . MATERIAL                    SAFETY DATA SHEETJ-~L Moseng 094A Stamtmi29CFFI g 1910.1200 (g) g                                              CALOSHAstoneseTaleas g s-4tes(o) certvlWE DATE hoevat 31, 1998 U                  l i

I PRODUCTTRADENAME:seric Acta .. T5CA NO.:1co43-35-3 i CHEMICALNAME AND SM: CAS NO.:1oce1-35-3 1 soric acid, orthoboric acid l


CHEMCAL FAMILY:aorate i FORMULA:a no l j PHYSICAL HAZARD RAT 1tG: 3 3 j National rire' rrotection " Associatien .l i sealth o F1= - b111ty I 0 Reactivity 0 l 1 MATERIAL OR COMPONENT %: Boric Acid >S:t CAS No. 19043-35-3 -) j



                           '                     his predaCt Contains tr&Ce snounts Of arsenic. A Chemical kACv5                         #

to the state et California to cease cene=r, ' i j APPt'.ARANCE: teLite, oeeriass, crystalline solid l SPECIRCGRAVITY: 1.3128 i MELTING POINT: SOLtJ83U1YINWATER: 170.3'c (340*r) 20*c 4.71 D -) 1 100'C 27.St I HEATOFSOL1TilON: 137 327/13. 4 It*C NUV 14 gg l FORuULAWE1GHT: pH as 20*C: g cs,. s.2 M NAGLE soluttes 5.1

  • 4.14 selataea 3.1 i (XMTACT: r.L. strong: hanager, Proence sarety The tre an maa and==mn.anse a. e w m-=4 )
                        =an=9r se any anne espr                                            ennt.e-d=w owarew or d or mye.g a m a me warmamm ournained hereh.

u rtoswu cats.c ..

                                                                                                                   ==='Wsw g g w w w -

W **' Q .. . . { NOV 13 'S2 15tB5 jgg p /J gG 19 5022334E17 PAGE.007 l Q / f3' -l jng PAGE.204 ___ _ _ l

   ,_ __ _                   3.'94 17:55 _ _ - _                             _____- - -LIMERICK CHEMISTRY
 . . -- ~ ym
           ' +

g3 *c)4 Mora 17:48M ID: LIMERICK CHEMISTRY TEL NO:2721 W2B M - 11/13/1992.13:51.FROM

                                   -      ~              -- - BCPtM, RESEARC_H _ _ TO 121rM77
                                                    . U. .S.                                                 P.OS/16      .

s INFORMAHON - EFFECT3 og mesrig FYpoi!grgg t INGESTION: ACUTIORAL1Das : 3.5-4.1 gram /kg of body weigtic (Sprague-Dawley rats) . . KAMMACCIDENTAL EXPosunE: Aaticipated symptonst nauses, ,omtring, atarrhea. After 24 hours, erytbemas macular skin rash, ancs dizziness may occur. EYE: Is a slid eye irritant (rshbits - per 16 CrA $1500.423

  • DET4 MAL:

ACUTE DOD4A1.LDss Greater than 2.0 gram /kg of body weight trabbits - per 15 CTR $1500.40) PRS 4ARYSKMHUTATDNNDCC:0 trabbits - per 15 CTR 513C0.til SEN: No knownskin. damaged acrorse effects to huamans with intact skin. May be absorbed through COryminrE:This product is neo-carrosive. . INHALATION:nay c w,; sneesing and coughing ir esposed to high concentrations * (>10 mg/m3 ) . EJe r u n s OF CHRONC OVaniN____ INGESTnON: Animmi testing for cartisegenicity of boric acid has been negative. Animal studies show that ingestion or taxvo anotats of borates over prolonged periods of time canoes a deersame is speza production and testicle size in male Laboratery ==ta=1s and developseental effects in retuses er pregnant female laboratory ant =als. De evidence at such effects in htsmans. EYE: May cause slight tweersible coe2mmetivitis DEN 4AL:wo evisenes of street tawa amposure on intact human skin. ., Ite4ALATION:p with any waisance do.rtJ, may aggravate chroele ==spiratory attaents such as asthma, bronchitis, etc. _upeTID*TATEs F*n a cHEwM.CGivMTk>e.aoPA e AEAvQ Loa #-n L* cA soota.same r st11tt - - - "May N' " [ g . HOU 13 '32 15:25 es 19 S022934017 N.eb ffy , g f0 f S JAN 3 '94 17:55 'I"E ^

  ---- -Jr&O3 '94y -

DRI I CHEM R g, * ~ - - - l - HEALTH HA7ARDINFORMAtlON (cont. from page 2)


NOT USTED IN THE NATIONAL TOXICOLOGY PROGRAM ANNUAL. REPOR NOT USTED IN THE NTERNATIONAL AGENCY R)R RESEARCH ON CANCER (TARO) NarTUSTEDONTHEOSHACARCNOGENSUST - EMERGENCY AND FIRST AfD PROCEDURES: Q i. EYES: Finah wtet tepic water for is m.1 mates, consult a physic 2mo. SKIN', Rinse with water. . INHALA110N' Remove to trash air. INGESTION: Drink larve amonats or water or mLik. Conssit a pbysician. NOTETO PHYSICIAM: Castric lavspe with 54 mod 1== bk-%te is magymeted. this shonid be followed by saline catharsis, hasure acequate kpiration. horic acid la act considered an acute , poison. After ingestica er absorptias lato the bloodstream or large aucunts (13 grame or mars), symptoms may appear after 24-72 hours. torates are readily aissi- , pated through the urina (706 La the first 24 hosts). couplimentary blood analysis is available for phrateMa and emervancy roces. pescical consultation is also , available., call (714) 774-2672 W ftD STATES BORAK & CF ^LGurwv4Aficm-JcF5 udLSeems; aLvo.tDe AMGeLfACA e30801294 g gg _ g _ w . ..... mm )g ,, M s LI U JI Page 2

                                        ,                                                                     M#

NOU 13 '92 15:05 es is 6022934037 PAGE.005

                                                //sc -C/.S                                                                        l 1

N. 0 . 1 jag- 3 '94 17:56 LIMERICK CHEMISTRY' PAGE.006

_ ,. . . . w4-03 '93J9.1L.T.Mg,ytLg[gf  ::9m f77 - ..

                                   . . - -                                  , ,,         ,.M U 7-                   . 7':

SECTION V - f IRE AND EXPT OSION. HAZARD DATA - FLASHPOINT(METHOD USED):N/A FLAMMABLE LNITS:N/A EXTNGUISHWG MEDIA: I None z. quired. teneact is an innerent fire retardant. SPECIALFTAEFIGHTING PMOCEDURES: wone are requ,trid. No potential for fir hazart. Product is an inherent firs retarcant.r erptoaien

                                                        $ECflON VI- REACTIVITY DATA STABUTY:aotic acia is a stable product.                                                                             n NCOMPATIBILITY(MATERIALSTOAVotD) neetic anhydride                                  ssium     > elemental pota HAZARDOUS DECOMPOSmONPRODUCTS:              Mooe HAZAMDOUS POLYMERIZATION:         Will not occur.

CONDmCNSTO AVOtD: *apiosion. Contact with acetic aAhydride or elemental potassium ma y result in { i SLCTION VII - $PIL L OR L EAK PROCEDURES STEPSTOBETAKENNCASEMATERIALISRELEASEDOR SPILLED:s= p or vacu= vea dy, water rinse. , WA57E NMEDmmerer to local disposal aegnirements and regulatio ns for waste disposal methods. Det reyslated under $313 of SARA Title III or l DCRA (40 CFR 251.331 i i puniosTe.TEs ec*uxacmascAtcm C~Avn tcen ciaA

                                                                        ,    .        s s.cAsso Sta"                  -

rt ri n n v Pav- 4 m

                                                                                                     - % -20UHMA e                 .
                                                                                                                     -a l                    NOV 13 'SZ 1$:06                     //N - 4/3                 BG          19 5022934017 PAGE.010
                                                          /'f "'tW
             ' J Ar4 3L'94 L17:56                                                  L !r1ERICK CHEt11STRY                 PAGE.007
  ~ ~ ~ - , - -Jfti-03
                       '94 FD417i48M ID: LIMERICK CHEMISTRY             TEL NO:2721                    58928 PC8 -     . . . _ ,

11/13'8992 18:52 FROM U.S. CDEM FE5EARCH TO 1313640667/ _ _ P.aara6 , 7 l SPECJAl PROTECnCNit RESPIMATON PROTECTION ($PECIFYTYPQ:pm.:onssend use et light duty dust mask (such as 3n model 5800) in areas etnign airborne conc entra ELDh3. 4 VENTllAM: local ashaust is sufficient. .

                                                                                                                                   .i PROTECWE GLOVES:       24ather, cloth or rubber glowen EYEPAOTEGON:             To avoid eye evntact, dust goggles ass tween 15 et high airborne conoantrations.

P OTHER PROTECTNE EQUIPWENT: weae SECftON EX- SPECIAL PRECAUTIONS PRECAUTIONSTOBETAKEN N HANDUNG AND$TORINGL: Dry tasaar storage. OTHER PRECAUTIONS:metain packeye tatogrity. ' t i h DATE: (D' $IGNATINW; n.M amamon.hoeA samey us tad STATts sonax a c>epNarum.aos e2 r aLvo. Los 4,urseLIA.c4sooso.iana be - 1=)s,w IUInAggpggggy UUHnA F.v. 5 O - MM NOU 13 '92 15:0G // g 3 26 IS 5222934017 PAGE. Ell - l -! t I g g og4.g7;$$

 $:n 1.

L (Jm-03 '94110N 17:48'1'ID: LIMERICK CHEMISTRY TEL NO:2721- ,1928 P09 pee, s n az/  ;;

               -                                        CML PRODUCT INFORMATION SHEET                                                                                "


                                                                                                   ** APPROVED MATERIAL ** k Fredhet ..........           .BORAI t

Inerufacturer ......: muur ETAfts 90kAN & CasteltAL txplPatAttch ;l 3075 WILaulat benarvAno Phone (714)774-2673 LDE,ANELis,CA 90010-12M Date $lgiroved for uses 02/19/92 Claestficatlan ....: 1 (stast) . Prodzt rete ..I P90GSE CMEMICAL FOR UEE WITN EBLC ST8 TEM CELT

  • AWO!D trutTACT WITH ELEMENTAL; IMPLCDf$ lAltW MATED) SATCN BT SATCN ANALTSl5 REcutasp Pradet Category ..: (1100) ST57tn ADDITlWEs, ANTIFan2E," CDet051tal INN 181 Tuts i

Prodzt L ebe t . .. .. 1100-0016 Irwentory septred : 11 0 Trloper Duantity : 60 Pound (s) or 500 cattoMe)

                                                                                                                                                                      's storerome cadee ...: 114-77759                                                                                                                      .;

119-05351 Storece Zone ......: etutaAL storspe isotos .....: IlONE , seetthe 1 Flamembilitye 9 anestivity* O hasar* 0 Naps pote ..s 0s/31/90 . meterW codes ......


materesus Irwredients List (Section 2 ef the les) CAs e Ditn. . ' Stax. , ) Chanteel 99.00 StBILDI TETaannesTE DECANTDRAfg 1}039 4 0.00 maanrsenun category Codes a H (c0110) stat ateulaf tesPIRATOR PER lamWEftlAL elEALTR AND SAFETT > (1:20116) $ LOW 58 AIS epostas agentisse (It20118) PORTABLE EThaLSE AfguitE3 SWRjus HASSLING (c0119) CasTACT la usTRIAL N ALTN AdB seFITT PCR lERE PLANNING (It20150) up Ust tu EAflus em slottus AREAR lenses means AFTra las l (ft20151) ~ (lG0152) Avett tasATales er vapcas en gust tu20153) Avons tcWTACT witu erls (u20154) og UEE WITuntn seusfalAL ISALTs AND BAFITT 98tlEFl48 (Wr81M) pastas peoptR iSfflLLATl3 OutlEC UEE ( G0160) EListla4TE ALL sinalRS OF SW1Tlau (NZO202) tiet tsarLEftLT, LEAWE m estar la entf atua Palca to cispotAL (1820207) to sof FL4 stet 18 3AtlTART StAtt ( ce208) 90 upt Flamil To RAtten8?E BRAls (H20210) CONTACT leUSTRIAL MALTW Als SAFETT FUE DitP05AL . (1120354) up sTotAat vlfs FLAsseamas (1120355) Wo stanAM wits Lameistnarfs en casaalts (520I56) to stenAE In 1018T enslTiens (IEEE357) up STtmam la glas NAT et seas cPet FLAsEs - ' (1811062) BTout quilt 15 AMoeve mansTIfits (uzusSc) so sept tes su aurslet seals AaEAR teilts DRAIM 70 AADWABTE (R20$51) 30 UIR 95 aEAS OR 3RAls TO 3DdhR 55 BAstTART SYSTDtS (ataS$2) 30 upt ALLand To teats To mR8 st WTime DeAIES (s205$8) latuBTtlAL MALTE am SAPITY lellftmies afalltED pta luftsmATION CIILY. OlmIPLfft SAPITT RefegudT10W Summa at (STAINED Fttel 1E RSDS. In eene of confilettne Information, nettfy Indstrist safety and fettsu the sesos.

                    "* Ind of Deport ***

tentratted Insterlats Progrm (our) wtatics 1.0 i J AW :3 '94 17tS7 ' LIMERICK CHEMISTRY PAGE;009'

               -va+enly morfe pag.icx csemsm __ m.s:y21..._ _                                                      ,


    '**     ,. "'B 0 A X Moserg OSHA Standen!2BCFR $ 1M t.1200 (g)

_ .SfgpSjgStrulentTale255M94Ig) 7 l

            ~*                                 '

ER:ECTWEDATP Asesst 31,1990 l TJCA MO.:13as-74-4 PRODUCTTRADE NAME:Arax CAS NO-1303-96-4 f CHEMICALNAME AND SYNONYMS: sodian tetraborate decandrate CHEMCALFMAILY:morate FORMULA:Eg3 0;10gc


PHYSiCALHAZARD RATING: National Fire Protectica Aseociation . halth o ria-M uty a smactivity e MATERLALOR COMPONENT %: ' Sodium tetraborate decahydrate >334 CAS No.1303-96-4 Appears en CAL DSRA Directors' List of Essardous substances: Does not appear en any EPA List of Barstdons Substances. itARNDfG This ptoduct coetains trace amounts of arzanic, a chemical known to the State of Cal.ifornia to CasSe ca&Otr. APPEARANCE.- irnite, odorless, crystalline solid SPECIFICGRAVITY: 1.73 MELTING PolMT: c2*c VAPOR PRESSURE: pegliginie Mw ~ "*# SOLUBILITYINWATER: 2fc 5.En , 200t kl//l u Q HEATOFSOLUDON' - 222 STU/in. FORu1AAWEIGHT:3si.37 OC Q pH3%SQLifDON:9.25 4 20*c

  • cNTACT: r.t. strenge Manager, Froemet safety 11e wornuskm ami comaped heets we based span dets boEmd a be consca.However. no guarwame of wenanty of any kind m ' or b?pted is sreds meh seepect is to Wermstum corsnined herett unattro staff $ SCAAa a C.NE.nscatccAPoAances. son wr maput h.vD.LD$ wem M Ca socio-12M gg wwwwwJ5)See ' UUll Puye 1 25 # t111 Hou 13 '92 15:03 BE 19 G022S34017 PAGE.002 ,


      .       .JAN~088,TML17.i,4E IP.,:.! I.M58]G,%.pEMlSTRY, TEL, P.,1 G 1 ,   ,                       ... Sr28 P11
                                                                     -                                      J.:
 '0                   '
 ..                                SrCTION IV - HEALTH HAZARD INFORMATION

ActtrEORAlt.Dso : 4.5-5.0 gram /kg of body weight (sprague-pmeley rats) . WMAN ACC6ENTALEXPOSUME: Anticipated symptons massea', vanitinF, diarrhea. After 24 hours, erytheses -ime skin assh, and sizrf n==s may Denar. EYE Irritant trabbits - per is Crn $1500.42) . Probable hasan eye irritact. $ DERMAL: M NLD.W Greater than 10 gram /kg of body weight trabbits - per 15 CrR 51500.401 PRDAaRY3xN yWTATDN NDEX:0 = to effect (rabbits a per 16 CFF. 51500.41)

                  $KPtNo known advarme effects to knahans with intact skin. May be absorbed through dr_anged skin.                                                                      -

CORROSNE:This product is aco m rrosive. , NN.May cause areesing and cooghing if exposes to high concentzstions < (>10 sag /m3 ), FFFECTS OF CHRON!C OVERFYPOSURF . INGESTION: Animal testing for carcineyenic3ty er boric acid has been negative. Animal attailes show that inyestion of large amounts of borates over prolonged periods er time canoes e decrease in spers production and testicle size - in male laboratory anNis ar.m16evelopmental effects in fetuses of pregnant female laboratory ==t==1s. Wo evidanos of such afzocts in bomans. EYE: rossible irritant to bumen eye. DERMAL: No evidence or errect rate esposare eo antact haman ab.  ! I l 1 INHALATION As with any puisance easts, may aggravate chronic respiratory a i:ments such j as astbas, breachitis, etc. f l useTED STATES ScnAX a cHEmac4L componaroe.3m wwou n.vD.Los arcnzs.c4 s:o:Mame ww+,t-m t """ Maw gg

           -                                                                                                        UIAn A morax Page 2 1                                                                            es                 19 GB22934017 PAGE.023 wou 13 .s2 15:e3 JAN      3 '94 17:50                                          LIMERICK CHEMISTRY                           PAGE.0!!


       "~         JN$'g9 mi U.:45J1 ID:L{MERICK OEMISTip'                ,TEL(Q;,BRJ.__..___.             #928 P12    . , - -    ,

4 HEAtJH HAZ -D INFORMATION (cont. from page 2)

                                                      ~ ~~~~ ~ -

REGULATD7tYlMPOftREAW OGHAPI5RESSR.EEXPOStmEUurT(PE):1c 39/m3 29CFR$1MO SUBPARTZ Aconi RECOMMENDED THREDCLD LBf17 VALUE:5 sq/m3 CAL OSHA PERMISSIBUE EXPOSURE LBET(PE): 5 mg/m3 , NOT USTED IN THE NAT10NALTOXX: OLOGY PROGRAM ANNUAL MEPORT ON CARCINOGENS (1989 NOT USTED N THE NTYRNAT10NAL AGEPCY FOR RESEARCH ON CANCER (1AAC) MONOGRAPH NOT USTED ONTHE OSHACARCNOGENS LIST . EMERGENCY AND FIRST AlD PROCEDURES: h EYES: riush with topic water for 15 silantes. Consult a physician. SFJN: Rinse with water. 3 INHALATION: Ramove to fresh air. NGESTICN: Drink large amounts of water or mill. Consnit a physician. NOTETO PHYSIC %N: Gastric lavage with Se medina hicazmenste is suggested.This shonia be rollowed by saline cacharsis. Assure adequate hydraties. Deram is act considered an acute poi-son. After ingestion or absorption into the bloodstream of large amounts!!15 grams or scrol, symptcas anay appear after 24-72 hours. Borstes arm readily disalpates through the uriz,e pot in the first 24 beurs). Complimentary blood analysis is available for physicians and emergency rooms. Medical consultation is also avail-able. Call (714) 774-2C73. uesTv.o st aT La sonax a cneamcas, corv onanow-as7s wn: r4 st.v0.tDc ANGELEi.cA suoturna gg g

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         ~T                                 7N-) I91'.l g ICK, CHEMISTRY 4                                                                                                                       j SLCllON V FIRE AND FXPlOSION HAZARD DATA
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R """*" EIA8IIRMIA WPOINT pdEn400USED):s/A EXTNGutSHWGMEDIA: mon. x quired. Proanet is arm inherent fire reta: dant.

              $PECIALRREh1GHTINGPROCEDURE3: Moon are required. so potential for sixo or explosian
                                         -                   bazare. rroanet is an inbarent rire retardant.

UNOSUAL RRE M4D EXPLOSON HAZARDS: None SECTION Yl REACTivfTY DATA [ STABILffY:Dorax is a stable prooset. . MCOMPATIBlWTY(MATERIALSTO AVO(D):nesental zirconium thet) HAZARDOUS DECOMPOSmON PRODUCTS: pone HAZARDOUS POLYMEHtZATION: Will met occur , CONDmONSTO AvotD: contact ita alement.1 sizconium taisture explodes 'when beate<u . t I i

                                              ~ SECTION VII- SPILL OR LEAK PROCEDURES STEPS TD BETAXEN N CASE MATERIAL 15 RS. EASED OR SPLLED: sweep or vacmma 2olloved by veter rinse.

WSTEDN METHOD;p=fer to local disposal requirements and regulations for waste disposal methods. Not regulated trnder pl3 of 3 ARA Title III or DOUL (40 CTR 281.33) gggg teatto sf ATts scaux a cw.macALcoronAToeTacrrswumens stvtl.Losww.Ati.s.c

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[. SLCliON Vill - SPI CIAL PitolEC TION INFORMATION RESPIMATON PRQicCTiON(SPECIFYWumenusamma uma et ligke duty east mask (ersch as 3M modal $800) la orsas et airborne casamatrations greater than langM. VENTILATION:zacal exhaast is estricient. i PROTECTNE GLOVES:Nene moeded anless skin is abreded. saather, cloth or rutbar gloves. , EYEPRCTIECTION:Avolo ere contact. To avoid eye contact, cast goygles ar, recommenaed ' in areas of high mirborne concentrations. OTHER P6v(ECTn/EEQUIPMENT: None SECTIONIX- SPECIA{ PRECAUTIONS PRECAUTIONS TO BETAKEN N HANDUNG AND STORN3: Dry indoor atorage. OTHEM PRECAUTIONS: Retain package integrity. s DATE: b @ - SIGNATURE: F1.4 meg.Wunager.heamssmaug . UMTED ET ATEs EMAK & CNEe4CALfi.difv4misi* as?s wG- C BLWD.1DC ggg __ww e -"MeAM '* CA 800*t3D* UUll morax rapes ,. . BG 19 6022534017 PAGE.BBG NOU 13 'sZ 15:g4 JAN 3 '94'.17:59 LIMERICK CHEM!3TRY- PAGE.0'4

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